Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 24, 1913, Image 5

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    "IVe Thm float Earth"
Lake view : Oregon
Good Values for the Land Seeker
1XA Per acre for 820 acres on Thorn Creek, 11 miles from Lakevlew.
$7.50 Per acre for 500 acres on Cottonwood Creek, 11 mtlea from lakeview.
$10 00 Per acre for 240 acre on Muddy and Cottonwood Creek. 9 miles from
$10.00 Per acre for 80 acree 5 mile from Lakeview.
50.00 Per acre for 240 acre Joining the O. V. L, Ad. to Lakeriew, all In meadow
and grain, good water right, farm Implements go with the place, build
ing coet f3.00.00, easy term.
3000.00 For a 7-room houn, lot of fruit trees am about on acre of choice
In ml clone In. F.aiy terms.
12000.00 Takes a 7-rooin buuualow almost new, lot 100x150 feet, good locatloo.
Easy terms.
4000.00 Will buy cue of tht finest homos In the city. 7-room modern bungalow
with 8 flue lot, a ImrKnln, don't mine It. Kaay terms.
Vacant lot lor aula In different part of the city from $125.00 up.
City Property
Xaftc Count? Eramtncr
THURSDAY, JULY 24. 1013.
Hee Turtle A Utley for two good re
llnrjalabmenta. Jy 24 tf
A new cedar thlnglo roof I being
placed on the Hart & Lynch saloon
I'or Rent or Kale Howlnn machines
latuHt tyli. lowcMt prlcr. If. U.
Alxer, flrwt door cnat of I'hoto .al
lery. r. tf
John A. Moynlhan, representing the
W. I'. Fuller Faint Co,, of Scramento
waa hare last week calling upon the
Z Mr. and Mr. W. A. White arrived
here Wit week from Oregon City.
They came on a visit with their on
who tin a hometead in tbla county,
P. M. Cory, of the Consolidated
Stage Co.. waa a buloea visitor in
the city last week from the Drewa
J. J. Van Keulen, the well bnown
member of the Warner Valley Mercan-,
tile Company, of Plush, baa beer, en-
joying several usyt vacation in lbk.'
f.'iOO will buy a .VpaiweuKiir Ifl lioru
power btudelnikor Touring' car juat
overhuulud nnd palntml. Everv part
guaranttHHl except tlrea. Soutliatoue
Proa. Jy 17-tf
Dr. J. Irving Rustel last Thursday
performed a very successful operation
upon Mrs. Frank Harria of Summer
Lake. The patient Is stopping in
Lakevlew and ie reported ea recover
ing very nicely.
George Conn, formerly of Paisley
but now a resident of Oakland. Cel.. ,
1L......L I I .... Ka....A 1
passed through here last week enrouta
to hi former home to look after tome
interests he retains there. Ha return
ed to lakevlew Monday.
George Jammerthal this week pur
chased the old brewery building on the
corner of Water and Dear areata. Mr.
Jammerthal waa already proprietor of
the lot, and will likely remodel the
building and lease the property.
Judge Wm. S. Worden of Klamath
County, and father. Chaa. E. Worden.
Sid Evans, M. Tracy and Lester Oiebn
of Klamath Fall Saturday passed
through Lakevlew on their return
homa from a trip to Denlo. Oregon.
Kay Slmms, a nephew of U. W. Gar
rett of this city, last Saturday had i
finger nearly severed by the alckle bar
of a mowing machine while working
u r-i. j, . i, n. it ...,, 1
nn the Chandler ranch. Dr. Everett:
.... . .. i .....
treated the member whir h waa so er-
... ....
ioioly cut that amputation was nec-!
' ,
A late stride of free KM ut Stnecy,
near Amadeo on the line of tho N. C.-
U. la rcporiea. ine aiscovery, u is j
said, baa uncovered gold that can i
be aeen with the naked eye. It la be-!
lieved, aay a dispatch from Amadee, j
that tha body of ore is of large por-1
Undoubtedly the hottest day of the .
year tnua far waa last Sunday with a
. i . . ..... - on .).....
maiimum Itmmriiun ui ou ut(jicci
in the shade in tbe afternoon. The
dav, however, just preceded tbe heavy
thunder showers of tbe first of the
week, and the excessive heat waa of
ahort duration.
The Bleber Uszette says the Glen
burs flouring mills were destroyed by
rire on Monday of last week. Between
three and four thousand sacks of flour ,
and COO sacks of grain were also de-:
atroyed. The loss waa about 120,000
with 12,500 insurance. The lots, bow- j
ever, will be seriously felt bv Fall
Kivcr farmera who depended on the
mill for a market for their grain. I
Dr. E. H. Smith, DruagU A. L. j
Thornton and thoir tamillee and Amos
Light last week went to Deep Creek.
Alter arranging a convenient and
comfortable camp for the ladies and
children Dr. Smith and Mr. Thornton
Monday returned to town but will
make freouent trip to tbe camp and
enjoy aa much of the out door life aa
is porsiblu for the next few weeks.
Lawny, the younger son of Mr. and
Mrs. Phil S. Cummins of this city,
was accidently shot in the leg with a
.22 calibre rifle while hunting squirrels
in Bullaru Canyon. The bull passed
through the fleshy part ot the leg just
above the knee cap, and fortunately
resulted in the breaking of no bunes.
Dr. Smith dressed the wound, and
while it caused the young man much
pain he ia now recovering nicely and
will most likely soon be able to be
about again. The boy'a mother ia
visiting In the eaut at present, and he
was taken to the Post liu:na where he
la being eared for.
Ed Lamb Tuesday earn down from
Palaley In hi auto.
George Swantton, the Sacramento
stock buyer, arrived In Lakeriew yea'
Dr. Sheldon U. Thayer and family of
Paialey were in Lakevlew last Tbura
day night.
Attorney L. F. Conn Monday morn
ing departed for San Francisco on
legal business.
M. II. Caldwell of Werner Is confined
by lllneas at the Green Garden Room
ing Houae in this city. Dr. Smith Is
attending him.
-WOOD We are now prepared to
take orders for your Winter' wood
In anr quantities, at f 0.01) per cord.
O'Neill & Dunlnp. Jy 10-tf
C. It. Seager of the Davis Creek
Orchard Co., with headquarters at
Sacramento, waa here on a abort busi
ness trip last week.
Merchant A. Bleber and family and
Attorney and Mr. Tbo. S. Farrell
Sunday made a pleasure trip to Paisley
in Mr. Bieber'a car.
Cream of Pearl ba no equal for
cb of ,onburntd h.nd, . f,ce
tha ,kin beiutlfully. .oft anc
cor sale by Snyder &
Mrs. C. C. Drown, aister of Mrs.
John Simmons of thla city, arrived
last weekrom ber home at Crcawell,
Oregon on a visit with ber aister and
U. S. Mad Auto Ktage Leave
Lakevlew for Palaley every day ex
cept Sunday, at 7 a. in. PaHitenxtra
pleum) book at Joe Fuller's muye
olllce. Faren, ooe way $8.00; round
j trip, $10.00. J12-tf
James Goode, the wool buyer who
fc b(jen here fc j
representing Eiseroann & Bros., Tues
day morning departed for bla borne in
Boston upon the receipt of a telegram
atating that hia mother waa seriously
J. F. Kimball, of Klamath Falls,
represents tive of the Weyerbaecw
Timber Co., and George Long of Ta
eoma, of the ssme company, Saturday
passed through Lakevlew enrouta to
Alturaa on business. They returned
here Tueaday.
George Whorton, O. Mowera and W.
K. Paine last week made a trip to Sil
ver Lake in Mr. Whorton'a Overland
j car. They returned home Monday ao
j eompanied ty A. B. Schroeder, a well
known stockmsn of the northern part
0f the county
.... . , .
Aa a reault of dogs developing rab-
bies n Portland that citv has passed
an ordinance cumpe ling the mutzling
. ' . . "
of doga during the hot Summer daya.
Throe deaths laut week occurred in
the RoM Cjty gg ,be rMuU of peQDe
teinK bu by mad dogg
A score of 16 to 6 was the result of
the ball game Sunday between the
singles and doubles. The married men
are not convinced, however, that those
'enjoying aingle blessedness have anv
! lirnnita In wallnn Ihem so hndlv. and aa
conMquence the conteat w!l, be r8.
( the f t
N. Bieber, brother of our townsman.
A. Bieber, and proprietor of the store
in the town of hia name, and wife and
Mr. and Mrs.'T. J. Dunlapof the aame
place, came up from Big Valley, Cal
ifornia last week by auto on a few
daya viait with relatives and friends in
this city. Mr. Dunlap ia manager of
the Bieber atore.
D. C. Schminck waa quite eeriously
sick for several daya during the past
week from the effects of inhaling tha
fumes of coal oil while changing a
large amount into new receptaoles.
For a time his condition was alarming,
but under the care of Dr. E. D. Ever
ett he quickly recovered and is about
all right again.
Oregon won enviable recognition
among tbe educatora of tbe nation at
the National Convention of Education
recently held at Salt Lake City. The
Oregon plan of practical education waa
upheld aa a model for tbe entire
country. The system of school credits
for home work waa given tribute.
Thla was originated by Superintendent
Alderman, who has gained a nation
wide reputation in educational circle.
Robert Pettui, a half-breed Digger
Indian, in the employ of Chas. Walker
of Barnea Valley, who waa indicted by
the Klamath County Grand Jury on a
rape charge, last week surrendered to
Walker and was turned over to the
Klamath Sheriff. Chaa Walker waa
also arraigned before Judge Benson at
Klamath Fail on a charge of crimin
ally assaulting Oskie Coburn, part
Indian, hia wife's aUter, aged 14. His
bonds were placed at $5000.
O. O. Mayer and Wade William
Saturday registered at Hotel Lake
view from Alturaa.
Lloyd Hlckenon and wife last week
returned from a short visit with rela
tive at Fort Bldwell.
Hee Clark & Ousley for cement work
of all kind. Special pricee givco for
short time. Pbooe 8.12. J 19 tf
For Sale Tbe Walter Kelence,
Cor. Bullfird and W niter Bt. 9
roorun, Lot 133x252 feet, term aiveu.
W. P. l ulne A Co., Agta. Jy 3-tf
11. L. Ulsiell and family are recent
arrivals from Dixon, Cal. Tbcy are
(penning a few daya visiting with the
Hansons on the West Side.
The biiHines portion of Sheridan, a
town about 6 miles irom rortland, was
destroyed Ut week by fire. The total
loss was estimated at $250,000.
Mrs. M. J. Emenek. F. J. Emerick
and J. C. Emerick, compoaed an auto
party of Medford which pasaed through
Lakeview the first of the week.
1 have taken char to ot the Bunt
ing1 Konmlng Hon and will operate
in conjunction with Colorado Cafe.
Itooma with or without board. C. J.
Lonxway. . Jy 3-lm
The Ladies Aid of tbe M. E. Church
will bold a "Sweet Pea Fair" laating
two days, about the middle of Auguat,
in tbe room adjoining B. & M.'a store
on the north. Premiums will be
awarded for the best displays of diff
erent varitiea of Sweet Peas.
Jsmes Goode, the wool buyer for
Eisemsn of Boston, report the follow
ing recent buy from local growers
Tom Lynch, 100 bags : Welch & Qulnn,
61 baga: J. P. J. Barry, 62 bags; and
40 bags from Sagarday tt Obiague.
The pricea ranged from Yi to 14 cents.
Center street between Water and
Main atreeta ia being graded with fine
gravel. Wora on tbe eement croas
walka between the two bank corners
and between the banks and tbe Bailey
St Maaaingill store, forming a square
in one of the heavieat traveled aectlona
of the town, ia progresaing and will
aoon be completed.
The first ahipment of Holstetn-Friesian
cow to be introduced in Harney
County reached Burna laat week.
They were bought in Wisconsin by tha
Harney County National Bank of Burna
and will be aold on liberal terms to
the farmera of that aection. The in
vestment ot the bank represents over
$10,000 and in addition to thia tbe in
stitution also bought a number of
Duroc-Jersey hogs which were dispos
ed of in the same manner to the farm
trs. Uncle J. L. Morrow and W. H.
Cooper and family last week passed
through Lakeview from Santa Rosa,
Cal., enroute to their holdings in the
Werner Valley where they will spend
the remainder of tbe Summer. Mrs.
Cooper is a daughter ot Mr. Morrow,
"uncle Joe" is one ot the best known
citizens in this county, being one of
tbe first settlers in Warner Valley.
He now spends the Winter in tha aun
nv climate of California, and alwaya
meeta with numerous frienda when
passing through Lakeview.
W. Frank Arant waa ejected from
the auperintendeney of the Crater
Lake National Park by a United
Statea Marshal acting upon instruc
tions from Washington. W. G. Steele
of Portland, whose appointment aa
Arant'a successor led to a controversy
over tbe right of Secretary of the In
terior Lane to remove the superinten
dent, ia now in charge of the park.
Arant had refused to give up bis
office to Steele on tbe ground that be
waa aubject to tbe civil service.
B. W. Johnaon, postmaster of Cor
vellis, and family and J. F. Porter and
wife of the aame plaoe, arrived here
Monday by way of Warner Mountain
after a ceuple of week'a auto tour
through central and eastern Oregon.
Wednesday they left on their return
home by way of Klamath Falls and
Crater Lake. They were very favor
ably impressed with the country sur
rounding Lakeview. Mr. "and Mrs.
Johnson met with aeveral friend and
acquaintances here and had a very en
joyable visit.
It ia announced thatSecretaryFrank
lin K. Lane, of the Department of the
Interior, ba arranged to spend the
latter part of the Summer on the Pac
ific Coaat. Mrs. Lane will acoompany
him. One of the purposes of Secre
tary Lane'a visit to Oregon will be the
inspection of the proposed irrigation
and power project in Central Oresron
that are being aurveyed jointly by
the state and Reclamation Service.
He will alto spend some time at Klam
ath Reclamation Projeot and Crater
For Sale 1000 ewe from 6 to 8
8 years old, at $3.60 per bead. Uol
brook Bros, Jy 17-tf
V. Conn, tba pioneer merchant of
Paisley, cams down last week on a
brief business visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Grisel were made
happy last Saturday by tbe arrival of
a baby boy in their home.
Attorney Jamea Lane and W. S. Lane!
and wife Monday came down from
Silver Lake in tbe Lane car.
Money to loan on Improved ran
ches, let mortKHire preferred. Curt la
& Utley. Real L'atate. Lakevlew, Ore.
Cottonwood Lumler Co. High
grade, yellow pine lumber. All kinds
of dretned lumber on band. J12-3m
Por Hale Cheap 3 lota, 2 bounce and
large barn in Waltera aecond addition
partcaeh balance by month or year.
Will take team in on place. T. II. Bills
Mr. and Mra. C. W. Elliott, father
and mother of W. R. Elliott of thia
city, arrived here Saturday from Kan
sas on an extended visit with their son
and his wife.
Alturaa seems to be having some
trouble on band. Her indebtedness
during the past year, over and above
her income, ia over $5000 aays the Al
turaa Plaindealer.
For 8a e Cheap Three buggies, one
rubber tire, with set of harness; one
phaeton almoet new, and one single
seat buggy. Enquire Wm. Harvey,
Lakevlew, Oregon.
Auto Stage to New Pine Creek,
leaved Lakevlew every Monday. Wed
.jexday and Saturday mornings at 10
o'clock. Fare, round trip, $3.50; one
way, (2.00. Soutbatone Bros. J12-tf
Many changea and Improvements in
the homestead laws bave asked In con
gress, but that which ia the biggest is
tbe new measure proposing a new
homestead of 1280 acres, and providing
that inatead of cultivation tbe entry
man may aabatantially improve the
land to the value of S1.25 per acre, and
granting the right to take aucn landa
to eitixens t not now obliged to make
homeatead entry because of having once
used It, It is called a "grazing home
stead and aupplemental grazing
Banking By Mall
Banking by mall, ia the latest inno
vation entered into bv tbe Government
in connection with the postal savings
system. Hereafter deposita may be
made by mail and withdrawals like
wise effected through the same agency.
When the postal aavinga system waa
first put iu operation, postmasters
were forbidden to permit deposits by
such persons as were not patrons of!
the poBtofllce in which tbey sought to
bank. This waa found to work a real j
hardship on a certain class of would
be depositors and Postmaster-lieneral
Burleson accordingly abrogated tbe
rule. Postmasters throughout the
country now are being adviaed of the
Dairy Business Pays
That tbe dairy business in tbe coast
countiea haa been established on a
psying basis is evidenced by the fact
that the Clatsop County Co-operative
Cheese Association haa recently been
paying 7 cents more per pound for
butter fat than the market price. The
average amount of milk now being re
ceived is nearly 6,000 uounds per day
with a prospect of greatly increased
supplies in tbe near future. An ice
manufacturing plant will be installed
before the advent of hot weather next
season. ,?
Northern Lake News
(Fort Rock Times)
The Ficksburg Realty Co., will erect
a new brick block opposite the Court
Houae squaie just aa aoon aa someone
starts a brick yard near here and don't
want too much money for the brick.
Mrs. Guy Smyer arrived hero by
auto from Portland this week and likes
Mr, Smyer's claim. A well of white
sulphur water waa struck by Mi.
Smyer and it is not improbable that
this water will make a famed health
resort of Ficksburg some day, aa the
well ia a little over a mile from the
townsiie. 1
F. A. Remington has the kind of a
farm you otten read about but seldom
see. Mrs. Remington has chickens,
turaeys, ducks and geese that simply
over run the place, while Frank haa
plga, sheep, cows and. boraea, this in
connection with a general store, the
post office and a 320 acre farm. Be
sides being Postmaster be ia President
of the School Board, Justice of the
Peace, Notary Public, and when we
incorporate we intend to make him
Mayor, Marshal and Dog Catcher.
Contracts taken for all kinds of Concrete
and Cement Work
Sceptic Tanks, Walks and Foundations a Specialty
Cemetery Work, such as Vaults, Curbs and Fencing
H. M. Marks & Co. Samples
of Fall Suitings. More than 400
different fabrics, including both
Foreign and Domestic Weaves '
Priced at
$15.00 to $45.00
Look them over while the line
is still complete. Fit guaranteed
The NEMO is the Standard
Corset for wear and com
fort. None better at the
price. One price all over
the world. When in need
of a Corset let usshow
you a "Nemo."