Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 24, 1913, Image 4

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    Lake County Examiner
Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon
Rfttnlar unillng Ma. 11.00 an Inch, tlncU
eolumn ror, -r month. All tndtn Kt.
rknirx1 trr twice month. 't ol componl
t en charted tor all exlT ebana. All npcll
poaltloiM extra. All abort term acta, xtrw
RnMlen, lnra.1 eolomna, 10c. prt Una carh In
eortlon. Want a1a. Ac. llncb Insertion
Card ol thanka $1.00. ftcnolutlooa a. eondo
lnoe, tM and upwards.
fTOr-Tmnrtant AdrertUint end Jo Print
nt.caati in advano.
All bill! mart b paid Mi first ol Moh month.
Lakeview, Oregon,
(Iijr Staff Corrvupondeat)
Eldon Woodcock and family were
down Sunday visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Gallagher made a
trip op to Lakeview last week.
Mr. Jenson who recently installed
the new street lights here should feel
that the entire town appreciate them
very much. It is certainly a very
, much .needed improvement.
Mr. Joseph Smith who recently had
his house newly painted, has done
much towards Improving the looks of
his street. Mr. Knapp did the paint
ing and is quite neat.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Amick returned
Saturday from an overland pleasure
trip at Ashland and various points in
Oregon. Mrs. Dexter Amick we un
derstand has located in Ashland. Little
Norene Gibbins of Lak?vlew accom
panied her grandparents home for a
few days visit.
Judge Meloy and George Arablad
made a business trip to Fort Bidwell
last week.
Mrs. Felix Green returned home
from Sacramento a few days ago.
E. Keller made several business
trips op to the county seat last week.
Henry Wendt, Henry Cook, Mr.
Oupnnt and Hersohel Fleming have all
been enjoying an outing of several
days over at Deep Creek, where they
had a splendid time fishing.
Mr. Clark Freeman in company with
a party of gentlemen who male a busi
ness trip to Harney County in a tour
ing car. are expected to return in a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. Wade entertain
ed D. C. and Mrs. Berry at their home
Dr. J. T. O'Connor received the aad
intelligence of the death ot his sister
afew days ago. We extend oar heart
felt sympathy to the family in their
Ira Smith and family and Mrs.
Reeder have returned from quite a
trip over at Rochester, Nev. and other
points... They think Pine Creek is good
enough for them. They saw a number
The Examiner is now lo
i cated in the new quarters
on Water Street. New ma
chinery has been added and it
is better equipped than ever
before to turn out First Class Job Work
and Commercial Printing. The improve
ments were made by the liberal patron
age bestowed by the general public upon
the Examiner, which fact is greatly ap
preciated by the management, and in
acknowledgment an effort will be made
to render better service in the future.
On vr.
In adrtnoe,
(II month,
flirt montha.
II not paid In adraure, $i.0 tba m
Nth ta Babacrtbar
O obaeriMra to. Tha Kiamlnr who it
O trnmon locality
to another, or cnant
their i
noatomoa addroaa anouia irarawr w
ihli oe a card ao tnctr paper can b ad-
drop I
draaaml to Ua rlikl poatofflo.
Thursday, July 24, 1013
of their acquaintances at different
places while away. .
Miss Olive Vinyard is back from
Lakeview. where ahe spent several
davs.with her aunt, Mrs. K. E. Wood
Word has been received from Misses
Libbie Cannon and Opal Keld, who
arrived in Oakland, Cal., a few days
aero, that they are having a very en
joyable time.
Kev. Myers of Lakeview preached a
very interesting sermon at the Christ
ian Church here Sunday afternoon.
The Ladies Aid will have a picnic in
Mr. E. Carr'a yard Friday afternoon.
Every bod? cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. Dora Colvin was catling on
friends Saturday afternoon and also
entertained a number of pioneer friends
Sunday at her father's home down the
valley, where all partook of a sump
tuous dinner.
Silver Lake Items
f Silver Lake Leader)
P. D. Reeder has sold the Silver
Lake Meat Market to A. E. Imbler,
who formerly conducted a feed yard
business here.
The three months old baby of Mr.
and Mrs. Jason Klder died at Paisley
on July 15. The cause of its death
was net learned.
Work on the Summer Lake road has
been abandoned until after haying,
owing to the scarcity of men. Those
who have seen the grade say it is a
good one 20 feet wide, which will
allow vehicles to pass without danger.
The work wlil be resumed as soon as
the haying season is over.
Haying has begun on several of the
rancbea near Silver Lake, and by the
first ot next week, the harvest will be
in full blast. Although the crop will
not be as heavy as expected earlier in
season, a fair yield will be hadlon.most
of the ranches.
John Porter, of Portland, and an old
pioneer of Lake county who eame here
in the seventies, returned last Sunday.
Mr. Porter left here In 1892, seeking
a different climate on account of ill
health, and this ia his first visit since
he left. He still holds his land here
Examiner Publishing Co
which waa taktn op in early days, and
if his health permits ha will probably
remain. He spent the first .of the
week in town greeting old frtenda and
acquaintances. His brother, Columbus
Porter, who has been in tha Willam
tte valley for some time, returned
with him.
Delivers First Cream
Max Bode, who lives a few miles
south of town,' holds the distinction of
having supplied the first eream to the
Lakeview Creamery which will begin
operations tomorrow. Tha dairy busi
ness is a new venture for Mr. Bode, he
having recently ahipped in 20 haad of
Holsteln cows from California. One
of these ha sold but kept the remain
der of the herd, and is now milking
18 nead. He baa been shipping cream
to Reno, receiving 27 cents per pound.
but will get a better price from the
local creamery, besides saving the in
conveniences of shipping the product.
Mr. Bode is very enthusiastic over
the dairying bustnesa In thia valley
and feels sure that it will develop into
a great industry.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Lake County.
Friday June 6, 1913.
Court convened pursuant to adjourn
merit of May 16, 1913 with tho follow-
ing officers present:
Hon. B. Daly, Judge T. B. Wake
field, . Commissioner F. W. JPayne,
Clerk and W. B. Snider, Sheriff when
the following proceedings were had
In the matter of claima against Lake
County, Oregon, the following were
examined, allowed and ordered paid as
by law provided out of the several
different funds as follows, to-wit:
To be paid out of the Koad Fund ot
Road Dists. as follows :
E. B. Brewer, for road work.
Diet. No. 1 35 00
F. E. Bollinger, same 12 50
Ed Chapman, same 4 50
Ed Milum, same 7 60
Lnu McCrany, tame 7 50
R. E. Ward, same 13 f0
J. D. Clark, same Diat. No. 2... 128 75
Evan Hartin. same S3 12
Tom Nelson same 51 00
George Detwiler same 22 50
Vincent Casper same 12 50
W. Jr. Marcheck same Dist. No.
3 ' 28 75
D. B. Conrad same 46 31
Z. G. Haris same 6 06
Ross Banister same 36 00
Henry Oheim same. 28 75
G. C. Bagley same 5 00
S. B. Chandler aame Diet
No, 4 162 50
P. A. Gaffeny aame Dist.
No. 5 15 00
Thoa. Murphy same 2 50
J. Messner same 25 00
Frank Roggerssame 74 00
Lcland Crump same 34 75
W. O. Grisel same , 54 00
Some values that should make bargain seekers of every lady in Lahevlew
Ladies Shoes and Oxfords
formerly sold up to
$4.00 pair
Yc have on our bargain
list from last week a few
pairs of those Buckingham
& Hccht, Krohn Fcchhcim
cr and Red Cross Shoes
and Oxfords that were
formerly sold up to $1.00.
A big line of Pishing
Tackle to take on vour
Outing Trip.
W. Alford aame 27 50
J. B. Cleland aame
W. II. Caldwell same Dist.
No. 6
J. L. Caldwell aame
M.II. Caldwell same
Albert Mohr same
C. P. Caldwell same
W. S. Wible same
Sam Ohles aame Dist. No. 9....
Bank of Lakeview cash advanced
for road work (Dist. No. 9)...
Bank of Lakeview cash advanc
ed for road work (Dist. No. '-)
W. I. McCulley road wore in
Dist. No. 10
25 00
88 50
43 75
71 75
41 25
42 50
12 00
72 30
25 00
7 50
9 001
Tom Bi'ls same 9 00
Jesse Vernon same Dist. No 11 12 50
S. M. Findley same Dist. No. 14 22 50
W. B. Hunt same 24 75
D. G. Morris same Dist. No. 14 15 00
H. C. Carmack same 54 00
D. Mills same 16 25
A. C. Lowell supplies for road
work 22 30
L . E. Penrose repair of road
tools 16 00
American Law Book for C C.
Library 800
Royal Typewriter Co.. Type
writers 262 50
Lakeview Pine Creek Electric
Co. lamps 3 90
Court then adjourned until June 7 at
9 o'clock a. m.
County Judge.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Lake County.
Saturday, June 7, 1913.
Court convener pursuant to adjourn
ment of June, 6 1913 with same officer
present, when the following proceed
ings were had. to-wit:
In the matter of claims against
Lake County, Oregon the following
claims were examined, allowed and
ordered paid out of the General Fund
ot Lake County aa by law provided,
Tboa. S. Farrell for Telegrams 4 60
Will McCulley Circuit Court
Juror 30 10
James Young same 32 60
J. A. Norin same 27 50
Montz Curry Jr.. aame 27 20
E. M. Gooch aame 29 00
L. L. Hopkins same 12 80
A. W. Bryan aame 34 60
E. K. Henderson same 61 50
Henry Boyd'stun same 34 00
G. F. Arthur aame 32 00
Ceo. H. Newell same 27 10
Frank Bauera same 31 00
A. L. Goodman same 28 80
J. H. Angstead same 30 10
W. H. Mendellsame 29 40
Miles G. Anderson same 3 10
R. M. Chandler same 32 60
James McDermott same 32 00
Henry Fox same, 32 40
R. A. Hawkins same 30 10
Sim Arthur same 27 10
L. G. Thomas same 32 00
Geo. Hahnersame 32 40
Chan. Eccletton same 30 10
B. W. Farrow same 36 00
A. P. Koozer same 30 60
V. G. Allen same (special
venire) 9 10
W. R. Random same 2 10
Geo. Jammertbal same t 10
J. S. Kelsay same 9 10
Geo. Lynch aame 2 10
Dennis Kelley same 2 10
D. U. Cleland aame 2 10
W. F. Paine same 2 10
F. W, Bartling same... 2 10
Harry Bailey same 2 10
Ed. Lamb same 2 10
D. B. Conrad same 2 10
W. P. Dykeman same 2 10
J. W. Nixon aame 2 10
F. M. Duke eame 2 10
Wm. Sprague same 2 10
W. A. Maasingill same, 2 10
Jaiuea Vincent same 2 10
Ladies Shoes and Oxfords
formerly sold up to
$5.00 pair
This lot was put on sale
last week but there still
remains some splendid
values. Red Cross and
Hnnan Shoes and Oxfords
that were formerly sold ut
$1.50 and $3.00 a pair.
fclij Smalley same 12 10
Henry Lechman same...
2 10
E. L. Britten same 2 10
i Geo. Harrow same 2 10
Chris Langslet same 2 10
J. W. Mikel same '. 2 10
E. II. Clark same 2 10
Harry Utley same 12 10
Walter Drenkel same 2 10
George Stevens same 2 10
Frank Fetach same 2 10
E. C. Godfrey same 2 10
F. B. Houston same 2 10
H. Ii. Hahn same 2 10
C. Dunlap same
K. R. Vandervort same
Steve Down me
S. P. Dicks aame
2 10
2 10
2 10
9 10
Earl Spaulding witness Cir
cuit Court 16 00
Jas. D. O'Connor aame 15 80
James Koberta aame 18 00
Warren C. Laird same 31 00
Wilbur Laird same 81 00
Frank Wortman same 26 00
G. W. Wortman same 26 00
Carrie Wortman aame 26 00
Cecil Dixon aame 24 00
Frank Chico aame 26 00
Everet Emery aame 23 00
Bliss Deadmond same 17 80
J. M. Small same 19 80
J. L. Morris same 2 10
Andrew Morria samo 10 00
Herd Wade same 5 00
Chas. George ssme 10 00
J. M. Jones same 10 00
Pat Angland samo 4 10
Richard Gumee same 22 00
Charles U. Kobinson same 2U C;l
George Dexter same 22 uO
In th matfrr ,f thu Petition fur a
License granting T. J Sullivan author
ity to cell spirituous, malt and vinous
liquors in quantities less than one gal
lon, in North Warner precinct, Lake
County, Oregon for a period of aix
montha beginning on the 7th day of
May, 1913.
This matter coming on to be heard
at this time and it appearing to the
satisfaction of the Court that the ap
plicant, I. Sulllivan ia the proprie
tor ot and is conducting a legitimate
bona flde hotel with accommodations
for food and lodging for not lesa than
60 guests in North Warner Precinct,
Lake County, Oregon, and that said
T. J. Sullivan has fully complied with
the law relative to application for
license should be granted.
It ia therefore hereby ordered that a
license be issued as provided by law,
granting T. J. Sullivan authority to
sell spirituous malt and vinous liquors
In quantities less than one gallon, in
hia 'aid hotel in North Warner Pre
cinct, Lake County, Oregon, for a per
iod of six montha from the 7th day
of May A. D. 1913.
Thereupon Court adjourned for the
County Judge.
Bo it remembered that a regular
term of the County Court for Lake
County, Oregon, was begun and held
at the Court House in Lakeview, Lake
County. Oregon, on Wednesday, July
2nd, 1913, with the following officers
present :
Hon. U. Daly. Judge; T. B. Wake
field, County Commissioner ; F. W,
Payne, Clerk and W. B. Snider, Sher
iff, when the following proceedings
were had, to-wit :
In the matter of claima against Lake
OoIIkkUm. AexUmla, UhIn mmj (lMrel
Mm. Ftoaltr trilMil In bmt InMltulium of
Amrr nd JCuroi. W hlp 4nl to Mm
Ix.r.nltnr. for lrl.. Obrlltlu In
fu.d of qin.rt.-r million l,llr. WHIXB- .
U. M. Cltooax, frMhlrut, Albany Call
Altiaur. Orfoa
Ladies Duck and Pique
Skirts, worth up to
$2.00 each
This includes every one
of our Ladies' White Duck
and Pique Dress Skirts, in
cluding this year's styles,
positively sold by us 'till
now at $1.50 and $2.00.
You take them now at
Our (iroccry Stock is full
of choice things for Camp
ing. County, Oregon, the following claims
were exsmlnd, allowed and ordered
paid aa by law provided out of the
several fund as follows, towit:
1). T. Godsil, salary general
fund 120 00
Paine Chinaman 17 night meala
for Jury 4 00
Continued next week
Master Masons Attention!
Membera of Lakeview Lodge No. 71,
A. F. A A. M., aUu sojourning hreth
ern, you are requested to attend the
funeral of our Into brother. Christo
pher C. Iftu, on Friday July 2.'th.
1913 at 2:00 P. M., from MbmouIc
Uy order of the Worshipful Master.
'II. M. NOLTE, See.
BY VIRTCB of an execution on
attachment duly lamed by the Clerk
of the Circuit Court of the count v of
Lake State of Ort'iron, dated tho 10th
da of July 1913. in a certain action
In the Circuit Court for nald County
and State wherein Cluirlea Umbach
lis Plaintiff recovered judgment against
W II. McOill. Defendant for tho
sum of Four Hundred dollars with
Interest at ti per cent per annum from
Aiiitust 30th lull, aud costa and dia
burnetneiitH taxed at Twenty dollara,
on th 31t day of Aut'imt lull.
Nofic- m hereby driven that I will,
nil the d tl'tv of AluHl lull, til
the trout and Kni t niie of the Court.
lloime In I.nkeview lit fiild Count v.
at M o'cl
k In tllH foretiimii of (Hid
nt iiul.lic auction to tint
dlV, Milll
liiuheHt didder for ohmIi, the following
dewrilied property, to-wit:
The South Went quarter of the
Houtheimt quarter, and tho hoiilh
eant quarter of the South went quar
ter of ration Thirteen (13) Townaliiii
Thirty (.10) Hotiili Unne Fourteen
(14) K. V. M. Taken and levied upon
as the property of the aald W. II.
McCall, Defendant or ho uiuuli there
of as ma la- necessary to ttatlMfy the
raid judgment io favor of Clmrlca
llnihach. plaintlfr agalUHt W. II. Mc
Call, Defendaut with ititerext thereon,
together with all coata and dlitmrtic
luetitH that have or mav ncvure.
W. B. MM DKR. Sheriff.
Dated at Lalcovlew, Or. July 17,
Form L. D. 231
1145 Lukevluw H.I L-iat No. 06801
Serial No. OiiHOl
I'nited tstatea Land Office, Lake
view. Oregon, July 18th, 1913.
Notice ia liorehy itlven that the
Northern 1'aclflc Railway Company,
wIiohp post otlico addrres ia Ht. Paul,
Miiineaota, hax thm 18th day of July,
1 tH 3. filed In tlim oil ice I'M a)pllcatlou
to select, under the proviHionH of the
act of CoiitrreHH approved July 1, lNUV
(30 Ktat. bUl.CiO) aa ex f euded tv the.
act of Oongt'cnH approved May 17,
11)0(1, Lota 3 and 4, rcc. 19, Twp. 41
Houth, It. 23 Kant, W. M.
Any and all pi moua claiming ad
versely the latin deriulliud, or dewir
Ing to object liecvtut.p of tho mineral
chaiacter of. the laud, or for any
other reanon, to tho (JiHpoaal to appli
cant, should file their allidavlla of pro
tent In this ollicit en or hefore-the lHili
duy of September, l'Jl.'l'
JAS. F. UURiiKSS, Kuir later.
Jtitunnnv Drawn Work
Hew CuhIiIou uml Ventrr Pieces
1 1 uml Afudo I'mwy Art lr Ion
l'urn Linen llmidketvhlofH
Flrmt Door East Photo Gallery
3 C