Correct Wlffht (nurlliiT with vlinlcv quillthM mul iimilvritt) privet mtike thl tin1 taunt tcnnonilrul nmntmor kit In town. Tim exiicrliinrpil ii h Hill it tlm InrxiH'rleiwvil litiliwwlfn will flllll Hint .' Illiy- hiit hrr in f tit x mm aim will wt itiuiv i fn I vit Itm fur Imr nullify tliiui flu' tun any when' rim; Lakevicw Meat Market HAYES A GROB. props THE PALACE BAR .1. I. McAULII'FG - PROPRIETOR A Popular Gentlemen's Resort lMONI2 32 CHOICE: ISRAND WINE5. LIQUORS, CIGARS Night Train Service Dally Tiinotuni iu:r i:i:s CENTRAL OREGON AND PORTLAND HMUSSisa srxii.i y .li st: , .; KM7PAL OREGON LINE TOURIST SLEEPING CARS AND First Class Coaches This Aerice Is In llfil nt tin' li:iir, inn I ' . Tim trul n will ;! It-ml S.:ti I' .1.. ih-si-liiin.s ; .s.-yv. .W . :. -Iimliil 0:10 i: .!., Tirn-hmiiw H Jl I'. M . Hl -r 10. Ill . St.. Mrlnllns 10: in P. M , Minims :.' I'. M . Mmn l. us '. ... Mm n. .:V .1. .V., Slmrnr 1:) A. M., tirrhi- I'mtl.ii,,! Vfi'.l. V. I.rnf I' 7:11 I'. A., nrrlvr Slmmr :i:t' I. '.. '' :S:2G A M.. Mtfin S.-lSA M . Miitlr.-is H:Wl A. M . Mrtnlins t!:l:t A. .1.. Cut vrrti:2SA. M . Twrlimiim 7: ox A. .., Itnlm mul 7: 'SI A. M . hrm-hutm 7:1.1 A . til-mi S:W A . M. I'liimtxtloin tit iiiikIh lit I 'nrt lii in! to .i ml I r mi Will.iiii'-ttn Yullry iilnl I'llgnt Sounil liullitt, 1'tirrn itml srlitiltiliH mill ih-tulls will tmt inruMmil n.i iiitllt nl Inn r li.v li ttrr R. H. CROZIER, At. Omn'l Po. Agent Portland, Ore. J. H. CO ft BET T, Agmnt Bend, Ore. W. C. Wllke, Asst. Gen. Frt. A. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oro. HERE'S GOOD LUCK and you could not have better than to test our pure and wholesome liquors the best ever distilled. There is none better at nny bur, mid where once tried it is always a fast favorite. Our Rye Whiskey is recom mended by physicians for their invalid patrons. Try a glass and you will want a bottle. Try a bottle and you'll order n case. KENTUCKY SALOON POST &. KING, Proprietors THK ROAD. 5 1 oIiik iiu an nils fc (.it tli (iitintry road, P Th lumpy rund Ami I lii bumpy rond Thai loll the wagon and apllla the i I Olid, Vud to tha huba ahan (ha rain P cotTica down, j, Flore1(J wlirjr tha cracka run V iiiah. . Klliol with rule whrn tha flalda nra hrnwn V And 1 (if nun ta hot und tha air I iy I It'a rhiKui-U Kith rravcl arid urki-i wlih aiiml, f Ho built arid graded and luld and L iiliinmd ' Tlmt It In hoe a toain i And aomatlmra two f To do tha work one horn ahould do. f It rack tha wagona wltb Jolte and i: i, It nilne liome and motoreara, (, Keipn back cropa fioin tha mnrkat plnce, f VHrt up dvbta on tha farmer'a plara. The old time rond la a plain die- I, rac. , Hut tha modtrn road la a different Z thing, A worthy theme for tha bard to alng, I'ljt tngrlher i, For avrry went her, ' Hinooth and duatlraa and good to t ' And graded right, ae a road ahould O'fnl alwaya and muddy never. A thing of beuuty, a joy forever. barton Uraley. X MAKING GOOD ROADS BY BURNING UP POOR ONES aaiaaaBWfj "Gumbo" Roada After Being Fired Make Excellent Thoroughfarea. Itlii.lng n trait of good roadn tbroiik'b (tit mialU la not a figure of apecb, but aa actiiulliy. for many tnllea'of good roailH tire beliig mude by attlng Ore to loir ones, tbe rexult being wbnt la known aa a baked clay road. There pre no poorer roada In all the I' n I IihI 8mte than tbe "gumbo" ronda of (he Mouth, Kunibo being the tin tuo irlven u ci'italn klud of mud or i'lny I It ii r. I ;iiUiuliirly atltky, cUnyx teiiu Hcouia to have do bottuiu und " III not Hiiiort tiny weight, (iumlio. houerer, 'ontiiinn u lurue perc(ril:ii2i of ni'vniiif mutter whicli will Iniin uIk-ii d! V. unit as a reault n rond uf tlilM iiinii-i'iiil properly prepared and ei on lire iiiergea from the fiery onte;il i n perfectly fix id road nnd oik, iiioio out. that fitt.VM nit for a cotihh-mlilf period of time. T!:e (iroiTHi if eoiivertinu h iriimbo rond Into I in k- clny lieulns by plowing up the rondway nnd tun !;l iil: ditched on the eidi!. (Cord wood In lit In a xort of rtiMirliiB nenjJM the furrow which run orofcHWlm? of the rond. tJretit lumpi' .f Mtleky gumlx are spread over tlila floor, nlons with more wood looel atrewn nbotit. Then a aeeond floor of wood I laid and the whole euerel ullli Kiimho, tannxsl nnd rontidiV. off Tire is now net to the rond. and the tinmen rushing through the furrow which nerve nw flue. Ignite the wimkI. After (he hent h:i driven the water out of the giiinlin Ihw. to. tgulte. ii'd (he iH'tunl i-nnkltit: proi-es I In fill' swing "It la mo-o than merely drylna ut the sturnho." aj (. II Claildy III Mo tor "It Is n pis''lly of this cmnl.u rliat nt low ioiitM'rainv It clinkers, end llo -c ei:i'kTN hen hrokeii Up are ipiile dillcri'Mt from Hie orl'.'inul lumps of ii in i i i The clinker Is not onlv fairly bird, but If properly liurnel will not make mud wln-n mixed with water In this Is the triumph of the Mimed clay roud When the fire has burned itself out the roiidmaker has not only n thoi-ouh mixture of dry clay nnd wood nshea. but a good depth of I'limlio clinker, whieh he prompt Iv pt-ocetslH to break Into small pleee to Mpread evenly and dually to roil and compart Into a real rond " To nil liilenl and purpose the road ho made Is a tine dry nt retell of ornm hied brick. THE GOOD ROADS MOVEMENT. P.OLK'Si OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of earn City, Town and Vlllugo, giving dnevrlptlve ekatch of null plucd, locution, population, tails t,ruili, ablpplng and banking point; hIho ciiiMiniid lilim lorv, compiled by tumlneM and prulimnliuk 11. I. POLK A CO., BEATTI.K TU O'.DKBT KHTA BMHHKD REALTY FIK1I IN BUUTUbUN OUKQON ONE TO 12,000 ACRES OF LAKE COUNTY, BEST LANDS For stile either for stock or ugrl cultural puriiiuma. J. W. MAXWELL A SON LAHKVIBW, OHIOON ToweksFishBrand PommelSlicker Keeps boih rider and saddle perfedlu dru. Made forrouqh wear and long service in the .wettest weather.. f -Satisfaction Guaranteed ' iSl 100KF0RTHISMAPK 7rrZ OFExcaixNtt 3.50 EVERYWHER15 A.J.IOWERCO, KOITnil Tower Cuudum lxa. veavMfo. lit subscribe for'the examiner MAINTENANCE IMPORTANT. Proviaion Should Be Made to Keep Roada In Repair. Hon. I.oguu Waller I'age. director of the L'nittHl States oltlee of public roads, believes that there la uothlng more Im portant than uuiiutnlnlug roads after they are built. Commenting ou this phase of road work, he said recently: Too much stress cannot be laid on the Importance of maintenance In con nection with the work of Improving the roads. The people iu ueurly all the states are tilled with eulhuslusm for road improvement and are spending enormous Rums of money In tbe con t ruction of superb roads, and yet al most without exception tbey are mak Ing little provlsiou to care for tbe roads after they are built This la true not only In the various counties, but under imiuy of our state highway depart meuts. To maintain the rouds In good con dltlou year after year requires a con sldernble annual outlay, but this out lay ta lutinltely less than the loss which inuKt fall upon the people eveutually if they allow their roads to go to utter ruin. The thing for all advocates of good roads to do Is to urge continuous systematic maintenance and the setting uslde every year of au amount per mile estimated by the engineer In charge to be sufficient for tbe proper maintenance of the road a course which must make for economy and elM clency. Constructing Paved Driveway, The city of Fort Worth, Tex- has uu der construction the longest paved driveway in Texas, the distance being approximately four miles. W ben com pleted it will have cost about Sl.'Joti, 000. Gratifying Progress Shewn In Road Construction Everywhere. That theie are upward of 4X.flOO,000 of good roads lioiida Issued and out standing ta indicated by the Good Koada Year Hook of the United fttatea, tbe 1013 edition or which tins Just been Issued, containing a reautne of the whole road situation. It Is evident that, whatever may be tbe faults In methods of construction und maintenance, mon ey la being apeut In au indent amount to bring about a vast Improvement In the public roads. Tbe year book shows f 137.000.000 of state and road bonds authorized and I1W5.000.000 of county bonds outstanding ou Jan. 1. 1013. milking a total of 1203,500.000. As this Is based on reports from about 75 per cent of the counties In the Unit ed Slates nnd as a large Dumber of the Individual townships have not reported. It Is estimated that the amounts not re ported would run the aggregate tip to , probably 350.000,000. to which should J be added ten or fifteen million dollar ) of the bonds voted In 1012. which have not yet been Issued. I Gratifying progress In road construe- tlon during the past few years Is Indi cated hv the statement In tbe year book that while the percentage of all , road improvement In tbe United State at the closo of 1009 was 8.06 per cent the revised statistics to Dec. 31. 1011.' show an Improved mileage of 10.1 peri cent or a net gain of 1.44 per cent I This does not sound so Impressive In terms of percentage, but It means that ! In the two year period more than 34.- 000 miles of Improved roads were con-1 strm-ted. or 10.000 miles more than the j entire mllt-nip of national roads In . France. Scientific American. RURAL SCHOOLS AND ROADS. CAN WE TEMPT YOU CHOICE MEATS 1 II nn"s Mi aaaau I I II I la I Mil IT Our Meats are prime enough to tempt the most particular. Competent fudges tell us that wc offer the public THE BEST MEATS sold in this country. The llcsh of no animal that has passed its third year is admitted within our store. The primest cuts of beef come ftom young stock, and it is the same with Lamb and Pork. Fa vor us with an order. Goose Lake Valley Meat Company R. E. WINCHESTER, Proprietor Impaaaable Highways Seriously Handi cap the Country Child' Progress. Tbe most serious charge yet lodjceil j guiust the rural school is that tin- j rate of rural Illiteracy Is twice the urban rate, despite the fact that inns fourths of our iiniiii'.-ruiils are In I in cities, and Illiteracy nmoiiu native born children of native i.iieiil:ie is more than three times as -.treat a among native children of foreign tm-n parentage, says A. C. Moiiahau of the federal bureau of education. With 'ti.(HK) one teacher sehisil houses, of which .Y000 are log build lugs, we face the fact that tbe rural school is alarmingly neglected. Al though more than ' per cent of the children of the entire country are en rolled lu country schools, tbe aggre gate attendance is only SI per cent. Inquiry as to why children do not at tend school longer in many coratmmi ties will almost invariably bring the reply that bad roads, blockades of mud. snow drifts, washed out bridges and the discouraging factor of long tramps through tbe cold weather keep them away. Even the consolidated school Is limited in Its usefulness by the Impassable highway. While the one room school and the Inexperienced teacher are serious de fects, we should put most of the blame where it belongs on our abominable highways which had better iu most cases be called low ways. With good roads the little red schoolbouse mlxht free itself of many of the charges It now liears Country Gentleman. HOTEL LAKEVIEW ERECTED IN 1 000 MODERN THROUOHOIT FIRST-CALSS ACCOnnODATIONS ca nm is Dnon For COnnERClALf ji-a TRAVELERS Trwjpy;yj iff-m'-fim jStJssTTPff, sOURT EOUS TREATMENT LIGHT & MAK ROW, Proprietors k. P. LIGHT GEO, HARROW GOOD ROADS AND CHURCHES. LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporared. A Complete Record We have made an entire transcript l all Records In Lake County which In any way, affect K al Probity In the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer ever made In Lake County, and ever IHh Riven. Errors Found in Titles ii transcribing; the records we have found numerous mort - tecorded In the Deed record and indexed; and many if-.! nre recorded Id the Mortgage record and other honk, li .iniieds of mortgages and deeds are not Indexed at all, and :t. r difficult to trace up from the records. u e have notations of all these Errors. ' 'i hers annot find them Ae bnve iiu i.uudreds of dollar ting up these error, and we can hiltv gnsrMnte our work J.I). VENATOR, .lanager. If the Walking or Driving la Bad Peor pie Stay Home. Churches and schools, the two great agencies for tbe upbuilding of any clti renshlp. are sufferers from the ills which come from thoroughfares of an inferior type, says James R. Marker, state highway commissioner of Ohio, in a recent report. Decreased atteu tiou during iverlods of Inclement weath er, when either to drive or walk ini poses at tbe best a hardship nnd is of ten an lmosslblllty over poor mad cannot help hut le tbe natural result. It cannot be eected that children will be compelled to walk to school if a sea of mud fnrnlnhes the only ft tug. and this Is too frequently true In places outside the urban centers and often so lu the hitter Nor Is it to be hoped that the horse will be employed lO liuil Ills pain llionj; lutr ucnrm-iuuB road lu order that the children may not miss their lessons. Those who deal in statistics, claim that good mads every where wdtild increase school attend ance not l"s than per cent Preacbeis ts-ar str-kina testimony hs to the elTect miserable roads have upon the attendance at the churches They can gaue It with accuracy, and the percentage of decrease there is no less than iu the scnools. Good roads point not only toward larger audiences, but larger contritmiions aud less dona tion parties. Thus they become a ow i erful agency for spiritual and educa tlonal growth. CONSOLIDATED STAGE CO. P. m. CORY, Lessee LAKEVIEW OREGON Operatea Stage, carrying Halted States-iMalls, Eapreea aad Passengers ea tbe following roetes: LAKEVIEW TO PLUSH KLAMATH FALLS TO LAKEVIEW AUTOriOaULES OPERATED IN CONNECTION WITH THE STAGES FARES t Klamath Falls Route Plush Route Oae Way $10.00 4.00 Round rip $18.00 7.00 OEPICESi- Lakevlew . Plueh Klawath Fell Stage Ottic. Sullivan Hotel Aeaericaa Hotel The Farmer's Need. Tbe farmer recogulzes the needs of better roads and realizes bow much such roads would contribute to their comfort aud prosperity. Good roads save dollars aud cents to the farmer. Und roads make farming unprofitable and undesirable. Bad roads increuse tbe solitude of country life and limit the opportunities of the farmer. Good roads bring him Into closer touch with tbe center of progress. Good roada en hance tbe value of farm land, beautify tbe country aud advance the farmer in his social, religious and educational de velopment Good roads are the ave nues of trade which lessen tbe trans portatlon of marketable products. Good roads are tbe cords that bind the city and the couutry together In thrift. In dustry and Intelligence. Good roads are the most potent factor to make the American farmer better, greater nd bappier.-Better Roads. WALLACE & SON IrVm. Wallaoo, Coroner for Laho County I UNDERTAKERS I'WiiMl'T ATTENTION AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Parlors, next door to Telephone Office WATSON BUILDING Lakevicw Ice, Transfer and Storage Co Telephone No. 101 J. P. DUCKWOKT1I, Manager Buss to Meet All Trains. Transfer and Dray age. Storage by day, Week or Month "OUK CUSTOMERS ARE OUR ADVERTISERS' Let The Examiner Figure on Your Next Job Prlnltngr