Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 24, 1913, Image 2

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fa. (idKiM CmU imi Vn
Ml ear MS n
Lakeview Saddlery
Brick and Siena Fragment S.rloutly
Interfere With Sod'a Growth.
Modern lifatiiotls of Building
Are Now Essential.
Aconiplet llieol ifiV -Tjf KveryUh,Kinthe
. - 1.1 Ilk- II nl home furnish
...o...... lib I
' II 2i men.
ettew, etc., etr. II f .
Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM
Yat Without Good Reads the Agricul
turist Cannot Take Advantage of tha
Baat Markata For Hia Preduea at All
8aaaona of tha Yaar,
Our ComplctcjTract Index
Insures: Accuracy, Promptness and Reliability
Such an Index is tbe ONLY RhLIKLE system from which an
Abstract can be made, showing all defects of title.
We Also Furnishl ?7115S.Z?
gmHJtJwtw.ll h mawmiuaiM " -m um vnmnjimmmamxmtmmssm
The primary source of wealth In our , fortlie material
agricultural state is toe rami prod
ucts. The margin of profit on farui
products ts largely affected by the rela
tive distance to market and the condi
tions of the wagon road. Without
railroad!i the value of most farm land
would not exceed one-quarter of what
it Is today. Wagou roads are the von
nectlng links between the farms and
the railroads, and with good roads the
farmer can take advantage of the test
market at all times. Every one that
uses roads should le Interested In bav
ins pood roads. How can they le
made? Shall we continue to make
When the resident or ell lea and sub
urbs a iv looking at their lawns with a
view of repairing them for the winter
and auiunter niontha It la well to ex
amine the soil to a depth of from
twelve to twenty-four inches to soo If
there are any bricks, tin cana, boards
aud other coarse building debris. Tho
bureau of soils, United Rtatee depart
ment of agriculture, aaya In a farmers'
bulletin that the rcaifen that grass dooa
not thrive well on the average city
Iswn Is that the majority of tbem have
a filler of this kind of rubbish, and of
course srass will not grow on In
In geueral a lawn should be beauti
ful, and It should he useful. Ita beauty
depends Ukii thu contour of the land,
the color and texture of the eras and
the uulformlty ol the turf. The use
of the lawn ts to provtdo suitable
sotting for architectural adornment
and landscape planting.
Itrlcks. Dm tins, boards and other
course building debris found lu nearly
all small lawns lu the city are very
detrimental to t lie proper movement of
soil fluid. Tin- moisture moves down
ward nut tl It encounters a brick, for
lllwl II lt,0 Ml .1 twt ,1 ll.A rt ttllu nm f.ttiM
them by the primitive method, used , )lu., Ui( , TUe w.
oy our loreiuwiers, or sunn we atiopt
modern methiKls? I
Obsolete. Impractical, inetllcient anil '
most expensive methods are In most i
places In use Roadmnklng In generul I
has not kept pace with most other In-
Daily Servke Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays
No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 8:35 P. M.
No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 7:05 A: M.
Daily Except Sunday
Fullmaa & Buff ett Service Between lakeview and Reno
We Sell.
Lease or
How about that real estate you
have been trying to sell for years. We
can find a purchaser, or sell any other
kind of property you may have to offer.
We handle real estate of any kind
anywhere, and will guarantee satisfac
tion. Our services are at your disposal.
In Any
Part of
Lake or
Perhaps you have been looking for
a farm, ranch, city realty, a summer home
or a business to engage in. If you wish
to buy, lease for grazing or any other
purpose tell us what you want and
where you want it. We will find it for
you and buy or lease it at a price that
will please you.
We will be glad to supply detailed
information to anyone interested in
buying, selling or leasing realty of any
description. Blanks for buying, selling
or,leasing property may be had on ap
plication at this office. Send for a com
plimentary copy of our listed property
and terms.
Curtis & Utley
Lakeview - - Oregon
-; ,3
Lakeview Steam Laundry
We give efficient sen'ice and do
good work. Send your
washing and give
us a trial.
We are now ready to roll your Barley at any time
dustries in tbe use ! pnn ti"-iil and ef
OcRnt lulior saving devices. The oid
way of working roaits on a day too
wet to plow corn or harvest. putthiK a
few ftliistiertuls iif f:Tin 111 the middle
of the I'ond ill heaps uiie n diminutive
mountain rane nu.1 leaving them to
be leveled '' the eieiin-tns of nature
and use. should I lu ndouetl. lioud
work should In' plui-ed in tbe hands of
competent workmen that work contin
uously during lUf suitable season with
a practical p.wer rouduiukiui; equip
ment. With this ten times as much
first class road can be made and finish
ed as where old methods are used with
tbe same amount of money. This plan
works no hardship on the farmer. Qe
is tbe kins of tbe country and has
enough to do on his farm without
working roads.
A modern roudmakiug outfit can be
operated with three men at u cost of
from $13 to S20 per day, says a writer
In the Iowa Homestead, and will uiuke
a mile of finished road as smooth as a
paved street. This Includes tbe mak
ing of opeu ditches on tbe sides from
oue foot to four feet deep, at the pleas
ure of the operator.
Earth roads should have u slope each
way from the center of about three
quarters of an Inch to the foot on
level or nearly level places: on hills It
may Is- less. If depressions ure left
tbey hold water, and everything that
touches these plaees makes them
Tbe supreme thing Is to keep tbe
roadbed dry. thus lessening the bad
effects of frost and tbe cost of upkeep.
Scientific roadmaklng preserves as
much as possible tbe primitive condi
tion of the ground that Is, In grading
tbe road one should not plow it up like
a field, but displace only what earth
is necessary to bring tbe road to the
proper grade and side slope. In ob
serving these matters years are saved
lu making a perfect roadbed.
Earth rouds ure the most delightful
of all roads wheu well graded and free
from dust All well graded roads can
be wonderfully improved and tbe up
keep lessened one-half by covering the
top with a coating of about two inches
of sharp sand and clay In which may
be mixed half crushed stone that will
go through a one Inch mesh. If sand
and clay are used, mix In tbe propor
tion of SO per cent of sand and 20 per
cent of clay. If crushed stone Is used,
mix It balf and half with tbe sand and
clay mixture. This coating should be
spread on and harrowed and rolled tin
til It Is thoroughly mixed and packed
so as to fill all tbe voids, and then it
will shed the water like a roof and
keep your roadbed dry. In half an
hour after a bard rain you will bave
a good road. This can be improved by
sprinkling with a mixture made of
crude petroleum In tbe proportion of
one barrel of oil to three barrels of
water emulsified wltb tbe soluble part
or cream of clay.
A little sand Improves an earth road
somewhat, but when used alone It U
too porous and soon washes Into tbe
Merits of Macadam.
Macadam, In use for a century, Is
more universally used for country road
taring than any other. It costs much
less and Is more easily repaired.
ter meets with no difficulty In getting
to the ed0 of the brlrk and thcu goes
nearly straight downward, thus leav
ing the soil Immediately below the
brick uiistipplled from this new water
Now. when the ohmimIIo movement
of soil fluid begin the water moves up
ward until It encounter the brick, and
the soil Immediately above the brick,
which has in the meantime dried out.
remains unsupplied wltb moisture, so
that the grass suffers and dries, out.
A lawn soil should have a good sup
ply of moisture at all times. It should
be able to take care or excess during
the wet season by drainage and during
I t'.ie dry sea sou be nble to supply stored
up moisture from Its depths. Tills ade
quate water supply Is the principal fac-
! tor in grass growth and the one most
dihVult to control In a poor soli. It is
more Imortant than any added ferti
lizer and cannot be compensated for
by the addition of any nniouu'. or kind
of chemical plant food
A soil well adapts to lawns should
consist of clay, silt, very One sand, me
dium sand, course, sand and Hue gravel
It is this difference In the size of soil
particles aud tn the proportions In
which they are present lu aoils that
has given rise to tho different classes
of agricultural soils, such as the clays,
clay loums, sands and sandy loams.
Since tbe lawn Is a permanent fea
ture It Is hardly possible to make the
aoll for tbe reception of the lawn too
rich Stable manure wblcu has been
tboraigbly composted and rotted and
wblcb is as free as possible from detri
mental weed seeds Is undoubtedly the i
best material to use In producing the
desired fertility of the soli l- orty to j
sixty loads of well decomposed stable
manure uro not too much to use upon j
an ucre of land designed for the green- '
swurd. .
In procuring seed for u lawn too
great care cannot he exercised Cure
seed is the keynote to a el cm lawn.
Co-operation Important In Obtaining 1
First, Thus Insuring Latter. ;
Cleanliness, imtb persouul and mu- .
niclpal. according to I r. William V.
Know, secretary of the California
board of health. Is a mutter for volun
tary and Intelligent co-operation rather
than enforcement of law, except In
flagrant cases. As a rule. It Is dllllcult
to show lu specific cases thut disagree
able sights, smells and sounds ure di
rectly tlie causes of diseuse. Tbey are
nuisances and are allies of disease bo
cause of the opportunities afforded
various animal or vegetable curriers of
diseuse. And just as It puys a railway
company to spend large sums of
money to keep its track clear of weeds
ao thut loosened spikes may be easily
detected or other conditions conducive
to accident, so it will pay tbe people
to spend money and personal effort In
keeping their bouses, yards and city
clean and free from all removable rub
bish as a measure In preventing the
unrecognized approach of disease car
riers Dr. Snow places lu Its right light tbe
position of tbe people. The authorities
can do no better health work than
their constituents in tbe state of their
hygienic education will support. Tbe
health condition of a community In a
series of years Is the measure of tbe
health Intelligence of tbe people. It Is
Important for the people to know tbe
truths of scientific Investigation, and
It Is the duty of the authorities to cir
culate not what may be their own per
sonal dogmas, but tbe established
Make Parka of tho Waste Plaoaa.
Utilize the waste places In your city.
Turn them Into parks for tbe people.
This Is tbe advice of experts in "city
beautiful" movements everywhere.
Waste places serve no good purpose.
Tbey are frequently a danger and
menace to tbe health and are always
unpleasant to look upon. By trans
forming tbem into parks two good
ends are attained. They no longer can
be used as dumping grounds for refuse
and become instead of real service as
a recreatlou spot for the public. The
cost of this transformation is negligi
ble, and every community should con
sider the question and the benefits
that will accrue.
m J . U .a 1 w . , a i w as - i a mm , t 11, fW Va- Sa latr J tfi PC'-aT
, 1 RUT ti
Mad by tha Foremost Ammunition
Concern in America
'HE bicat nam in tho ammunition and firrarma world to
day ia firtinflim-t'MC. Whnhrr your aim ia a Keminaton
or any other atandard maks, whatrvrr Ha calihi and the load
you need, you want Reminitton-UMC metallic not lierauao
they ara nereeaanly atamped with tha same name at your
firraim. but beeauee they givo moio accurate treulta.
Tliia Contan kaa n makine ammunition for My
ttffetvji m-ialli(- lor rvrry tinHiii makr of atm - nntl rviy Rming1o
'NtC carlo Ja t laid lit th arm toi tvltttk it m mattr.
ton-1 AK ! M-tiklli tot yvi nn. mhf r.iahil rind him AW
llrr i a Hratrr in IM community who can tflv you I
him l,.r thrm lk lor ill Had Hall M.ik un rvcty bol
malallit-a and alio! ahalU you buy.
Rcmintton Arms-l'nion Metallic Cartridge Co.
lleoiihv:'V ' New York
IflE HAVE JUST RECEIVED a car of extra
v Star "A" Red Cedar Shingles and Red ( Doug
las) Fir Flooring and Ceiling. We also carry, a
complete line'of California White Pine, Rustic, Floor
ing, Ceiling, Mouldings, Shiplap, Rough Dimesnion
and Boxing, in"fact everything in the lumber line
used in a building, and our prices are right.
Come in and let us talk over that building you
are intending to build; maybe we can help you with
it and we know we can save you some money.
Ko ?2C2entor st Lakeview, Ore.
Is a great factor for success. It
enters the private office of the large
financier as well as the home of a
possible customer.
decides the questfon. Is it attractive?
Does it make a favorable impression
so its message will be read, instead
of being thrown in the waste basket?
Is one of the best. Experts are ready
to furnish estimates and advice to
produce for you. Printing with Origi
nality, Taste and Design Printing
that will attract business for you.
Job Printing Department-Phone 521
CON BREEN, Proprietor
Special Attention to Transient Stock
Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month
Always Open Phone 571