Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 17, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 29
Party Representing Central Oregon Develop
ment Leage and Prominent People of
the Northwest Touring Central
OregonMeeting Monday
The Kxamlnor 'in inreceipt ', of the
following ietter'from C. O. Chapman,
secretary of the Oregon Development
league :
Portland, Oregon,
July 12, 191.1.
"Referring to enclosed itinerary we
anticipate the duration will arrive
frum Callow Vallny via the celebrated
one-way road down Warner Mountain
lrom Hook Kanch, I'lush and Add,
and wilt be pretty tired Sunday night.
"liy spending part of Monday along
the banka of Uoose Lake, eating some
of your splendid fruit, meeting enter
prising citizens of New I'lne Creek,
they ought to recuperate aomowhat bo
aa for you to be able to hold a greBt,
big rouatng meeting Monday evening
where the visitors can hear aorne of
your justly celebrated local speakers
and gain a good many valuable point
era aa to bow the Agricultural College
inpartlcuUr can be of service to your
section. "
fl"As the Lakeview Convention gave
the impetua to the legislation enacted
at Salem last winter, largely a the
reault of the able generating of the
distinguished Senator from Lake
County, this evenings meeting ought
to be the occasion ot considerable
Ibe party which is'composed of Phil
lip S. Bates, publisher of the Pacific
Northwest, representing the Develop
ment League ; Professor A. B. Cordloy,
dean of agrioulture of the Oregon
Agricultural College : K. II. Crorier,
of the Sp ikano. Portland & Seattle
Railroad & Navagation Co. ; L. M.
Foas, ot the O.W.R. & N. : newspaper
orrespondents and photographer, left
Portland last Sunday and are to reach
the "P" ranrh and Catlow Valley next
Buying: Demand for Hogs
Increased; Other Stock
Remains Firm.
Receipts fur the week have been:
Cattle 1020: Calves 232; Hogs 2t25;
Sbeop 4171;
Cattle market steady to stronger at
, the close of the week's business.
Prime grans steers offering on Tnura
day and Friday sold at $8.20 to 18.50
, In amal) quantity. The demand for
this class stuff la One, but for medium
and half fat varieties prices are no
higher than they have been for the last
two weeks. The steer top on bulk
sales 8.00 to 8.25. Light olfcrlnga of
cowa and heifers hss atrenghtened the
market somewhat, especially in choice
grades. Cowa 7.00 to 7.25 heifera 7.25
to 7.50, bulla 6.00 to 6.25 and calves
9,00 are top quotations on the various
Buying demand in the hog pens In
creased materially the later part of the
week ; tops demand in bulk at 9.00 to
0.15, with a tew loads at v.'20 and 9.25.
Tbe, market la steady to strong on a
basis of 9.15. Uood demand for
smooth and rough heavy hogs. Re
ceipts have been faiily liberal consid
ering the season of the yeir and liquid-1
ation will doubtless decrease during
the next two months.
Stictp house prices have suffered to
some rxtPt during the last six days,
due to the siow demand on tha part of
the killer. Uood fat mutton la not
finding a very broad outlet, while lamb
values hxve decreased 25 to 50 cents
sine July Prime yearlings 6.25
to 6.60 ewes at $4.00. old wethers at
4.00 to 4.25 and lambs at 6.00 repre
sent extreme quotations.
Saturday. The itinerary, referred to
in thu above, from next Saturday on
Is outlined aa follows:
Saturday, Joly I9th Breakfast "P"
Ranch : Dinner and supper at home
steaders settlements In Catlow
Sunday, July 20tn Breakfast Roaring
Springe; Dinner Plush: afternoon
meeting Adel: Supper Lakeview.
Monday, July 21st Breakfast Lake
view: Dinner and meeting New Pine
Creek; Sapper and meeting Lake
view. Tuesdsy. July 221 Breakfast and
morning meeting Bly: Dinner and
noon rrceting Bonanza: Afternoon
meeting Dairy: Dinner Klamatn
Wednesday, July 23rd Breakfast
Klamath Falls; Dinner and noon
meeting Merril; Dinner and evening
meeting Klamath Kalis.
Thursday, July 24th Resting at liar
riman Lodge, Pelican Bav.
Friday, July 25tb Breakfast and
morning meeting Fort Klamath;
Dinner Corral Springs: Late after
noon meeting Crescent : Supper and
7enlng meeting La Pine.
Saturday, July 26tb Breakfast La
Pine : Dinner and noon meeting Sil
ver Lake: Afternoon meeting Sum
mer Lake; Supper and eveniing
meeting Paisley.
Sunday, July 27th Breakfast Paisley;
Dinner Lake Post Office at Christ
mas Lake: Afternoon meeting Fort
Monday, July 28th Breakfast and
morning meeting Fremont: Dinner
La Pine: Supper and evening meet
ing Bend.
The purpose of this "Flying Squad
Continued on pnge eight
A Near Tragedy Occurs
on N.-C.-O. Near Raven
dale. Reno Journal : The loss of a three-year-old
child from the window of a
northbound N-C.-.O train Saturday,
gave the passengers on the train a
scare because of the near approach of
a tragedy. The matter ended happily,
however, with some tinge of comedy.
Mrs. Ford with five children, boumi
for Madeline, left Keno on train num
ber one. All went well until tho moth
er looked around after the train patted
Kavendale, and found to her horror,
that little Jimmy, tbe youngest waa
missing. She searched the car and the
remaining cars but tailed to rind the
Infant. Ihen she noticed the . open
window near where Jimmy bad been
and hysterica followed.
Outside the car another scene was
enacted. Jimmy had fallen on a soft
mound of sand and aa the train was
traveling only 18 miles an hour he wa
not hurt. lie scrambled to his feet
and commenced the apparently feasible
task of catching the 'rain. A work
man saw tbo little legs traveling rapid
ly trainwarda and Dianaged to attract
attention of the engineer on one of the
curves. The train waa stopoea ana
Jimmy was carried the remaining dis
tance, about a half a mile.
W. M. Matthews, who recently sold
bis place south of Lakeview to F. V.
Cronemlller, left for hit old home in
Illinois few days since. His wtfu
and .laughter preeeedod him a tew
days, while his sun CUrnce will wait
until Fall before returning, lie belt g
at present employed t y Ode Pratt.
All Tariff Debates to De
Closed In Five Weeks
Work to Be Rushed.
The Senate may now proceed to the
business for which President Wilson
called the extra aesaion of Congress
revision of the tariff. Three months
and four days after the special aeasion
began, the Underwood-Simmons tariff
bill was reported. The measure wss
passed upon in committee by a atriot
party vote.
Aa It goes to the Senate the bill re
tains the principal revision of the
House measure and those particularly
advocated bv President Wilson, free
raw .wool and a provision that sugar
shall be free May 1, 1916. '
The finance committee maiority and
tbe caucua have greatly extended the
free list and reduced many rates,
notably in the metal, wool and agri
cultural schedules. Sweeping changes
however, have been made In the ad
ministrative features and the income
tax. Cattle and wheat are now on tbe
free list, the latter with a countervail
ing duty.
I-onper sessions are being held to
complete all debates within five weeks,
if possible. ,
The contest case of John A. Morgan
va. Ctusiplain Fitch, in which it waa
Bought to provejthat the land in ques
tion, the west half of the east half of
section 23 in townxhiD 37 south of
range 20 east, waa non-desert in char
acter, has been derided in favor of
Mr. Fitch by tbe new Commissioner of
the General Land Office, Hon. Clay
Tallmun, recently of Keno. The case
will doubtless be appealed to the
Secertary or toe Interior, by O. C.
Gibbs attorney for Mr. Morgan.
Muc Interest bas been centered in
the esse by resson of the fact that
other deeert !?nd entrymeq have been
somewhat fesrf'jl lest their entries
be contested, and the final outcome of
the Morgan-Fitch case will be watch
ed for by settlers anu desert land en-
Itrvmon ppnprnllu Mure or less antag
onism is said to exist among home
steaders toward entrymen endeavoring
to secure 'and through the desert act,
Wisconsin Cattle May Be
Shipped Hero This Fall,
Says Report.
The dairy cow proposition is a hard
one at present, Fred Hansen having
bought all the "cheap" cows in Calif
ornia. J. W. McCoy, of Klamath
Falls, scoured the State for a carload
of HolsteinB for shipment to Lakeview
but was unable to find them. He
finally bought SI head of two year-old
heifers which will stand him dose to
$75 per bead. These he shipped to the
It ia possible a shipment of dairy
cattle will be made to Lakeview from
Wisconsin during the coming Fall, and
any one interested should leave word
at the Examiner office, it is said that
tbev can be delivered In Lakevlow al
most as cheaply aa thoe bought in
California earlier in the season, and
the expense of pm'chuhing two car
loads would be little if. any more than
a single carload.
"Can ore te a Christian without
joining the Chuich" will ba the third
subject disouKHe'l in Ibo serif of a
Man!" question at the Maaunii: h;:ll
Sunday night. I tho moruii'.g tv.e
subject wili he. "Iniiui nee of Christian
Character " Mood mumfitl program a
both m met. 12 very body welcome.
Tallies Were Feature with
Base Ball Game at Fair-port.
Tbe ball game last Sunday between
the Lakeview and Fairport teams play
ed at the latter ple waa a marathon
Lakeview took 21 trips around the
new diamond and allowed Fairport to
make 11.
It was a game of errors, many of
them excusable, however as result
of the grounds, while the others it Is
said may be attributed to very bad
baseball. It waa evident that Lake
view was not at her best and tbe Fair
port boys showed that the haying
seaon had made inroads on tbe base
ball brawn.
The crowd in attendance at tbe game
was large, nearly 100 people going
from Lakeview, both on the N.-C.-O.
excursion train and by aotos. An ex
cellent dinner was served at the Fair
port Inn, and the day was enjoyably
spent in boating and bathing along tbe
shores of Goose Lake, and this togeth
er with the marathon made it a very
pleasant day.
The Fairport resort will doubtless
prove a great attraction for such ex
cursions In tbe future, and its popular
ity should become troad in extent.
and r. uXTj rcminda one ot the cattle
and sheen war that is said Jo have ex
isted in limes gone oy. In the Mores n
Fitcb case the testimony was both
voluminous and conflicting, and in the
words or tbe Commissioner. "If tbe
opinion end judgment of eome of con
testant's witnesses sre correct, irriga
tion plants in thst locallity are wholly
unnecessary, while tbe testimony of
other witnesses, and the judgment of
Goverment officials, are quite to the
Tbe Department's definition of
"deeert land" is quite different from
that placed upon it by Webster. AS' a
genersl proposition areas where tbe
rainfall is less than 20 inches, success
ful sericulture ia problematical and
even with that amount much depends
upon whether the rainfall is evenly
distributed through the growing seas
on, and in such cases the land would be
classed aa "desert land" within the
meaning of the act.
Will Be a Crime For Red
Skins to Buy or Accept
If the new bill introduce! in Con
gress by Senator Jones, of Washington
becomes a law it is believed that the
frequent arrests in Klamath falls and
on the Klamath Indian Reservation of
men charped with introducing liquor
on the reservation or selling it to
Indians will beuome a thing of tbe past.
This bill impotes a fine of S100 or
i,ix months' imprisonment or both on
any Indian soliciting or accepting
liquor from other persons. The lepis
lation Is intended to strengthen the
law prohibiting the Bale of liquor to
Indians", and bas been found necessary
by several Western grand juries that
recently have hand ltd cases of this
Hy making he Indian us well as the
liuuor teller reauonsible. Senator
Jones believes liquor traffic with Ind
ians can be practically chirked.
ll.irry W. IM- rk'-l, Jr., iMent aun nf
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Drenkel of this
city, whs mai'iut'l to Miss liannuli
Ciorer, i'uIv 12. in Oakland, Calif.
' ivnh. '. r:nerly lived with fcis
iai tuts in Lai i view und tins a number
of friends hue v. bo will ej"ite to
hear of his good fortune.
Lake Sheriff Accidently Comes In Contact
With Bakersfield, (CaL) Jail Breaker and
Returns Him to CustodyPrisoner
Is Very Well Known Here
Sheriff W. B. Snider, of Lake
County, wbo bad already established
for himself a reputation for wielding
the band of justice, added another
feather to his cap Monday of last week
when he arrested Bernard C Sits,
alias B. G. Van Sant at Bend, wbo
broke jail at Bakersfield, Calif, about
a year ago.
Sitz ia a very well known character
locally, be having been located here
four years ago where he was engaged
in the real estate business onder tbe
firm name of tbe 'Tri-State Land
Company." While in this business he
became involved in some shady trans
actions. Later be went to Bakersfield.
wbere he was convicted on a federal
charge for using the mails for fraudu
lent purposes in making ales of lands
io Modoc County, . California. Hia
ease waa appealed to tbe Supreme
Court, and while be was in the Kern
County, California, jail awaiting the
appeal, be broke jail, making a clean
get away, lie wea successful in
evading the officers of tbe law since
until be came in contact with Sheriff
Sruder at Bend.
Mr. Snider, who in company with E.
E. Bret of Portland, w'as enroote to
The Dalles wbere be was going to
receive the Cadillac car receotly pur
chased by George M. Jones, his father-
.in-law. Snider while in tbe dining
' room of tbe Mountain View hotel at
Bend noticed Sitz just as be waa mak
ing bis exit from the room. Only
, getting a side glance at Situ, Snider
was unable to identify bim but bis
suspicions prompted bim to call in the
proDrietor and make inquiry. He was
informed that the man waa Mr. B. U.
Van Sant and that be was representing
a Spokane Realty firm in locating set- i
George Drenkel Succumbs
As Result of Becoming
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Drenkel return
ed Monday ot this week trom Dickin
son, North Dakota, where they were
summoned on account of the illness
of Mr. Drenkel'a eldest brother, who
died tbe same day the Drenkels left
Lakeview. They did riot learn of the
sad news, however, until they wrru
within a few miles ot their destination.
The following obituary is taken in
part from the Dickinson Press :
"George Drenkel died Tuesday even
ing from cerebral hemorrhage, produc
ed by being overheated while at work
In bia machine yard. He was born
April 16th, 1853 in Pennsylvania. His
wife 'died in 1897, but is survived by
four children."
'Ibe youngest child, Miss Altbea.
aged 17, returned with Mr. and Mrs.
II. W. Drenkel to make her borne in
Lakeview, Mr. Drenkel having been
appointed her guardian.
George Drenkel had a large grocery
store and machine yard and was one
ot the most prominent oltizens of Dick-
InBon. Hi body was embalmed and
the funeral awaited until the ar
rival of Mr, and Mrs, Drenkel fiom
Vr. ml I'
now guests of
thiir rrsi t
. . K. nr fird are
Pad" Haryford while
e is undergoing re
i. "Dad" has been in
iLt'inn ppRt, and a
e.v (Ihvs vA.t.e j-iua iarv loo ivtt for
ii vibit in that Stale, leaving "Dad"
tiers in tbe Catlow Valley. Snider
asking if be bsd been passing any
"bogus" checks, tbe Hotel proprietor
stated that he bad lost received one of
bis come bees checks for S50. This
waa convincing to Snider nl nnnn
! farther inquiry he discovered that bia
man was just passing through Itend on
bia way to Spokane, and saw that quick
action was necessary. Learning that
j Sitz waa probably at a garage. Mr.
Snider examined bia trusty gap and
went to the garage wbere be lound the
real Sitz in tbe act of changing bis
boots, getting ready to depart in an
automobile. Snider confrorted his
prisoner, addressing bim and at the
same time covering him with tbe gun.
To Snider's "Hello, Sitz" the respond
came, "Hello Warner." ..
Mr. Snider secured shackles from
tbe officers at Bend, making his prison
er secure, and took bim in tbe aoto to
The Dalles wbere he was lodged in jail
awaiting the arrival of a deputy sher
iff from Bakersfield. Sunday's Ore
gonian states that Siti in company
with the deputy passed through Port
land Saturday last on bis way back to
Sitz ' informed - Snider thai since
breaking jaii be bad been in South
America aa well as in the eastern
states of tnis coantry, but that be
always met different people who knew
bim and knew of his trouble, and found '
it much more unsafe than in Oregon.
He had been connected witn the Spo
kane land firm about three months and
was spending most of bis time in
showing parties over lands in the Cot
low vslley where be considered him
self fairly well excluded from tbe
officers and acquaintances a there is
but little travel through that section.
Says But 1,000,000 Pounds
Now Left In Oregon and
Tbe;i913 wool Season in Oregon bas
come to a close, saya the Portland
Oregonian. Nearly all of the visiting
buyers have left for Montana, the last
public sale iu this state having taken
place last week at Bend. There ia
practically nothing leit in the north
i central part of Oregon, except a few
clips at Shaniko and a few scattered
lots. It is estimated that the amount
consigned by Oregon growers to east
ern markets this year ia 1,750,000
pounds. Prices hare ruled steady, the
bids at the public salea at the close of
the season being almost identical with
those at the opening. Fine wools have
brought from 11 to 14 7-8 cents and
medium wools 15 to 16 centi all over
the atate.
The Oregonian further states that
not over a million pounds ot wool re
mains unsold in tbe two states of Orr
gon and Washington, Apparently the
Oregonian doesn't rigor that Lake
County belongs in that territory, or
else nearly all the crops bave been add
everywhere except in this conty. Con
servative estimates shov that the total
amount of " wool produced in Lake
County this year will exceed 1,250,000
rounds, about50 per cent of which re
mains unsold. Therefore, if we bave
678,000 pounds to sell, in order to
cany out the thsorvjof the Oregonian
theu bit, ti .ly u.t.olv puuiids outuida
of this county in the entire states of
Washington .and Oregon.