Good Values for the Land Seeker $7X0 Per acre (or 320 seres on Thomas Creek, 1 1 miles from Lakeview. $7.50 Per acre for 560 acree on Cottonwood Creek. mile from Lakeview. $10 00 Ver acre for 240 acres on Muddy and. Qottqn wood Creeks, 9 miles from Lakeview. 1 $10.00 Per acre for 80 acres S miles frqm Lakeview, $00.00 Per acre for 240 acres Joining the Q. V. L, Ad. to Lakeview, all la meadow and grain, good water right, farm Imptiraents go with the place, buUd. jogs tost f 3fiO0.PO? easy terms, City Property 93000.00 Fur 7-rooin houf, slot of fruit trees and About 000 acre of choice land close In. Ka,y toruis. (3000.00 Tike, n 7 room bungalow almost new, lot IOOiICO feet good location, Kfty terms. $4000.00 Will buy one of the finest homo In the city. 7-rooin modern bungalow with n flue lot, a biirxaln, don't tninn It. Easy terms. Vacnut loti or sale In different parts of the city from $123.00 op, "IVe So Tie Real Earth" O'NEILL 8 DUNLAP GENERAL REAL ESTATE Lakeview : Oregon Xahc County ramtncr TIIUll.-DAY, JULY 3. 1913. BRIEF MENTION 'Hee Curt it A UUey for good Lake vliiw rwddence. A euHp. W. S. Dupont and II. M. Fleming: of New Tine Creek were Lakeview visit ors) one day last week. The ladles of the M. E. Aid will sell tag tomorrow, July 4th, fur the bene fit of the Methodist Church. Best assortment of toilet goods perfume, soaps, powders, etc. at Sny der & Reynolds Drug Store. K. E. Brett, traveling satesmsn for Cadillao automobiles, arrived hers the first of the week from Portland In a demonstration car. A. E. Bannister of Paisley csme ' down last week and will assist In the K. v. Smith barber shop until atfer the rush of the fourth. TIm hot weather Is here. The Tlwr momi'tpr Is constantly on the Jump so are we. For that reasen we are eelllng Itulnler Beer at the Brewery. Mrs. George. M Jones and Mrs. Dan iel Cronemlller last week departed for Berkeley, Calif. The latter will spend the Summer there with her daughter, Mrs. J. Beach. George M. Jones, a substantial and well known stockman of the Cbewau sn Valley, this week Disced sn order with E. & Brett, of Portland, for a Cadillac car. George Harrow, formerly one of the leasers of Hotel Lakeview, and family Tuesday returned from a few days visit in Warner Valley, where they spent the time on the TV ranches. - The month just paaaed was aaid by old timers to be the wettest June we have had hers in 16 years. Tha total precipitation in the vicinity of Lake view totaled about three inches. Haying on aeveral ranches in the valley will bc started soon after the . .. it.. r - i 1 f uunui Alio prui m vuiiiv pmucs reported as being aomewhat abort but in general will about equal the uaual average Main street along the weat aide of the Herytord Building and the Hayes A Grob Meat Market is being covered with gravel. It makes a decided im provement and one that has been need d for some time. O. T. McKenaree, wool buyer, made a trip to Madeline the first of the week and bought the Brown and Hart lerode wool amounting to 40,000 pounds. He also purchased about 30,- i- uavis ireea. Modoo Republican: Dave Rice the recent benedict, arrived in Alturaa with hla bride Wednesday evening. On their borne coming Mr. Rloe and wife were greeted by s serenade from the Alturaa Band. The occasion waa pleansant one and heartily enjoyed. George Koss yesterdav morning left for Sussnvllle to assist in furnishing musio for the Fourth of July celebra tion at that plaoe. Chaa. Wallace, slide trombone player, was also em ployed by the Alturas bsnd to aid in tha musical program ot the Susanville celebration. Harry Cannon Sunday returned from a abort trip to Surprise Valley with the Information that plenty of rain has fallen in that valley thia sea son and as a consequence good crops of all kinds are assured. He will go to Surprise again soon and remain until after the baying season. The office and produce store of the Liaaeview lransrer 1.0. ana a. l. Porterfleld's scond hand store were re moved into the J. Frankl building, formerly occupied by Ahlatrom Bros, the first of the week, 'lbs building affords smpls room for the two busi nesses, end is a great improvement their former locations. Sunduy'a (Jregonian oontained a pic ture of the graduating class of the Lskevlew High School. Those shown In the reproduction ars : O. M. Gard ner, superintendent of schools: Misa Fletcher. English teacher: James Bur cass. Willard Isenhart. Fred Cronemll ler, Lura Snyder. May U'Bhea. Margie Bernard, Kate Rebart and Edith Ogle. ttx-Kegiater A. W. Orton of the U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, and wife Tuesday departed in their aoto m f r I . . . II- . .1 . i I I lor mamam raus wnera mey win re main thia week.fjand during whioh time Mr. Orton will be initiated in the order ot B.P.O. Elks, he. having been elected to the order several weeks. They will go from there to Portland where they expect to remain permanently:. t your prefume and toilet artlclea at vder & Reynolds Drug 8 tore. L. D. Krakes Tuesdsy cams over from the 7T ranch In Warner Valley. The new regulation allowing paree post pscksges to be sent C.O.D. went Into effect July 1st. The Moore-Ethler Dramatic Com pany la filling an engagement In Susan ville during the Fourth week. Duke Bennett this week psssed through Lakeview enroute to Warner Valley from Santa Ross, Calif. Don't forget to atop at the Banting corner to get Ice cream on the Fourth. Served by ladies aid of the Piesbyter Ian Church. For Sale The Walters Reitdeoce. Cor. Bullard and Walters St. 0 rooms, Lot 133x252 feet, terms givex. W. P. Paine ft Co., Agta. Jy 3-tf An awning ia help? placed along the aouth and weat of ti.e Heryford Build ing, over the lower windowa of the Lakeview Mercantile Co. A merger ot the Hotel Hall and the White Pelican at Klamatb Falls has been completed and Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Hall now manage bote hotels. The hot weather Is here. The Ther mometer Is constantly on the Jump so are we. For that reason we are selling Rainier Beer at the Brewery. George Reld returned to town last week from the Mannel Swartz abeep oamp where he baa been the past eight months. He will remain until after the celebration. Miss Fletcher snd Mrs. White, teachera in the Lakeview High School, have returned from a ahort viait and vacation spent on the Foster ranch at Summer Lake. James Goode, the Boston wool buyer, this week reports tbs purchases of tbo Jonas Norln and D. P. Brown crops. Tha former clip amounted to 15,000 pounda, and the latter 20,000.; Miss Ida Fletcher, one of ths Lake view High School teachera, thia morn ing departed for Berkeley, Cal. where abe will attend Summer School until school reopens here in September. Auto Stage to New Pine Creek, leaves Lakeview every Monday, Wed nesday and Saturday mornings at 10 o'clock. Fare, round trip, $3.50; one way, $2.00. 8ou tha tone Bros. J12-tf The Alturas Plaindealer Issues the following optimistic prophesy on the Lakeview Fourth of July celebration: "Citizens of Lakeview ars working bard to make their 4th ot luly celebra tion one grand success, and they will dolt, too." The town council held their regulsr monthly meeting Tuesday evening In the city hall. A petition, signed by a number of tax payers in the Walters' Addition, was presented to the city dada asking them to mske some needed improvements in Bullsrd street lead ing through that addition. From all press reports ws learn that the rain which continued here all of last week was general all over the atate, especially in ths eastern 'pert In Urn still a County and other north eastern counties much damsge was done to grain crops, wheat fields being teaten down by wind and rain. Clark & Oualey, the cement workers, are laboring industriously to get the band atand completed for use during the celebration. The stand would have been finished Some time ago bad the work not been delayed by rain, but in dications bid fair that the work will bs dons regardleaa of these obstacles. Word bas been received that H. H. Hahn, of thia city who left here a few weeks alnce, died last week at Myrtle Creek, Douglaa County, Ore gon. Hejwss lnpoornealth wheiiflesving here, and hia death waa attributed to heart trouble. Ha is survived by a wifs and three daughtera all ot this place. The remains were interred at Myrtle Creek. Wm., Jamea and John Barker, all well known and former Lakeview resi dents, recently returned here to remain indefinitely after spending the Winter in Douglas County, Oregon. Tbs Bar ker boys are very uaeful In making arrangements tor Fourth of July cele brations and as a consequence their assistance has been "rang" in on var ious features of ths coming program. Ralph Farlier, an employe at ths Drews Creek dam, Wedneaday after noon met with an accident which resulted in the fracture of a leg. He was riding on the running geers ot a wagon when hia foot in aome way became caught between the hind wheel and a rock, causing instant frac ture of . the limb. Dr. U. U. Smith was called from Lakeview to reduce the wound. R. B. Jsckaon of Paisley waa tiana acting business In the County Seat Tuesday. Nee Clark A Ousley for cement work of all kinds. Special price given for short time. Phone 832. J 13-tf Mrs. Gsorgs Storkmsn and little son returned Saturday evening from Port land where she had been on a visit. - Cottonwood Lnmher Co. High grade, yellow pine lumber. All klnda of dressed lumber on band. J12-3m Get something for your money at tbs Fourth at the Bunting lot just below the court bouse. F. A.Fitxpatrlck 'and family yester dsy came down from the ZX ranch in Cbewaucan and will likely remain in town until atler the Fourth. James Heryford Jr., who owns a rsncb In the lower end of Surprise Valley near Eagleville, is in Lskevlew this week to spend the Fourth. LOST Ladies open face, silver, en graved watch aud Kld fob. Finder return to Dick KlngHlev. (Jreen Gar den Rooming Uoutte aud receive re wad. Jy3-2t Mrs Nettie Sherlock and daughter, Ena, Monday returned to their home si. Paisley after apending a few days In Lakeview, guests at Hotel Lake view. Joe Howard waa in town Monday from hia ranch in Drews Valley pur chasing machinery and supplies, gett ing ready for the haying season which will soon beam. I For Bale Cheap Three buggiea, one rubber tire, with set of barnse; one phaetou almoet new, and one single sent buggy. Enquire Wm. Harvey, Lakeview, Oregon. W. M. Meek has puchased from H. W. Urenkel two lots on South Flower St eet in the Drenkel Addition, anl expects to build a house of cement blocks on the property this coming Fall. O. Mowers, the Sacramento horse dealer who has been spending several days In this section, last week sold and delivered a fine black Percberon stallion to a company of West Side farmers. U. S. Mad Auto Stage Leaves Lskevlew for Paisley every day ex cept Sunday, at 7 a. in. ' Paseengtra please book at Joe Fuller'a stage office. Fares, one way $3 00; round trip, $10 00. Soutbatone Broa. J12-tf David T. Jones last week returned from Klamatb Falls a full fledged Elk, he having had a set of antlers fitted while in that city. Incidentally he stated that he had a good trip and thinks that Klamath Falls ia all right. W. H. Davenport, general agent of the Western PaoiUc with headquarters in San Francisco, spent a few daya in Lakeview last week on a tour of in spection and incidentally looking for prospective tusiness. This was his second trip to Lakeview and ia con vinced that this country surely im p roves with tims. Frank Roberta and Mr. Callahan ar rived here Tuesday from Sanoma County, Cal. They are extensive stock growers and are selling blooded Durham bulla, and are looking for a location for a thoroughbred atockfarm in this section. Tbey are now in War ner Valley making an inspection of that part of the county. Jack Johnson, convicted of white slavery, out on appeal of bond bas made good bis escape from the United States for the time being at least. He went to Montreal, from whioh place he could not be extradited nor de ported, Inasmuch as bis case is not ex traditable Irom Canada. He claimed to be enroute to Ruasia where he has acoepted an offer to tight next Septem ber. Doctors. J. La Rus Robinson snd Morrison ot Reno, Nevada, spent last Friday in Lakeview. The former waa kept very busy throughout the day, having assisted Drs. Smith and Everett perform an operation upon J. U. Car rol In ths morning and spending the remainder of the day in the office ot Dr. Everett fitting a number of pa tients with eye glssses. They 'returned home Ssturdsy. At tbs Presbyterian services in Mssonlo hsll the coming Sundsy even ing Rev. Ueo. A. Crswtord will begin a series of ten Sunday night sermons on "Religious Questions Modern Men Are Asking." The first of the oeriea will be: "How msy 1 know there 1$ a God." In the morning at 11 o'clock the subjeet will be: "Hypocrisy.' A good musical program , has been arranged for both these services in cluding both vocal and Instrumental selections. How about your new suit for the big time the Fourth of July. Lots of 'em at Merc. Co. Born, nesr Psisley, Oregon, June 25, 1913, to Mr. snd Mrs. Frsnk Cannon, s ten pound baby girL L. R. Holbrook, a sheep grower, yesterday came over from Vlstlllss to remsin a few days in town. , For Rent or Sale Sewing machines latent styles, lowest prices. II. B Aljjer, first door east of Photo Cal .ry. tf U. M. Albee and W. L. Treweek were here from Reno the first of the week representing the Penn Mutoal Life Insurance Co., of Philadelphia. Mrs. Fred Grob, mother of W. P. Grob of this city, arrived Isat week from her home st Dorrls, Cel., on sn extended visit with her son snd family. The hot weather is here. Tbe Ther mometer la constantly on ttu Jump so are we. For that reason we are selling Rainier Beer at tbe Brewery. A bomber of tbe local gonsmen are practicing trap shooting these even ings. Betting ready for tbe shoot here Sundsv sfternoon with the Alturaa Gun Club. 1 have taken charge of the Bunt ing Rooming House and will operate in conjunction with Colorado Cafe. Rooms with or without board. C E. Lonsway. Jy 3-1 m Govsrnor Dunne has signed tbe leg islative act enfranchising 1,600,000 women in the atate of Illinois. This doubles tbe number of voting women in tbe United States. All boys in town between the ages of 6 and 14 years are requested to meet at the court house Friday morning at 9 o'clock to arrange for tbe Patriotic Para-te wbieb starts at 9:30 o'clock from the court bouse. The Alturaa New Era reports that H. B. Hale, a retired sheepman of Chico, Cal., spent several days in that section last week and while there pur chased t vo carloads of thoroughbred bucka from Walter Sherlock. Tbe FtRock correspondent to the SilverLake Leader states that a gen eral rain fell over that valley Saturday night, June 29, and that up to Tueaaay noon of last week the precipitation in the north end waa one-half inch. : A Nevada publisher is very, anxious to learn of the whereabouts of F. M. Swan, of the Yankee Doodle Show, ! which was in Lakeview recently. He states that the show man owes him for a printing bill and money. Any information sent to Drawer B, Mina, Nevada, will be appreciated. j Mrs. W. P. Heryford and eon Felix Monday morning left for California on a visit. Felix came to Lakeview aeveral weeks since, hoping that the change would prove beneficial to bis heslth and for a time he did feel bet ter. But last week he suffered a re lapse and on the advice of bis physi cian be sought a lower altitude. A. C Willey and son, Dick, stock men of Eagleville, Cal., arrived here Tuesday evening having driven up in a Huptnobile. Mr. Willey Sr. ia well known In Lakeview and at one time was engaged in business here with bis father. They went to Alturas yesterday afternoon on their return home. Loyd Morris and Miss Little Pratt were married last Sunday at tbe Bap tist parsonsge in this city, the Rev. A. F. Simmons officiating. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Pratt of this city, and the groom is tbe eldest sou ot Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morris, who conduct a dairy larm in Camaa Prairie, where the newly mar ried couple will make their home. Col. Light and A. L. Thornton, who have charge of the Grand Patriotic Parade tomorrow, wish to lay particu lar atress upon notifying all boys in town between the sges of 6 and, 14 yesrs to gather at the court bouse square in the morning at nine o'clock. This also appliea to the girls who have been selected to take part in tbe par ade. The boys esn wear any kind of uniforms or clothes they desire. Since the night train service out of Bend to Portland over the Oregon Trunk line, whioh schedule was inaug urated last week, it is possible for people of Lakeview to reach Portland in 24 houra. By leaving here in an auto early one morning, driving to Bend in one day, the following morn ing you can be In Portland. In fact one could spend an entire day in Port land and only be absent from Lake view three days. The change In train service will doubtless prove very popu lar and beneficial In a finanoial way to the line. CONCRETE WORK Contract taken for all kind1 of Concrete and Cement Work Sceptic Tanks, Walks and Foundations a Specialty Cemetery Work, such as Vaults, Curbs and Fencing Phono 832 CLARK & OUSLEY Pnone 832 An Extra Pair of Pants An Extra Pair of Pants with every order for either a suit or coat and pants, in a handsome line of patterns, made by H. M. Marks & Co. of Chicago. This offer is open until July 1st. We are giving a liberal discount on all other tailor lines, including Alfred Ben jamin's and Wanamaker & Brown's. This is the time to get that Summer Suit. Better look them over. Britten & Erickson Important to Shoppers! When shopping, remember the store that carries the largest and best stock of merchandise in Southern Oregon is located in your own town of Lake view, and every dollar spent here helps to build up your town and surrounding country. When in need of anything, let us figure with you We Want Your Trade and will treat you the best we know how. We are showing a new line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Tub Dresses, all sizes, and, at very moderate prices. Also Ladies' and Mis ses Spring Suits and Coats. We will compare prices with any house in this line. Nice line' of Ladies Waists in Lawns and Morquesettes. Summer Dress Goods in endless variety of pat terns. Full line of Furniture, Crockery, Wall Paper, Hard ware, Groceries, Etc., Etc. Lakeview Mercantile Co.