Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 03, 1913, Image 2

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Lakeview Saddlery
A complete line of r t fll Everything In the
wagon ami buRg) i ' ' It ' le
harness, whips, It; V and horse furnish-
rohes.blU.rUtea, 1 V t Impairing
spursqullts.rose- I X ". '" , bT competent
ettoa, etc., etc. I A -' j l m'n
Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM
Our Complete Tract Index
Insures! Accuracy, Promptness and Retability
Such an Index istbe ONLY KtLMBLE system from which an
Abstract can be made, showing: all defects of title.
We Also Furnishl jRSKSSS
DailyJService Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays
No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 8:35 P. M.
No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 7:05 A. M.
Daily Except Sunday
Pullman & Uuffett&ervice Between Lakeview and Reno
We Sell,
Lease or
How about that real estate you
have been trying to sell for years. We
can find a purchaser, or sell any other
kind of property you may have to offer.
We handle real estate of any kind
anywhere, and will guarantee satisfac
tion. Our services are at your disposal.
In Any
Part of
Lake or
Perhaps you have been looking for
a farm, ranch, city realty, a summer home
or a business to engage in. If you wish
to buy, lease for grazing or any other
purpose tell us what you want and
where you want it. We will find it for
you and buy or lease it at a price that
will please you.
f We will be glad to supply detailed
information to anyone interested in
buying, selling or leasing realty of any
description. Blanks for buying, selling
or leasing property may be had on ap
plication at this office. Send for a com
plimentary! copy of our listed property
and terms.
Curtis & Utlcy
Lakeview - . Oregon
cm A
I Wlirn manure la thrown on the land
J In I'Ik. Iih id chunks It may b ulil to
Im for those spot worxa than no fer
tiliser at all. It In rlKtit here tint tho
efficacy of the manure spreader comes
In. It breaks tho immure up duet and
scatter It evenly.
Genua revel In a dirty hog trough or
umlcan eair pull or milk pall. It Is
worth remembering that those aft ma
porim are the aKcnctca that make all
kinds of trouble with the anlmala or
folka t lint hare to use these uteualla.
Frequent scalding la a dimple and ef
fective wj of knocking tha gorrtia.
Thla matter mum not ba reprinted with
out special peruitsston.J
It la worth remembering that tba
horaea will ent up clean tha clover
tenia left by tha dairy cowa.
We have often stood In great admira
tion of tha housewife who will dig
dandelions for a faintly of hungry peo
pie and In pre paring them for tha ket
tle look over every leaf to ace that
there Is not a bug or worm on It. Wa
talk about tba pndenca of Job, but thla
dandelion business aceina to put him
In tba abode.
They don't ulteb up six dollar a
year loud reutala and the otio year
land aklnnlug aystetu of farm leasing.
Lakeview Steam Laundry
We give efficient service and do
good work. Send your
washing and give
us a triaJ.
We are now readjr to roll our ttarley at any time
There may be good money In akunl;
farming, but the writer baa do hanker
ing to get rich In following thla voca
tion. Sow amall patch of rape near the
chicken yard. It will furnish green
food for the fowl until Thanksgiving
time and after.
Silo experience polnta to the fact that
It la worth while having one of these
food preservers If oue'a dairy consist
of alx or more cowa.
While cokta and horaea get along
Orst rate without vegetablee aoch as
applea or carrots. It la nevertbeleaa
true that they relish them greatly.
The person wbo contemplatea buying
an automobile should be well enough
died financially ao that be will not
need to get bla "gas" and lubricating
oil on Uck.
Turning stock into the aweet clover
pasture early not only gets them used
to the legume when It la tender, but
they become accustomed to Its bitter
taste when preen food Is scarce and
they are not overfastldlous.
It la time to put up the bouse for
the purple martins and the clgnr box
or can uncW-r the rave for the wreaa.
In both Instances tin- umradeHlilp of
these Hue birds will more than pay for
Um trouble of trlviui: tliem a place
"Where they may lay their young."
Oruis f TutH-n-uioiiM are killed hv
exposure to direct Minllirlit for a pe
rlod of ten iiiiimti-M Tin i the chief
reason why the best medical iiuthorl
ties ure -o strniivly thai tnliervular
patients iM-mit. In t'.:e sunshine us nwh
aa pofHihle It I !" eheiipest na well
aa the lN-st tonic Hud medicine for this
Experience with corn for alio pur
poses baa shown that a maximum
value of feed from the standpoint of
both grain and stalk la a ecu red If there
la an average stand of four stalks to
tba bill. For grain purposes only,
three stalks give the beat results on
toll that Is fertile and put and kept In
jood physical condition.
In some atates a fine as high aa $100
Is provided as a penalty for the dock
ing of horses' talis. A similar law
should be passed In every state. While
this practice Is supposed to be follow
ed particularly by those who want to
keep up with the style, it Is. neverthe
less, a heathenish and barbarous cus
tom and one that In all decency and
humanity ought to be completely done
way with.
A friend who has a fine five acre
patch of alfalfa is going to use it as a
bog pasture this season, believing that
rt. coupled with the corn which he has.
will furnish a chup us well as u bal
anced ration. There could be no bet
ter combination The only thing that
needs to be guurded against Is the
matter of overpusturiiiK this traet, a
thing that there might be quite a
temptation to do.
The pretty well fixed notion that flax
Is bard on the soil Is not borne out by
modern agricultural science or experi
ence The bad reputation which flax
seems to have acquired Is not rhnrgea
ble to any fcCfe-t the flax Itself bad. but
to a fungus (viiti disease coming from
the flax which affected following crops
It has been found that when precau
tious are taken to prevent these plant
diseases crops following flax Cu well,
especially wheat and corn.
The craving which many folks have
for greens In the spring Is a very nat
ural and wholesome one and should
be satisfied when possible, as the
greeus. Including dandelions, mustard,
beets, and the like, contain Iron and
other salts thut form an excellent ton
ic. The writer doesn't know of any
more appetizing form In which medi
cine amy be taken than in the shape
of greens cooked with a nice bock of
ham or chunk of salt pork.
Many a child Is considered dull and
stupid by both parents and teuchera,
when the truth Is that the child Is re
tarded by luleni ld growths la the
nasal cavity, which compel breathlug
through the month, la troubled with
deafness and cannot hear what Is said
In school or has defective vision and
caunot see well Id many Instances
ailments of these kinds may be cor
rected In r.'-opcr treatment, and thla
pareuts uir.'ht to provide if they prize
the future welfure of their children.
The patch of garden that la not to be
planted until early to June would bet
ter be left until nearly that time be
fore being plowed for the reason that
myriads of surface weeds that have
been germinated will b killed by the
late plowing, while the ground will be
a good deal mellower than It would tie
If plowed early and allowed to settle
following heavy ralna.
Penalty on Taxes Increas
ed Each Month After Be
coming Due
One city man whose case the writer
noted the other day rented seven acree
of land aud put It Into horseradish. la
October wheu ha harvested bis crop ha
bud twelve tons aud 400 pounds of the
root. Ills expenses. Including rental,
preparation of the soil, boraeradlali
sets ami harvest expense waa $242.
The crop brought htm $73 per ton, or
$111. leaving a uet profit of M75.
Many lauds do not give good results
In the growing of clover and alfaira
because they need sweetening with
lime. When the need of this treat
ment Is Indicated by testing with blue
litmus, which Is exposed to the soil
for a couple of hours aud turna red.
from a ton to a ton and a half of fine
ly ground llinestoue should be applied
and harrowed In. or It may be applied
with manure.
For the past three years the Massa
chusetts experiment station has been
testing out tho question of the Inter
ference of alfalfa roots with system
of tile drain. It was fouud that when
nothing was done to prevent It the
roots seriously clogged the tile, but
that the roots could be kept out of the
drains by covering the tile at the time
of Inying wltb excelsior or sawdust
soaked wltb creosote.
Tboe wbo have not found It out by
their own exjicrlence will be Interested
In knowing that, while a tent la a very
hot place during the daytime when
the sun la shining. It becomes a re
markably cool place just aa soon aa
the sun Is set. There Is something In
connection with the rapid radiation of
the heat from a tent that brings this
about Resides this, a teut will be per
fectly ventilated during the night with
out a direct wind blowing through It
Many a bow Is farrowing litters of
dead or weakly pigs these days sim
ply because she has not been given
proper bousing and fi-ed during the
weeks that have preceded this ordeal
The trouble Is usually trncuable to the
fact that she baa not been given sufli
dent hone and muscle building food
or has been given too much ollmeal.
Just a little care exercised In regard
to the sow's bill of fare will save a
lot of trouble and also a big losa In
little pigs
Some Interesting facts have been
brought out as a result of some ex
haustive statistical data which buve
been gathered by representatives of
the nnlmal husbandry bureau of the
federal department of agriculture rela
tive to the prolificacy of two of the
leading breeds of hogs Poland C'blnaa
pud Uiiroe-Jerscys. It was fouud that
In 21.C"2 litters of the latter breed the
average number of pigs per litter waa
rj:M. while with the former breed .V),
000 Utters reported showed an uverage
of a trifle less than 7..1 pigs per litter.
Chemical analysis shows that a ton
of corn silage contains 344 pounds of
digestible nutrients that Is, food ele
ments that can be used by an animal
for maintenance, growth or milk pro
duction, lu one ton of timothy hay
there are llTii pounds of digestible nu
trients. This means that timothy hay
contains more than two and a half
times us much lu food elements as
sllago. Therefore. If timothy Is worth
$10 a ton, silage would be worth a
trifle less than 4 per ton Hut It la
well to remember that the same acre
of land which produces a ton of timo
thy will yield ten tons of silage.
A horse that the writer noticed bitch
ed the other day seemed well ulgb
frantic with some skin trouble, prob
ably mauge. which Is caused by a
minute animal that tunnels just be
neath tho surface of the skin, where
it lays Its eggs and where the young
are batched When a horse la thus af
flicted the following treatment should
be given: Apply soft soap to the af
fected parts, letting It stay on for about
three hours. The soap should then be
washed off. the skin allowed to dry
and one of the following treatments
given: Bathe the entire surface of the
skin wltb any one of the standurd
coal tar dips diluted with water to the
proper strength or bathe the skin with
common engine oil In each gallon of
which four or five ounces of sulphur
have been mixed If the case of mange
Is severe the treatment should be re
peated lu about ten days.
Aa there are a number of changes
In the new tax law enacted by tha 1913
legislature which affect the 1912 tax
es, tha following la reprinted for the
benefit of tax payers. All taxes col
lections after January 1, 1914 will ba
turned over to the treasurer olllre,
excepting tha delinquent list, which
collections will remain with the sher
iff. Taxoa legally levied and charged In
any year ahall bo paid before the 1st
day of April following. If the taxes
against any particular parcel of real
property, nr tha taxes on personal
, property charged against any hidivld
, ual, Arm, corporation or association.
I are not paid before the 1st day of
April, penalties ahall ba charged on
such taxea and added to and collected
with the aame ai follows:
1. A penalty of one per cent on alt
' taxea paid on or after said 1st day of
April and before the 1st day of May
, following,
i 2. A penalty of two per cent on all
taxea paid on or after said 1st day of
May and before tha 1st day of June
3. A penalty of three per cant on
all taxea paid on or after the 1st day
of J una and before the 1st day of July
4. A penalty of four per cent on all
taxea paid on or after the let day of
July and befora the 1st day of Aaguat
5. A penalty l Hva per cent on all
taxea paid on or after the 1st day of
August and before the 1st day of Sep
tember following.
Provided, that ona-half of tha taxea
against any particular psroel of real
property, or of tha taxea on perannal
prooerly charged against any Individ
ual, firm, corporation or .association,
I may ba paid before . the laid 1st day
of April, In which event the penalties
aperlfied In this section ahall apply to
and be col looted with tha remaining
I one half ol inch taxea. to ba paid prior
i to the aald 1st day of September fol
lowing. All taxot remaining unpaid
on tha said 1st dy of September shall
1 become delinquent. Upon all taxra ao
delinquent there shall ba charged and
collected a penalty of 10 par cent and
interest at tha rata of 12 per rent per
' annum on such taxes from the day on
; which they Income delinquent until
their payment.
Thla means that all anrond half pay
ment which, under tha old law could
be paid before the first Monday In
October, will under the nw law, have
to ba paid before the first day of Sep
tember, and further, that Interest at
the rate of one per cent per month
from the 1st day of April will hsva to
be paid on all surh second half pay
ments. It persons who are paying the second
half of their taxra will take notice ot
tha above and remit tho correct
amount, a great deal of trouble ami
delay will be avoided.
There la a sh.vIiik (bat "rapid eat
ing I alow suicide." II you have form
ed the habit (iteiltlug too rapidly you
are most likely mifleru.g Irnin ludlgvn-
Ion or constipation, which will result
eventually In anions IIIiickm unions cor
rected. IHgyMion begins in the uiouta.
Food should In thoroughly masti
cated ami liiHiilvlattl Then when you
buve a fullness of the stoumcli or leel
dull and stupid alter eating, take one
of Chiiiiibeiinlu's TslilcL. Many ervtvrit
cne of atoinach trouble and consti
pation have Ix-rti cured by the use of
tliene tablet. They arc rosy to t.'ikc
and most agreeable In effect. Sold by
all dealers.
obtainable. We never sacrifice quality to make low
prices. We use the utmost caie in selecting our
meats and see that they are properly kepc for the
short time they remain in our store. Our prices arc
not high. We don't try to give as little as possible
lor the money but just as much as possible. A trial
order will convince you that what we ad v-ertise is true
Goose Lake Valley Meat Company
R. E. WINCHESTER, Proprietor
WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED a car of extra
Star "A Red Cedar Shingles and Red (Doug
las) Fir Flooring and Ceiling. We also carry a
complete line of California White Pine, Rustic, Floor
ing, Ceiling, Mouldings, Shiplap, Rough Dimesnion
and Boxing, in fact everything in the lumber line
used in a building, and our prices are right. .
Come in and let us talk over that building you
are intending to build; maybe we can help you with
it and we know we can save you some money.
pSe?2C2enter st' Lakeview, Ore.
Productiveness demonstrated by growing
crops. Lands surround new town
of Spring River. Best In
vestment In Lake
Dodson Realty Company
Lake County Examiner