Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 03, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 27
Difficult Task Deciding
Best Lawn Among; Many
Good Ones
The prizes offered for the best kept
lawn and the beat now lawn In Lake
view by the Ladies Civic Improvement
Club weie awarded Tuesday. Mra. J.
A. King received a prise ot 16.00 for
the beat lawn, and Jamea Judge 12.50
for the bent new lawn. The judges
were: Mra. Mower, of Los Angeles;
K. L. Williams, of Sacramento and
A. F. Hathaway of San Franclaeo.
All the judgei were outalde and die
Interacted partlea and awarded the
prizes impartially. They atated, how
ever, that thia waa no easy task aa
tnere were ao many nice lawna, both
Id and new that it took considerable
thought and olscusslon to determine
who were entitled to the prlzea. The
fact that ao many of the new lawna
were aown lata in inne maife them
ineligible in the conieata aa they are
jual coming through the ground and
not sufficiently advanced to determine
their quality.
Mra. King donated ber prize to the
Lakeview Library Association, which
wat very oommendabla and evidenced
the fact that ahe truly appreciatei
Uie worth of the inititution to the
New Land Office Official
Quickly Grasps Insight
To Work
Prof. J. F. Burgess Tuesday morn
ing entered upon hia dutiea aa register
of the United States Land Office, and
the Dublic business haa in no way Buf
fered fcy reason thereof. The professor
ia rapidly gaining an insight into the
routine dutiea of the office, Jand will
shortly be able to give the land seeker
full Information concerning the require
ments of the Department. The new
register ia a very pleasant gentleman
and fully realizes the importance of
hia position, and therefore visitors to
the office will alway be treated cor
dially and with the utmost rexpect.
Prof. Burgess will prove a painstaking
and accommodating official, hia past
record as principal of the Lakeview
Schools attesting that fact.
Reason For Gloom
The Modoc Republican: E. Arato
lad, Felix Leonl and another whose
name slipped away, went to New fine
Creek Sunday on the Lakeview Exeur
aion. Eliaa said he did not have a
good time at all. lie had a headache,
got wet and several other troubles
.came to him but I either did'nt under
stand what they were or have forgot
ten. He ia the onlv ono that we heard
say he did not have a good time on
the trip. Of course he did not go on
to Lakeview, and that accounts tor the
gloomy report."
Hard Work for Congress
Washington, June 30. (Special to the
Examiner) Official Washington will
have something to do besides going to
the ball games after the glorious fourth
ia past and gone. Congress will by
that time have got down to a hard
grind again, with the Senate ding
donging away at the tariff bill and
probably the House very much engros
sed with the banking and currency
There ia little attempt to conceal the
fact that Congress doea nut relish the
task of revising the currency laws this
summer. Washington ia not famed for
t the aalubrlty of Ita summer climate.
A temperature of 100 degrees is not
uncommon here, and the Congressmen
are nut keen about remaining here dur
ing the dogs days. But if the country
expresses an anxiety that the financial
system uf the country be referred at
this session, Congress will bow to the
verdict and buckle down to work.
Mrs. Frank Schmidt, who with her
husband lives on a ranch lo the north
ern part uf the vallev, Tuesday morn
ing departed for her former home in
St. Joseph, Mo., on an extended visit.
Senator Lane Votes Free;
Chamberlain Contends
For Duty
Free raw sugar in 1916 and free raw
wool now are established in the tariff
revision bill, having been approved
last week by the dem'crstlc caucus
of the senate after a two dsy'a fight.
The sugar schedule, as reported by the
majority memters of the senate finance
committee, and practically as it passed
the house, waa approved by vote of
40 to 6. Free, wool, aa submitted by
the maiorlty and just aa it passed the
house, swept the senate caucua by a
vote of 41 to 6. The Oregon senators
divided in the caucua on both measures,
Senator Lane voting for both free
wool and tree sugar, while Senator
Chamberlain contended for a duty on
Senator Lane addressed the caucus
briefly, urging democrats to show no
fsvoritiam to any industry and urging
them to make the greatest reductions
on the products of manufacturers or
producera who have been watering
their stock, who bsve been employing
loreigners to force down the price of
labor and who have fixed arbitrary and
exorbitant prices for consumers. Sen
ator Chamberlmn ail not make any
formal addreia to the caucus, but con
tented himself with registering his
vote. Now that the caucua has scted,
Chamberlain will let up in his fight
for a duty on wool and will abide by
the caucus' decision and vote for free
wool, together will all the western
democrats who weie defeated. Hia
vote against free sugar waa largelv by
way of bargain with the Louisana
Senators, and he will vote for! free
augar when the bill comes up for final
The democratic caucua also deter
mined to put cotton sewing thread on
the free list. .
Settlement In Eastern
Oregon Shows What May
Be Done
In the following editorial the Port
land Telegram givea some pertinent
advice and suggestions, and if follow
ed would prove of especial interest
and advantage to this county.
"We have a report uf the success of
the first Jewish agricultural colony to
bo establiatied in Eastern Oregon,
f ifteen uut of twentv familiea making
the venture less than a year ago are
permanently established, with their
iarms stocked, their crops in and
everything set for a profitable harvest.
There is contentment, and industry
and thrift and credit, and a new hope
ful and thriving community formed
where no community existed before.
Measured by the activities of tbee
people and their resulta there is just
that much more wealth in process of
creation, and just that much more op
portunity availed for the ultimate
building up of the state. Take it all
around thia report presents us with a
most encouraging faot.
"And there ia something of a moral
in the situation for people of other
nationalities in Oregon, and for those
who are seeking in public capacity to
Induce European Immigration of the
best claaa for the cultivation of Oregon
land and the building of Oregon com
munities. There is a veritable empire
in this atate that offers for the repeti
tion of just auch colonization enter
prise: and in those regions of the atate
where auch colonies must first exist
largely in the pioneer sense, it is upon
the whole better that they should be
composed of distinot nationalities.
There Is more nelgbborlinesa and more
contentment under such conditions,
and a greater inclination to hjp each
other over tha diffluultiei to
the planting of new communities.
The Je imi people have set a good
example, and tnu value of it will de
pend upon the extent to whK:h others
emulate It.
Patriotic Parade Begins at 9:30 O'CIock,
Followed By Exercises and Program on
Grounds at Leehman Place
Contains Many Features
Tomorrow, morning at sunrise the
national ealuta will be sounded, an
noucing the beginning of the celebra
tion of Independence Day in Lakeview.
Nothing ia being left undone by the
committee heads uf the various feat
urea of the proersm to insure the suc
cess of the affair, as well as the
carrying out of a safe, sane and pat
roitio celebration. A particular effort
is being made to provide amusement
and entertainment for the visitors and
show them a spirit of welcomeness
thst will prompt tneir return upon
future occasions. It is the intention
to have all the entertainment possible
devoid of expense and graft, and if
any such thlnga are exercised the
visitors may rest assured that it was
not instituted by the promoters of the
celebration, and will be in now way
for its beneBt as all expenses for sucb
were met by the business men of the
The following Is given as the official
program, which, of course, is subject
to deviation in minor details but not
in general. Such will be the esse
doubtless in the event of sports, but
this psrt of the program will be es
pecially Strang and will permit of
various stunts being pulled -off out of
J their order, as it were, and thus In
,'sure "something doing every min
ute." -
National Salute at Sunrise.
9:30 Patriotic Parade, Lee Beell,
Grand Marshal. (The parade will
be formed at the east side of the
Court House square, going to the
Post & King corner, thence west to
the Lakeview Uarage, thence aouth
to the end of Main street, crossing
and coming to grounds on Leehman
property on Water Street.)
10:30 Exercises at Grounds on Leeh
man Propertv.
Music by Darnell's Band.
C a 1 1 f o r n I a Parties May
Take Over Remaining
Stock In Big Ranch
One of the most important real es
tate dtals to transpire locally in some
time was consummated this week
when F. M. Miller, cashier ot the
Bank of Lakeview, sold his entire in
terest in the 7T ranches and at"k in
Warner Vallev to J. C. Mitchell of
Hamilton City, Calif., who is a mem
ber of the Grsyaon-Owens Co , whole
sale 6tock buyers of Oakland. The deal
waa closed by wire, and it is reported
that it represents an amount of about
While this transaction transfers one
of the controlling interests in the
company, it it sold that It means no
changes in the business or manage
ment of the holdings.
Tuesday afternoon Messrs. Truman
and McDaniels and Mrs. Truman, of
Williams. Calif., and who are inter
ested with Mr. Mitchell, arrived by
way of Klamath Falls and went lo
V ari'er Valley iri company with Mr.
Miller aid John Kose of this pluce.
These gentlemen cktnc up to make
an inspection of the 7 T property with
a view of purchairg the remaining
stork which is owned r.y R. Dly, D.
P. Browne. Dun Malloy, J. D. Hery
ford ai d F. P. t une, of Lakeview.
The rinch and property consists of
about 1200 acics of laid and ruroerousj
cattle and nurses aid is (ne of the
biggest stock builnessta in this county.
President of the Day, Dr. Ber
nard Daly.
Invocation, Rev. George A. Craw
lord. Music by Chorus, Dr. E. H. Smith,
Reading of Declaration of Inde
pendence, Herbert P. Welch.
Music by Darnell's Band.
Music by Chorus.
Oration, Daniel Boone.
Music by Band.
Benediction, Rev. H. Smith.
12:00 M. Free Barbecue on the
2:00 P. M. Decorsted Auto Parade.
(Macbinea for the parade will be
lined up on Dewev Street in the vicin
ity of the Shirk residence. It will
continue north to Center Street, turn
ing west 'to West Street, thence north
to Slash, and east and south to Water
street, ending at grounds on same
Music by Band.
3:00 P.M. Minor Sports on Street,
Lee Reall, Manager.
4:00 P. M. Callithumpian Parade,
W. F. Grob. General. (Parade will
start from Lumber Yard on Center
Street, turning at corner of First Nat
ional ttank north to Woodcock & Leon
ard's shop, thence west to Main
Street and south to end and back
Water Street t0 grounds.)
During evening there will be sports
and music by band on aireets.
9:00 P. M. Grand Ball, at Snider's
Opera House, music by Darnell's
10:30 A. M. Open Air Concert by
Darnell's Band.
Afternoon will be devoted to various
sports and amusements, including
Saddle Horse and Pony races, etc.
7:30 P. M. Indian War Dance, Box
Continued on page eight
Santa Rosa Sends Men
Here To Advertise That
James K. Furgeson, formelyof Lake
Uouny but now a real estate dealer ot
Santa Rosa, Calif., and Ira U. Pyle,
of the same place, were in Lakeview
, the first of the week. The two gentle-
men have been provided with a Stude
baker 30 car and sent out by the Cham
ber ot Commerce of Santa Rosa to
herald the advantages and resources of
that California city. They also have
soue motion picture reela of scenes
taken in and about Santa Ross, which
they are showing in the different towns
in the course of their travels. These
were shown here Tuesday evening at
the Snider opera house.
The territory that Messrs. r'urgeson
and Pyle expect to cover on the trip
includes the greater portion of the
three states of Uregon, Washington
and Idaho, aa well as the northern part
of California.
The faot that men are sent out and
tiit ir expenses paid by the t'anta Kosa
business men through their Chamber
of Commerce shows tnat they fully
realize tre benefits derived from adver
tising. ' The campaign will doubtleea
result in inking umny settlers, indi
rectly if not directly into their town and
locality wbich is desirable and bene
ficial leault to aiiy community.
Thty wet t from hero to Klamath
Full. and will return to Lakeview next
Mui d. y.
N.-C.-O. Ry. Will Supply
Farmers With Choice
Seed at Cost
Falrport, Calif., July 1 (Special)
In a recent communication from H. V.
MeNamara, Traffic Manager of the
N.-C.-O. railway the following an
nouncement will prove interesting to
the farmers of this section :
"We have arranged to purchase seed
wheat for Fall sowing, which we will
dispose of at Lakeview or Fairport or
any point on the line at cost. If par
ties are not in a position to pay cash,
we will take the notes of responsible
parties. Can furnish Turkey Red
wheat or Gold Coin. Thia latter
wheat la raised in Idaho, Wyoming and
Utah and it Is claimed will atand the
late frosu as well as the Turkey Red,
and will not ran out as quickly as . the
"All orders for the wheat should be
plsced with Fred Shaffer, Land Com
missioner, at Falrport or Agent Class,
at Lakeview, for shipment during
This is in keeping with the plsn
General Manager Dunaway bas advo
cated ao persistently. It will mean
the bringing in and cultivation of a
better grade of wheat and have a ten
dency to show the growers tne advan
tages offered by Fall wbeat
The N.-C.-O. is exerting every pos
sible effort in the direction of develop
ing the country not only from the
point of view of an increased tonnage,
but from the point of having the land
farmed more intensively all along the
Dairying, hog raising and all the
features allied with mixed farming will
be aided by the road. Those who de
sire the wheat sboold advise Agent
Class, of the N.-C.-O. at Lakeview or
Fred Shaffer, Land Commissioner for
the line with headquarters at Fairport,
Al. Heminger Meets With
Fatal Accident Near
Klamath Falls
Just before going to press with our
last issue the Examiner was informed
of tbe accidental death of Al Hemin
get wblcn was caused by falling from
a Southern Pacific train near Klamath
Falls, while enmute to Lakeview, but
not being able to get tbe report veri
fied the matter was given no mention.
The following account concerning
the sad accident ia taken in excerpts
from tbe Klamath Falls papers:
Albert Heminger, claiming Oak Har
bor, Michigan, is dead in this city as
a result of injuries sustained Wednes
day evening when he fell from tbe
platform of the moving passenger train
south of here. The exact cause of the
accident ia unknown. Mr. ' Heminger,
who is said to be a miner by profession,
aaid he was on hia way from Spokane,
Wash, to Lakeview. Just after the
passenger train that arrives here
shortly alter 8 o'clock in the evening
had passed through one of the tunnels
in getting over what ia known as the
"Hole in the Ground" passengers in
one of the coaches heard some one crv
uut in sudden alarm or from injury.
Tbe train was stopped and backed
down the track to the scene when the
bruised body of Mr. Heminger was
found. He was picked up and rushed
to the hospital in thia city and physic
ians summoned. It was found by tbe
examining pbyalcian that Heminger
had struck on hia head in falling and
in addition to other bruises he had a
fractured aterum. He died at 6 o'clock
Thursdsy morning.
In a statement made just before his
death, Heminger declared he had more
than $2000 but as only a little over S16
was found on his person by the coron
er it is thought possible that the story
of the in In was the machinations of a
suffering mind, aa it ia tot thought
likely that be waa robbed on the train
and then pushed off. It appears that
he went to the rear platform to smoke,
A coroner's jury was empanneled to
t'ontVuued on page eight
Meeting: Is Called for 7:30
O'clock in the Masonic
A branch of tbe Ancient Order of
Hlberiana will be instituted here to
night under tbe direction of D. J. Cur
ran, Coonty President of Multnomah,
he having arrived here Tuesday after
noon from Portland.
The order bas branches in every
state in the United States and in tbe
Dominion of Canada,, totaling a mem
bership of over two hundred thonsand.
Bright prospects are entertained for
the local division. It ia expected that
at least two bondred of the Gaels of
Lake Coontv will be preaent to take
the obligation. The organization offers
sick and funeral benefits to it mem
bers and is said to be more libeial
tbsn any fraternal order in tbe world.
AH men of Irish birth or descent
from either parent and who profess the
Catholie faith are eligible to member
ship. Father Kern, pastor of the St. Pat
rick's Church, approves highly of tbe
institution of tha local branch and ia
lending bis assistance to perfect the
Neighbors Will Send Gun
Club In Body For Trap
In concluding a writeup of the last
Alturas excursion to Lakeview, the
Modoc Republican says: In spite of
tbe rain and very disagreeable weather
all who went "report "I verf pleasant!
time. The inconveniences caused by
the weather and the disappointment
resulting from no bail game were more
than made, up in hospitality by the
people of Lakeview.
During the celebration of the fourth
at Lakeview, continuing for three
days, 4, b, and 6 there has been set
apart a special day, July 6, as Alturaa
day. Speoial features will be given,
and the Gun Club has been invited to
attend in a tody.
Lakeview will make special effort
in entertaining her visitors. There haa
already. been arranged a special tourna
ment and other features will be added.
Modoc Growers Meet
The Modoc County Wool Growers
Association met here last Saturday and
had a verv interesting meeting. Wall
ter Sherlock was Cnairman and John
Davis Secretary., Matters pertain
ing to the sheep industry were taken
up and diBcuBsed in an intelligent ,
manner, and many things were taken
under consideration for the improve
ment ot the sheep industry. Cedar
ville Record.
Those who attended the convention
from Lake County were: J. F. Han
sun, J. L. Lyon and Jonas Norin.
Bank Robber Captured
Ray Diamond, the Ulenaale youth
who on June 16 last, at the point of a
ritie, robbed the Glendale State Bank
of $3000 and escaped to tbe mountains,
where he was vainly sought by
Sheriff's posses and bloodhounds, was
captured Thursday last at Gold Beach.
Diamond auccessfnlly eluded his pur
suers for eight days, then lodt bis
wsy in the mountains while seeking
to reach some harbor in Southwestern
Oregon, and went down the river to
Gold Beach, following the river, after
losing hia'w ay, in the hope mat the
stream would lead biro to tome civil
ized place where be coold again ascer
tain his whereabouts and make a new
atart. He entered the town and went
directly to the courthouse, apparently
not reaiixi :, that he waa ailing
into a trap, and placed under arrest by
the Cheviff, the young bunk robber
making no resistance when ordered to
surrender. He was immediately turn
ed over to the authorities and returned
to Glendale. Nearly all tlia stolen
money whs on Ms person when taken.
The l mils otiiciuU fcUto the culprit
will te prosecuted tu the fullest extent.