HAS THE CIRCULATION- -PRINTS THE NEWS- -REACHES THE KORLE THE EXAMINER IS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OP LAKE OOUNTY X VOL. XXXIV. LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 26, 1913. NO. 26 BRANDS MUST BE RECORDED OVER Chang: In Law Has Deen effective Sine the Third of Juno A new liw enaeted at the last legis lature of espenlal Interest and Import ance to thia section of too atato and which became effective June 3 was the change made In the recording of brands. The amendment, ai accord ing to the 1013 aeaalon lawa, reada aa follows : See. 6628. When a brand baa been recorded In any county, no other per on, company or corporation can record the me brand or brand 'aimllar there to, except with tba written concent of the owner of the brand ao recorded, which written conaent aball be record ed with the county clerk ; and It ahall be the duty of all persons, flrma or corporation now having branda upon record to renew the aame by oral or written requeat of the owner of record of aald brand to the county clerk with in one year from the passage of tbf amendment. The county clerk ehnll make a memorandum of aald renewal with the date thereof on the margin of the record of aald brand. All brands, the record of which shall not be re newed aa above provided, ahall be can celled and may be appropriated and recorded by the person first applying therefor. Filed in the office of the Secretary of State. February 26. 1913. AUTO SPEEDER IS ASSESSED FINE Motor Vehicle Law Will Be 'Enforced to the Letter Within City Limits Last Thurslay Oscar Lyon, a repair man for the garage In the north part of town, was arretted by Marshal Wborton for exceeding the speed limit. Lyon pleaded guilty and waa fined twenty dollar by Recorder Wallace. The arrest and fine are tho outcome of a crusade which ba Deen started by the city against the violations of the Motor Vehicle law. Tbia law pro vides, amnng other things that all automobile and motorcycles hall carry "muffler" and that the tame shall not be cut out or disconnected within the limits of any incorporated town in the state. It also fixes the rate of peed at which motor vehicles shall be oriven. It will i ehoove all owners or operators of motor vehicles to pro cure a copy of this law from the sec retary of atate and familiarize them selves witn its provisions, since the city has declared that hereafter all violations of this law will be prosecut edwhereever possible. Particular attention is to be devoted to that class of motorists who "like to hear the engine work" and open the cot out for that purpose. lawnTrizesto be awarded soon Best Lawn Will Receive $5.00; New Lawn Will Bring $2.50 The prizes to be given by the Ladies Civic Improvement Club for the best lawn and the best new lawn will be awardei July 1st. The committee to appoint the judges ia composed of Mrs. ('has. Dualap, Mra. Wm. Hery ford ii nd Mrs. E. D. Everett. The ludges will be taken to see the many lawns in town, so they can fair ly decide which are entitled to the prizes. The award for the beat lawn is SB, and 12.60 for the best new lawn. A n.; 'a .v which ban lust been sign ed by the Governor of California makes it nctessiiry for all anglers over the age of 18 to pny an annual license of SMor the privilege of fishing in thut j:n,e. This applies to residents of tho state; non-residents must pay S3 and the same for aliens. McReynolds to Resign Attorney General Jamas C. McRey nolds, it is said will be the first man to desert President Wilson's Cabi net. It la an open secret In Washing ton thst the respective opinions of President Wilson and Attorney General McReynolds aa to how the administra tion of the Department of Justice should be conducted do not gibe. A rumor from Washington bints that repeated arguments, dating since soon after the Inauguration, baa opened a breach that ia expected to cause McReynolds to tender his resignation in a very short time. STOCK IN STATE TO BEPROTECTED Livestock Sanitary Board Asks Qoveror For Strln ent Rules The State Livestock Sanitary Board, which recently met In Salem, appoint ed Ur. W. H. Lytic" of Pendleton as state veterinarian and ex-officio sheep Inspector. He will also serve as sec retary of tho board, receiving a salsry of $2400 yesrly. The bosrd voted to ask Governor West to issue a proclam ation to the effect that all horses and mules being shipped into the itste must first be subjected to the Mallein or other test to prove their freedom from glanders : and another proclama tion that all boga being shipped into the state must be immunized by the Dorset-McBride-NUea serum. It was decided to enforce a rule that all hotela and restaurant refuse roust be cooked before being fed to hogs. Thia Is to be done aa a protection against cholera. The stste .velennsr lan was authorized to appoint deputy veterinarians throughout the atate to test animals being shipped out of the state. For thia service they will be paid by the stock owners. Tbe board will meet again In thirty days to pro mulgate these and other rules. ALTURlsWS HUNDRED STRONG Rain Discourages Ball Game But Basket Ball Is Substituted Well Sir, old "Jupe" Pluvius seems to be opposed to Sunday base tall. At least he slopped over so much Sunday from his big water barrel that any thing short of water polo was entirel out of tho question. Not daunted by the fact that it was raining in Califor nia when they started, Alturas attach ed themselves to the rear end of the N.C.-O. freight and came up to the Lake County metropolis over 100 strong. More rain I Since Alturas was here It didn't seem right to aend them home without giving them some kind of a beating, so some bright wit suggested basket ball. The opera house was engaged, the oaskets put up, the floor chalked otT, a very unwilling "Jerry" Orem dragged out on the lloor to officiate, and tho game waa on. Alturas was badly handicapped in having neither of their guards nor Goldsmith, their extended center, to assist. Tbey had Payne, tho Alturas High School star center, with tbem, however, which helped immensely. In spite of the handicap Alturas went at the thing "hammer and tongs" and made it a very Interesting game. Lakeview soon took the lead in point getting and forged ahead until the score stood 18 to 9 in favor of Lake view at the end of the first half. In the second half, Clyde Ashbv took Jim Burgess' place as left guard, and the battle began anew, with the score at the end of the second half being, Lakeview, 35: Alturas, 18. For Al turas, Belli, Carmack and Payne were the chief trouble makers, while Clar ence Urem proved the big point getter for Lakeview, "Bub" Dykcman, Man son and the "Flying Dutchman" each contributing pro rata. Jim Burgess was also responsible for a basket, for which act it is said that he should at least be voted a Csrneige medal. Clyde Ashby, sometimes called the "Shrimp." was aiao accused of being a genuine Sand burr us usual, and vetoed every attempt by Carmack Continued on page eight FOURTH OF JULY NEAR PLANS BEING COMPLETED FOR THE BIG CELEBRATION President of the Day Dr. Bernard Daly. Orator Daniel Boone. Reader Herbert P. Welch. Chaplain Kev. George A. Crawford. Grand Marshsl Lee Bead. Plans already perfected for the cel ebration on the Fourth assure one of the most successful affairs of the kind that has ever tsken place In Lakeview. Uur former fellow citizen, Daniel Boone, now of New Pine Creek, haa contented to deliver the oration, and he Is well known as a forcetul and exceedingly pleasant speaker. Dr. E. H. Smith ia organizing a large chorus to furnish vocal music, while Darnell's Band ia practicing regolarlv and will famish plenty of patriotic and martial music. Dolph Schminck has plans for the big barbecue perfected, and it la probable that the feast will be served on the Leehmann property where, there ia plenty ot shade for all. While the exact place for the exercises baa not been decidod upon, yet it is certain that it will be near tba ceoter of town, probably on the vacant lots immed iately south of the Herald office. Tho street in front of the Court House Square ia also being considered, it being proposed to use the bsnd atand now in course of construction as tbe speaker'a stand, the seats for tbe aud ience to be arranged in the street. There are to be numerous features in the psrade, and Col. Light and Mr. Thornton are inclined to keep many of them to themselves, planning a big surprise on the populace. There will be tbe usual number of floats, together with Goddess of Liberty, Angel of MARKET OPENS FOR HAY PRICE OF NINE DOLLARS AT LAKEVIEW IS OFFERED California Man is Also Looking For Loca ation For Swiss Families to Engage In Dairy Business--Goose Lake Valley Is Favored M. R. Crystal of Sebastpol, Sanoma County, California, arrived in Lake view Saturday, having come from Cedarville with Lou McCulley in. the latter's car. Mr. Crystal Is in the market to buy 5000 tona of hay in this valley. He Is offering 19.00 per ton for good hay, F.O.B. Lakeview. The hay is to be shipped to California where he will dispose of it to farmers and stockmen who have been affected by the dry districts of that state. He reports that thus far he has been unable to buy any hay, but Intends to remain here several weeks in looking over the country, and during that time will likely find some crops for sale. How ever, he states that be cannot afford to handle anything less than a thous and tons as any less amount would not justify snipping. Mr. Crystal is also looking fur a lo cation for a number of Swiss-Italian All Details Arc Looked After, But Many Fea tures of Program Are Withheld For Surprises -Daniel Boone Will Deliver The Oration Peace, Uncle Sam, representatives nf toe 8Ute. and like, and in addition tbe special teatores which are to come aa aaurprise. W. B. "Snider, in charge of tbe auto parade, haa announced prizes of S20, S10 and $5 for the best decorated machines, and incidentally bas placed a penalty of $5 upon the owner of every machine in town that 'does not psrticlpste in the parade. .'There is much rivalry for the tint prize, and there will no doubt be some striking novelties in the way of decor ating the trouble-wagons. While there is an effort on the part of every one to make bia or ber part of the big celebration the most suc cessful, yet Lee Beall of the sports committee, thinks he haa tbem all going. He has already planned tbe program, and it consists of footraces tor boys and girls under 16, crawling through barrella, obstruction races, hopping races for girls, pie eating con tests for boys, whellbarrow races, three legged race, girls jumping rope contf-t, alow bicycle race, fatman'a rsceb 100-yard race for men, also a 220-yard race, high jump, broad jump, relay race, throwing baseball, a cracker-eating contest, and many other sports which will be provided by some of the Lake County college boys. There will also be aaddle horse and pony races, and cash prizes will be awarded in all contests. But "Pete" Grob is sitting back and not savi-g much for he is cock-sure that be has all of them "hipped'' v. hen it cornea to pare unadulterated joy for the Fourth. He ia in charge of the Continued on page eight families for the dairying business. He states that he could interest about twenty-five families in this industry. There are a number of families, en gaged in dairying on leased property I n't he coast counties of California, whose leases are about terminated and tney are anxious to get located in a new looality. Mr. Crystal states that he will be joined bere in a few days by an expert dairyman and they will spind some time in looking over var ious ranches with the Jntention of buying them for these families. He Bays it is also quite likely that he will purchase a place for himself. He is very enthusiastic over the dairy business and thinks the local conditions are most favorable for such. He has spent considerable nf bis time in traveling over and investigating different localities in the west, and says be always finds a prosperous community where the dairying indus try is chiefly followed. Coast to Coast Road If the Union Pacific aucceeda in its plan to dissolve the Harrlman merger by trading $38,000,000 worth of Its Soathern Pacific holdings to the Pennsylvania railroad for 142,000,000 of Baltimore k Ohio stock tbe ambition of the'great financiers to effect a trans continental raiQlins extending from the Atlantis to tbe Pacific will have been realized. 8uch a line while it might not be under one direct operating bead, would have a common control of stock. land would extend from Portland on tbe tbe west to Jersey City and New York City on the eaat. WOOLlNlFES TO MOVE SLOWLY Million and a Half Pounds Will Go Through Lake view While the local wool market bas been somewhat quiet since tbe last issue of the Examiner something over 800,000 pounds have been taken since last Thursday by buyeis in this Oleld. Tbe following salea are reported : Harry Bailey baa bought the clips belonging to Burke & O'Connor, John Brsncb, Pat Moynahan, Callagban Bros., and Dan Jones. The four clips aggregate 100,000 pounds, and brought about 14 cents all around. James Goode re porta the folio wins buys: C. B. Parker, 25,000, and John Davis of Alturas, 15,000. These prices ranged be w teen 13 and 14 cents. O. T. McKendree recently contract ed for the J ines, Arthur & Lane wool, amounting to 22,000 pounds and the Kehart wool amounting to 25,000 pounds. Tbe price paid tor both clips waa 13 5 8 eents per pound. The actual amount of wool that will go through Lakeview thia year is prob lematical, but it ia estimated by one in close touch with tbe business that it will reach one million and a half pounds. - SHEEilSTRf IN LAKE ENORMOUS Southern Pacific Railroad Company Is Co-Operating With Local Growers A list of the names of tbe wool grow ers ot Lake County and their postoffica address, together with the probable number of wethers and lambs that each will offer for sale this season, was completed last week by the South ern Pacific Company. The list seems to be Quite complete and accuiate ss to the number of sheep that will be offered for sale aa the figures in most every esse were obtained direct from the owners by Mr. O. U. Metcalf, Traveling Freight and Passenger Agent, and shows Lane County to have close to 350,000 sheep of which there will be marketed abuut 48,000 wethers and 68,000 lambs, the proceeds of which should bring the growers about 1350,000. The complete list, a copy of which will appear in the next issue of tbe Examiner haa been forwarded to Mr. J. M. Fulton, Asst. General Freight anl Passenger Agent for the Southern Pacific and by him, placed in the hands of buyers both on the Pacific Coast and in the esst with a view of getting buyers in communication with our growers. Owing to their many commercial and traffic offices both east ana west, through which these liBta will be dis tributed, we believe this work on the part of tbe Southern Pacific Company will help greatly in bringing buyers into Lake County. It ia estimated that Lake County will produce thia year about 1,500.000 pounds of wool which will be sold at figures ranging around 13 cents per pound, which together with tbe pro ceeds from the sale of lambs and weth ers should net the growers over a half million dollars which speaks well fcr the sheep industry or Lake County. As a result of excellent ppring range tbe wethers are in fine condition for market at the present time and should be attractive to buyers. Recent rains Lave n-vuod a splendid summer ruuge a.id lambs will be In fine condition for early September market. WILSON APPEARS BEFORECONGRESS President Makes Personal Appeal On Behalf of Cur rency Reform Declaring that currency reform ia vitally necessary to permit tbe country to get the full value ot tbe tariff re form. President Wilson Monday room ing personally read bia message to congress on thia administration legis lation. The president asserted that action is needed at once. He denounced in no uncertain terms the "money trusL" "It ia perfectly clear that it is our duty to aupply tbe new currency and banking system that the country needs," aaid Wilson in part. "Tbe only question is, when? Now or later? "After demands have become re proaches that we are so dull and slow, shall we hasten to change the tariff lawa. and then be laggards about mak ing it possible and easy for tbe country to take advantage of tbe change? 1 bere can be only one answer to that qneation : We must act now. "The control of tbe system of bank ing and of the issue which new laws are set up, must be purilo, not private. Tbey must be vested in the govern ment Hself, so that tbe banks will oe instruments, not masters of business ana of individual enterprises." Wilson stated tbat there are only two alternatives in ths reorganizing of the currency reform: Whether the people or tbe banks control. HILL PROMISES BURNSRAILROAD Railroad Man Accuses Re clamation Service of Holding: Funds . While Louis W. Hill was in Burns last week, in a public speech he maae a definite promise tbat the Harney country would have a railroad, al though be did not aay when or where it was coming from. We quote the following from the Burns News : While Mr. Hill did not say exactly where the Hill railroad will be built in Harney county, be did say some things that will bear a mighty pleasing interpretation. He said in substance: "We are going to build through Har ney county and we are likely to be in as soon as anybody. It is not neces sarily tbe fellow that starts first tbat reaches the journey's end first and we are not going to be the last in the race." Mr. Hill in a short talk later called attention to tbe fact tbat between $8,000. and 112,000. bad been paid into the Reclamation fund by the State of Oregon and It was the first duty of this part of the state especially to bring all its energiea to bear to make tbe government at Washington break loose its hold on that money and put it to use in thia state in the making of reclamation projects which are sadly needed. ANOTHER COUPLE SNAREDBY CUPID Lakeview Couple Are Mar ried at Quiet and Pretty Home Wed ding A pretty home wedding was solem nized at the home ot the brida's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Thruston, at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, when their daughter, Miss Clara, and Mr. W. K. Elliott were united in marriage. Rev. A, F. Simmons of tbe Baptist Church wbj the officiating clergymen who tied the nuptial knot pronouncing the cer emony wbich united the lives of these estimable y" people in' r city. The wediiiug was a quiet one witnessed only by (he fu.uily of the Uide and a few inin iite 1 1 lends. Aftr an aftvnoou most pleasantly spent in socnl msnner, in the evening the groom too- bis prize to the home roi'er'ly pur- h and which he bed turi.;-,J, Bf n which neodad only her presence to complete. Here the mem Continued on page eight