Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 05, 1913, Image 3

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$1,000 REWARD
1 1 iircHi'ii .
I'nrnle I Novene
I.I V( HtlH I'tlMO
Ion Awa iiioii, il
which lllu iiiiiImi
iletieit It wimitN'l
Will IT I'.HiriOi
rtiwtrd tot wiiliiiic
l'Hh In llm
1 mat Ml rotivlrllnu
llpaatralliif linr-ao,
ill or muli'i !
iiiihIiikIikii7 ol ll
In olililliiu Ki Urn alinir, idm inli nuinU
' olturi nn Urn muni riitiilllluti t O.IKi til
ea brftnll linn" aliiH Imr mi ImiiIi or Hilim
Jaw, llrr.ii'1 r'iir'l l In right I'ntmtli'a. Umim
larni'f, l.k mnl ( roiu miiiiiiIiv. i I r, r
?I1U'1 Wlirtl Mil'l.
Nun (ml grown Hnrtfm anld, enn only In lf
w . limiWM, riUi.o
Or ion.
Ciiiirlii ti il ruin In! wiii
ToKub'I DiHtnrt No. , South Wnrnor
HOI 40
To Kuii.l iMritrlrt No. 7, Hluo Joint
Ur, l!5
To Komi Dintrict No. 9. Drewi Val
ley 05
To Komi DiiUrlrt No. 11 I'okhw II
Creek fifi7 HO
To Komi Dintrict No. 2 Tliomn
t;roek 0)7 r,'J
To KdbiI District No. 13 Uke 2.'!7 53
To linifl District No. 14, Kurt Rock
G'JO 00
In tlio mutter of claim sgBintil Lake
County, Orrifon, Ilia following were
examined, allowed, and ordered paid,
h by liiw provl'lf d.out of the nevcral
dilfurent Fui.dit, aa follows to-wit:
To be l aid out of the (Junem! Fund.
I). V. M alloy nalary .0 00
D. T. lioilsil name l'O 00
'1. H. Vernon clciical asaiBtance
to aaacmor 120 00
Kathleen O'Null aame 100 00
IVarl F. WIlHhlreaame to Sheriff f8 !H
Wm. F. Talne aamt 132 W
Clannco U. Snider aame 100 00
To be paid out of the road fund ot
Dint. No. II.
Hum Coif burn road work 47 12
Clyde Cobun: aame 64 80
Geo. Down aame
Flint Vernon aame lf5 6H
J. 1). Todd aame 66 03
To bo paid out of the Koad Fund of j
Dint. No. 10
Creed I'endlcton chi.Ii advanced road wurk of I'at Anvland.. 31 50
To bn pa!i of the Koad Fund of Dim. 1
N. 1
U. H. I'arkor road work 12 00
C. F. Caldwell aame 42 50
M. H. Caldwell aame 11 00
Albe rt Mohr aamo C6 00
W. H. Caldwell nme 110 25
!W. S. Wilbe aame 40 00
ll. 8. Caldwell aame 40 25
To be paid out of the Koad Fund of
DiNt. No. 1
j K. B. Urewer road work 104 50
J. 3. Martin aame 41 93
Frank Chi Ira aame 30 93
1 Karl Small came 4 60
'Chaa. Pitcher aame 9 &)
(leorge l'arkeraame 24 25
!K. Olienaame 6 (X)
Oamcnien aame 5 93
j To be uald out of the licneral Koad
I Fund
! F. M. Chriaman for ainile tree 1 00
To be paid out of Koad Fun I of
Pint. No. 3
CreoJ I'endlcton road work 101 30
Aady Sutplien mime 10 00
Fred Allord aame 13 bO
To be paid out of Road Fund of Diet.
No. 4
C. II. fendloton road work 40 66
Creed Fendloton same 145 05
Ivi usic'ans j
. . . t i-
Heroic uans ui
Civil War
V.y CnptMn Cf.OI'.CC L. K1LMF.K
( .....-.....-.--.---t---:
W,i ii until r ' ' rxt urn ,:Mlki' niii'l
,l,.l rvlb 'Ci' ln. 'I II I. Ii" I '''
1 nui I flu ii lifl in n.ilivr liiml
. ,i lllilllil'l li.i fn WhII'H""
S fit . f
g - J
, - , r -j . x 1 1
vuiu..uiiviii ,v 0-.y- S i 1 1
lf txIlM
7. I
Have You Seen
the Coupon Nov in
7"' u" AN,,v,i " 1
1,2 ,,,., ,, Cir I Mcln Mi l I
J rl-r. Ilnlll Mill I lit
1 1 r II - - V.ITI' til!, I'll titi l.'tlJlt"l'
!. lilllr H til -- I - rl;l ir illi'i vT
Vl'll lnllii 1 1 1 1 1 - liin- V Hli'i-ltm ' Hi-iri'-li
in iiiiimI iih Ili- Kii-iili-fl I in I Hi
nt iii-mIi-iii iiii.i-h AH l!ie rlvl ,i"l
wi'ilu .i Hun inli'ri'Kli'd ill U'nii-iliM,
ln-,1 ii- i in- t in t ! mi l f ti i li l ; j in :ir
In,- if 'in- I ri-i n li mill KuyilMti rr
i-niii-il In tin" ii'nlni -xililli'i" ui l!i
l iuli'il S.iiii-h in tin- iiIi-iih iiml tiu ll
linn-. In-ii-i ink .-iriMiiid miilu- I it 1 1 -mi
ui-. ii- ui ii .Vit'iili-tm ui Wfllliiut'Mi
nr a lut 1 1 it- I k- AiiHlcrlltz r Wuifilnn
wunill'il llif llll.'H"ll'llll"'l "t It'' AllliTI
rim iiin-M-i-
A lIli'llllilllK l'J "t IK'il lr'!lllll'i III
U'ult-riiHi U bin hi;' M'riiiltli-'l In t-mint-
ii ''(lli-r to Imtliit' Iti- M
t;uril uf iimiIiiiii or tin Itn.viil Si'ot"
if Wi-lliiii'ioii IIIh t iiilcr ypiirr inulil
ml liulil lilin lui' k from tin rcrrulllitv
in ih. fur. if nut "Id 'iiuiiirli t" tnki
iii iirnm n ii Hullir. In 'nilil t h
(IniiiiiiiiT iMTlmpn TlnTf liiid in-i-n
(IriiininiT txiya at WhIitIihi. till)
hI Id nut (In- ilrinii iii.-rx In tti A inf
Iron rniiiin nli Iiovh?
If llii- ri-i-riilllii HiTL'p.-int did ti"t
thuitt hi iiml refused to unroll tin Hid
rliifia eiillxtnl for rh olliiniiy of In
fnntr. CHinilly one waa a tlfer and
one a drummer
If a Ixiy could allow liluim-lf tery
aklllful Bt the ruli a (Jul dub or tmitie
te tuot he wniilij In taken, even If ne
liirkeil a ronple of yenrrt. a couple ut
hi' Iii h n lid n arore of imiiiirl to ihiiii
til in up to the ri'Killn tluii mVIA. life mill
W'-l,-lit Tlila arriiunta for Willie
JotiiDMiu, ii kim thirteen, who nun
awiirdeil a uiednl of honor for nuiiu
K'l I -' t art irrfurnii'il the hi-ioik! yem
of the war Mli lie lie win a drummer In
tin Third Vermont; for the hoy Mini
rum of the Twenty llitril Miimmih ii i
neltH. tin n im-rtnlly woiimleil ;il
the Imitle ul Kuiinoke while nnly tlnr
ti-i-ii: ul ;:irliii'r. the ilriiinnier ol the
t-ltilli M liiiiciin, tiruuu-ht hiilne to lux
anxmuM, wuitiiiK uiuthi-r. ih-iid from u
wouml received In twittle when lie huh
but little ovel thirteen
Clue or Kruy, it iiiude no difTerenre
Tli-ri' were A. K. Clark, ii drummer ot
the r'lftlj (ieollu refliiK'liL wlio went
ttiniiit'll the i-uuii:ilKU U'el,'liliiK lull
nlm-ty five (iouiiiIh. hiiiI little i.lfleu ot
TeiiiienHee, tlie hero or a i-IiihkiN war
lyrlr. who kiih utirM'd tiack to lire
from an awful wound only to go fortli
airuln to Imttle and never be tienrd
from inure
m. - r M
i rv
Liggett Myers Diikf's Miluic makts a
great pijte smoke and rolled into a t-i-;:iivtte
nothing ean beat it.
It is the favorite smoke of thousands of
men who want selected, pure. Virginia and
North Carolina bright-leaf tolmcro.
If yon have not smoked Duke's Mixture,
made 'by Liggett $ Myers at Durham, N. C.
try it at ome.
Kaeh saek contains one and a halt ounces of
tobacco thatisc.-ual to uny 5egranulatcd tobacco
made and villi each saek you get a book of
cigarette papers FREE and
A Coupon That is a Dandy.
These coupons nre (rxl for many
valuable presents such as watches,
cameras, jewelry, lurnitiire, razors,
china, etc.
As a apecinl otter, during
May and June only, we
wilt tend you our iu
trated catalog of present
FREE' Just send us your name
ami address on a postal.
Ccupimt horn Puke'i Afixtur ma
uUftlMwiih In tt It am HORSE SHOE,
J. T., I liNSl tr S PHIURAt l-u.r,
Horn t'OUK ROSEJ (M tm JmHi
(inttm). ril.K, IM.Ul. I.U I. rir i
C1GAKET I tS. andMkn tmi r
(oupom Itiurj by lJ.
Premium Dept.
ijjjCCt Jmm Ci a P
nt the old Mulkey place, Northwest
of town, will be ready for service by
June 1st, or as early, before for any
one desiring to shear before that time.
I will personally supervise all work
and guarantee the usual high stand
ard of service. Shearing crew will be
composed of practically all the same
men employed last year.
of ten or twelve, the boy could a til I
follow trur army to the front as a vol
unteer itml trust to luck. The sergeant
nilht relent w hen the tioy showed the
stuff th:it "in In him by facing the bat
tle n bniM'l.v n his Keillors
This ts the way it happened that Id
the romance :ind poetry of the wnr may
be found the Hohritpiets "The (Iruninier
boy or Shiluh" ami "The drumnier boy
cf Chii-Uiitii:iiii:ii " They were thetinme
hoy. little . I 1 1 1 1 1 Cli'in. who cull Id ut
be ii soldier been use lie was ouly eleven
years of ml'c Kul he could drum, and
the l.liid heiii'ted xoldierN huinured hl
iitnliif urn ,'iinl took htm to the front,
when- he "mnde i'mnl " first nt Shlloh
mid tlii-M Ml ( 'tn-k:i iii:i us.
When i in war broke mt In IS(51 the
rule roin-i-i'iiiiiu miisli-hiiiH in the Unit
ed siiiti'i iii inv wan about the snnie ns
In llii- Itritlsh nriiiv. after which tt wns
Aftei the Crimen ii war fCiigtaud
ndopti'd the rule of enllKrlni the mu
Klclans ax suidlcrs and then formlna
them into miisli-al -or or bands
Thl beriiiiie the practice of the reun
lar army of the l iitted Statea. and the
volunteer army, or course, followed
the sain- custom The regulations
were Hint there mlslit be two must-
The life and drum corps of an in I
fanlry ri'KliiH'iit formed a unit In It -
aelf The memlM-ra were detached I
from the companies In which they hnu i
enll.steil and attached to reKlment:il
headiiiurterN, the same as the color
guard Under a chief they occupied
aeparate ipiarters and were xubject to
the dlrectloiia of the colonel kiii IT or
Ocern In battle the lifers and drum
mera. especially during the early day
of the war, assisted the miri-ons In
the cure of the wounded. Often they
were with t rangers, udniliilsterliiy io
the fallen, and errands of mercy called
them to distant parts of the Held
In INCst the Federal ambulance corps
was organized, and the work of giving
flrst aid and remortng the wounded
was done thereafter by ambulance at
tendanta. This arrangement relieved
the musicians of the duty of removing
wounded In stretchers and left them
free to roam the held lu search ot
surlertiig victims
I'nllke the rejfloienrnl bond, the reg
Iniental fife and drum corps, which
Includes the regimental bugler, bus a
practical duty to perform In the rou
Une of camp and march. The baud
la a luxury and an ornament. Con
gress discovered that early in INlV
and legislated hundreds of bands out
of existence
The 700 then In service employeo
17.000 men and had already cost f.'i.
OOO.txio lu addition to the pay of the
tueii. their food and the expense ot
transiMirting them It nan pluin at
that date that the war was to be a
long and costly one.
The musicians were regularly enlist
ed soldiers, who could not te forced
to take up arms and tight unless they
chose. The only wuy to alsjllsli the
bauds was to muster them out ot
service Kut music was not totally
banished from the army camps l'.rl-
giule biiuds were formed, and some
regiments or their othYers or patrons
at home paid the expenses and retain
ed the music
The bugle and the fife and drum are
essential In an army to sound the va
rioiis calls, which swiftly, as well as
musically, signal the orders of the
commander to the troops. These In
elude the familiar ones of getting
- 'em up in the inornin' " and "go to
sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep," reveille
and taps In camp certain calls are
sounded periodically day In and day
out, but on a campaign many of them
are signals to suddeD change of ac
tion. With the army strung out for miles,
the bugle or drum at tieodquarters
sturts the signal rolling. The nearest
drums or bugles repent It. the notes
often mingling In emergencies the
first signal may be overtaken before It
reaches the end or the line by another
sent out to supersede it The "long
roll" beaten on the drum or the bugle
calls "To arms!" and "To dorse." an
nounce the sudden appearance of the
The armies of fifty years ago had no
telephone or megaphone and ouly an
Imperfectly developed telegraph and
flag signal system Practically then
the bugle or drum, even In the hands
of a schoolboy, was an official mouth
piece which might order men "Into
the Jaws of death." also recnll them
In nick o' time "hark from the mouth
of hell "
To be paid out of Koad Fund ot Dint.
No. 11
Creed Pendleton road work.... 47 50
C. H. Pendleton same.. 30 00
Carl fend'eton same 27 00
Pat Angland sane 12 00
To be paid out of the Road Fund of
Diet. No. 14
J. W. Martin road work 21 37
H. C. Carmack same 50 50
W. B. Hunt same 27 00
D. KIdgway aame 75 00
A. H. Bruno same 6 00
To be paid out of tbe Road Fund cf
Dtat. No. 6
John Walker toad work 7 00
To be paid out of General Road Fund
F. W, Silvertooth road supplies 6 00
Warner Valley Marc. Co. aame.. 15 30
In the matter of appointing Road
Supervisors for the following Road
Districts in Lake County Oregon.
It Is hereby ordered that tbe follow
ing persons be and they are hereby
appointed Road Supervisors for the
Koad Districts hereinatter named,
to-wit. .
District No. 2 Summer Lake J. D.
District No. 10 Goose Lake L. A.
Continued on pnge tour
Jim Graves Heard From
From The Irish News
Local friends of Jim Graves, form
erly of this citv, will be pleased to
bear of him through the following
letter received by tbe Newa:
"Will try to write you a letter
and am sorry that 1 bave not done
so before. I know that you will
excuse me. however, as you Know
how moving and getting located is.
.We are all back in Chicago, and do
ing fine. 1 am working steady and
so are the folks. Today 1 expect
to go over and see the White Sox
play New York. I suppose that you
all remember Dan Linehan, who
arrived in Lakeview with Dan
O'Connor. I met him here e few
weeks ago and was certainly glad
to see him. He is working as brake
man on the Lakeshore K. K. The
weather here is line and warm. I
wish that you would write and tell
me all about the "Newa," and
about the boys-how they are all
making it. Will write a little ar
tide for the paper some day. Will
cloie with bent wishes to all, from
Jim Gravea.
Chicago. II). May 18, 1913"
Twin Valley Land Co.
1 1 Incorporated :
C. R. BLOOD, Ast. Sec; C. O. MISENER, Gen. Agt.
We have for sale:
Orchard and Alfalfa Lands 0
Farm Lands, Timber Lands
Homesteads and Desert Lands
Special attention given to O.V.L. Land Holdings
We are agents for
The Fairport Town & Land Co.
FAIRPORT TOWN LOTS now on sr . Make
your selection before the best ones are sold. A
big investment for a small amount of money.
A Complete Record
We have made an entire transcript of all Records In Lake
County which In any way.arfect Real Property In tbe county.
We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer
ever made In Lake County, and ever Deed given.
Errors Found in Titles
In tranacribinj? the records we have found numerous mort
gages recorded In the Deed record and indexed; and many
deeds are recorded lo the Mortgage record and other books.
Ilnndreds of mortgages and deeds are not Indexed at all, and
moat difficult to trace np from tbe records.
We have notations of all these Errors.
Others .annot find them. We bave pot hundreds of dollars
bunting up these errors, and we can fully guarantee our work.
P. M. CORY, !
Operates States, carrylpr United 5Ute;Malls, Express and Paseenter e tbe
following roates:
Klamath Falls Route
Plush Route
Plush '
Klaauttb Fall
One Way Round trip
$10.00 $18.00
4.00 7.00
SUga Office
Sulllrea Hotel
American Hotel
Wm. Wallace, Coronor for Lake County)
Parlors, next door to Telephone Office
Real Estate For Exchange
$20,000 worth of Denver property, apartment
bouse above stores below, to exchange for Lake
County property.
Business block in Reno, Nev., valued $125,000,
pays 8 per cent interest, to exchange for Lake
County ranch.
135 resident lots in O'Brien's Southbrae addi
tion, Reno, Nev., 1 mile from P. 0., adjoining the
Sierra Vista tracts, owned by Senator Nixon, in the
choice part of town three blocks from $G5,()00 gram
mar school, to exchange for Lake County property,
ranch, or Lakeview property or timber for part or
all on equitable basis.
List your ranch property or timber with me. I
am advertising in several of the Eastern dailies. I
am in touch with buyers.
Money to loan on large acreages.
H. A. UTLEY, Lakeview, Oregon
Lakeview Ice, Transfer
and Storage Co
Telephone No. 161
J. P. DUCKWOKT1I, Manaokii
Buss to Moot All Trains. Transfer
and Drayage. Storage by cfny,
Week or Month