i Real Estate Bargains $1100 I'nr 20-ncre tiirin four nilUm front city, with new Sl-room bungalow, hiii 11 II ham, chicken house, water right on 10 ncrea, all cleared and U. need. f.'lOO 'r trict (I and 7, In See. Hi, rung 10, twp. 40, 20 urn, with water on 10 acrea. $4(H) For 'JO acrea H in Urn north went ofclty with 10 acre water right. $40110 'or 100 ucrea Imy meadow near city. $4MI Fur 200 acrea timber land .f mlh-a from city. "Wo Soil Tho Root Earth" O'NEILL & DUNLAP GENERAL REAL ESTATE Lakeview : Oregon Real Estate Bargains Flno Imlry Hunch on the Wet Slile, containing1 320 acre, Improved, a bargain at $25.00 per acre. Euny term. 240 acre clone In. or.e of the bent ranrhea In the Valley, Improved, also ar tful nn well. Water right on 170 acrea, at $40.00 per acre. 10 acrea on Slaah Road, one mile from O. V. L. Addition to Lakerlew, for $17.1 00. Well Improved ViO-acre Ranch, mllea Southwest of Lakerlew, at $50.00 ter acre. 100 acrea at South went corner ofO. V. L. Addition to Lakeview at $25.00 per acre. Xnhc County Eramincr TIIUHHiAY. MA V 15. 1M. BRIEF (or teat, apply T MENTION K. Iter- nurd. Lemons at wholesale and retail at Cloud's. V. I,. Knelling, Mire Mont of the Fairport Inn, wu up ImI Saturday In hla auto. B. I,. Heed and Ira Smith of Now I'lna Crock arc here thin week on Court business. Frank I). Houston of Warner Valley, la In Lakeview thia week on a visit, the first In many months, Mra. M. C. Currier came down Tues day from I'alalry on a abort visit with her many local friend. C. II. Lengdon, a former resident of thu I'aialey aeollon but now of Sacra mento, ia spending the week In Lake view. J. J. Monroe, a aolid rancher and poultry raiarr of the Willow Kancb section, was transacting buiineaa here Tuesday. The Lakevie Mercantile Company's building on Water street recently va cated, la being remodeled on the Inter lor preparatory to housing the brewery a loon. The Ashland Record aays: Mra. W. J. Moore, wife of Attorney W. J. Moore, broke her right arm at the wrist, Friday, while cranking their new auto. Sheriff W. ft. Nnidcr returned Satur day from I'rlneville where ho waa sum moned aa witners for the de'enso hi the Kobinson horse stealing case. Tbe case had not come up for trial when Mr. Snldor loft. Tho Uernard Kanch conaisting of 1343 acres at the head of Gooae Lake Is now for alo at onlv 1 15.00 per acre. Any one interested in this choice dairy ranch call or write II. W. Drenkel. Lakeview, Ore. A. L. Thornton, the DruesUt. has nut rnriivfl at rnmli7nminl fit ihm new I - .... . . - . . . , . I Herbert U. l.aie arrived in Lakeview Indian and Buffalo Head design nick. , TuMd eveninK from Portnd. and les. which will he- used for making j ... . ... Ult . ,a trn to Portland by way of San Francinco. Mr. Gale's wife ia a daughter of M. Judgment for $148,602.62 against j d. Hopkins of this place, and he is the city of Portland In favor of the I one 0f tbe incorporators of the Lake Wakefield Construction Company, con-' view Kanch. Potatoes nt 76 cent per afick. 8ee O'Neill A Dunlap. Joe Parman, a prominent stockman of Ft. nidwell, waa in Lakeview Tues day on business. Jesna Darnell, director of Lakeview Land, last week went over to Ft. Bid well to play for a dance, so he says. Goorge Ross, aon of Mrs. J. 8. Fuller, student of the Stanford Univer sity, arrived Tucsdsy evening to spend his vsoatlon here. Mra. JotiBK Norin Arrived home on Wednesday evening's train from Loh Aourlcs. where ahe haa leen for tbe Frank Koggcr. who haa an enviable ; pst several weeks, reouialon as a builder ot good roads, I DI-tPict Attorney John Irwin arrlvetf Tuesday csme over from I'lu.h. Saturday from Klamath Falls to be In Alee Robinctt, prominent farmer at tendance at the present term of Cir- or this valley, was up last week iroro his place below New Fine Creek. Knlnlcr luadn Lnkevtaw famouM. 1). U. Cleland came over Tuesday from Warner Valley. All that's lateat-all that's good at Cloud's Fountain. Miss Agnes Gallagher and mother Monday registered at Hotel Lakeview from San lose. Not, "JumI aa good" but a little bet ter, is our motto In our line at tho Kaniy Kitchen. We have your favorite drink at our fountain and we aerve it just as you like U. Frost Randy Kitchen. Attorney W. Lair Thompson returned Saturday evening from a short trip to San Franclcso where be went on legal business. Willis Griael Tuesday came over from Flush to get treatment for a troken nose which he received when wrestling with a broncho. For Sale -Six young, well bred Jacks' from Kennell Ranch. Will be here for a short time. Will sell on essy terma. Enquire or write J. W. Loftuss, Lakeview, Oregon. A. W. Orton Saturday bought a new 1913 Chalmers "M" from Xim Bsld win, of the Southern Oregon Automo bile Company. The car is thoroughly equipped with all the latest appliances and Is surely a dandy. Bert Tompkins, who formerly oper ated the O. V. L. company's sawmill on Drews Creek, has returned iroro Klamath Falls and la here contemplat ing a contrsct with the mill which it Is reported will be started (oon. Frank Struck hsa leased the inside business of the Goose Lake Vallev Meat Co. from R. E. Winchester, and took charge of that part of the business Monday of this week. Mr. Winches ter will continue devoting his services to tbe work, attending to the outside buine(8. cuit Court which convened Monday. Mrs. F. A. Fitzpstrick arrived here chance Now is your opportunity aecure one of these novelties. to Mrs. 1 traetors for the Mount Tabor rcser voirs, waa returned by the Jury after a deliberation lasting five days. To stimulate intercut in growing corn in thia state, the Oregon Agricul tural College offers ten prizes for the beat eara of corn grown by boys and , CBi aml inspect thia furniture. shown at the state Fair, hntnes must John Arzner. re made nU l.tor than September 22. Df j p 's,he who for past T. J. Little waa down last week , ieVeral ironths haa held the pastorate from the new mining district on Crane !0j the local Presbyterian church, left Creek. He haa been working on his Monday morning for S. Dakota her property about two yeara and Bays he he has an engagement for the coming has aecured some fairly good assays 1 Summer. Dr. Schell is a very pleas from tho samples. He is now sinking Hn, amj .(fable gentleman and during a shaft which he has down nearly 60 his stay in Lakeview made many warm leet from which level he will crosscut. J frienda among his acquaintances. j. r. iianaon ami lamny reiurne-i jaan. through Baron CM n. a. has the first of the week from Stz. Fran cisco where she has been the past sev ers! weeks receiving medical treat ment. Tbe new atate board of control haa selected R. B. Goodwin, for many years bookeeper at the state insane asylum, as its secretary. Tbe salary la S2400 a year. C. B. Parker, superintendent of the Warner Valley Stock Company, and D. P. Brown, aecretary and tressurer of the same company, Tuesday came over from Adel on a short business trip. Alkali Lake ia aoon to have a post office. F. L. Young has made applica tion ar.ri expect to receive appointment as postmaster there very soon. The office will open under the name of BarneRon. Ex-District Attorney D. V. Koyken dsll of Lake and Klamath Counties ar rived Saturday from the Falls to appear in the Young vs. Lakeview Land & Lumber Co. case, be represen ting the Lumber Company's interests. Harry Cannon who has been spend ing several days in Lakeview left Saturday morning for New Pine Creek and Surprise Valley where he will spend a few days after which be will return to join his famly at Woodland, Cal. Frank V. Wood, of the firm of Wood & Son, Susanville. last week bought a carload of cattle each from Henry Leebman and A. C. Kubinett of this j valley. Mr. Leebman received $87 per head and Mr. Robinett 177 per head The stock waa shipped to Susanville and will be used for supplying beef for the railroad construction camps at that place. At a recent meeting of the directors Pepraratory to leaving for Califor nia, I am disDosing of all of my house hold effects at the residence, corner of Dewry and Slash streets. The lot in- -1 . .1 r I. 1 . : . -1 iurnnurc, bio.ch. ruK". aiii-uon -f S.mlhin. Hi.,h P.r.rtA Mining fon. . - a . .. , " wore, cic. nnjuiio uiiorcBieu may N.. P. r.k r N Mill.. i :rt - of the N -C.-O. Railway, became President of the company, K. M. Green having resigned from tr.at position. It is reported that Mr. Miller will now have active leadership of the company and the management of its affairs. Ho Is an experienced mining man and his connection with the company will doubtless enable them to accomplish morh development thia year. The A tiers Club will tomorrow even ing give their first social, to which . V'ninuu ffnm I ab M nnnlAa uinava M u .a .... I h7. , .! AiitV. r T . T. f . 8f8,n" lne only members and their ladies are ex- Harmon and children have been spend- proposed California anti-alien and - 't(wl , u nMn( Th r,h.. ingthe Winter. Theym.de the trip Taw bill, and the Washington adm.nis- "L .f' Jm,:' on In Mr. Hanson'a Dorris car which L 1 ,. i..u quarters in the Heryford building are ' iiaiiuu una uiKcu uuvcillur wuililDUll w was driven by Paul Drenkel. Sunday they went out ti their We-t Side Point ranch where they will apend the Sum mer. Friday evening at eight o'clock the Senior class of the High School will give their orations in the auditorium. The class contents of eight members each of whom will participate in the una alljpossible delay in affixing bis signature to the bill. Tbe purport of the Washington communication would indicate that it favored veto of the bill. Silver Lake Leader: White Pelican Meadows is nowjthe legal name of J. L. Cliff's rancb in Silver Lake Valley. The old custom of giving a farm or plantation a distinctive name can be program. The class ia devoting dili- followed by sending a description of gent study in preparing their respec- the land, the name oesired and one tive orations and the occasion will be dollar to the county olerk, and he will well worth attending. No admiasion will be charged putiic in general being invited. Alturaa Plaindealer: We learn from private Bourses that a phonominally rich atrike haa been made in the Sun ahine mine at High Grade. The infor mation came through a miner employ- do the rest. John 8. Rose, lately ot Susanville, this week closed a deal for the pur ohaae of A. W. Orton'a residence prop erty on the corner of Dewey and Bui lard streeta. Mr. Rose is in the stock business ,and his wite is a sister of Mrs. K. E. Winchester, proprietor of the ed at the mine, but the owners are Gooae Lake Valley Meat Market. They not giving out any information. Asa matter of faot, the Sunshine : owners are a prettv close corporstion and are not giving information of any kind. The recent unearthing of a human skeleton on the east aide of Warner arrived hare a few months ago their recent investment ia evidence of the faith they hold In Lakeview and its future. Alturas Plaindealer: H. V. Mc Namara, of the N.-C.-O. Ry, arrived Valley about ten miles from Adel has in Alturaa Tuesday night to surperin- causod considerable speculation oh our streets. Ccnillcting stories of the affair are being circulated, some con tending that the remains are but bleached bones while others state that the flesh of the body is yet decom posed. Snurlff Sndier and Coroner Wallace will aoon make a trip to Warner and further investigate case. tend the loading and getting ready of the big auto freight truck which the N.-C.' O. expects to run between Al turas and Surprise Valley this summer. The truck started tot Cedarville Wed nesday, but owing to its heavy load and the soft condition of the road was stalled about 5 miles from Alturas. the However, when the road dries out a little mure, regular trips will be made. now open and .vill soon be completely furnished. Much of the furniture is already installed, rugs cover tbe floors ana the walls will soon be adorned with pictures, and other decorations. The magnificent elk head donated by George Wingfleld, of Reno, occupies the place of honor and all other decor ations are subordinate to It. The fire alarm Tuesday afternoon summoned a large gathering of people to the demi monde district where one of the Barry buildings had caught fire from a defective tlue. The flames were light and aoon extinguished by the bucket brigade before tbe arrival of the hose cart. However, one im portant thing was discovered, and that was tbe condition of tbe tire plug on Water street which was entirely out of commission, caused by being frozen and bursted. Tbe city council took immediste steps to order a new plug to replace the defective one. E. K. Henderson, editor ot the Silver Lake Leader, and E. M. Gooch a home steader of tbe northern part of the county, came down Sunday In Mr. Henderson's Reo maohine, having been subpoenaed on the jury list. Mr. (Joocb gave plausible reasons and waa ex oused Monday morning but Editor Hen derson waa less fortunate and aa a consequence is still in the city. He reports that everything Is in good con dition in hla section, and that much de velopment is being accomplished by the homesteaders in the northern part of the ouunty. iUlnir on draugth at the Hotel bar. Lftdics La Vogue uita ami coatn, new aiiappy ntylen, Merc. Co. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Herytord left a few dsys since for Sacramento. Children' Hamilton Brown shos Jumt in, good ahaprH and none better for wi-ar. Merc. Co. A few pairs of good, serviceable rol ler skates for SI. 00 per pair at the Ksr.dy Kitchen. Attend the oration exercises tomor row evening at 8 o'clock in the High School auditorium. J. S. Keisay, M. C. Currier and J. S. Eider are among the Paisley dele gation here this week attending coutt. J. 1). Mariner, of tbe Manner Music Houce, Reno, and L. W. Baldwin, an expert tuner are in Lakeview this week. Messra. Goway & Egli, millmen of Silver Lake have purchased 100,000 feet of timber from tbe Fremont For est. Harry Glazier, has resumed a steady position in tbe Ahlstrom Gunther harness and saddle shop, having besun his dutiea last Monday morning. Mrs. Anna McGratb returned home Monday from the ZX ranch near Pais ley where she haa been with tbe Fitz pstrick children during Mrs. Fitzpat rick's stav in San Francisco. For sale Five-room house, large barn, chicken coop. Clowe In. Cheap for cash or will trade for stock. Easy terms. Addrt-Hi P. O. Box 361. Lakeview, Oregon. a24-3t Mrt Harris, a brother of tbe Har ris boys of this county, and formerly a resident ot Lakeview, was killed May 1st at Elma, Wash., by a tree fal ling on him. He removed from Lake view about 15 years ago. M. Seager of Los Angeles and son, L. tl.' Seager, of the Davis Creek Orchard a Co. of Davis Creek, arrived in . Lakeview"on Monday evening a train ana spent a few days here at tending to business matters. II. I. Reed, consulting engineer, of Colorado Springs, 'who in 1911 made an examination and report of tbe Gooae Lake Valley Irrigation project for eastern capitalists who are financing tbe project, is here this week in the interests of the same people. Among those who are here this week from Warner in attendance of Circuit Court are : Joe Fine and family, F. B Houston, A. M. Bogner, T. J. Sullivan, Harry Riggs, Wm. Moss, Cecil Dixon, VN nrren Laird, Frank Cbioo, D. U Cleland and C. H. Robinson. EJ Lamb, a prominent sheepman of Paisley, has placed an order with George B. Wborton for an Overland. George is tbe owner of an Overland and has become so thoroughly convinc ed of the good qualities of tbe machine that be has taken the agency for them in tbia terrritory. Dr. J. Irving Russell, is now the possessor oi a new Ford Automobile, he having purchased the machine last week from George Biehn of Klamath Fall, who has the agency for Klamath and Lake Counties. The 1913 model is an elegant little machine and pre sents a most handsome appearance. L. L. Hopkins of the Lakeview Ranch a few miles west of this city is going into the hog business quite ex tensively. Last week he received two more blooded Duroc-Jersey dams, and now has something over 250 head of bogs on the ranob. He made arrange ments with Mr. Troest, who will es tablish a creamery in Lakeview, to receive 100 gallons of buttermilk daily to feed his swine herd. As a result ot no market for potatoes it is reported that some cf the farmers especially in the vicinity of New Pine Creek, are giving away the tubers to get rid of them. This method is also being practiced at othar places, last week 600 sacks having been plaoed in the streets of Vancouver, Wash, which were free to anyone tor the taking. It is predicted that the acreage planted here this year will be short uf last. The trustees of Lakeview Lodge No. 63 I.O.O.K. this week made arrange ments to have the streets and alleys of the local cemetery plowed and grad ed, prjparatory to getting the grounds in good condition for Memorial Day services. However, the least fault lies in the appearance of the streeta and allev ways, the private lots show ing the greatest neglect. Parties owning lota or blocks or having any in terest therein should, by all means, see that they have attention and get them ridded of weeds. This could test be accomplished now in cooperating with the work being done by the lodge, ana it ia to be hoped that the matter will receive iuuuediute attention. ALGER LAND COMPANY LAKE COUNTY is about to write new History. WATCH THE DAIRY INDUSTRY GROW. WATCH THE PRICE OF LAKE CO. LANDS GO UP. BUT BEFORE YOU WATCH TOO LONG, BUY SOME. BEFORE YOU BUY LOOK OVER OUR LIST AND GET OUR PRICES. MARTIN & BORDERS Lands for rent See us soon if interested. LAKEVIEW, AND NEW PINE CREEK, OREGON Closing Out Sale BmawmamaBmm9mummiwmt,nm iiiFiiiaiiwinMBaBns MEN'S FURNISHINGS CLOTHING and SHOES All the better lines represented, such as: Sweet-Orr Working Men's Clothing E. & W. Shirts and Collars Walk-Over Shoes Benjamin Suits Gordon Hats 1 SEE OUR WINDOWS Britten & t i I I I &VI NEW GOODS We are now located in our new quarters in the Heryford Buildings and invite the public to come in and see how nicely we have arrang ed this building for our immense stock and the comfort of the public. v5 New lines of goods will be found in every department. Be sure and visit our furniture de partment on the second floor. &You will find everything in the line of good, staple Dry Goods and Groceries that you will need, and at .the right prices Lakeview Mercantile Company jw Jin s 4 m.'LL Li