OVERALLS ALL RIGHTS FUSeRVtD For Children The iilral playtime garment for little folk. Made all in one piece, with (In.phat k. K2XIE411! can be quickly clipped on or off, and easily washed. Far more healthful than Rom peri. Cut large t (jive utmost comfort yet fitting well and looking well. No ticht elastic band at knee, to stop Irce tii cnlation of blood and retard freedom of motion. All children love than. ftOVfPMH Good looking Lone wearing No rippinc No tearing 75c tha uit A New Suit FREE if it Rips pictured, or with high neck and Ioiir sleeves. Made of plain blue deninj or blue and white stripe hickory, for all-thc-year-' round, and of lighter weight, blue and white striped material for summer wear. Sizes 1 to 8 yearn. All arc trim med with fast-color red or blue (tulatca. Ask for and insist on getting Kovcpahs Accept no other garment If your dealer cannot supply we will forward prepaid, upon receipt of price. Made and Guaranteed by Levi Strauss & Co. San Francisco FORD OARS Get your order In early GEO. BIEHN KLAMATH FALLS Aynt for Klamath and lakm Countlou CHICHESTER SPILLS BRAND A. DIAMOND i. ik Tr Uraacht lor CIII-CHKS TBR'B I1MUNU 1.KA.NO PILLS la Kkd ndAV d mrtallla bogca, Mated with BluetO) an. Till HO OT. Ilittl j.ttV )III- UtH-Tf It V LADIR3 t ft Col Hbb. rmaalaa aa uk tor UHOXO BUAND PILL, lor twentT-fl year rtirarclrj Heat, Safest, Alwajra kclfabla. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE yK5 POSSIBILITIES OF F I J L How Prisoners Are Making Highways In Colorado. IS CHEAP AND PERMANENT, Semi-Annual Statement Of ttie County Treaiarer of Lak County, Oregon, for the li months endloir March Slut, 1913, of tb Biooey rerrtred and paid out, from what Mource received, and what account paid out. GENERAL FUND To amount n lind from last report 2fl,7l9 29 " ' received " ta- 29,1 1 W . (!'rk'a Fw 1,429 15 ' Hue.. 24t 70 " Liquor Llcene .... 5BK) (W Total" " and on natnl 57,712 04 Hy " pnld for Rdmptlon of Warrant 19,115 63 " " Koiul Ulntrict No. 1 . . 3 37 " " " l.lhrarr Fund 160 00 " U.m.l Fund 00 ' UIkIi Hchoul Fund 2,30 00 Mad Poaaibla by tha tow Coat of tha 1 Work Banafit to Taxpayer and Workara Honor Byatanf Uad Ex cluaivaly and la Vary Suooaiaful. Tin (Uinlloti of Rood rondN U one of the inoMt vltnl with which the fiinnliiK rutuiiiunlty of any mate tin to dciil. Many roiiiinunlUt In th dlfTereiit ntnlfM Ioiik a (to iimiIImmI I lip vaat ini iHirtiini'H of thl. tiiMtloii aiM hnvp tnk n iidvnntnue of tlio 0Mrtimlly at hiind to Imlld ix-riiiiinciit rondwayx, anya T. J. V j linn, warden of th Colorado atnte iillcirt lnry. No om will dlxpule tin fuel Hint kmmI roiidx n ro our Krnt HHt uri'il and our itrentPMt aMMt. A HPrlmm )iimlloii irxiitliiK llaHf to tlio pcoplo la tho fmt Hint ccrlnlii lnt(ratM of the nation are ki'I.Iiik to rteatroy the Kood road movement. 1, for one, do not believe that the people will piiMNlvely iwiwnt to Im held In the clutcheN of the fNa of the public wel fare any loiiKer. Convict lahor upon pulillc hlKhwaya poawotea poHHflillltiea I luK are nlinoKt lluiltlexa, and no better llliiNtriitlon of It ran he found Ihiin here In Colorado, where we have tlem- oiihlrnleil Unit irod roiidM enn In cou nt riK'ted liioro ecoiiomlcnlly and more expiilltloiisly y convict lulMir. under the kiiIiIIiiu hiind of the atate. tliun un der any other conditions. The criminal, aa we all know, la a cimtly unit to noclety. It I only dur- lux the x-riiMl of bU Imprisonment thnt Moclety hut an opportunity to control hla purM)Hea 1o auch uaeful ends iih will nuiteiially le4Men the OHt of hla ln- prhtoiiuient and often make It a aonrce of reiimuerntlon rather than an ex pense to the atate. I'nder nioct of our prl.-iou Hjh'enm tilt" convli'ti come out more cruel and running than when they went In. Our prions do not reform the prla- oner, ami our prUon factory labor tloea not teach the prUoner a trade, not- lUUnce oo hand lo (Jem ral Fund SCHOOL FUND To amount on hand from laat report ll,fl!2 79 " " received " taxea 21,i"il 70 " " Hiif 6 00 " " Htate Treaaurer 1,603 22 ,35,48.'. 54 and on hand ...85,031 71 tald for Itedemotion of Warr.cta 11,577 VH Total " Itv lliiliince on hand In HchooT Fuud 23,453 73 HOW Ft'ND To amount on hand from latreKrt. H.lfll SO retlvtwl from Taxea .17.212 13 " State Treaaurer 1,WW '11 " " ' " Knle of Material 0!) 74 ' " " General Fuud i0 00 Total " and on han l. 27,735 Ji9 By paid for lledemptlon ol Warranta 11.0C3 21 Hal n nee on hand lo Itoad Fund 16,673 C8 CITY OF LAKEVIEW FUND received from taxea 4,678 66 paid Gitv Trenxurer 521 67 hand io City of Lakeview Fund 4.006 99 CITY OF NEW PINS CREEK FUND received from tux en 200 21 hand lo City of New Cine Creek Fund 200 21 COUNTY HlOU ISClloOb FUND recrlvrd fioin General Fund 2,32u 00 hand lu Guuuty Hmli bcliiKd Fund 2,320 00 To amount oo baud from laat report 141 40 " ' received " General rund 150 00 To amount liy " Balance on To amount Haiaiice ou To amount Balance on 1 5 A Total " and on hand 291 40 lly " paid OreKOo Library Commlniiou 131(94 Balance on band In Library f und 154 46 HTATE TREASURER FUND To amount on band trrm last report 37 50 ' " received from finea 50 00 Total ' By reorlved and on haod 87 50 paid Htaie Treaaurer 37 60 ' Win. La fcater 25 00 Balance oo hand in State Treaaurer Fuud SPECIAL ROAD FUND To amount on band from lattt report K57 06 25 00 received General Fuud... 30 87 Total" " and on band 893 93 By " paid for Redemption of Warranto 213 50 Ualaoce on baad In Special Koad Fund 680 43 SPECIAL SCHOOL FUND To amount on hand from laat report 3.'f33 19 received " taxea 14,407 22 Sale ol Bond 6,022 08 Total amount received and oo hand 23,303 09 Bv amount paid District Clerka 6,043 33 " " In Urea t on Bonds 1,797 50 Balance on Land in Special School Fund 16,o22 26 ' ' luatltute f und 193 00 Trust Fund 86 73 " " ' itUtrlct Boundary Board 100 00 Eacueat Fund 136 49 All Fundi 100,0J8 52 I, F. O. AhlHtrom. do hereby certify that the foregoing is true state nient of the amount received, paid out and remaining on band In the County Treasury of Lake County, for the six months ending March 31st, 1913. F. O. AHLSTROM, County Treaaurer. NO GASOLINE A Player Piano without a few new rolls from time to time is al most as bad as an auto without gasoline. Player piano owners owe themselves new music occa sionally. Upon receipt of a five or ten dollar bill we will prepay to you at New York prices a fine selection, including your favorites if 'men tioned. State if your player is 65 or 88 note and make. Address $1,000 REWARD i ' 'i 1 1 v lifuedlaa mom , '.iV!;C j reward lot aTtda 1 ' ? '; ' ladln to ih I ft 4f i n. ,' irentatid ooovtcl Tha Oregon, Iforola anu Nvada 1,1 ve 8ioik Potac Ion Anwiitou, ol which thn QiKler lyuad la a miniji laTlrteun hH r .'l.itl.tn tleaatraUiiM bot'ww, ratllo or nu i Ion bn louuliintoauy ol tta uiainucra. In audition io if "iv, mo uudomliiocti oltinou Iho mmr. ooinlHlou C0.0u tor all hurt, aa b a jd.'d horn i'"J ar ou both or rlllivr iaw. r -uii1 r c.on1.,u i , ulgbt oouullui. IUn larucy, La- and 1'ioiik couutiua. Horo i.nwl wheu "Old , . . ... Nuii tiuiiiruoii horaiitkiii l, and only In larar oatit uua W. W. Uuowa.rilu.Orugou. OSE OK COU1HAIo'a CONVICT MADE KOAX. wltliMtaiulliiK the clalniH miule to this effect. For the nioxt part the prisoners are employed on piecework, and ther? a no elm nee for an Individual to Blas ter till the details of any trade. Ftfty tlve per cent of the prison bourds where prison factory labor is practiced are trying to abolish it. It Is a curse to every limn It touches. Under the contract system the labor contractor usually becomes the real head of the Institution and the warden merely a tlciirebead. When I took charcc of the prison at Canon City we had 500 idle men in the Institution. These have since been put to work at road tmlldlnir and In op erntliiK a 1.000 acre farm adjoiului; the prison. Our convict lutior has paid as an economic proposition. It has prov ed elllcieiit and has cost little. Miuiy states have found convict labor out side the prison walls unprofitable be en use they have paid too much atten tion, to Kinmllnn the convicts. Armed icniirds have frequently cost more thiin the labor was worth. 1 have found in my experience thnt prisoners are Just folks, that there is an element of t'ood in most of them and that sane. Immune treatment will take the place of arm ed Kunrds ami do the work more etli clently. We are at present working per cent of our prisoners outside the' prison purely on the honor system. J am sure that 75 per cent of the men In the average prison can be success fully handled in this manner, with a small percentage of escapes. Work on the roads Is sought for by our prison ers. We make it tin object for them to do j;ood work and not attempt to escape. In addition to the regular time off for good behavior, which amounts in some cases to ten days a month, wo give an added reduction of one month for the first year's work on the roads, two months for the second year, and ao on up to six months the sixth year. In case of Indeterminate sentences we deduct this from the minimum sentence Imposed. In case a prisoner ou honor breaks mi! rr attempts o escape he Is returned to Mie prison and lose at! credit. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SHERIFF OF LAKE OOUMTY, OREGON Dr. To amount on 1912 Tax Rolls " (Sheriff's Assessments .93,722 35 .. 1,787 49 Total 05,509 84 Cr. Bv amount collected General Fund. 23.S49 40 School " 19,503 80 " Koad " 15,040 02 " ' " City of Lakevlew 4.056 9 " School DU. No. 1 476 61 7 2,097 68 18 96 05 ' 24 8,087 20 " " 25 2,94 89 ' 27 36 87 City of Kew Pine Creek Fund.. 200 21 ' rebate allowed 2.121 88 " Errors and double assessments 204 63 ' lialance uncollected on said rolls 16,843 55 Total I, W. B. bnlder, Sheriff of Luke County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing atatement compiled for the tax rolls of Iake County, Oregon for the year 1912; showing the total tax on said rolls; the amount collected thereon. Sheriff's assessments, errors and double assessments, re bate allowed aud balance uncollected on said rolls, is a full, true, and correct statement ot all mittera affecting my return thereon. Dated this 1st day of April 1913. W. B. SNIDER, Sheriff. SEMI ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF LAKE COUNTY Oregon, showing the amount of expenditures of Lake County, Oregon, made through the olHce of the County Clerk for the six months beginning with the 1st day of October, 1912, and ending with the 3lst day of March, 1913, and also showing the amount of outstanding aud unpaid county war rants against said county, ns shown, by the books of the County Clerk at the close of business on March 31st, 1913, which expenditures are segregated as follows, to-wlt: Paid for sa'nrles and clerical assistance for county officers 6,131 22 " " oHIce supplies, fixture, stamp, telegrams etc 9054 " " wood, water. Hunt, Jauitor hire, Court House repair, County Warehouse, etc 1.892 76 " Couotv roads'and bridges 10,805 57 " Circuit Court 1.9-8 00 " " Justice Court. 219 55 " Coroner, Court 123 65 " " Expense on pi'lsrners 896 20 " " ('are of poor aud iosaue 105 55 " " Elections 939 07 Printing and Fubliahlntr 2.081 10 " Bonutv on wild animals 3 991 00 Refund of ta e 16 4 " " Kxpertlotf County KeconU 6100 ' Taut'lier and tllHli Ornde Examinations 27 00 " " Traveling expenses of Conuty Hchool hup' 95 10 ' ' Teach r's Inetituie 126 ai " Experimental work ft Dry tanning 500 00 Total paid out 30.313 7'J Coutluued on pave six Twin Valley Land Co. Incorporated . . C. R. BLOOD, Ast. Sec; C. O. MISENER, Gen. Agt. .We have for sale: Orchard and Alfalfa Lands Farm Lands, Timber Lands Homesteads and Desert Lands Special attention given to O.V.L. Land Holdings We are agents for The Falrport Town & Land Co. FAIRPORT TOWN LOTS now on sr !e. Make your selection before the best ones are sold. A big investment for a small amount of money. LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporared. A Complete Record We have made an entire transcript of all Record In Lake County wbicb In any way, affect Real Property In the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer ever made In Lake County, and ever Deed given. Errors Found in Titles In transcribing the records we bave fonnd numerous mort gaffea recorded In the Deed record and indexed; and many deeds are recorded lo the Mortgage record and other books. Hondreds of mortgages and deeds are not Indexed at aU, and most difficult to trace up from the records. We have notations of all these Errors. Others annot find them. We have pot hundreds of dollars bunting up these errors, and we can fully guarantee oar work. J. D. VENATOR, Hanager. CONSOLIDATED STAGE CO. P. M. CORY, LAKEVIEW - OREGON Operate Stages, carrying Halted State- Malta, Exprcsa and Paasangcra tha following root: LAKEVIEW TO PLUSH KLAMATH FALLS TO LAKEVIEW AirroriOBIL5 OPERATED in CONNECTION WITH THE STAQE5 Klamath Falls Route Plush Route FARES: On Way Roaad trip . . $10.00 $18.00 - - - 4.00 7.00 OEPICES:- Lakavtaw Pluab Klaauta Fall Staga OfHca Solllvaa tlotal i HataJ WALLACE & SON i Wm. Wallace, Coroner tor Lako County) UNDERTAKERS PROMPT ATTENTION AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Parlors, next door to Telephone Office WATSON BUILDING Real Estate For Exchange $20,000 worth of Denver property, apartment house above stores below, to exchange for Lake County property. Business block in Reno, Nev., valued $125,000, pays 8 per cent interest, to exchange for Lake County ranch. 135 resident lots in O'Brien's Southbrae addi tion, Reno, Nev., 1 mile from P. O., adjoining the Sierra Vista tracts, owned by Senator Nixon, in the choice part of town three blocks from $65,000 gram mar school, to exchange for Lake County property, ranch, or Lakeview property or timber for part or all on equitable basis. List your ranch property or timber with me. I am advertising in several of the Eastern dailies. I am in touch with buyers. Money to loan on large acreages. H. A. UTLEY, Lakeview, Oregon Lakeview Ice, Transfer and Storage Co Telephone No. 161 J. P. DUCKWORTH, Manager Buss to Meet All Trains, Transfer and Drayage. Storage by day. Week or Month "OUtt CUSTOMERS AltE OUR ADVERTISERS"