Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 27, 1913, Image 5

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    Ral Estate Bargains
fllOO I'nr Xft-iirif firm four mile from city, with iww n room lnuiicnhiw, nmnll
burn, chicken Ihhim; water rluhl on 10iercn, nil clemeil iiml faired.
S-'Hto For trirtx ft Mint 7, In Sin. :U, mnifii I", ' 40, yincrc, with water on
It) urns.
$100 For uvrin N mile north went of vlty with 10 ucin witter rl'ht
flout For Itio wren liny mcmlow iwnr city.
$1000 lor itm nrrcH timber hi ml .7 nillen from city.
"Wo Soil Tho Real Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
Mora Bargain
fust received, for quick sale, some of the best Valley Land
at the following bargains, viz., $IU.C0 per acre:
K) Ac ret in Hcctlon 10, Township HI), flange 19
3'JO " 22, " 3, " 19
tM " " L, " 39, " 19
210 " 28, " 39, " 19
180 " " 20, " 38, " 19
At S12.50
Per Acre
Unite County Eramtncr
Itilnlcr mill! J.nkevicw laiiiniiM.
IUIiiitr (in ilrnugtli lit the lintel
CHim ti Qiiulity Khom In llrw etylcM
for More. to.
A. M. Smith wan In (own Muruluy
from (hp Smith ami Hunting atock farm
In Drew Valley.
House and Lot for sale clone In on
cany pa) lot-tit plan. Price SIKO.OU.
See II. W. )ri nkel.
('omforliililH room fin
oImIiciI. Ilralrr Imth
OmIIoiih, One do'tr ciihI
Mr. and Mm. V. i Allen, of Mc
Dowell Creek, are in Lakeview thin
week visiting with Mm. Allen'a sister,
Mra. C. II LmigHlel.
A. I'. Koncer wim in lnt week from
tiia Went Side ranch, having brought
Houmm lor rutt apply T 10. Her
If yon want candy junt a little hit
bitter, Cloud 'i I the pine -.
Kiirnlnhed houwo on V;itr Ktrw-t j
for rent. Son O. Ij. 1 folhrook. V27-U
Watch our x u,ro (or now pondx In
all linen. More. Co.
Ladies l a Vogue "lilts iiml comIm,
oow anappy ntyleit. More. (.'.
Kd l.amb returned Monday to his home
ati'alitley after spending several dayi
in the metropolis.
S. Pepperdlno, a pioneer resident of j
Modoc rounty, died last week at hla
homo In Aliuran. lie was i. curly W)
yearn of aire.
K. M. Miller, eahicr of the Hank ot
Lakrview, Saturday morning left for
ISerkclcy. -l , to vlhit with hia fam
lly for a short time. Kobt. K. Morris was in town Hatur-
' I!. J. Dotidmoiid came down IbhI week dav evening from hi ranch on the West
rent, fur- fr(jrn hia horncMtaed near Silver Lake! Nile and instructed in the mysteries of
D. H. Conrao, of Painley, waa down
! laht week in attendance at the meeting
of county road surpervisors.
Kddie Young li in town this week
receiving treatment for a fractured
arm that he received while felling a
, j tree near the Cottonwood sawmill.
tlcgant pHckagea of candy for par
j ticular people at Clouds Kandy Kitchen.
Henry Fox w in yesterday from
hia homestead on the West bide shop'
pinK and attending to biiHineas matters, j
From the Silver Lake Leader we,
' learn that auto traffic for the Reason i
nf I'linti)
with a supply of coyote and bobcat
hideH on which he procured the bounty,
Mrs. Anna Hlnir returned to her
home at Fainley lnnt Monday after
spending several daya in Lakeview dur
ing which time she waa a guest at the
Hotel Lakeview.
Dave Klce, son of Mr. and Mra. M.
D. Klce of LaKeview. and one of the
in upward of f0 dor.en eggs which he proprietors of the Hotel Modoc at Al
illaposcil of to local merchants. j turan, has bought a one half interest
L. I). Krkes rame over from War-, 'in the Apex saloon at that place. few days ago on a visit to his j ,t , reported thst President Wilson
family who are here taking advantage . Attornly rjenersl McReynolds have
of our splendid school tscllities. decided to appoint Judge Will K. King,
Henl Kulletin: Thirty thousand J national committeeman from Oregon,
tona of mixed merchandise went to , to he rhicf justice of the court of
Hums from Kend one day last week, ! claims.
iieing drawn hy three teams, two with ; Mrs. Anna McCrsth departed Monday
12 horses each and the other with 8. morning for the Hod House on the
Mrs. A n i midst Martin formerly of ZX ranch near Paisley where she will
Silver Lake, and her sisler, Mra. Psr
thenla Porter, arrived the first of the
week from Portland ami left yesterday
morning on a visit to relatives at
the initiatory degree of the I.O.O.F.
Sheepmen are a unit in slating that
conditions on the desert could not be
better. Many of them will lamb on
tbe Winter rsnge this year, and the
sesson will commence about April ID.
Henry Jones and Wslter Daniels,
who have been held in the County Jail
since December 4, on a charge of lar
ceny in a dwelling, were this week re
leased from the custody of the Sheriff
on bail.
Julia Haker, sister of Mrs. C. E.
Lonzway, returned home last week
from Oakland, Cal., where she with
her sister has been spending the win
ter. Mrs. Lonzway will remain away
a few weeks longer.
Mrs. Virgil Conn and dsughters are
at Logansport, Ind., which is In the
sturm-swept srea. However, it is pre-
rmsin a few weeks and care for the urr,ed that they are in no danger, as
children of Mrs. K. A. hilzpatrick ; the river bed is some 20 feet below
while the lstter will take a trip to Cal-1 the surroudine country.
F. A. Fitzpatrick is down from the
ZX ranch on a business trip. He will
T. A. Crump, a well known citizen ! moved his law ollice into the Heryford I shortly commence sinking an arteslsn
Senator W. Lair Thompson this week
of Adel, wss in town
a load of fruit trees.
this week after building, having selected a suite on the
On arrival here third lloor fronting on Center Street.
he learned that the trees had been for
warded, but he rame a different route
from which the trees were forwarded
nd hence rniased them.
N. W. Hadford, of the U. S. Ueologl-
The offices are very pleasantly situated,
affording an excellent view of the
Court House Square and the southern
part of town.
H. P. Welch has removed his law
cal Survev. arrived from Portland a office to the Heryford building and oe
few days since and will bo associated copies the first room on the right of
with H. Kimble in the local work. ; the hall leading from the elevator on
Mr. Kimble wi'l leave for Hawaii the third floor. It is ouite conveniently
about June 1, after which time Mr. locatod, and being equipped with light
ICadford will be in charge of the local , and heat makes very comfortatle
work. quarters.
Tho Tourist Chautuuoua Circle will ; The Examiner is informed that a baby
meet Monday, March 31st with Miss girl wss born to Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Pearl Hall. Program: Holl call, cur
rent events, Powers, Chapter XV,
Miss Pearl Hall, Chapter XVI. Mrs.
Fields Friday, March 21, at their home
well at the Red liou-e, having just re
ceived 600 feet of pipe therefor. He
has secured the Williams outfit to drive
the well.
Chsrles L. Fulton secretary of Sun
shine High Grade Mining Copmany,
who !h now in San Francisco writes
that his company will open an office
by April 1st either at the mines at
High Crade or at Fairport on the N.-C.-O.
Dan Chandler was In the forepart of
the week from his ranch in Drews Val
ley and spent a few days with his fam
ily, lie states that he has fed a Urge
j amount of hay to his sheep during the
wincer, but they will be in good shape
near Middietown, Lake County, Cal.
Mr. and Mra. Field were formr resi-
Johnson and Mrs. Reynolds, Chapter dents of Lakeview where he was en-1 may not De generally Known, dui
XVII and Conclusion. Mrs. Thos. S. gaged in the mercantile business sev- 11 18 Iact neverthele88..tnsi sheeptiera-
Farrell. eral years atro.
u, . ... . . . ! ing is too good for them, and the sheep-
t-i t i. m . i ... . I. w lflf0 fillet onmnan, rT tho B n ' r
j.r. nimuuii, or me wevernauser -
iiml.r Cn i. n m... hi. ,nn.i ', O.V.L. Co., will next week remove his
! to put on the spring range.
I It may not be generall;
! it is a'fact nevertheless.
I era live on the fat of tbe land.
' ing is too good for them, anc
i men buy with a lavish hand
I 1 . L. 1 1
i . u ..... crrai uruera iu lijb men ira it
Spring visit to Lakeview in the near , " " "y,ora nui navmg f ha anilA in lha nnlhoiAGt inrnnp ! - n - "
in ana get it.
future. The sheepmen are expecting
him daily, although no word has been
received as to just when he would be
here, for they are desiruous of making
contracts for range during the coming
Members of the Lukeview Foresters
lodge held a special meeting last Mon
day evening at which it was decided
to conduct a strenuous campaign in an
effort to secure more members for the
order. E. F. Cheny and R. T. Strip-
The gen-
on the third floor. The offices are ideal,
having large windows in loth the south
and west sides, thus atToMIng all the
light that can possibly be needed in
diaughting and other engineering
Adin Argus: The meeting of the
Uig Valley Co-Operative Association
in Adin last Saturday brought a large
number ot people to town from all
parts of the valley. It was the sense
lin were appointed opposing captain a of the meeting that the Association
to vie with each other in prosecuting should close its business out as soon as
the work. ! possble and steps are being taken to
James Filzputrlck, of Hurney, Cal., j thtit end
is visiting bis brother, F. A. Fit.pat-; The Elks excursion to Reno will take
rick of PaiHley. He has been engaged j place one week from tomorrow. The
in the stock business In Shasta County, ! rate of S10 for the round trip Is open
but recently disposed of his interests 1 to the general public, and it is expected
there, and is now looking over this I that a large number of people will
country with a view of investing. Ilej avail themselves of the opportunity to
will gu over to Adel to vioit his sister, I visit the Nevada metropolis, and it is
Mrs, C. K. Parker. probable some may extend their trip
Tho Wnmnr. f W ., t ...III
......lull lA ,,w..Ulia. will I
a "t'hiid'a Partv" next Wednesday I
evening at
memher and
, ' to San Francisco.
l.akeview's HiHt
Luke Clapp has leased a lot in Klam
ath Fulls and is having a garage erect
ed on the property. He expects to
have his business opened by April 15.
int. Clapo was the first to open auto
mobile traffic between here and Klam
ath Fall and has many friends in
Lakeview who wish him success in his
new business.
Manuel Sanders was in from the
desert the past week ourchasing sup
plies for his camps during the lambing
season, which will commence April
10. One of the items purchased was
300 dczen of eggs, and that indicates
that his men will not suffer for good
tilings to eat during the strenuous
work of lambing.
Dr. II. E. Pitikerton of Pendleton,
Or., inspector in charge of the Bureau
of Animal Industry of this district,
has written to local headpuarters that
en inspection of all sheep south and
public watering I ea8t 01 tne iycan Kiver must be made
their lodge room. Each , trough has been installed by Woodcock
guest being required to & Leonard at their blacksmith shop at
come dressed as a child a small fine j the north end of Water street. The
will be imposed upon all who fail to trough is located conveniently on the
do so. Games will be played and Chas. j outside of their shop, and will no doubt
Gott and Miss Emily Ay res will fur- be well patronized as soon as its loca-
nish music for dancing. tion becomes known ami the weather
. . r ii ii i t i .u o... 1 1 turns somewhat warmer;
U. L. Holbrook returned the first of
the week from the Paisley country I Chewauoan Press: C. S. BeneHel
whereMie went to turn out his band of, left for points in the souhthern part of
sheep that was being fed on the Geo. I the Willamette valley, InBt Sunday.
M. Jones ranch. He says the teed at He is interested in a power site in that
present is somewhat short but believes section and is making the present trip
the sheep will be able to do well. lie with the intention of working out his
left today for Barnes Valley to look , annual assessment on the project. He
after stock interests in that section, expects to be gone several weeks.
John Klippel, of Portland, has been Thomas D. Dwyer, formerly a sheep
recommended for appointment as col- man of Lake Cojnty but who has been
lector of customs for the district of in his home town, Charleviee, Ireland,
Alaska, a poaitoin paying $5000 per tho past four years, returned to Lake
annum. Mr. Klippel waa a former view last week, tie la now in the
reisdent of Lake County, and is a j market to buy sheep and will reengage
brother of L. P. Klippel, of Summer in that business. James O'Mauhoney,
Lake. Mr. Klippel's wife Is a sister , Daniel J. Linehan and Jermiah Fits
of L. W. Vanderpool and of Mrs. War-(gerald, of the same town, returned to
ren Duncan. 1 Americu with Mr. Dwyer.
before sheep will be allowed to enter
the National Forest.
County Treasurer F. O. Ahlstrom
this week had the county safe an d
books belonging to hia office removed
from the Ahlstrom Bros, store to the
treasurer's quarters in the court house.
The duties of the office will not re
quire all ot Mr. Ahlstroms' time untH
after the 1912 tax collections being
which duties were added to his job by
a law created at the recent session of
Kirk Koontz, a familiar character
and old time resident of this section,
was this week examined for his sanity
by Physicians Daly and Smith. His
mind has been gradually weakening
for the past year or so and his condi
tion waa such that it waB deemed ad
visable to commit him to the State
Hospital. The authorities of the East
ern Oregon Asylum at Pendleton were
informed and an attendant will arrive
shortly to eocort tre patient to that
has begun between that place and
Mrs. T. V. Hall last week went to
Willow Ranch where she will visit for
a few weeks with her mother, Mrs.
Henry Mendell and W. D. Bishop
were business visitors in the city yes
terday from their ranches at tne head
of the valley.
H. Kimble, of the U. S. Geological
wurvey, has been transferred to Hawaii
and will leave tor that section or Uncle
Fam's possessions about June 1.
King Consta''tine of Greece has
taken the ostb of office as King of that
Monarchy to suoceed King Georgft
who was assassinated last week.
Mert Harber was down from the ZX
ranch this week after a load of sup
plies. Bert is just as much "at home"
behind six mules as he Is at tbe wheel
of Fitz'a Franklin.
Thomas C. Flynn, a well known
sheepman, was in town this week get
ting ready for the lambing season.
Incidentally it might be mentioned that
he expects to go to Reno on the Elks
excursion and have a set of horns fitted.
A private letter received in Lakeview
states thst a baby boy was born to
Mr. and Mrs. VV. S. Edwards, Msrch
1st, at their home near Freewater, Or.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwards were former
residents ot this valley, having moved
awav about seven vears ago.
The reels at the Arcadia showing
"Custer's Last Charge" drew a crowd
ed house last evening. The pictures
are epsecially good and portray the
scenes of the famous fighter's last bat
tle in a realastic manner. Tbe pro
gram will be repeated tonight.
Harry Angstead and family, former
residents of Lskeview, last week re
turned here, and Mr. Angtead has re
sumed his old position in Bailey & Mas
singill's store. During their former
residence in this city they made many
friends, all of whom are glad to see
them again in their midst.
C. W. Class, local agent of the the(
N.-C.-O. Ry., this week received the
special passenger rate lists for the Elk
excursion to Keno April 4. The
reduced fare of $10 for tbe round trip
is effective from the following points
sleng the line: Lakeview, Fairport,
Willow Ranch, Davis Creek, Alturas,
Likely and Madeline. Tickets will be
on sale April 3rd and 4th, the return
limit being April 7.
Attorney and Mra. J. M. Bstchelder
left on Monday morning's train for Al
bany, Or., by way of Chico, Cal.,
where Mr. Batchelder will receive
treatment for spinal trouble thst hss
been troubling iiim conisderable of
late. Mr. Batchelder's mother, whe
has been in Lakeview the past several
weeks, accompanied them on her return
to her home in Chico. Mr. and Mrs.
Batchelder expect to be awav about
six weeks.
Gilbert Anderson and H. H. Ogle,
who are in the employ of the Klamath-
! Lake Counties Forest Fires Association,
are now in the Silver Lake country in
vestigating the prevalence ot the pine
beetle in the timber of that section.
Tbe infection of the pine beetle has be
come so alarming in the two counties,
so it is said, that timber owners will
have to spend considerable money to
rid the forest of this pest. According
to reports it costs about $1 a thousand
feet to treat ihe trees.
Fully one hundred killeu, twice that
number badly injured and hundreds of
thousands of dollars wortn of property
destroyed, briefly tells the story of the
tornado which swept through Omaha,
Neb., and suburbs at 6 o'clock Sunday
evening, in an almost straight path
from four to six blocks wide and more
than eight miles long. It is said to be
by far the most appalling catastrophe
that ever vieited that portion of the
middle west. The estimate is that
135 houses were demolished and a total
of 1250 buildings destroyed.
It is reported that word has been re
ceived in Lakeview from Los Angeles
giving announcement of tbe recent
marriage of Miss Lena McShane and
Stanley Hanson both of this place.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. McShane of this city, while
the groom is a brother of J. F. Hanson,
proprietor ot the West Side Point
Ranch. It is stated that they will re
main in Los Angeles, where Mr. Han
son is employed, for some time after
which they will return to this valley
and take up their residence.
O. V. L. tracts for lease in various localities.
Ranches for lease for development work.
Land for exchange. What have you to submit?
Only real estate considered.
G40-acre hay ranch for rentC miles west of Lake
view. Taxes paid for non residents.
On Door Eaat of Photo Gallery, Lakeview,
Wendt Bldg. Now Pino Crook
Closing Out Sale
All the better lines represented, such as:
Sweet-Orr Working Men's Clothing
E. & W. Shirts and Collars
Walk-Over Shoes
Benjamin Suits
Gordon Hats
Britten & Erickson
C" '-.
l H: ! f?: ii
Owing to the delay in our new quar
ters being finished we are compelled to
open our New Spring Goods at the old
place of business and invite your inspec
tion of our various lines. The first
shipment of our La Vogue suits are
now on display, also Queen Quality
Shoes and new line of Childrens' Shoes,
All our drygoods will arrive in a very
short time. Watch for New Goods.