Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 20, 1913, Image 8

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If you are planning for a new outfit for this spring and summer,
we want you to know that no other place in this town can
give you a wider scope for selection or a more varied assortment
of merchandise in all the different lines. This applies to value
as well as assortment. This is the store that stands between you
and high prices. We help you to make your money go farther
Everything in that line A suit that will suit 60cto$5.00. New
is here. Red seal or you. A line at $ 12.50, straws and summer hats
amoskeag dress ging- "$15.00, $17.50 and 25c to $3.00.
hams I2 1-2cyd. Rat- $2000 Ve specialize '
ines plain or stnped, all on suits ;U NECKWEAR
shades 30c yd bum- xew silk four in hands
mcr s.lks and foulards K" a bctt r lue " 25c Fancv ;UU, Iai
25c up. Percales, one that pnee than can be . Jr jn
yard wide, 12 I-2c. obtained anywr.ere. hands 50c.
SHOES Comfort, worth and wear in every KitTifse
pair Star Brand Shoes for all the family. NOTIONS
Children's Oxfords, button or lace, 75c to Everything you want
$1.50. Misses shoes all styles and leathers from for very little money.
$ 1 .25 to $2.50.
Boys shoes from $1.50 to $3.50. COTTON GLOVES
Ladies' shoes from $2.00 to $5.00.
Men's shoes $2.50 to $7.00, including high cuts. - Pairs for I5c ,c;lth
er palms all styles. 25c
The best for the sea- Ladies' Burson hose K MI
son, from 45c to $3.00 bhck Qr tan 25c GARDEN SEEDS
a garment. medium weight 2 pairs Fresh sccds in all v;
Ladies' vests from 15c 25c beaf brand hose a rieties.
to 35c each. Union ...
i t sizes, 25c pair, chil
suitsat35cto 62 l-2c. MEN'S SHIRTS
dren s medium quality
OVERALLS tan or i)iacji) 2 pairs Every kind is shown
Crown brand guaran- 25c. here. The low or mili-
teed, bib or plain, extra tary standing collar.
heavy denim. $1.00 a MAILORDERS Prices from 60c to
pair. FILLED $3.50.
SALE NOW. tfS$4&&S
Throngs of People View
Splendid Exhibit at
High School
Tne Art Display at the High School
Building was one of tne guod things of
tbe year tut like 1. 11 good things it
p asset).
The Exhibition contained over 200
reproduction of the mot noted master
pieces of Art and the choice ot BubjecU
is well made for the purpose of school
Perhaps nothing, no more vittlly
touches our esthetic nature than the
study of Art and yet this very subject
is neglected. Lakeview is just intro
oucing tie work into the schools and
the stimu'u furnished by tnis splendid
display will work wonders in the future
of tne school work.
To say thit tne pictures were enjoyed
puts it very mildly for the children
were delignted and especially was this
true with those who had studied some
of them. The people of the town pat
ronized liberally and mHny came fre
quently to re able to study more of
their favorite pictures.
About 500 persons vi.sited the exhib it
and expre-sed their appreciation for
trje opportunity of seeing the display
and getting the s:udy.
The net receipt of the exhibit was
over S50, which sum wdl Le used for
pictures to aid in the study and to
beautify the school rooms.
Two things were aimed at in this
Governor Will Soon Ap
point County Attorney
For Lake
. f.
Under the provision of the !nw pas
sed by the recent legislature abolishing
the office of district at'orney and pro
viding for a county attorney in each
county, Lake County alter June 4 will
have a county attorney. No appoint
; ment has as yet been made tor the at-
tornev in this county, but inasmuch aa
i the Governor has already mHle several
appoin ments throughout the state, it
1 is expected that the announcement for
I Lake will occur soon,
i Under the provisions of the law the
present district attorneys will be county
attorrevs in their home counties. It
is reported that there are four aspir
ants to the appointment of county at
tnrrey for Luke, they being Deputy
District Attorney Thos. S. Farrell, and
Attorneys C H. Combs, O. C. Gibbs
and II. P. Welch.
to be equal to any
Beer brewed. Bot
tled and on draught
at all leading saloons
Reno Brewing Co. he
High School Notes
The Senior Class with some assis
tance is preparing a school play to be
given in the near future.
Two basket ball school teams will
have a contest game at the Gymnasium
Friday night.
A number of supplementary books
are being added to the Beveral grades.
The children of the lower grades
are quite regular and very punctual but
in the upper grades they must be out
so late nights that they are frequently
tardy or else sleep so late they do rot
come until noon. Parents! your child
ren cannot get their full share of crcuit
in this way.
George C. Turner returned last week
to Surprise Vallev after spending
bout six weeks in the southern part of
California where he went to buy choice
dairy stock for his Surpme Valley
ranch. It is reported that t e brought
baok 80 head of cows and huifets.
display : financial uiu tnd clucotiomi
improvement. The luiur m made
tbe predominant feature and both aims
were successful.
Largo Crowds Grootod the
Parisian Millinery
The critical and particular dresser
of tlrs city, the women who pride
theim-elves on keeping In toiirn with
the lute fashions, turned out Monday
to welcome the Spring and ftaster
opening at the Parisian Millinery.
Despite the stormy character of the
day the store, which was tastefully
neenrsted w ith mahogany I rtish, Ore
gon grape and violets, was crowded
with admirers of the fashions, and
; mure significant thsn the crowds, how
lever, In demonstrating the supremacy
of the store as a style center, was the
' liberal purchasing of new millinery
i creations.
' The general impression formed Is
' that we are to have a season of extra
! ordinary combination of colors, and
j they are being gladly accepted as a
i reaction from the universal black and
j white and dull shades of the pat aeas
' uns. The new colorings are of the
j most brilliant Nell Clique de
iroche, hrench blue, Itishnp purple,
j Irish green, which are pinnacles of
i popularity, the only popular dull shade
' being Taupe, the beautiful loft dull
I grey. Much favoritism is given to mal
j ine as a trimming with bands and gar
lands of small moss roses, foraot me
'nnts, drapes of lilacs and the laivo
I A i erican Heauty roses. In fancy
; feather the bread French plumes,
i Numide and Paradise are in the lead.
Kegarding the sire of hats they are
shown as in all proportions, crowns
being low to medium, very few
tall one can I'tio ic individually. nd
as to material, hemps and milana are
i the mo-t prominent, a marked prefer
' encc being i-hown smnot'i braids.
Alturas Provided Pleasing
j Entertainment for
Lakeview People
About 40 people of Alturas including
the dramatic club of that place and the
Alturas bund took advantage of the
N. C.-O. excursion rates last Thursday
land carr.e up to Lakeview. That even
ing the dramatic club put on the three
act comedy drama "Tne Lost Mine" at
the Snider Opera house. The perform
ance wai very creditably reproduced
and w;is greeted with a packed house.
The story had a very clever and some
what complicated plot and each part
in the cast was so well handled that
the entertainment proved very inter
esting. Following is the east of characters:
Nevada, the Wanderer,
J. T. Honker.
Vermont, an old miner,
L. U. McDowell.
Tom Carew, R. A. Laird.
Dandy Dick, E. Dransforth.
Silas Steele, Busted Balm,
Herbert Stephens.
Jerden, a detective,
J. Ballard.
Jube, a block miner,
II. Miller.
Win-Kye, a Chinaman,
"Hard" French.
Mother Merton, Mrs. N. B. Harris.
Agnes Farileu Miss Anna Hunt.
Moselle, a waif, Henrietta Ivory.
The players handled their respective
parts with a touch of professionalism
that was an improvement on many of
the so-called professional dramatic
troup that often tour this part of the
The Alturas band, under the leader
ship of Prof. Kice, discoursed some
very pleasing music between the acts.
They also furnished music for a dance
after the performance but this was not
very well attended 'owing to the Ant
lera Club dance which was scheduled
for the following evening.
Owing to business cares nearly all
the visitors were compelled to leave
for their homes the following morning,
while a few remained over for the
dance and dedication of the Heryford
building, returning on Saturday's
ontlntird first pngn
bars. There are SiHi fcrt of prism
glass, 5)5 common w indows, III) set of
windows In the second an I third storlta
and 140 door, half of them belntr of
chipped glass. Three ara 12 toilets
and 21 lavatories, all of which flash in
to a large septic tank.
In the basement is located the steam
heating plant nnd a Sti II. V. Fairbanks
Morse enine and dynamo for generat
ing the current for elecrtic lights and
power. The basement affords largo
storage rapacity Hnd th Immensity of
the building ran probably be appre
ciated belter from that location than
from any other point, inasmuch as It
is not rut by partition a yet.
The first floor is occupied bv the
Posto"U'e, Sndyor .V Reynolds' driitf
store und the Lakeview Mercantile
Company. The Utter firm also occu
pies the main room on tbo second Moor,
with r."iS() feet f floor spare, their
quarters on the first floor, having TD-O
feet of space. There U alar a stairway
in the northweut corner of the building
which lead to the upper floors. The
main salesroom of the drug store is
jrixM) feet, with a atoreroom in the
rear of equal sire. There are also threa
suites of ollices for physicians connect
ed with the drug store, one of which
is i ceupied by Dr. J. 1. Kuaacll.
On the east side of the building on
the second floor are located the quar
ters ot the Antlers Club. I lie lounging
room is 'JlixUS fet in sire, and affords
a splendid view of ti e Court House
Square. The bulTct ta ITix''i feet, and
the reception hall 10x12 feet. The ball
room is 4,rx.r:l let t, and with ita maple
I floor will compare favorably with any
other room used tor similar purpose
j on tlm Coast, 'there are also three
I ai.te rooms with toilets and lavatories
Iruninetod with th club's quarters.
! The I'nited States Land Ollico is also
beinrf ' '"rated on the se ond floor, and visiting
oIIicihIs state that the ollices arc the
best in tbe wnolc Norttirst.
The third lloor is devoted to ofllcc
exclusively. The rooms aru large,
light and airy, and are ssid to be un
excelled in the large skyscrapers tf
the cities. Many of the rooms are
equipped with hot and cold water and
all have r-team heat.
The elevator reaches from tho base
ment to the third floor and is full auto
matic. It is of the Van F.mmoiis Klee
tric Co. make, and is operated by elec
tric power furnished by the plant al
ready referred to. It is absolutely
"fool-proof." and is entirely devoid of
danger, inasmuch a' it will operate
only when everything is entirely safe.
It is operated by means of push but
tons, and then only wtitn ail doors are
closed. A button is pushed to bring
the elevator to you, anil when you
have filtered and closed the door
push a button for the flour desired
the elevator automatically carries you
to the desired point. Ine wiring and
installation of the lights was dune by
Kay Curtis.
Tho steam heating plant and plumt-
ing was installed by It. T. Baldwin,!
and is pronounced a must excellent j
job by persons familiar with that kind j
of work. Everything works to per fee-
tion, there being no "hammering" or
! objectionable noises of any kind
throughout the building. Mr. Maid-
win also has charge of the sheelmetal
work, much of which yet remains to
be dune.
Tbe most surprising feature of the
whole building, however, is its extreme
low cost. This the lieryford Bros, at
tribute to the very painstaking manner
in which its construction was superin
tended as well as the laithful work of
every person engaged, for all took pride
in the building as well as in perfoming
their duties faithfully and well. In
no way, abapo or manner was the
material or workmansnip aligiited in
the least, it being uppermost in the
minds of ull to have every item enter
ing into its construction of the very
best While the finishing work has not
been completed, yet it is known the en
tire cost of tbe structure will be loss
than $82,500, and it is expected that it
will not exceed W1.000.
Superintendent Uiderwnod is espec
ially thankful for the loyality of ail
employed upon the building, and he
attributes much of his success in keep
ing down the cost to the faithful per
formance of the workmen under him.
Aside from the money expended in
steel, lime, cement, etc., which
amounted to approximately $25,000,
practically nil of the remainder was
expended our own people. The
I item of labor alone amounted tu about
( 25,000 while the lumber rest another
i largo sum.
Continued from first pngo
Appropriation to allow State Water
Board of Commissioners to prosecute
water measurements' and adjudicate
water right continuously until work
I completed.
Another dill rnmlng tindrr lb head
of local benellt la that authorizing the
State Land Board to reclaim lands
submerged by water In lakes and
swamps and tn sell the land and turn
the proceeds Into the rommon School
fund. This cannot apply to tiooae Lake
because in l'JOfi all of the tale's in
terests in this lake and bed thereof
were granted to the Federal Govern
ment. Mills pertaining directly to Lake
County :
Requiring Secretary of Stale, after
payment of ailmhist rating automobile
department, to turn Lake County's
portion of license fund back to county
for construction of roads.
Amending acsln bounty law to pre
vent mutilation of liiilia and pelts in
making claims for bounty. Also stale
making adequate appropriation for
ncalp bounty.
Securing for Lake County an extra
term of Circuit Court in January, at
which a jury will not le railed except
by order of Judge, anil changing tbo
time of the Fall term of Circuit Court
from the third Monday in October to
tho second Monday in September, thus
making the Fall term live weeks earlier
than heretofore.
Continued from llit-t page
like provisions could have been dis
pensed with by the Legislature in thi
ll rut plsre and it (kerne l it wise so t
do: in other words, the Legislature
coull clothe the Count v Court with
power to levy special road , taxes up to
a certuin amount without, notice.
Therefore, I am of the opinion that the
curative act la constitutional, and that
all road taxes are collectible,"
K. T. Givan, a stockman of tho War
ner Valley, is registered at Hotel Lake
view from Adel.
you j
and 1
Work on Dam Delayed
J. W. Wheeler has suspended work
for a few weeks on the Dry Creek ir
rigation proiect and those of the crew
from Lakeview returned to town this
week. Mr. Wheeler left by the West
ern yesterday and will spend a lew
weeks' vacation on the coast. He
stated that a delay in the work was
necessitated on account of the water,
whioh was diverted from the main
channel by the dam, cutting a channel
between the work and place where
material is stored. He said the ob
stit' le could be overcome by construe
i 'i.,, . ' . liijgu ttcrotb liid channel,
but preferred to atop work until after
the high water period. He will return
to Lakeview in about three weeks.
.t lii'iiutlCul nsmtrt nwiit nftlutwl
Cushions, Cvtitvrs, Scurfs, White
I'lws, lllsn full lllir of Hull
I'rniif Lustre iiml Silk tn work
with. Alsnfrnclwt Cnttoll.t'rliw,
etc , iiml the hitcht fut terns fur
ht:iini'lnz mi.vthliiff ymi wniit
Limn fur tenter I'lccrs mul nut fur Shirt Wiilts . theymtl
i:XL'IIAN(iI' iii connection
Flrt Door at Photo Callory
For Summer in Crooked
Creek Valley, (iooil Feed,
Plenty of Water. Address:
Chas. Garner
For Sale or Trade
Ten year old; weijjit l(f0
J. P. Duke
Lakeview - Oregon
Your Easter Drlvo
will provn till the mare enjoy,
ttblu It In urfilltlon tn ynur own
new npiurel you provide n
new suit fovyour horse. Sec
our display of both ll.uht mil
heavy harness. This Is the
time for new things. Why not
for new hnrnesH lor , our horse
or ten in ?