Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 06, 1913, Image 6

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:ourteous v:-- .. -?--::l:-.-. . ;.r
LIGHT & MARROW. Proprietors
"V AVI i
r mi i
Thla matter must not t rvprlntrd with
out ppclal permission.
during the coming Spring or Sum
mer, it will pay you to begin mak
ing preparations now, while you
have the time to spare.
We have several books ot house plans to show you.
We also have a complete line of Lumber, both dress
ed aud undressed, that we would like to show you.
Come in and let us talk it over with you. Maybe we
can save you some time and money.
phe72C2enterSt' Lakeview, Ore.
Some one who has had experience
Willi fleas recommend aprlnkllng oil
of K'iui.vro.vnI on the floors of house
and burn and lu the sheds.
What has become of the box fMcr
bug that was so much of a nuisaiue
j ten or 8 dozen yours ago? Somehow
It has not seemed much lu evldouc
I lately.
Often the tender sMts or bunches on
the horse shoulder made by III fitting
collars niay tie reduced or eutlrely re
moved by painting them daily with
tincture of iodine.
The food chemist of the Oregon Ag
ricultural college have figured It out
that a slice of ordinary plalu cake con
talus as much in way of food element!!
as a pint aud a half of milk.
The word alfalfa conies from the
Arab aud means "the best fodder"
This designation seems to be borne
out today by practically all farm ani
mals and poultry that hare access to it.
Lakeview Ice, Transfer
and Storage Co
Telephone Xo. lOl
J. P. DUCKWORTH, Manager
Buss to Meet All Trains. Transfer
and Drayage. Storage by day,
Week or Month
Draft horses are in preater demand
than light weights: but. for all that,
most men prefer the roadsters In the
hope, doubtless, that they may haply
find a Jewel of a trojter among their
There Is near Hempstead, a suburb
of Houston, a watermelon patch s:il.
to contain tt.000 acres, and it Is nothing
uncommon for the patches to produce
melons weighing from forty to sixty
Front Thi Irish .Yen-
Tiie f ports that wa have received
from the northern and eastern desert
during the past month lend us to be
lieve that this will be a very miceosfiil
year for thu fheepmcn. There lins
been lens ns. and the sheep are In
In'tter mi dition than they linvo been
during any winter eoason for yearn,
which justifies uk In predicting tliat
the wool crop of l.ako county will lie
at leant 2,1 per cent greater than it
was for 1M2.
The wool market la about the same
a itjwiis n year ago, the Drat flip to
bs eold in Montana this year bringing
22 cents. Montana wool uimslly tells
for from 3 to 4 crnis more ' than.'thsl
grown in Uiii section of Oregon. which
woulil mean that local sheepmen Juicy
expect from IS to ly rmita.a ;'pound. at
the present time.
There ia little danger of any'acrlotiM
reduction in taritT during; the next 2
year for Pre iJent elect Wilson has asid
"no legitimate industry 'may fear the
forthcoming revision of the turilT.",
Some Democrats, like many of tht-ir
lirpublican brethern, may favor a re
duction, Home may even hold out for
putting wcol on the tree lint, btit we
doubt very much that a majority of
the Democratic legislators will see fit
to revise unfavorably one of our nat
ion 'a leading iiulustriei, the total
value of which in 1912 was $7f,
2U0,22t. Should the House of Repre
sentatives, which has a good working
Democratic majority, revise schedule
"K" in a manner fatal to the wool
grower, it would atill have tl-.o Senate
to contend with a body in which the
Democrats have a majority of hut two,
and in which 8 of the Democrutc Sen
ators are from wool states, two hailing
from Uregon. And in this latter re
spect . it is unreasonable to believe
that the Oregon Senators would vote
for a revision detrimental to the wool
industry of this state, an industry
which brings us Oreuoniaus cloae tn
$l,(Ki(),000 annually : nor would any of
the other Senators from wool states
vute for any such revision.
Mutton is also in good demand at the
It Wears Best. Costs Less to
Build and Is Never Dusty.
iWm. Wallace, Coroner for Lake County)
Parlors, next door to Telephone Office
Twin Valley Land Co.
- Incorporated
C. R. BLOOD, Ast. Sec; C. O. MISENER, Cen.'Agt.
We have for sale:
Orchard and Alfalfa Lands
Farm Lands, Timber Lands
Homesteads and Desert Lands
Special attenti'-n iven to O.Y.L. Land Holdings
We are agents 1 r
The Fairport Town & Land Co.
FAIR PORT TOWN" LOTS now on s.- . Make
your selection before the best ones are sold. A
big investment for a small amount of monev.
Tii I ii piTucf n fill ft notif arm tv I mrrliw
the writer saw thU aramm were from I present time an evidenced l.y the recent
a four -ypnr-old lied, from which ail
nei'ili were carefully pulled last sum
mer :md a i:ood mauy of the old roots
A new record for size of ecs la wild
to have lieen made hy a White Leg
horn hen in New Jersey, it.i respect ie
circumferences heiiii: !l.j and T."
inches The ecu was soft ahelled and
has I'ccu put in alcohol for exhibition
Farmers Maine the predatory dups
for the decline of the aheep Industry
In many section. A single night's
raid ui.-iy destroy the profits of an en
tire season And of what lisp are the
predatory do's that they fchould I
spared ?
The favorite an wpII as t lie most
common luecuirii: place for flics U the
pile of horse manure out hack of the
linrn If it Is not possible to screen
this, a simple method of preveutin?
the Hies from ;ettiu to it Is y cover
ins It with straw or old hay.
vi.Hit here of Mr. ii . r. Carey, rcpres
entitiR a San FranciHco meat company.
J Mr. Carey i well known as lant jear'a
i buyer for the Miller and Lux Company,
land while he found no hhtep .(It for
mutton at this time - stated that he
j would call BtfHin in the early vprin.
; e mi'nt mm up hy saying that an
j a result of the present 0od winter,
sheep will he in the pink ot condition,
will produce a large .wool rrop and
. with the fnvorable outlook Tor good
i prces on mutton und wool the year
j 1913 should te a banner one for the
sheepmen. When thu sheepmen are
nrcspcrous it means probperity for all
kinds of business in this community
as the sheep itidutdry is atill the lead
ing one in Lko county.
An interesting fact In connection
with turkeys Is that the hen. when
riiiiirin with her Hiults. seldom roosts
in the same place twl-e. A distinct
advantage of this Is that her tlnck is
uot subject to the ills li!;cly to result
from occupying foul piarters
Lund in si;:ie sections of New York
state is said to have doubled In value
since the iiitrodueiioii of alfalfa ?row
liiK This is simply a workint; out of
the law of caii'-e and effect. Any crop
that will double or treble the crop
value of land Is liound to make It ad
vauoe In price.
K.'.periments In the fending of beet
I tops, as conducted by California dairy
i men, indicate that when used fresh lis
i a p;.i t of the ration they tend to pro
dnco 1 . 1 1 1 1 ! that is Ann and of excel
! lent n,ar::ct ipiality. The tops form a
i succulent ration and one that Is much
! relished by the cows.
A Complete Record
We have made an entire transcript of all Kecordu In Lake
County which in any way, affect Ileal Property In the county.
We have a complete Ilecord of every MortK!i" and transfer
aver made In Lake County, and ever Deed iIven.
Errors Found In Titles
In transcribing the ree- r iu we have found nnrnerouo mort
RHKes recorded lu the Peed record aud indejed; and many
deedn are recorded In the .V ortjriii; record ami other books.
HondredH of inorttfaxea and deeds are not Indexed at all. and
moat dllilcult to trace up from tho records.
We have notations of all these Errors.
Other .annul find thein e have put nmidreds i f dollars
hunting up these error, we can fully vcuarar-tee our work.
A lady friend in picking some Colutn
bhiii r,js.yei;ies the other (lay broke
oli one (jf the iarfcn tju'te brill h
Ftems which contained several dozen
liniuatiii'e beirtcs. She took this and
set it win a vessel of water. a:nl the
berries ere growing and ripeidng as If
under norinal coiiditioiis
"At Final Parting"
(Joaquin Miller's last nmnpagu to
the world, -which wsa written three
jdavs before he died, the tenor of which
indicates that the famed poet realized
the end was rear when ho penned these
beautiful lines :)
"Could 1 but teach man to believe,
Could I but make email men to Krcwt
To break frail spider-webs that weave
A i-out their thews and bind them low.
Could I but sing one nonjj and Uy
Grim Don! t: I then could go my way
In tranquil nilenco, glad ierene
But ah! this dibelier, this doubt,
This doubt of Cod this doubt of good.
Ibc damned ext will not out.
"Would'at learn to know one little
Its perfume, perfect form and hue:
Yea, would'st thou have one perfect
(Jf all years that come to you?
Then grow as God huth planted, grow
A lordly oak or a daisy low,
As he hath set h'u garden: be
Just what thou art, or grass or tree,
Thy treasured up in heaven laid
Wait thy sure ascending soul,
Life after lite be not afraid !"
Klre killed timber, large qoantltlos
of which tune been available In west
ern states In recent yearn as a result
of disastrous forest fires, has been
found especially suited to the making
of apple boxes, for the reason that it
Is practically odorless, and It Is useful
also for telephone poles and railway
At a recent talbcring of an organiza
tion known as the Xnlive Sous of Min
nesota a tablet was erected to the
memory of Peter Gideon, the originator
of the Wealthy apple, a variety which
Must Appropriate
15 ckward, turn backward, Oh Time,
in your flight; give me July again just
for tonight. Soften the ground where
the trosl king has lain; let me hear
just one rnisquito again. 1 am weary,
bo weary, of frost bitten pie; give ua
a slice of the Fourth of July. Back
ward, sing backward, Oh season of
snow : mercury fifteen or twenty below.
Turn on the heat of thu tropical zone:
roast me until I am cooked to the bone.
I am tired of trying to Bleep with cold
feet. I urn on the heat, minter turn on
the heat. Walt Mason.
.San Francisco bay appears to be
underlain by a basin of freh vvutcr.
A pile 110 feet long, driven in the bay
holtnin ut thtt foot ot Mission htreet.
for Its season Is not surpassed jM either 'Sun FrhU.iMUi tapped a preur vein
that ia Htill eiiHhir.g. The first, gush
the ball water,
out ID inches in
Juiciness or Jin vol- by any proi'u od In
A n.n..O.., Tl. (. fiiftllll ,1'CI I Irll.ll.l teilM
placed on the old Gideon farm In M:n- '"DO ""- - -
If Laid Proptrly With a Smooth Four
Inch ConcrU Dm, a Two Inch Sand
Cuahion and a Cvmont FilUr Good
In Any Woathir.
The I 'roller dimensions of n brh k
highway where they have been In use
for II nunilier of years Is fourteen feet
lu width, wllh n mven fool clay track
on the aide. .Many or tlieui are mini
about nine feet lu width, wllh a seven
foot clay road on I be side.
Such roads are built In many parts of
this country at a cost of Js.ihhi to $U.
noo n mile, says a writer In Good
fiends. They have underneath that a
four Inch concrotu bane. That four
inch concrete base Is advlsislly linide
smooth. Cpou It Is placed a two Inch
sand cushion that Is uniformly com
pressed by uslnif a hand roller welch
ing about XVI pounds. Two things are
accomplished hy that method.. Yu
hnve a uniform wearing plate, you
have a upirt of the wearing surface
that Is uniform, and yet It has re
siliency, so that neither the brhk nor
the cement that Is placed Is'tweon the
brick is at all injured in surface and
will last Indethiitely. After this foun
dation Is (hus prepared the bricks are
placed upon It with the Is-at edge up.
and after that the pavement la smooth
ed, aud then It Is ready to recidve the
application of Hie cement tiller.
In the application of the lenient tiller
the secret of obtaining the quality Is
(lint (he cement tiller shall bo made In
the proper pn.vortlou and that propor
tion Is one tr, one of the cement and
sand The only sa.v to keep it ill that
prop. rt I. hi Is to keep it III perfect Ugl
Li Jc . TX-?1? wV'tJ
From Tin i trwn
A (iovcrnment rehirn tste, that
there aro 2ur.,,T17 old age pensii ner
in lielsn I, or O.Hil per KHKIuf the popu
Htiou. ihe largent perci nlsgn, 70. HO,
Is rci.clicd in Coniity Itoscotnu'on. One
lea-on sttr iimlcl lo thW coii'lilion of
sITsiis is the grout Irish fsmine with
its risullsnt happenings, hicI 1 1 in large
drain on the country's populstion
canned then and aince ly the cmlgru-
tioti of men ami women in the prime
of lite.
Dining I ho year l!U2 there were
I lO.r.ptfi persons killed and IC'.l.n.'W injured
j on sieam railroads of I Ire I) idled St sic
i an in-resfe over the prcvio in ycur of
j ISil killed and lit .'1 7 SI Injured. Unsafe
louilbr la and rotten tics ate held by
the Interstate Commcrio Coiiuni'siou
lohineleeu renpotmible for a Isrge
number of the disreters whri-h resulted
in itij u ri and lies ot life.
Fmin Tlit- Irish .Ven
Tho early ihty of the I. sod I vague
in Ireland were recalled vividly to our
minds not loi g ago when we learned
of the death in Omaha, Nebraska of
Thoma Hrcnnan. This gentleman
was tin first secretary of the lesgue in
Ireland, ami wan the organizer of
hmnchcii all over (he country. Not
once, but many tiinns, was ho arrested
and confined to prison for the patriotic
words he uttered, for he was an orator
cf high order. At the ti-ie of the
i'heonii Park tragedy he was forced
to leave Iruland at the risk of being
persecuted for complicity in an affair
with which ha had nothing whatsoever
IimIo, which fact has since been gen
erally rcogniod. On leaving Ireland,
his wanderings led him to seek refuge
in France, Italy and Morocco, and
thence to the. United Slates, finally
settling in Omaha whure he soon bej
came estntdihhed ai a successful real
estate dealer, lie whs always a sin
cere patriot, always retained a devti
interest in thu Irish movements, and
now resti In the same cemetery with
General Jufiu O'Ncil, chief of the
Fenian Invasion of Canada.
hi: !
HI, I.Atl.MJ Till! Ullll'kH.
From The .-; AVh.v
Not many years ago the Gaelic
original Irish tongua was a mere
fugitive dialtct of the outikirta of
Inland. Not only did the Kngilah
authorities endeavor to suppress it,
but the Irish parents waul I hang a
block of wood about the children's
neck and cut a notch in it for every
word spoken. The uehoolmimter would
deal with the ofteiiders at his leisure.
The attempted revival at a tongue aa
tattoo until it luuds In Its place, and
then after it becomes baldened U Is
uniform In eharu. ter throughout, aud ("lilfieult aa Greek impress many hard
any expansion and contraction which i beaded people as chimerical. Never
we ure often called upon to explain Is j thuless, 3000 Irish school are teaching
almost eliminated, la-cause that is tak- Gaelic, 400,0110 Irishmen nr- studying
eu up lu compression. l!ut whatever it C,u: lie fciens annear on village
The Let Examiner Figure on Your Next Job Work
nesota anil the occasimi was Ijonoieci
tiv the presence id' noted Icrtlciilturlsts, j diameter. .
wtl-'j spoke i pprei ii'! Ion for the rc'V' ' '
If I,., had r.nder.d to horticulture. I "' "' t t he Kcduci i..u Male now I
. -. . i ..
iii..u on ul i.iiKturiv .iiiL.ininc i.u i
remains may be taken care of simply
by means of uu eipanslon cuahion
alongside the curb.
As to tho ourl for a country highway,
it is advisable simply to build it Hush
with the paveuient, an the teams can
pass on or off that pavement without
let or hindrance.
As to its qiuillty, after a puvement
Is thus constructed. It Is almost Impos
sible for It to Kct out of order, und 1
am almost Inclined to refrain from of
fering Hie facts with reference to tho
duriiliillty of brick pavements thus con
structed. We never have hud a brick
pavement In this country to call for re
pairs in twenty years, und that Is some
thing worth while that the American
people ought to know. I nui not an
advocate of the use of brick generally
nail Indiscriminately; you must have
the sand cluy roads, you must have the
water bound macadam, you must have
the water treated roads we have heard
so much about. Hut upon excessively
used roads over which would come con
tinuously in almost unlimited numbers
automobiles, trucks, farm wagons and
trallle of all kinds, there Is but the one
pavement that Is economical to con
struct upon such a highway and that
Is either granite or brick. Of course a
granite pavement would be out of the
question, but brick is not prohibitive In
cost for excessively used roads, and
It Is the solution of the problem us to
the material for excessively used high
ways that the American people do
uiaiiil. Although I cannot go into details
and reel I e all the evidence of the eco
nomic vab - 'clck roads on the ex
cessively Of..-1 highways of this coun
try, I will state two or three of the
advantages. Traction resistance ia leaa
than that of any road. It doea not
originate dust, and a fanner with the
utmost comfort can have hla house by
the aldo of the highway without the
dust flying in his window und yard.
You can get about any time of the
year. Hut the chief virtue of that road
Is that It Is never out of repair, aud it
Is good for use nl'.ht or day. winter or
Hummer, wet or dry.
liops, the newspapers print it, and
Irish languago societies are springing
up all over th United States.
The Irish race has been described as
possesiing "brightness, wit, fluency,
readiness, tb1 artistic temperament,
the warm heart and social charm."
No ra :ecan realize the full possibilities
of such a heritage until the dreatna of
its past greatne.ia tills its heart.
It must preserve Its own customs, plav
its own sports, I'nten to the spell of its
own oratory and sings its own sangs.
Irish literature is comparable to that
of any other people. It is notable for
the fervor and imagination of its des
cription for simple yet bold und power
ful imagery and lor strong rhythmic
sense. Until this fine revival began
it was simply gathering dust in obscure
corners of the libraries. Here is a
Tine expression of the principle that
"man does not live by tread ulone,"
aud a very considerable industrial re
vival has taken place in Irualnd as the
result of this new national spirit.
There is not hing more discouraging
thau a chronic disorder of the stom
ach. It is not surprising- that many
suffer lor years with such an ailment
when a permanent cure is within
their roach and miiy be bad for It
trifle? "About oue year ap," saya
P. II. IJeck, of W'nkelen, Mich., "I
bought, a packaxo of Chaiuls'i Iain's
Tablets, and Blnce unIuk them I have
Mt perfectly well. 1 had previously
used any number of different medi
cine, but none of th m were of any
btstlng benefit. ". For sale by all deal
ers. '
A Hritinh engineering journal de
clares that England is losing more of
its coast by erosion than it is reclaim
ing from the sea. If Germany ia
only patient enough her doughty little
neighuor will disappeur.