TARIFF REVISION i CORRESPONDENT IN IS NOT FEAREOi IRELAND SECURED A prominent NewtYnrk bank him taken pnini to obtain 'ilio vlo of IiiihIiic-a men of Mm country rc-poi-ilntf tho ellVrt of Inrlff rovl ion, aivl it rori clwlea from ri'lli't received Unit tho bimlmm men are not looking forward with mjrloiiH forrliodifiKH , the now ail in I n titration. Tim hunk find that tlm "dUtiirlieii KnH"lM relatively Hmall mul Hint larlir revmion ha been largely dlmountcH. Tin-no poik'IuhIoiiii arc unHUring and tln-v aeem to to well turned, about four month have eUmel Miner thn prciiidtrntiiil election, threo montliH have piiKNcd mnrc '('on groia convene I, committed have tieen buny hi'HriiiK evidence concorniiig duties on vurmuH Hchcdulo and thu president elect ha announced Iiih in tention of early callinn a n)e!iul Hotxion of ('ongrcHrt to revlne ihe tarilT, yet dixantcr iH not in night. Kvcry op xrtiinity Iiih been givi-n Importer, manufacturer and mcn-haiitrt to dis continue the reduction In ilutif an that the ImmuUiiito ahoca of larilf re viHion will he minimized. A hopeful xpirit Is a nuxtuinlng Influence at tin prcHunt time. From The Irish S'pws Florence AfigUml, of New Strtet, Newmarket, Ireland, him agreed in art mm oirji'iif rpdpondpnt In thnt pariHh and fiom now on reader of th'n paper rnny expect to find In our column, li.e and HtereMtlng item from hi pen. Mr. AnglMtid ha several coimiim in thin eeclion of the country, and ia well and favorably known to many of our ooy Tim KtrvicoM ho ha volunteered will rnrely ho appreciated by all of n, and we look forward with Intercut to the article he Iinh promoted. An extract from Mr.ngland'a letter read a fed. Iowa : "1 urn a reader from time to time of your lrili New In the far went, and 1 cannot tell you how much it la esteemed in thl pariah by the frltndH, relationa and particulurlv the parent of our boy who are gone out to the far weal." Walsh Is Prominent Front The Irish .Wiv.v Lieutenant-Governor David Walnh, of Maaaaohuacttn, i aaid to tie winning many friend in the Republican party even though elected on a Democratic platform -by hi franknciin, above board method, amiability and uniform -ourtoy. Mr. Walnh i trong mem ber of the Ancient Order of Hibernian, which fact Indicate hi Irih nation ality. He In being prominently men tioned a next year' candidate for Governor of Maaaachuaetts, and there i little doubt but what he will bo elected should he decide to accept the nomination. TIIK FOItTY YKAK TEST An trtlclo ItliiHt have cxceptloua' merit to mirvlvo lor a period nf forty .yearn. ('Iiuinlierlaln'ii Cough Remedy wan flrat offered to the public in 1H72 From a amull lu-glnnliig It hu trrofn in fiivur nnd popularity until it hue attained a world wide reputation. You will 11 ml nothing better for a rough or cold. Try It and you will iiuderHUioil why it la a favorite after a period of more than forty year. It not only Kiv relief It cured. For nale by all dealera Stock Notes The Merrill Kei-ord give the follow irg t-tock note : Fred Stukcl took out l.'tO cattle, 5 car'ltmda for Swanxton & son of Sac ramento. Harrow & illoomingcamp hid 1,100 head of cattle cnotce lamb, 8 carload shipped to Johnfcon & Son, of San Fran cisco. A npecial train of beef cattle mut ton sheep and lamb left the big alfafa feed ng ground recently to be shipped to Sacramento and San Francisco mar kets from Midland where they will be shipped soon. Louis Gerber took out 400 mutton sheep and 70 beef cattle, 6 car Iobuh, which will be shipped to -remento. The stock was all in fine condition and were fattened on the different alfalfa feeding ground among our Merrill alfalfa miners making a train of 18 cars. A THEORY VERIFIED. In an article recently publlHhed b.i 3. I; Mill lu ll, who I connected wl'li (lie work of the Lulled Hlnlei tie"!" i Fill Hiirvey, m prewenifd n II;-iimi,,m ' the lllllcli debuted iicKtlill UN to wbelh , er foicHt ooiiHcrvu ground water aup- j ply and whether deforested ure;m r I Mil It III iri-cnfer llili IniiMiifi In Miriuiiiii (low. Cari-fiil Meld liivexllvatloiiM eiv eon ducted In tho portions of the xmn hern Appalachian and In the White mmm tn In fori'Mt reMerve. In the formet area the diiln gathered moved mn Iiimh the Keiiernlly credited bellel tl);il I lie defori-Htutioii of inouiitiilii nreiiH anil tho repelled burning of the fuicxt mulch hud not only a marked etl'ei-t liM)ii Mtreiiin How, but upon tfie iinioiiiit of allt curried down throiiii trilmt ii'le- Into liiHlK'ilile xli-eiiiiiH. wli.i li xet-ve.. Ut clou their chuniielH. I'l tile Uhllv r O'DONNELL LIVES INTERESTING LIFE From Tim Irish AV-w nr For the following graphic account of ; Die li ic of Leopold O'Connell, Spanish diplomat and soldier, we are indebted to the ",Ncv York freeman:" "The life of Leopold O'Connell. the ICrcat Spardxh diplomat and anldier. is a Hlirriug example of what an Iriahman mifrM acciimpliafi were not trammelled hy the ch..inM of oppro-ion. He was horn in 1809 to a Spanish general of a well known Irish family which wm exilel for defending tr.e rights ot its Fatherland. I'iie career of O'Donnell is one of his brilliant suc- liioliutlllli lecloti illl'fienl ii-oiiiL'ii'!ii coiiilltloim wore fouml to exUl. liii h i KrCMt In'eret, and served greatly to redu. e eroio:i and , ctw would be cause of great praise tended to render Ichm uppareut Uie were it not for hii changing from one truth of the belief referred to hoc i party to another. At the aee of tbl reuNon careful h.vdroineirle ree-twenty three years Leopold entered ords were taken on two aiiiall and al the armv and almost immidiatf.lv h Altursa New Era: Marx Lauer. preHident of the K. Lauer & Sons corp oration, had a little social business at Lakeview last Friday evening. He re turned highly elsted io which the matrons of that awake little city, handle the outside most exactly nlnillar druliuiKe biiMiux on the ennt brum li of the I'ciiilKewn set river. One of iln-.-e. the Shoal mihI dlMtrh t. wan forested, while the other, n tract In the Itimit lirook IuimIii. wiin leforented mid hud been burned over The tin tn gathered by meiiHuring pre cipitatlon of rain and snow and nii'im urlng Ktrcom How n ho wed coucluni velv that the forentwl area held the snow better and that during a ertod of kcv enteen day In April, when there were three extended stnrniM, the runoff In this tract was but one-half what It was In the denuded tract, where there was a practical flood. The exact tig urea for the Shoal pond were 0.0 Inches of water, representing bdow that bud dlsapiwnred, and 0.48 Inche of water runoff. Io the Hurnt Itrook area the dlsnppearanee of snow was equivalent to 10.5 Inches, while the runoff wua 12.87 Inches. The field work done was authorized under the Weeks act creat ing the Appalachian and White moun tain forext roKervea, and because of the (ladings the government may purchuso forest areas which are thus fouud to affect stream flow. Hamilton llrown School Shoee nlew Mercantile Co. nil TRY IT OUT FIRST. Frequently the writer has received Inquiries from city people In various clerlcul or professional lines ankiugad- ove the manner vlco to u"-' windom of buying a wide l'1(xe OI mnu ana joining in lue so called "bac-u to tne land movement U'l.llu l... i.-i-la i,ll n.,nili...uH visitor. We are not fully adviaed as : movement , dci.idedly lD tlle to the main attraction, but any one Le- ( rlgUt airet.tlotu Ue Sieves that bun low par cannot be found in Lakeview. i drejs are grievously disupioiiited with the venture and have returned to their Ranch for sale ltli) acres on Camas I'rairlii. l.'iOO cords wood; gcxxl Mhearlnn corraln; lart; house, barn and out ItuildiTigo, Addrean Itona McDanlels, Lakeview, Oregon. A2!' IF IT COSTS MORE T LIVE IT COSTS MORE TO OVERLOOK THE ADVERTISEMENTS (Ca ItlliN Things cost more, opportuni ties to buy econo niicallyarewoith more. No house wife in this city, who f e c 1 s and knows the slighest hardship on account of high prices, cau afford to remain blind to the weekly opportunities of sav ing offered to her by the ad vertising merchants. These alive merchants are often able, through effecting quick and large sales of an article, to cut the selling price to very nearly cost price. The housewife should see that when they do this the volume of quick sales will always re pay them. Watch Examiner Ads week by week. It pays. Lake County Examiner former work wiser, sadder nnd also IMiorer. For any who really have a de sire to get uwuy from the dependent nnd often cramped conditions of city work and life it Is nn excellent idea to try working the laud intensively on a Niuall scale while following one's regu lar work. If sin h a trial of handling the soil proves distasteful nnd irksome it is fair to assume that the care of acres of land would prove even more Irksome. For those situati-d so they can do so we know of no better plan than to hire out to a man who is n success in the particular line one wishes to take up. whether it be fruit culture, stock raising, dairying, poul try keepiug or other lines. The salary one will get while serving such an ap prenticeship will not be large, but It Is by nil means the cheapest aud most satisfactory way to "get on to the ropes." for iu such hired position one does not assume the risks Involved In ownership and management. More oveK the experience to be got from one who has succeeded in a given line is Just us valuable as that which one gets when going it on his own hook und at the same time far less expensive. wsa made colonel. In the Carlist war h- sided with the young Queen, and this first brought him into rotice, and for his ervK in raining the seige of l.ucena he was created Count and re ceived command of a large army. He subsequently attached bimpelf to the cause of the Queen Mother, Christ ina, with whom, when their cause was lost warobliged to take refuge in France where he remained until the overthrow of his opponent, Ejpartero. On bia return to Spain be was made Governor of Cuba, and while there be amassed a large fortune. After his term in Cuba ex pired he returned to Spain, and busied himself again with political intrigues, and was appointed Director General of the Infantry. Soon after he plotted for the overthrow of Christina, and being proscribed, he raised revolt and fought an undecisive battle at Vicalbaro. He issued a manifesto de manding the restitution of the Con stitution of 1837. the emancipation of Queen Isa cells, the amelioration of the law regulating elections and the press, the reduction of tsxes and otner popular measures. At this crisis E-psrtero was invited by the Queen to form a new Ministry, and O'Donnell became Secretary, of War and was made Marshal. In 1856 he succeeded Eepartero as President of ihe Council, and at once declared Spain under martial law, closed tb Cortes- and abolished the National Guard. Insurrections lollow ed, but he auickly suppressed there, until Narvaez plotted against him and forced him to resign. He returned to power in a short time, and was at once made Prime Minister and Commander in Chief of the forces fighting in Morocco. For his services at the great battle of Tetuan be was made a Duke, O'Donnell now endeavored to restore tranquility and to carry out many re forms, and he procured the acknowledg- ment of the Kingdom of Italy. The extremists of all parties united against him. Insurrections were frequent, and much blood was spillel. eo the Queen formed a new Ministry, and j O'Donnell fled to France, where he re mained till his death, which occurred on the 5th of November, 1867. Lakeview Saddlery A complete line of wagon arid buggy ha rn ess, whips, robes, llt. Hates, etc., etc. Ota? w ( v Kverj tlilnsr In the line of carriage and horse furtilnli liigs. Kepairlng by competent men. THE BEST VAQUERO SADDLE ON THE MARKET AHLSTROM & GUNTHER, Props. Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM ANNA RIVER IRRIGATED LANDS Productiveness demonstrated by growing crops. Lands surround new town of Spring River. Best in vestment in Lake County Dodson Realty Company LAKEVIEW - OREGON SHOULD DRAW THEM OUT. With the season for the farm insti tutes In full blast, definite arrange ments should be made by those having these meetlugs in chnrge to see thut some wide awake man, who Is a good iuformatlon extractor. Is given the specllk job of getting valuable pointers and data from that class of farmers lu attendance who have the practice town Hoe, but who tiro backward about vol unteering to speak. Many of these would furnish suggestions well worth while if they were approached In the right way. Iu one of the liveliest in stitutes the writer ever ntteuded much of this desired information was got through having an important subject bandied as a debate. Men took Bides and spoke on the question who could hardly have been Induced to speak ou their own book. Old Frigate Burned From The Irish News The old frigate "Jamestown" built by tne Navy Department in 1845, was mysteriously burned several weeks ago in the Norfolk Navy Yard. In 1847, this ship sprang into world wide fame when she sailed from Boston with a large load of supplies for suffer ers from the Irish famine. It is eaid by one of our coutemportaries that "Deeds of philantrophy were less com mon in those days, and the arrival of the "Jamestown" in Cork Harbor was widely heralded". After having served through the Civil War, the "James town" made a trip around the world. Some few months ago she was sold by the Navy Department, her usefulness even as a training ship being at an end. A WANT AD IN THE Lake County Examiner WILL BRING RESULTS HE KNEW BETTER. A pretty level bended farmer told the writer the other day that he fell down badly the past season lu the mutter of crop returns simply because he did not take the time aud pains to see to the seeming of a supply of good seed corn the year before. He had some house repairs on ut pluntiiig time and so trusted to luck In tho mutter of his seed coru, which he tlld not test. The result was a poor staud of coru on rich hind, a sninll portion of which planted to good seed produced at the rate of sixty bushols per acre. He saved u good Biipply of seed hist fall, however. und it is fair to astmme he will test it carefully next smiuir. He said he knew better, but remarked. "A fellow gets careless ft Foster Dairy Industry By sending letters to 50,000 dairy rnen'in the United States, ana to 40C0 agricultural college students and but- termakers, the officials of Ontario, Malheur County, are leading off in the most aggressive campaign ever made in this state to foster the dairy industry. The letters contain tatemenU of the prices at which stock fted may bo purchased in Malheur a-d Harney counties, and the figures at w hich land may be bought or rented. m Foreign Labor From The Irish Xews Asiatic exclusion received the appro val of the California Legislature thi past month when the lower' House adopted a Senate joint resolutoin call ing upon Congress to pass the bill in troduced by Congressman Raker ex cluding "Asiatic and pauper" labor. The only opposition to the measure in debate came from a Southern Cal ifornia member, who said the orange grower depended on the Japanese for tha gathering of their crop. Our Inviting: Display of meats and poultry niukea It only h question of choosing which you would prefer first. They are all of choice grade and the most Inexperienced housekeeper can purchase in . perfect confidence that no one could make a wiser selection or buy her meats cheaper. Lakeview : Meat Market HAYES A GffOB. props THE LAKEVIEW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. ABSTRACTS TO ALL REAL PROPERTY IN LAKE COUNTY, GREGG Our Complete Tract Index Insures: Accuracy, Promptness and Reliability Such an Index is the ONLY KLLIBLE system from which an Abstract can lie made, showing; all defects of title. IVo Also Furnish SURETY BONDS ana FIRE INSURANCE H. W. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON POSTOPFICE BOX 243 PHONE 171 NEVADA-CAUFORNIA-OREGON RAILWAY Daily Service Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays No. I Arrives Lakeview at 8:35 P. M. No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 7:05 A. M. Daily Except Sunday I'uUman & UutfettService Between Lakeview and Keno C. V. CLASS, AGENT tt LAKEVIEW, OREGON The wild ;eee are said to be flying northward over Virginia, and this is taken to indicate tbat winter is broken up, but all the friig nciitv have tu bly not been cleared away at yet. - THE INCREASED COST OF LIVING is a complicated problem, but many are solving It by eliminating from their diet list all foods of doubtful nutritive value. Romember, Quality Counts It is not the amount of food you eat but the energy value received that gives results, aud it Is the uon-recognttlon of this fact that causes so much dyspepsia and other forms of stomach trouble today. To those seeking a com plete, easily digested food, suitable for all ages . and conditions, BORDERS Malted Milk KAAUt aNANO HAS NO EQUAL BoS50ftCMtlCStlK( BORDEN'S Malted Mill IN THE SQUARE PACKAGE consisting of rich, creamy milk, with extracts of wheat ami barley malt (in powder form and non-alcoholic 1, with all wante matter eliminat ed, vomi's as a r'- l itton Write for a practical Recipe Hook, which will sho w you how a very lit tie money, properly expended, cuu be iioide to produce the best results Ask your druggist for Free Trial Package THCJVNTCN'S DIUJC STORE 8 P ! i