SCHOOL CIIILOIitN WILL GET PRIZES SAYS INCOME TAX WOULD BENEFIT Lakeview Saddlery X Smoke Pleasure and other Pleasure for the Man Who Smcl;c3 a h . M B t Mm lVf f rum- Jy m f it i A 1 . i a i M JT ThT ' MIH'ke filenM!"' In ln- imf "I"' 'iriinia nil NnrMi Cnrolnm lirtjjlit leal. 'I'Iumimiik's .r. I. r it lo mijr o'lirr pijir Inlmcco. 'I'linroiililv Hfcil iiii) ktcinniril ni) tbcn (fruiiuliteil A irrfrct jni tulmccii nut limu better rolled ir -iKr'tlr. , Our and a half ounce of thi cboice tolmecn rout imlv V, biuJ 'it each k yon prt a lxk f curette ! tx-rn KUl'.K. Tin oilier plrnnurrii nrr 'be iVmmiU I lint rr ttrrurrd will- On- ("im.ii in racb nck f '.'A'.'''" iVvr I)ukr' Mixture. 'I'liesr rrsent itdviii .lt! mid vuuk. Tlnnli of tbr pleasure tlmt wm vu! ! (m ini-- can i-t 'nun a n'ltinff nifn-limr, free, or sccb 'iriicl-- -is fountain win, Imll. tikal'. I'll f !-.-. -1 1 1 wt . siln-rnrr. . fislillljr etc. mm li'liiilo r'i.'iijt t nxls, turiiitiirr A a s pedal offtr, J during February ant March only we J iwi ; you our nu illustrated cata- I ojy of presents, FREE. Just srml 'is your Maine I mnl mlilrrss on n m -1 ;i ! . J . nf"Hi 'm I'ukt'i ,Viim matt I ,, .." ' tM -rirm HOttESHOE, ' J T..l(.':)l:-S NAIUKALU AF. (.HAM 1H (WIST, ivutom rem J Fot KHiiitSIi l. V rful. I I'll K rlA'f. CUT. P I K l MONT (K.AKH1IJ, U.IX t IGARETTE3. , I'rriniiim Dcpl. c(yfttt'(yjtAA, $r&uoo Cat ST. LOUIS, MO, IF IT COSTS MORE TO LIVE IT COSTS MORE TO OVERLOOK THE ADVERTISEMENTS p. W h ' 1 IvN Tilings cost more, opportuni ties to buy econo mically ;i re worth more. No house wife in this city, w h o fe e 1 s n u 1 t knows the slihest hardship on account ot'hiyh prices, can afford to remain blind to the weekly opportunities of sav ing offered to her by the ad vertising merchants. These nlive merchants are often able, through effecting quick and large sales of an article, to cut the selling price to very nearly cost price. The housewife should see that when they do this the volume of quick sales will always re pay them. Watch lixaminer Ads week by week. It pays. Lake County Examiner Kvrry nrhool I oy mid j(lrl In the Mlate will liti rleliifi'le I lo know that Ihpy are. going to ha e an citipiirtunity Kfiin win Strtland pony t UieHtnte Fair. 1 lio 1'ortUnd Union Stock Yarila f'ompnry ar; Kivlrj; f.c pony ami it will It a rilrr cne. Nothirj; in all tlir iriz; lixt at the State Fair IhhI ji-Hr Hi trHnt'i) hi y thing like the attention that tti; Shi tl nl firme (lid. I'h in pony will I r (ri v ri to th b"y or girl who rruikrii trn lx--t t-xhihit ol livektock at thr Siat Fair next fall. That exhilnt ni n-iKt nf nt IchxI nrm trio or pen of rhirk na or clu- kn, wo pitfit and a ahi I p. TIip I ( yn r i 1 Ifirln who rompi-tt; for the txry will have an opportunity to compete for K Vcml olhiT rizrc for the winning trio of i Hch I'lttM ; M (HrriS'n olfern tli ( ih to the hoy or pirl mHkirg the larj'i'Bt and hcHt exhilut of poultry: the Klatu Poultry Arrociation (fivei a fn cup for the tent pen of t irda i tic male aid four ft-malea; "Poultry Life" aleo jrivoH H fine cup for whim they cbo rompi-te; IljiUHfr I5ron. x'lvep hi, air k n tfl he hild r 6 f i f the moi-l pobltry I y Jut e lkt ; arid the Nor' h c-t Poultry Journal rivch a yur'i fuliitrrip tlon to every prize winner in tte poul try department. : the hoy who fit.n an hows the heat ahnep will pet a v,tni rni-h prize iind the one whodoea the hcht in II o pig feedmu cot tent, feeriii g atid exhihilii k two i K ai d furnifhi' g an account of anme, nhi win cot, profit, etc., will rtceivca lihoral prize which ve will tell yon all at out in xn other utory, and in the ptize lint which will foon I published. The total val ue ofTeied Uv children at the ntnte fair IhiH year will be ter f.!(H)0. Now boys und irlit lont' you think it will nay you to try to win this pony hi ii non e of the other prize above rrentior eii, all of which ou can com pete for while trying for the pony. (let bucy with your hickeno, pigs lambs and gardens. A WANT AD IN THE ake CoeMy Examiner WILL BRING RESULTS lu IITLES. ft-ty 'c -.i'-cu to Herom' Nme w ui be n(j HretineO. Iniii-ii o.i inc.- mo (Hie?, ale aoine !.in i mil i.i in Hie niliii.irj reailcr. il (in- c'i in illn'i I 1 1 mi the I lirklxll eiiini- .ii ii-iiiiii'iii iii:i tic ot 111 !i-ii-i In Hie ii. i I'l.n f. mil Allien .a. i iri-tii- Mi hi "I ;tiieral" lc-rmm- t , iti x hi Intuitu i lie mayor nt a I hi U i-ii 1 1 ailil- In his name K' ledie -l l liei elm it woiiiil nut tic Minor .lulin Sinitli. tmt Sunt Li ftolctiic Itaisi A ealiili I ii prince of the royai line mi. I " M nil ii in ii it-il m rcpieMcntative.' raiikmu nct to the itultaii tuuiseir in tiiiiiii'tii in t- The next title of Impor tance in stielk ill I mIu in. or head of I lie Moti.'imiiiednii fall I). Imam Is the title by wlilcti a priKkl U originally uU dresseil I'astia is the highest title within the Klft of (lie Miltnu It Is colitcricd clilct ly on men who achieve distinctniu in arts and icitcis oi In commerce ami i mote or ii'-s cumtiiou ainonu the k'iciil nicrchaiitn nt rurkev or who un tier the old retime had a liaml in tile collection of taxes I lie wind ' liey attached to (tie name ot a pcrsuii itnli cnlcs that Hie hearer l disiiiimiislieii (or sei vh c ot ttie country. The term eftcmH" indicate that the mini si ntt dres-cd is In'licr in liirth. Iticedinu or edocatlnu tliau tlic man spcauini; ami Is a Vill'lalic title. ll.-iclullll- nil '.tic rank if tlm-e earrynm on a convcrsa tiuii I'lie rniiil vi.ier. or sadnra.aiii. is ttie premier id Hie cahinct and is the liluMlest nt vovenilhf III civil nlHclills I he governor of n province is know n as vail. I his term is added to the name instead of IicIiik prelixcd - hull amipolis News. SINGIoJG MOTHERS. Charm ot the Muic ot Their Voices to Tneir Little Onei. They came to me in a ilreaiu -those siiiuiin: mnt tiers. A limit slow pro resMiiii nt shililowv forms, ncaiillfnl as ralntiowM mid as wonderful, sinuiiii; a strange tianntlm; melody full of mys tery. Tlrst came troops of girl tnotli crs. chisilmr their little halics with u tcinlenicsK i hut was Half fear anil with wide. Iiuiiiriiig eyes filled with holy light and (tic consciousness ot the deepest realization of life Then came atroiig mothers of youth, lending Imp py faced cliildreii and couliilciit vvitli H simse ot power. Iiuovant with Hope and riidiant with Last of till ciime silver mot hers nf men. leaning on their stalwart sons and. though iHiwed with yearn, yet gloriously young in spirit, hallowed tiy memo ncs a ml glowing with the victory ot hi tiievement And I. it mother, watch ing these pass liy and listening to thclt haunting music, lelt as never tietore the divine algulrlciince of mothertinoil mid all the hidden meanings m the word stuglng " All this is music In h uiarvHiiius mood hut there Is tin oniric on earth iiioic appealing or more tar reachtui: t tin ii the voice of n mother singing m her Utile ones. No audience ever lis tened wllti keener rupture to any prtuih donna than thai little group gathered in the lut'luOl hour in H mother's Luce. It is Her dearest jov at that time to put Into mii-h- iii tic siicredness ot ui.ii li.'i'lioi.d and tin '!'',' pihess nt c 1 1 1 : 1 1 1. ) I . to Icii'll ami lo charm mnl to tune the lienrts ot Her children -Anne I'. .. l-'leld in Citlfts- IIIUU. ' Conri rning the irenme tax quention i Mr. Tavernrer. nf Waahinirtnr. I) I'.. ! writer the KUmath North estern follown : Few persona realize the far rearhirg Importance of the fact thst the United St .tea will soon have an income tax on its tutu'e. Firat of ad it meana that millionaire will, for the firdt time aince th'a nation haa atoixl. bear a fair proportion of the t un mi of taxation. It ia CHtiriiB'ed that ore hundrrd million d'.IUrs will be ruined annually hy taxing incumea. Thia will mean that that amount of taxation ia to be taken off the thir jri that the people muit hnve, in order to live, and be. placed on wealth. J Under the system of protection aa ; played in thia country, nearly every penry of the money n ceaHary to run the government, maintain the army j and navy, coi struct public btiildmgii, , etc., is taictd by taxing the thirg ; the people at, wear and tice. The only thug that protection does not tux ia wealth. A man with a fortune off ten million dollars has not been repuirtd j to pay a Kir gle penny of tax lo the r at-1 ional governmet t. This reema almost i unbelieviible, but it is true. The man working ot the cection for one dollar and fifty rents per dy. with a family j of five children, is at the present time j actually contributing more to run the ; national government than the million- j are bachelor, toj proud to marry and i ra ae a family. Tte l.'nittd StHtta of America 18 j practifblly the only one of tne great I rittmns where nich a cor.dtiion exists. Nearly tverv first class ration on earth I levies either an it come tax or an in heritance tax. We ' ave neither. Why hive we never been able to place an income tax on the statute books? is the queeti' n that naturally arises. Here ib the answer: High protectionihts have prevented the pas sage ot an income Ihx law, because they kn that the more money the government collede I from taxing in comes, the les excuse there would be for a tariff tax. To take protection! hwhv from the tariff trusts is to in-I tefere with the ir monopolies. And how could the tariff trusts gouge consumers without having monopolies of Ameri can markets? The American people are paying an nually about eight millions mere for, their cotton g 'ods than thev ought lot pay, becHtise of the iniqtiitious Payne- Aldrich tariff law The 63rd Congress j is preparing to interfere with tnis rob bery. There will be a big downward J revision on ail kinds of cutton goods. I Having 8 ireeeded in its obiect of j settling the available land about Fort1 Rock, Lake County, the Loma Vieta Homesteaders' Association has changed I its nsme to the Loma Vista Develop- j ment Association. Hereafter this or- ganuation will give its attention to developing its territory. Two new member of the Oregon Development League that came in during the past week were the Agntss Commercial Club and the Pleasant Valley Push Club. S "Hogs and Bankers" Urder the above caption, in Sunset, the Pacific Monthly, tor February, the cashier of a Bend bank is given credit for being the first Oregon banker to buy hogs ard put them out to board with his country friends, taking in payment their notes for a year. Local readers will recognize the cashier as C. S Hudson of the First National Bank, who has recently taken steps to import two carloads of thorojghbred dairy cattle, to be sold to farmers on the same basis. Thev will arrive some time in April and every animal is already spoken for. "W'ithhout exception, they paid prin cipal and interest promptly, and in no instance did the farmers repoit a pro fit of less than a hundred per cent," buys they article in Sunset. The Pacific Coast Fruit Association is the latest organization formed to encourage the best methods ot Jruit growing, packing and marketing. The establishment of uniform grader', dis tiiuution of reliable market intelligence and affiliation with central marketing agencies are among the objects aimed at. Fruits growers of Western Oregon are interested in the association and its luHiiausrters are at Portland. Kanc-h for sale loil acres on Camas Piuirle. 1500 cords wood; noixi shearing corrals; largv house, barn mnl out buildings. Address Itosa McDanlels, Lakeview. Oregon. A29 Dates for Oregon fairs next full were fixed at a recent v rference uf the North Pacific Fail Association. Open ing dsys were l I as follows: Oregon Stale F'liir, September 2'.l; McdfotJ, September 10: Hoscburg, September !'. F100 new Piutth I'reinler tvK writer f ire."il. See H, A. IT t ley, I.tikcvievv, Oregon, r.i-tf lliltliHlou Brown School Slices all alutri. Meiiautlle Co. A complete line of w agon and buggy hanirmi, whip", robcM, bit, rlftt, KptirH,ullt",roNe et ton, etc., etc. w if Kverytlilnjf In thr I ln of carrlaK und liore furnish ing. Repairing by competent men. THE BEST VAQUERO SADDLE ON THE MARKET AHLSTROM 8c GUNTHER, Props. Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM ANNA RIVER IRRIGATED LANDS Productiveness demonstrated by growing crops. Lands surround new town of Spring River. Best in vestment in Lake County Dodson Realty Company LAKEVIEW OREGON Our Meats Look Good tiistf trunil uml nrr hd'hI. Cut ft nin fiinUi frit stock, thpy urn unfit, trridfr und Juicy. I'-etter let us scrnl you a nice roust or Mime nice ii lent chops. TI.en .1 ' know what prime meat really Lakeview Meat Market. HAYES & GROB. props THE LAKEVIEW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO, ABSTRACTS TO ALL REAL PROPERTY IN LAKE COUNTY, 03IG0M Our Complete Tract Index Insures! Accuracy, Promptness and Reliability Such an Index is the ONLY KhLMBLK system from which an Abstract can lie made, showing ull defects of title. IVo Also Furnish SURETY BONOS anti FIRE INSURANCE H. W. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON POSTOFFICE BOX 243 PHONE 171 NEVADA -CALIFORNIA-OREGON RAILWAY Daily Service Reno to LaKeview Except Sundays No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 8:35 P. M. No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 7:05 A. M. Daily Except Sunday I'ulltnan & HuflettService Between Lakeview and Keoo C. W. CLASS, AGENT :: LAKEVIEW, OREGON THE INCREASED COST OF LIVING is H complicated problem, but many ure solving It by eliminating from their diet list all food of doubtful nutritive value. Romember, Quality Counts It Is not the amount of food yon eat but the energy value received that gives results, and it is the non-reettgnltlon of this fact that causes so much dyspejisla and other forms of , stomach trouble today. To those seeking a com- ' plete, easily digested food, suitable tor all uges and conditions. BORDBfX Malted JMk IMU MAMO HAS NO EQUAL BORDEN'S Malted Milk IN THE SQUARE PACKAGE consisting of rich, creamy milk, with ext. .ctsof wheat und hurley malt tin powder form und non-alcoholic',, with .!.'' w.isie mutter cliti.liutl ed, come its u revclution. Write fur n practtcul liecipe Book, which will alio w you ho w a very little money, properly expended, ca n be made to prodiu e the best ivsuUs .l.-.A your druggh t for fire Tr'.tl Pucln gc THORNTON'S DRUG STORE