Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 20, 1913, Image 6

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sahple Roon Ait tmmhMm3&&0
LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors
during the coming Spring or Sum
mer, it will pay you to begin mak
ing preparations now, while you
have the time to spare.
We have several books of house plans to show you.
We also have a complete line ot Lumber, both dress
ed and undressed, that we would like to show you.
Come in and let us talk it over with you. Maybe we
can save you some time and money.'
Yard on Center St.
Phone 722
Lakeview Ice, Transfer
and Storage Co
Telephone Xo. ltl
J. P. Dl'CKWOHTH, Manager
Buss to Meet All Trains. Transfer
and Drayage. Storage by day,
Week or Month
i Wm. Wallace, Coroner Tor Lako County
Parlors, next door
Twin Valley Land Co.
- Incorporated
C. R. BLOOD, Ast. Sec; C. O. MISENER, Gen. Agt.
. i
We have for sale:
Orchard and Alfalfa Lands
Farm Lands, Timber Lands
Homesteads and Desert Lands
Special attention given to O.V.L. Land Holdings
We are agents for
The Fairport Town & Land Co.
FAIRPORT TOWN LOTS now on s? e. Make
your selection before the best ones are sold. A
big investment for a small amount of money.
A Complete Record
We have made an entire tranacrlpt of all Record In Lake
County which In any way, affect Heal Property In the county.
We have a complete Kecord ot every Mortgage and transfer
ever made In Lake County, and ever Deed given.
Errors Found in Titles
In tranMcribing the record we have found numerous mort
gages recorded In the Deed record and indexed; and many
deeds are recorded la the Mortgage record and other books.
Hundred of mortgages and deeds are not Indexed at all, and
moit difficult to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these Errors.
Others .annot find them. We have put hundreds of dollars
bunting up these errors, and we can fully guarantee otir work.
The Let Examiner Figure
fi - o
Lakeview, Ore.
to Telephone Office
on Your Next Job Work
Farslgfited Development Work
ers Save tha Old Ones.
Improvamtnt of tha Grsen Hill Road a
Splendid Exsmpla of Substantial
Work Wall Mad and Wall Shadad
Roads and Sidewalks.
In rout rust with the showy, super
flclal .typo of 'development contrived
for Immediate property exploitation,
with little regard for permanency, It Is
gratifying to note it good example ef
practical, substantial, unobtrusive pmi
orty development such as the new resi
dential street that has Just been com
pleted nt Madison. N. J.
This Vectlon. secluded. Jet near the
center of the town. Is nu attractive
piece of natural woodland on n slop
ing hllNide. with many tine old oak
trees. The preservation of these dig
nitaries of the forest has b.vti perhaps
the nuwt delightful feature In the mak
ing of divi'ii Hill road and Is success
fully illustrated in the view here pre
sented Herein lie surest Ions for
other places which may Ih In danger
of carelessly sacrificing one of their
chief assets- the beauty of forest trees.
This tract was opened a few years
ago by putting through a winding road
t t with transverse streets
above and below, but lighting, paved
sidewalks, etc., were not at tirst pro
vided. The road as recently improved
Is twenty-four feet from curb to curb,
an ample width for nil purposes. It
plves sufficient room for any ordinary
vehicles to turn in and for a carriage
to stand on each side of the street,
with space between for the passage of
other vehicles This Is an excellent il
lustration of adapting the street to Its
uses. Needless construction and main
tenance costs ;ire saved, and the In
creased depth of the adjacent property
Improves its appearance and adds to
Its value. A concrete curb and gutter
on each side of the street throughout
its entire length of !mki feet take care
of storm water and prevent damage
from washout. The sidewalks, too.
are of concrete and are four and one
half feet wide. ,
The electric wires for lighting the
street, to which house connections can
be made as needed, are all under-
ground. This insures the protection
of the stnt trees from any disfigure
ment or injury to growth that might '
have leen caused by overhead wiring.
The lighting standards are ornamental
Iron posts, each bearing one large
globe. All water and lighl cornice
tlons and sewer laterals have lieen .
laid In the property, so that as (level i
opiuent progresses there will be no
necessity for digging up the street or
undermining the walks and the plant
There is a three foot grass strip be i
tween the sidewalk and the curb, j
Here trees have been planted forty j
feet npart. The pin oak was selected j
for this purpose as being in harmony j
with the forest growth on the property. !
The planting of the tre.w was done j
with great thorough nes anu care.
The tree sites were excavated to the
full width of th lrder spa and to
a length of His feet and a depth of
three feet. All poor earth was remov
ed, and tho holes were tilled with good
top soil. With such a preparation there
Is bound to be a vigorous, healthy
growth within a comparatively short
On one (dde of the new street there
is an interesting Instance of saving a
large tree even when It interferes in
some degree with the development A
red oak of magnificent proportions
came within the sidewalk lines at a
point where the grading had involved
a cut of about three feet. The tree
was saved by slightly narrowing the
sidewalk and turning It out to the
edge of the curb and then carefully
building up a mound of soil and sod
uro .ind the roots
This is conservation that pays, not
only commercially in Increasing prop
erty values, but In developing aopre
elation of one of nature's greatest
gifts. Thl forest treo. nc-citred for
a long M'e. will speak to every one
who t re-the path around It of the
dignity -'ad rcver-i.c'1 d:i, iVIcb It
uua bci-ii treuted. American City.
That Senate hill No. 72 is the most
Important piece of legislation from
an agricultural standpoint that has
been brought before the present ivr
Islaturc, and that its enaction Is a
matter ot urgent necessity la the
opinion of William Hanley, president
of the Oregon Irrigation Congress,
vice president of the Oregon Develop
ment League and president of the Cen
tral Oregon Development League who
arrived In l'oitland from Hums last
The hill is designated to take the
benefits of the State Agricultural Col
lege to the farmers on their own farms.
Km-li larmer may set aside live acres
of ground, which he agrees to farm ac
cording to instructions furnished him
by the Agricultural College. The soil
is analyzed by the college experts, and
seed is furnished by the state. The
stale is to buy an equal amount of seed
from the crop.
Throughout the farmer is to follow
the course prescrilml by tho Agricul
tural College, and the state is to pay
him t lie excess ot cot of farming
over the ordinary method. Trice are
only a few of what Mr. Ilarlcy. con
siders the bill's excellent feituers.
"Oregon has no right to ask pocple
to come out and settle and try to tmke
homes and livelihood on the soils."
said Mr. Hanley in l'ortlaid. unless
she shows them In w to do something
with thou- soils. Nor have e anv
right to ask the railroads to build line
through Oregon unlovi we lei.rn Nov to
farm our ow n Isnd.
"The (dan proposed by Senate bill
72 has I cen fried cut in Canada. It
is taken from Cani!a"s successful ex
perience, and Canada is the country
that is taking- the greatest .strides in
agr cnltural deveolpmen.t right now.
Our neighbor to the north is taking
our people l ecauve they are hhowirg
them how to make a living on the Isnd.
"If this bill bcci.mcs u lw it will
take scientific farmirg to the farmer
in his own farm, and teach his wife
i domestic in her ow n home.
I here has been a good deal or talk
about home building, but thei can
be no home building without an Income
in the meanwhile.
"We have had the State Agricultur
al College for a hmg time, and its
time that we put its equipment to thej
best use possible, which I bel'evc will
be realized under the provisions of such
a Ihw as tliis bill proposes."
Approximately 40,000,1100 parcel post
package were handled in January.
At the fifty largest pustofliees 1 !)..'!'''"'.
433 parcels were handled in the lirst
month cf the operation of toe new sys
tem, and the business of the last two
weeks by more than 5.0U0.00U pack
ages. Chicago exceeded all other cities in
the number of parrels handled, iis to
tal being 4, Hi3,133 New Yoik hand
led 3,.r.rj,78H, Hoston 1 ,lol.4iS, St.
Louis 9l7.H0t. Cleveland R79.7H8, Ilrook
lyn 8,'!r.,0(IO, Detroit 510,07. Cincinnati
4412.381, Kantas City ,rl."i71,02, Hatlti
more 328,000, Minneapolis 300,000, San
Kraneisco 290,000, Huf.alo 2C4,0l)0,
Washington. L. C. 222,935: Milwaukee
212,940, Pittsburg, 207.070, Atlanta
183,000, St. Paul 181,0.10, New OrleanB
160,391, Seattle 1.1.1,092, India napolis
152,912, Dallas 130,390, Kichmond 100,.
000, Nashville 09,270, Jacksonville
The present season is the dull one in
postoflice business, hut even if there
should t e no increase in the parcel post
work, about .100 000.000 parcels would
he handled in the first vear. Some
postmasters estimated that 100,000.000
packages will be handled this year.
From the more I emote sections of
the country pottmanlers report that
merchants are preparing to extend
their HeldB to the rural districts through
the new uytem, and farmers are pre
paring to aend products to cities and
towns upon the opening of the spring
The preliminary appropriation for
the establishment of the parcel post
has been exhaucted. and Postmaster
General Hitchcock asked for an ad
ditional appropriation of $750,000.
Paisley Pick-ups
(Chewuijcan I'ress)
J. S. Kelay returned from Reno
Saturday. He hai been in the Nevada
capital several weeks on business.
B. B. Buch waiter has ordered
equipment to open mot loon picture
show in Paidley.
Manley"Cumer inefwith a rather
nainful accident Saturday while .out
riding for horses on the Jones ranch.
The horse he wus riding flipped and
fell, landing upon his foot and leg,
spraining the ankle.';' He was unable
to rideiis"honie"tn ' town ao word waa
sent in for a conveyance to carry him.
'1V01, Taylor leh immeuiaiciv and Boon
brought bim back. He is a till suffering
frum the tiled of the fall.
A sow llinl Is raised on eon
eeiil rated rood without sultlclent
exercise will never make n prolll
able brood how.
Sows will grow sluggish anil
"la..v If allowed to grow too fat.
mid this condition will work hav
oc at farrow lug lime.
The more coinforf able you keep
your hogs lliii more prolll they
w ill ret urn to you.
I ced Hie boar for vigor, not for
rut, and let exercise enter Into
bis development.
I'se the dishwater for ferlllU
Ing purposes and gle the pigs
pure, clean w ater to drink.
Clvo the hogs every day all the
clover hay they will eat.
Siuar heels are a most valu
able addition to the pig ration.
U the hogs squeal. Ilud out
why. Comfortable hogs never
squeal. There Is no money In
squeals. Tarui Journal.
Sheep Requira Propar Feed and Sensi
ble Car to Thrive.
Tho fanner who cai l ies his first
Hock through Hie winter is apt to run
up against the rocks or Inexperience.
IT the owner Is wise he will Hist
consider the condition of bis flock.
For Instance, ewes that are pregnant
will not receive the siiuie intention
as ewes that are net. nor will voinii;
lambs being raised tor ewes receive
the saiae treatment as the others, tins
rails roi three dilfeieut bunches. To
secure the best results these three
classes should be sepn rated - t hat is.
Ihe pregnant ewes b themselves, ewes
Hot pregnant and wethers for fatten
ing together, and lambs for breeding In another Hook. When all
:ue allowed to run together none seems
; l,o the progress It ought I".
Urn" l.od around, the young lambs will
Hut n. ake the growth noeoss;irv to de
velop the good, healthy breeding ewes,
toe prei-uaii! ewes will not bring forth
a- strong, healthy voiing. nor will those
being fattened for market make the
grow th they should.
The ewe lloek should start Into whi
ter In :: i l. thrifty condition In f o t.
what many farmers ca II rat and dur
lug the winter I lay should be so han
dled i n I fed thev couth thrift.
'on-idetatloii must be i;ivell the lamb
width the ewe is growing. feeds
liiolu t.y liuvei-uiv ..f hi. tin
'liie fin I" i-d Han't .inn' vrolltii;
well, ir J.u..m Hoy it, Iioiu I to- lloi
i f III,- t IllV.-lslly ot I lie W..B
1 11:111 1.1011 w. It I at the 1 11'
ami U ...-.laul-m M il- r.un of I '1 J
In ' iiiim .-I II lull vvi'li S ail! .low
Kmi i',-.-i 11111I lioim-l iors.-i
,1 lue tune the .l...i..,-i .. ''"
1 ik. 11 I. .van Itm .Klc 't
. in. Is. I !, was .1 by t'e' liil-vi-i.ty
of Mano uiil was iIioim'iI
In !-'i ni'ii.n y 1 '-' 1 1
which produce growth should lie sup
plied and also plenty of exercise. Polh
are important.
tine method which gives generally
satisfactory results Is to have a shed to
which there Is a good sized yard adja
cent. Here once, a day. preferably In
the morning. onniHlalks may lie fed
upon the ground and good clean straw
In racks. I'or the evening food clover
hay l-i best, being fed In the racks In
the shed. A feed of grain, two purls
oats and one part corn, one half pound
per head, Is a good supplement to the
morning feed. If the bay should be
coarse or contain much tinmtl' 11 good
pol l ion of bran, say u iUarter In bulk,
can tirolitablv I"' added.
I'ure t'renh water should be accessible
at all times. If II Is some little dls
tame from the yard. Just ho that It Is
easily accessible. It will give the ewes
good exercise in traveling to it. The
water must be clean.
The yard Is ;ieocssary. for In It th"
ewes can secure needed exercise, and
it should be for their sole use. Do not
(urn in Ihe cows and hogs anil horses
and expect the ewes to thrive. Then,
too, one must see that there are no
sharp corners nor small doors nor open
ings in which the ewis can crowd 01
Injun? themselves. This yard should
be no located flint It Is protected from
the prevailing wind, and the eweti
should have access to It at all times.
Cars of Fall Calvas.
Fall calves will require a little more
eare and attention. However, fresh
sklmmllk, alfalfa and silage will keep
them growing nicely. When spring
comes they will be ready to be turned
out on grass and will bo large enough
to get along nicely without additional
food. Calves that lire Intended for
sale have a distinct udvautttge If they
are dropped in the fall. They are
larger mid present a more a It rue live
appearance to uny prospective buyer.
Buttar From Buttar Fat.
Butter fat will muko more imiuikIm of
butter Ihun you have fat because the
butter contains decidedly pure fat.
water and salt and casein. There are
about 111 per cent of water In butter,
1 to l'i per cent of casein and from
1 to It per cent of salt.
Another case of the buying public
getting swindled out of their money
In huyiiiK from tramp salesmen la
shown In the following from the
turss I'lsindealer.
One need not go beyond the routines
of Modoc County ' to demonstrate tho
truth of Hie old aavlmr, that " sucker
la born every minute." Year after
vesr our Lountv Is visited by vllb
1 j - -
I tongued gentry tent upon parting our
I . .... a a
t 11 liia from tht'ir nhrmloi. And
their success H phenomlnal. It mat
ter" lillle what the bait may ho, tho
sucker appears to bite like a catfish at
any and all kinds. Let one of these
gentry visit our county with n steel
range, cheap buggy, washing machine,
or indeed, any old thing our people
will pay twice as much as they would
have to pay the local denier far a bet
ter article.
A esse In point is called to mind by
the jailing of tho fellow Vaughn who
was here last I'sll representing an
enlarging picture ronctrn. He did
slashing business, both In the picture
line and In lighting buixe. Our cltlt
ens bit as usual, ami we might add
: got bit as usual. Instead of pstronU
I ing a local dealer, a man established in
the run funnily one who pys his taxes,
i and Ins license who is known to lie re-
sponsi' le and who does as good work
as is done any where, they "five their
orders to this Irresponsible strange and
add another to the long list of suckers.
Mr. Keisun, our local photographer,
takes onlcrs for enlarged pictures
He resides here and his work Is war
ranted. There are no chances to tske
'on being bilked, or bring played for a
sucker. He lives right here, and we
jwillsavt y way of parenthesis, tha:
I ho is one of the best artists in his line
In the stste. There are two others,
i Mr. Matthews of Cedarville and Mr.
Wendt. of New Pino Creek. All are
lirst cUs. Hut iiwiea I of patronizing
! them, an irresponsible stranger is
1 piilrouie I and too often resulting! n
I Why not patronize the local dealers?
j Why get caught in the net or on the
I hook bailed and ai t for suckers by
these sharpers? And we might add
j that the same rule applies to all busi
j ness. And so il it x 11 along the line.
Some day, maybe people will think for
'themselves and when one of these
sharpers come along will show him the
Heral Bulletin: F. I.. Young of
1'aisley, who is manager of the develop
ment work at the Alkali Lake soda
I e ls. stopie:l at Hotel Bend Sunday
and Monday, and while here met witn
the directors of the ('oinmrciHl Club,
discussing with them plans for the
establishment of a new muilmute south
ward. The propose I route would go from
Bend to Lakeview via Imperial. Hamil
ton, IJolyat, Lost Creek, Honili of Class
Uutte, Ilutfe and Valley Kails, taking
in Harneston, a postollne MiMt is being
established at Alkali Lake. It would
serve post ollices at all the places
named. The present route to Lakeview
is by wy of La I'ire, i.rcsrent ami
Silver l!ako. It is not proposed to
alter this, but simnly to cttahlich the
new route to serve the new postoflices,
some ot which are now cared for 011
stub routes with a weekly service from
1'rinevillc, the settlers getting theii
mall often two weeks late
Alkali Luke is about l'i miles from
Bend. Already conkiderable develop,
ment of the vbsI deposits there of car
bonate of soda has been made, and,
Mr. Young, says a reduction works
will be installed this summer and large
quantities of the soda brought to the
railroad here for shipment. The soda
in its raw stage la worth about $32 a
ton in San Francisco, and even with
the expense of tho long wagon haul it
is found profitable to ship it. The soda
fields are owned by Spreckles, Desablu
& Ilarnchon of San Francisco.
Salad Dressing
The following receipt fur making
whipped cream salad dressing waa
given the farmers' wives attending
the short course cooking classes at the
Oregon Agricultural College.
Beat the yolks of 'A eggs unt il thick
and lemon colored. Add 2 teaspoons
of angar mixed with 1-1! n teaspoon of
alt, the same of mustard mhI a speck
of cavenne pepper, l'our over this
half a cup of hot vinegar in which a
teaspoon of butter him been melted.
If desired instead of vinegar, 1-4 of
a cup of lemon iuice and 1 4 cup of
boiling water may be umiI. If il is not
thick enough it may be conked, then
chilled, and just hod re n rvirg whipped
c.eam la added ; 1 2 c p f heavy
cream is sufficient
Ranch for sale loiiseu-s ut CamI
I'mirto. lotkl I, cjimmI
aheftrlim corrals; Ui '.e It uec, burn
and out Iniildiog. A'dlrcs Koh
McDanlels, Lakeview, O.igou. A2i