PARCEL POST AND THE NEWSPAPERS Tli New York Kprilnj Journal him thlit to hhv nliout tlio pnrcel pout. If tho editor throujhout (ho ronnlrv mid tho MloickcrpiTH throtiKhuut the country will romhlnn, if they uho tho parcel rxml liudend of nppoHlng It, they will nhi find tliUTiMrlv' poMHi'HHorN if N new primpe'lty Mini rnrtitietilnrH on real mill HiKiri-MHfiil hcmIu with tho great mnil order Iioiimch that Iihvo donn no niiirh in jtti-y of Into yenrn to the uropHfiily of the locul tiwrrliMiit. No null onlcr hotiHe ran prwmhly huc Cecil iim well iim lhi IochI Incrchiint, if tho lor ii I iniTcluint plaim hi html ni'HH nn Inti'lllKcntly nnd iwoiiomii'ally U dona tiy Iim dhdant roniiftitorN. With tho piirrol pimt working, the lornl merchant will hHVe hi mliiloyui-H IhhIchiI of a xrrat aturk in trnde. The nuinufarturer will advertise through tho lornl rewnpiiper nrul create trnde for the loral tnerrhantM. The mrrrhiiiit will have hil ciiliihKUr He will lio tho agent. Ilo will tic on tho npiil knowing the cilixcnu. Ho will know the quality of gondi and he ahlo to guarantee thorn. Anil ho will ho there to he qui'Hl ioned and to aimwer if the good nro rot natirtfai'tfti-y. In other worda tho local merchant ran to. if he rhooroK, an liig it i x 1 complete a chant in Ida own t-urmmuuty ita any mail ordrr Imimo in tho world. I. i t tho country oditor and tho country aloro keeper romofnlior what cpxcricnre in thin con 1 1 1 ry proven ahead,), that work on a very ureal aralo cannot ho dune hh efficiently in on fi ainnllor one with doner individual attention. The atoro keeper who iittetdii to hia runlomcr, who ml junta complainta and nuikea thingM liicht, who run tfivc advico and who, with the parcel iont will tie utile to deliver iinnicitia'ely anything that II ordered in lem than one ipiurter ot the time that the tihtil order houaoa have heen delivering and that atoro keeper tinekcd ty the country editor, will know a proapority that he has never kiwiwii. Ilont tiirjjrl I lie Uidllil inn S ill' llinv going on ill I.nkcvicw Mercantilr C' . GOOD ROADS IS IMPORTANT ISSUE If there Ii one subject which the entire country, end Washington In pr llrular. in interested In more then en dthrrat tne present time It ie Rood road. Congress showed at the leat session that It I keenly alive to the Importance of thin subject. The nam her of hllla Introduced railing for nat ional highways was surprising. Many Congressmen ere staunch adtocatee of the Idea of building great s; stems of national rnndi. There ia no further would aoem, of preaching the srivsntages evn the necessity of good Interatate highwsy. A system of good roada waa one of the thinga which made Hume great and aided In continuing it greatness. Kvon in what waa thrn a remote province, and now ia Great Britain, one may walk on roada the Knmane built, treading on the ery tone lu id hy the legionaries of the. (Vasars. In thil country we are but beginnirg to profit by the example of audi auriont natlona an Koine, but our Department of Agrioulture has heen ureparing for ycara, through ita good roada bureau, for the campaign that now haa the country in Iti graap. . Many millioni of dollara are being ap I propriateff by tho States, from New ! York to California and Oregon, for ex- tenaivc systems of nighwaya, and it ' will 'not be many yeara before ono will be able to travel from the Atlantic to the I'ariflc over perfect roada by bloylc, ' motor, or horae-drawn vehicle. MM'HOMHT MINISIHK KKCOM ; Ml:.l)S CIIAMIII-KI, AIM'S COUtill ki:mi:iy Key. .laiiiea A. Lewia, Milncs, Minn , wi.iom: "(MiaiiiiicrlainV found Item ed.V haa Inch ii needed ulld Welcome gueat In our homo fr fi nuiiilxr of enra. I highly rri' it to my felltiwa iim bring a medicine worthy of tiuil in ciM'4 ol coIiIh, cuulia mid crimp." (Jive (.'haiiibcrlniu'H 'onj;h Itemedv ii I hil find e nro cnulident mil lll lind it very i lln tilil it ml con tinue to me 11 iim ociiHHiou teqimea Inr yrar in omiie. aa manv iithrra hove done. For aalc li.v all t'enlera. THAT CARVINO LESSON. aathr vt iiii u-ni'mlna Of ti in ar It I II with raiviiiK knlfn: CarvlriK k"!''" ii" i"'" cnul'l linl him Wll, you hrtUT lu t your llf! ll would nwlliu Urn xtiirn fx for him, Muka ijulrk alalia at rnipiy lr And ao Ihrmizh 1r rnrvina prorraa At If aiuiiVr wiia nuht Hu rt. "Boy," ha aalil, "nn huy a fat aooaa I muiit tMirlt to you tlm trl'-k. Tou will aurvly iii i omplliilii'd If at rarvliia you ar all' k, "Aak tha prrarhrr, too, to 1lm:r. ll tlilnka ha can ciirv a k ''. hn'll " an x til ll) Ion Wlirn your papn, dear, cula lunaa!" Ho t wnt and bouKM a Kumlrr. Muni have lorn In NohIi'r ink: Iti Haa loiiKlii'r thiiti roi Ifiitlurr THnniil anil r"lniiii"l In ouk bulk. father hnrp'n,'l up the latvtr. Hnuiii It rooii'l unit rounil In air; Tli'n he Wfnt for Hint ohl ann'l'r With a now-you-watch-me air. WIiiiiik! The knife tmiiiircit lni k from Kinlr. CiHiuh r ruHild a woii'troiia irliiK Ami Mt houmliiK round tin- t.iWe Itiwlly like a Ili iiiH lliiKK, Whiiiki'd ton pifHi-tiiT on t Li Lull! top. BmkmiiiI Aunt K:iruh' l"l filK ilnfM. B-liinlie'l the prfin lu r e lf with aravy Anil Juat inadfi an nwrut irifioi No, I m-vi-r mention rnrvlna. Nor iloee popper any morf. Wlien tl.iit KuniP-r look to aklildlir Top eoiil'ln t hold In-my, h- awore! Did eat Mm 7 Well, yon bi t not! Old TlKe a got 'lm In tho lot. lle'a li ri rhi wln' for a week now, liut he i Hii't II rid one wviik iot. C M. HAKN1TZ. THE PALACE BAR J. P. McAULIPPI: - - PROPRIETOR A Popular Gentlmen's :: Resort :: IMIONU 32 CHOICE BRAND WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS IF IT COSTS MORE TO LIVE IT COSTS MORE TO OVERLOOK THE ADVERTISEMENTS 111 UN Things cost more, opportuni ties to buy ccono micallyarewoitli more. No house wife in this city, v ho f e e 1 s and knows the slighest hardship on account ol' high prices, can afford to remain blind to the weekly opportunities of sav ing offered to her by the ad vertising merchants. These alive merchants are often' able, through effecting quick and large sales of an article, to cut the selling price to very nearly cost price. The housewife should see that when they do thisthe volume of quick sales will always re pay them. Watch Kxaminer Ads week by week. It pays. Lake County Examiner KURIOS FROM KOR RESPONDENTS Q rii iiHC tell mo If the nil. inks iiml aoles of. tho feet of tho Iilnck (Va-hlu btid lilnrk l.niiKHlum uro the aiimo col or. A. Tlio Itl.'ii-k LaiiKslnin lina a plnlilsli wlilt i' aolo and hluixh blin k ahiink and toe, nnrl the Hlnek (!x liin haa a yellow aolo mid yollowlah hlnek aliniik and toea. t. I inn riilslnu llelk'hin. hnron nnd notice vou miHwer (itleatlons I'liticernintj tlicin. I huvo aevenil with ear cniiker. Wutii.l you uko tin- aiimo retnerly for tliU us for chickens. A. No. Souk the tanker eruata with lukewarm wa ter. Kciitly reniove and apply iwderel iMiraele neid once a dny until ourerl. Q. Will I k'et n heller In j er hy eross Itijf Single Couili White I.eKlion.s with While OrpliiKtoiia? A. No. The White OrpiiiKtona are one third White Leg horn, onetlilnl Itlink lliiiulnirf; and one third While Iiorklnuv I"'i t wnte time KpiillliiK two jjikkI breeds to make a iniM' chicken. y. Whn t Is it aerration? A. A point on roonter's romb. O. I have n Wynndotte oak bird I wish to show, but find two of his main , tall feathers lire broken off. I low ImiR I will it take the attiba of these feathers ; to drop out and new ones to jjrow In? ! Tho xliow Is nine weeks oft" A. No i teUlnji when tho old stubs will drop ! out. l'.etter pull at once, nnd the now ! feathers will nrw full alzo lu six to eluhl weeks. j FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. A fur r lit Wllkealmrre. Ph.. was , urrestisl by the Healer of weights and measures for kIvIuk abort weight on ' chickens, but was released lifter trial ! liecni!M the court didn't holleve ho ' meant to cheat. tliin?:!i the weiu'ht ' was wrotiK. There are lots of ntitl : ipwitisl Hen lea. many of llietn out of i near, and xve advise our friends to yet ! their scales tested lest they make a mistake and thus lose their reputa tions. This Include the town iner i chant lis well lis the rurallte. Hotter study tho law In your state for welchta and measures nnd scale, for in some states the use of certain scales Is for bidden. i A I'lilifornia vacuum cleaner iiRoiit on beiti'j turned down every where turn I ol tho teai hlno loose In a Held full of ! ;rass!t'pors. It cleaned 'em ri'lit up. ! All t!ic farmers now are dulif it Ke ! ceiitly near NeWiiiin. Cal.. a two horse I ream was seen following the cleaners ; The rasshoniers were beitiK sacked i and hauled to the drying shed. Bully I turkey feed? Well, rather! The principal elements of food lire protein (builrlen. carbohydrates (fatten- en. ash (minerali nnd liber (wnstoi. j Such priiins as outs, barluy and buck j wheat have niuch waste; the ludiifosti j ble hull hi hard to jtrlntl. lu feedlUK j them trrlt to srind and water to souk ! the hull should be before the fowls, j John Verhoov. near Paterson. N. .1.. ! could not understand the disappear ance of his chickens While wntehlUR he saw a flyiiur worm soar over the fence. An old hen grabbed It. nnd, squawk, she waa soue! Sunn the flying worm appeared again. Tho watchoi irrabbed It. found a hook and a line and nt the other end caught three boyj with .six of his choice hens. I.ettliiK chickens run wrtd to pick up their own feed entirely la to reduce them to a state of nature which tneiins that they will do nil their lay I an In the sprint;. 'Ike the rest of tho birds. When a hlghwayuiun hold up John Morau of Ukhfleld. N. J.. Moral) struck the robber on the head with a turkey nnd knocked him tint. Perhaps it waa st u (Ted with lead slugs like those our Innocent New York friends bought for Christmas. It does not take ninny drone eowa or hens to eat the prolit made hy the pay ing ones, and they should bo tested out. If some fanners would Join a cow tesllng association they would be sur prised to find that few of their oows pay n profit. It only costs a amall fee to laid nut. Winter eggs are extras, as It Is only natural for n hen to lav In aprinir and summer. To lay these extras a hen must have extras, and tho fellow who will not eater to Blddy'a appetite In the eold season will get left LOOKING I Hit THE INFALLIBLE MAN The editor ol an enchant doen't wHnt anyone to rend him any copies of hia papcra in which they have found m intakes If they find a perfect ropy, however ho ofTera a biff price for it Fame with us, says the editor of the Crystal Kails, Mich., Drill. If the fool rritlc who hunts for mistakes in the papers would find them all he would he I opt busy. We will he pleased to huy copies of any paper which ran be proven entirely free from errors, either typographic ally or In statements of facts. We will he plenao I to find a merchant who never made a mistake in putting up an order, or lawyer who neyer male a mistake, a post official who never puts mail into the wrong box, a woman who never forgot to put In the salt while cooking or to put the tea in the teapot before putting; in the water. Bring on dome of your mistakesless paragons who find it so easy to criticise tho papers and we'll give them the j chanre of their lives to find out whether they are really human. Ex. OREGON'S TIMBER PRODUCTION BIG While the industry of lumber manu facture is widely distributed through out the Unite 1 States, a proiuction during the calendar vear 1911 having heen reported from every State but one, t.amcly North Dakota, it ia inter esting to note that nearly 30 per cent of the total cut was reported from the one, namely North Dakota, it is in teresting to note that nearly 35 per cr.t of the tots! cut was reported from the five status of Washington, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oregon, and North Caro lina, ranking in the order ramed. f urthermore, it will le ooperved that two ot these five States are hcated on the Pacific (.'oast ai d three in the .outh, have in recent years hecorr.e the prin cipal centers of lumber production in the United States, their combined out put in 1911 forming 68 per cent of '.he total cut for that year. The reported cost of softwood lumber in 1911 was 528,902,088,000 feet, board measure, or 7H. 1 per cent of the pro duction from all woods, while that of hardwood lumber amounted to 8,100. 819.000 feet, board measure, or 21.9 percent. The slightly . larger portion production supplied by soltwoods dur ing 1911 as compared 'with the figures for the proceeding year is a logical result ot the drilt in Ue lumber in dustry to regions which are chiefly coniferous or soltwood. The live leading species cut in 1911 were yellow pine, Douglas rir, white oak, and hemlock ranging in the order named, the aggregate output from these woods being 268,350.000 feet or 72.5 per cent of the total production from all species. Yellow pine alor.e supplied 12,S96,706,000 feet, board measure, or 349. per cent of the total: white oak, tr.e leading hardwood, contributed, 3,0'.)8.44-1.000 feet or 8.4 per cent. DOING THEIR DUTY Lakeview Saddlery A complete line of wagon and buggy harnna, whips, robe, bits, rlates, a pti r s, u U ts , roae ettef etc., etc. Everything In the line of carriage twul hore furnish ings. Impairing by competent men. THE BEST VAQUERO SADDLE ON THE MARKET AHLSTROM & GUNTHER, Props. Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM ' ANNA RIVER IRRIGATED LANDS Productiveness demonstrated by growing crops. Lands surround new town of Spring River. Best in -vestment in Lake County Dodson Realty Company LAKEVIEW - OREGON A VISITOR TO THIS MARKET cannot fnU tn he impressed with thf 1'i-rfn-t clfiu linens -pun-ut. So housewife could lie wore fmrtli'ulnr than we are tn exclude dirt of any kind ('owe nnd select jour meat in person and you will better ap preciate ourcare in this respect. That's only one of our ways of maklnsr this market the very best place at which to buy your meat. Lakeview Meat, Market HAYES fi GROB. PROPS THE Scores of I.akcvicw Readers are Learning the Duty ol the Kidneys. To niter the blood is tho kidneys' duty. When tlley f;iil to do this the kiJnejiS are aU k. Backache and many kidnev ills lollow; Help the kidneys do their wotb. Dunn's Kidney I'illa hive cured thousands ot severe cmbch. l'rixd in the following Mrs. Williitn Charley, Grapo St., Medior.l, Ore., says: "The public statement 1 gave In praise ol I Mao's Kidney Pills in 1007 still holds good. 1 occasionally t ike this remedy nod hud that it keeps my kidneys in proper working order. A fall was the cause of kiduey complaint in my case. The kidney secretions were unaturai nnd sometimes 1 had such acute ptilna In my back that I could hardly bend" over. 1 did tu t sleep well and despite the use of pla-tcis, liuinients nnd remedies ol Various kiiul, I continued to suffer. While in that condition, Ooati's Kidney fills were broHght M my attmitlon aud procuiing n supply, 1 commenced their use. lu about lw- weeks I lelt belter und the contents of two boxes made nio well. 1 have recommended Doar.'a Kidney Pills to manv other people." Fur 8hIh by all dealer. I'rh 50 ccutH. Foeter-Milliurn Co., Buffalo. X V.. sole aetata for the Uulted Guiles. The Northwest Ton6ite Co., are cutting away the tim er along the line of Mill street wet-t from the Sum Ban ister residence and will rxtend that street through tne property which tuey own in i hut. part of town. The tract along the new extension has been nut into hits. DON'T VOU liEUiCVE IT Some say that vhr.iuic uuus.ipition cannot be cured. Ion' you ballet e it Cliaiulw-rHlu's T.iI'V'h have cii'ed others h.v tint you? j1vo them a trial. The.v coat cly a qutiitor. Fori LAKEVIEW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. ABSTRACTS TO ALL REAL PROPERTT IN LAKE COUNTY, OREGON Our Complete Tract Index Insures: Accuracy, Promptness and Reliability Such an Index is the ONLY KLI.MBLE system from which an Abntract can lie made, showing all defects of title. IVo Also Furnish SURETY BONDS ana FIRE INSURANCE H. W. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON POSTOFFICe BOX 243 PHONE 171 NEVADA-CALIFORNIA-OREGON RAILWAY Daily Service Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 8:35 P. M. No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 7:05 A. M. Daily Except Sunday Vullman & Buffett Service Bet ween Lakeview and Heno C. W. CLASS, AGENT :: LAKEVIEW, OREGON THE INCREASED COST OF LIVING Is h complicated problem, but many are solving It by eliminating from their diet list all foods of doubtful nutritive value. Romember, Quality Counts Jt is not the amount of food you eat but the energy value rei'etved that gives results, and It Is the uon-recogaltlon of this fact that causes so much dyspepsia and other forms of stomach trouble today. To those seeking a com' plete, easily digested food, suitable for all ages and conditions, i2 3 BORDERS Malted Milk HAS HO EQUAL BonoofifomutsaHuk l BORDEN'S Malted Mills IN THE SQUARE PACKAGE consisting of rich, creamy milk, with extracts of wheat and barley malt (in powder form and non-alcoholic 1, with all waste matter eliminat ed, comes as a revelation. Write for & practical tteelpe Hook, which will sho w you how u very little money, properly expended, can be made to product tho best results Ask your druggist for Free Tr'.ul ruckage THORNTON'S DRUG STORE aalo by all dealers.