Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 20, 1913, Image 2

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The 1'iiniinia-Pariflo international
Exposition, which wil' le hold in San
Francico in UM5 to .lobrate the com
pletion of the I'urMina canal, will be
reaily on time.
'1'nis is the i' Mtive assertion ot its
president. I'lmrlesC. Moore. After
months y;v i,t on the preliminaries, the
perffe fit plan has been adopted by the
Hoar.i of l"ir-ctora and orders have
been jriven to go ahead immediately.
fror the firt time in the history of
International Expositions, the pates
will 8vinr open on time on a complet
ed spectacle.
the positive order 18 that all exhibit
palaces must tie ready for occupancy
on June 25, 1914. which is nine m nths
in advance ot the date set for theopne
ing, Frebruary 20, 1915. All contracts
will be let on that basis.
The first great palace to be com
menced will be that devoted to michin
ery. 'J he contract lor this will be let
on or before November 1. From then
on contracts for the ether exhibit pal
aces will le Ut at the rate of two
month, and all of these great palaces
must be in course of construction ini-ide
of nine months. It is estimated that
ten months is the maximum limit of
time necessary to complete the most
elaborate of the?e.
Hiimiltou Brown School Shoe all
le Mercantile Co.
3&ind of
nd long Kours of exposure will iai
you dry mod comfortable if you wear
with, the farooui Reflex F-Je?e (pa('0 that pre
vent water from running in t the front when
buttoned. No wet weather coat so useful as a
Slicker. No Slick r so waterproof, durable or
neat in appearance as the Fish Brand Heficx
Get your today and be prepared for ram.
$3.00 Everywhere
Tower Canadian Limited
Toron.o 1112 flSlmK
j of X. 527,203 acres, according to irriRa
I lion data compiled from the 13th eenua
j report for the arid land state by the
reclamation service. Of this acreage
SW,52t were ready for irrigation in .
1910. j
Of thia acreage 698. per cent de-1
v. loped Py individual and partnership'
enterprises, and the other enterprises j
.entering in this development and the,
percentage of work thev accomplished,
follows: I'nited States reclamation
Isn'woe. 3.2 per cent; United States
j I rd an service 0.1 per cent: Carey act,
3.G per cent: irrigation districts, 0.2
; per cent: co-operative enterprises,
i 21.9 per cent; commercial enterprises,
i 11.3 per cent.
The operation ffnJ manitenance cat
!of irrigation work in the state has
I ' " ' . ... - - - - -' I i
I acre was 75 cents per acre: in lS!h vt
; was 22 cents, and in 1SS9, 94 cents.
! The difference in cost is due tJ sev-
j eral factors. In the first place, many
j of the earlier irrigation systems were
inexpensive and relative easy of con
struction. In the second place most of the old
irrigation systems have made a growth
from year to year upon which thousands
' of dollars worth of work has been done
1 without pay, and without record of
cost. The estimated cost of the work
is invariably far too small, and gener
ally the acreage irrigated is exagger
ated. As a result, the computed cost
per acre irrigated is exaggereted. As
a result, the computed coet per acre
irrigated is far too low.
Old age as it eomen In the orderly'
process of nature Is a beautiful nnd
niojestlc thlntf. It stauds for cxper-
lence, knowledge, wisdom, counsel.
That Is old nge as It should be, but
old aye as it often is means poor til
jenion. torpid bowels, h sluggish
liver and a general feeling; of ill tat alih.
desponder cr and misery. This in al
most every Instance is wholly linnet
essary. Oie of Chamberlain's Tablets
t;iken Immediately after tapper will
Improve the iiiirttiiu. tone up the
liver and reflate the bowels That
feellui? of de-pondeney will give way
to one of hope and good iheer. for
sale bv all denier.
Goose Lake Valley Meat Company
R. e. WINCHESTER, Proprietor
11 e will endeavor to keep our Market well
supplied with the choicest
Frest, Salt and Smoked Meats
5 lbs. Lard, 90c; 10 lbs., $l..sO
The Examiner Publishing Company
has one of the most exquisite and
most complete lines of Import
ed and Domestic Calendars
ever introduced into this
section of the country
for inspection
If interested, Phone 521, and
we will have our sales
man call and show
you samples.
Examiner Publishing Co.
A Lamg Talon Witn Gratitude by
tha Emir Servants.
AM er UiiIiiihiii wore M itfuv v n
that huil'il id lor -mine one. unit nl li"
gcra ciirvMsed Ills r.-itvlmle komlum h
he viiti'li!'1 (he rtiuielH Im'Iiik imli'ti
When all nvhh ivtul.v lo sturt lit- fiiiii-ti
out four ilium's, ami tour dcjis iiii iook
I it vc Arabs aiisuvreil sliiiiiu-riuliy t"
the HiiniiiiouM
The einlr ske to them tlNpiinsHtn
Hiely. us one iiiti;hl spt'iik to ones t"H
and then. ton.liin his ktHirtuiK I" I'1''
nearest of the four culprit-, lie hintr
tilm lay on a duaeii ot the tiest. wline
he wnti-lirtl and i-rlllcl-nil eacli stroke
with srlin earnest nesi
It was not a pleu-mnt sluht to u nti h.
nnd I thought It llcy to turn aside,
tint the rest of the ennivan ttinrniiiMily
rtij".vi'l the exhibition and itrwtetl each
well laid blow with approval.
When the piinlslinwiit was completed
each of the culprits In turn en me I'""
ward and kissed the eunr'a feet, thnnfc
IhK Ulin for hla mercy and enlllnn Ainili
to witness that they were his it.n- In
do wtth as he wished.
From their milisenueut condin-l I h ive
no rvnson to believe that they did not
meiiD every word they said, tinmen nl
the time I was skeptical. It Is not ev
ery day that one learns such an olijort
lesoo tu buuiility aud feudal sen Ice.
Wide World MaKti.lne.
Idea Com to Them, It Would Seem.
In Spite ot Thamaelvet.
Uernarl Shaw has stated mon than
once that he la "Inspired. ' " I am
pushe!." he saya. "by a natural n-ed
to set lo work to write down coiiver
satlons that come into my bead niiae
couiitahly. At flrst I hardly know the
(eukers and cannot ttnd names tor
them. Then thev tie-itine more and
more familiar, and I learn stielr names.
Finally I come to know them verv
well and discover what It is thev iwe
drlvlnc at and why It Is thev have
said and done the ttilntn 1 have iieeii
moved to set down."
Jther writers and painters, too. have
deserilwd their process In n similar
way. William Mliike wns positive and
emphatic in describing himself as a
mere iiinaniiensK writing down the
words that were audibly spoken to
him. and tie painted In the same wav
from a mod'l set tiefore his eves aii
visible to him alone. Kodlu, ttie
French sculptor, irave tils assent to tin
same idea of model visible to the eve
of the artist. IHekeiis said that tils
characters were aiTiiallv visible and
audible to him. and It will Ik- r-inem
tiered that "Kubla Khan" was ilictat
ed to i'nlerldiie while he slept hon
ih,D Spectator
The Curious Guanaco.
"AmnrH!" KUauai'o- wtiisiered one.
ns thev i-rouehl io in Prte Imilt
"Kill" and he pointed t ttie rule be
side me in the stern sheets The .mil
en Itiiwh of the wnr.e tireasted. deer
like annual slisid out. a little note n!
color, i (inipleineiitins stronuiv naanisi
the verdant treen ot the (iark. wet tor
est side, tint well out of raime I hinl
seen tlie 1 1 1 1 1 1 it i ) i'H;iti;n'0 skin i'ii).i
iclnaUs, s,,i i.v (lie fur dealers of I'nri
ta Aieiias. but i'i:s wa. my nist
glimpse of the animal itselt. inanv
thoiis.inds of v-hli-n s:n inler durini"
my expedition tliroimh I'lerra del I' oe
1:0 ami riitac'iii'.a "oii are a queer
animal, imleeit. ' aHstroptii.el an Ar
dentine lieiileliaut as he and I'HI't.iin
Musters oh' e viewed a solitary una
iiaeo "Yon have the neih of a horse,
the wool of a xhecp. the nei'k of a cum
el. the feet of a deer, and the swift
uess or the devil." i et withal a Krnee
ful uiiiuial and lit u fl,'nin-e inn unlike
red deer, thoiii-'li larger - (JutiiiK
Jarred Hor.
A Chii'iiKO wouian was tr.nclini! In
the orient. On a trip tlirrmt'li 1 desert
slie was carried bv four statu art Mucks
in a chair suspended 1 41 pules 1 In;
natives started out wifli (.'nul cheer,
but us the journey pruares-ed mid the
sun be:il iovii upon tln-iu tiie.v bcunn
t'i clii.ut a praver to Allah It was
Melodious, tlmiih 11 bit Mournful. Its
iii: taut repetition was soothini;. nnd
the hud dozed (in nwakeiiinj;. the
pruver, rnwu more uiouriitul. almost
despairing, was stll; IicIhl' intoned
'I 1: rii . r : ! to her Intel preier she asked
the ii.eanina of the tn.vsleri ,u.s words
The liilerpreter iireteiided not to hear,
hut liciriir p'c-sed tor mi ausiwer final
ty boweil low tind said:
"Madam, since von insist, lliey pray
thut the ureat A Mali may umiie you
less tat"--Oil It'll to lllbuue.
Tlm'-e was omy one piece of puddlni.'
tor iliiitier. mid Mrs. .tones divided n
i;etecn her children. Neil and ;race
Ned luol.' d hrst at hi- piece a ml llieii
ut his mother's plate " M a her. '
he said. ") don t tliiui: I can cat my
puddiiiL' while you haven't any ' "Why.
Ned." said ih mothei. much pleased,
"how iinscMish you are, dear! Cut. you
see, my boy. there Is no inure pud
lin." "I know that, mother Von
take tinice's!"- London Mall.
One Exception,
"Where there's a winner there's nl
ways a loser."
"Not always."
"Well. nairiH Mil Instance to the con
trary "
"When you're playing cards with
your tlrl for kisses."
Mrs Heuhain I'm afnitd the doctor'
hill s too ml-Ii I'.eiibaiu Cat he niv
ed tnv life Mrs. Heuhain 'I'lmt's what
I'm lit'iiriicj on New 01 1; I'liues
'l;ere is no lime so itilseriihlc I111T II
11. an 11111,1 .-e tine - .sii lici-pcii re.
l tcntial evidence has been nccumul
alinjr during the hint few days that the
O.W.K. N. will now ;Ket down to
business in extendini the Oregon Faiit
ern line clard acrnrs the atate,
Hiiya 1 lie I'm t land Journal. It in only
a abort time sine the property of
lfet'reon Kastcrn, which has been
aurveyej from Vide westward to l)oj
Mountain, as nppiaiscd and formally
taken over by the O.W.K. & N. It
bus always been held 11a an OiVk'On
Miorl Line subsidiary, and all work
heretofore haa been done by that cum
luiny through the Mall Luke ofl'icoa.
VNitn the engineering and Construct
ion i rk now under the supervision
ot ticorj-e W. Itoache, chiuf enniiu er ot
II. W. K. & N., plana have been
a-nrkisl nut fur mmhiiiLf the line iit-mss i
the vtate hm rapidly as possible. To
that end, nil kinds of surveying and
enxineerinc; eiiiipmeut and oullil have
been dispatched Irotn here lo Vale
this week, and it is understood that a
bit; ciew of men I rum Hosrhc's ollice
will lie sent, into the field to prosecute
the preliminary work for much ad
ditional buil'iitiK the ciimini M'ltmin.
It is t'clicvi'l inipoitaiil cliaiires in
the route to be followed by the line
have beet made as a result of the dis
solution of ihc llairiman merger. It
bus been expected that the ultimate
fnul of the Oregon KuHlern was to
Kinie point on the new Natron Klamalh
KmIU cuUdf of the Southern I'acitic
main line, but with the segregation of
the llarriman t'acilics it is now almost
certain that the Oregon Kastcrn will
become iitliliated with the O. W. H. &
N exclusively and will be extended to
llend uud reach I'ol t'iuid by way of the
Deschutes Kailroad.
Uue of the possibilities of the future,
it is said, is the construction of a joint
line by the O. W. K. & N. uud :'ie
aoulhero I'acilic to form a connection
from tiend of the Dcs.-hutcs line to
Ode.ll, or some point niiir there on the
Southern I'acitic.
It is believej that a considerable
portion of the money which the I'mon
Fuciiic will secure liom the sale of ils
$12o.Oo0.ihmi stuik in the Southern
Pacific will be allo'.ed to' develoumelit
work in Oregon uirl the Northwest.
Uesiues the Oregon Kustern, the other
improvement construction worn pro
iectel by the O.A.K. & N. is the cut
oil from Stokane to the Lewis river.
Tins line will shorten the distance be
tween I'ortlaud umi Spokane about .ri7
Hits Productive Country
Cut lose from the Southern I'u ilic
Railroad, ttie Union Pacific
Kailroad now consists of two main lines
from the I'.ast with termini at Omaha
and Kansas City, branching out into
three main lines to the 1'ucitic Coast,
whn h terruini at I'ortlaud, San r'fan
cisco and Los Angeles. Of the three
Western forks, that to I'ortlanl is
shortest and most direct. West ot the
Kocky Mountain it traverses the
most productive and most rapidly
developing territory. Its merits from
a traffic producing standpoint will
force a fair share of attention, to ita
No interest haa made a harder fight
at the tariff hearingi against an
evident disposition to cut the rate of
duty than the wool mi'ii, both growers
anil manufacturer. The mohair pro
ducers of 'lex us and Oregon want the
duty of 40 per cent retained but the
committee indicated that it would rot
agree to recommend any such rute. of
duty. The manufacturers alao I. eld
out the prospect of a reduction of the
wage acbedule it the tariff should be
cut. Hoxever, it is understood lobe
the intention of Congress to make re
ductions on both cotton and wool.
Knough has been shown fy the hear
ing" Lcfore t lie Ways and .Means Cum.
mittee tu indicate that there will be a
j bitter light all along the line when the
tariff schedules come before congress
at the extra t-ession.
Reason For Haycocks.
Fanners try tu get I heir hay "made"
(is soon as possible, so that it shall
em-ape the rain, for rain washes the
goodness out of hay, leaving it very
poor food for animals.
That Is why. Instead of being left
spread n bout the ground to dry, buy
Is Made up into heaps culled haycocks.
Half an Inch of rain menus lll'ty tons
of wnler on en acre of land. If the
bay Is ; pi'eii 1 about over the ground
till those liMy tons of water wash the
g',o lne:i out of the hay.
lint If 1 U crop Is made Into haycock
these take up only one-tenth of the
i-puco. Therefore they are washed by
only on" tenth of the rain water. In
oilier words, mi you can at once see,
th" h.iv U I !:' 11 washed by only five
liiKtcad i.i' t',,'ly tons of water fnllliuf
upon it
This In 1 lie 11 a' on why hay Is inndo
Into haycocks
A New Jersey ni;n who haa lived to
be 1(i vim" old '1 i-es those who de
wire loin; ,ie "to be optimist, not pes
almlsts. mil to' worry, to take plenty
of exercise, drlnl; lots of buttermilk
and get plenty of fie-li air." The rec
ipe acciiis to bw a good one.
Forsnlo vltlwr fur ttn'k ir ijrrl-
Clllt II 111 I 1 1 111 UIXI'S,
J. L. LYONS, I). I). 5.
Otflc In Wsman'i liloik. Lnk.
view, Oregon
Urai Vr-" rtntrti-- In Mi-roum,.
Urtuliuie ol Laiv-roir of Mlolilr.
The Best Dib Overall
Two Horse
A New Pair
If They Illp
Spring Colonist Period
Daily, March 15 to April 15
To All Central Oregon Points
Chh-ngi ,S' m St I'll ill f 'W (HI
iVur.t ,V (HI Mlnm i,pnlls .11) (JO
St. Louis XT M I in I nth .10 M
MlhMiiikii- Hli TO KnhsiiM flty (HI
i.iith' i:Hk : :,o (hiiiiim :m m
Slvnilililn 4'J M St. .lo.srili :i(l (Kl
Xew Orruns 4s Ml l.lm nlii :I0 (HI
oTin:ii i:.sti:i:. iuuxts ix rinn'inirmx
Tfll inir irii'iuls In tln I'.ast tit (his (iurf unity i( m lit): Wist
ut low rati s. Illwt triiln wriir i.i Hiirlliiictoii Hnuti; Xorthrm
1'itrllir, (In-iit Xortlirrn, Siiokuiir, 1'oitlmnl ,f Snittlr, mul Uncoil
Trunk Itiillw uy..
Von run oVf finals with me mul W est hounil t li-krts will hit
Itirnl.slirtl ieoiV in till' l-'ust.
W. D. SKINNER, Traffic Manager, Portliind, Ore.
J. H. CORBETT, Agt., Bend, Ore.
f. 11. CORY, lttc
Operate 5tagrs, carrying I'ntted Mmtrt MalU, I iprr anJ I'uicngera on tha
following rout:
AUTo.toiii.i; oHi:H4ii!it in connection wnn lur .staui'.i
HAKI'5:- la Way Huund lrl
Klamath Falls Route - - - $10.00 $18.00
Plush Route - - - ' - - 4.00 7.00
Oi:i ICf!S:-
Lakevlew . -Mage Office
Pluth .... Sulllvaa M-iUI
Klaoiaih Fall . . Amcrlcaa tlotnl
CON BREEN, Proprietor
court House
Sicciul Attention to Transient Stock
Homes Hoarded bv the Dav, Week or Month
Always Open Phone 571
I Lakeview Steam Laundry
We give efficient service anil do
good work. Send. your
washing and give
us a trial.
We are now ready to roll your Barley .at any time