Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 13, 1913, Image 7

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U Want Ad In The Lako County Examiner
j Kcpoatitl a lew times, if necessary, will find a customer
for that property of "yours. Tlicy arc wan tied closely
by intending bujers, and the coht is nominal 5 cents
the line for eaeli insertion. Special longtime rates.
toil t"
I'dlt H 1,1!. I m 12 snd I'., Illk.
U O V I. Add in nkvlM, hi.iI
HW NJfiu.d NMS. S NK. rW.
IfO I'll n. Kbiiui' ID i; I .Mr. (II,
J.tll :ti
FOIl HAi.r.:- I.ul 1:7. rtt MO. V.
1.. Ail'l Imm I nu t 45. N-- 2.1
Twi. liiu 'is, lit m-rcN :t" fo
ini l mi i 1 1 1 1 1 1 limiil HmIit rUhl.
( Incur. I )HintiHi'ii, M in rut. I binds.
Inn J mi t.-4i
FOIl H. I K .Mnkf I H. r - la iii ii-H
N. F. i S. c. I. T. 7. II n Kni.
W M I I In- I n Aililrt H. Stork lull.
3141 ! r. 1 -t. Kmi.n h (.My, Ku.
FOIl HA 1. 1 10 hi' i I rue I wild In Iks
tliiu rlulll" Inrntril In Hi'. 111. I w .
'iH, tnuw 1M II I' I'iihu-II. I "liilll
I.uh, Ni-lir O. ' if
KOH WALK-JO in-rm In wet Inn
Iiiwi hIiIi .'L'l. minii- .'(!. Kniiiri' of
H'HIT IIiiih . I.iikevu-w. On-
I II i: l,nk-vii'W A lii no t A 'I'll If Co
1m iimkiiitf -h'i'IhI irli' on Almt rncl
to O. V. I.. io Tihi Ih ami Town
FOIt NAl.K HnilHt linil lot furnMii-d
and ti ll trri'K lixatrd lit Lakeview.
Must m-II Muk ! mt n e.ff.-r. I 'nr
fi rtluirM wrlit- to I ii ix W, IIhij
dnii, ( irt-K'Hi O -IU t
I OK SAI.F. l ot 42. block ti'.! O.V.I,,
Ailil In Lake lew, iiinl ''4
Hf, M-l-llull LM, 1 M i. 10 UuUKC 111
phmI. F. .1 I'arki-r, HaiiilirlduM,
Hohh Co , )li,i. 1)5 lliii
WANTKII-to Is- loi'iiti-il on flrHl i Imhd
ltHi iit-re. iiIvm iriirnlnr, iim to
Moll. I'lllllHtt', llH'Hlloll, WHlIT, Mill-
li. r Mtc. W. M. Ilruwii, 112, L UMli
St., 1'orlliiint, Ori'Koii. ill'ip
We IIIXll II mhIi'kimiiii III 1111' ll llf H'V-
itiiI exi i ll. nl IlieliU to Mell our hiiImii
diil nurwrv nt'k. A 'riniiiieiit
(ilin'e, immIi mi-i Iv mid k Miniri llriil
Im k nf von Write for m.rilciilnrn.
Vh.IiiikIoii NnrMcry f'u '1'opiienlMli,
Wnnteil A.ent. Write llt-allu .V Ar
rlilent liimirani-i. lireL-'on Surely A
CuiiMHllly Co. H'JJ Hoard of Trade,
P.iri Intnl. On"!!..!!
. Vi. fi'i i iiu whisky "at tiTk
Hotel LiikkvIi-.w bur. The lii'MMiiul
imri'Mf wlilxUv mmle tf
r.t v-.riio .
ward Immiii-iI liv the Tilt-phone
l'oiiiiiiiv fur ili'Mt roylnu: Hm proi
erty. l'ltf
.") KI'JW AKO.
A KKWAKI) or ,fty dollura In here
by olfered for iiMorumtlon that will
(d to the arrow' ami conviction of
ay pel sou wlm him stolen wlrea or
other property from our Company;
and the aame reward Is hereby olfered
for Infornm' i',n that will lead to the
arreet aud i pvlctlou of auyoue dtui
troyluK tli" property of the Company.
Chaa. Umbach,
Heoretai y Lke Co. TeL &. Tel. Co.
MAN'8 I! I. !()., FOHTI.ANO. OKKO.
Department of the Ioierior. United
Statea Land Olllee, Lakeview, OroKon,
.Inn. 18,
To I'harli'M F. Wallace of Unknown,
You are hereby notllieil that
I'larenee V. Koine who n'V''8 Fort
liiK'k. Oregon. H bin (niHt-otHi'e
adilreHN, did on lleceinhi-r IS, 1(112,
lile In thin ollk'ii lila duly currolioraled
nprllcatiou to I'ontt'Ht and we tire the
eancellatinil of your llouieutead,
Kntrv, herlnl No. ;o:U!)l made March
2:i, 110, for Ay, N K4 See 19 A S
NVV)4' NF'4 rU't-tion 20, Towimhip
2.'i South, KmiKe IS Kunt, Willamette
Meridian, and hh Krouuda for Iiih con
test lie allei;eM that You have wholly
abandoned Maid laud for more tliau
hIx niouthfi laat paat; that you uerer
rulilvated or Improved hiIJ lund.
Y'tiu are, therefore, further notified
that the aaiil alleKatloua will be taken
by this ottlco as havlug been confeRHed
by yon, and ybur said entiy will lx
caucelleil thereunder without your
further rlffht to be beard therein,
either iM'fnre this olll(x or ou appeal,
If you fail to file in thlH olllce wit 11 In
tw'enty daya uflor (he FOURTH pub
lication of thin notice, an hIiowii below
your answer, under oath, specifically
ineetloK and responding to tluHe h.
letratloua of content, or tf vou fall
withiu that time to tile In thin olllce
due proof that you have nerved a
copy of your annwer ou the aald von.
teatant either In peraon or by nyla
tered mall. II this Httrvlce Is made by
the delivery of a copy of your answer
to the contestant in persen, proof of
such service must bit either the said
contenlmit 'h written acknowledgment
of bin receipt of the copy, showiuii
thu date of Itn receipt, or the altidavit
of the peraon by whom the delivery
whs made Mtatlujr when and where
the copy was delivered; If made by
registered mall, proof of such nervu o
inuwt conslHt of the alllduvlt of the
perm in by whom the cony was nulled
atatiiiK when and the post, olllce to
which It was mailed, aud ll.i- allida
vlt must be accompanied by the post
Want Ads
tuiiHtrr's riH'elpt for the letter.
itl fhimld Mtate III your aimncr the
name of the poMt olll.e to which yon
1I1 m re future uolin'H to be mciiI to
A. W. OH I ON, Itejclnter.
lisle of first piilillcstlotl Jan. 21. HH:i
I'Mie of Mfcciiiil puhlicHtion Jan. .'fl, l!)i:i
Date of third publlcatloo Feb (',, llll.'l
D iteof fourth publication Fed l.'l, ItM.'l
lit the ('mint v Court of the Slut of
Orefon. fur l.uke Couiitv. IN IMF iF TM K F.rtTATK OF
David Wi.rtillncton, Deceaied. Til"
niiiler'tcneil hnvlnir been sppointed
t.y the ('oiiuiy Court of the Mtale of
in-truii. for Lae Cuiititv, Aduduii-tra-tor
of I he eMinte ;il David Worthing
ton. dereiirieil, notice In-reby kIvii
l.i I he creditor of. Htnl all iMTnntiK
luivliitr I'tniiiin atrainst ald decennei,
in ir-- n 1 1 hem verilled as ri'ipiin il
I'V law, ulthlu six iikiiiI Iim after the
II ret publication of tlit notice to nsnl
D F Amick wt hln residence In New
I'Ine 1 'reck, OrcKou.
D V. Amlck.
Ailitiinlnl THtnr of theenlafe of David
Wort lilnirt.m deceaned. Datee .Ian.
11th 1UI.I
In the recorder' court of the stau
of Oregon, county of Lake mr towu
of l.nkeview..(ex oiliclo JuhHch of t he
W. F. (Jroli I'laintiff)
Id-rt Treat and f.lllian Treat)
Di fclidaiiU)
To lll-.HT THKAT and I.I I.I.I AN
I'ltl". T the above dh ni-d defeudantH
In the name of the state of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
iind answer the complaint tiled
auabiht yi 11 In the above enitlled
court mid catme on or defore 'I'hurs
ilnylheCth day of March llll.'l. and
If miu fall to aliBwer. for want thereof,
plaintiff will tune jmli;meiit auUiet
v u or either of vou for the hiiiu le
uiauded in the comilaiu t, to-wit:
Tt'ittv-four ilollam and ten cent
(14 10) and lnterent thereon at the
rate of kU per rem xt annum from
the llith day of Decembei 1UI2. and
for his coit and dlMhursc iiiciiIh here
in and mill hIhohi-II any property tbat
mav be mlnche to si-cure the pay
ment of htich Judgment as may U- se
cured In t his ! Ion.
This SiimuintiM is aerved on you
nn-l each of you by publication there
of In the l.nke County
uew-Hpais-r of Kcni-rul circulation pub
liHli. d In D ike ' o.lQl.v ()r.-ii)ii tor a
term ol six coiiH'cmlve and succei-sive
wicks, by order of Win. Wallace.
.Indue of the above entit led Town
Kecorder'a Court of Lake County,
Mule of Oregon, and Town of Lake
view, made ou the 22 1 1 1 1 day of Jan
uary, llll.'l and the date of the tirnt
imlillcatlou hereof is the 23rd day of
January VJ'.i.
Town llecorder
(Kx oiliclo .liiHtice of the I'eace)
Not Coal Land
Department of the Interior. IT. S.
Iiud Olllue at Lakeview, Oregon,
January loth, 1U1.I.
Notice Is hereby uiveu that Herman
W. (irocls-r, ol Lakeview, Orcgou,
who, ou July uth. VMM, made Home
stead lOntry No H;93 Serial. No. 01447,
f..r N V.i HW4-, Lots 4. 5, 0. 1), Section
31, Tolishlp M S, Itautfe 20 K , Will
amette Meridian, haa filed notice of
intention to make final five year
I'roof, to eslabllHli claim to the bind
above described, before the llCKister
and Receiver of U. H. Laud OtHcc, at
Lakeview, Oregon, ou the 15th day
of February, ltflll
Claimant name as witnenaes: Fred
Fisher, James Bn-hop, Henry Lett
maun, James McDermott all, of
Lakevtew, Oregon.
A. W. OUTON, RcKieter.
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Olflce, Lakeview, On gou,
Jan. 23, 1U13.
To (lixirge M. Alntcd, of unknown
addrens, Coutesteti :
You are hereby notllled that Jons
C. Meyer, who gives Fort Kock. Oieg
on, as his post-ollice address, did oil
Dec 20, 1912, tile In this office his duly
corroborated application to content
and secure the cancellation of your
Homestead, F.utry No. Serial
No. IK13U3, made April 12, 1!)10, for
SEJ, Hectioii 30, T.-wnHhlp 27 South,
Range 17 East, Willamette Meridian,
and as grounds for his content he
alleges that You have wholly aband
oned said land for more than six
months last past; that you have
never cultivated or Improved said
land In any inuuner.
You are, therefore, further notified
that the said allegations will b taken
by this olllce as having been coufesed
by you, and your said entry will be
canceled thereunder ithout your
further right to be heard therein,
either tie fine this office or on appeal. If
you fall to file in this office within
twenty daya after the fourth publica
tion of this notice, a showu below,
your answer, under oath, specifically
meeting' aud responding; to these al
legations of contest, or if you fall
w Ithln that time to tile iu this office
:iue proof that you have served i
copy of your auMwer on the said cou
testaut either In person or by lcgis
tered mall. If this service is made by
the delivery of a copy of your answer
to the contestant In person, proof of
such service must be either the said
couU'htant's written acknowledgment
of his receipt of the copy, hwiuu
the date of Us receipt, or the affiduvii
of the persoii by w hom the delivery
was made statlntf when and where the
copy 4 dedvered; II made by rfKia
lered mall, proof of such service must
consist, of thu alliilavlt of the person
by whom the copy was mailed atat
I iitf wheo and tha pont-'flli-e to which
It wrn mailed, and this alliilavlt tniist
be nrcouipsiileil by i hn P'.st master's
receipt 'or the letter.
Ymr should sfate In your answer
the tiHine of the p sitollice to which
you desire future notices to be sent to
A. W. nliTON, lli-M-lster.
Dae of first publication Jso. 'M, 1UI3
' " aeroml " Feb. , 1013
" third " Feb. 13, 1U13
" "fourth " Feb. 20. 1U13
To I. O. Toppln. Inheritance lift
tiyou Write to I). C. Ilrlchoux.
La il, anile, Oregon. Jan 2,'Mt,
S1000 Dollars Reward
I own all the cattle branded 70 or
XL and formerly owned by Cox &
Clark and the 1 1 cry ford Land &
Cattle Company. These cattle are
now on tin ran kim 01 Modoc and
Lasxeu Counties. For Information
leading to the arrest and conviction
of any party or parlies Illegally
h'Siiilin, killing, dilvini; off r dis
poning of any of the above cattle
I will pay ON 10 THOIJHAND DOI
LA US and the cost of arrest snd
prosecution. bend all Information
to 10 II. Day Alturits. Modoc county
Cat., or to me a. Latrobe, LI Dorado
County, Cal. Utility parly mlht .
cai, promptly notify the Sheriff of
ihe county la which the Illegal uct j
was committed and advluc me by!
wire lit iny expenw.
W. D. DUKK. Oct. 17 1
In every town ani city there are
many vacant lota growinir up to wee ls
that might just aa well be producing
garden and flowers, thus adding beauty
an i utility to the city instead of teing
an eje sore. Many of these lots are
owned by non-residents and others who
would be glad to donate the uae of them
to the children. Almost every town
or community has its Parent Teachers'
Circle, civic board and perhaps other
organizations, and they and the school
board should get together and from
their mefnbcrship apoint a committee,
whose dutv it shall be to secure the use
of them for the children and arrange
to have the I h nd plowed and fenced,
when necessary.
In appointing these committees do
not overlook the ladies, for in our ex
perience we have found them adopted to
such work. It would also be their duty
to plan and manage the local contests,
provide prizes for same and to select
exhibits to be forwarded to the State
Fair, and to show the children how to
puck, mark, enter and ship them.
The teacher is not always qualified to
do this work, and has a Lout all he can
do besides.
Then when school closes and perhaps
the teacher leaves the town the child
ren need help and encouragement which
this committee can give.
In every town and city are many
children who have little or nothing to
do outside of school hours. No healthy
child can be idle, and without some di
ection of his activities and some pro
vision of a proper avenue through
which to vent them, they are apt to be
wasted. It is not so much the fault of
these children it they get into mischief
and form hahits of idleness, and poss
ibly viciousness, as it is the fault of
parents, guardians and others for not
providing interesting and profitable
enjoyment employment for them. To
aid in providing this employment and
making it attractive and profitable is
the obiect of the industrial oonteBt
movement inaugurated last year. To
make this a perfect success it must
have the 1 o operation of parents, teach
ers, schoollioards and all public spirit
ed citizens, and we know of no better
ay in which they can help than as
above suggested. Try it. Let the
teacher or president of the Parent
Teaohers' circle call a meeting at once,
effect an oranizatiou and report to the
office of Superintendent of Public In
struction, Salem, Oregon, in order
that he can put vou on his mailing list
for bulletins, etc., and assist you in
every way possible
Keeps boih rider
and saddle perfectly dru.
Made for rough wear and
long service in ihe wettest
'?2!st IookforThisMark
Towea Canadian Im
Ko;v Beautiful New York Sub
urb Was Gleaned Up.
Taught In 8chools the Nssd of Town
Improvsmcnt, They 8purrd en Thair
Parents to ths Work Civio Pridt
Has Come to 8ty.
Jndt'iHl hy their accompllMhmetita In
the last ten months, the members of the
civic m-'llon of the Woman's club of
New liochelle are 11s capiihle as munlc
Ipnl hoiiHekeeiers as they are in their
Itiillvldunl fireside fields. Since til's
civic section was oreanlzed It has done
more to clean up New Kocbelle than
any other betterment organization
Figuratively spenkiu. It tins washed
New ICochelle'a face, com tied lta tin I r.
ilresHwl It In clenn Kfirments and is tak
tn k I'ffeetlve steps to keep It from be
lli); annoyed by mosijultoes and Infect
ed by files.
The first thing the Woman's club
civic section attempted was to cleaD
' .-V
1 4
,-.'.f,'.i:-y--V .SJ'
up the towu. New Itochelle, beautiful
us it is when looked at from the point
of view of the average visitor, used to
have many unswept and untidy cor
ners. Various buck yards, back streets
and vac:mi lots were like the "Juuk
rooms" In u bit; house places in which
all sorts of unsightly trilles were at
lowed to accumulate. These municipal
housekeepers, after looking over their
common habitation, began a vigorous
campaign to get fieople interested lu
sprucing un to arouse civic pride, in
fact In this work the boys and girls
of the towu the school children were
invaluable. They spurred ou their par
ents. It was not lone before the agitation
produced results. The streets and va
en.'it lots were cleared of papers aud
ill sorts 'of debris A passion for
cleanliness seemed to sweep over New
Kocbelle. Photographs were takeu be
fore the work began and after it was
completed The contrasting pictures
aroused still greater enthusiasm. Sin
gularly enough coutrary even to ordi-
nary buiuaii nature the spirit of clean
liness seems to have established Itself
permanently lu New Roehelle, eveu lu
places where ouce It was au uuwel
come vilest.
lu practically all these movements
for the betterment of New Kochelle
the children of the place took an lm
portant part. So essential is the Inter
est and enthusiasm of the cuildreu to
the upbuilding of the perfect city and
the making of good citizens that a
great deal of iittentiou has beeu paid
to devising means for training the con
tiiiually effervescing euergy of youth
to the best advantage. With the reall
ration of these eudless possibilities lu
the citizens of tomorrow the public
Spirited women of New Kochelle are or
ganizing ch'ildreu'g civic clubs in the
schools of the city.
Clean Strests.
European cities pride themselves on
clean streets above all other public
works, and some i Hies are famous the
world over for the splendid condition
of their public thoroughfares. Oue
facetious writer says that lu Berlin
they not only wash the pavemeuts ev
ery morning, but wipe them too.
awftftrW'11 Sst"
A Bend dispatch to the Oregonian
says : That girls can make a success
of holding down homesteads on govern,
merit land has been demonstrated time
and again in central Oregon where
often times the women make the male
aex look like mere boys when it comes
to achievement.
A tout 25 miles east of Bend four girls
have claims they took up a couple of
years ago and which they are improving
complying with Uncle Sam's laws to
the very letter. 'Ihese young women,
Anne, Gertrude and Nellie Market,
together with Harriet Uolson, have
demonstrated that the prize does not
always go to those that have the most
brawn, but that intelligence and every
day pluck will win for girls despite the
handicap of sex.
The four young women came to
central Oregon from Illinois and after
taking their land began to look about
for a start on their improvements.
This they did by following various pur
suits, such as stenography, teaching
school, fancy sewing, and other voca
tions. Their cabins started, the girls
take turns at living on tbeir 820 acre
claims, going to the land in relays of
two at a time and pooling their inter
ests so that while two are working for
money to support themselves during the
time when on their claims the others
are residing upon theirs, and looking
after the absent girls' interests. Then
when the time is almost up the two in
town go out and the others return to
take their places at the various pur
suits they have followed in order to
return to the land again.
Down in Lake county, 30 miles from
a railroad, are two or three groups of
young women who are living independ
ent lives and at the same time gaining
health, strength and wealth by improv
ing claims that were held previously
by young men who gave it up as too
hard a task. One of them is a poultry
fancier and her success at breeding high
class layers is unusual. The eggs are
sold to ranches and others for from $5
to t0 cents per dozen, and one of the
group grows the grain that the others
feed their poultry with, at the same
time milking several cows and growing
a considerable acregae of hay for her
The plowing she has employed a man
to do in thep ast, but the man thought
he could charge a girl twice what he
could any one else, so this independent
girl is going to do her own plowing
from now on and has purchased a team
of mares and will probably handle the
plow with the same ability she has
shown toward all obstacles that have
confronted her in the past.
One girl in this group has bceome
very fond of several hives of bees and
intends to add this industry to the
others her chums have followed. On
feature about the girl homesteader Is
her absolute independence of mere man
and each seems to feel that until she
has proven up on her land and has the
patent for it from Uncle Sam, she is
to busy too do more than pass the time
of day with the inquisitie men who
come that way to go home with visions
of a wife.
Dont forget the Reduction Sale now
going on at Lakeview Mercantile Co.
Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us
Strong and Healthy
All the blood In the body pastes
through the kidneys once every three
minutes. The kidneys filter the blood.
They work night and day. When
healthy they remove about 500 grains
of impure matter daily, when un
healthy some part of this impure mat
ter is left in the blood. This brings
on many diseases and syinptotus
pain in the back, headache, nervous
uess, hot dry skin, rheumatic
pains, gout, gravel, disorders of
the eyesight and hearing, dizzi
ness, irregular heart, debility, drowsi
ness, dropsy, deposits in the urine,
etc. But if you keep the filters right
you will have no trouble with your
A. B. Schofield, Ashland, Ore., says:
"It gives me pleasure to endorse
Doan's Kidney Pills. They brought me
great rebel from a severe attack ol kid
ney complaint and I am now entirely
free Irom the trouble. Doan's Kidney
Pills can tie relied upon to dispose of
backache and difficulty with the kid
ney secretions."
$1,000 REWARD
The Oregon Cat.
lforuis snd Nevsds
Live Block Colec-
iou Afboiiatou, ol
which ths under
signed Us, (number
reward for evidence
leading lo the r
ret s-ad oonvlctlou
ol uy .ariy or psr-
tlesli:aliiiK luirwi,
caitie or mil lei be
louiiiugtosuy of It!
mem tiers.
lu Addition to th above, me undersigned
offers on the same condition )5iu.U0 lor all hura
9i branded horue-uhou bar ou both or either
law. Brand recorded inrigbt counties, kange
Uarotj. aud Croo uouuilea. Horse
fuuied wheu sold.
Nona bulgrowu horses sold, and only In largt
oJkohes W. W.baows, Kile, Oregon.
Prmildi-nt William H.Taft
Vlc President JamraS. HheimaB
iwirMaryol state Philander O. Knot
leerniary o( Treasury Franklin MflVala
wrelary ol War Jacob H. Iilcklnana
Attorney (Mineral Ueonra W. Wlckerahara
Poaimaauir Oeneral Frank H, HltchrorS
enr taryof Navy George Von L. Meyer
ieeretary Interior W. A. riaher
retary of AKrlcultnrs James Wllml
Veretrryol Commerce Charles Navel
Ubiel Justice Charles Ed ward White
wl U. K Tension tWimmtaaioner
W. S. Richards, O.B. Land Commlaalonaf
ttorernnr Ostrsld West
-tenrelary of gut Bon W, Ulmlt
Treasurer ...Thoe. H, Kay
attorney Oeneral A. M. Crawford
4u pi. Public Inatrnctloa 1..K. Aldermaa
Printer w. 8. bunlway V
Dairy and Food Com J.W.Bailey
t m ttanatnra I Jonathan Bourne, Jr.
J.M. Senators J Ueo g, thamherialn
nre"m" IW.LaVer?,
Chief J in tic R. 8. Bmb
ir. A. Moor
t-oclat Justice. 1 ;
IT. A. JlcBrld
lodge Henry L. Benana
Attorney John Irwla
J lint Senator W. Lair Tborpwa
! Vernon A Forbes
Wealey o Bmlt
.rlhur W. Orton Rectam
'red P Cronemiiler Receiver
Gilbert D. Brown Supervisor
NeJaon J. BIIIIuks Orailng Assistant
Norman Jacobaon Forest Assistant
b. F. Brennan Forest Clerk
oda;8 B. Daly
Jlerk F.W. payue
-JierlfT w B Snider
! reasnrer F. O. Ahlatrons
taaenor A. J . Foater
jebool enpt. C. K. Oliver
urreyor 8. A. Mushea
emission", A-- J ZltfKSZ
County -ttor-k Insneotor D.P.Mailoy
C. E. Rlnehart Mayor
Lee Beall I
W. F. Grob J 1. -
J. P. Huckworthi OoanciUnen
I T. Uodsil (
W'm. Wallace Recorder
t. dieuer Treasurer
Prealilent Lee Beall
Vice President F. P. Light
Hecietary Dr. E. D. Everett
Treasurer O. K Wood
Trustees, H. W. Morgan U. M. No M,
Ralpo K. Kooser
FIKdT METMOUIriT CHCKCH SUNDAY Preaching every bunday at
11 a. ui. and 7:80 p. m. fipworib League every
onday evening at 6:. Prayer Meeting Tbuxs
lay at 7:30 p. m. Cboir meeting it 8: Wp. m,
adies' Aid Every Wednesday at l-JO p. m.
iverybody cordially Invited to all service.
R. MYLRS. Pastor.
Preaching service at 11 A M and 7:) P on
1st nd 3rd Sun. bunday School at 10 A M.
iunior Society at 4:30 P M. Baptist Young
People's Union at:.'to P M on each Bunday.
Prayer Meeting at 7:3u P M Wednesday ev.
niug. Everybody Invited to attend all ser
vice. REV. A. F. BIMMON8
at 8:00 and 10 a.m.; Rosery at 7:30 p.m. Mass
on weekdays at 7:U) a.m. H-rvice in the New
Church. T. T. KERN, B. J.
VIKW, meets in the Masonic Hall. Bunday
School at 10:00 A.M.: Moruiug Service at 11 MM
Evening Service at 7:30. 1 raver MeeUng on
W ednesdays at 7:30 P.M. All are cordially la-
vited. REV. J. P. SCHELL, I). 1 , Pastor.
ing Services in the Hall ol the Mission la IB
R.Mjmsol L.C.I.C. (Bunting Building) Center
btreet. every Sunday Svenug at 7:30 O'clock.
All are cordially inviied.
first baptist, church o -.ikmk i.akk
at New Pine Creek, Oreou. Preaching ser
vices at 11 A M and 7:30 P M of each Bunday
of every month. Sunday School at 10 AM.
Prayer Service ai 7:30 on W idnesday evening
of each weed. All are cordially invited to
tttend i he aervtces.
LAKEVIEW LODGE No 71, A. F. & A. M. Holds
staled meetings baturda . on or before full '
moon. January 27m, March 2nd, March SOtm
April 27th, May 2"Un, June 28th, 11112. Special
mesUngs upon call, generally Saturday even
ings. billing brethren welcome. JohnL.
Clark, W. M. ; H M Nolle, Sec'y
No. 77, D. of H.. A. O. U. W., Meets r,l ail'l
third Thursdays of each montb ol io
Hall: Mary Post, C.of H.; J. Belle Ariner, L.
of H.; Lora Snyder C. of C; Alameda.
Brown, Recorder.
I. O. O. F., meets the Brat snd tbird Tburs
day evenings of each month in Odd Fellows
Hall, Lakeview. D. T. Uodsil. C. Pn It F.
Cheney, Scribe.
a o. u. w. lakeview lodge no. iu.
Meets every second and fourth Thursday of
each mouth, in Maaonlc Hall, Lakeview.
Chas. Tonniugaen. M.W.; Wm. (.umber, R.
1. O. O. F' LAKEVIEW LODGE, No. 6S, i .
O. F., meets every Saturday evening i i
Fellows Hall, at 7:30 o'clock, from OotOLur 1
to April 1, and at s olclock from Aprb 1
September 80. W. P. Dvkenian, N. 6.;
Q. D. Brown, Secretary
m, I. O. O. FM meets the second and fourth
Frldaysof each mouth In Odd Fellows Hail,
Frances Corbett, N. U.; M. D. Moss, Beo'y.
La,nd and Law Oftice
Abstractor of Titles
EaUblUhed 1U4 Lakeview, Or
Notary Public
All Practice Except 17. S.
Land Office llunlnesH,
L. F. Conn
Attorney at Law
ad Notary Public
Ijilie vie w. Orecs
OFFICE Daly Building.
Attorney at Law,
lind siatu-ra nprlsJtw'
OFFICE Daly Building.
Attorney at Law
Office In O. V. L. Oo.'s liuildmg.
Physician and Sursreon
Off lee i
Snyder & lteyiioldu Drug Store
PHONKi Offlee, Main a
Iteaidene IT
Mining & Civil ICntfiueers
Mining Locution and Patent Surveys,
Farm and Irrigation Work,