Classified A Want Ad In Tho Lake County Examnor Kcpc.'ttrd ji lew times, it ..mssiiry, will find a customer lor thnt property ol yuis I lie me scanned closely by intending Inncrs, ami the cod is nominal 5 cents the line lor each insertion, -pecial lon-time rates. I'l'K HLI. Lola I J HDi l'l, H IIJ O V I. A.I.I I.. nhrvlc VI O V I. A.I.I Hkrvlcvt , .. i. N'i S,. N w Ji MV, " . M Ti Kniii' lit 10 Ld. I.r i , It... l'7tl. Ai" . (.'in . J:w a FOB KAi.i : Lit 7. Ill' fk M O. . 1.. Ad. I Im i ir .! 46. Nt T-i. :i. lougelV 1 rr'w i- I. II nl III. Mil. II I I. il.i. I Will IT II. Ill (lacnr .1 1 1. fur i', M mini, l iIh. Ii.. J mi '2 -ll roil HALF. .Una. i if. r- im . 'ii' N K i-4 M.r. I, T. :i7, It. n Kant W M I .like ('i .VI In m- S ii, !IHI I'liriiinl ki.i 'i. Cit, Kb-. I (tit hAI.I 111 l.i H' 1 1 Mr I Willi ll.ltfa lull I llill I .-... I." I III Ml'. Ill I l. is, iiiiim.. L'n II I. Inin-rll, I . llllll In.., Ncl.r O. 1 1 KOK HAI.I'. Jll (ii r.H In wi tloi. -M limi hIiIi :tt. rm iti' .'in j;iiiii ri' "f Srnurr Ho , l.nkevicw, lire TIIIO I .ii M' i icw AliHiriKt A Title Ih lii.kiim hm-cihI prices oil AIimI n.ric lull V. I,. I'ii' Tim. Ih ami Town LolM. I'OK NAl.K limine and lot luri.lBl.t-.i ll.l ti ll H.'tl-X I.H Kll'll lit I.HM'Vll'W M mt H4-II Milk i' inn an offer. Kit inrilruir wrlie to lint noii, Hno tlon, I Ircunli ' I Kill HALF lot r. block 112 O V.L. A ! tu Lakevlew, ami - "l4. Htt'ltiili '.M, I wp. 40 Itmiui' Iii ciiit. I'". J 1'arki'T, lliiiiilnliliti', Kiikm Co . ol.j.i. I .r :tm W TI l WANTI'lll - III ! llM'llll'll III! llfMl . bias liMl a. ri'H. i. hi' particularx, iih lo Hull, '! iiiiu f liH'M'lnh, wilier, tim ber ule. W M. I',. own, 112, K. Hull M., Portland, oivkoii. c We ni"il a Hiili'Hiiiiin in I'licli nf n'V tmI fxri'lli-ni flirlili to wll imr Milin. J. nurwrv ht''k. A Tinant'iit plac, i'uhIi w is'ii Iv ami a iiar linn I.h kuf .vmi Wrli' fur juirlli'iilMrH. Va.nilnii N'urwry To Toi,iii'nlHh, WmnIi. Waiili'il Arnl. NVrjt 1 Ii-hIi U & A' clili'iil I iiHiiranri'. Ort-unii Suri'ty A; ( aiiHHllty 'n. ItiiHr.l nf Traili', I'.-ri Inn. I. i iii'l"hi Mi ll V MITMK LOST Oni' Im.V r.inn linrw, 1 rn nili'.l Y nil Iff t It 1 1 1 , Biiini' llll oil f.l.'f oni- Hiiiall ilark rinui I1..1-" mill", hiaiul O-O (liri.lli' I'll) m Mh .ulil. i. Om lii'lit 1'ii.v iimri' mull', licht ii"H". Urn ml M in' I. (i MmuM. r Iki I.I rk Iiui-hi' C- 11. nli'. Ii'fl i'vi' mil, Iminil Crown 7 M nn li ft r. I.iIm 'hI r e h r il ' Mill Ih uIvim Inf. 11 in h lino It'UiliiiK In thi'lr rcnivcf j, Mhiiiii'I Samli'i'M, l-iikrvlrrt, Ori-uuli, JantiHry U. l'.n:i. (. iY.T'T tu:k wiiir-KYAT Tin: llot'l l.akt'vli'W liar. Tin- Im-hI and pr.Mt wlilxkv nilll' ' 'IMfl'IIIHW LOOKATTIIK MITII'K KOH Itl.- wiir.l Ihhii.'.I t.y the K l.-pluuii' Ciniiiaiiv fur di'Ht rovluvf It jimp erty. Uf Thj KKWAKD. A KKWAKU of 'ifty iiilliirn m here ty otroreil for inlorniHtion tlmf will It-nil to tlio arruM hii1 coiivli'tmn nf uy pptsou wlm Hhh btolt'n witph or other property from our Cnuipiiiiy ; and the hkuii reward in heruliy oilerl for inforniHi en Hint will I fit. i to ttie arreat and "ii vict iou nf Hiiynue des troy intf ti'" property of tho Coinpmiy. CIihh. I'liilinch, Secretary Lmke Co. TeL A. IV I. Co. :(:tf. 1' I VI II K II I. ! TI.MUKK LAM'S ItOl'lillT AM) .SOLD. C. II. WKUUKK, 60S I.UMIIKK. MAN'H I5LIK1., POHTLANH. OHIKi. t.VHAI. AIVFHTIIIJ HKSTOJJATloN TO KNTKY OK LAMS IN NATIONAL l'OKLST N it iii- Im - licii'li.v kIvi'H tlial tin' IhiuIh (l.'H.Mil)fil ht'luw, iMiil rHclntc It!l7 ncrcH, wliliiu the I'timiioiiI Natlnnal i''oreHt, Ori'iicm, will Ik HUl.Jcrt to wt llt'iiu'iit Hint fiiij'y undi'r I lit' pro vIhIoUM nf 'In lioint'dtead lawH of tin' I'niti'il Htatt'H and the not of .limn II, HHJII (.14 Hi at., 2'i:i) , at th I 'idled Stutt'H Land OHIt at Lakovli'W, Ort'non, on March 4, 11)13. Any net ller who wiih ai'tuall.v and In roikI faith clalmlDu: any of mild land for HKriuiiltnnil piii'piiHt.rt prior to Jan 11 11 i v 1, l'-MKl, aud haw not aliaudoned Hame, Iihm a prelcreuce right to niakt a hoini'Htead entry for the lands iu'UI ally oci'uptt'd. Said land were lUted upon the appliratioiiH of the pernoiiH ini'ii tlont'd below, who have a prefer fiic rlht nuhjiH-t to the prior right of any fiieli en (tier, provldi d hiii-Ii wl Her or applicant In (HiiilitU'd to make homcHieud i-ntry and the. preference right la oxeri'lned prior to March 4, HUM, on which date the land will lie subject lo Ht'tlli'inent and entry lv hii.v iimilfled iHTHiin. The lands are a follow: The of HKVi, .Sou. 4 T. !W H., Ii. 21 K.. V. M.. exceut a atrlo III! feel .wide ili'Hcrlbi'd hy nielOM and IhiiioiIh .ih f-illown: Heulontugat a point liileeteaat nf the (jtiarter comer Ix'twei'D Seen 4 and 0, ahove townnldp mid mnuc, extendliiK thence lii1 fuel on each Hide of a Hue riwdnir north 2'ichaliiH, to the place where the cud of Hie atrip cloned 011 Want Ads I. 4J ll. All r K1 lm4. t i boundary i In- I rue I; I In- net area ix'iiitc 71 iici'H, Hum tract Man Hated iiimn tin iiiili nil.iii of llnrr.v M'.riiii, Valliy Fall, orison; LUt tl 7T4. tUMC. Hi-c 0 T. 3H 8.. 11 21 K xccpi a xiilp iifi wiiic off the wi-iii of ilia tract; tin" net nrca lieing Ifl MCri'H. Nil III tract Wll llHli'll iipo.. lid' hlill'iltlnnif WiIIIiiiii J Thotlilta, Villi. Full, ori'K .; Ii-t ti 7WI. Ti-. n;;-4 sK' i Sir I!) f Nh'i". the NK' ;! I he hV'4- of NWU of 4 , iiit" r"i 111 '4 ui n a inr . Hie .1 ti i 1' I uH'l at... ,W'i4 ufMV' 01 W'.4,niid lie W .f St:V. of S. Sec. 2.1. and the N of S ol "y,. Sim 2!l. T. ;l:l S., It. Is r. . eiiiitiiiiiliiu I'lo ai.Ti'H, appli . nuiiu ol 1'ivt.l jHine ..iiii'M, I'alMley (I I'Uiin; LI t HKJ2. Approved. I lev 1 mlMT 10, l'.i2. H. V. I'KOUDKir, A "r-lr-1 11 11 1 CnintnlMid.iner of the 'ieo erhl Lund tllll. e. NuTICr, OF UONTKaT I i'pit rtiin'iit of the Interior. United StatcM Land i Mllce, Lakeviaw, Oregon, Jan. IN, lill.l. To Charlen 1'. Wallace of Unknown, CullleMlee: 1.11 are hereby notllled that Clarence V I'.uloe who glvea Kurt KiM'k, Ori'ttnn aa hU piwl-otflce ad.'reaii, ill ! 011 Decern tier IN, 1 W 12, llle In 1 hia olllce Ida only corroborated application toe. uncut and uruni the cnncellalinn of 011r Momi'ntc ad, Kmrv. erllll No (i:il!il made Mm. ti 2.1, 11(10, for Sitf NKJi S 1! & H. SW't NI-:4 N'ltion 20, Tnwiiidiip 2."i South, Knnge IS Kui-t, Willauietle Meridian, and an i;r..iin.l for bin cm ten he nlli'Ki'H that Y u have wh .lly aband.itnd anid land for more than mIx inoiiilia laHt paat; that von uevi-r ciiVlvaled or linpruved hiiI.I bud. You are, ih.'ri', further notified t hat t he hi. id nll.-nul lull will be tak -n by tbtH otllre h luivlntf been collle-MOi! by you, aud your nald eoliy will lie canrelled I hereunder without your furt'ier rlubt to be heard therein, 1 it her b t nlllii' or on apal, if y on lad to lile In t IiIh utile.' wltnin twenty da.vM after the KoCHTH pui I lea Hon of t In notice, an kIiow 11 below your nimwei, tit. iter oath, iipecitically inii'tlni; and r puti.lnu to tliene a -ii'k'aH.ii.a ol c.nii.'Ht, or If you fall w ithin thai time to llle In HiU i.llli-e due proof that you have nerved a copy of your aumver oil the anld con ti'Htant either In person or by nvl tered mull ll Him Mervlee Ib tiiH.le bv t lie ileli very of a o ipy ( f your a iih wcr to the ennti'Mtanl in M'r-en. priM.f of itch service linift b either t lie ha Id Con 'n written hck nowle. lenient ol III receipt of the Copv. Hllowlog tin- dale of It receipt . or the atlidavl t 1 f tie 1 mth in 1 1 v whom the delivery WMfiuade ki ji t In lt when and where the copy wiih delivered; If intide by renlHtered until, proof of audi service tniiMt coiihIhI of the alliduvlt of the Iterant) by whom the cony watt mat ed Hinting when aud the punt ollice lo which It wiih mulled, aud ihi nili.i.i vi iiiiihI be accoinpanled hy the pout inaMtcr'H receipt t..r the letter. You Khoiihl Htate in youraiiHwer the name of the pimt oftlce to which you deh re Int me imt i.-ch to be Mcut to you. A. W. OK ION, lleglster. DateofllrMt publication Jan. 2't. l'H.'i Date of eecotiil j.ubliciiliou .lau. .'ID, HTl Date of third ;.n bllcaliou Feb (i, l!ll,'l Dale of foitrt Ii I'eb l.'i, 111 I.'! NOTTCK TO CKKDITORS In the Coutitv Court of the State of Oregon, for Lake Conntv. IN TDK MATT Kit OK TIIK KjiTATI". Ol' David Worthliih'toii, DeccHHed, The unilerNtmied havlitt; been appointed by t he Count y Court of the Htate of Oregon, fur Luke County, Adii.iuii-tra-t iP of the ent'tte of David Worthing toll, diH'eiiHed, notice Ih hereby given to the creditors of. and all perminc linvliiif claltiiH ngiiiiiat Bald ileceaM'il, to prewent them verllled as required by law, within alx niontha after the llrHt publication of till notice to said D. I Atnick nt Id rcHl.leiioe In New rine 'reek, Oregon. D. V. Atnick. AdminlHt rut or of t he eft a te of DhvI 1 Wort hlngtoii deceaMed. Datee .Ian. till, l'.lbl. APPLICATIONS KOK C.KAZINH P Kit M ITS Notice la hereby given that all nppll cations for permits to grar.e cattle, borne and ahei'p within the Kreiiiunt Natlonul l''oreHt iiurlnn the wesson of Hi 1 .t, iniiHt he Hied in my oftlce at Lakevlew, Oregon, on or before Keb ruary 15, 11(13. hull information lo icfard to the grazing fee tn be charged anil lilauk forms to .he uatsl in making uppllcalluna will befurniah ed tipou retiui'Ht. OILBKKT D. itltOWN, SupervlHor. SUMMONS In tho recorder'a court of the atale of Oregon, county of Lake aud town of Lakeview. (ex olliulo Justice of the peace) W. K. tlrolt Plaintiff) a) Kelt Treat and Lillian Treat) Defendanta) To HRKT TKKAT aud LILLIAN TKKAT the abovonaaied deleudanta 111 the name of the atato of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear und anawer tiie complaint lil.'d against, you lu the above entitled court uud cauae 011 or before Thurs day the tth day of March 1913, and If you fall to answer, for watit thereof, plaintiff will take Judgment against yell or cither of you lor the mini de manded tu the coni;jhiiut, to-wit: Thirty-four dollars and ten c.eutt (34.10) aud intoreat thereon at the i.r.UM. AIVKHTISI4. rn te of nix ir cent per anninn from the 13th day of Deopinhct 1UI2. anil for Ida cot and illabiiraetnentn here in and will alRoaoll any propTty tbat mat be ausct.e 10 aecure the pay iiieuf. of ftieh Jud(?n.cnt aa may lie ae cured In t Ida action. Thia Huminnna la nervpd on yoa no t each ol you by publication there of In the Lake (County Kxamlner. a liewiiiai'r of iri'Uernl circulation pub llahed in li'ikh ''ouoty Oregon fori term nt nIx connecutlve and aucceaiva wi-eka, lit order of Win. Wnlburw, Judge id the above en til led Town Recorder' Court ol Lake County, Htate nf Oregon, and Toon of Lake view, tna.le on Hit 22 nd day of Jan uary. 1111.3 and Hi date of' the lirt piii.ll.'atlon hereof i the r day of January 11)1.1. Wm. WALLACK Town Keconler (l,x olllclo .ItiHtice of the I'ea. e) NOTICK KOK I'UULICATKJN Not Coal Land Department of the Interior. V. 8 Land Ollloo at IaUevlcw, Oregon, January lot li, 1111.1. Notice I hereby given that Herman W. (iraelM-r, of Lakevlew, tregou. who, on July Mth. Hn7, made llorni" atead Knlrv No .191 Smbil, No. 01447, for SK'4 HWi.4, Lot 4, 6. B. , imi Uoii 81. ToiiHhlp 3!.S. Knnge 20 K , Will iiiiii'tti' Meridian. Inia tiled notice of intent Iou to make Dual five year I'roof, to eHifitillah claim to the Und above ileHorlhed. la-lore the Ke(i icier and Ibielverol U ti. Land Ofllce. at Lakevlew, Oregon, on the 16lh day of l-'eiiruary. llll'J Claimant tiauie a witueHan: Kred I, Jaiuen I'.idiop, Henry Leh niaun, .. me McD.rniotl all, of Lakevlew, Orcvou A. W. OKToN, IteKi.UT. NOTICK OK CONTKST Department of the Interior. United Htnte- Laud Ollice, Lakevlew, Or gon, inn 23. ltlbl. To (leorgA M. Atatei, of unknown addreHM, Co itatee: You a re hereby notified that Jon C. Mever, who given Kurt KiM'k. Oieg on, a IiIh pot-ollice addre, did oil Dec 211. I'll 2. llle In thl ollice Id duly coirfitiorated application to conte-.t and fccure lie cancellation of your lloiie "t'-ad, Kutry No. erlal No. nXKI made April 12, LHO. for SKt4'. H't tioii :it, T.'-n-hln 27 South. Kni' 17 Lift, Wiilanieite Meridian, and a for hi -.intt be allege You have wholly aliati'l (ilied aald land for more than elx in. u t Iim biat pant ; that you have never cultivated or Improved naid land In any manner. You are. therelore, further notified that the aald allegation, will li taken by thl olll-e aa having l-en ciinfe-ned by you, and your Hiiid entry will lie eanreled thereunder v iihout your further right to Im heard therein, either ta-foie thl ollice or on appeal, tf you fail to lile in thl t.tll.e wlthlu twenty day after the fourth pulilicii. tl n nf thl notice, a nIiowii liebxv. your anawer, under oath, aiecitlcallv meeting and repondlng to t hem' al legations of content, or if you fall within 1 hat time to lile in this ottice file proof that you tin ve eci veil a ropy of your anwer on Hie aid t'on t.'Htaut either in mthou or li.v regis tered mall. If this eel vice in made by theilell ery 1 .f a copy of your ana wer to the contcHtaut in person, proof of Hitch aervlce tniiMt be eit her 1 he ii4.1 eonutnnt'a writtin acknowledgment of hi receipt of the copy, showing the date of Its receipt, or the allidavit of the peraoll by w hom the delivery iia made stating when and where the copy wa dedvered; i( made by regi tered mall, proof of elicit service must cotiairtt of t be allidavit of the perou by whoui the copy wa mailed stat ing when and the poxtnlllee to which It wr mailed, aud thin ullidavit must be accompanied by the iidki master' receipt 'tir the letter. Yon ah. mid atate In your anawer Hie U'line of the piatollice to which yoti deniie future notices to be eDt to vim. A. W. OKTON. Keglater. I'.He of first publication Jnu. :k, 11I13 " " Hccontl " I'eb. 6. l'J13 " third " Keb. 13, li(13 " " fourth " Feb 20. 1U13 KKWAKD To P. O. Toppin. Inheritance lift to you. Write to D. C. Itrictioux. Ltt Oruudt), Oregon. Jan 2:! It, Youtlon'l know Kow mucK real ronifon you cm oat ol ruiny ay unm u "" worn a TOWER'S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER . The only dicker with the Umout Reflex F.d(re (pal'd) llt prevenw water from runmiw in at the front. Made lor hard aemco. 1 wo colors black or yellow. $3.00 Everywhere. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. j. tower Co. BOSTON Town Canadian Usuled. Toronto lOia WATca Cannot Ut.NlNAr TMrfttonT TMTsr' Rrrt.ex Eucrs1 Paoitct $1,000 REWARD a I Tlie ort'iniii ri- l Ifornia and Spt.j j yVt'J ' 1. '' ai'.c roit'i - '.' Inf.'K NV Men Annietstim. nl H'li ttitf muter HlKUt'tt III a tlli'IllllHt will Klvt' I' t.. tin t'f tvaiil loi evfiifurv leA.lii.v lo 1 tie rci Hint toiivii'ilou el mi. puny or tl..' klt'HUI.K lior -M M, Cal lie t.r liailt'M ht l.iuirlni' to .my nf in me in Ik rv Id a.l.titti.n In I lie atxiv, iii" iiu ti'rKi'."iit jftoranti the i.t iuceoii.litii.ii tVO.tKJ tor ail tiora -.' t'tautloil horaf liO'i Inr nu i.nlU or nllu'i l. Hranrt r.H'.ir.l.'.l In olKtir c' .iiiillt'ii. Haunt' riaray, Laku uj Iron couula's. Horatia runtoa whtin oltl Nona Inn a nova hor. a mi ... m . out , lu .uim ataotioa . W. w . Baoa.Hlo. Orcauu. j" jyygriaiupwi ii" ! -I x 1 V j . ... . j . fav v ' j Vt- 1 i BRIEF MENTION From Tim Irinh ffewt Who aaya that thia Isn't a good win ter for sheen on the deaarl? 1h coin collection of tb British museum nurnliers 8o0,000 pieces. Just haa aoon as man atarta swear ing he stops thinking. Did you ever notice It? It is estimated that 800,000 people go daily to the motion picture ahowi In New York. Dave Denahy left the forepart of January to accept a position with the C. W. Dent sheep. If the accelerando in building big battleships keeps up, war will be av erted by bankruptcy. Messrs. O'Connell and Keegan, the I'aieley butdness men, were local vis itors this past month. Jack Burse, one of tbe popular man agers of the Mud Creek stage station, paid lis a visit last week. It ii said that Mexico uses more cig arettes than any other country in pro portion to its population. Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Barry, of Plush, were local visitors during tbe holidays. We were glad to see totb. Miss Nellie Barry has returned to town from Guano Valley, where she bad been teaching for several months. It is estimated that tbe great storm of Cnristmas week in tbe English channel cost 15,000,000 and about 100 lives. John Murphy, of Paisley, was one ot the several sheepmen from that locality who visited wilb us during tbe past month. Little Pat Angland was in from tbe desert the forepart of January, and from appearances we judge tbat he has spent a good winter. Suffragists, wearing Greek and med ieval costumes, are to be a feature of the inauguration ceremonies at Wash ington, l). C. on March 4. Langu Re reformers are looking for the man who puts the needless "s" into "psrctls" post. One does not put letters into a "letters" box. Joe Parman, of Eagleville, Cal., and J. U. Carroll, of Paisley, were some of the out of town sheepmen who ap peared in our midst thia ween. Walter Hent, well known Warner Valley sheepman and rancner, was over from Plush tor New Years. Mr. Dent is in partnership with Dick Mahoney. A physi -ian says that wearing heavy furs is dangerous. Tbey prevent tbe natural respiration of ibe body, and the throats a 1 muffled are more sen sitive to colds. Reverend C. Kegley, O. V. M., a native of Newcastle West, Co. Limer ick, died recently at Waterfor.i, Ire land. He was a cousin to Con Curtin. of this county. The Department ot Agriculture eetima'es the injury done to the crops of the United States by Insect pests at $400.010,000 per annum. Many of these' pests can be suppressed only by birds. .lack Quinn Welsh and Pat Barry were in from Valley Falls the forepart of the past month, bringing with them a number of bucks which were left at the 70 ranch for the remainder of tbe winter. Secretary MacVeagb. of the United States Treasury Department at Wash ington, has formally accepted the de sign for the new nickel and it is ex pected that it will be placed in circu lation today. Cherrapongee in southwestern As sam is said to be the wettest pla e in tbe world. The average annual rainfall there 1 CIO Inches. It is certainly a pity that we of Lake County can't havi our share of it. Bill Twomey was one of our recent visitors from Plush, arriving here Jan uary 18. He made the trip from Mud Creek to Lakeview a-foot through the deep snow, consuming nine hours for this part of the iouruey. Since the sixty-second Congress con vened. Vice-president Sherman, Bix Senators and sixteen Representatives have died, breaking all previous morta lity records among congressional mem bers in any single session. Pat Moynihan, whu has been running his sheep this past winter in the vicin ity of Valley Falls, was in from camp for several days during the past month. He reports all stock out his way to be in the best of condition. Lent tegins next Wednesday, Feb ruary 5. Appropriate services will be held at the local Catholic church, a lecture to be given on each Wednesday evening and toe "Stations of tee Cross" on the Fridav evenings of each week. In granting a decree tor a divorce a southern judge said : "That which Cod had joined together lot no man put asunder, hut it is the judgment ot this Court that God did not have a gol durned thing to do with this union so it is hereby dissolved." The Home Rule Bill has passed tbe dawn of a new Era opens for Ireland. Apart from Ulster's bigoted stand, the lack of hitter antagonism to the Hume rule measure throughout Great Britain is the most noticeable feature attending the passing of tho present bill as cuiiiuare.i with the two measures formerly introduced by Gladstone. President Taft has definitely decided to accept the Kent professorship of law at Yale college immediately after his successor shall have been Inaugur ated on March 4 next, He expects to reside for tha first few months in a New Haven hotel and will later take a bouse In tbat city. February 15 next is tha date set on or before which all applications for grazing permits within the National Korest should be filed at the local Forest office. A letter atating the fees on tbe various kinds of stock to be grazed will be sent out to each regular permittee within tbe next week or so. Many people cannot seem to get away from the superstitious dread which tbe year 1913 Inspires. Yet, what omen could be worse that 1-91-2, the sum being 13? The world with some spasms haa survived ihi past vear. as it will no doubt weatber the present one. Among the Valley Falls sbeepmen wbo paid their respects to town during tbe past few weeks were Tade Murphy, Peter Sullivan, Dan Jones, Earl Wil shire and Jack Turpin Murpby. All were enthusiastic as to the outlook of the sheep industry during the Dresent winter and state that few losses have occurred. Firearms, which bad been debarred from tbe mails under the parcel post regulations, have now been admitted. Such was the gift of an order issued recently by Postmaster General Hitch cock, in which it was Stated that revol vers and guns of any kind which can be sent in packagea weighing less than 11 pounds, will be accepted. Forty thousand letter in five month represents the total of Governor Wil son's mail aince be cams into promin ence as tbe Democratic candidate for president last July. Tbeae figures were given out some few days ago by Joseph P. Tumulty, private secretary to tbe President-elect, on whom develoved tbe task of reading and answering most of tbe epistles. Tommie Flynn, one of nur popular local sheeomen, last week came over from Plush on a short business visit. He states tha' up to tbe present time tbe sheep men have never enjoyed a more favorable winter for their stock, and tbat while snow is extra plentiful in the Alkali country it is not so much so tbat more than tbe ordinary losses have occurred. Tommie is new in the best of health. A test of the Parcels Post was made on the first day of the year bv a Chicago rewspaper, two bricks being shipped from New York to its home office one by post and the otber by express. They weighed tbe same and were ship ped at the same time. The parcel Dost package arrived first and cost 37 cents, as compared with 60 cents by express. Wonder if the price of bricks will now be reduced to any appreciable extent? Fire Bugs Destructive From The Irish Xews That Ore bugs are costing the city of New York at least 54,000,000 a year, is the appalling statement made by f ire Commissioner Joseph Johnson, of that city. The cause ot this state of affairs U alleged to be doe to tbe ease with which valueless property can be heavily insured, and as proof of this assertion the Chief has among his ex hibit 135 insurance policies, totalling J 127, 000 insurance, which were secured bv Fire Department Agents on proper ty valued at only 3.96. $1000 Dollars Reward 1 own b1 The cattle branded 70 or XL and formerly owned by Cox Clark and the II ery ford Land & Cattle Company. These cattle are now on the range 01 Modoc and Lasrieu Countiea. For information leading to the arrest and conviction nf any party or parties Illegally branding, killing, driving off or ills postug of auy of the above cattle I will pay ONE THOUSAND DOL LARS aud the coats of arrest and prosecution. Send all Information to E II. Day, Alturas, Modoc county Cal., or to me at Latrobe, .El Dorado County, Cal. If guilty party might es cape, promptly notify the Sheriff of the county lo which the Illegal act was committed and advise me by wire at my expense. V. D. DUKE. Oct. 17 Exonerated Magistrate Haven't you been ie fore me before? Prisoner No, your honor; I never saw but one face that looked like yours, and that was a photograph of an Irish king. Magistrate Discharged. Call the next case. Buy at Home Buy at home and try at home To give the town a show: Live at home and give at home And help the town to grow. Make your cot the nicest spot That 'a under heaven's dome: Juat buy a hit to brighten it Buy, and buy at home. 1K. .1. lit VINO m'SSlSLL ' ril4lt-Util ttltil burtfeou Oltl.ei Snyder & Iteynohl lrug St tire rilONKi ortirt). Main x " ltealtloue 714 Of FIC I AJL D I R eCTORV aTIuftafci fmMrtl William H.Tafl Vice PreaMent JamenH.Bheiwaa f-ormarr oHtata ,, Philander C. K no wraiarr of Treasury Franklin MacValirfc ienratara of War Jafloh B. Dlcklnana Attorney Gonm-al Genrr W. Wlckersbam PomnaaUir Oncer aj Krank H, Hitchcock jretarrnf NarT George Von I- Mrr 'toorriarf Interior W. A. Flher retary of Akrlcaltma Jamea Wllaoa rirrof Commerce Charles Naanl ohlel Juntloe Cbarln Kdward Wbha 1 C H. Mention Commlaalonet w. a, Klcharde.. U. 8. Land CommlHiooef TaT. ' UoeerooT Oswald Weat -txRreiar of Htate Hen W. Olnott Treaaurer Tboa. B. Ilf ttorney General A. M. Crawford o pt. Public iDatraotlon I.. K. Aldermaa Printer W. 8. Durilwae Oa.rj end Food Com J. W. Ballef n M 1 Joaathan Bourne. Jr. ff. 8. Senators J Ueo t 0n.mb,a,n Uongrewmea IW.C. Hawler I A. W. Utterly VT7FB SVB GOV BT Chief Juat toe ... B.8. Beaa ir. A.Moore foci. "luJuSkm IT. A. McBrlde iUDICI At DMTm . Henry I.. Bvoann .. .... John Irvrla inrtre Attorney. LBOlaLATITS W. Latr Tborrpaoe Joint Senator ! Vernon A forces Wesley O Smith Representative ... 0 8. LAND OPF1CK. rthur W. Orton Register 'red V Cronemlller Receiver rOBJUT OFFICR Gilbert D. Rrown Supervisor Nelaon J. Billings Giaslng Aanlatant Norman Jaoobaou Forest Assistant V. r. Brennan Forest Clerk LA KB COUNTY lo1rs .. B. Dlv Clerk "lerllf Treasurer assessor School eupt lurveyor Commissioners .... .... County 4tor.k Instmctor.. F.W. Payne W B Balder .... F. O. Ahlatrom A.J. Foster C. B. Oliver 8. A. Itosnea )F. B Anderson T. B. Wakefield D. P. at alloy TOWN OF LAKKVUW. K. K. Rln.ll.r. U.m W. 9 link 1 J. P. Puckworth; ..Councilman U. I. tiodtll Wm. Wallace Recorder A. Siener . Treasurers I.AKKVliW COMJtaKClAL CLUB President ... Lee Beall Vice President F. P Light ftecielary Dr. X. D. BvereU Treasurer O. K Wood Trustees H. W. Morgan H. M. Note, Ralp B. Kooser FIK8T MKTHOW8T CHURCH HON DAY Vtiool at 10 a. m. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:SU p. m. Epworth League every wnday evening at :. Prayer Meeting Thure layat 7:30 p.m. Choir meeting at 8:30 p. m, uadles' Aid Erery Wednesday at 1:S0 p. as. Sverybody cordially invited to all servtcea. K. . MYEKd. Pastor. flKST BAPTIST CHURCH OF LAKhVIKW Preaching service at 11 A M and 7:30 F Hon 1st Till 3rd eun. bunday rtcboul at 10 A M. Junior Society at 2:30 P M. Baptist Young People's Union at 6:30 P M on each Bunday. Prayer Meeting at 7:3u P M Wednesday eve mug. Everybody invited to atteud all ser vice. REV. A. F. tilMMONS CATHOLIC CHURCH EVERY bl NOA Y MAfcW at S:00 and 10a.m.; Rosery at 7 p.m. Mass on weekdays at 7 :U0 a.m. hVrvlce to the New Church. T. T.KERN, b. J FIRST PKEbBYTERIA.N CHURCH OF LAKB VltW. meet In tbe Masonic Hall. Bunday School at 10:00 A.M.; Morning Service at 11:00 Evening Service at 7:30. praver Meeting on Wednesdays at 7:30 P.M. All are cordially In vited. REV. O. T. MORGAN Ph. l Pastor. LAKEVlEtY KPISOOPhL MISSION Lay Read ing Services in tbe Hall ot tbe Sliwi. n In toe Rooms of L.C.I.C. (Bunting Builtliugl Center Street, every Sunday evenUg at 7:3u O'Clook. All are cordially invi.ed. FIRST Ba PTISt CHURCH Ot 'Mlril5 .KS: at New Plue creek, Oregon. Preaching ser vices at 11 A M and 7 :30 P M of each Sundat ot every month Sunday School at 10 AM. Prayer Service at 7:80 on Wednesday evening of each weed. All are cordially Invited to attend ihc services. REV. L. K. HENDERSON. LAKEVIEW LODGE No. 71, A. F. & A M. Holds staled meetings saiurda. on or before full moon. January 27th, March 2nd, March 30th April 27th, May 2'.tb, June 2Mb, llt. Special meeting! upon call, generally Saturday even ings. Visit lug bretbren welcome. JobnL. Clark, W. M. ; H.M Nolle. Sec'y DEliKER UP HONOR LAKEbHORK L , ut No. 77, D. of H., A. O. U. W., Meets .r Aud third Thursdays of each nioutu -juic Hail: Mary Posi, C.of H.; J. Belle Arsner, L. of H.; Lora Snyder C. of C,; Alameda Browu, Recorder. 1. O. O.F.-LAKEVIEW ENCAMPMENT NO. 1 I. O. O. F., meets tbe first aud tuird Thurs day evenings of each month iu Odd Fellow Hail. Lakeview. i. T. Uo'isil. C. P.. & t. Cheney, Scribe.. a o. v. w . Lakeview loixjE no. 111. Meets every second and lourih Thursday of each mouth, in Mub-'uIc Hall, Lakevlew. Chas. Touniugsen. M.W.; Wm. Guuther, R. 1. O. O. F" LAKEVIEW LODGE. No. 63, I O. F., meets every Saturday eveuiug vil Fellows Hall, at 7:30 o'clock, from Ocio. er I to April 1, aud at s olclock from Apn. 1 September So. W. p. Dvlteniau, N. G.; G. D. Brown, Secretary RKBKKAU LOlXjE-LAKEWEt LODGE, NO tt, I. O. O. K., meets the second aud fourth Krldaysof each mouth iu Odd Fellows Hall, Frances Corbet, N. G. O. E. S. ORIENTAL CHAPTER, NO 6, LAKE. view, Oregon, Meets on Tuesday, ou or be lore full moon and two weeks thereafter, In Masonic Hall,at7:30o'cloca. Viaitiug members are cordially Invited. LILL1E HARRIS, W.M, IDA UMBACH.Secrutarv QUATtLJiSJMATu Land and Law Oftlce Abstractor of Tltlea Established 1S8 Lasev.. , Ore AuruuR W. OKTON Attorney-at-Law Notary Public All Practice Except U. S. Land Otliee Hunlneaa. l. jy. touu Attorney at Law and Notary Public l-akrvi. M OrrgesK OFFICE Daly Building. J D. VENATOU- Attorney at Law, Lainl Mutter. Me.'llt7 OFFICE Daly Building. W LA1K THOMI'hON Attornev at Law Office In O. V. L."Co.'e Buildm. Laekview , - -i. it '101 BRADLEY ENGINEERING CO. Mlnlii"; & Civil I2ugliieerv Minion Locution and Patent Surveys, Farm and Irrigation Work, orricaa. 4M MOKADNOCK BLDG., .. BAN FKA..-'-' tOO FAlkTORT CAL1KORMA NEW PINE CREEK UaUuOft