mttiw ffltWWi HAS THE CIRCULATION- RRINTS THE NEWS- REACHES THF" PEOPLE THE EXAMINER IS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF LA, Sr. OOUNTY VOL. XXXIV. LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 6, 1913. NO. 6 NEW COLONIZATION Reno Organization Will Colonize Country Ad jacent to N.-C.-O. A movt of great importance to thu crtlon undertaken by a new Reno bro kerage Arm la contained In the follow ing announcement taken from the Reno Journal: 1 Witb the formation of a new land brokerage firm it la announced that fifty 'amities will be brought from New Yoflt shortly for colonization on lands in the vicinity of Reno along the N.-C.-U. railway to the north went. George L. Itrown of San Francisco moved here recently with hia family and all his household Rood, and will open an ollice in the Overland building, where DeWItt C. Turner formerly hold forth. Judge Turner will be enunciat ed with him In the bualnesa, lending the aid of hia long experience in realty here. DIM IS MADE 12000 Rabbits Were Killed Last Sunday West of Lakevlcw The moot effective slaughter on rab hita ever made in the history of the country win at the drive Sunony went of town. Two ilrlvca were rondo from different diwctlona of tho pen, the count of thu flrnt onslaught showing over 5000 csreanes, while enough animala were killed at thu socon'l rounilup to make the enormou total of about 12.000 for the entire cat.rh. Tin' Mjreosa of tne drive km attrit ut ed to the quantity of rabbit that in habited l lie territory covered in the hunt a w ell an the larjje attendance of people from Lakeview who turned out to HKniot in the destruction of the petttii. Usually at thiH time of year and es peciKlly because of the heavy snows thin Winter tho rabbits congregate in large numbers in certain places while in Kimo froctions of the valley there are prHctii'nllv nono. The flat wphI of town seems to be jackrabbit hend quartera which is a f"rtunnt j circum stance as it gives the people an oppor tunity to make a good attempt toward their extermination. A r other drive will be held today at the same place and numeroue people from here are contemplating at ending. Since last week's effective mid was made the total eatimated number of Mbhita killed during the Winter in 32,000. 13 CHAPTERS ARE AODEDTOSTATLITE Legislators Agree To In troduce No More Bills After Today At the end of the third week of the Legislative Assembly, 13 billa have paused both HouHea and received the signature of the Governor. Of this number 12 are House billa and one ia a Senate bill. None of the billa carry an emergency clauHe and will not become lawa until 90 daya after the adjournment of the Legislative Assembly. Probably the most important bill so far signed ia that abolishing the office of State Lund Agent. Thia was, something suggested in the reporte of State Land Agent Rinehart, and also recommended by the Governor In hia message Another act of some import U one providing that a wife deserter who ia convicted shall be compelled to work on the county roada for the time for which he has been sentenced, and that the county shall pay hia familv $1 a day for ta-h such day worked. The billa which have to far been signed by the Governor are aa follows: S. H. 73, by Bean-Providing for pen ty for vwfj HcHcrtion. U. H. 10, by Forsstrum Repealing a it pro viding that CountjCourt Clerks Coutluued oa puge elUc N.-C.-O. RAILWAY DEPOT CONDEMNED Commission 8ays Termo Station Inadequate to Handle Business In the report of the State Railroad Commission for January, now before ua, we find the following aevere ar raingment of the N.-C.-O., aaya the Alturaa 1'laindealer.. The rail'oad commission rendered a decision aa the result of an inaulry In tituted upon Hi own Initiative Into the ervice of the N.-C.-O. railway at Termo, Laaaen county. The oommiss ion find that the service at Termo ia Inadequate for the proper atorage and care of freight, and direct that the r'l road mak the neceaaary arrangements to remedy the situation. In summarizing ita concluaiona the commltslone aaya : "The carrlcr'a preaent practice of unloading freight at Termo on the ground and exposed to theeletnenti and roaming cattle, evince a total disre gard of the consignees' interest', if not their righta and should be Beverly -on-demne I, especially In view of the fact that there ia ample unoccupied apace in the buii -ing. formerly uaed an a depot, to provide atorage for the auantlty of freignt usually received at Termo, and that the unloading from the cam ot thu plattorma of the build ing ia easier than the unloading from the cara to the ground. Krom a consideration of all the facta, I em of the opinion that the service now furniehed by the carrier at Termo ia unreasonable, iradequate and im proper and that the carrier ahould ar range to properly store and care for the freight delivered at that point, free of charge, for a reasonable length of time, aulTicieiit to enable the consignees to receive notice of the arrival cf the gooda and take delivery ef name. MANY NEW BILLS ARE INTRODUCED State Solons Flooded With Measures Wise and Otherwise Following ia a summary of a few of the bills introduced lat-t week in tho Oregon House : H. b. 318, bv Scheubcl To provide for sealed contracts on county bridges. II. H. 103, by Srliuebel To make every county judge ex ofliieo -fire werdtn within his county H. IS. 322. by Gill To require can didates tor nomination to Day two per cent of yearly salary for page in official pamphlet. il. H. 320, bv Honebra''e To approp riate $.",00(1 fur payment of street pave ment at O. A.C. H. K. 2'.I3, by Spencer -To provide additional compenaat on for county judges in counties having population of less than 200,000. II. B . 2SM, by Spencer To fix com pensation of county coroners in counties of less than 200,000. ' II. B. 2'Jfl. bv Nolta-To authorize counties to ieecu tonds for road con struction. II. U. 30-1, by Blanchard - Substitute for II. B. 101, authorizing incorporated cities to aqqulre, bui'd, own and nper a e waterworks, . H. B. 307. by parsons - To amend county division law as passed over Gov ernor's veto to orovide regulations i.r readjustment of conditions incidental to change in counties. H. B. 311, by Hagood-To provi Je fur withdrawal for 50 years cf rtate forest lands. , II. B 312, by Abbott To require countv courts to apportion money to be expended in each road district for improvement of road. H. B, 317, by ways and means con. mitt t To app'opriata $15,000 tor im provements at Oregon Normal school ut Monmouth. Continued on vngt iglit Thn Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church extend thinks to all who arsis'.' ed them to mtike their trip a miccokb. i Mention is nvide of tho hemls of com ' miUcu. thosu win so ktnJIy o;:?iud their homes, an last but in no wise least to those who furnished and dri ve the conveyances. HILL-GOULD ALLIANCE GREAT NORTHERN MAGNATE TO REACH CALIFORNIA Definite Announcement of Future Actions Ex pected in Spokane and Portland At Any Time --Report of Acquiring the N.-C.-O. Is Confirmed Under the caption "Hill and Gould Railrnada Reach Agreement Giving Northern Llnea Route to California," spread across the entire top of the page, the Spokane, Washington, Daily Chronicle of January 27, contained the following raliroad newa ot particular interest to this section: Announcement of a coalition and sgr.ement between the Gould and Hill 1 1 neb wh reby the Gould lines will gain an entrance into Washington and Oregon and the Hill lines will get an entrance into San Fracntaco is expected in Spo kane almost any day. The agreement has been entered into, it is stated, but official confirmation has not yet bee'i made by either of the great railway systems. The arrangement is in the form of a retaliation against the Harriman WARNER VALLEY RESIDENT IS .SHOT Cecil Dixon Receives Serious Wound From Toe Fine's Gun Trouble Arises Over Tract ot Unsurveyed Land Near Plush Word came to Lakeview late Tueaday evening that Joe Fine had snot Cecil Dixon near Flush in the WBrner Valley, and Ur. E. H. Smith wag summoned lo attend the wounded man. While at this time It is practically impossible to obtain the exact partic ulars of the affray the nearest infor mation that can be ottained is that the trouble arose over land matters. Re ports have it that Dixon had built a cabin and equalled on a portion of un surveyed land that apparently Fine laid Mime claim to. The land ir question is located over the meander line near the f buret ot the luxe about seven miles from flush. 1'iesumably Mr. Dixmhadnot been living steadily on the land, as it is said he has been in the employ ot Warren Laird, and on Tuefday evemrg he in company with Mr. laird and son, walked to t he cabin from the Laird much taking a bed with the intention of sleeping there over nit;ht. This was tnme lime between fix and seven o'clock. Upon reaching the house they found N. fine, Joe Fine's father, and Chico, a weM known vsouero of that TAXES PAYABLE. SMB. 1ST Three Per Cent Discount on Taxes Paid Be fore March 15 Taxe tor the current year are now pxyablu at the sheriffs office. As an inducement to' property owners to pay their taxes early, the lw pro vides for a 3. per cent discount on t il remittances received before Marrh 15, provided the sum tendered ia the full amount of the Bsstsrhent on the par ticular piece of property charged to tha individual. If the taxes are not paid on or tel'ore the first Mminy in April Ihey become i.eli',q:i'nt nod in terest and pcinlties aid adttd. The law provide!, however, that tho lirt bull psymei t li'ny be made bt foro the llrsl. Moivl iy in April, in v hir li i' the Iash'ilt ilmi not bci onie delinquent until ufter tho lirn Monday in Oct ober. system,' which recently closed the JJen ver gateway to Spokane and the north west on freight from east of the Miss ouri. The Harriman system announced that freight destined for northwestern points which originated east of the Missouri river must be hauled into Oen ver by the Union Pacific and tbenoe into the northwest over one of the Harriman subsidiares. Unless this freight was routed via the Hartiman ayttem from the points of origination the Harriman tystem refused to haul it into the northwest territory. The project contemplates the acquisi tion by the Hill lines of the Nevada, California & Oregon railroad now op erating between Keno, Nevada and Lakeview, Oregon. This line ia to te Continued on Putre Eiitht section, there with a wagon starting , to raze the building. According to report, Joe Fire, who it is said was j in the house, was not seen at first. , Dixon asked the senior Mr. Fine what they were doing. Receivirg no reply from his query, he started to take the hoards from the w a iron that hd been taken elf the house, when it is said i.loe Fine emerged from the house and tired two shots at Dixon, one of which took effect, the ball entering the t'reast iust below the collar button, tak ing an angular couree and lodging in the shoulder. The wouna was inflicted by a soft point bullet frm"a 33 calibre revolver. The wounded man was taken to the Laird place where ne was attended by the doctor. While the wound la causing intense pain and sufferng it is report ed that the man has a chance to recover. Immediately after the shooting oc curred Fine informed Deputy Sheriff Dent of tho act asking him to take bun into custody. Deputy Sheriff here has nceived advice that Fine will arrive in Lakeview this even ing on the Flush stage. IMMIGRANTS FOR CENTRALOREGCN Colony From Oklahoma Coming: West to Ac quire Land According to the Oregoniann of Jan uary 30, a colony of 70 residents of Oklahoma will settle on homestead land in Central Oregon this year. The a Ivance guurd of the settlers ar rive 1 at Kend a few days ago. They hmx proceeded into tho interior to se led suitable acreage for the other membersnf the party, whu will follow them wit 'he tiist favorable weathfr in the Vpiii.i; Amenta fur the various railroads op erating into Central Oregon report thut :iioih irquiries cone from OMuhoma l.-u fiotn in y ( ther stfcte in the Union. It ia probiitilo that several hundred settlors will come from that ttilejto Oregon this year. MANY CHANGES IN GAME LAWS URGED Freak BUI Likely to Meet With Defeat In Legislature Soma miportsnt changes in the fisb tbe game lawa of Oregon will be rec ommended by the house committee on game when it reports in tbe next few days. On recommendation will be to open the deer season fifteen daya earlier and chop as many day off the end. Tbe aeason now opens Aogust first, and rlosea O itober thirty-first. Tbe com mittee will recommend tbat it begin J uly fifteenth and end October fifteenth. "Many hunters are in the mountains in July and tbey kill deer anyway," said Representative Homan of Harney county, chairman of committee. "Aa nothing Is gained by postponing tbe season to August first we have decided to recommend that it opena July fifteenth. Deer are aa good then and as fifteen days later. By cutting htteen days off the end, tbe open aeason is not extended." Many fresk game bills have come te fore the committee. One certain tt be killed would provide a p nalty of 11,000 or two yeara in tbe penitentiary for the man who shoots a man while trying to shoot game. This is aimed especially kt the man who "thought he waa a deer." Another bill would permit a man to kill any wild game or game birds on his own land at any time of tbe year. It, too, is sure to meet death. The committee will Drobab'y adopt the districting plsn. As propoeed by Came Warden Finley tbe state would be divided into two districts, one east, the other weet of the mountains. Probably, however, more districts will be provided. EXTEND COUNTRY LIFEJDUCATION Educators Urge the Child To Care For Dumb Animals Among the manv educational matters discussed by the county superintendents during their recent session at Salem in the capacity of State Board of Ex aminers, none was entered into witb more interest than the the school child ren's industrial contest work. With one or two exceptions each superintendent bad introductd tbe work in bia countv, ana was gratified with the results. In almost everv couniy where schools were held last year for the first time, the exhibits were beyond the expecta tions of those in charge. The discuss ion was not as to whether the move ment is good one, and one to be con tinued. All were agreed and enthusi astic on that point. It was simply a matter of discussing method how to conduct the work to get the best re sults. There was an unanimous senti ment ii favoring a later date tor the State Fair this year in order to make it possible to hold the local contests first, and then send tbe best of the ex hibits to Salem. Some expressed "their intention of sending their whole juvenile county exhibit to the State Fair, and unless there is a mighty side tracking of enthusiasm, the Fair Board will need to build a roof over one corner of the State Fair grounds to take 'care of tbe children's department. Many of the superintendents in their industrial work this year are going to speoialize on poultry, believing that it is a good thing for every child to have tbe care of some sort jot animal life and that nothing is more profit able nor practical to begin with than poultry. It is claimed by some of the superintendents that it ia easily possible to meet the entire cost of our public school system by the increase in the production of poultry and eggs by the s'hool children of the State. The latest politioal forecasting from the State Capitol has it tbat U. S. Senator George i. Chamberlain of Oregon has been offered a seat in FTV..'eut tVilauii'a cabioti; Governor West is to succeed Senator Chamberlain and that Secretary of State Olcott will till the governor's chair of Oregon. dL Agent Class ot tbe N.-C.-O has se cured a rate of one fare S3.7S, for the round trip between here and Alturaa for tbe benefit of iboee attendnng tne basket ball games to be played by tbe Lakeview and Alturaa High Schools. Tentative arrangements have been made by the atbeletle associations of tbe two schools to hold a tournament ot four games in tbe near fotore. Twe games will be plsyed at eacb place, tbe first of which will be at Alturaa Feb ruary 15. The low fare applies to visitors aa well aa members of tbe team and it is ' expected tbat a number of people will take advantage of tbe opportunity and make tbe junket trip, which will be incidental in strengthening tbe get to gether soirit of the citizens of tbe two towns. REQUISITION MADE FORGAME FISH Bass and Rainbow Trout - to Be Liberated In Local Streams A. L. Thornton informs tbe Examiner tbat application baa been made to State Came Warden Finley for 150,000 Rainbow trout fry and 7,500 bass. The trout is desired for tbe sticking of Crooked Creek, Cbewaucao river and other etreams of the county, while the bass would be liberated in the Drews Creek dam reservoir. It is confidently felt that this requis- I iiicn will h'x readily complied witb by 1 tbe game commission because of Lake'a .'splendid streams for the propagation of fisb. Mr. Thornton last year made application to tbe state for fish without result, but be was referred to a govern ment hatchery in Colorado from wbicb a supply of trout fry was received. It will te remembered tbat these were planted in Cottonwood and other streams leading into this valley. The enormous area of Lake county together witb the many pure water Etreams most surely justifies a fii-h batcbery, but aa yet no vigorous effort has been made to get such an institu tion. However, when this late requis ition is complied witb by tne State Came Com mis.-ion and some of the many brooks have become stocked with garr.e fish, Lake County will doubtlesa gain prominence as an ideal paradise for tbe Bportsman. DOES NOT FAVOR CHANGEJN NAME Mr.JenningsSees Nothing Wrong With Crooked Creek's Name In reply to Mr. Sain's appeal in last week's Examiner to change the name of Crooked Creek Valley, C. W. E. Jennings of Valley Falls writes the fol lowing : "Lake Co. Examiner, "Dear Sirs "In your issue of la-t week it would appear that I were in favor of changing the name of Crooks Creek, properly, but which is generally called Crooked Creek, to Chandler Creek. "Somebody ia badly mistaken In tbe history ot Luke County as thia Creek on all Government maps is Crooks Creek, named after tbe famous General Crooks, as tbe' Peak east of Lake view. "To change it from such an illuatrioua name ia not only bad taste but impos sible. "The State Engineer bas no authority to make any such change and if he had, the remonstrance that would' be filed would overwhelm any petition that would be sent in. "Even if it were Cycled Ctbck I can see nootjertion to that name what ever, and I can see no reason in tbe suggestion." JUiO TRIPS TO ALTURASJPLANNED Basket Ball Games Will Be Played With Neighbor I n e Town