Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 30, 1913, Image 8

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    High Cuts and Heavy
Soled Shoes
The only shoes for damp weather
You'll save money on your Shoes
when you buy "Star Brand" Shoes
because they ore at least Lwenty
five per cent better than the Shoes
you have formerly bought at the
same price. There is a Star Brand
Shoe for every member of the
family from childhood to old age.
w A f .... VC
The Advance Styles of 1 9 1 3 Oxfords for Spring are now arriving. We do
not expect you to buy any of Lhem now, but. want you Co call and ask Lo have
them shown to you.
Sweater Coats
of all kinds for Ladies, Mis
ses, Children, Boys and Men
offered at greatly reduced
prices to close out the line
Cmitii.ued from flrt page
boliday for the big folks only, but the
children must go to school.
It came about on Senator Hollis' bill
making Linculn's natal day a holiday
for everybody in the state. The Bi I.
however, was ordered back to the com
mittee with instructions to amend bo
the youngsters will have to go to school.
Without oppo-ition the Senate passed
the bill of Senator Calkins making a
saloon man liable to damages in civil
action brought by the mother, wife or
child of an habitual drunkard or intox
icated person.
Another bill passed makes it man
datory upon county courts to pa-y $1
per day to families of rock pile prison
ers convicted of non-support. Undar
the present law $1.50 may be paid in
such cases, but it is not required to be
Other tills passed by the senate are
by Carson, fixing fees to be paid by
applicants for the bar, and by Smith
of Josephine, defining the term "bnn
afide subscriber," to newspapers as one
who is nut in arrears.
Vetoed bills passed over Governor
West's head by both Houses:
In the Senate Thompson bill, rel
to be equal to any
Beer brewed. Bot
tled and on draught
at all leading saloons
Reno Brewing Co. Inc.
Tess and Ted Shoes
are honestly made of good, solid
leather. No paper, composition or
substitute for leather are ever used.
The 'STAR on the heel insures you
better value than you have ever seen
in children's shoes. Remember name.
ative to lanl drainage for benefit of
cattle ranches.
In the House Senate bill 151, rel
ative to formation ot new counties,
leaving same to vote by people in
counties affected. House bills 156 and
236, relative to increase of District At
torneys and Hfth and Fourth Judicial
districts Senate bill 43, providing for
appointment of state veterinarian,
county veterinarian' and deputies and
creation of state livestock sanitary
board, carrying appropriation.
Following is a summary of the more
important bills introluced in the
House during the past week.
H B , 17a, by Upton To provide for
suspension and investigatidn of inter
state railroad schedules.
H. J3., 175, by Hall To prevent stor
ing of dynamite and nitro-glycerine
near incorporated townsites.
H. B. 176, by Upton To prevent use
of automatic shotguns, pump guns, etc.
H. B., Ife3, by Uill To provide tor
creation of county road districts, to
ele'.-t supervisors and make levy.
H. B., let, by Uill Fixing salaries
of all county officers and their deputies
in every county of the state.
H. B. 135 ,by Gill To repeal poll tax
statute and get it out of statute books.
H. B., 186, by Gill To provide for
: 1
. .1
county levy of 2 mills for bridge repair
and road machinery fund.
H. B., 1S7, by Schubel To provide
1 for lending money in irreducible school
1 fund and for investment of surplus in
i H. B.. 188, by Weeks To promote
dairy industry of the Btate by assisting
in organizing and maintaining cow
testing associations Jfs'lOu appropriation.
IJ. B., 196, by Schubel Authorizing
any citizen to -trap or kill any wild
game animals or birds on his own Und
at any time of year.
J H. B., 203 by Westerlund To provide
for a vote for or against stock running
at large if one fourth of voters petition
before general election.
H. B., 209, by Abhott To create
state board of accountancy.
H. B., 212, by Nolta -To make it fel
ony, punishable by six months to two
years in penitentiary, for man not to
support his wife and child.
II. B , 'J05, by Abbott To create
State Bureau of Mines and Geology.
H. B., 2u6, by Smith To require
estimates of amounts to be raised by
taxation by any cojnty to be published
in advance of levy.
H. B. 214, by Chapman To authorize
any road supervisor to contract for and
purchase material and machinery for
the construction of roads
11. B. 222, by Spencer To provide
for laying out, establishing, improving
and relocating county roads.
H. B. 225, by Weeks -Authorizing
county to apprrpriate money for im
provements of argicultural conditions.
H. B. 235, by Uill To provide for
tax of 15-100 mill upon state property
for road purposes.
H. B. 236, by Lawrence To provide
for recall of United States senators and
representatives in congress.
H. B. 239, by Howard To create
a board of farm loans.
Bills introduced in Senate:
S. B. 105, ty Thompson Relating to
bridging of private ditches over high
ways. S. B. 106, by Thompson Relating to
manner of road surveys.
S. B. 121, by Von der Hellen To aid
the maintenance of state highways and
creating office, of state highway en
gineer. S. B. 94, by Wood Permitting appli
cation for liquor license to be tiled In
Dlace of petition, providing manner of
remonstrance and giving county courts
option to refuse the granting of
S. B. 101, by Smith of Coos Amend
ing presidential primary law to permit
voter to cast vote for as many deleg
ates to national convention as are to be
elected in the state.
S. B., 12b, by Thompson Pohibiting
outside capital from being spent in
Oregon to influence elections.
S. B. 131, by Calkins Appropriating
$3000 forJthellsalarylofJtheJGovernora
Each Station Contains a
Surprise on the Trip
Around the World
Visit Mexico next Friday right for
Frljolea and Tortillas.
In your tour of the world don't fall
to are the flower blooming every aecond
and the Japanese family of five.
Le gusta od torttllaa? Try Mexico.
Welcome home to America all ye
Don't fail to buy of the alave girls
when you visit Mexico.
Don't forget while on your tour of
the world to visit Holland. "Ihe land
of mil', butter and cheese. Come and
see the Dutch gi'la.
Have you ever seen a Mexican
"playing the bear?" Watch for him
Fiidsy night.
Kememter trains leave every 20 min
utes starting at 7 p. m. Friday night,
Jan. 31 1913. from Cloud's Kandy Kit
chen, (Union Depot.)
Take the North Channel, ring the
Take off your uslter, enjoy the re
past. Kiss the Blarney Stone, your pleasure
a Dublin,
Uncorking your flatterv, eloquence a
bubbln. The orangee all frosted, and
yellow is seen,
The Shamtueks are plentiful and
everything is green.
A Horse's Pulse
"The normal pulse of a horse may
vary from 2i to 4i pulsations a min
ute." says a veterinary scieneejecture
report being prepared for the short
course at the Oregon Agricultural
"The best plai'e to take the pulse of
the horse is at the point where the sub
maxillary or facial artery in compiuiy
wiih the vein of the name nunie and
Stenson's duct, turn around the edge
of the infeior maxilla or lower jaw
bone, in other words on the jaw bone,
about four inches in front of the throat
Daniel O'Shea a native of New York
state died last Saturday in Keno after
about a month's illness. Death was
caused by pneumonia
The deceased with hU family came
to Lakeview about six years ago from
the east, making thin place their resi
dence since. He has bten in the em
ploy ot the N.-C.-O. for the past year
and was working for that company in
Keno when taken sick.
Daniel O'Shea was 49 years old, and
leaves to mourn his demise a wife, two
daugnters and two sons, all of whom
are livinig in Lakeview. The remains
were brought to Lakeview Monday by
train, for iuterment, tha funeral being
held Tuesday morning at ten o'clock
from the Catholic Church. Mrs
O'Shea went to Reno a few weeks
since to attend her husband during bis
illness, and accompnaied the remains
The Kxaminer joins witn l lie many
friends ot the family in extending
sympathy during their bereavement.
Ma is an insurgent,
fa is standln pat ;
Sister'a a Progressive,
I'm a Democrat.
Sandy is a Socialist,
Janey wants to vote,
liueter isn't anything
Buster's lust a goat.
private secretary.
S. B. 132, by Miller Prescribing
methods of selecting text books for
schools. .
S. U. 133. bv Butler Increasing the
number of Supreme Court Justices to
S. B.. 136 by Moser Appropriating
$50,000 annual for a State Industrial
School for Girls.
S. B. 125, by Thompson Making it
a felony to receive pay or reward from
any person or corporation outaide the
state in return for supporting or op
posing an initiative measure.
S. B. 147, by Thompson Requiring
notice to be given to those interested
of adjudication of water rights.
S. B. 144, by Dimick To prevent
feeding of ducks and other waterfowl
for purposes of slaughter.
The bill amending the direct primary
law so as to permit candidates for
office to put themselves in the race by
paying a fee and filing papers of nom
ination, without circulating and filing
a petition, passed the Senate by a
vote of 16 to 12.
Up to the cloBing of laBt week's
session Legislative appropriation re
quests already in night are over $3,000,
000 with a possibility of the appropria'
tions asked forgoing over the nine mil
lion mark. In th two weeks the house
has passed 37 bills, and six House bills
have been passed by the Senate and
require only the governor's signature
to become laws. The exact number i t
Houae bills introduced la li'Jti. ..Two
years ago oiiy 418 House bills were in
troduced in the whole session.
Hugh K. Gllmore and Misa Nell
Uenjamin, both of Paisley were mar
rled Monday evening In Lakeview at
tne home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mi shei.
on Water Street. The Ke erend J. P.
Scholl of the Presbyterian Church
performed the ceremony.
The bridegroom la associated with
the Northwest Townsite Company, and
one of the dlrectora of the rlrst Nat
ional Hank which Ik being organised
at Palaley. He la an alumnus of the
Princeton Univeralty. New Jersey,
and la a brilliant and steady voung
man with a very promising future.
The bride la a popular and talented
young lady and is teaching one of the
Summer Lake aohools.
The happy couple atart mariicd life
with tright prospects for a happy mar
ried life and auch la the wish of their
many frienda.
Trapper Murdered
County Clerk t'a yne thla week re
ceived a telegram from the Coroner of
Harney Lounty Stating that a (Ml.
Webester had been murdered at Purna
and asking If he waa known here.
Mr. Payne could not learn anything of
such a party but It. It. Webster an
aged trapper Is quite well known here.
From the following brief dispatch from
Puma in Sunday's Oregonian it is pre
sumed that (5. K. Webster, the trap
per, ia the party referred to:
"Charged with killing an aged trapper
in his cabin, 35 miles from this city,
Kolert Shcixe was arrested today and
placed In jail here.
"The prisoner also is accused of hav
ing set lire to a barn and burning six
horses. Soheixe was found by the au
thorities In a lonely shack near the
scene of his alleged crime."
Early Work Roported
Active construction work will we be
starttd on the extension ot the Oregon
Trunk line south from liend not later
than March lMh. according to word re
ceived here from the north, rays the
Klamath Falls Herald.
A representative of the contracting
firm of Henry & McKee has received
word from Ms principals to bo ready
to start active operations at that tune,
.and in conformity with this order he
is no preparing his equipment.
Chautauqua Circlo
1 he Lakeview Chautauqua Circle will
meet Monday evening February 3 at
7 30 o'clock at the home of Miss
Maude Knight.
Program : roll call : current events :
Subject "The Spirit of French
Letters, "--The Great Century the
Seventeenth, from pugo 124 to 115,
Miss G. Vernon. From page 1 15 to
166, Miss Minnie Vernon. From r
166 to 1H7, Mrs. Harry Bailey.
Graves Sells Record
Klamath Falls Northwestern: Once
more the Merrill Record has changed
hands, this time back to its last owner.
Jay P. Darter, the welt known sheep
man. The paper has been published the
past year by S. C. Graves, locally
known as "Chap" Graves, an old time
practical printer. Mr. Graves has
worked hard to build up tins little
weekly, but is said to have tired of the
elTort anil to have resold it to Mr.
i, . ... l. . ;
nail r, iruni wuuui tiuuj;iii. u ti
i ......... "
It is not known whether Mr. Ilarter
will endeavor to publish the paper or
dispose of it to some practical man
better acquainted with the nuwnpap'r
Mr. Graves is well known in Lake
view where he waa formerly employed
on the Examiner. He has worked un
tiringly to improve the Merrill Record
and from outside up: earancts his
efforts were apparently rewarded with
success. His friends here will regret
to learn of bis failure.
A Popular Gentlmen's
:: Resort
Goose Lake Valley Meat Company
R. E. WINCHESTER, Proprietor --
We will endeavor to keep our Market well
supplied with the choieest
Frest, Salt and Smoked Meats
C lbs. Lard, OOc; 10 lbs., $l.Si)
Continued iroiu tlr-t pngi'
your Commltt that to apportion the
money In this manner would be very
unjust, especially to F.asturn Oregon.
"The method lor an equitable distri
bution ot Stale Aid funds, tor road
purposes, has been rare fully considered
bv the member ot every Legislative
Assembly, and Uood Roads Committees
tint have met In tnis Slate during tne
past twenty yeara, and in nearly every
Instance, when the matter waa exam
ined and determined, the decision has
been along the linea recommended by
the Harmony Good Roads Committee,
that all State Aid funds, for road pur
liosrs, should be divided Into thirds and
one third should be aporlioned among
the counties equally, one third In pro
portion to their rupsecilve ureas, and
the remaining third in proportion to
their respective asuessud valuation lor
the year preceding the apportionment.
The total of the three sums apportioned
to each county should constitute the
apportionment of said county.
"The basis of area alone In apportion
ing Slate Road funds, was reoognlzed
as just and equitable as early ua 1H93,
when the Legislature at that aession,
enacted the present law governing the
distribution of the five pur rent road
fund among the several counties of
Oregon. This law provides as follows:
"l'hal the Secretary ot Slate be and
is hereby authorised and directed, that
fmnutdiiitely after this act teoomea a
law, to ascertain the area of each and
every county within the Slate of Ore
gon, and aa soon as tne same is ascert
ained, to divide nil the proceeds of the
five per centum fund now in tlu State
treasury, as well as the direct tax fund
due and payable to the State upon Its
compliance with the laws of Congress,
approved Marth 2, IX'.'l, and That
said money shall be divided pro rata
between the several counties of the
Mate according to the area , thereof.
(L. 1S93, p. 3.) 1 fully realize that
the welfare and development of the
stale depends upon the people of Port
land, because Portland, throrgh ita
largo delegation in the Senate and
II.jUmo of Representatives, having at
this Session, one of Its member Pres
ident of the Senate, and another mem
ber Speaker of the House of Repre
sentatives, und also havu.g control of
almost every important committee of
both branches of the Legislative As
sembly, comple ely dominates all
legislation for the entire Slate. Since
Portland controls the destiny of Ore
gon, then its Leuislalive ilelegatiou
should no longer restrict its ttforta in
securing legislation tsvorable to the
interest of Portland and Multnomah
County, and if the Statu is to keep pace
wtli the, great growth of Portland,
then it .vill be necessary for the Port
land delegation to adopt a broader
! view of H dnlv to the State, by enact
ing into law, auch measures us are
essential to thu growth and develop
ment of every part of Oregon.
"I earnestly hope that your Commit
tee will formualte a bill along the lines
herein suggested, because such a
measure would nut only be iust and
equitable to the entire State, but it
would be tho means of enabling East
ern Oregon to build a system ot public
highways tht would induce home
seekers to occupy millions of acres of
productive lands that are now idle.
"Yours trulv,"
"County Judge of Lake County."
Continued from iIimI hh'
the newspapers of thu county. I have
prepared a petition to Mr. John H.
Lewis, stale engineer, for the change
in mime. This has been se..t to Mr.
C. W. Juninnga at Valley Falls and
uny ono interested Is requested to call
at his store ami sign or to writo the
stale engineer direct. C. M. Sain.