HOTEL LAKEVIEW ERECTED IN 1XX) MODERN THROUOHOIT FIRST-CAL55 sample poon For COnriERCIALgl ftfor ;i sjj t i i mrrv nnrsj tarn siii COURTEOUS TREATMENT LIQHT & HARROW. Proprietors P. t. LIQHT GEO. HARROW We Have the Best Assorted Stock of flof Rough and Surfaced Dry LUMBER In CENTRAL OREGON, and can give you what you wantwhen you want it ALL THE TIME SUNSET LAKE LUMBER CO. Yard on Center St. LdkeVl'eW, Ore. Phono 721 Lakeview Ice, Transfer and Storage Co Telephone Xo. 101 J. P. Dl'CKWOHTH, Manager Buss to Meet All Trains. Transfer and Drayage. Storage by day, Week or Month WALLACE & SON Wm. Wallace, Coroner tor Lake County) UNDERTAKERS PROMPT ATTENTION AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Parlors, next door to Telephone Office WATSON BUILDING Twin Valley Land Co. - Incorporated -C. R. BLOOD, Ast. Sec; C. O. MISENR, Gen. .Agt. We have for sale: Orchard and Alfalfa Lands Farm Lands, Timber Lands Homesteads and Desert Lands Special attention given to O.V.L. Land Holdings We are agents tor The Fair port Town & Land Co. FAIRPORT TOWN' LOTS now on sr :e. Make your selection berore the best ones are sold. A big investment lor a small amount of m iev. LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporared. A Complete Record We have rnale an entire truiiHcrtpt of (ill Uncords In Lake County which tunny way, ailed Kenl Property In the county. We have a complete Jtworil of every Mortgage ui'd transfer ever made tn lake Count v and ever Deed u'lvi-n Errors Pound In Titles In transcribitijf the records have fnunl iiniti'-ruus mort gareti recorded In the lJeetl record uu' mjexed nd many deeda are recorded l- ttie vturiirmre recurd mut iher books. Handreds of mortgages am' deeds hh i ' 1 ri.- at all, and moat dlttlcult to 'race up Irmri f r recirdi-. We have notations of nil ,- Others annot ipet itn-m ' . hunting up ttiHMe t riors iinlw; ;.n f. n : J. I). VRNATO!?, -i ors. 'Miliar work. 'najrer. ESSENTIALS OF RURAL HIGHWAYS Tiie Perfect Modern Roal Has Twelve Requisites. ELIMINATE GRADE CROSSINGS, Auetin H. Fletcher, California 8tal Highway Cnginaar, Talla What Ha Centidara tha Neceseary Featuree of an Up to Data Thoroughfare. According to Austin tl. Fletcher, tnte highway engineer of Callforntn. the essentials of a modern rural high way are as follows: A readjustment of the road locations or rights of way bo as to secure iwoper alignment and to obviate the necessity for traveling around o uiaujr sccllou comers. The elimination of all crossings of highways at tirade with ft earn and electric rail run da. Ilights of war of uniform width, preferahly not less than sixty feet. Maximum gradients In the mountain ous country of 7 per cent and mini mum radii on the center lines of such roads of tifty feet, with all curves open ed out us. much as possible by flutteu 1 tin slocs and removing brush and such trees as Interfere with the view A clear sight of at least l.V feet should be secured wherever It Is practicable. The construction of eruianent cul verts, gutters aud ditches wherever they are needed to prevent water from standing on the roadsides uud on grades to prevent gullying due to the water being carried too far In the gut ter and thus accumulating In volume. The construction of bridges of n per nianent character, preferably of te Arifitr.'nil rtiniTiln. such bridges to be at least twenty-four feel wide iu the j clear uud so designed that they will carry sixteen tou traction engines with a reasonable factor of safety. A minimum width of roadway of six teen feet, which may be traveled safe ly, such width to apply only to those places In the mountains where there Is so much rock as to make a greater width prohibitive on account of Its cost All average width throughout the re mainder of the state of twenty-four feet on embankments, or twenty-one 4S par? " - IUI'HOPEB GRAlilNi) IN AN" E.VK1H UOAM. feet in tlirniigii cuts mid twenty-two Olid one 1 1 : t ; r leit where tile roa,l Is part cut and part. fill. crown ..r itii-s chamber varying from one i!i-!i to - font where no surfacing is apfilied t.) less than ono- ei'lilli of an inch where bii iimiiious ! Mirfares are u-ed. in all ra-e the crown to be the least needed to cause the water to run Ui Lly from the road Into the gutters. Such type of surfai ing as the neods of the lix'ality varying from the graded road to the highest type of asphalt paving uud varying in width from fif teen to twenty-four feet. The erection of guard rails at dan gerous pouii on grades and on high embankments:. In places guard hanks of earth are preferable to the wooden fences because of their greater per manency. The proper trimmings of slopes along the road sides, both old and new. ho us to prevent the unsightly gashes now no noticeable along the roads Also the plnnling-nf suitable trees. Indige nous to the locality mid properly cur ing for them. The placing of prufier permanent monuments, at the time of construc tion along the roads to mark accurately l lie limits of the right of way. Such monuments will be of Inestimable val ue to sur eyers. Also the erection and maintenance of guide boards marked to Khow places, and distances accu rately A proper system of maintenance for the upkeep of the roads nfler they are built, coupled with adequate appro print Inns of money. Such appropria tions and such a (system should ! pro vided for even before a road Is coin pleted. since even If the wearing sur face reipiires no expenditure for some time oi ralher unusual condition., the pullers, culverts and slopes will always need attention Glaaa Road a Failure. After two years of experimenting the j luss pavement In Lyons. ''r"ic c, lias j proved failure Then 'he i?l ss block- were I UK' I 1 'it !'" ecu ! t'.. i tl'iie Ihoy wet' '!.!'! to t"- mck ed and broken SL I'M itil.E i on THE EXAMINER - I t-. I. l ------f. .f..1.,t. i LIVE STOCK NOTES. No ewe should be bred nntll she has reached maturity. You cannot Iwgln to feed and train a colt too early. Many farmers make a practice of turning land's Into the corn field lu the early fall to gather up all the weeds. Skimp your sheep on Rood pas ture and they will skimp you on mutton. Works both ways. It la conducive to health to feed hogs when they can hate the range of the pasture field. In breaking a colt remember that It la a u easy matter to over load and ruin blm by canning him to balk. It costs a good deal of money to buy a satisfactory team. In most cases this can be avoided by the farmer raising his own. I I I I I III 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I H-I- CORN THE BEST SILAGE. Produce Larger Amount of Feed Par Acre Than Any Other Plant. The chemical processes tbat occur In the silo during fermentation make the material more digestible. This process la supposed to be almost Identical with the change that takes plnce In the first stomach of the cow. says the American Agriculturist. The effect Is to break down the fibrous substance and rendet It more soluble. The effect of feeding sllnge to milk cows Is the sanio as that of turning them Into a green pasture. The silo provides n cheap feed that can be used with good results at any time of the year. It prevents the sacrifice of young stock because of a shortage of feed It utilizes the cornstalks, takes drudgery out of winter feeding, and one has only to inuke a little In vestlgatlon to tlnd the silo owners well satisfied with the plan. Corn Is the great silage plant of America. It l adapted to a wldo range of latitude and longitude and will pro duce the largest amount of nutritive ullage per acre of any crop we can grow KiTt ceil to twenty tons of green fodder can he grown on one acre with out dilllcnlty In nearly any part of the corn belt Many experiment have shown that corn for silage contains tho most nu trinient when the kernels begin to glaze or when denting Is established and before the lower leaves of tin plant begin to dry If cut before till period too large a percentage of watei Is harvested with the crop, while the greatest development of food substance has not been reached by the plant If silage Is to ls fsl with greatest satisfaction It must le sweet and In perfect condition. It Is spoiled by coming In contact with air There fore the silo should not t of too great diameter. Not more than eight square fi-ot should be allowed for eiu h cow to be fed In winter. When feed lug forty pounds of silage per cow a layer almut one and a half Inches deep will be foil off dally When feeding In summer It Is advisable that the ex posed area be not over half this size, so that n layer three Inches deep may be used daily. No silo should lie larger than twenty to twenty two feet In diameter, because distance from the door Increases labor of removal. To be well proportioned the height of a silo should not he more than twice the diameter. No silo should ho less than thirty feet deep, and to get suitl clent deptfl for a silo not over twelve feet In ilia meter It may be placed four or (he fret In the ground. Silage will usually be needed alKiilt oHi days, or from about ' t. "jn to May 10 If we have a herd of thirty cows to which we wish to feed silage for 'Jin days It will not. in a rule, be well to feed over forty mhiimIs of si lage dally per head. If this quantity be feil loo tons of silage will ls re quired, for w hich 110 tons of corn fod der must be placed In the silo. Tak ing forty pounds as the average weight of a cubic foot of corn silage, each ton of silage will therefore take up lifly cubic feet and loo tons 5.000 cubic feet. Shelter For Hcgs. When hogs are tiy ued out to pasture lu the spring or fall they need some kind of protection from the weather und a shed, such as Is shown In the accompanying Illustration, Is very con venient, therefore, to have, suys the American Cultivator It can be made any size desired, but If only about six feet wide, five feet long and four fet high It can be more easily handled than If larger. It Is composed of one Inch roofing boards spiked to 2 by t studding at the comb and eaves, with a HANDY HOG HOUbC the back gable boarded up and the front out left with an opening as la Indicated. A shed like this Is verv nice to have for sows They can lie given the full run oi the pasture or lot, allowed to select their own nesting place and then it desired, the slid taken to tile ,. " i .-t vcr it - ' "iii'l always ii such a way lis to a fiord the etc lion possible from wind a. . -ill -.ih! court the sunshine, and . i.'",. of str(W put Inside will ' . e eoiniM-ti oie aim repay t;, -e pored to keep the lam ites wa . 'i dry sia in. TO EE NOTIFY THE ROAD SIDES Plant Nut or Fruit Trees Along the Gutters. WILL INCREASE VALUES. Nothing Adds to or Datraote From tha Beauty of a Road More Than Ite 6 idea A Few Qood Typee of Treee to Plant. "There la nothing which adds more to the beauty of a road than the treat metit of Its sides. No matter how smooth and well constructed the trav eled road may le. If tho roadside li mit cared for tho highway as a whole will not give a good Impression." says Miss Alma littenberry. "After a road Is completed rubbish should le removed and eicavatlons and embankments, except such as are nec essary to the road, should be smoothed 1 is.--- arfafeEXSK-: Vft-JaJtTt " fez?? Vriuma COST US MANY MILLIONS. Ineeot Peels That Might Have Bee Kept Out of the United Btatee. That the linlted Slates eta nils con stantly lu danger of having aome sgrl cultural pest or disease Introduced from a foreign country, Just as the San Jose scale was Introduced from Chlua about thirty years iigo, that will abso lutely ruin certain branches of agri culture was one of the significant statements made by Uilward A. Bea ton of Ml not, N. I)., the speaker who represented the students of the college of agriculture at the commencement eierclsea of the 'University of Wiscon sin. The only way to ward off this erll. an Id Mr. Henton. Is to provide a strict system of quarantine which will rigidly exclude all diseased- plants from the country and a good domestic quarantine system that will confUie destructive Insects and plant diseases to the localities where they are dis covered "In no other country lu the world do Insects and plant diseases Impiwe heavier tax on farm products tbau In the Culled States." declared Mr. Benton. "They take fully 'JO per cent I of our crops and entail a lose to agri culture of f I.IMMKNMMX) ' "This situation hna been brought ; about simply by the Introduction of diseases and pests from foreign ; lands." continued the speaker. "Three ! fourths of our pests aud diseases are 1 of foreign origin, and the number Is constantly lie leasing The Kan Jose scale, the cod I III moth, the Hessian tly, even the common house fly. sre all of foreign origin, and they all could have lieetl excluded by proper quarantine measures j "The United States Is the only lin- portnnl tuition of I he world which ! din's not pro Id" for such quarantine ' Even Turkey, will iml pennit the Im 1 portatlon of American iiui .eiy stock. and (lernmny will admit ii" American 1 potatoes." i t-t-t-t-t- Some fanners are Imrn spe, lal Istn and some lui.e their spei ml ties thrust upon lliein. and some escape being specialists to tln-,r everlasting disadvantage Nu tlonal Stock inn ii and I "at hut. At fSSMUTLT It A It II I N llOA Isl 1 .K. over iitnl sown with grass and all un sightly brush and weeds removed lu short, wherever possible the road should run hctwivii strips of smooth green sward, and suitable shade tiees should be planted at Intervals so as to provide a pleasing appearance to the road and shade for the traveler. "Shade lives are an important factor hi reducing the cost of maintenance of macula in rctds by reason of the fact I lint they prevent the road from dry ing out ami becoming dusty lu the so lection of shade tris's care should be taken to secure only those which are suite I lo local eoiidll Ions. In all II Is uii to choose n tree that Is h.udy. grows rapidly and has a lunula m foil a -re. A good plan is to plant ttees with tops tifty feet apart, bit nMci Hating oil cull side of I lie load so that there will be a tree every twent.v the feet. In soiiie portions of lleric.tiy fruit tris-s are planted e teti-li cl aloi.v Ihe road-ide. and a con hi. Table leveniie Is derived 1 1 in the s.ile of fruit. "There are a great variety of condl I ion i existing In I he I' mied States, and It would be imposed, ! to designate a list of trees which would be adaptable to all the road conditio is which might eM ill the I'nited Slates miles It were desirable In limit Ihe lid to fruit or mil Is'iiring trees. If this were Ihe case the fruit Is-nting trees vvblcli would be best adapted to road condl timis would be the apple and possibly the pear III home localities. Apples would cover nil that section of eastern Culled States north of ihe Carolluas MADE FROM BUGGY SPRING. Old Steel May Be Converted Into a Ueeful Garden Tool. The his' made thus gives belter re sults as n cultivating tool than any manufactured tool 1 have been able to procure, says a letter In the Home and Kami. The blade consists of the short est leaf of an old buggy spring Such springs are usually found laying uroiiml country blacksmith shops, and the work of converting It Into this useful hoc In a matter of but u few minutes or an hour at most. The spring will be found to have a hole In the center lit the place to Insert the shank, but It will be necessary to ream It out larger with a drill, which the black smith can do. The shank may be A j, . n-. s -x, .. 4t - AN AI'IUAITIVK IKIAKHIDK. and even south of this region U) the Appalachian region. West of the mountains the apple would serve us far south as the gulf states and west to the base of the It h Ly mo'itualus. with crhaps the exception of Ihe ex treme nor! hern part of .Minnesota. Ihe linkolas uud .Molilalia, where some oilier plants would have to be subsll tilted for the apple, unless the crah was used. The nut bearing trees which would be adapted to this use lu eastern United Stales would be hickory, walnut and butternut for Ihe New Ungland slates uud along the Ap palachian mountains as far south as Ccorgla. mid the distribution of these nut trees would lake a northern I urn on the west side of the Alleghany mounliilns and should be used perhaps soulh of central Kentucky und no far ther west than Colorado. The hickory will not thrive In northern Iowa, northern Wisconsin, Minnesota or the Iial otas. The black walnut, however, will extend us far tiorlli as live south ern part of Minnesota, over the easi. ern part of Soulh linkotn, easlern Ne braska mid Kansas On thy Pacific const die F.ugll' h walnut, can be mod a - a 'aib-tiiule lor the other nut trees mentioned." nOVII M Af'K 0AI1PCN 1IIIK, M VI KOI'AKlLI) III l,IIV HI' 1. 1. N.I. 11'ri'iu Jioiuu und l-'uiiii. made of a. h air Iik Ii rd. Make the hole In the spring blade three eighths Inch and tile a shoulder to the end of the shn. I; tod to Just fit the hole III the hoc Hade light, then insert Ulld rivet or brad I'ovvn light. If mi ordi nary goose lie, I, hoc handle, the blade of which has been discarded. Is at hand, it wli ' a very good handle for the garden hoe. but II led It Is no big ob lo mai.e a Handle, .ii.d a short piece of tht-ee quarter in. !i pipe will make a good ferule, mid lis extra weight will Is- found of use when using the hoe I have been using this hoe In my garden lor some lime and llud It easy lo dig deep and thoroughly cul tivate the plants 1 hope that this re minder will cause many old thrown away buggy springs lo be 'converted Into useful tools Instead of being al lowed lo rust out Forcing Crops by Eloctriaity. A llritlsh Immigrant to Canada pro poses to force his crops by heating the soil by underground electric wires spaced about live feet apart mid one foot under the surface, twenty Ave miles of wire being required for twen ty acres of ground. The effect sought appears to be Hi pilvalent of a con tinuous, strong and penetrating sun ahtiic on a glass house system, but with tho further advantage of ability to reg ulule the heat to a nicety. Scientific American Them 1m i'IsmiI iii'oiiilui In tlin tuci inai whole classes or grim- ; Hales of nviicuHural colleges go J - back lo the farms, having learn- ed how lo make them prolltnhlu. L Secretary .lames Wilaou, Unit- y 7V ed . laf.-d Hep -.'it of Agfl- cull lire '. e, ' The Lot Examiner Figure on Your Next Job Work