Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 30, 1913, Image 5

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    Real Estate For Sale and Its
10-inch ilry Wood, at our Wood Yard, per cord, $7 00
4-foot Litnl) Wood, nt our Wood Yard, per cord, 5 00
Potatoes, delivered in town, per sack 1 00
Hay, in Hani at our Ranch, per ton, 7 00
AI)out f) tons of Hay in stack, per ton 6 00
"We Sell The Heal Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
More Bargain
Just received, for quick sale, tome of the best Valley Land
at the following bargains, viz., $12.50 per acre:
H0 Acre In HectlonJIO, Township 39, Range 19
320 " " 22, " 39, " 19
80 " " fcs, " 39, " 19
240 " " M, " S9, " 19
100 " " 2C, " 38, " 19
At $12.50
Per Acre
Xafcc Count)? Eramtncr
TIIUICMDAY. JAMlAltY .'Hi. 1913.
Klllllr Iliad LllKIVi)'W flltlOUM.
IUIiiIit (iii draught or in bottlea at
tlin Mrcwt-ry. 2t
16 inch worn), S7.00 per cord. Sue
O'Neill A Dunlap.
II. II. Cannon, the tombstone man,
arrived In Lakeview on Tuesday s
M. Hart returned Monday evening
from Kami where he haa been the peat
everal weeks.
When you need anything from Ihe
druu atore in a hurry phono Snyder
& Reynolds Main 2. They have it.
The First National Hank of Hcnd In
advertising to give farm loans on
Ceatral ami Southern Oregon property.
Postmaster Chas. Dccloua aent 9
coyote pelta, weighing juat 11 pounda,
by pnrcel post to New York thla morn
ing, aava the Ft. Hid will News.
A. I'. Koozer was in Saturday from
hia Went Side ranch. He atatea that
the anow ia dreer in that aection than
he haa aeen it for a number of year.
The number of Senate billa Introduced
thua far at the legislature at Salem
surpasses the 150 mark, while over
2M5 billa have been introduced before
the House of Representatives.
The next meeting of the Lakeview
Krica.Tprr.enl Lodge will be held Thurs
day evening, February 6, when the
Golden Rule degree will be conferred.
There will be no meeting toniaht.
Dr. J. Ilnyiien Fink, dentiMt, ia hav
ing hi ollice in the First National
Hank building thorougnly renovated
and repainted. While the- work ia being
done the Doctor will apend the time in
Al Smith of- the Arcadia Theater
pleased hia patrona Sunday and Mon
day evening with picture of Marie
Cnrreli'e thrilling novel, Thelma, n
beautiful story of the land of the Mid
night aun. I
W. T. Maitlnnd, window decorator, !
haa returned from a several weeks!
atav in Sxn Francisco, lie will lie cm-j
ployed ti v In" l.nkevii w Mercantile I
Company after they move into the I
llerylord building.
In order to protect consumers the
Federal HoHrd of Focd and Drug In-
spec-lion ot Washington, l. C. has for- '
bidden the aale in interstate commerce '
of fruits which were damaged in the
recent freeze in California.
Mra. Anna M. NeiUin left last Fridsy I
for San Francisco where she expects
to remain a few weeks for the benefit J
of her health. Before returning
ahe will purchase a Spring line of mil
linery Bill ladies' furnishings for the
Womens' Outfitters Store.
John II. Wyatt, formerly a resident
of Lakeview, recently underwent Bn
operation on hia eyes at the Good Sa
maritan Hospital. Grants Pass. For
sometime Mr. Wyatt has suffered with
hia eyes and it is hope 1 the operation 1
will prove beneficial to him. J
An effort is now being made to or-j
uanizea chapter of Royal Arch Masons ;
here in l.aaeview. Tins is a big ad-:
vance in Masonry, and Indicates that
te memhers of thfe fraternity are not J
only in a prosperous condition but are
fully abreast of the work in that
great order.
However busy the state law makers
may be at Salem humor ia not entirely
reflected. A ioke ia snrunir about a
...,nulr Rpnrosentativa Hem awakened
during the night by his wife and in-!"" " n8ht danco at New Fine C'reek'
formed that a burglar waa in the j f'ay night. February 21. The Lake
bouse. He replied, "No dear, there is view band, consisting of sixteen pieces
no burglar in the House he
must te
in the Senate."
A Chinook struck this aection last
Friday and Saturday which threatened
to take off the snow, but the thaw and
rain lasted but a short time. However
it settled the snow well and bared the
ground in places, where the manlln'was
lirrht This week tha wnuthor has been
,.i.,o. oh ,.i.i .hi. ,.,u,i .,;, I
and sun ahinydays.
II. W. Drenkel hik
... . . , ill
" - . I
visit in San Francisco. They were in-
the N.-C.-O. wreck which occurred
near Likely on tneir way down. Mr
Drenkel haa so-ue pictures of the up
turned ears, the enndition of which I informs the Examiner that people of
make one think thai it waa marvelous j that auction are in a great fver of ex
that -io serious imuries were sustained ! citement over the new gold district of
by the passengers. Mr. Drenkel te-
ports all the lower cities as being auiet
ml uhvh lhi.t li lu-Hrd considerable talk !
about the probabilities of the Hill line
omi:,g south through Lakeview, J
Hay $7.00 per ton. See O'Neill &
Chickens for aale. Sea U. II. Hahn,
North Lakeview. 21.
Hamilton I'.rown School Blioca all
altee. Mercantile Co.
K, K. Patch and family have moved
from the town residence to their ranch
below Lakeview.
A baby girl was born January 21 to
Mr. and Mra. S. I'. Vernon at thsir
home ielow Lakeview.
Found on Water atreet last Saturday
afternoon a boy's watch. Owner can
have same by calling at this office.
Hud Harvey ia now hauling aupphea
by sleds to the Wheeler'a Dry ('reek
irrlagtion works on the Weat Side.
Dr. T. V. Hall will I ave next Mon
day for New York City where he goes
to take a po.t graduate course in med
icine. A Klamath Falls atore ia advertising
to buy Klamath County warants at
85 cents oh the dollar, cash, or 95 cents
in trade.
Sing Payne now conducting the Inn
drill has leased the building recently
vacated by Snyder & Reynolds on
Water atreet, for restaurant purposes.
Mrs. J. Chas. Smith of the Parisian
millinery will leave Saturday of this
week on her semiannual tour to Chicago
to purchase her Spring line of milli
nery. 'Ihe former War Minister Nazim
Pasha of Turkey and commander of
the Turkish army was ahot dead ,Bt
week during a demonstration in Con-'
A new general delivery cabinet and
postal savings and regisrery window
are being installed in the poatxfllce.
Postmaster Ahlstrom is getting every
thing ttist will compare favorably with
a citv office.
'Ihe Upper Deschutes timber men
have undertaken what will be the moat
thorough test ever made in this Inland j
section to determine thu value of the
black, or so called "jack pine," for
paper pulp.
Joseph and William Heminger, sons
ot I). A. Heminger, of Paisley, are
occupying the John Wyatt residence
just south ot tnwn. The young men
are here for the purpose of being with
in tlie -otiven)Lnt reach of the High
A long time will again be consumed
in securing a jury for the second trial j
of Clarence Diirrow, the McNamara
attorney accused of jury nrioery. The
trial will be held in Los Angeles where
he was acquitted lust Fall of the first
charge. .
A Greek in the employ of J. t
of the West Side lost a horse and
saddle while attempting to crosi a point
of the lake on the ice m ar the Hanson
ranch. It is said that alter breaking
through the ice the man had a narrow
escape with hia own life. The animal i
belonged to Mr. Oliver.
Louis Kendl, who was formerly in
the employ of the Lakeview Brewing!
Co. and ia now a resident of Sacra-'
mcnto, in renewing hia subscription
to the Examiner, kindly remembers a
number of hit old time friends. He
says thu world is treating him kindlv,
although he has a longing to see Lake
view again.
The real property of the estate of
Mary E. Kimzey, deceased, waH sold
lust Saturday in Lakeview at public
auction. F. O. Bunting bid in the town
property on water Street at SIS.IO and
the timber claim at $f00. It is report
ed that it ia not likely the County
Cuurt will confirm either aale.
,J'K preparation are being made for
will furnish the music. The boys have
been doing some diligent practice work
which they will continue with effort,
and they will doubtless be able to ren
der excellent tmisic for the occasion.
J. U. Wheeler, Jr. was in the first of
the week from his irrigaton headquart
ers on Dry Creek and sent out a large
load of supples. He says work Is pro
greasing as well as could
be ex
to the
- ,
Tiectea ami ia looaing iorwara
I .niHtilnlinn nr llin rrrMt thia tin u.
... 4 ... .
lie BIBlCB uiui urnum-auy an hid iifem
of way for the ditches has been secured.
V. L.Snelling camo up Monday evening
Iv returned from a trip to Reno and
Rochester eatt of Reno,
with his partner, C N,
Mr. Snelling
Miller of the
N.C.O.. has extensive holdings in the
new camp and as a consequence is
quite enthusiastic himself.
Rainier on dratigth at the Hotel
Potatoes, $1.00 per sack. See O'Neill
& Dunlap.
Dont forget the Reduction Snle now
going on at Lakeview Mercantile Co.
Herman Graeber waa In yesterday
from bia ranch near the bead of Gooae
Jack Chandler formerly of Lakeview
but now an employe on the ZX ranch
is down on a short vacation.
Fnr rent, furnished house on Main
atreet, also a modern house on Lake
street. See O'Neill & Dunlap.
Ed. Felherolf formerly of the Goose
Lake Valley Meat Company returned
last week from a business trip to Sur
prise Valley.,
A tax levy of 24 mills baB beer,
declared by the county court ot Crook
county. One mill of this amount will
go direct fnr good roads.
If you live out of town and wish to
purchase from the drug store mail your
order to Snyder & Keynolda Drug
Store where mail ordera are given
prompt atteniton.
U. F. Arthur was in Saturday from
hia Weat Side ranch. He stated that
something 'ike 8000 rabbtia have been
killed thua far at the drives south of
Cottonwood creek.
P. M. John Brooks of Jesse Valley,
MoiW County, last week cemitted
suicide by shooting himself through
the head with a rifle. He waa Ki years
j old and bad been
a hopeless invalid for
Irl Wili-hire was in last week from
the Bheep camp near Valley Falls at
tending to business matters and inci
dentally securing bounties on some coy
otes that he captured during the
O. K. Wood who recently rented the
Tannehill place on the West Side from
L. A. Carrier went out this week to
get acquainted with farm life and to
make preparations for the Spring
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Jordon and
daughter arrived this week from
Colorado. They have temporarily lo
cated in Lakeview and will remain in
the country with a view ot acquiring
farming property.
According to press reports the Miss
issippi flood is continuing to rage fur
iously. A torrent 200 feet wide trcke
over the bansk near Vicksfcurg devast
mg much property. Hundreds
families have teen forced to leave
the highlands.
J. P. Schell D. D. arrived lar-t week
j from Medford to complete the unfinish
Olivor ' C(' term of Dr. Morgan as pastor of the
local Presbyterian church. Dr. Mor
gan's term did not expire until April
but he was compelled to leave on ac
count of illness.
The White Pelican Hotel at Klamath
Falls has recently changed manage
ment, it having been leased by George
E. Ingram and W. R. Conway for a per
iod of ten years. Doth are said to be ex
perienced hotel men of the East. It
was formerly managed by H. R. Elliott
for the Klamath Development Com
pany. The Woodmen oi the World held a
public installation iRst evening at
which there were ahout one hundred
people present. After the ceremonies
dancing was in order and at twelve
o clock a sumptuous banquet was ser
ved. Emily Ayres. Chas. Uott end
Elbert Morris furnished the music.
At three o'clock ttie crowd dispersed,
every t.ody having had a most enjoy
able time.
Merrill Record : Louis Gerber re
timed Sunday from the Lava B:ds
where he purchased 600 wefhers of
Dennis O'Connor. He will tiring them
to his feed yard at the I. S. Davis
ranch. He states that there is con
siderable snow at the Lava Beds but
that all the sheepmen seem to have
plenty of hay. The Malloy & Mc
Auliffe band are being brought out
to feed near Malin.
The PostofTice department at Wash
ington recently received word that a
San Diego man intended to start ship
ments to New York of two carloads of
prunes in eight-pound packages under
the parcel poet. The parcel post rate
will be ninety-six cents a package.
Hearing this, the express companies
cut the rate on prunes tor the same
distance to thirty-five cents on eight
pound pacaages. This is the first round
in the parcel post express war.
State Mineralogist W. H. Storms of
California who last Fall made an offi
cial survey of Camp High Grade, has
been discharged by Governor Johnson.
The governor's action followed pub
lication of the report of the State
Board of Control, declaring that the
State Mineralogist's office accomplished
nothing of value, and waa geneially in
a bad way. His full term waa to have
expired November 25, 1915. Fletcher
M. Hamilton of Berkeley waa appoint
ed In Prof. Storm's stead.
On Wednesday, evening, February
6th, the Lakeview Episcopal Miasion
will bold servoes in its ba I at the L.C.
l.C. rooms on Center Street. Tbia
being Ash Wednesday and the begin
ing of the Lenten aeason all members
of the Mission are urgently requested
to be present. All others are cordially
invited to attend. The meeting will
begin at 7:30 oclock.
Compare our prices with other firms
before buing your winter supplies.
Lnkeview Mercantile Co.
Attorney Farrell Returns
Thomas Farrell, the newly appointed
deputy prosecuting attorney for Lake
county, and one of the most successful
lawyers of tiiat aection, came in Isst
night from Portland, where he haa been
attending to business matters for
several weeks past. He will 'eave for
Lakeview in the morning.
It waa Farrell's Intention to return
to Lakeview via San Francisco, but be
was unable to do no on account nf the
ice in the Columtia. All toats were
hsulted as a result of the freeze.
Klamath Falls Herald.
Mr. Farrell returned to Lakeview
Sunday evenirg on the Western Stage.
He visited the legislature at Salem
whiL away and saya tbere is a very
busy body of law makers at the State
(By Stuff "orrvupondent) j
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sorick and son!
have come down from High Cade to
spend the winter. i
Quite a large party expect to start
from here this week for the new mining
camp at Rochester, Nev.
A son of Capt. Follett, who resides
near Portland, Oregon, came in for a
visit with relatives and friends.
Sanford Csnnnn has gone to make
his home with his son, William and
i Misses Grace ana Ruby Gillett came
i up from Willow Ranch to attend the:
j Ball Tuesday night.
I li. W. Reed has purchased the M. E. j
i Cannon hotel and leased same to Mrs,
Nissen who will open it Feb. 1, tor
Miss Libbie Cannon expects to go to
lower Caifomia toward spring.
Mrs. Mattie Follett had the misfor
tune to fall Tuesday morning while up
town shopping and hurt-herself badly.
Mr. and Mrs. Dayton entertained a
party of young folks at their home
Monday night when a most enjoyable
time was had.
Paisley Pick-ups
(Chewaucan Press)
The Summer Lake-Abert Lake Salt
ureeK, a small nood water stream I
which empties into the south end of
Summer Lake and will dam its waters
to keep them from flowing directly in
to the lake.
With this plan in view they have al
ready placed a crew of men on the
ground and the construction of the res
ervoir is now in progress. The dam
will be about 1,000 feet long and will
store an immense volume of water.
David Harrower who for the past
anmmA knn 1. 1 .4 UA n , ! I wa 1 ......
Duuiiiici una lie ili 1110 puauiuu u& ujaua- j
ber of the lowneite Store, north of the
river left Tuesday Morning tor his
old home at Philadelphia.
A wood famine seems imminent here
at this time. The enow in the wood
camps is higher than the shacks and
the haulers have ceased operation until
better conditions prevail.
Al Kubic and Wm. Paige, both of
Madras are now in Paisley looking
over the prospects of this valley. They
made the trip all the way by wagon,
and encountered some pretty bad
stretches nf road through the mount
ains. Few people know that Paisley had
a narrow escape from tire the other
night when Jason Elder's office caught
from the tiue. .A hole was burned
through the roof but quick work on
the part of Mr. Elder saved the build
ing. Silver Lake Items
fiSllver Lake Leader)
Mr. V. R. Wilkinson and wife were
guests of the Hotel Chrisman last
Thursday night. He is manager of a
saw mill at Fandango, just over the
line in California. Tbey were traveling
by private conveyance, and left Friday
afternoon for Bend.
Fifty-five inehea on the level Is the
depth of the anow at Erobody's saw
mill 17 milea weat of town. Lea Dun
can eame down with an empty wagon
and four big horses Saturday. It took
about ten hours to make the trip down.
He started back Sunday.
The atage from Lake did not get in
till 11 o'clock last Saturday night on
account of the numerous snow drifts.
Mr. Buchanan says the snow is about
the shoe for a man
Carried in all the best models,
black and tan, light and
. heavy leathers.
Come in and get fitted the Walk-Over way
$3.50 to $5.50
Our Great
eduction Sale
Still Continues
We are making Special Prices on:
Ladies' Underwear
Children's and Misses' Underwear
Dress Goods
Muslins, Sheetings, Etc,
Ladies' Sweaters
' Men's Wear
Curtain Nets, Towels, Yarns, Etc.
Ladies' Suits and Coats
Groceries, Etc.
All goods are marked in plain figures,
both regular price and reduced price, so
you can see for yourself by looking at
the tickets. It will pay you to investigate
Lakeview Mercantile Co.
12 inches deep at Cliff and 10 inehea
at Lake. It ia drifted very badly In
the lanes tbia aide of Lake and on the
north side of the bill south of Arrow.
Last Friday a One dry anow fell dar
ing the entire day, It waa accompanied
bv a strong wind and drifted tadly,
in many placea as high aa the fences,
and being about 7 or 8 inches deep n
the level. , The road on the weat aid
of Summer Lake waa almoat impass
able on account of the deep anow drifta
and the Paisley stage waa nnable te
reach here Friday night.