Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 30, 1913, Image 4

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    Lake County Examiner
Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon
Recnlar alandlng ad. 11.00 o Inch, ttntla
eo'.imo irate, per ionth All atandlnit .!.
kinred frr Iwlc nioniti. CM ot comptwl
turn rnitrgtHl for nil mir chant. All apcotal
aotltlona extra. All mort term ads. extra
Rwulfrm, lorn columns, 10r. per Hn each In
sertion, want N. Ac. a Hoe each Insertion
Card of tbank tl.00. Reaolutlona o. oonJo
lor, 11.60 ami upwards.
fBP-TTuntlent Advertising tad Job Print
dc, ouh in adTanca.
AH Mill mint be paid the Drat of Men month.
On Tear, In advanca.
Ill mantht, "
fbree month. "
If not paid In advance. II. M tba 71
Net Ice ta Sabacrlbar
C?ntr-rioerto lb Examiner wbo remove
O from one locality to another, or rhaim
lhlr notoc addrea ahould nnwmtwr u
drop this olhoe a card o their paper cat t ait
dreoM to the right pnatofflce.
Lakeview, Oregon, Thurstlii , .lanuury ;K, lOl.'l
PUBLISHING DKLINQUIONT cs.iuot be expected to carry atoelt and
LIS I Ue onlr flour, coal oil. sugar, etc.. and
The recommendation of the County have the people end away for all their
Court for the abolishment of the pre- i jry iroodt and other aui-h necessities,
aent law providing for the publication
ot the delinquent tax list Is one that
if acted favorably upon by the Legia-
as he would noon go out of business
Before sending away for goods make
a careful study of home conditions,
lature would provide a means for in-1 the parcel post and compare with the
terested parties to gobble up a large home merchant and see if you can't
mount of property on their town , keeo the money t home. Read the ads
terms. Even by giving due notice by j0r your home merchants. It may help
publication of ihe delinquent ta xes you to solve this problem, to mutual
large numbers of tracts throughout the , advantage to all concerned.
Vtnntw hatBai Kaar tmimi fci am aausi IS f oarrsi r t
xsvm u J ua w s is ay a u ac. A v .
Individuals, the owners having been
either unable or unwilling to pay the
Planning Against Votoes
Toat Governor West is to be shorn
accrued taxes In the publication of 0f bis executive veto power by the pre-
tne delinquent taxes property owners gent Legislative Assembly is made
throughout the County are not only in- dear m a quiet ageement among mem-
formed as to whether their own taxes
are delinquent but also as to whether
' their neighbors are behind and also as
to whether any nonresiient owner is
allowing property in the immediate
vicinity to be sold for taxes, in which
latter case the resident property owner
would probably like to become the
owner of the same. Only by publics-
tion is it possible for the information
to become generally disseminated, for
it is simply an impossibility for the
average property owner to secure such
information from the records. The
cost of the publication is less than the
regular commercial rates, being five
cents per line for each insertion, the
law requiring four publications, and
hence the cost of advertising is nom
inal on any one piece of property, it
generally amounting to less than one
dollar, which tbe Durccaser is required
to pay.
The Thompson bill providing for ex
tension of educational work by the
Oregon Agricultural College is so im
mensely important triat the Legislature
ought not to hesitate for a moment to
support it liberally. The measure is
of such far reaching benefit to the en
tire slate that no reasonable argument
ran be brought against it. If a 1 the
farmers of Oregon could attend the col
lege at Corvallia it would be an excel
lent thing for 'hem. But tney cann it.
Then why not bring the work to tham?
They pay their pro rata of the col
lege's up keep and devnte their time
and energy to the state's most impor
tant industry and for it they should be i
recompensed. Those who need the
instruction of the college most are the
very ones who will not or cannot go
to receive it. The college must go
to them with its Fciettifie teaching in
dsirirg, fruitgrowing, fed selection
and soil study. This is the purpose cf
the extension courses. Properly sup
ported these courses will becme the
roost beneficial part of the college
work. That has been the case in
thsr stte? and it will certainly bt
the case here.
bers of both bouses by which the Leg
islature will have tbe opportunity of
passing on every veto which the Gov
ernor applies to the bills of this session
The plan ia aimply to take an ad
journment for a week at the end of
the 40 days of session. Tbe governor
has five days in which to sign a bill,
veto it or automatically allow it to be
come a law. It ia said there is suffi
cient backing in each house to make
this move a success.
Will Honor Bishop Vincent
Friends ot Chautauqua in all parts
of the country taet winter joined in
celebrating the eightieth birthday of
Bishop John H. Vincent, Chautauqua's
honored Chancellor, and the idea of
making bis birthday, February 23 each
year, a world wide "Chautauqua
Day," bas born. The Lakeview and
t ourist Circles are olanmng to observe
this day with appropriate exercises.
A program ia being preoared and
will appear in a future iseue of this
paper, fcxercises will be held in the
Auditorium of the High School and all
are cordially invited to be present.
gainst tha reiwtetl TWVpW caitea of
the fllsense. An order was Issued out
of the Health Office that thr elKht
school tenchora living In Wchmoiul
and trnchlng In licrkelcy be vitrei-
natert and that all students attending
the State Vnlvcrslty and living In
Richmond, rrmnln In Porkoley.
Shlftrng of her lend ballast, caused
a new type of submarine boat, built
by a Loa Angeles concern, to fill and
Ink when she waa launched for a
trial. The vessel, which la 75 feet
long, and cost $44,000. went down the
waya In fine shape, but soon as she
reached the water, her ballast shifted.
She turned on her aide, the atop hutch
wns forced oen, letting the wnter
flow In. and she sank In four fathoms,
whlltj efforts were being made to tow
her ashore.
News has been received of the death
of Kdward C. Treadwell, superintend
ent of the Trinity Hnnanta mine,
owned by the Trendwell rtrothers of
San Francisco. He was burled alive
In a snow-slide, while trying to stable
a balky horse. Pave Williams also
perished. No attempt has been made
to recover the bodies, for fear of fresh
slides at the same spot. Horses In
the barn were smothered but the heme
that caused the delay and cost two
men their lives, was only partly over
whelmed and struggled free.
racking grapes In Redwood aawduHt
has passed the experimental stage In
San Joaquin county and promises to
beromo the most approved method of
preserving nil varieties. Advices from
New York show that the last car of
Emperors packed thua have been sold
for $2.0:2. or at the rate of $3 57 per
drum. In all. there have been 14 of
these cars, which grossed 124,45.1 1;7,
each netting the grower a handsome
profit. Over 2. .'00 carloads of table
grapes are shipped from this county
annually, and heretofore the growers
margins were materially reduced by
reason of the fact thnt large quantities
rotted In transit. Ry the new method
every grape is preserved and Its luse
lousness fully retained.
Presented with the alternative of
either consenting to the building of a
drawbridge oer the Alhambra Creek,
which rtir.B through Martinez, or hav
lng the matter taken up before tho
Ruilroad Commission of the State, J.
D. Iirennan, superintendent of the
Western division of the Southern Pa
cific, told the Town Trustees that the
compuny would provide an answer
- itliin the next teu das. The build
ing of a drawbridge over the Alhambra
Creek, which Is a navigable stream,
has long been the contention of Mar
tine:: shippers. Somo 13 years ago.
the Southern Pacific built a bridge
over the stream which retarded ship
ping to a great extent. Previous to
that t'lre. boats were free to sail up
the creek to a point at the foot (.'
Main street.
Out In Colorado they vary the monot
ony of agricultural toil by beet thin
ning contests. In one of these held
recently three men from Missouri thin
ned an ai re of beets In nine hours,
while twelve hours were required by u
trio of Rocky I-'ord (Colo.i txiys for do
ing the mime job.
The discovery of gold In California
by James Marshall on January 24,
1S4S, will be commemorated by thc
past presidents of the Native Suns'
Association, , ho have arranged tn
hold a banquet in the St. Francis Ho
tel, Sr.n Francisco, 11 Saturday even
ing next.
Tin- excavation of a tinv skeleton
from its narr-.w grave in the ya;d of
an Oakland home, rev aied a story o?
h' art interest of 2n years a an, when
parents, having lest their first born,
probably iii'erre-d it in the front yard
of thir hon.e, that they mK'lit have
the baby form always m ar them. T:;
tiny white ra-!: t was very exp-nsive.
Laving Holid silver handk-s. 1 worth while. The value of sik h n ttir-
A. G. Hammer, deciduous fruit in- i nip ration does not com.- from the food
vectiuater of the I'nited Stal-s !- I elements v!:i !i the turnips -.,ntaln.
m rax -gp
mi's H
Cprrtkl tUfl SchaJfuf M Mux
Men's black Stiff Hats
in staple and novelty
shapes, including the new
broad brims, price,
We have just receiv
ed several Spring styles
of Men's Soft Hats, a
variety of shapes and
shades in the assort
ment, prices,
$2.50 to $3.50
Men's fine Austrian
Velour and Silk Finish
Scratch Hats, in a big
variety of shades, all
silk lined, prices,
$3.50 to $5.00
Men's plain and fancy
Golf Caps, including
Tweeds and novelty
mixtures in a variety of
colors, prices,
75c to $1.50
Men's fine
Kid Cloves
$1.75 to
Men's Silk
and Gloria
$ 1 .50 to
"Evrrythlnit to Vnp, r.nt nml U'e.-ir"
The appearance of all too many girls
with their hair In pigtails and some
older girls whose hair U not in pig
tails would seem to imitate that Ixilh
they i-.inl their mothers are smllr lack
ing In sense, i:ini!esiy and dress goods.
And L'ivN In town seem to lie shorter
of dies; goods than girls lu the country.
or for the year 1912 an 1 of the orohablo
amount of monev 1 cci ?sary to pay the
expenses of the County lor the vt ar
1'JIJ, ami as otherw ise rcquircii by Imw.
It is hereby ordered that a Tax Levy
fur the several pui poses required by
law, be and the Hume is hereby levied
for the year Jan., as follows, to wit:
For Coui ty purposes, .0021: (tw.i and
one tenth mills:) For County Suhonls.
IH)27; (Two and teven-tenths mills:)
hur County Kouds, .1102.', (two and une-
haif mill:) For .State Tax, 0.012,
(one tind two-ter.ths mills ;) Tatal levy
1 for nil purpntcs, (Hic.'i, (eight ami one
j hxlf n,illi-) ; ami that the haid tux he
levied on all taxable pn p-rty ot Lake
County, Oregon, as shown I y the its
I se-smetit rolls, returr.ed ly U-? A-tsets
or fortheyenr 1012, and a'.-o on all
1 taxable prop rty assessed y the Sheriif
j of sail lake County, Oregon in eon
i fnrmit.y w ith law.
The tax levies reip-ired f -r tl.
J i'.outitv fund, tVe High '.
I and the CoJitv School
! have t een ii cU'led in the levy
i for Coiir-tv purposes, and when
and mapuf samo 12 f.O
To be paid of the General Fund:
Kathleen O'Neill, listing ac
counts of County Officers 10 00
Win. Wallace, holding inquest on
Lody Of II. Araels. etc 21 (XI Reall, witness Coroners in
.uert body of It. Araela 1 10
W. K. Grob, same 1 10
J. L. Morris, same 1 10
T. K. Rernard, same 1
H. A. Funk, same 1
oned hiiIiI bind for oer- thitii alx
month Inst p'lMt ; tint you hne
never cultivated or Improved hI(I
land In mi.v liiHUiier.
Yuii are, therefore, furt her notified
that the Hitbl allegation will Ii taken
by t bin oltl-e as having lx en culifeeil
bv von, 11111I rnnr hiioI entry will be
1 canceled thereunder v ilhoiit your
1" j further right to In- ln-iri therein.
10 ell her lichee tills otllce or 00 appeal. If
10 !. vim (all to tile 111 thlM ultlie wlthlu
... , I vventv iIh.vh after the funrili piililica
tl M nf t III Hot let-, ax mIimwii below.
I Chas. Umbach,, same 1 10
(eorge Yount, same 1 10
vVm, WbIIucc, Uurial of H. Araela,
:n 00
F. K. Anderson, salary and mile
age hs County Commissioner. ... 70 00 ,
T. tJ. Wakefield, salary and mile-
age as County Commissioner... 21 To !
Scalp I
lunil, .
fund, '
ii.ade I
1 aritut-nt f Agriculture, has est.-b-iisi.ed
hnd'ji:;trters in Sun Jose. Mr.
Iia:iiiii(.-r ::i have charge of tin; bin
t-(iU of ehtoT: (i'o.'V in this v:illi v an'l
With the hearty euppert that Port. w m ,:) ,kll ,;. ..-,.,;..!, ;-.v. -st.'.--i:o'..q t
but Is due to their increasing the ap
petite of the steers for the regular
grain ration.
laud, and in fact rearly every part of
the state, is givug this move its
adop'ion looks almost inevitshlii rut
even at that every development ItMge
and commercial organization in the
1 :
s'ate ehouH getb'i-y at orce ard adopt i
rpolotinns for irs fcnn-irirt ur- I f, ! tMl'iy
IHem to the leg -ii-tJre. j
ii :
Jo-es 10 S:
it-. f s during
.'"i :-,;
ki::: l hi r hi
nf 0.
ot i
her late hu-
1. v hi' i:
lie 1-st
,. 1.'. p,
be - .- -.
1 Va '
l!i:- i-
r. '.v
, l.o,
I t
.el. 1
1-1 V
It a railroi i train s wrecKed, the I
o'h ?r pr jperty of the comrxiny is in He I
fjr damages to iniurtd paspet.ger?.
If a sfi'p ih wrecked, t e pr ip-;rty re-
cover? i frim the wrecu is alone liable
to heurp. The steam company
may o n a hundred other ve--t I ul
they tre exempt The Wl ite .Star
Line's 1 ahility for the wre.-k of the I
Titanic is limited to less tlun
though it owns millions ,( i f
other property a-d by passing dividends
for a single year could probably recoup
its loss, even though the Titanic had
not been insured. The insurance makes
good a large proportion of the's
loss, but the passengers h..i their re
latives cannot touch it. Were the in
surance money made a fund for the
compensation of passengers, and, atter
that was exhausted, were til the com
pany's property liable, thipowr.era
would be more careful. The loss of a
ship like the Titanic might cost them
the price of another ship to pav damage
claims. That is the principle govern
ing railroads and there Is no reason
why it should not also govern steam
ships. The local merchant who carries a
large stock of goods for the conven
ience of his patrons and who shoe s the
rignt spirit in buying the produce of
the farmer at prices that will giva the
producer a proHt ia entitled to consid
eration In te way of p'.'ti-v'
!."-. on
Mf. i 1...
v.hen .1... J
C . :if. . . .. .
( .. 1! I
j 1 ;...- . 1
W III hi II. 11
gel 1 .,'-;i
lll't II :i:.e
den' t.,,.
uary 27, and
ttie derate ' :.
;i hi.le t.-i
). l.V.:
'.en ball
ii. i'i ,l
sc. I ir
y o;-e'
ot an I
Kurd. tv. o
1 1 sta'e of
1 i-ui thai
riled her.
the estate
.-"; nor
MiiH.h'ii'.i. p
0.1. ., nil thv br.v, It
f ,'or all the states to
. ; I 1 el 1,1 i,s to ..-:!:
.- h-.'iri.i of the I'.-esi--'
::ir'- Monday, .
a wns sent o ,t
c- 1.; Hie IM'esidi ul o!
it il t . repo'-i .-, were n' t
!: t date. : I;,Iih fail-
ill danger of lo-:iig the.r
lefr-ivi'! i
VOtt .
The "raing bee" stung a number
of maids tunl young men of Redwood
City recently, during the course of a
ball given by the younger set at Odd
Fellows' Ha!, with t he result that,
while the dance was almost broken up
and nnmoious participants left the
hall, the 'Yag-'.lng" kept up until the
vtry end t the affair, and both the
Mayor and Chief of I'oliee. were In
capable of pitting a stop to It.
The wt and dry fight In Sa!!n'::-.
county is continuing 1o grow In bitter
ness. The 1 lilting of the wets a '(".
days ago In i'ajaro, when steps were
taken to begin legal proceedings 1 9 U t
tho constitutionality of the Wyllw
local oid ion act, has only made tho
dryis more b tei inlned that tho man
dale of the people bo carried out. Tin ''
are plahhin.' to contest the moves o?
the wets in the courts at every pi.Int.
In an fr.ji t to check tho f..n ad
of three reported cares of -..-:i!io--in
Kichmoiid, the hoard 01 IW: '" rt
HI. :.....(-.::! '. . jj 4 (iuai-uutiu.
A flower bed tbe writer has arrange. 1
J this year and linds very sati-.factory
i has salvias in the middle, next in the-.-I
three color- of colons alternating niid
lastly a bonier of dusty inihci . The
I finely divided t'lid wh'llish leaves (f the
1 last named plant set off to good ad
1 vantage the bright red flowers of the
salvias and the variegated rf the
' foliage plants.
! The benelichil effect on the be.a'tli fol
; lowing the ti-e of butteniiil!; as a bev
ier.aie 'n due. ;,.-ei, riling to s-ieptists
who ha ." icriije a study of the mutter,
to the iai t that. It contains forms of
bacterial life that redip-e or ib-H oy the
baeteii il liie respon-ilile for putrefac
uvc .roi 1--1 - in ihe Inleslinal trait.
1 wl::- h ere s...d to lie the direct en use of
' senile deiaiV atel e.-u iy death.
j (Coot lulled from ill.", three)
I ko '! I'i t. No 1, Silver Lake, E. Ii.
I Prc AHi : lioad Oi-tri -t No. 4, Crooked
iCruk, S. 1! Chandler: Hon I Dist.
J No. ', North Warner, Frank Koggrs:
: finn'1 Pi.-t. in . 12, Thomas CteeU,
: Creed fendlet .r. : Koad Hi-t No. 13,
I I ake, lj 11. II iveii ; Koad Pint No. I I,
Kctt Ko. k, II C. t.armack.
j In : lu- mutter if ihe Bpfjointment of
17-ri ! .-'open is f..r Knud Hist. No. 11,
I Mr. .1 H. i-o l aving tiled a petition
! for his inn i- toH" t i-igned by Ii9 resi
jdei - if - il district and II. C, Car
I rroe k, b - en hie a petition for his Bp
j pi ietrr.i 1 t sir.p l by 149 residents of
sii i:o 0. I'i tiict. Mr Carrnack
' h h i 1 .. tl incaic-st number i f t-igncra
ir, 1 i i' i : a uppi.ii. lei)
I , . . . 1, -1 ot' the lax Levy for
1 th - vo. "M't. f'er h CMreful exsmin-
at! : . 1 l. . !e pn p; rty 1 f I ftke
' -. . g . . h.:, ., 1. L,y the as
r. .. ' , .. 'j li.e Afc-it'EB-
A fieli of turnips sowel for the pur
pose of giving the fattening steers n
succulent change In their ration Is well taxes are culler-ted the require ! amount
for earn of said funds shall be trans
ft rred from the General r'ur.d in con
for ir i 1 y with law.
The e levies have bet n include'! in
the levy for Countv purposes for the
reason that the clerical exocrine nec
essary lo tlm extensions of each id mid.
levy on the Assissirtnt l!olls ly ti t
County Clerk aid also tho Fc;gregHtiorj
to the diir.-retit funds by the Sherlll",
is saved to the taxpayers of the County.
In the matter ot the report of
County Surveyor and Viewers uppoii.r
ed to survey ai d view the proposed rr.a-l
petitioned for by (. K. Wi'sun, W m. i
Smock and otticra of Hnsd Uistrict,
I-1 ill K IJ-:.- Lots 1J and l i, I'.lk.
Kll V 1. Add to l.akeviou. Mint
S'., N't, and N', SS,, NVi)J M-i1,, Sec
HO Tp 41. Kange 111 K. Kd.l.HrMti,
Ho l.'7'i, Axpen, ('old. J.'lll .11
Oepart meat of the Iiilerior, I 'lilted
Htates 1,ind Olllee, l.nkeviww. Or j.;on,
Jan. 'i'l. l!i:.
To ie"irgH M, Aisled, i,f uiikio.'.vu
address, Co iteMtee :
You a re hereby notified that .luii
C. Meyer, who given Fort. Kock. Otck
on, ih his post olllee ad.ireHx, ilnl on
Dec 2th Ml 2. file in this office Ills dtilv
cotri-iboraleil n ppllc i t Ion to cutile-t
and rtH-ure the cancellation of your
1 1 uiie -tend, Knfry No. Serial
No. lo-tde April 12, Mil), fur
SK1, S'-ei ioti .'to, T:- ni-hlii 27 South,
Kanyt. 17 ICast, W'illaiwel fe Meridian,
and ns grotltnlH for Ills t-ootest. he
alleges that You have wholly aband-
your aliHWer. under OHtlt, Mpecitlcallv
meeting and rcHponillnir lo these al
legation of content, or if yml fall
tv'thln that time to file In this office
-lie proof that yon have set veil a
eopvofyotir annwi-r on the aid coti
tcHtaut eltt.rr in er.toii or by ri-gm-lered
until, rt this t-ervlce i made hy
thi'dell ery of a copy of your wntwer
I to the coulchtatit In rum, oraul 11I
j hucIi service must b,- l it her I he said
ci.nte-tniit'H wruti 11 i know leilmneiit
!,f bis recel;it of the co-, thowillg
! I be 1 bile id Irs n ce p', or t ie a llldavl t
j of the pel n .11 by whom 1 I t-delivery
i ivm inn le still log u ii -11 and here I lie
I copy as de I vereil ; if 10 1 b- bv regiH
I tered mull, proof of H-ei wr Ice must
j.'oiiMiMt of t he Hllida v it of I be person
j iiv Vth nu the copy llialleil Htat-
I loif when and (he n t .fll.-i' to which
I It wis iiialieil, aud til)- alhilavlt liiUMt
, In- acci 1 in 1 si 11 b-il by i he pout in.inter'H
j rts-eipt 'or t h- let ler.
ion Hhoiild state In votir answer
the lliitni' of the p .Hlolfice to W hlcll
011 ih-hiie future le it ices to lie sent to
i Oil.
A. W. imTO.N. Iteglater.
Jhlte of l.-tvt publication .Ihii. ltd, Mht
" Mi'coinl Feb. II, MI'l
" " third " l-Vli. V, MM
" loiirth " heli. 20, MI'l
To 1"
I 1 foil .
O. 'I'opplti. Iiibcrllnnce left.
Write lo I). V. I'.rlchoiix.
l.ii 11 Anile, liegun.
Jan :':wt,
No. 12. Th2 report rr t being BHMgncti
by both of the viewers, the sarre is
hereby continued.
In thn matter of fhs position of
('oii'ity 1'hysiciiin :
is is hereby onlered that the position
of Cout.ty rny-ician bg and the same
ia hereby abolished.
In the mutter of the cMirmi against
lake County: the following claims
v( re examined, ullowtd. and warrants'
ordered drawn i,s piov ioeit bv law in'
payment of the same as follows, to-1
wit:, I
To Im paid out of the Ccr;ertil lb ad!
IJan Chandler, read work ?' (i0 i
1j. S. Airhwoi'th, n:pplies for !
Iload iJist. No. .", 15 45 I
s. A. id ushen, survey county road I
P1. ''
ttf syiitnihy hrtwwii in out-int-ii.
Talk hurst' Id 11 Invrr of
111 lust lili inl mill lif bv
romrs , mirs. U'e 1ilk lmvm to
mi'ii who cire fur tin' comfort
iiml niinnritin-i' of t ln lr liorsi'M.
t'miii' mill lltvti u littlo. Il'ti
vmi hitrrt'st you lu morv tli.111
0110 wny.
1 ivmrnU
4 r?c?'"'"r -..T'-i' r"" T-'T
W -t'-nr':,n:i
. j
Loyal ty In Piano Retailing
Forty-six yenrs of piixno selling in one family stands
for sonivthintf
IT STANDS for Relmhilitv
IT STANDS for Snthfnction
FT STANDS for Fiilc in liusincss
IT STANDS nlso for Durable Pianos and
Players at Fair Prices