f IF IT COSTS MORE TO LIVE IT COSTS MORE TO OVERLOOK THE ADVERTISEMENTS mfmm HUN Things cost more, opportuni ties to buy ccono micallynrcworth more. No house ...... wife in this city, w h o feels and knows t he slighest hardship on account ol high prices, can afford to remain blind to the weekly opportunities of sav ing offered to her by the ad vertising merchants. These alive merchants are often able, through effecting quick and large sales of an article, to cut the selling price to very nearly cost price. The housewife should see that when tlu-v do this the volume of quick sales will always re pay them. Watch Hxamincr Ads week by .week. It pays. Lake County Examiner COURT PROCEEDINGS 1 un,y SurfCior of Lake County' re Kon, with ('recti Pendleton, Sr., and R. Continued from A. i'axton, aa vieweri, be and they are and that the roree1lnii are regular hrrety appointed to view, aurvey and and in conformity with law: It in report to thia Court their findings bb hereby ordered that S. A. Mm hen, to the mod proponed road, and that 'l"'fi! rl I 1 1 ll 1 1 IIP1 4 I "lira WmP-C "I Got This Fine Pit: 2 Willi Liggett & Myers Duke's Muiturc" All kinds of men Kiiii'ke lnke's !itiiu in nil kind of iupcb s well as in cigarettes mi.t 1 !u nil tlir vime dory. Tbey like the gc uuuu , i..ilui'l 'u! .u eu tate of apv . si Choice bright lrf tigcd to mellow mildness, cart-fully stemmed and thru Kruiiulnti'd every Krln pure, liif.li -frrain lofoarco that's tvlint yon the Liggett 5f Ayets Duke's Mixture suck. You K''t one and a ha'f miner of thia pure, mi III, delightful tolmcco, iinsiirpMssed in tiiuhty, fur ic and with each tack you gut a book nf pupcr ft. Now About the Free Pipe Ine.vtiTX ftovkot Lhggttt Mvri Ouke'a Mixture we now park coupon. You enn exchange these coupons fur a pipe or for many other vnliinhln and useful articles, Thv.su presents cost not one penny There is Koiurthiiir fir every ineiutier of the fmnily bkutes, ciitclirr's fjlovefi, tennis mckets. cm morns, toilet articles, auit cases, ciines, uiuhrellas, and doxen of other tilings. Just send us your inline ami address on a postal anil ar, a iprctal offer daring Jan uary and February 4ny w will :nd you our new illvtratej cata logue of prettnlt FREE of any chargt. ('pen tip a sack of bigg.lt ku s Mm mm pi i I . rr rrjs"T i "j. f "H'lWiCy JJ 4' My.n Duki xture today. l'tntrtm ttom utt't Aft nut mav b. atrd in 'r -t (torn HORSE SHOE, J. T.. TINSIKY S NATURAL LEAF. GRANGER TWIST. a;l Coupon irem FOUR kOSFS (M In li .fit ceuton). PII K Hl.Ui CUT, PlEI'.MONT CIGA. RETTKS, t UX CIGAKE I I t 3, ami Premium Drot. o alii k1 I St. Louit, Mo. Vnlffflf WW they meet at the Court House In Lake view, Oregon, on the dav of , 1913, at the hour of nine o'clock, a.m. or up on their failure to meet on aald day then to meet within Ova days there after and then and there to quallfv and Immediately, thereafter to aurvey, view and report upon aald propoeed road. Coort adjourned to meet January 8, 1913, at nine o'clock, a. m. County Judge. In the County Court of the Stata of Oregon, for Lake County, Friday, Jan uary 3. 1013. Court convened pursuant to adjourn ment with aame officer! present, when the. following proceedings were bad, tow it: In the matter of selecting a news paper to print the County Court pro ceedings for the vear 1913, The Lake County Examiner being the only news paper filing a liat vf bonaflde auhscrib era aa by law required; It is hereby ordered that the Lake County Examiner be, and it la hereby selected as the newspaper to print the proceedings of the Cojnty Court for the year 1 13. In the matter of the petition of E. B. Brewer, P. A. Cruher, W. IK West and others of Silver Lake, and J. 'I'. Rhoton, N. Kemtrey, A, Hauren and others of Kort Rock, asking that a aur vey be made of the Stiver-Summer Lake Mountain In order that a better publia road may be made over aucb moantain : It is hereby ordere I that Mr. E. K. Henderson, of Silver Lake, be and he is hereby appointed to make a survey of sail mountain for the purposes of locat ing the tiest possible route for a county road between Silver Lake and Summer Lake, and to file a report of his find ings witti the County Clerk. Court adjourned to meet January, 4, 1913 at nine o'clock, a. m. County Judge. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lake County, Saturday, January A, 1913. Court convened pursuant to adjourn ment with same officers present, when the following proceedings were had to-wit : In the matter of the tax levy to pay Interest on bunded debt of School Dist ricts who have failed to make a levy in conformity with law. The Countv Treasurer in compliance with sections 4052 ot L.U.L. of the code, has certified o this court that the follow ng School Districts have failed to irmke the nec essary tax levy to pay interest on the bonded debt towit : School District No. 1, New Pine Creex, O egon, and that it will requite a tax levy of 3 12 mills to raise sulli eient money to psy in said interest. It is hereby ordered that a tax levy nf three and one-half millc he and it is hereny levied on all ot the taxable properly in School District No. 1, New I'lne Creek, Oregon, for the purpose of paying the interest on the bonded dibt of naid School District. School Dittrict, No. 18 of Plush, Oregon, and that a tax levy of one tenth of one mill will be neceFsary to raine sufficient money to pay the inter est on the bonded deb', of said district. It in hereby ordered that a tax levy of one-tenth of one mill be and the same is hereby levied on all of the tax able property of School District No. 18, of Plush, Oregon, for the purpose ol ruining money to pay the interest on the bonded debt of said School Dixtrirt. In the matter of claims ugainst Lake County : The following claims were examined, allowed and wairunts ordereil drawn in the manner providen by law in pay ment ot the fame as follows, towit: To be paid out of the General Fund of the County : T. V. Hall bh county 1'Ii.vflcian 11 W C. A. Ki'luirt nilary and inlle ii m' as county coniinUsioucr 4'i (ill The claim of L. N. Firestone for aBKiatir.g Electioon Board at Fott Rock precinct, ia hereby disallowed for the reason that it is not u legal charge auainft Lake Ci unty. Court adjourned to meet January C, lii Hi at nine o'clock a. m. County Judge. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Luke County, J Monday, January ti, 1913. Court convened pursuant to adjourn ment of January 4, 1913, with the lol lowing officers j resent: lion. B. Daly, County Judge: T. B. Waketield. and F. E. Anderton, 'ounty Commissioner ;F. VV. Payi.e, Cvumy Clerk; fend W. B. Snider, bhcnlf; when the following proceedings were had ti-wit: In the matter of the Genernal Road l''und the General Road Fund being exhausted, and in order that the war rants drawn ugaiutt said Fund must be paid: It is hereby ordered thut the County Treasurer be and he Is hereby directed to transfer the Hum of SiiOO from the General Fund to ta Uuneral Koaa Fund. In the matter of the recent law which provides that tiie delinquent Tux Lift ahull be published for four suc cessive limes in the official newtpuper where the property is located. This law pus-nd by ihu l.teixiutive Assembly ot 191 1, requiring that the delinquent 'IVx list i-IihII l.u publish. u for four mice, phivo time i'i tt-e official newspaper of t.io Canity wlieie the property U locate 1 ia an unjust law, for the reason that it plsces an unnec essary burden of expense upon the ownera of property. It la particularly unlust to the taxpayers of Lake County, because much of the delinquent Tax Llati on propertv known aa the Oregon Vallay Town Lota. There are 14000 of these Lota in Lake County, and their value la ao small that the total tai on each lot la only Twenty-six oents, a turn tarely sufficient to pay the necessary expenaea of making the assessment and collect- 1 Ing the taxea there on. I The expense of publishing the del Inouent tax notice for each of these ) lota la forty cents, nearly twice the amount if the tax and owing to the small value and aize of these lots, it la doubtful of the tax will be paid on any great number of them, ao that the county will not only hve to bear the expense of making the assessment but will also have to pay for the publica tion of the delinquent noticea. In order, therefore, that the burden of tbia unnecessary expenae may be re moved from the taxpavera of the County, the County Court of Lake County, would recommend and earnest ly urge that our Representativea In the Legislature use everv honorable meana to repeal this law, and re-enact the for mer law, in reference to delinquent taxes, which was so just to the tax payers and so equitable to the owners of property upon which the taxea te came delinquent. In the event the law cannot be repeal ed, then it should be amended ao as to except from its provisions all property having a valuation of Fifty Dollars or less. The County Clerk ta hereby directed to send certified a copy of thia recom-1 mentation to our Senator, the Hon. W. Lair Thompson, and one copy to each of our Kepreeenta ivis, the Hon. W. O. Smith and the Hon. Vernon A. Forbes. Dated at Lakeview. Oregon, January fith, 1913. Court adjourned to meet January 7, 1913 at nine o'clock a. m. County Judge. In the matter of the annual exam ination of the County Records. In order that the official work of the county "Hirers of Lake County and the examination of the books of said County officers, heretofore made ty the County Court, be checked up and thoroughly scrutinized for the past year. It is hereby ordered that H. A. Brat tain, V. L. Snelling and H. M. Fleming be and they are hereby ap pointed as a committee to make a thor ough examination of all matters per taining to the officials duties of all County officers of said Lake cotinty, to check up all examinations of the county records heretofore made bv the County Court, and hie a report ot its findings with the County Clerk, which report shall be published for the information of the people of Lake County. The said coiummittee to meet at the Court House on Wednesday, 15th day of January 1913. In tne matter ot claims against Lake County, The following claims were examined, allotted and warrants ordered drawn in the manner provided by law, in payment of the same, as follows, toit. To be paid out of the General Road Fund of the County. U. A. l'axton for viewing road 4 00 Rim Striplln for chain bearer on aurvey of county road 2 50 W. P. Dykeman team hire for road viewers dlHt. No. 1 6 00 Woodcock & Leonard repair ol road toola ete 15 00 To be paid out of the general Hud of the county : J. H. Auten for rup;illcs 29 00 II . .S. C'ro ker for office sup pi lea 30 Examiner r'ul). Co. publlflilnj; delinquent tax lint etc 20:W 00 Town nf Paili room rent for prinmry and general electioiirt 10 00 Snyder St KcyuoMs for office supplies 1 50 Lakeview Transfer Co. freight and tl ravage 5 48 ArstitT Bro. lor tiupplica. . . . ti 2T In the Oo"ty Court for the State of Oregon for Lake County, Tuesday, January 7, 1913. Court convened pursuant to adjourn ment of January 6, 1913 withsnme offi cers present. There being no matters ready for consideration on this date Court adjourned to nuet Jai.uary 8, 1913 at nine o'clock, a. m. County Judge. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Lake County, Wednesday, Jan. 8, 1913. Court convened pursuant to adjourn en.enl of January 7, 1913 with aame officers pr sent, when the following pro ceedings were had towit: In the matter of appointment of Road Supervisors for Luke County, Oregon: It is hereby ordered that the follow ing persons be und they are herer v ap pointed Koa.i Supervisors for the scv end Uoiid Histricia of Lake tiiuty, Oregon, to-wii : t'otitimio I on ini four BhiicIi fur anli l"iil acre on t'liiiia1 I'rnite. l."Hi cords wood; yood hlienrliK' o ii-hIm: Itii-e liou-e, 1 art: and out liilildiutts, Adriri'H Aua Mel 'lUili'is, Lakeview, Oregon. A 29 Lakeview Saddlery Acomplete Uneof wagon and baggy barnesii whips, robra, blta, riatft, pura,quiltft, roae ettea, etc., etc. Everything In th line of carriage and borne furnlah Inga. Repairing by competent men. THE BEST VAQUERO SADDLE ON THE MARKET AHLSTROM & GUNTHER, Props. Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM ANNA RIVER IRRIGATED LANDS Productiveness demonstrated by growing crops. Lands surround new town of Spring River. Best in vestment In Lake County Dodson Realty Company LAKEVIEW - OREGON iw , j JtV.-JLm -L'J lift I See For Yourself what ynu are pettlox ia the iiifHt line the klnil. the cutt ing, the weight. The more yoa t-ee, the Iwtter you will like it, because the better you will be nutlstird. Well enough to leave it to a servant most times, but fu-e fur yourself once in a while. We have on hand every good thing in the meat line. 'iiVX " Lakeview MeaL Market HAYES & GROB. props THE LAKEVIEW ABSTRACT & TITLE CO, ABSTRACTS TO ALL REAL PROPERTY IN LAKE COUNTY, OREGON Our Complete Tract Index Insures: Accuracy, Promptness and Reliability Such an Indes is the ONLY RLL1 BLE e.vateni from which an Abstract can be made, nhowlny all defects of title. We Also Furnishi fZfsr H. W. MORGAN, Manager, LAKEVIEW, OREGON POSTOFFICE BOX 243 PHONE 171 NEVADA-CALIFORNIA-OREGON RAILWAY Daily Service Reno to Lakeview Except Sundays No. 1 Arrives Lakeview at 8:35 P. M. No. 2 Leaves Lakeview at 7:05 A. M. Daily Except Sunday Vullmau & Uuffett Service between Lakeview and Keno C. W. CLASS, AGENT :: LAKEVIEW, OREGON t You'll Like This Malted Milk because it is free from that objectionable sweet taste and "tang" generally found in most brands. All Malted Milks, however, are not alike. BORDER'S Malted Milk IN THE SQUARE PACKAGE . different. It cotislits of rich, creamy milk, with extracts vf wheat and barley maltiion-alcoholic,;iiid In powdered form), ready for instant use by simply adiiluif water. The 'objecthinahle "tang" bring removed, linrdcn's Muhed Milk possvusrs a distinctive tippet u flavor. You'll re member the plesaul t.iste. Hi BORDEN'S Malted Milk imli aaANO HAS MO EQUAL BomnftCwwoeiDHiiJiCQ MW"U Oct Free Trial 1; fUrljie Hook '.' :ige ami Unusual Your Druggist THORNTON DRUG STORE