HAS THE CIRCULATION- PRINTS THE NEWS- REACHES THE PEOPLE THE EXAMINER IS VOL. XXXIV. ANTLERS CLUB FORMED ORGANIZATION WILL HAVE A MEMBERSHIP OF FIFTY Opening and Dedication of the New Herybrd Building Will Be Celebrated by a Grand Public Ball The Aetlera Club perfected organiz ation Tuesday evening and it ia export ed that the Uitrtera in the Heryford llroa. building mill be occupied about March 1. The permanent ofllcera choaen were K. I. Cronemiller, presi dent; Dr K. li. Smith, vice -president; A. I.. 'Ihornton. rcrretary-trcasurer, and V. F. Grob and Col. F. I. Light, member of the board of managers, the other member of the board being the president, vice president and erre tary. The board of marager will have the management of the club and they will noon formulate the plana upon which the rluli ia to be conducted. It in etprrtod that there will bo a char ter membi rrhip of nearly M, ami that number will probably be increased very materially during the next three month. The pumped dance to be giien by the club will probably not take placj for at leaKt a couple of weeks, f r it ia desired to have the buil ling pract ically completed, lighting plant and elevator inatalled, and everything in rcariiness LEGISLATURE IS BREAKIMRECORD Second Week Sees Much Business Finished at Salem t'robnbly the most important event during the week's activities was the formal election in the legislature of Dr. HHrry l.nne of l'ortland a United State Senator from Oregon to succeed Jonulhun lluurru. Thia an urcording to Statement No. 1 waa merelv carry ing out the wixhea of the people, aa they virtuHlly elected Lane at the gen eral election laBt Fall. Hie House billa that have already been acted upon and passed IIih. body are : II. B., fi. by Carpenter Repealing an old law providing that the Governor may publish the Ihws of the state relat ing to the collection of monev due it. II. It., 10, by Koriatrom Repealing a law providing that when a county hiis no County Clerk, the clerk of the County Court shall discharge his duties. Seven bills were also passed by the House in one day. Most of these billa were introduced just aeven days before their passage. Two of thcin repeal dead section of the statute, two others Hmending existing laws, one abolishes the ollice of State Land Commissioner, another providea tor inspection by the State Hoard of Health of all public and private sanitariums, and another relieves circuit ludgea of the neces sity of reading statutes in toto. The Senate acted upon the bill for creating a legal holiday of Lincoln' birthday. Their vote makes thia a Continued on ptiKt' eight Catholic Lectures Lectures on Keligious topics for ec" uciited people. Begin' Ing from next Weonesday evening, Feb. 6, there will be given a licturo every Wednesday evening in the Catholic church. Lec ture begin at 8 p. m. sharp and the following subjects will be scientifically and logically treaed ; On Feb. fi, Does God exitt and what la (here of religion? Feb. 12, Haa man a aoul and ia it lm rriortal? Feb. 2(1, Doea reason oppo.e faith and what necessity of revelation? March fi, Are the bible and the script ures to be held as authentic? March 12, la Jesus Christ a divine person?, March 19, Why am 1 a Catholic? Msr"h 21, Passion of our Lord and reason of our triala and sufferings. Nun Catholic cordially invited. Rev. F. F. Kern. for the inapection of the public wben the danre takea place. It will in way be a joint dedication of the building and the organization of the Antlera Club at the aame time. The club atarts out under moat ana picioua circumntf nceu, and the member chip promise to be mu"h greater than waa expected. The club ia purely a aocial organization, and ita main ob ject ia to make life worth the living during hour of reat and leisure and to promote good fellowship. The rooma will be equipped with cany chairs, rouchea, ami the like, and will also pro vide amutu iicnt in the way of card andbilliurd tables, realing matter, etc. The ballroom will be especially at tractive with ita rnxple floor ai d dee oration. 1'ractirally every convenience haa been provided by the Herytord Kroi., there being waiting and dredg ing room for ladies, in addition to those provided for the uno of the club member and the quartern aa a whole w ill compare favorably with those in the large cities. ASUS TO CHANGE NAMEOF VALLEY Sain Says Name Crook- ed Creek Valley Is a Misnomer Summer Luke Dyke, Vaisley, Oreg on. Jan. 21. (To the editor) I have received many inquiries from people who want to know if I found the watch I lost tnc day Mr. Mallery and I stop ped to take photographs on Crooked crenk. and one of these comes from as far as Lawrence, Kansas. J. L. Rat lifT writes from that city, saying he is the owner of two 40-a ere tracts in that section. He alao wished to know the length and width of the valley. Is the land good for farming? Is the valley settled? 1b there any prospect of a railroad? First let me say Mr. Moss found my watch on the return trip. Next 1 would like to suggest that we change the name of Crooked Creek to ChHndlcr vallev. Mv principal reason for this iB that the old name detracts from the commercial importance of one of the prettieht end most fertile valleys in the state of Oregon. Crooked creek is u misnomer; it sig nifies nothing. The valley is a straight line for eighteen miles, and besides Crook oounty bus already ap propiated the name of Crooked to ore of ita streams. I am indebted to Dr. Duly for the name of Chandler Valley, or ruther the two of ua devieed it together. What could be more appropriate t an 1 1 is tribute to an old settler who has lived in this valley fortv years? In his home stands the Jim Hill silver cup for the best general farm display in the inter mountain country, and the products were all grown in ChaniWer Valley. Chandler Valley la bound to become 'celebrated as offering the most avail able route for a north and south rail road through Antlers pass. To mv I mind the prospects for this railroad I are very bright. I The ptople I am representing have 'appropriated all the surplus flood water in Chandler Vulley. Our cngin j eers will make the surveys and esti 'mates next month, and if the expend 'la warranted we will build iittonge (reservoir to con-erve all tins water (that now goes to wuste. I This H why we wi-h Ut iio nwav witu i the old name. Hut we tu;i l ot n.i Hit 1 without tiiu en opvi utimi ot (liu roMil 'cnlsofthat vulley, Hnd oaujci tl'y of Continued on Vugo Higlit THE OFFICIAL RARER OF LXE COUNTY LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUNTY, RAILROAD RUMORS STILUNTIIE AIR Reported That Hill Will Enter San Fran cisco Soon More railroad talk that la worthy of reading la In the following Interview which appear in the Lassen Advo ete. In conversation with Issan Knoch, who came up from the city Mondav, It I learned that agent and higher ocffiial of the Western Facilie a well, are completely disgusted with con dition aljng the line of that road. Mr. Knoch had seme tal ' with one who is in a position to know and from him received information that Mill ia com ing down through this section aoon, and the logical conclusion ia that the Western Pacific, disgusted and crippled by Ita expensive "sccnla joute" through I'lumas uountv, will meet the northern road Bot.e where in Honey Lake valley. Hill may be depended upon to hnd a way when he get ready to build, and from certain indication the chances seem to favor the entrance into Honey Lake valley down the Fiute creek. The Western Pacific cut-off will give him as direct a route to San Franuscs from the point of connection as he could find anywhere, and permit him to get to San Francisco much quicker thin he could by goinjT to Doyle over the narrow gJugo lines to a connection at that point. EMBODYlClES VALUABLE HIDE Accldentaly Kills a Silver G rey Fox N ear Silver Lake Silver Lake Leader: One night last week, at the sawmill. Jack Embody ! was awakened by the howling of coy ! otes and the barking cf dogs, tbey kept up such a race that he finally be came so disgusted that he got up and opened the. w in. low and took a shot at the bunch, which was congregated about 100 yards distant. All hut one of tne marauders quickly dispressed and Jack went baca to bed and peace ful slumbers. In the morning he went out to see what he had killed. He found it was a dark gray animal different from anything he had ever seen. Several of the mill hands -had gathered around and were inspecting the strange animal, finally one of them offered Jack S10 for the pelt, which wai promptly refuted. Someone In the crowd pronounced it a silver grav fox, which proved to be correct. Jack is a luckv fell w, as the silver gray fox, ia worth about $1,000 at the pres ent lime. There is ulso a gooJ moral to, this storv shoot at all the howiing dogs around at night, you may get a silver, gray fox or you may kill a worthless cur. RUMORED CHANGE IN MAIL SERVICE Mails Would Be One Day Later After Feb ruary 1st Postmaster Ahlstrom ha received advioe from the chief clerk of the Railway Mail Service at Son Francisco that commencing February 1. 1913, and continuing until Auril 15. service in Lakeview and Reno Kailroud Postoffice trains 1 and 2: will be performed daily except Sunday between Reno and Altura8 only. It la reported that owing, to the ehiirge in weather conditions that this cliHi'ge, is not likiiy to go into effect, us it in I elieied lleN.-C.-O. upplied for the ihM ge durii g the htavy snow period. However, in the evert it becomes effective this will n.nl e our tti'il ser vice the swine i s lnft year when train run to Aliuru in e day and lo Lakeview ti e foilowng i1 y. 'I ria would give us mall on Sucilay but t one en Monday, inakii g Ihe liiuhle mail ei mo Tuesday OREGON, JANUARY 30, 1913. BANK QUARTERS ARE CONVENIENT Safety Deposit Boxes In sure Protection for Valuables The First National Bunk and Lake County Loan and Savings Bank are now rntniorihbiy artiu-led in the en larged qu iriern in the Firt National Bank b .i ing on the corner of Water and Ctnier Street a. A Urge archway ha been cut be tween the room of the old bank stand and where the postoffice wat located, whi'-h gives a large and roomy office for both b-i' ks with aeparate teller' windows. Entrance may be gained by patron from one room to another through a pa sage just outsioe the. rail ing of tl e ollice. The vault for public safety deposit boxes i t-ituateil in the rear on the aide of the Savings bank and can be en tered without going through the office. These boxes are arranged with two locks, the le'ee having one key while the bank retains the other, thus insur ing tib-nlute privacy as well as against ever carelessly leaving the box unlock ed. Later a booth will be provided in front of the deposit vault for the ben efit of i u torpers. The new fixtures and furniture that has been installed adds to the conven ience of the place as well as t' e attract ion and the institution speak well for the enterprise of its officials. EAST MeTIOTDS BIG RABBIT HUNT Losing: Side Furnishes an Oyster Supper to Vic tors and Families The rabbit hunt on the east side of the lake ended last Saturday The time of the hunt was confined to one week, with boundary of terriatory to be hunted as follows : north, Lake?eiw : west, railroad track: south, Deter ranch. The losing side funrished oyster supper to the winners and their famil ies. Following is a line up of the winning side and the number of rabbits each killed: Steve Down, captain 119, Ralph Vernon 101, Rill Verron 65, Rob Coggburn 8, G rover Ver:.on 53, Jock Vernon 73, Wiiliard Vernon IX), Ira McCoul 10, George Down 50, Price Vernon 20, Charley Mahan 13, E. Smalley 1. Frank Vernon, 6, Iv an Bode 1, Russell Ross 9, R. K. Funk, Tom Little, Jim Duke, I. Eeccleston and Bill Powell 0. Total 579. Losing Side: George Deter, captain, 58, Sam Cogburn 68, Tom Studley 57, Frank Deter 57. Clyde Coggburn 3, Fred Ross Sr. 25, Flint Verron 09, Fred Rosa 23, Ed IJartzog 81, George Ha rrircton 12, Fied SOierrard 13, An drew Deter 13, E. R. Patch 81, Earl Copghurn r.1, Jud Mierrard Id, Jim Powell 11. Kota Duke 5, O. rratt, Max Bode and Charley Pratt 0, Total 549. TRAIN SCHEDULE TO BECHANCED Possible That Daylight Run Will Be Made 'From Alturas A "hange in the time schedule of tne N.-C.-O. ia announced to take effect Saturday of this week. While Agent Class has not as yet received a copy of the time table it ia unJertsood that Lakeview ia to be given a daily train instead of the present service cf six times a week. The time of nrrivul ia 11 :30 a. m., while the ieavirg time is 12 o'clock p. m. Trains will stop over tugr.t at Alturas. This change ia prob auly made necessary by tne soft con dition ot the nad bed in many place hich m..ki x it dangerous to operate trains bl'm daik, ll is pitaumtd that thiough trains w ill be operated again between here and Keno just as'Foon na the roadbed becomes settled in the Spring. night. Ci'tgoag mail would Pedis puiched every day excepting Saturday. GOOD ROADS SPORTED LEGISLATIVE MEMBERS SEEK AD VICE ABOUT IMPROVEMENT Judge B. Daly Suggests Highway Legislation That Would Be of Broad Benefit Urges State Aid for Roads Ihe Question of good roads ia one of t.e uppermost In the present Legislative aeaaion, and it appeara as if some aort of legislation tending to the betterment of our highway I sure to be enacted. However, there seems to be a woeful lack of knowledge among some of the member a to wbat would be iust and equitable, and there fore the following letter from County Judge Daly in response to a fetter from Hon. W. Irving, member of the House comittee on Roads and Highways I of especial interest. It sets forth fully and clearly just wbat is needed in the way of legislation in order that the whole State, especially tbe sparsely settled portions may be developed rapidly by the aid of good roads. Tbe lettr to Mr. Spencer follows: "Dear Sir: Replying to your letter of the 17th inst., relative to the pro posed law providing State aid for County Roads, I beg to inform you that I am in favor of State aid for the puroose of building County roadi, be cause through State aid all of the SWAMP LAND BILL PASSED OVER VETO As Explained, Power Is New Inn Has All Conven Vested With State ! iences For an Ideal Land Board I Pleasure Resort Tbe Oregonian of January 24 gives the following explanation of Senator Thompson's vetoed bill regarding swamp lands, which was recently pass ed by tbe House and senate notwith standing the veto of the Governor in 19tl: The bill provides that tbe State Land Board, for and in bebalf ot the State of Oregon, is authorized to enter into contracts with persons or incorporations for the drainage of any lakes, marshes or swamps lying within tbe state, or for the drainage of that part whicb is in the state of any lake, marsh or swamp lying partly in Oregon or partly in another etate. It alio provides for the reclamation of lands forming the beds of or sub merged bv any such lakes, marshes or swamps and for the sale of such drain ed lands to the persons or corporations whtcb drain and relcaim the same. The bill in itself does not automatic ally operate to deprive the state or any individual of such lands,- but it gives to the State Land Board full and discretionary power to take such action as it desiies toward entering into con tracts tor such drainage and reclama tion. It is not particulary directed to ward any particular lake, such as Warner Lake or Anderson Lake, but includes all the lands in the state. There is a vast chain of lakes in Southern ana K'aatern Oregon which would come within tbe meaning of this bill. . Around their shores are valuable lands which are now considered prac tically worthless, but which, under the operation of the till, should it be come a law over the veto of the Gov ernor, would furnish great and inval uable resource for the State of Oregon. The bill makes further important provision that all of tbe money that snail be received by the State Land Board under its provisions shall be paid to the State Treasurer and be placed by him in tbe common school fund. Through tbe operation of the till large suma of money would be diverted into tne common school fund at tbe same time that now undeveloped re sources of the stale would be optnuu up and placed under the p ooesa of development. NO. 5 taxable property of the State will share equally in the expense of constructing and maintaining the public highways, while under the provisions of tbe pres ent law, all property situated in incor porated town is exempt from a road tax, su, that the agricultural, horticul tural livestock and timber interests pay the entire cost of building and maintaining tbe public highways of Oregon. But the method which voor Committee proposes, for appropriating to each County a flat sura of 110,000 to be raised by a State tax, lack every element of justice and equity, because the rive Counties of Crook, Harney, Klamath, Lake and Malheur, contain almost one hlx of the entire area of tbe State, and while these counties have nearly one half of the total mileage of tbe County road in Oregon, they would only receive $50,000, and the other 29 Counties, with only aboot one half of the State's area, would get $290,000. The mere statement of these facta should be sufficient to convince Continued on page eight LAKEVIEW PARTY VISITS FAIRPORT The first step to bring tbe Fair port Inn. since its opening, in connection with Lakeview from a pleasure stand point was made last Saturday night when about twentv people went down ) from here and enjoyed tbe evening in Ihe trip was made in two bob sleds each having four horses for motive power. The party left Lakeview at four o'clock in tbe afternoon, reach ing the Inn about eight in the evening. Upon arrival the guests were seated to a sumptuous dinner which had been prepared under the able supervision of Host J. N. Ford. Tbe dinner which consisted of three courses was very nicely gotten up and served in a most credible manner. V. U. Snelling, tbe affable mayor ot Fairport, was there to assist in looking out tor the crowd, in a manner in which only he knowns how to do. The new Inn is elegantly equipped with all necessities and many luxuries for the guests, and its capable manage rs nt, UDon this occasion, showed that guests are assured all the comforts of life. Mr. Chas. Gott of Lakeview and Mrs. Bradley and Mrs. Parsor.s, ot Fairport, who played tbe piano alter nately, furnished the muBic for dancing. Each of the visitors pronounced tbe affair to be one of the most pleasant incidents of their life and left with tbe avowed declaration of repeating the trip at the first opportunity. Pen Did Not Look Good Two rabbit drives were held Tues day near tbe Hopkins ranch where tb pen waa set Sunday at which over 1300 I more of the pests were destroyed. Another drive will be held Sunday at I the same place, the crowd meeting at the Hopkins place at eleven o'clock. The rabbit drive Sunday west of town had all appearances at the. atnrt of being the most auocessfuil of tbe season until the animal were herded in near the mouth of the peo when they deliberately Htampedeo and hundred of them succeeded in forcing their way through the crowd, making their encape. It is estimated that nearly 5U0O rabbits were euituundud but tbe Snal count showed that less than 1000 bad been killed.