Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 23, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 4
Paisley Is Only UnefTected
Line Leading to
The storm of the past week pat til
line of travel out of eommliilon, with
the exception of the Palaley line, al
though N.-C-O. train were practical
lr on time with the exception of one
day. The Weatern and Pluah line
were tied up for two daya, that la ao
far aa Inoomlng maila were concerned,
and the driver had a fierce oil time.
The torm i aaid to have been the
wont ever experienced in Warner, and
It waa aimply impossible for a team to
face the atorm on Friday and Saturdav
morning. Maila are now being carried
by pack hore on that route, and unlet
a road I broken immediately that eee
tlon of Lake county will be practically
cut off from Lakeview until apring. In
tiiuch a once a trail ia broken it wil
be almost impoibla to get a team
sheep on desert
8. B. Chandler Is Moving:
Hie Flocks In
To Feed
The atnrms of tho pant week have
cauaed more or tea uneaiinea among
sheepmen. It being reported that anow
tin fallen In many place on the deaert
from tlx to eighteen Inches In depth.
One of 8. If. ChanOler'a camp ten
der a few days ego came In from the
camp near'Juniper mountain'and report
ed condition a very serious, and Mr.
Chandler at once made preparation to
ward bringing hi eheep to hi Abert
lake ranch, where he ha a large
amount of hay. If the snow i a deep
hi reported, it will be necessary not
only to break a trail but to haul feed to
the aheep while on the way to the
ranch. Mr. Chandler has a large
amount of b,aled hay for iut such an
emergency, and It will be hauled out to
the sheep.
Other sheepmen are not 10 fortunate
ly eitUHted a ia Mr. Chandler, and it id
feared that in eome instance the loss
will be quite heavy
Register Orton Prepares
Information Letter on
Land Conditions
The II. S. Land Office at thia place
daily receive many letter asking
for information, and Hon. A. W. Orton,
register, has prepared the following
circular letter in answer thereto:
Replying to your letter of recent
date, there i about 4,(X0,000 aorea of
unappropriated unreserved public land
in thia district. About one-tenth ia
timber, two-tenths mountainous, seven
tentn agricultural and grazing land.
Practically all aurveved timlor l.nda
are entered.
We cannot describe in detail the eoil
and climate throughout the district, as
that variea a great deal. Largely the
climate la mild and the soil good.
Grains, vegetable and fruit common
to the temperate zone at thia altitude,
can be profitably raised. Much of
tho land is suitable fur dry-farming or
grazing. Thia ia a great stock country.
Average rail fall ia about ID inches.
Altitude at Klamalh Fall ia 4000
Lakeview 4725 which Is about the aver
age. Do not have cyclones, tund storm
or flood. Water la aenerally good.
This office cannot give advice aa to
the best place to locate a homestead,
desert land or timber land aa we do
not know the character of the land nor
what wo ild auit you. A personal ex
amination of the land will be neces
sary before you can file, you can then
decide whether same will be suited to
your needs. Alriioit any vacant un
reserved public non-minoral land can
be honitMi.-tulod under the 160 acre
homestead law, If applicant is quali
fied. You have alx months after tiling
to go on the land. Soldiers or sailor
of Civil or Spanish-American war, or
their widows, have their, or their
husband's army or navsl service de
ducted from the requisite residence on
homestead up to two year. You
abould have at leaat 11,000 to make a
atart on a homestead. There are good
sohoola in this land diatrlct and high
cboola at Klamatb Fall and Lake
view. The 820 acre dry-farming enlarged
homestead law appliea only to landa
designated by the Hecretary of the In
terior as subject to the proviaiona of
that act. There are perhaps 1,500,000
acrea of such designated landa in thia
diatrlct ubject to entry. It la not
practicable to furnish a list of such
landa; it you wish to know whether any
particular township eontaina dealgnated
landa, the Information will be turniih
ed upon application.
To file under the Deaert Land Law,
the applicant muat examine land, make
a filing and swear aa to ita "deaert"
character. Applicant muat be a res
ident of the State wherein the land
Ilea. Keaidence on the land ia not re
quired. You must put water on all
the land and have one-eighth under
cultivation within four year and make
yearly proof that tl per acre baa been
expended each year for three yeara in
preparing the land for reclamation.
To obtain a timber claim you muat
first locate and examine aame, make
a filing, swaring as to its vslue not
les than 12.50 per acre. The govern
ment haa nine month in which to ap
praise it. We then notify you to send
the appraised value: time and place
will then be aet by ua for final proof,
which must be held within thia district:
you must appear.
Filing can only be made before this
olllce or before 1). S. Commissioner,
County Clerka or County Judge.
This office filing fee and commission
for 100-acre homestaed ia 116; 320 acre
homestead, $22: desert land, 25 cent
per acre: timber and atnne 110. If
you filo before U. S. Commissioner or
County Clerks their fees, from SI to
$2 are extra.
This land district is composed of
Lake County, practically all of Klam
ath, the two southern tiers of town
ship in Crook, and a very small part
of the eastern end of Lane and Douglas '
counties. We cannot advise at thia
time when or under what terms the
Klamath Indian KeBervation may be
thrown open.
We do not supply state, district or
county maps, showing the location and
character of vacant lands, but are
authorized at such times as business
Continued on putre eight
Preparations Being Made
For Bier Drive Next
The war on rabbits ia atlll being
waged with marked elTeot. Two drives
were held Sunday on the West Side,
one directly west of town and the other
down near the Fisher place. OverllOU
rabbita were killed at the latter p'ace
while the other waa not so successful
owing to the small crowd and the deep
snow. Less than 100 were killed at this
drive. The farmers of the West hide
are now holding drivea about three
times a week below Cttonwood, and re
ports ot their success would indicate
that next season crops will be pretty
well protected against the pests.
Considerable effort is being given to
a drive to be held next Sunday near
the Hopkins place west of town. 'Ihe
pen haa been set near the Lyman- Hop
kins' ranch, with long wings leading
out to the eastward. Those going ut
from town can go either by way of the
Slash road or through tho fields. 'Ihe
rabbits a e said to be exceptionally
plentiful in that section and it ia ex
pected that Sunday's catch will be
Chautauqua Circle
The Lakeview Chuutauqua Circle
will meet next Monday evening at 7:30
o'clock at tho home of Mrs T. V. Hall.
Program: Hull cull ; cm runt event ;j
"Paris in the Great Cemurj," Ch.iu-
tauqoan Heading Join tie v in I'mi,
chupter V, Mr. J. I). Venator. "Tho
Great Century, tho clovoalc-nth," ,
Smith's Spirit of French Letters, chap-
ter VI, Miss Gertrude Vernon. i
Senator Thompson Gets Several Committee
Assignments Many Bills of Vast Im
port To The State Introduced In
Both Senate and House
From all reporta the atate legislature
now in full grind at Salem bids fair
to go down In history as one of the
moat economical sessions ever held in
the state and one which Is destined to
accomplish more good than any de
voting its time to the transaction of
the stste'a business. While there waa
aome little friction caused by Senator
W. Lair Thompson of tbia diatrlct and
othcra opposing the selection of Malar
key aa president of the senate apparent
ly little ill feeling was caused and every
thing ia progressing harmoniously.
The senate commitees appointed by
President Malarkey, are a follows:
Argioulture and Forestry Rsgsdale,
chairman: Hollia, Hawley, Nuner,
Assessment and Taxation Demick,
chairman: Lester. Nuener, McColloch,
Banking Butler, chairman; Bar
rett Hoskins, Kiddle, Von der, Hellen.
Claima Butler, chairman; Kellaher,
Commerce and Navagation Day,
chairman; Lester, Patton, Smith. J. C.
County and State Officer Barrett,
chairman : Hollis, Uoikina, McColloch,
Von der Hellen.
Countiea Wood, chairman ; Dimick,
Snyder & Reynolds Com
fortably Located In New
Heryford Building
The Snyder & Reynold drug store
was moved last Saturday to the new to
cation in t .e Hervford building facing
Center street, and aside from adding
a few finishing touches the boys are
very conveniently and comfortably set
tled in their new quarters.
All the furnishings are of modern
design, the wood work being in the dull
tlnibh. The medicine cabinets and
shelvings are encased with glass doors
which insures them against any dust.
The room ia spacioua and well lighted
and particularly adapted to the drug
Doctor's offices have been provided
just in the rear of the drug store. Two
of these rooms ensuite will te occupied
by Dr. J. Irving Russel, while Dr. T.
V. Hall will take the other room.' A
large room remains in the extreme rear
of the apartment which will be used for
storing ourposes. The rooms through
out are team heated and have all the
latest equipments.
Snyder & Reynold have addei sev
eral new and up to date lines to their
stock, which in ail with their splendid
quarters gives them one of the most
modern and best equipped drug stores
in the interior country.
The Home Rule Bill
After a long and strenuously fought
battle the Hume . Rule Bill has passed
the Britidti House of Commons by a
maiurity of 110 and has formerly
passed on for the first reading in the
House o Lord.
Tho passage of this bill closes only
the li ret campaign in what promise to
be the final war i'or Iri-h self-government.
The next eun;aign will login
in the Houbo of Lords and will doubt
less be characterized by ai strug
gle between tho two housis. If mi. h
atruggle con es it will im at certaii ly
be followed Ly a pen.) I of tierce poli
tical agitation throughout tl e British
Education Hawley, chairmn; Bar
rett, Day, Miller, Ragsdale.
Election and Privileges Thompson,
cnairman : Neuner, Smith, I. a.
Engrossed Bills Hoskins, chair
man ; tturges. Farrell.
Enrolled Bills Patton. chairman ;
Day, Smith, J. C.
Federal Relations Joseph, chair
man: Burgess, Kellaher.
Fiahing Industries Lester, chair
man; Butler, Farrell, Smith, 1. S.,
Von der Hellen.
Game Bean, chairman; Farrell,
Hawley, Miller, Stewart.
Horticulture Kiddle, chairman;
Farrell. Hoskins.
Industries Smith, I. 8., chairman:
Day, Dimick, Kiddle. Wood.
Insurance Hollia, chairman; Cal
kins, Carson, Hoskins, Moser.
Irrigation McColloch, chairman:
Burge, X uner, Stewart, Thompson.
Judiciary Moser, chairman; Bean,
Butler, Carson, Dimick, McColloch,
Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry
Smith. J.C ., chairman : Joseph, Miller,
Perkins. Wood.
Military Affairs Farrell, chairman:
Carson, Perkina.
MiiWg Smith, J. C, chairman:
Hollis, McColloch.
Continued on Pace Eight
Warden Finley Makes Re
port Showing- Work of
Numerous changes in the state's
game laws will likely take place during
the present legislature, there being
several proposed bills pending intro
duction in both the House and Senate.
State Game Warden Finlev has just
completed a report from nis office, a
few excerpts from which follow :
The 1911 session of the Legislature
passed a law creating a State Board of
Fish and Game Commissioners. This
law gave the Commission full authority
in all matters pertaining to the pro
tection and propagation of fish and
game, which included the spending of
all moneys in the Game Protective
Fund and the Hatcheries Fund.
The Game Protective Fund ia derived
from two sources, licenses and fines.
The licenses aggregate from $70,000 to
SSO.OOO annually. The fines, which are
moneys imposed for the violation of
game laws, amount to from $5,000 to
$10,000 annually.
The Game Protective Fund was es
tablished in 1905 when the Legisla
ture passed the hunter's license law,
which provided that all residents must
pay $1 for the privilege of bunting or
killing game birds and animals: all
non-residents were taxed $10 for thia
i privilege. The Legislature of 1909
I enacted an Angler's license law which
provided for a license of $1 for resi
i dents and $5 for non-residents.
When the State Board of Fish and
Game Commissioners took office. May
22nd, 191, there was an accumulation
of about $(0,000 in the Gsmu Protec
tive Fund. A good part ot this sum
had been accumulated from angler'a
licenses. From 1909 until 1011, ti ere
was no provihi.m in the law, according
to Attorney General Crawford, for
the spendii.g of Angler's license money
in tho building nf lutcheriea or in the
artificial propagation of trout. During i
tiie year 1911 there was approximately I
$70,000 collected. During the year 1912 '
we have estimated that about $85,00.
will be paid Into the Game Protective
Fond ; the exaet amount or 1912 can
not be ascertained until a complete re
port ia submitted from eacb eounty in
the State. However, thia makes ap
proximately $215,000 paid into the
Game Protective Fund from the time
the Commission baa spent $168,435.65
from the Game Protective Fond. Of
the amounts have already been ordered
paid, aucb as the purcbaae of a flab
distributing or, the property opon
whico the Bonneville Central Hatchery
ia located, etc., which will make the
total expenditure of about $180,000.
It la impoaaible to get these amounts
exact, because up to January let, 1912,
each eounty in the State printed it
own Dibing and bunting license blanks.
There wss no system of numbering or
counting throughout the State a a
whole. The licenae money for individ
ual quarters for years wss not kept sep
arate, but aent in to the State Trea
surer at such time when it wss moat
convenient for the county clerk. No
separate account of hunting and angl
ing lioenaes were ' keot. Begioning
with January 1st, 1912, the Commis
sion printed and paid for all license
blanka out of the Game Protective
Fond. These licenses were oumoered
consecutively from 1 to 90.000: there
fore from January 1st, 1912 on, ac
curate data will soon be available.
Inasmuch as the State bad not check
ed up the different moneys from the
varioua countiea throughout the State
for licenses and 3nes derived from pros
ecutions for violation of the State
game laws, from 19U5 to the beginning
of 1912, tbe Commission ordered that
different countiea be checked up. It
was found that for the issuing of li
censes in the different counties during
these, there were back accounts unpaid
to tbe extent or tlG.303. Thia shortage
was checked up on license stubs that
were found. In many counties license
stobsiiave been destroyed or lost, ao
it will never be known exactly how
much the Game Protective Fund has
lost. It waa also found that there were
fines amounting to $4,787.86 in tbe
different county treasuries, which bad
not been paid into tbe State Ireasurv
and placed in tbe Game Protective
Fund. This makes a total of $21,090.86
which was added to the Game Protec
tive Fund by thia checking up.
Tbe State of Oregon owns thirteen
different fish stations and hatcheries.
Up to tbe time the State Board of Fish
and Game Commissioners took office,
these hatcheries were ueed almost sole
ly for the propagation of salmon to in
crease the commercial fishing interests.
There was little or no co-operation in
the work carried
Hugh McLain Will Convey
the Wilson Vote to
When the Democratic Presidential
electors met in the atate capitol last
week to cast the unanimous and trium
phant ballot for Woodrow Wilson, en
tire unanimity of opinion prevailed, ex
cept aa to wbe should be delegated to
convey tbe official vote to Washing
ton, as provided. Eacb of the four re
gular electors was willing to make tbe
trip at tbe public expense. The fifth,
Albert iozier, chosen as substitute for
D. M. Watson, now in the ast, Declin
ed to serve as the official messenger.
On motion of Hugh McLain, of Coca
county, the college, with true Jeffer
sonian simplicity, decided to make the
choice by lot. The four names, Hugh
McLain, William Peterson, John M.
Ware and F. C. W bitten, were put into
envelopes in a basket and one waa
drawn out bv George G. Brown, of the
State Land Board, in whose office tbe
lottery occurred. The lucky man was
Hugh McLain, the proposer ot tbe
scheme, and on February 4 he will
atart on his way to Washington with the
official vote. He will be present for
tbe court February 8 and will remain
over fur the inauguration.
Those who enjoy the pastime of
shooting rabbita these evenings will
find good sport us well as serve a good
turn by shooting the pests that inhabit
the vicinity of the City Park. The
Ladies Civic Improvement Club have
planted a number of trees at the park
ami unleBB they are protected it ia
feared that tbe rabbita will destroy
Storms Cause Brief Delay
But Schedule Time Is
Notwithstanding tbe beevy storm
tbe N.-C-.O. rsilwsy Is rendering ue
ss good, if not better, service than
conditions warrant. Tbe incoming
train reached here about four boar
late Friday night and there waa no
outgoing train Saturday, and Satur
day 'a train reached here about Sunday
noon. Since that time, however, every
thing is running smoothly and trains
are making schedule time. The delay
of tbe n"rto bound Saturday necessi
tated passengers Isying over one night
in Alturaa but owing to the splendid
hotel accommodations at that place
suob a "top waa not unpleasant.
Operations of the N.-C-.O. in com
parison with other rsilrosds is surpris
ing, in accordance with reporta of the
Weatern Pacific being snowbound, a
w-.ll as all lines of traffic being seri
ously impeded on tbe Southern Pacific
Lake County Stock Ship
ments Responsible for
Unusual Supply
The Oregon Journal contains tbe fol
lowing dispatch from Klamath Falls:
Last year was favorsble to the bay
crop, and as a oonsepuence tbe Klamath
Valley has more hay than can be uaed
locally. Through the Klamath Falls
Chamber of Commerce an attempt has
been made to hav the rate to San
Francisco reduced from $7 to $5 a
ton. The officials of tbe W-. ihern Pa
cific have not refused tbe rate, but
have requested more specific informa
tion This condition does not apply to tbe
Fort Klamath region, wbere much
stock has been brought in from the
outside, and all the hay harve-ted last
year will be fed out. Tbe farmers in
tbe Klamath Valley recognize that it
Is better to feed forage than to ship
it, but say that it ia too late in the
season to ship stock in. One reason
for tbe surplus is that there haa not
been so much stock brought in from
Lake County as waa done before the.
railroad reached that section.
Deep Snow Drives Pests
From Sagebrush to
the City Limits
The thousands of rabbits that now
infest this valley promise to become a
nuisance right here in town unless
there is a decided change in the wea
ther in the immediate future. At night
they come almost to tbe business cen
ter ot town in their search for food,
and moonlight honting parties are now
quite popular. Wherever there is a
stack of bay the bunnies swarm around
it, nd even the trees and shrubbery in
the city park is threatened with des
truction. At a meeting of the Ladies'
Civic Improvement club held Tuesday
tbe question of protecting tbe park
from the rabbits was considered, and It
is likely it will have to be enclosed
with rabbit-proof Unoe in order to
aave the trees and shrubbery.
South of town the country literally
swarma witb the pests, and at Jonas
Norm's ranch many of them have evi
dently concluded to remain for a time
at leaBt, inasmuch as a number of them
went Into a oorrall and refused to
leave. Even in some of the backyards
east of tbe High School tbe rabbits
have made trails in their efforts to se
cure food, and it is not at all unlikely
that they will aoon begin on the fruit
tree, inasmuch as an exclusive sage
brush diet is evidently becoming nau
seating to them.
' In the Drenkel addition during the
night Lundreds may be seen, and every
evening they afford muoh sport to the
residents of that section ot town who
are making war on them with small
bore guns.