Town Property I.KMiO.Oi) Fur a fine new 10-ronia aoaan with large lot, 75x123, cloaa U ceoter of town and High fclchool. Eay term. I'.'WK) 00 I'or 0 roin new tiuoualow, an Idnal up-to-date home, clum to center of town oo Bernard Hinmt. Km; trmii. Vacant Lot on ialaah htret at bargain. 1 1 3 0.00 For a new 4 room bona anil wood Blind, lot CO I 135, food location. F;iy terniM. , $1000.00 F.r mi up-to-date new bungalow, In cboloe realdcnc part of the tit. Many tonne. "rVo Se Tio ffoa Earth" O'NEILL &DUNLAP GENERAL REAL ESTATE Lakeview : Oregon Moro Bargain Just received, for quick sale, some of the best Valley Land at the following bargains, viz., $12.50 per acre: K Acree in HectlonJlO, Townablp 39, Range 10 300 - 22, 39, 19 ftfc $12.50 80 " "23. " 39, "19 ' 240 " 2U, 39, " 19 PCT ACTO 160 " " 29, " 38, " 19 Xahc Count)? eramtner UltTltSflAV .1 AMI tltY ft. 1013. BRIEF MENTION KiiIiiIit in aJt Lnkevlnw fainoiiN. lUluiur on (IrnURth at the Hotel bar. Four-room collide for Rent. Apply T. K. Bernard. I'or mi burgaina in first-class fancy stationery go to the Cloud's Confection ery. During the year 1912 County Clerk Payne Uaued 445 angler end hunting Hue ii tel. J. C. Dodaon and wife returned laat Satutday evening from a ehort trip to San Franrltco. George John Schmidt made proof laat Friday on hie homeatead before the Laknview land office. Tom Young and family have moved from the old Hunter realdence to that of hie own next to hla father, Jamca Your g. Trie funeral of Ihe Infant child of Mr. and Mra. Henry fox, that was born yratrrday In I.aaeview, wae-held this morning. . You can take a cold In a burry and you can get rid of it In a hurry if you take Lsxaoold. For sale by Snyder & Reynold. Attorney J. M. Batchclder bas mov ed from L, R. Keagera house to that of hla brother, George, mitt of Dren kel'a addition. Dr. J. KuaNell waa called to Warner Valley Tuesday evening to attend Mra. Chase. The doctor left hie patient greatly Improved. County CommiitHlonere F. E. Ander aon and T. B. Wakefield today left tor their respective homea at Like and Warner Valley, after attending the recent teaaton of Cour.ty Court. A. H. Shrocder, who operatea one of the Urgent rattle ranches in the Silver Lake country, la here attending to buairnas matter. - He will make a viait to ouUiclu cities also, aaya the Klamath Herald. G. W. Ruoker, a horio buver, who waa well known locally, diod IhbI week at Merrill as result from an injury he sustained by falling down a slslrwav in the Hiveralde hotel at that place. He waa 45 yeara of ouc The County Court thla week appoint ed Chaa. Umbach as JuHtice of trie Peace for Lakeview to till the vacancy created by the resignation of Thos. S. Farre'l, who accepted the appointment of Deputy Dittrlct Attorney. The recent New Yeara' celebration in Chicago la suid to be the wildcat in yeara. Kegardleaa of the urged aane New Yeara, a hundred thousand people were in the down town cafea until day light and reporta aay that oonaiJerablo rowdyiam prevailed. The Ladiea Civic Improvement Club held ita annual election ol officers Tues day, when the following officer were elected for the coming year: Mra. E. E. Rinehart, president: Mrs. A ttie ber, vice-president; Mrs. II. P. Welch. Secretary and Mrs. M. Whorton, treas urer. Faul Weibe of Newton, K annua la In Lakeview to look over his proporty in this section tnat he purchased from the O'egon Valley Land Company. Mr. Weibe Is endeavoring to get a tract of land grouped on the West Side, and is contemplating engaging in the hog raising industry. Each member of the Lakeview Chautauqua Circle waa nicely remem bered by Mra. N. T. Cory, a former miinbor of the Circle, but' now a resi dent of Los AngoluH, with a beautiful photogravure of Jane Addums. One of the booka of last year was: "Twenty Yeara In Hull llouee," by this noted writer. The Examiner last week neglected to mention the arrival of a fine baby boy New Years day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack M-AulilTe. That we neglected to mention the fact makes the matter none the leas important, and it is neodloBa to add that Jack is about the proudest parent en this great continent with two or three .other spheres thrown In. Judge Henry L. Benson of the Lake and Klamath district has gono to Port land to take up the judicial duties of Ju'l"p II V, McGinn of that city, who In turn is serving on the Circuit Bench at Klrfuiulu Falls. The exchange was made to relieve Judge Benson of the necessity of presiding at ihe trial of several ruaoa in which he believes per sonal considerations would disqualify iilm. Italuleron druiigtli or in bouku at the lirewcry. 2t Da Bryan of Clover Flat waa a visi tor in town laat week. Thoa. H. Sherlock, farmer and fruit grower of Davis Creek, eame up on Monday evening's train. buperlntendent T. F. Dunaway ot the N.-C.-O. Saturday eame up from Reno and spent Sunaay at Falrport. The L.M.L.E.A. R. it. Co. will give a mid winter tour of the world. Watch the papera for full uartlculars. The County Court last week again designated the Lake County Examiner aa the official paper of the county. The Bieber Gasetta published In Big Valley, California, has changed banda and It. A. Smith aucceeda Harry Wood aa publisher. Ihe Heno Journal laat week reported twenty-one cases of amsll pox or variluid Inthat city. The caes were all of very mild form. Mrs. Fred Spsngenburg and Mrs. E. H. Patch Wednesday afternoon en tertained the Methodiat Ladiea' Aid at the home ot the latter. George Kos who spent the holidays in Lakeview left Saturday on his return for Palo Alto to resume his studies at the Stanford University. The local Forestera lodge Monday evening held installation of officers. Several invited guests were In attend ance and a banquet waa served. By motion of Deputy District Attor ney Fsrrell the case laat Monday ot the State vs. Dies Hums, of Ariel, who wss cnarged with violating the local option law, waa diamisaed. So great was the demand for parcel post at strips in San Francisco that the S375.0O0 requisition waa nearly ex hausted the second dsy the new regula tion went Into effect. Sine Frederiktcn, ot Bly, Oregon, would be very much pleased to hear from her bother, C. Chriatensen, ot un known, form whom he has not heard for two or three years. F. P. Light received a teleeram Irom Fred HaiiBon. who waa visiting with his family in Los Angeles, stating that his father hud died at Glenwood, Iowa. Fred anil his brother, Stanley were to start at once for their old home. L. C. Emerson was in the first of the week from his place on Salt Creek north of Lakeview. Lee is living rsther high now, having cut a bee tree lust Sunday near his claim, from which he secured about 40 pounds of choice honey. Frank Williams of Summer Lake was arrested last week on a charge of as ault with a deadly weapon on J. M. small. On preliminary hearing he was bound over to the grand jury and bis bonds were fixed at $100, which were furnished. A telegram was received to ay In Lakeview from Kugene conveying the bnppy news of the birth Januarys, of ii baby boy to State Senator and Mra. W. Lair TbompBon. This glor loUri ercut together with what Lair experts to scfniilih In the mute solons at thii coming lemlature, will 'ruloed make In in return a happy man. The Viewpoint correspondent to the Silver Lake Leader says that View point waB to have a new general store by the Hrst of this year, providing lumber was available. Apparently Northern Lake is preparing for the big rush that will be occasioned by the builJing of railroads ' through that section. Rev. O. T. Morgan, pastor af the looal Presbyterian church, left Monday morning for hid home near Medtord. Dr.' Morgan has been troubled- for the past few weeks with infiumatory rheu matism and his physician .advised him to return to a lower climate. Aa yet no minister has been secured to till the Lakeview pulpit. The Examiner attempted to publish the birtr a and deaths for the last y,ear but as the attending physicians have failed to report in so many cases the list would be very incomplete. The law requires that all deaths and births te reported to the County Health Officer and as a fine may be imposed for failure to do so all doctors or mid wives should be more strict about mak ing reports. Alturas t'luindealer : The Misses Ettie and Nettie Vinyard, were callers at nur office last week, The Misses VliyaiJ have been on an extended visit to relatives and frienda in Lake view and Goose Luke Valley and Sat urday accompanied Mr. Bachtel to Sur prise Vallev where tbey will visit for some time. The young ladiea say It is fine to set back to Modoo and they are thoroughly i njoying their visit. Hamilton Brown Be.tixd 8ho-n all all. Mercantile Co. Fonnd, soitcaae. For further infor mation, apply at thla oflici'. tf Joint Inatallation ee ren.onies will be held tomorrow evening at tha I.O.O.F. hail by the Oddfellows and Rebekahs. During 1912 bounty wss paid upon 3000 eoyotes, 305 wildcata and 3 cou gars, by tha taxpayers of Lake county. M. Southstona now occupies tha Cla'ioe Sealer reaidence and has in stalled his own electric lighting plant. C. N. Miller, of Fairport, ia in Heno spreading the news as to the land opportunities on the lake of tba Golden Goose, says tha Reno Journal. You can find a most complete line of Hot Water Bottles at Snyder & Rey nolds Drug Store. Every bottle is guaranteed or money refunded. F. M. Miller, cashle- of the Bank ot Lakeview, returned Monday evening from Berkeley, where he has been the past few weeks with his family. The resignation of J. Bruca Ismay as president of the International Mer cantile Marina company has been ac cept d and will take effect next June. Owing to a temporary shortness in the city's surplus water supply the Ex aminer machinery ia now being ruo by gasoline engine in place of the water motor. President Taft bas decided to accept the offer of the 35,000 Kent profes sorship of I w at Yale. He probaHy will take up his duties at New Haven in the spring. Sheriff W. B. Snidtr and mother, Mra. Mary Snider, left Saturday for Wilbur Spring, Cel., where Mr. Sni c"er's wife ia being treated for rheuma tism. The elder Mrs. Snider will visit her brother, A. McCallen at Berkeley before returning home. A coffin waa shipped last week from a postoffice in Ohio to another part of that state by parcel post. The entire coffin weighed 14 pounds and the lid was removed and shipped in a separate package to conform with the 11 pound I tnit. The total postage was 68 cents. The Tourist Chautauqua Circle will meet at the renidence of Mra. F. P. Crnnemiller, Monday, Jan. 13. Pro gram : Roll call : "P-rls of the Refor mation," The Cbautauquan, "Reading Journey in Pans." IV. "Effccta of the Renaissance, the Reformation and Mumanism on the Literature of the 16th Century," Miss Pearl Hall. The Supreme court has affirmed the decision of the Circuit court of Benton county in the case of George and Charles Humphrey, convicted of murder in the first degree, for killing Mrs. ;::abeth Griffith, and as soon as they can oe re sentenced by Ibe court convicting tbem, they will pay the death penalty for rtieir atrocious crimes. The Examiner is in receipt of a let ter from I!. C. Chapman, Oregon State Immigration Agent, Portland, Oregon, stating that the Oregon Almanac is now ready for distribution and asking for names and adoreases of eastern people who desire information about this state. Requests for the official publication may be made through the Examiner or direct to Mr. Chapman who assures tnit prompt attentionwill be 'given. all inquiries. The newly-elected county officials assumed their official duties Monday. The new officers are T. S. Farrell, dep uty district attorney : T. B. Wakefield, county commissioner, and C. E. Oliver, school superintendent. The new officers began their work and the old ones de parted without a ripple being noticed and the county machinery goes on as usual. The retiring officers have served us well and we hope they will be suc cessful in private life. Irvtn Anderson was over the first of the week from the Bly country and while here stated that there were some oases of anthrax existing among the cattle of his aeotion. This is a very dangerous infectious disease and for the benefit of Interested subscribers the Examiner next week will publish a brief description of the cause and symtoma ot the disease taken from the Dl eases of Cattle book compiled by the Department of Agriculture. m Mr. and' Mra. Guy Foster returned from Summer Luke yesterday, where they. have been enjoying tha holiday season. Mr. Foster reporta that the oil id fetill flowing from thu will J. Small's place, mention of which was made in the Examiner last week. There ia quite a flow of gas coming from the well also, and those familiar with conditions thereabout are confi dent that oil will ba found in paying quantities at an increased depth. 'Ihe State Hoard of Tax Commissioners met laat week ct Salem and decided on a tax levy for tht state taxea of approximately 1 1-10 mills, which will raiae about 31,000,000. This is abont one-tnird of the levy for last year, 3300.000, of the slste taxes were raised. NEW PINE CREEK ITEMS (liy tit u IT Cumnpoadent) Mrs. Jenson returned from a business trip up to Lakeview Tuesday. Mr. Frank Griffith went op to Lake view on business Tuesday afternoon. Don't fail to aee Wendt's late mov ing pictures. You mist a treat if you do. I Mrs. Morrison spent a faw days last week with ber mother, Mrs. Capt. I FoMett. j Most of the business men in town j have their ice houses full of ice, which j has teen stored since the lust big' freeze. I Misses Etta and Netta Vinyard, are i visiting their sister, Mrs. Bachtel, over in Surprise Valley for an inoefl-1 nite length of time. j Miss Soutbstooe of Lakeview spent i Stturday night in New Pine Creek, 1 visiting friends and attending the Sat- i urday night dance. ! A number of our townsmen have been ! employed to put up a great quantity : of ice from Goose Lake, for the N.-C.-O. railroad company. The Lakeview orchestra is to give a grand ball in Wendta' Opera House week frnm Tuesday night, Jan. 14. 1913. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Mrs. N. Wingfield and daughters depsrted for their borne in San Diego, Cel., Monday. We were very sorry to lose tbem, but wish tbem health and happiness In tneir new home. Mr. and Mrs. Al Gallagher enter tained a number of their relativea at a awell dinner Sunday, in honor of 1 their sister, Mrs. Wingtield, who was to leave for San Diego Monday. Miss Eva Spargur entertained a small party of her friends New Years afternoon. Those present were Mrs. Urb Gen'ry and daughters, Misses Mabel and Naomi: Mra. D. W. Thomas, and Mrs. Geo. lismmeralev. 'Ihe afternoon was very pleasantly spent, with social chats, and instrumental music after which a dainty luncheon was aerved consisting of. cake and coflee, dates, salted peanuta and Eng lish walnuts. Miss Spargur proved herself a delightful entertainer. across tha desert in a ona horsa buggy. They encountered considerable snow, in aome places where tha snow bad drifted tbey bad eoneiderable difficulty In getting through. When the city of Silver Lake was in corporated tbera wa.a two saloons here and tha license waa placed at 3450 per annum. Since that time ona baa gone into bankruptcy and tba city's revenue bas been cut in half. Tha city dads thought if two saloons could pay 3900 ona with all tha trade could stand 3650, so op goes tba license. Last Sundsy was about the worst dsy wa ever saw In 8llver Lake. Tba wind blew very bard all dsy and bout 4 o'clock in the afternoon It commenc ed to rain, sometime during tha night It turned into snow which waa aboot,an inch deep Monday morning. Tuesday there was about six inches on tba ground. The wind blew so hard that g reat snow balls wera rolled op and could ba seen in every direction. Ilka the work of a lot of boys. Bat tba boys did not do ic. Paisley Pick-ups (Chewaucan . Presu) About four inches of snow fell dur ing the night of Monday. It ia the Hrst consignment that has reached this place this winter so far, of any amount. Paisley is an exceptionally located town. An auto load came in from Bead Monday comprised of land seekers. They were accompanied by the Port land Agent of the Northwest Town site Co. Mr. C. M. Sain was in tnia city Monday, and made a call at this office, lie Informs us that work is progress ing all right at the dam. Jim Harper bad the misfortune of breaking two of his ribs by slipping unon an icy back veranda at his home, one day last week. He fell on the e 'ge of a tub that was standing there. He is improving and will soon be him self again. Everybody is talking gas and oil u p the Lake. But then of course ita only swamp gas or some other kind. This new well which baa been drilled lately, is producing both oil and gas. This gas and oil is found 400 from the sur face in the sand. Word baa just been received from Mr. George M. Bailey that the applica tion to the Comptroller of the Cur rency tor the establishment of a Na tional Bank here has been approved and it will be only a matter of a fow weeka now before the bank is doing business. Silver Lake Items Silver Lake Leader) A mule buyer from Klamath Falls by the name of Anderson purchased 30 mules in this vicinity last week to be -hipped to Idaho. (Jus Schroder and F"'l Srrmll furnished mnstof trem. F. M. Curismaii went to Paisley in his automobile Tuesday and returned Wednesday. He had to dig out of two snow banks. Cooney Reeder and Burton Bowen arrived here Sunday evening from Ontario. They came by Harney and jf When you call for Socks, say "Sharoknit" and one pair will convince you of their superior merit. We carry them in: Plain Colored Cotton - - 25c Extra Fine Lisle Thread - 50c Merino ----- 25c Cashmere 50c Split Foot ----- 25c CjJAll Heavy Rubbers, Overshoes German Sox and Felt Boots-at Greatly Reduced Prices. BRITTEN & ERICKSON Our Great Reduction Sale Still Continues We are making Special Prices on; Ladies' Underwear Children's and Misses' Underwear Dress Goods Muslins, Sheetings, Etc, Hosiery Ladies' Sweaters Men's Wear Curtain Nets, Towels, Yarns, Etc. Ladies' Suits and Coats Groceries, Etc. All goods are marked in plain figures, both regular price and reduced price, so you can see for yourself by looking at the tickets. It will pay you to investigate Lakeview Mercantile Co.