Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 19, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Lake County Examiner
Official Paper of Lake County, Oregon
R?nltr landing $1.00 n Inrh. tlutl
0O,nmn lining, per month. All tftnilirjf,
k mtml rn iw i; s tnnnlh. i'vmi ol isitorswl-
lon charted lorall extra ehanirea. All ifital
paaitlonaeitr. All ahort Wrm extra j
Reader, lis 1 eolomna, 10c. rr line fli ia-t
ertloli. Wnt aria. c. line each mmHinil
Card o( 'ins 11.(10. Reaolutlona o. oonriev
Iciov. I! .M) and upward.
IV Tranalent AdTrttatuc ancl Job Print-
rub lu tilvjiii
on rr, lu lTnoe,
III mnth,
rhre month, "
It not paid la advance, f 2.80 the Taf
Netlc to Subcrlbr
O ubaonnera to 1h Kxamlner who remove
O from on locality to another, r rhtim i
thrlr poatofrtc address nhoutd remember to
drop till office a card to their paper can be ad-
A .1 bill must he paid tha Brat of each month. dreaaml to lha rtiiat ixmofrice.
Lakeview, Oregon, ThurmUj, IecMiiler 1J, UM'J
Paisley Pick-ups
(Chewnucnn Pre)
The Paisley Llhrary Association met
nd organized Friday evening at the
Harper Halt. About sixteen members
were present. Offireia were elected
and several committees were ap
pointed. Thoe who will control the
destinies for the ensuing term are Misa
Amelia Henry. President: R. N. Buch-
walter. Vice President: David Harrow
er. Secretary-Treasurer. Books from
Christmas In theOhurches
Catholic Church Christinas Services
Deeemoer 24 Midnight High Mass,
special music and sermon. December
25 High Mass and Sermon at 10:30 a.
j m., followed by benediction. At 3 p.
m. private Christmas tree entertain
ment and social in the Catholic Rec
tory. Kev. F. P. Kern, Pastor.
I What does Christmas mean to you?
! Is it a time for mere feasting and rev
I elry? Christsmss originated In a great
raiff 'I hd rh-iatmni anirit has a 1.
the State Library have arrived and will waya r fof aervjce
' Selfishness has no place in iL It is a
' time for being joyful and giving joy.
If vou have forgotten what Chistmas
soon be placed in the reading room.
Three sales were made last week by
the Northwest Townsite Co , in the
Paisley Irrigation Project. Fortv acres
went to Geo. W. Hsyne of Juneau,
Alaksa, forty acres to Victor Peterson,
of Fergus Kails, Minn., and one hun
dred and twenty acres to Peter Irick- j Evening subject : "What
,done for the World."
is in faisiey at trie ;
means, get back into the spirit of it by
attending the services at the Masonic
hall on Sunday. Morning subject:
"The Joy of the Christmas Message."
Christ has
eon rt Dover, Idaho,
S. A. Mushen
Vonn froeh hw trnntr rn rhnreh Tha
present time and is making a survey of churchj. o)(jest llttion on
the Chewaucan marsh for the owners fa It has stood through the cen
of land in that sctioi. . . . ,. . ,
tunc?, nuu luvc inc J'CI iiianciii.
State Ergineer Lewis will be in Pais
ley on the 21?t of this month and at
that time some attempt will be made
to apportion the waters of the Cbe-j
waucan river fo tftat each land owner
in the valley will know just what
amount of water he is entitled to.
I claim membership and unity
with that cnurco whose alter fires
Moses uilt in the wilderness, whose
; service were held in the catacombs of
Rome in the reign of Nero, whose lofty
cathedrals grace Milam and Cologne
We Sell "Everything to Use, Eat and Wear"
With Christmas Specialties in
all these lines:
Fancy Handkerchiefs, Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkorchiefs, Fanny Suspenders, Kid
Gloves, Fancy Neckwear, Fancy Hosiery, Plain Silk Hosiery, Silk Umbrolas, Fancy
Scarfs, Silk Mufflers, Fine Wool Sweaters, Wool Gloves, Purses, Handbags,
Mescaline, Taffeta and Moire Waist fng Silks, Roger Bros.' Silverware,
Haviland China, Prussian China, Hammered Brass, Shaving
Sots, Safety Razors, Carving Sets, Pocket Knives, Hair
Ornaments, Poker Sets, Sleds, Robe Blankets,
Doll Cribs, Infants' Knit Sets, Slippers.
Bailey (i Massing!
Mr. Mushen's survey is being made j
and whose weekly arathenngs take
to determine inst hat amount of land ,
each individual holds under the various '
ditches, and his rials will rje used by
the land owrers when the matter cornea
up for adiuoirntion.
Thoa. Hawthorn who surveyed the
entire Chewaucan watershed, for the
atate the pt summer, covered the
s s rue territory.
Teachers' Examinations
The regular examination for state
papers is being held in the County
Superintendent's Office by Miss Docia
Willits. The applicants for certificates
are: J. A. Richards, New Pire Creek;
Mrs. Sanders, Crane Creek : Laura
Simmons, New Pine Creek : Nell Berji
man. Summer Lake: May Stubble
field, Clover Flat: Edna Moore, Lake
City, Calif., and Alice Cole, Lakeview.
place all round the world whether in
Jewish synagogue. Catholic church or
j Protestant chapel. It all means good
one W8y or another. Men are drawn
to this antiquity, this persistence, this
triumph over time.
But while we are proud of our past
we desire to make our Church a real
power now and here, so that the
Methodist church we will try to bring
the Dynatmics of Christianity to bear
on our present life. Your are invited
to'bear the following subjects Sundav :
Morning "What the Holy Spirit Does
In Man." Evening "lhe Incarna
tion, The Pivotal Point in History."
President Sails Today
President Taft has selected today 89
Commissioner Chinnock
Will Hold Another Meet
ing: Here In June
Chautauqua Circle
The Lakeview Chautauqua Circle wili
meet next Monday evening at 7:30
o'clock at the home of Miss Gertrude
Vernon. Roll call: current events:
"Paris of The Reformation," Cbautau-
quan. chapter IV, Mrs. J. D. Venator.
Effects of the Rernaissance, the
me time 10 set sail tor fanama. Hia Reformation and Humanism on the
intention to visit the Isthmus before j Literature of the lbth Century,"
going cut of office was influenced Smith, chapter V, Miss Gertrude Ver-
nOrriD or louer rn? Ppoaiiiont Ui enn'a '
decision not to do so. Under the new
Panama Canal law, the President is
responsible for putting into effect the
new government for the Canal zone.
Young: People Wed
A pretty wedding was solemnized last
Sunday at high noon which united in
marriage John Ira McCoul and Miss
Nera Vernon. The ceremony was per
formed by County Judge B. Daly at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mr. Flint Vernon, down the valley.
Continued frora first pai;e
nor Siuthstone, Amy Ogle, Lena
Lynch. Bonnev Stldeer. Reta Reed.
Catherine Lynch. Hallie Willits, Opal ! iately after the congratulations
Warren. ; a delicoua chicken dinner was served.
Selection by the Band. j ,ra- who 19 the eldeBt Bon of J' E-
Kecitatinn-Mildred Heryford. McCoul of this citv, is an energetic
Chorus. "Santa Lucia."- Sixth! young man' while his bride is dauKh'
ter of pioneer people of this county who
I are highly esteemed by their neightors
! and many acquaintances. The young
people start married life under favor
able circumstances with the best wish-
wide circle of j'rienas for
James T. Chinnock, water com
missioner for this disrict. held a meet
ing in the county judge's room 'luen
day, the 17th. But little testimony was
tak n. There were some water claim
ants from Crooked Creek and a few
from Willow Creek. As many claim
ants were not prepared to offer com
plete testimony to their rights and uoe
of the water another meeting is --ailed
for the first Monday in June at which
time the full and complete testimony
will be taken of all persons
A. Kaufmann
Lakeviuw, Oregon
CNOKAVINO Fftet on All Coocia Purchammd Mr.
I nnst. rK,in. will in- tn M-t- , x.iid l'rtrr Ik-iU-it iiliHmlniit'il nun) l.iinl.
tl.nunt n.xl ,,y ,:,,-r t , ..vim.,,,, i i,,,;,,,;,, , a,mil ,.,,;, .t).....t
l liouirMvail l.ivviol tin- I iiitril . , , ,
Stat,-, and th- m l ..I orr 11, 1 ,l""r- "I,l,,w "r '""I ' i.nt -
(:H, '2'Y.), at the l'niii-'l Simrs ,"l to t.'iv nwr trom xniil I.mikI lor
Claiming I. .mil Otliee nl l .-iki-virw, (lit-unii, on,"1" l"l,t '" vrnia, iiikI Hut lirvn mi-
any of the water of the Chewaucan or
tributaries. Thereafter the records
will be subject to public inspection.
Mrs. Batchelder kept a record of the
testimony offered. Mr. Chinnock is tin
affaole person and thoroughly in touch
with the interests of this part of the
state. He has made many frienda here
and we hope for frequent visits in the
futura. He will hold another meeting
at Paisley Saturday.
"Evergreen Drill" Leah Chandler,
Verda Random, Bessie Rusow, Gladys
Loftus, Sadie Wilson, Ada McCulley, ;
Vera Harris and Clara Drenkf-1.
Ladies' Quartett, "Night ot Joy' -1 e8 or 8 w,Ue clrcle 01 ,rlenn8 ror 8
Mrs. Farroll. Mrs. Willits M,. w PPV iourney through life. They will
and Mis O'Neill.
Claironet Sole J Darnell.
Selection by the Ea-d.
Everybody come.
Nntice is htriby yivi-n owners ol d
within the town of l.iikeview that the
licenie will he due on January 1, H 1 '1 .
and ten flays thereafter dogt not hav-
make their home for the pretent at the
i Hurley Vernon ranch Lelow town.
I The 'bride and groom were the
! recipients of many handsome and use
', ful presents, among which were:
Coffee pot and p rcolator ; hand tainted
s i cake plate and bread set : silver butter
knife and sugar shell, trom Oakland,
Cal, ; complete set of table silverware;
he impounded. 1 hf
0 f it malcH and J.'i
inj; licenses will
license fee iH $2.
for females
M. WHOKTOX, Town Marsbal.--.';t
A cruKude ol education which alms
"that common coldn may become uq
oomuion witliia the next ui-ueratioa"
lias bet-o I.emiQ tiy prominent New
York pliyKlc-iaiis. Herb 1m a lint of
"don'ts" which the doctors nay will
prevent the annual visitation of the
"Dou't sit In a draughty car."
"Don't Hleep in hot rooms."
"Dou't avoid the frenh air."
'Don't etuff yourstflf at meal time.
Overeating reduces your rebltauce."
To whkh we would add whi u you
take a cold iet rid of It as quickly
as poHHil'iu. To urconitdihh that you
lind Chainl'Hilaiii'H Cuugli
Remedy moHt excellent. Bold by all
China berry net; Bet of bread and nut
ter plates; glass sugar bowl, butter
'libh, etc. ; set of cuds and saucers;
cilve dish ; pair white woolen blankets ;
bed spread; pair of embroidered pillow
covers and embroidered pillow shams.
O'Brlner-Mikel Wedding:
Mr. Jofceph O'Briner and Mrs. Lura
Mikel were married Sunday at the
Methodist church at the close of the
evening services by the Rev. R. t).
Mr. O'Briner has been a resident
of this vwlley about three years. He
owns the former J. W. Mikel residence
property in South Lakeview and at
present has the Fred Fisher ranch on
the WeBt Side leased. His bride is well
anown in this section, she having re
sided in Lakeview several years.
After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
O'Briner drove to the West Side where
thev will make their home. The Ex
aminer joins their many friends in ex
tending congratulations.
Their Unceasing Work Keeps
Strong and Healthy
All the blood lu the body paHSCM
(through the kldneyri once every three
niinute). The kidneys filter the blood.
They work night and day. When
healthy they remove about "'X) grains
of impure matter daily, when un
healthy some part ol this impure tnnt
ter is left in the blood. This brings
on manv diseases and symptoms
pain in the back, headache, nervous
ness, hot dry skin, rheumatic
pains, g"Ut, gravel, disonleri of
the eyesight anil hearing, dizzi
ness, irregular heart, debility, drowsi
ness, dropsv, deposits in Jibe urine,
etc. Hut if yon lu-ep tlv- liliers ri'ht
you will have no trouble with your
kiilm ys.
A. H. SchofirH, Ashland, Ore., savs:
"It gives me pi e a s n i e to endorse
(loan's Kidney pills. They brought me
great relief from h severe attack of kid
ney complaint ami I am now entirely
free Ironi the trouble. I' wtn's Kidney
fills can be relied upon lo dispose ot
backache and difficulty with t tie kid
ney secretions."
For Hale by all dealerH. Price 50
centH. FoHter-Milburn Co., I'.uffalo,
N. V., sole a'ntH for the Uulted
A a v
Match 1. 1 "J i :
was actually Htid in good faith claim
ing any ot said lands l r uyi iciilt in a I
purposes prior to Janii irv 1, I'.lOli,
and hns not a ba ixloned same, has
a pirlereiicc nijht to make a home
steail rmiv tor the I iwls actually
occupied Said Uinls were listed upon
the applications ol the persons mention
ed below, who have a prefeielue r if lit
subject to the prii r rijjlit ol any such
settler, provided such settler or uppli
cant is (ua!itiei to make homestead
entry and the piel-ience nu-ht is exercis
ed prior to March t. I'll,'!, on which
date the land', w ill be subject to settle
mcnt uud enlrv bv any tpiabtied 'lersou.
The lands are as lollows: 'Ihe NWjid
SV",, Sec. 4, T. 40 S.. U IS 15.. W.
M., except n strip. 'to leet wide described
as lollowo; Kegiiiiiing at n point 5 chains
north of the southwest coiner ol the
NW'iol SWl-4, Sec t: rxtendiiig thence
I." feet on each siile of a hue l uuiiin N.
7."i deurees Iv. 20.7.". chains to the place
where the end ot the strip closes on the
hoiindrv of the trai t listed, the net area
briny Ti'.l.lO dcies Said tiact was listed
upon the application of John A. Ivdmis
ten, ot Lakeview, Oregon; List fi ti.l'.l.
The Rij of Mil,. The X ' , ol Sli',. Sec.
H.T. .'i'.i S., K. 17 li., IliO acres, applica
tion of A. M Smith, of Lakeview,
Oieyon; List 0-7.1l Approved Ihceinber
1. l!lll'. S. V. I'ROIIU'l 1", Assist
ant C ommissioner ol the General I. uud
ttler who prord or lem-rd sanl land.
Vou are, therifore, lurther uotilied
that the said alleyutions will be ttkrn
bv lliis olhce m haviu been confessed
by you, ami your said entry will be
canceled thereunder without your
further riirht to be heard llu-iin, either
h'-fore this ollicc or on appeal, il you j he post oiine l o In, h 1 1 w us mailed, uud
fail to file in this office within twenty '''is nth'la it must be accompanied bv
ilavs alter the -"OIKTII public, it ion ot i 1 poslinascei ' leeeipl lor the letter
m.ole bv t he deli vt f v f a copy ot your
answer to t lie contestunt in person,
pro of ol Ma-li h i vicr must lie rilher the
said conlestMiils wntten it know lel
iiirnt ol his teceipl o the copy, showing
the date ol its leceipt, or the atlidnvtt of
thrpeison by whom Ihe delivery was
made statins w hen and w heir the copy
was delivered, il ininle bv reuistetcd
inuil, prool ol sin h service must consist
ot ' he a lliiluvit ot the iersoti by whom
the copy wasmailid Mutiny when and
i ins notice, as snow tulow. your
answer, under oath, specifienlly meeting
and resondin to these allegations ol
contest, or if you fail within that tunc
to tile in this olhce due proof 1 1 . . t oii
have served a copy of your xuwer on
the said contestant either in peioii or
by registered mail. II this ci O. e is
ou should statt in your nnsnvt-r the
name of the pimt offue to which vou
desire fuluie uol h i s lobe sent to you.
A . OK' I l IN. Newsier',
Dale of fir-r public iliou I ,--. 11, I'.II2
I Mile of seconij piilbent urn L'li, l'.H
hate of tlnrd publication aii. 'J, l'.ll.'l
llale ft louith pubh, alioii. Jan !),1'J13
(Not Coal Lands)
Department of Ihe Interior, L'. S.
Land Ollice at Lakeview, Oregon,
December 1-t, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that Harry
Bartholomew of Lakeview, Oregon,
who, on October 1.1, 1010, made home
stead entry, No. r Lots 4-,5,,
S, Section 10, Township :itt S, Kanye
21 Ii, Willamette Meridian, has iiled
notice of intention to make final three
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the ieiister
and receiver of li. S. Land Office at
Lakeview, Oregon, on the 22nd day of
lanuary, 101,'i.
Claimant names as witnesses: Nate
Wilcox, Hert Tutro, Walter Paxton.
George Lynch, all ol Lakeview, Oregon
A. W. Orion, Rcjjisur.
In the Count v Court (' the State of
Oregon, for the Countv of Lake.
In the matter ol the Estate of)
Martha J. Farrow, lcccaseil)
To all whom it may concern: Notice
is hereby 141V111. that the undci siiied
were, bv unorder ol Hon. 11. I'nlv,
ludyeof the Countv Court of the State
id Orijron, tor the County of Lake,
made anil entered in the above entitled
inattei on the IHIi (lav of lccemlci,
1012, rlnlv appointed as lixecutors ot
the last Will and l estaineul c f Martha
J. Farrow, decensnl.
All persons havui).' claims against said
decedent or said estate, are hereby re
quired to present the same, dulj veri
fied and accompanied by the proper
vouchers, to said Lxecutors, within
six months from the date of the first
publication of this notice, at the law
olhce of L. F, Com,, in the town ot
Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon.
dated and first published this Hull
day lleceiubcr, 1 til If.
lixecutors of the last Will mid
Testament of Martha J. Furrow,
Lakeview Steam Laundry
We give eHicieiit service ami lo
good work. Semi your
washing and give
us a trial.
Wc are now ready to roll your liarley at any time
Notice in heiehv given that the lauds
described below, embracing 100.10
ucis, within the liciiioiil Natiouid
department of the Interior, Failed
Stutes Land Office Lakeview, Oregon,
Decemlier 12, 1912.
To I'eter Herlert, of Lakeview,
Oregon, Conteslee:
Vuu jre hereliy notified that George
S. Lewis, who gives Lakeview, Oregon,
hs his oosi-ollice address, did on Dec
ember 1.1, l',02, file iu this ollice his duly
corroborated application to contest and
secure 1'ie cancellation ol your Home
stead. Ivntrv No. 02X6 , Seiiil No.
O'JKIiH made dec. 20, 1'tOO, for S.
W. iiai tt-r of N. li. ipiarler, VV. half of
S. h. quarter. Section 4, Township 'PJ
S, K a one 17 li, Will. Meridian, uud as
jri'iim's for his conlcst he all.-ges thut
of vlHtlcost fnuli' In here In
HbiiiHiuive. No iniitlir wiwri'
you huy thn rest of tho dinner,
fret your poultry here. We
have neotiretl the markets to
obtain n nuiily or the younK.
est jiihI temlerest hints. If you
ent uny other klml on Christ,
nms, It will not huve eonie
from here.
- -" - Lakeview .
Meat Market
HAYES & GROB. props