Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 12, 1912, SECTION ONE, Page 7, Image 7

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    Classified Want Ads
A Want Ad In Tho Lake County Examiner
Repeated a few times, if necessary, will find a customer
for that property of yours. They are wanned closely
hy intending buyers, and the cost is nominal 5 cents
the line for each insertion. Special longtime rates.
IDH NALK Lot 1, block U7. O.V.I
Aild. to Lakeview i also H", itH of
SK of bW of Mo tion 11. t. M H.
It, ID K., 10 acres. i:i7.IW (Aid on
additional meter r In lit. Price for
whole :n!A. Trai t favorably l
en ted mill clout1 to l.aki-Tlew. I.. K.
IIim, Oreat Hend, Kansas. N2H4t
RUl HALK 10-are tract with Irrltfn
tluo right", located In sec. Itf. twp.
is, mug" .A). II. I.. Dtieaell, t'olum
bus, Nehr. O. 31 tf
FOR HALK (loi half Intercut. In 1K.K)
headol MitiM'p. one Imml of WOwetti
rn, also &.') luiiiha. Apply to Mm.
Una Orsf, Hutnrmr Luke, Ore. O 17
IOR BALK About 10MJ tww arnJ
iMK) In ml. Kwt't nearly ell under
live years old, mid aheaicd 10,4 lbs
tliixteiir. l.auih-froiti JUiuiliou
l-ithiirk. Kliecu Range ftt Fouler
l-Tit . A mil v to Thos. II. Sherlock,
Duvl . Modoc On.. C'ul. tf
I'Olt HALK: Llncolu noil Ulack face
yearling liui'kH. A I -o lambs. W.
A. hherloik, Alt urn. Cat. A 'Ml
to It 8ALH HO ncri-s lu hit t lun 23,
township ftl, range r.iiiilrn of
PeagiT Itroa., Lliksview, Or.
THK Lakeview Abstract A Title Co.
Im making eMcial prices oil Abstracts
to O. V. L. Co.'a Tract Mini Town
I ()U HALK House and let furnished
ami tell acre located tit Laaevlew.
Must evil. 5take mo an offer, l or
particular write to box W2, Hun
iluii, Oregon o-iM-t:
I OK SALM.-Lot 42. blork C2 O V.I..
Ail'l. to Lakeview, and r n -4"
sc4. section 20. t wp. 40 Range 1U
oaat. I'. J. Parker, llulnlirlilge,
Kohm Co., Ohio. I5i(il
WANTKD-to be located ou flratrlaas
KM) Hi re, lilvu particulars, a to
Moll, rllmRte, liM'Hiliill, water, tlin
t it c. W. M. Krown, 112, K. loth
Ht., Portland, (Jri'Kim. U2tp
Wa oed 11 salesman In each of
eril earellent nlelds to sell our eplou
Jiil nerncry stock. A permanent
place, rBh week I v and a square tlnu
likol;ou. Write for particular.
Washington Nursery l Topiienlidi,
VVnnt.'il Arfeiit. Write Health & Ac
cident Insurance. Oregon Surety A
Causality ',. 322 Hoard of Trails.
Portland. Oregon.
I.KU.ti, itltVKRI'lMIWW
III the County Court of thf State of
Oregon for the County of Lake.
In tho n atter of the Kttate of Merv
IC. Kltntey, De.'eased.
III the name rf the stnte of Oreon:
Greeting: To Prank Klinaey, Delln
(lllmo e, Will Kinney and Olara llant
lug, helraal law o( Mary K. Klinti-y,
ileretiHcd, and to nil known Mini all
unknown helra at law ol the nld Mary
12. Klinaey, decea-ed,
Hy an order of the at live entitled
court duly made nod entered therein
on the 1 1 tli dny of Novemtier, HI2.
you and each of yon are hereby cited
to ienr In theatMve entitled court
at the county court room In the
county court honae, In Lakeview,
l.aku county, Oregon, at ten o'clock
III the forenoon on Monday the 23rd
day of IWemlMT, l',M2, and then and
there allow taiiHe, If aoy thcrelm, why
un order of thla court ahould not U
mud.' authoiUiiiK a. id illnH'tilig the
aid K. V. Cheney, ax admlniNtralor
of lne eninte ol Mary K. Klinxey, de
ivawd, to sell In the manner provided
for hy ltiw, for tho iurii of paylnir
the exin-UHea ol adiiiiulHtrMtloii, and
IheclulniN aualiiHt aald eatjile, the fol
lowing deacrllM-d real iro r.y, or ao
much thereof nx Im necemnry, to wli:
NWi and NK.'j, So". H. Tp
a? S., It. 21 K. W. M.. ci.iitaiuliid ItiO
acria more or Ii"H, nod lutn 3 and 4 In
liliM-k live iu the town of l,akevlew,
Lake county, in euu.
And It Im further ordered that tldH
citation tie. nerved uion Uon-reHldeut
ami uukuovvn heira liy publication in
the Lake County Examiner, a newa
paper of Keouml ulrcnlatlon puhltidifd
in Lakeview, Lake county, Oregon,
for a x-riod of four week prior to
the 13th daj of Ueceiuber, 1I2.
WltnetM the Hon, 11. Daly, County
JuiIk" ol the county court of the
couii'.v of Lake, atate of Oregon, with
the deal of the mild comt alllxeu thin
11th day of November, 1U12.
A ttt
F. W. l'AYNK. Clerk.
It wra mailed, and thla allldavlt mut
im M4-nompariled by the poatmaMter'a
rweipi ior the letter.
iou anouiit atate in your auawer
the name of the frmtolliee to which
you ili-Hlro future notice to be wot to
A. W. OltTO.V. HetflMier
Iat of flrat publlcatlou, Nor, 28.
I'ateof aecolld tiutdlealion. Dec.
Date of third
I 111 2,
Date of fourth
puldlcation, Dec.
puiiliuatlon, Dec.
1.14(1 OHM AMKIai.
Hotel Uifcevlewbar. Thebtetand
lll""t wldaky marie. tf
ward iHHiied by the Tvlephone
t'oinixuiy for deatroylnir Ita prop
erty. 10tf
A REWARD of tlfty dollara la here
by offered for Information that will
lead to the nrrea anil conviction of
ny peiaon who haa atolen wires or
other property from our Company;
and the eatn reward la hereby offered
for tnforma' 'in that will lead to the
rrvat and hitIoMod of anyone des
troying ttu property of the Company.
Chaa. Umbaob,
Hecretai y Lake Co. TeL & Tel. Co.
Tl M II Kit I.A l
Notice la fcerebv ji'ven that Dora
Iiue, the underxlRiied, wax duly ap
pointed tho administratrix of the
palate of J. K. Lane, ileceawd, by the
tkiunty court of like county, atate ol
Oregon, ou tlm20ih ilay of Noreiulier,
1U12; that the eald Dora Lano there
after duly qualllled aa auch adiiilnla
t ranix, thcref re, all pernotia having
claliiiM agalnal Maid eMiate are hereby
llotlllrd to present them, with the
proHr vouchere, lii tho mild admiuia
tratrls, at her home lu Lakeview,
Lnke coun-y, atate ol Oregon, wl.hln
Mix uioothH from the date of the llrat
publication of thin not We.
Date ol Urat iiubllcation, November
21. 1012. DOHA LANK,
Administratrix of the KHtate of J
H. Lane, J iccoitaed.
Department of the Interior, United
Slate Land Office, Lakevia , Oregon,
PIOV -m, I1MZ,
To W. Herman, of unknown, con
tea tee:
You are hereby notified that Juatln
W. Taff, whogivea Care II. II. Hech.
V iewpolnt, OreK'iu, aa hie lumtotllce
auoreDM, inn on ftuvemlter m, 1HIJ, rile
lu thia olllce hiM duly corrohorared ap
plication to conteat and eecure the
cnuiMdlatloii of your hoineteml entn
No :U22, avrhil No. 0I4(0, made Sep
iemlM.r 9, VM)1, (or 1 ita 1, 7. and V.
N W4, eectloii 31, towUMhlu 2timiuth.
range ltt e.iat, Willamette Meridian,
ami na ground for hi content In- al
lrfe thai vou have wholly abaniionad
aaid land lor more than aix mootliM
lant pant; that you have never cult I
vated or Improved mild hind.
You are, thcrelore, further notlQed
that the aaid allegatioiiM will le taken
by thia office aa having la-en en fcNM-d
b.v yivi. and your aald entrv will lie
canceled thereunder without your
further right to lie heard therein.
either la-lore tLtn oflice or on appeal.
if you full to die in thtMothi-e within
twenty (lave after the fourth publica
tion of l Mm notice, ita ahowu Ih-Iow
youraoawer. uuiler oath, Fpeclllcally
meeting aud n-npuuiilng to tlie-ai
leitationn ol conleHt, or llyou fail witn
In tlia .time to IiIh in thia oitire due
prooi that you have aerved a copy ol
our in:;", r ou the aald con tent ant
either In mtmoii or hy TgiMtered mall.
It Huh aervlua la made b.v the delivery
of a copy of your anawer to the cou
teatant in imtmoii, proof of auch aer
vice muot be either i he aald ceuteHt
nnt'a written atkuowlelKciueiit of IiIh
receipt of the copy, showing the date
of Ita reeciyt, or the aflldiivit of the
peraon by whom tho delivery wmm
made atatlug wheu and where the
copy wai delivered; tl made hy rrgia
tered mail, proof of aueh aarvlce unlet
coiimIhI of the utUdavlt of the pernon
by whom the copy waa mailed alating
wheu and the poatollloe to which it
wiim, and thl ullldavlt munt be
accompanied tiy the poetmaater'a re
ceipt for the letter.
You ahould atate In your anawer the
name ol the itoMuttice to which you
deaire future notices to l sent toou.
A. W. OltTON, Itegiater,
Date of Brat publication. Nov. 28,
Date of aecond publication, Dec. 6.
Date of third publication, Dec. 12,
Date of fourth publication, Dec. 19,
(Not Coal Land
IVpurtiucnt of the Interior, U. S
Land OQIcu at Lake view, Oregon
November 2.'.. Ii2
Notice la hereby given that Oua
Uhde. of Lakeview, Oreiron, who, on
March 1.0, llMttt. made homestead
entry, No, OlO'.rtl, for NK5-4 Ntt, S
NKV,SKM Pi Kyi. Meotlon . lowu-
ahlo 30 S. Range 19 K, Willamette
Meridian, haa hied notice of Intention
to make final three-yeai proof, to
establlHh claim to the lnud above
described, befoie the r-.-iMer and re
ceiver ol U. S. Land Oflice at Lake
view, Oregon, on the 27th day of Do-
cemlier, 1UI2.
Claimant names as wltntHHce : Clar
once D. Lake, Monae Curry, Charles
It. Mellott and Oeo. Sivvena, all of
Lakeview, Oregon.
A. W. ORTON, RegiMter.
Notim Im hereby given that the on
ilerHlgued stn appointed admiulHtra
trU of the co-partnerHlilp entate of J
S. I.nne and John I'. McAuliffe, the
mild J. K Lane being deceiiaed, hy or
der of the County Court o( the State
of Oivgou for the County of Lake, on
the 8th ilavof Novemla-r, l',12, aud
ban ualllleiiaR auch iidmlniHt ratrlx.
Therefore, all erMonM having claims
Hgalnut auid c.opartnerahii estate are
hereby required to present them duly
verllled and with the proper vouchers
tothia admlulHtratrix at her home in
Lakeview, Oregon, wtthinalx months
!rom the date of tho llrwt publication
Date of first publication November
lith, 1012
Administ ratrix of I he co partner
ahlp entaie of J. S. Luueand Johu
I". McAuliffe.
lu the County Court of the Slate of
Oregon for the County ol Like.
In the matter of the estate of Jacob
R. Haiueraly, deceased.
Notice Im hereby given that TL M.
Homing an admiuiHl ruler of the
eatate of Jacob R. Humeraly, de
ceased, haw tiled lu the county court
ol the atate of Oregon, for Lake
county, the Dual account of hla ad
ininlHtrailoii of said cHtate, end that
the court IwiH fixed, riliiay the 13lh
day of December 1912, at the hour of
ten o'clock in the fmeuooti of Maid
day, aa tin- I line for In-nrbig of oh
lectluiif if ay to aaid account and
Hcttleun-iit I hereor,
AilmiiiKtrt.ior lor the talkie of Jacob
R. Hi. '!, I. '.v. Dcreae..
J. D Veiirttor, Attorney for Aduilu-
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Olllce, Lakeview, Oregon,
Nov. 2tl. 1912.
To tJIbbon O. Dollof, of unknown,
You art hereby notified that Juatin
W Ta(t, who giveaCaiell. II. Uach,
Yiewoulnt. Oregon, aa Ida poMtottli-e
addreM. did on November 2li, 1912, file
lu thla otHce hiHiluly corronorated ap
pilcMllon to contest and eecure thecan
cellatlon of your 11. E. No. 3790
aud (U1-U4) add'l 11. K. entry No,
aerial No. 02044, made June 0. 1907.
and May IS, 1909, f. r Iota 1, 2, K
NW),' aud lota 3.4, E SW. section
30, township 20 anuth, range 19 eiiMt,
Willamette Meildlan, and srounda
for hia content he alleceH that you
have wholly abandoned said laud for
more than six month hint paat.
You are, therefore, further notified
that the aald allegationa will b. taken
by this olllce as having been confet-aed
by you, and your aaid entry will be
canceled thereunder without your
further right to le heard therein,
either ix foie thla oflice or on appeal, If
you fall to tile in thla oflice within
twenty days after the fourth publica.
tl m of thla unticb, aa shown below,
your answer, under onth, Hpecillcallv
meeting mid reapondlutf to these al
legations of conteat, or if you fall
within that time to file iutlilB oflice
nuo proof that you hate served a
copy of your auawer on the aaid con
testant either lu persou or by regis
tered mall, if this service la made by
the delivery of a copy of your answer
to the couiestaut lu person, proof ol
aucii service must be either the aald
contestant's written acknowledgment
of his receipt of the copy, knowing
the date of Its receipt, or the atlldaflt
of the person b.v whom the delivery
was made stating when aud where the
copy wa dedvered; if made by regis
tered mall, proof of such service mtiHt
consist ( the allidavit of the person
by whom tho copy was mailed stat
ing wheu aud the postofllce to which
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lake.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Jamas M. Martin, Deceased. )
To nll.fiersons whom It may can
cern i Notice It hereby given that
frank Dohklns, the undersigned, ad
mlulN'ratorof the estate of James M.
Martin, deceased, has made nd filed
with the clerk of the above entitled
court, the tiual account of hU admin
istration of said entate, anil that Sat
urday , t Le 2M h day of December. 1012,
at tne hour of 10 o clock iu the fore-
ooon of said day. at the court room of
sal I court, in the L ounty court bouse
ef Lake county, Oregon, In the town
ot Litkeview, baa lieen fixed aud ap
pointed by in, older of Hon. B. Daly.
Judge of said court, as the. time and
place for haarlug of objections to said
tlual account it auy there he, aud for
the fettlt inent thereof.
Thlsjpotlce Is published for four suc
ceeelve and cotinecutive weeks In the
Lake Couuty Examiner, a newspaper
of general circulation, published weekly
In Lake county, Oregon, by order of
Hon. li. Daly, judge of aaid court, the
llrst publication thereof, In said news
paper, to be made on November 28,
1912, and the last publication thereof,
in said newpoer, to b made ou De
cember 2'S. 1912.
Dated and (1 rut published November
28, 1912.
Administrator of the estate of
James M. Martiu, Deceased.
Idlsn, Lake County, State of Oregon.
Ilelng the proper'y described in the
decree, of foreclosure in said suit, and
t he proiterty of t he defendants, Alma
HJodiihl iind Arthur, Warren Sjodahl,
or so much thereof as may e nece
nty to satisfy sslil Judgment In faror
of the pin In tiff. I buries tj Dum-an.
Hiid ihe defendant, North I'acitic;
Urewlng Company, against th said
ileli-ndanta, Alma HJnilxhl and Arthur
Warren AJodahl, together with cost
of such sale.
W. li. SNIDER, Sheriff.
Dated Decemis-r 6th. 1912
I. lot 4, block
Add. to Lake
Notice for publication
Nut tXial Land
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land (i.'lice at Lakeview. Oregon.
November, 27, 112. :
Notice I hereby (riven that tJeorge j
.lonn cnniKlt, o Lakeview. Oregon,
who, on J ill v 30, 19i9, made home
stead entrv No 02314. for NK' H vt
NWJ IC SL. section 17. town
atiip m a , rauxe 'J :., Willamette
Meridian, has tiled iiotttse of Intention
to mule tlnal tnrei-jear proof, to
eatabllnh claim to the land above de
scribed. In-fore the regUter and re
ceiver "f U. H. Land Ottlce. at lake
view, Oregon, on the 3rd day of Jan
uary. HH.I.
ClaiiimDt names as witnesses: D.
Rrvn, Jack Barker, John Itrsnch and
William Schmidt, all of Lakeview.
A. W. ORTO, Revloter.
Notice U heri-br given that the nn
den-lgned have been duly appointed
hy the Count v t ourt of Lake county.
Oregon, as executors of the last will
and teMtami-nt of W. J iT'iidfoot,
fli-cenMed, and have qualified aa such.
ow. tneretore. all persons having
claim Hgiilrmt the said estate are
hereby required to prcent them, with
the proper vouchers, within six
moo'liM from the date of t IiIm notice,
to the said executors at the oflice of
v. Lair Thiitiiimon, in Iakevlew.
Lake county Oregon.
Puled ibis 3rd day of December.
F. P UtJUTand
Executor of the last will aort teata-
ment ot W. .1. Pn-ndfoot, deceased.
'Notice is hereby given that the tin-
dei-Mlgtied litti lieeu dulv appointed by
the County ("ourt of Lake county,
Oregon, sm exreutrix of the last will
and testament of C, U. Snider, (!
leased, and has oualllied as such.
Now. therefore; all persona having
claims aguliiMt the said estate are
hereby required to present them, with
the proer vouchers, within six
months from th" date of this notice,
tithe said executrix at the office of
W. lAir Thompson, lu Laaeview,
Lake county, Oregon.
Dated this 2nd day of December, A.
D.. 1912.
Executrix of the estate of 0. U.
Solder, deceHsed.
By virtue of an execution In fore.
closure duly issued by the clerk of the
Circuit court of Lake county, state of
Oregon, dited the lird day of Decem
ber, 1912, In a certain suit lu the Clr
cult court for said county and state
w herein Charles C, Duncan' aa ulalntiff
recovereu juiigmeut aga list Aim
Sjodahl aud Arthur Warren Sjodahl
ior tne sum ot lour hundred dollars,
with Interest thereon f.oin the 21st
day of May, 1908, at the rate of eight
percent per annum, aud seventy-live
dollars attorney's fees, and for the
further autn of forty-five and ulnety
five oue buudreoth dollars costs aud
tor the aale of the premises herein
after described; and wherein North
i'aclae Urewlng company, one of de-
feudauts in said suit recovered Judg
ment against the Bald defendants,
Alma Slodahl aud Arthur Warren
Sjodahl for the sum of two hundred
lift Dollars, and Interest thereon
from the 3rd day of April, 1909. at the
rat of six per cent per annum, lor
the sum of tlfty Dollara attorney's
feci, and for the sum of eighteen Dol
lars costs, and for the sale of the
premises hereinafter described.
Notice is hereby gtveu that I will
onthe4tbday of Jauuary, 1913, at
the door of the County Court house iu
he town ol Lu key lew.
Lake County, , State of Oregon, at.
two o'clock in the afternoou of aaid
day, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, the following
described property, to-wit; An undi
vided one half Interval lu and to the
WuMt one holt of Section ti.irty six lu
Towuship tlilry-one South of Range
eighteen Eaak of the Willamette Mer-
Delinquent Tax List, 1911
This advertised list of delinquent
taxea for the year 1911 la in pursuance
cf an act of the State Legislature,
which is embodied in Chapter 275 of the
Lawa of the 1911 Session.
The taxea on the following advertised
real property became delinquent on
April 3, 1912, and are subject to a pen
alty of 10 per cent and interest at the
rate of 12 per cent per annum until they
shnll have been paid.
Any day after the expiration of aix
munlt.s afb r the taxes charged against
the following real property are delin
quent the sheriff is authorized upon
demand of any person making applica
tion, to iBHue to them a certificate of
delinquency upon payment of the taxes,
penalty, interest and cost of advertis
ing. Certicatea of delinquency shall bear
interest from the date ot issuance un
til redeemed at the rate of 15 per cent
per annum.
W. S. Snider, Sheriff.
Jamee W., lot
O. V. L. Add to
W. O., lot 27, block
L. Add. to Lake-
O. V.
VOLUME 0, 1911.
2 Ablngton, Lee A., lot 7, block
7, O. V. L. Add. to Lakeview. .
-3 Abel, A. A, SVa SVk SEV4
SWVi Sec. 7, T 39, R 20 E; lot
18, block 78, O. V. L. Add.
to Lakeview
S Abbott. W. II., lot 46, block
167. O. V. L. Add. to Lake-view
1-9 Ackelson, J. F.. lot 27. block
216, O. V. L. Add to Lakeview
1-11 Adler, Wn, S NH, SE
SE Sec. 23, T 39, R 18 E; lot
24. block 16. O. V. L. Add. to
1-17 Adama. U J.. WW SEVi,
Sec. 31, T 36, R 23 E; lot 10.
block 327, O. V. L. Add. to
Lakeview . . .'.
1-22 Adams,
323, O. V.
1-23 Adams,
block 173,
1-24 Adams,
block 124,
1- 29 Aebl, En.est, lot 4, block
221, O. V. L. Add. to Lakeview
S-10 Ahlsteadt, Robt A. L lot
31, block 104, O. V. L. Add to
8-12 Alkman, C. F., N SH,
NE14 NEV4 Sec. 23, T 39. R 18
E; lot IS, block S16, O. V. L.
Add to Lakeview; lot 87, block
16. O. V. L. Add. to Lakeview
2- 15 Allen, Catherine D., lot 4L
block 203, O. V. L. Add. to
Lakeview ,,
2-22 Allen, Raymond Q.,NH Sft.
SW',i SWK. Bee. 21, T 89.
R 19 E; SWtt SWU See. ,
T 37, R ZS E; lot 11. block 44,
O. V. L. Add. to Lakeview;
lot 21, block 260, O. V. L. Add.
to Lakeview
2-25 Allen, Estella J- lot 38,
block 172, O. V. L. Add. to
lot 28,
Add to
Harry H, lot
O. V. L. Add.
2 27 Allen, Oeo.
192, O. V. L.
view J6
2-29 Allen, T. If., 84 BW
HEK, See. 25, T 26. R 26 E;
lot 40. block 153, O. V. L. Add.
to Lakeview 2 II
2-6 Allen. Harry M, lot 26.
block 191, O. V. L. Add, to
Lakeview .26
3-10 Allen, R. A., lot 4, block 205,
O. V. L. Add. to Lakeview... .26
3-11 Allen, John E., N NEK
BEJ4, Boc. 21, T 88, R 20 B;
lot 23, block 146, O. V. L. Add.
to Lakeview t.59
1-13 Allen, Minnie A, lot 1, block
210. O. V. L. Add. to Lake-
view ,
1-15 Albert, Herman A, lot 20,
block 212, O. V. L. Add. to
3-17 Aidrlch, John F, lot 16.
block 338, O. V. L. Add to
2-23 Alford, James F lot 10,
block 192, O. V. L. Add to
2-26 Aldrlck, Ernest D., lot 23.
block 112, O. V. L. Add. to
3-28 Alexander,
13. block 214
3- 29 Alison, Thos. V, lot 19,
block 295, O. V. L. Add. to
4- 14 Aahpaugh & Bishop, lot 43,
block 182. O. V. L. Add to
4-23 Amsberry. F. A- NV4 BM.
SE4 NW, Sec. 11, T 39. R
19 E; lot 4, block 37, O. V.
L. Add. to Lakeview
4- 26 Ambers, Fred, NW14 NWii,
Sec. 13. T 36. R 28 E; lot 12.
block 269, O. V. L. Add. to
5- 6 Anderzan, James, lot 20,
block 9. O. V. U Add. to Lake
view 5 9 Anllker, Fred, lot 37, block
193, O. V. L. Add. to Lake
view 511 Annett, John P lot 30,
block 122. O. V. L. Add. te
5-14 Antenll. Dennis E., lot 11,
block 223, O. V. L. Add. to
5-18 Applebaugh. H. P.. NE.
Sec. 1, T 37, R 22 E; lot S.
block 339, O. V. L. Add. to
5-28 Anderson, Swan, lot 3,
block 211, O. V. lu Add to
5- 29 Anderson. John R., NVfc Shi.
SWVi SEK. Sec. 18. T 36, R 21
E; lot 1, block 101, O. V. L.
Add. to Lakeview
6- 3 Anderson, A. K., NH 8E14
NW4, Sec. 17. T 88, R 23
E; lot 19, block 150, O. V. L.
Add. to Lakeview
6-6 Anderson, John, lot 28, block
129, O. V. L. Add. to Lake-
V 1 6 tV
6-8 Anderson, Oeo. W, lot 26
block 188, O. V. L., Add. to
6-9 Anderson, Andrew, lot 9,
block 129, O. V. L. Add. to
6- 27 Anderson, Walter E., lot
13, block 207, O. V. L. Add.
to Lakeview
7- 8 Anderson. Nels B., lot 10,
block 300, O. V. L. Add, to
7-10 Anderson, Carl F, lot 29,
block 182. O. V. L. Add, to
7-11 Anderson, C A., lot 1.
block 286, O. V. L. Add, to
7-12 Anderson, S. F., lot 6, block
348, O. V. L. Add, to Lake-view
7-13 Anderson, Clare, lot 24,
block 10, O. V. L. Add. to
7-14 Anderson, Eddie, lot 11,
block 167, O. V. L. Add. to
Continned on page 10
Black faced yearlings number one,
for sale at ten dollars, also Lincoln
lambs. Walter A, Sherlock, ARuras,
Land and Law Office
Abstractor of Titles
Established lsss ikeTew,Or
Notary Public
All Practice Except U. S.
Land Oltice Business.
L. F. Conn
Attorney at Law
and Notary Public
l,nkevl-w. Oregua
OFFICK-Dalr Bulldlnff.
Attorney at Law,
.and Matters Spoelaltj
OFKICK Dlj Building.
Attorney at Law
Office In O. V. L. Co.'e Building.
Lakevikw, Okeqoiv
Mining & Civil Engineers
Mining Locution and Patent Surveys,
Farm aad Irrigation Work.
FOR CHILDREN 1 to 8 yeare
LEVI STU AU'iS & CO Kh. Vmax
Lakeview people who have stomach
and bowell trouble should guard
against appendicitis by taking sim
ple back '.horn bark, glycerine, etc., as
compounded In Adler-l-ka, the Ger
man appendicitis remedy. A SINGLE
DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas ou
the stomach and constipation IN
STANTLY liecuuse this simple mix.
ture antist-ptlcizes the digestive or
gans and draws off the impurities.
Ball & Ravnolds.
For utile either for stock or nart
cultuml purpose.
You Will Make No His-
take If You Follow
This Advice
Never oeglect your kllneys.
If you have pain in the back, urin
ary disorders, dlxxiness and nervous
ness, its time to act and no time to
experiment. Thes? ate common sym
ptoms of kidney trouble, and you
should seek a remedy which is rec
comended for the kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills Is the remedy
to use. It has cared many stubborn
cases in this vicinity.
Can Lakeview citizens demand fur
ther proof than the following testi
monial? Mrs. George Bell, Washington St.,
Klamath Falls, Ore., says: "Some
time ago I began to suffer from pains
in my back, due to disordered kid
neys. The kidney secretions were al
so unnatural, causing me annoyance.
Hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills, I pro
cured a sunply and began their use.
They completely cured me. I can
highly recommend Doan's Kidney
Pills to other kidney sufferers "
For sale by all dealers. Price 60
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo.
N. Y., sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Ranch for sale 160 acres on Camas
Prairie. 1500 cords wood; good
shearing corrals; largv house,
and out buildings, Address
McDanlels, Lakeview, Oiai;ou.
A 29
J. L. LYONS, D. U. 5.
Office in Watson's Block, Lake
view, Oregon
Etgat Y.' expeiienoe la Hiehtsaa.
QradoaU ef Lulvemltj of Uleblgaa.
Real Estate Brokers
High Grade Mini tig Stock
OfDott at
$1,000 REWARD
( ., . , i i. . lemiluii
1 V ' ,;:5.fA.i'd
' . V ' "IVt,
V Ak. 'V
I'lit- Oh'kod Cab
Horn In ud Nevada
Llvy ..ui'k Ho loo
Mo." Aormtoa, of
wblili ita under
Ik e'i t a mnuiber
wll' ;n fM'OUOO-
rei i to; trTideuve
o loe r
'ty tl pir-
it u.oj be
au of ita
t in
Ion- r
mei i'
Iu addition u the ahore. i oormcnbd
kTcioi: 't,t ti-me oonditioo ts i if i. r t:i hr
i brand, .1 ,o io-i,o trnr on 'xttr ai -l hdf
on :in, 'viurdod to elubt rn i- Rsik
Naiauy, Lk ud Crook oonf lo
nl-i Mhuit '1(1.
Noiih Mi" ,'Mu hnrnld. r. i inly In luraa
uicl.e W. M . Ijuown. File. Orusuu.