Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 12, 1912, SECTION ONE, Page 5, Image 5

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    Town Property
"Wo Soil Tho Real Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
Moro Bargain
Just received, for quick sale, gome of the best Valley Land
at the following bargains, viz., $12.50 per acre:
f0 Acre In bectlonO, Townahlp 39, Range 19
320 S2, 3, A CIO Rf)
IJOOO.Oi Kr ft lln new 20-roo.e bosh,, with lirn lot, 75il2C, clow U;a,ot4-r of
town iiiid I Huh Nrlioiil. Kiy term.
.'K).iO I'or rmnu uuw liitiimlow, nn l.intl up-mdau) home, clot..; to center of
town on llrtrnnrd Mirrt,. Key term.
Vneant Lot on HlftMh Mrt at lirta,ln.
$10.00 Kor ft new 4 room koiixe and wood ulind, lot M x 125, ffoo4 location
li'aMff ImPiiih
Per Acre
ilMO.(K) Kor n tiii-to-dm new bnlow, In chol realdcnre p,irt of the itty.
ICitwy trm.
nc Count)? Eramtncr
draiiKtb at the Hotl
Kaliilcr made l.ukcvlt-w finiova.
null 111 I.H1' Mer
cantile Co.
llAullion UrowD KchMl Shoes all
el-. taVrcwiitllt Co.
Nix-lnt laiMi Ht the opera house
mvrry haiurduy night.
1 f you want aoma nice eauer kraut
all at Mra II. A. Jonea'.
Wuitil.-Work by voiiiik man capa
ble of uny line. I. O. Bo 4T2, l-Hkf-flaw,
I tn-Koii.
Hock Inspector Malloy hat been
over in Warner during Ilia paat week
on ofHrial tiuslneai. I
J. F. Harmon Monday evening re
turned from l.o Anuii-a, where he had
IUtulr on
Christmas tree trlmmlnga galore at
'The Kroit.
The Lakeview Variety hat a com
plete Una of Xmaa goods.
Don't overlook the Lakeview Variety
when buving Xmaa goods.
Thoa. Frawley, a butcher of Alturaa,
came up on Tuoaday'e train.
The Lakeview Variety will ha open
night beginning Doe. 14th.
SewliiK and (IrotniiiikloK wolicited
liy Mra. Kamm-y at Mra. II. 8. Tatro
hnmo, fcilnali r-trwt. 3t
Warren Dunran. brother of our
townaman (i. W, Duncan, was down thla
week from "ilver Lake.
Don't forget we are In the candy
bunineaa and can put you uo auch a box
of candy good enough for a Queen, at
Cloud 'a.
Tim Ml ItMt aura nt In the old Col
orado Hotel building Inn been Mold to
I In) ry Otit. The new proprietor
Mimed chiirirr lfci?-inlMr 1st. D12-3
Mr. and Mra Caldwell, of Add, were
visiting In Lakeview the latter part
of last week. While here they were the
guest of Mr. and Mra. K. F. Cheney.
Workmen art! now employed in re
rtHxItdinir the r'irst National Hank room
formerly occupied by the postottke.
hern ceding acquainted with hie
The N. -C-O. la hmlling a large
amount o' incoming freight these daya,
indicating that business la good in all
parte of the county.
Frank I'olte, who recently made dual
proof on hla bomcst-ad In tho Fort
Itnrk neighborhood, ha gone to Sun
Franclcao to spend tho Winter.
Mra. E. L. Orton ar'ived from Port
land thia week on a visil to her aon.
lion. A. W. Orton, register of the U.
S. Land Olflce. She will remain dur
ing the W Inter.
Th. Lakeview Mercantile Company
a now conducting a big reduction aale
in all line of their atock, getting ready
to move to their new location in the
lleryfurd building.
Deer are reuorted unusually numer
ous in the hilla around l)rea Valley.
At thia time of year there are gener
ally only a few in that entire section,
aa ihcy Winter in the lava beda down
near Tule Lake.
C. M. Farmerlee and C. L. Beeraft,
well known ranchera of Vistillua, were
in Lakeview the forepart of the week.
They report atock doing well In their
aartion. with the outlook favorable
for a mild winter.
An ricavation la being made at the
Hide ot the Heryft rd building for a
big tank to hold the oil which will be
uaed to generate electricity for the
elevator and lighting syatem. After
thla winter o'l will also be burned in
the furnace. '
There are numeroua sidewalks
throughout town that are sadly in need
of repair, and there la a lack of auch
walk! in many placea that are badly
needed. The new Council haa some
what of a job on ita hands in these re-;
garda, to say the least I
Mr. and Mra. Claude K. Seager have
been in Lakeview during the cast
ween, preparing io move ....un. nQW benR ((me on VBrioug street
hold effecta to Davia Creek, where they ... miin .,. wi ue
Ralnler beer on draught at the Inn.
Kor rent, furnmhed home on Watrr
aUeet. Ha (1. L. Holbrook. tf
The Lakeview Variety haa the aaaor-
ment and the prlcei are right.
For Kale A ton of Candy for Holi
day! at Cloud'a Kandy Kitchen.
Mr. and Mra. D. W. Thomaa Tueaday
oume up from New Pine Creek.
H. L. Chandler, the Northern Stage
man, waa in town the drat of the week
from bia Crooked Creek ranch.
One doieu homo drcHMes. amor ted
pateriia and Hin-a to close at reduce!
piicea. Lakeview Mercantile Co.
I'orU'rfleli will -pay the blbet
price for your h-cud(I hund bouaehold
furniture, at ' Btrlplln'a old stand,
Water atraet. 4t
Lost Small Brown fur neck piece,
between M. K. Church and residence
of F. P. Cronemlller. Finder please
leave at thia oflice and receive reward.
J. W. Howard of Drewa Valley, waa
a departure on thia mornlng'a train on
his way to his old home in Phlladel
ph's, Penn. He will not return before
next June.
Lutber McCarty of Springfield, Mo.,
won the heavyweight chamoionablp
elimination conteat Dec. 10 at Loa
Angeles from Jim Flynn. The battle
ended in the aixleenth round.
getting It ready for the Lake County Th. tMmin , e,ipt of . let
Loan and Savings bank. tef ffom r FjQok who own , r,nch
Ceo. Msupin, a well known resident jon Hock Creek, ordering his paper aent
and business man of Fort llidwell. ; to Selmsi. Calit.. where be and Mra.
spent several days in Lakevie renew
Ing acnunintancea and attending to
aoine business matters.
While chopping wood yesterday st his
Crooked Creek ranch Cenrge Boone
nearly aevered his thumb from the
right hand witn an ax. He was brought
to town bv George Chsndler !n an auto,
and Dr. Smith dressed the wound.
After several months of considers
tlor, President Taft and the Secretary
of Agriculture have appointed Dr. Carl
Alsberg as chief of the bureau of
chemistry to succeed Dr. Harvey W.
Wiley who reafgned (ast Spring.
Undoubtedly the most handsome
calendar issued thus far in this city for
1913 is that of the Lakevinw Mercan
tile Company. The calendar contains
a reproduction 'from an oriirinal hand
painting by C. T. Wilson, entitled
"The Forest Primeval."
Mike Sullivan, Charley Duggan and
John Hallinan came in from Guano
Saturday to spend a few days with
Lakeview friends. They report the
range on the desert as excellent, but
tl e lack of water prevents sheepmen
trum getting the full benefit of the
same at present.
The cltv dads Sunday mad au in
spection tour ot the town to inveatigate
different portions of the ureets and
sidewalks that need repair. Work is
expect io reame in me imure. uurmg p,ove(1 ,he rcmBimer of
their atay here they were gueats of Mr. temljn. ,0 tnig work,
the Fall st
and Mrs. A. . urton. I
L. A. Carriker and G. F. Arthur,
two prominent ranchers of the West
Side, were in town tho forepart of the
week. They repart that a large
acreage had been seeded to grain thia
Fall, although the cold weather of the
past ten days hns interfered somewhat
with plowing.
The holidays are rapidly approach
ing, and the fact la well evidenced
by the many handsame stocks of goods
now on aisplay in the different stores
of the town. Generally the linea are
more on the useful order than other
wiito, although no difficulty will be ex-
i perienced in selecting toys and games
! for the little ones.
, Geo. Storkman thia week received ! Three liqour licenses have been is
the fixture for hi new cigar . store ! gued in New Pine Creek. Those re
and poolrooms to tie located i" the ! reiving licenses are : McCurdy & Hsr
Storkman building, mid he will open 'vey, W. S. Crumley and Anderson &
far business in a short time. Ihe room
has been thoroughly renovated and will
present a hanudome appearance when
furniahed and occupied.
Z Mra. Harry Morron, of Valley Falls,
who has been at the Lakeview Hospi-
Williams. The town according to the
ordinance adopted, ia limited to four
saloons, and the licenses are fixed at
1400 a year each.
A party was given last Sunday even
ing at the borne oi Airs. J. i. uoaaon
talthe pastseveralj weeks under the jn honor of the twentieth birthday
oare of Dr. E. D. Everett, was this 1 day of Mrs. Dodaon's niece, Miss Delia
morning taken to Keno ;for an opera-1 Walker. About 14 guests werejpresent,
tion. Dr. Kverett accompanied her. j Bn( delightful refreshmenta were
1'his is the second time that Mrs. Mor- gerved, accompanied by music by the
ren haa been taken to Reno to be oper- Lakeview orchestra,
ated UDon. a big duck stew was held in Alturas
W. ;il. Drenkel and sun, Walter, a8( Saturday night at which there
Lakeview real estate dealers, returned were atout 200 guests present. Two
Monday eveningifrom ,a tripto; Sun hunting teams were organized with E.
FranclscoJ and Kichmond, Calif. They
report that Kichmond, the California
oil town, ia the most active place on the
eoaat and that Ifgives'the.beHt promises
for a thriving city. Mr. Drenkel in
vested in twelve lota there.
It. E. Winchester, of Susanville.
Calif., haa bought the Goose Lake Val
ley Meat Company's Market in Luke
view from J. F. Mayfield and Ed
Fetherolt. Mr. Winchester arrived
here Inst week and lias spent consider
able time in the surrounding1 country
looking into the aheep and cattle mar
ket, lie will take charge January
F. Auble and Mr. Henshaw as captains.
Auble's aide won the contest by killing
173 du iks and 6 geese during the day.
In all there were about 360 ducks killled
which made the scores of each side
nearly equal.
It is said that the Arabolad Company
stores at New Pine Creek and Alturas
are in the hands of a receiver. H. S.
Aldcetein of San Francisco has been
appointed adiuster. The company has
large stocks of merchandise at each
place and it is expected that they will
be able to continue business after some
of the atock has been tun ed and collec
tions of old accounts made.
Flook will spend the Winter.
li. Elliott, an electrician of Carson
Citv, Nevada came up last week to
plsce the electric light fixtures In the
new N.-C.-O. depjt building at Lake
view. He is now installing the new
pumping plant for the Fairport Inn.
Ueene & Barnes are now comfortably
located in their new quarters in the
First National Bank annex. The room
la admirably adapted to their business,
that of cigar store and poolrooms, Do
ing well lighted, with high ceiling and
fine front.
Financier William Guntber and Re
corder Dan Brennin. of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen lode here,
have received from Portland a check
for 12000 in full payment on the death
claim of Mrs. Msry E. Snider, widow
of the late C. U. Snider.
Attorney General Cleveland H.
Baker of Nevada, died suddenly at bis
borne last week in Carson .City. He
was 29 years old and considered one of
the most brilliant young men in the
state. George B. Thatcher, of Ton-
opah haa teen appointed bia successor.
The hearing of James Metzker last
Thursday before Magistrate Wallace on
a charge of assault with intent to kill
on the person ot Chester Yates devel
oped in binding him over in $500 bonds
and to appear betore the grand juiy.
The bonds have not been furnished and
he is now being held in the county
C. W. Reynolds who waa to leave
this morninsj for Spokane. Wash., by
way ot Sacramento, Cal., missoj the
train and was compelled to wait an
other day. He expects that his busi
ness will keep him away about two
months, after which he will return and
resume farming his ranch at the head
of the lake.
M. D. Williams,-of Davis Creek, who
has been confined in the Lakeview hos
pital for nearly two months ty a severe
attack of typhoid,-is slowly improving,
although it will yat be some time be
fore be fully regains bis health. He has
certainly had a eeige with the dread
disease, but his atmng constitutes
finally overcame it, . ,.
Attorney J. M. Batchelder last week
rled on a homestead near the Chaa.
Gott ranch north of Lakeview, and
he with Mrs. Batchelder will take up
their residenoe there in the Spring.
Both Mr. aud Mra. Batchelder have
a longing for farm life and no doubt
the venture will prove both profitable
and pleasant.
For a limited time the Examiner ia
prepared to give with each renewal or
order for new subscription at the regu
lar prico of $2.00 a year, the California
Country Journal for one vear free. This
is a 16 page journal published in San
Francisco, and ia entirely devoted to
farming, fruit raising, poultry, aairv
iag, etc. Sample free at thia office.
At the town election at Paislev last
week, the following personnel of
officers for the coming year was elect
ed : Mayor, C. E. Campbell; council
men : Dr. Thayer. L. A. Moss, Epb
Miller, W. A. Currier, J. Hampton and
V. Conn; Recorder, B. F. Farrow;
Treasurer, Neal Woodward, and Taylor
for marshal. There were 89 votes cast,
80 woaien voting andf9 men. J
Found, soitcaHe. Kortnrtiur infor
mation, apply at thla office. tf
Wanted A thouasnd customers to
bey holiday goods at The Frost
Men's overcoats Id rood colore and
weight material. Mercantile Co.
Chlldrens white drew,, sites 2 to
8 year. Lakeview Mercantile Co.
Famous mid-winter tour of the
world, walch for later announce
Twantr head of hen-ford bulls fori
aale. nqulre A. M. Baaltli, Drews'
Talley, or K. ). Hunting, Lakeview.'
Dave Rice, son of Roadmaster M. D. j
Rice of (be N.-C.-O., and mother have i
returned from a visit to eaatern statea. I
A new sidewalk waa laid tbia week j
along the west side of the Lakeview I
Meat Market to connect with tbe j
cemc t walk at the corner of the
postoffice. j
Mrs. Anna Neil n, who has been J
seriously sick for several weeks past, j
is gradually improving and will be aole
to atten I to' business matters in the ,
near future.
.Christmas is now onlv two weeks
sway, and aa a consequence Young
America is on bis good behsvior. It
might be incidentally mentioned that
the Surday Schools are also largely at
tended. The subject for tbe sermon at the
Masonic Hall Sunday morning will ts
"The Character of Jesus aa the Teat of
Christianity." The pastor will preach. '
There will be special music. Tbe pub- ;
lie ia invited.
Lost: In Lakeview Monday morning ;
between residences of Mrs. G. Metzker ,
and Mrs. J. Lewis a pair of spectacles
In glass case, containing inscription of
"Riner Lawson, Santa Ro?a. Calif."
Finder please notify Mrs. Gladys
Dave Edler, tbe renowned sheep king
of Southern Oregon, last week passed
through Laaeview. from Keno Springs
in Klamath County to Baty Buttes,
where several bands of his sheep will!
Winter. He is feeding some sheep at
Keno Springs.
Senator and Mrs. W. Lair Thompson i
Monday morning left for the Willamette
Valley, going by way of Reno and San
Francisco. They will spend a few days i
in the latter place, afterwards going to
Eugene, where they will spend Christ
mas. Mr. Thompson will then go to
Salem to atteod the regular biennial
session of the Oregon Legislature,
which convenes early in January.
r.etrve your orders for 1914 calen
dars fiT the Examiner. We bave com
ing one of the most complete lines of
samples ever introduced in Lakeview.
Tbe series include both foreign and
domestic designs. This will be an ad
vantage for calendar purchasera and
they will be insured against having any
errors appear in the printing as is oi
ten tbe case when sending orders out
of town.
W. P. Heryford, who returned a
few days since from a trip to Califor
nia, has been somewhat under the
weather since his return. However
nothing serious has resulted, and it is
quite likely that it will be sometime
before be again tackles the California
climate, inasmuch as be never fails to
come home sick after a trip to tbe city?
And there was'no'hydrantjn his way
this time, either.
Invitations are out for the wedding
of Ira McCoul ar.d Miss Nera Vernon,
which happy event is to take place next
Sunday at tbe home of the bride's
Barents, Mr. and Mrs. Flint Vernon
down tbe vallev. Mr. McCoul is tne
eldest son of Nigbtwatch J. E. McCoul
of Lskeview, and is now farming the
Hurley Vernon ranch. The bride to te
is a popular young lady and has resided
in this section since childhood.
The Oregonian says Mitts Cassie If.
Thompson, of Albany, is probably the
nrat woman to serve on a regular elec
tion in Oregon, acting as she did at the
recent city election at that place as
clerk of the board. One of the men ap
pointed aa clerk failed to appear when
the polls opened and inasmuch as wo
men were to Vote at the election Miss
Thompson waa elected to serve. She
is a sister of Attorney W. Lair i ho rap
son of Lakeview.
The new quartera in the Heryford
building tor tbe United Statea Land
Office are nearing completion and the
offloe will occupy tbe same January
1, opening there for business on the
moruing of tbe 2d. The new office
rooms will be very pleasant, the regis
ter and receiver each having private
offices. The main oflice ia large and
well lighted and will afford ample
accomodations for the clerks as well
as the general public. 1
Is Expecting You
Thy arm waiting tor you to comet
The Desire For Comfort Suggests
The Line of Block Signals
To Chicago, Omaha, Denver, Katsas City and all Point East
TrnlnfiIliffh Class
A Pleasure
To Ana wer
Write them you are coming, then let us tell
you how little it will cost
Ask any Agent O. W. R. & N., or write Passenger Department,
Lakeview Saddlery
A complete Uneof
wagon and buggy
harness, whips,
robes, bits, rlates,
spurs, quilts, rose
ettes, etc., etc.
Everything in the
line of carriage
and horse furnish
ings. Repairing
by competent
Successors to S. F. AHLSTROM
Lakeview Ice, Transfer
and Storage Co
Telephone No. lOl
J. P. DUCKWORTH, Manages
Suss to Meet All Trains. Transfer
and Drayage. Storage by day,
Week or Month
LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors
Let The Examiner Figure on Your Next Job Work