Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 28, 1912, SECTION ONE, Image 5

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    Town Proporty
:000.M lor ft 11 in new 10-rooin Iioiimm with larxe lot, 7.1s 1 2., chtw t'l.ccoUT of
IowiiiiikI High Hrhiol. V.n-y term.
I'JWK) ( I'nr tl room imw 1'iinnulow, an Imal up in date home, clone In cctitiT o(
town on Bernard Htrct. Ka term.
Vacant Lota oil Hlaali Htrwt at liargaln.
IHHO.lN) Kor a mw 4 room Iioiimo and wood ohccl, lot M) x 125, K"ol location.
Kanjr l,fniM.
ilUMl.tHt Kir mi iip-to-datw new liutigalow, la choice n-aldmeo art 4 tlm city.
I'.aay trni.
"Wo Sell Tho Roal Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
Moro Bargain
Just received, for quick sale, some of the best Valley Land
at the following bargains, viz., $12.50 per acre:
MO Acre in hectlon.lO, Townahlp .10, Range 19
330 " 22. " 30, " 10
S " " 22, " Hi, ' 19
240 " M, " . " 19
100 " " 2. " 38, " 19
At $12.50
Per Acre
Xnhc Count? Cyamlncr
TIII)ltrlA V. NOVEMBER 2S. ltfia.
IChIiiW mada Lnkwvtow famoua.
I.aili'a Hiilt aV at l.aio-vlew M-r-rntiitlt
Hamilton llrowii Kcliool Shooa nil
lia' MitciiiiIIIi' Co.
August Encpiest. aheap man of I'luah, king, waa busines visitor In the city
came over the llrat or tho week. , (ant week.
For rfot, furniahi'il house Water Con Fltrgerald and Wm. Moaa Tues-itmt-t.
Ka (I. I. Hollirook. tf day came over from I'luah to apend
II. U. Fleming, enterprising mer- few daa in the city,
.hant of New Pine Creek, Friday rame ' Att-ol ill all-night TliankHglviim
up to Lakeview. itallet tlm oHra Iiouh, Thuraday
Kngeno CurtU and tamlly thia week NoV"ml-r 2.
ri'glnti ri at Hotel Lakeview from A gol Mitchell wagon and aet of
Denver, Colorado, almtrnt new work harness for aale at a
E. H. Header of tho Weatern Pacific bargain, lnuuire at Lakeview Barber
railroad, arrived Tuesday from Reno Shop.
on hia regular monthly trip to Lake- .
Black faced yearling nutnlier one, 1
for aale at leu dollar, alao Lincoln
laiuU Walter A. Sherlock, Alturaa,
Misi-ea Maud Kite and r'ranre M By
Held iilerlaincd a few friend at din
ner Friday evening lant at tho residence
of the former.
I..ri. riUI 1 titv tlm blirbent
plica tor i.ur h. cond tiand bollnahold
Inrtiitiirr, lit Hlrlplla'a old atand, j
Watr street. 4t
George. Jammcrthul, who dividea hia
time iietween tho clunea of Gooae Lake
Valley and atinny California, haa re
turned to San Fraiiclaco to apend the
Crank Dohkina of Silver Lake, ad
miriiitrator of the estate of the late
Jamett Mrlin la in Lakeview thia week
Iteming to mattera In tho Intereat of
tho eatiite.
Joe Ambrose, the aagebruah prophet, but were brought to a halt tiy "Jack"
waa viaitor in the city veatcrday from Hanan, who eaw the outfit coming
hia ranch near urewa Gap. He aaya and caught one horse by the bit.
tin ground is in prime condition for Tho good weather continuea although
plowing. this morning waa somewhat cloudv and
H. A. IJ t ley haa purchased an elec- alight indications of rail were notice
trie aaeuum claaner for hiuse cleaning able. The present warm apell givea
purpoaea. If your house needs clean- the farmera an excellent opportunity to
ing, save time and atrength by arrang- do their Fall plowing and aeeding.
ing with Utley to do the job. 1 Thllf s Farrell made a profesaional
Forest Assistant Norman Jacobaon trip to High Grade during the past
and Ranger It. A. Uradley, of the Fre- week. He reports considerable de-
mont Forest Service, Tuesday eame
iown from Silver Lake where
have been the past three weeks.
Jamea G. Campbell of the Examiner,
i!! Uit evemnir won the turkey that
waa given away at Snluer'a opera
house. The lucky number waa 026132,
and a large audience witnesaed the
drawine for the turkey.
The northwest corner room on the ! ' "e town and the largo area of
drat floor of the new Heryford building , cuny ""'rounding it.
ia being finished preparatory to housing Eight floors of the Marquam build
the Lakeview postofllce. An effort ia ing in Portland collapied last week.
tjeing made to get moved into the new
. juartcrs bv the brat of December.
W. V. and J. D. Heryford and Andy
Underwood Saturday left for San
Francisco to buy the elevator and other
accessories for the new UeryloM
No expenoe la being apared
in making
the structure modern in
everv Darticular.
The commission of alienist. Invest!- d.rect competition with seven north
gating aa to the mental condition of eB,e te. " ' omething to crow
John Schrank, who shot Colonel Koose- er. Oregon larmer. give good
. , ,,.i,, ihui ha ia ! account of themaelvea at any show
velt. reported unanimously that he ia .
iu i uu im,iiBlU where they enter exhibita.
i limine and Schrana waa immediately j
committed to an asylum. He protested j Fred Reynolds of the Snyder & Key-
he waa not insane.
J. R. McDonaldJand Bert T'eat who
have been in Lakeview the past two
unontha left yeBterday morning by auto,
it ia reported that they took a very
early start in order to avoid maeting
.any people with whom they were too
well acquainted in Lakeview. Their
wives went out on Monday morning's
train, -
Mra. 11. H. Riddles, wife of Con
(tractor Klddela ot the Maney Brothera
Construction Co.. came up laat week
from Pyramid Lake, Nevada, where
4ier husband haa contract on the
Fernley-Laosen branch of the Southern
Paclflo railroad. Mra. Klddela expects
to spend about ten daya viHltlng in
While out hunting with aome other
amall buys west of town last Saturday
.Freddie Bunting, aon of Mr. and Mra.
V. O. Bunting of Lakeview, waa ae
."idently ahot in the right foot with a .22
calibre rille. The ball passed just un
ilernouth the inner bone of the instep,
'without fracturing any bones. After
reaching home the wound waa dresaed
by Dr. E. D. Everett, and while the
accident was painful it did not prova
derioua. He ia now able to be out and
.attend reboot.
I RalnltT lmr on draught at tlm Inn
Hyi f.r halo. Fine plump grain.
I Apply at tlil ollli. 10-31
Pound, rulteami. For lurthir Infor-
1 inaiton, apply at tlila ofllcp. tl
Mi'n'a overcoat in trood colora ami
1 w-1ylit matrlala. Mcrcuiitilf Co.
' W. V. I'ainr, real estate dealer, baa
'gone to Ban Francisco to apind the
I Dave EUlir, Luke County'a aheep
Kern thu Britten & Erickson ad
of Largaina on the firat page of the
second aertion of thia lsue of tho Ex
aminer. J. V. Maxwell, the veteran real
eatate ilealer, haa been troubled the
pant few daya with blood poisoning in
one ot hia feet.
(irand TliMnkMgivlrig Hull at Opera!
Hoime, Tlitirwlay nlilit, Nov. 21
tluod iiiiihIc, xxl H""
and an ex
call-nt tun l curel.
Francea G. Ilewa, ihn blind lecturer
and eio('Utiunlt of IJenver, Colo., gave
a very pluaamg performance at the
Methodmt church Friday evening of
lunt week.
Floyd I.
Barnard, of Washington, i
haa been appointed to a clerk
ahip in the U. S. Land Office at thia
place. He and hia wife are expected
to arrive here Saturday evening.
The laundry team took a apin down
Water afreet last Thursday evening,
velopment work under way at several
veiopmeni wora unuer way i several i
of the minea and ia positive that some i
rich snkea will be made during the
H U. Whlteline, of Klamath tails,
spent a tew days of last week in Lake-
view on business before the U.h. Land i
Office. This waa hia nrst trip to Lake-1
I artiAtaa a nil aau at u nrautil lu a 1 1 m r t JUil of Ihfl 1
It js stated that the crash had been
expected for some time and the streets
in the vicinity of the building had been
roped off to prevent traiho. No one
waa hurt in the wreck.
Crook county won honors at the
Minneapolia Land.tshow, taking in the
Northern racinc cup ior me Deai urn-
play of forage planta. Aa this waa in
nolda drug store, left last week for San
Francisco to purchase fixture and fur
niture for their new location in the
Heryford building. The boya aay that
they will have everything in the most
modern and attractivhe fauhion. They
exoect to get moved shortly after the
tirat of the year.
E. J. S. McAllister accused of being
a member in the vice clique against
which the Juvenile Court of Portland
is waging a vigorous campaign, was
arrested laat laat week at Medtord
while he waa aboard a aouth bound
train, and lodged in jail. He was later
released after furnishing S1000 bail.
M'Alliater ia known in Lakeview,
where he waa intereated in a case be
fore the cirouit court a few years ago.
A man caused a great commotion in
Loa Angeles laat week by ruBhingintu
the central police station with his arms
lull of dynamite and armed with an
infernal machine. He threatened to
t low up the entire building if torched
but stated thai he Vaa particularly
after the president ot the Pacific Elec
tric Railway. While other officers at
tracted the maniac's attention two de
tectives leaped upon him from behind
and rendered him unconscious from a
blow over the head.
Kalnier on draugth at the Hotel
Pair liora4 blatiketa for aale, 2 M).
Apply at till olMi-p. tf
All iitglu danoH at Hie opera noon,
Tburadny night, N'lVmnlK-r 2H.
Chtldrene white tlreaaoa, alxea 2 to
8 year Lakeview Mercantile Co.
A. H. Canterbury, government trap
per and hunter, la in town thia week.
The Teacup Club will meet tomorrow
afternoon at the home of Mra. W. P.
Horyford in thia city.
OlMMloien bona dreaaer. luaorU'd
pateraaand aiwa to eloae at reduced
prlcem. Lakeview Mercantile Va.
S. G. and C. S. Hull, twin brothera.
piano tunera of Twin Falla, Idaho, were
in Lakeview the tirat of the week.
W. Z. Moaa haa hia freight teama
hauling Hour from the Lakeview Mills
to hia Snider Creek ranch In Warner
Dr. and Mra. J. Havden Fiak are row
occupying tho Cannon bungalow on
Main atreet, recently vacated by 0. L.
The new Eastern Oregon branch
aaylum under courae of uonatruction at
Pendleton la expected to be ready for
I occupun.-y by January 1, 1013.
i . ..
A. E. Chenev, of the Cheney Har
ncHa and Saddle Shop, waa confined to
hia home a few daya the first of the
! week with an attack of lagrippe.
Samuel Crock, who haa been em
'ployed on the Heryford building, a few
days ago went to Klamatb Falla where
hia family will join him thia week.
Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Snelling are now
r-..., k
: . - -1 rr.. : . l.. - . . w4
mere inia weea. ineir Limcview reoi
dence has been leased to Mr. and Mrs.
U. L. Dunbar.
Pete Enquest returned Monday from
Warner Valley where he had been look
ing over hia ranch and aheep. He left
Tuesday morning on hia return home to
Santa Koau, Cal.
We are very glad to report that
Mra. A. M. Nellon who has been aeri-
loualy ill the past several days is im
proved in health. It ia hoped that the
ta on the toad to permanent recovery, g
The District Court ot Appeala of
Callforria haa handed down a decision
in the election controversy in that stale
which democratic leaders declare will
place California in the Wilson column.
Get the habit of going to church.
you nee4j the church and the
needs you you ,re invited to
tne Methodist Jchurrh Suniiay.
You need the church and the church
A live
service ia promised. Good muaic.
Come !
The Uend Bulletin in speuking of the
Hetrew Agricultural Association of
Oregon, whose solo intent ia to induce
Jewish people to take up claims on
go.ernment land aaya: "The first col
ony ia now located in Lake county, 115
miles southeast of Bend."
The four gunmen, "Gyp, the Blood,"
"Lettle Louie." "Dago Frank." and
"Whity Lewis," accused of the killing
Kif Gamble Herman Roaenthal in New
York City, have baen tound guilty of
first degree murder, and must pav the
penalty of death in the elactric chair.
Simeon Chevalier, of Guano Valley,
spent several days In town thia week
purchaaing supuhes for the Winter.
He brought in eighty coyote pelts to
get the bounty and sell the hides. He
ia opening up a farm in the extreme
eastern part of the county near the
Nevada line.
The largo stock of Edlaon wax stan
dard 2 niln record and the Kdiaon
wax ainlieroI4-inlu ri-cordn will Ir sold
for 2. and 3."c reapectfully. Tbene
record are all new, uo aecond Imuil
records anions them. ThU price will
prevail aa long aa the present atock
laHta. Come anil play them and aelect
while the stock la large. Thornton's
DruK Store. 2t
At last Wililara Jenninga Bryan's
most cherished hopes and fondled aa
Dlrationa to enter the White House may
in a degree be realized providing he ac
cepts the reported offer to tecome
Secretary of State In the Cabinet of
Preaidem-elect Wilaon. It is alao ex
pected that Mr. btvan will be one of
Wilson's chief advisers in aeleuting the
new Cabinet.
Those who have been circulating re
port of the marriage of 8. V. Kehart,
president of the Lakeview Water Co.
aud Mra. M. E. Peacock at Reno on
their way to Southern California, will
be Riven further grounds for gosaip by
the news contained in a letter from
Mr. Rehart to friend in thia city.
He stated that "we" had very
pleasant trip down, and that before
returning to Lakeview it is likely that
would again forsake the state of
Haloler on draugth or in bottlea at
tb Hrewery. 2t
Social dance at the opera houae
every Haturday eight.
Dr. E. H. Amsden of New Pine
Creek waa a visitor in Lakeview Tues
day. C. F. Hchultz. farmer of the Clover
Flat aeetion, waa in Lakeview yester
day. W. M. Wooda, tiller of the aoil, waa
in town the first of the week from hia
Weet Side ranch with a load of grain.
W. P. Vernon, eon of Mr. and Mra.
T. B. Vernon, recently returned from
a ahort pleasure trip to San Francisco.
C. N. Miller, putlicity agent of tne
N.-C.-U. Hy. and Live Stork Agent V.
L. Knelling were op Saturday from
r airport .
11. A. Funk, clerk in the Lakeview
Mercantile Co. store, ia having a walk
graveled in front of his lot in the Dren
kel Addition.
That old slogan, "Do Your Christ-
man ahopping early," atore windowe
and newHpaper advertising will soon
come Into ciiHtom again, which reminds
ua that the great holiday is drawing
near. Christmas ia but 26 davs off and
the ahopper is being reminded to get
Over manufacturers ot alleged
quack patent medicines in 72 cities
throughout 22 states were arrested lant
week upon order and instigation of
Postmaster General Hitchcock. The
action 8H the result of months ot in
vestigation directed against firmg mun
ufacturing medicinal preparations con
sidered injurious to public health. The
arreata were made aimultaneoosly and
displayed great skill and caution of
the manner in which wholesale arrests
were executed.
Attorney and State Senator-elect
W. Lair Thompson lat week made a
business trip to Paisley in the welfare
of several parties interested in the
water rights of the Chewaucan Kver.
A meeting ot the water uaera waa held
at which plana were made for definite
action in defense of their claims at the
meeting with the State Engineer in
December, saya the Chewaucan Presa.
'Ihe waters of the Chewaucan have
never been apportioned and many of the
present claimants to the water fear
that their right will be questioned by
the state.
At ti e cilice of Justice of the Peace
Kennedy, this city, at high noon Nov.
21. George F. Storkmann to Mrs. Pearl
Wei.-K't-rber. The hBppy couple will
remain in the city for a few daya and
then take their departure for Lake
view, where tbev will reside. Mr.
Storkmann was for some yeara a resi
dent of Prineville, while Mra. Stork
mann ia a Harney county girl. Prine
ville Review. ,
George Storkmann and wile arrived
In Lakeview thia week from Prineville
to make their future home. Mr. Stork
mann will open a 'cigar factory in his
father'a tuilding now occupied by
Keene & Barnes. He expects to begin
as soon aa the latter move their pool
room and store into the rear of the
First National Bank building. Mr.
Storkmann ia the eldest son of Mr. and
Mra. A. Storkmann of thia city. He
has been absent from here nearly five
yea's and received a warm welcome
from friends upon his return. Mrs.
Storkmann, while a stranger in Lane
view, U a charming lady and has made
many friends since her arrival.
Payne's Abstract Correct
The abstracts of the votes cast at the
general election have been received
at Salem, saya a dispatch from that
place to the Portland Journal, by the
secretary of the state, and the checking
of the returns have been practically
completed. Out of 80 abstracta, from
aa many different counties, only seven
were without errors. One of the ab
stracts bad 20 errors, another 11, and
the othera had from 4 to 10. These bad
to be sent back to clerks for correction.
County Clerk F. W. Payne's abstract
of tbe Lake county vote waa presum
ably one of tbe seven without an error
as it haa not been returned for correc
tion. Chautauqua Circle
The Lakeview Chautauqua Circle
will meet Monday evening Deember 2,
at 7:30 at the home ot Miss Mabel
Program : roll call, current eventa:
"L. Forrer, the Swiss President,"
Chautauquan European Rulera, Mlas
Gertrude Vernon.
"Labor Legislation In England and
on the Continent," Ogg, Chapter
XV, Miss Minnie Vernon.
"Care of tbe Poor in England and
on the Continent," Ogg, chapter XVI,
Mrs. 11. Bailey
Linos to a Skeleton
In making excavation for a vegetable
cellar underneath their bouse a few
weeka ago the family of C. W. Rey
nolds, residing on a homestead about
four miles aoutb weat of Lakeview,
made a grewsome find that has excited
considerable speculation. The major
portion of a skeleton waa discovered
lesa than three feet from the surface.
F'rom the aize of the skull and tbe di
mensions of the long bones of the leg it
ia more than likely that the individual
who clothed these bonea waa a woman.
Waa it a white woman? Or waa it
an Indian? At all eventa the mystery
will probably never be aolved. The
tew teeth remaining in the upper jaw
were weJI worn down indicating that
at tbe time f death thia person aa past
middle life. There were no trinketa
whatever, and no metal or other evi
dence of the kind of clothing worn. Ia
it possible that aome old woman while
attempting to cross through swampy
laad and tulea, euch as are now found I
at the head of the lake mired down in
the muck and ber remains were inter-;
red to tbe music of the ainging aedges, I
while the water fowl wheeled unmind-,
ful? Such a discovery brings to mind '
the linea of an old author, name un
known, which were written about four
hundred yeara ago: i
Behold this ruin ! T'was a skull I
Once of ethereal spirit full: I
This narrow cell aa life'a retreat, !
This apace waa tbougbt'a mysterious
What beauteous visions filled this
What dreams of pleasures long for
got, j
Nor love, nor hope, nor joy, nor fear '
Haa left one trace of record here. j
Beneath thia mouldering canopy j
Once Fbown the bright and buey eye ;
But start not at tbe dismal void, j
If social love that eye employed, j
If with no lawless tire it gleamed,
But through the dew ot idleness
That eye shall be forever bright
When sun and stars are sun in night.
Within this hollow cavern hung
I The ready, swift and tuneful tongue:
If falsehoods honey it disdained,
Big Redudions
We have about eight new up-to-date
Ladies' Suits, in sizes 34 and 36, priced
regular at $20.00 to $27.50. You may
have your choice of these Suits for a
short time at $18.50; all 9 12 Suits.
All our Spring Suits left over you may
take at half-price. Good patterns and
sizes. About six Ladies' and Misses'
Coats, good heavy materials, we are of
fering at a good liberal reduction. Don't
let this opportunity pass.
And where it could not praiae was
If bold in virtues eauae it spoke
Yet gentle concord never br ke.
Tbat ailent tongue aball breath tor
When time onvaila eternity.
Say, dd these Angers delve tbe mine.
Or with tbe envied roby ablne?
To hew tbe rock or wear the gem
Can little now avail to them;
But it tbe page of truth tbey sought,
Or comfort to tbe mourner brought,
Theae banda a richer meed shall
Than all tbat waits on wealth or
Availa it whether bare or ahod
these feet tbe path of duty trod?
If from tbe bo were of eaae tbey
To seek affliction's bumble abed:
If granduer'a guilty bribe they
And borne to virtue's cot returned
Theae feet with angle's wings shall
And tread tbe palaces of the sky.
Advertised Letters
Mr. Rotert Wilcox , Mr. L. S.
Bishop 2, Harry W. Allen, Cbarles L.
E. Moyne, Mr. Bernie E. Gleaaon,
Henry Koher, Mra. W. A. McCord,
Mr. C. C. Roberts. E. B. Griffith, W.
H. McDonald. Tom Fasleigb, W. E.
Edwards, E. W. Greene, Will Grey, J.
Davis, J. E. Griffith. Bert Goocb, John
Edwards, Charlie Olsen Butcher, P. M.
Batchelder. Miss Marion F. Brown,
Harry Monslev, Fred Ritiznger, D. W.
Burling. Cbarles Egeraon, F. W. Re
vier, W. L. Evans. Mr. Keith, Mr.
Jaa. Baris, H. Besaec, Mr. Louis Ges
sig, Mrs. C A. Chase, Mrs. E. A.
Chase 2, P. F. Tighe. J. W. Coudale,
Mr. Delltreguo Gulseppa, A. I. Rich
ards and wife, Kenneth Works, Mrs.
W. W. Wymore, Emett Vooder. Fran
cisco Iilarro, Mra. T. F. Tipton, Mrs.
A. F. Smith, Tom Si mole 2. Tbeo.
Sargeant, Victor Raymond, W. Paraons,
Bill Simmons, Christ Petersen, Mrs.
Vye Pbilpa, Dr. C. Major. Miss Jennie
Martinez, E. L. Martin, Marvin Irwin
2, Harry Hunter 2, O. O. Jet ley, Mr.
Job Jones, Mrs. Jones, Mr. H. F.
Hanson, T. Hanson, Ivan Houston 2,
W. P. Hill.
f ) I'M
.4 A
till 9