Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 21, 1912, Image 8

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If you care for your appearance. If you
want ernVf SttlngClothlngofgood quali
ty, that will showyour individuality, come
to w Tailoring n " rorr reu.
made clot hin Is Itecomlng to. He se ef
fer. flf .vtm Itetter, please .von Mterthan clothier, and our prices cannot
le rqonlU il at any fdace. W speclallie on
f;W Nnfi. amf c Ae fuem at tl".SO,
fi: ( nul as to w an A'uff .
Shaped s .von fAero, n TVwropfi
Fedora, or other styles. The fashionable
lints for this season of the year re truth
ful a ml pleasing. We want you to try one
and see how n oli you like It. Every new
style, every new shae and every new
color is reiresentetl la our stock. Vricetl
from tl.,'i i;.
For present use, you need Underwear that
will prove comfortable these chlll,v days,
and rttain your even temHTature. Our
Underwear Is made to contain these comfort-giving
qualities. Ask any of your
friends to substantiate our claim of the
best Underwear values. Heavy riblted,
comla-d bark Underwear, SI 00 a suit. Ex
tra heavy sanitary tlreeed Underwear,
f 1.23a suit. All wool Vicuna and natural
wool, double breastetl Underwear, fl.33 a
garment . Men's Winter weight Union
Suits, f 1.23 a suit.
The vast number of satisfied wearers will
Itear us out in this. In "Star Brand"
Shoes we can tit the whole family from
1 the father down to the baby. The styles
are always correct, and they hold their
shape to the end. If you want the best
footwear for tlw money, we can give It to
you In "STAR BRAl" Shoes.
THE BEST FOR LESS. Xo m -itter what
you want in good. Pure Food 1'roducts,
you'll find our stot-k complete with the
very best. Here everything Is good, every
thing is pure, and rapid selling keeps our
stock fresh. Raisins, Currants, Citron,
Mince Meat, Suts. Cranberries, Wellmau's
Iruits and Vegetables, Lobsters, Shrimps,
Clams, Buckwheat Flour, Maple Syrup,
Eastern Pop Corn, Etc.
Of the County TrenMiircr ,.( Lake County, Oreiron, for the U tncnth
ending pt. :U), 1012. of W e money received and paid out. from what noun-
received, ami what account phl otit.
To mount on hand from lant report..... $27,202 41
received tnxeM ai.Wl 77
" " " " refund on bounty.... W RO
" " " sale ol material 34 00
" " clerk'a tee 1.047 M
" " " " Insurance company... 342 00
" " " " ll.iuor HonHi. WW 00
tine Ml 20
Total Ati.t on hand $53,KW 4(t
11 " paid for redemption of warrant 114.470
tate taies 37
" library fund H 00
Balance on hand In general fund
To amount on hand from liutt report $1",I0S 61
" " received " taxes tt.173 SO
tinea .' 60 00
" " " " State Treaxurer 2.311 OS
28.719 20
Total " and on hand 120,733 70
Hy " paid foi redemption of warrant 115,041 00
Balance on hand In School Fund fll.92 79
To amount oil hand from last report U!,lrt! 02
' " received ' taxea 10,000 34
" hire ot road grader... 27 75
Total " and jn liand $20,313 11
By " paid for redemption of warranto $ 31
Balance on hand In Road Fund N.101 80
To amount on hand from last report t 2.540 00
" received " taxes 131 03
Total " and on hand 3,sV 63
By ' paid City TreaHorwr f S.S.'.S 03
To aiuount on hand from la-it nport 1 40
" received from General Fund 1W(H)
Balance on hand In Library fund I
To amount on baud from lant report f i'77 "0
1 Oy " paid for expeiiBca ol lnmitute S4 M
Balance on hand In Inntltute Kund
To amount on hai ! lst report $ 25 00
" " received " tinea 'JT 00
141 40
11)3 00
Total amount recelvi d and on baud $ r0 00
By amount paid Game Warden $
12 80
Balance on band In Mate Trenxorer Fund $
To amount on hand from last report $ Ol'H 2ti
By " paid for redemption of warrant 71 20
37 Wl
Balance on baud In Special Road Fund
To amount on hand from lant report $10,3ss 07
rwelved taien 4.538 11
" " " sale of bonds 5.000 00
$ ST.7 00
Total "
' and on hand I927()8
paid for Interent on b-mdn $ 2,073 18
" " DiHtrii t Clerks 13,1)14 71
Railroads Will Combat:
Late Measure Passed
at Last Election
Calling attention to the fact tbat
an initiative measure numbered 35S,
better known as the maximum freight
bill, was passed by the people at the
recent election and it is now in force,
the Railroad Commission directed a
letter to each of the common carriers
in tbe'state directing them to observe
its provisions, according to a dispatch
from Salem to the Portland Journal.
That the railroads, instead of com
plying with the request will Ignore it
and contest the legality of the me a
sure, seems certain, from advices re
ceived here from an authentic source
tbat. iust as soon as the Commission
seeks to enforce the measure, the rail
roads will institute proceedings to re
stiain it.
As the measure completely upeeta all
railroad rates, save those of the first
c!as, the railroads are certain to com
bat it in the courts nd an effort will
likely also be made, when the Legisla
tu.e meets to repeal it. The measure
during the campaign encountered but
little opposition, as it whs generally
believed it would be defeated by a
large majority.
Upwards of thirty millions of dollars
will be the money value of the patron
age that will be at the disposal of
President elect Wilson when he goes to
the White House. This represents an
arm ot office Beekers that will aggre
gate about 120,000.
Balance on hand iuSecial School Fund $ 3,033 l1.)
To amount on band In TruHt Fuud Ml 73
" , " Dlmrlt't Boundary Board 100 on
" " F:ncbeat fand 1.10 40
Balance on hand In all funds 152,0.10 2.".
I, F. O. Ahlstrom, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true Htate
ment of th amount received, paid out, and remaining on lwiod In the
County Trennury of Lake County, for the nix montliH ending Septeinlx-r
30th, 1912.
V. O. AHLSTROM, County Treasure!.
to be equal to any
Beer brewed. Bot
tled and on draught
at all leading saloons
Reno Brewing Co. !c. f
SEMI-ANNUAL report of sheriff of lakf. county, oreoon
l Ur.
To amount on tax rolls April 1, 11)12 .".8.08!). 22
To sheriff 'h aHHennneutu 1,334 04
To penalty and loterewt 1,187.58
Total .
To amount collected $47,321.67
By double aHeeHMinenrn and other errora 142 til)
By balance uncollected 13,147.08
Total lOO.fil 1 44
I, W. B. Snider, sheriff of Lake county, Oregon, do hereby certify that
the foreijolnff Htatement compiled from th ta rollH of Lake county, Oregon,
for the year 1911, Hhowlnu the balptice uncolbtcted on said roH; the amount
collected thereon; sheriff h aHsessrneutH; penally and interent, and the bal
ance delinquent, ih a full, true and coriect Htatemcnt of all matterH affecting
my return thereon.
Pated October 1, 1912.
W. B. SNIDEt. Sheriff,
Oregon, Hhowtntbe amount of expenditures of Lake county,
Oregon, made through the olllce of the county clerk for the mix montbH be
ginning with the lHt day of April, 1912, and endliur with the 30th day of
Septeuiler, 1012, find uIho bIidw1q the amount of outntandlnj; and unpaid
county warrant! against said county, an hIiowd by the bookM of the county
clerk at the clone of biiHlneHH on Septeinlr 30, 1012, which expeudltureM ure
segregated as followH, to-wlt:
fa id lor tmlarles and clerical aHHlatance for county offlcerH.f 0,2!)8.30
" olllce HupplleH. lixturee, stamps, telegrams, etc... 1,078.78
" " wjd, water, lights, Janitor hire, court bouHe rep. 1,737.71
" " coui.ty roids and bridges 17.Sil7.95
" Circoitcourt 2.143.70
" " Justice court 125.00
" " Coroner's court 143.15
" " expense on prlHonera , 24115
" " care of iueane jerwjni ' 40.20
" " elections 6.10.90
" " prlutlug and nihllnlilng :t:w.25
" bounty on wild animals 774.00
" " refund on taxes 2.43
" " expertlng county records 50.00
" " teacbern and Eighth grade examinations. . , 48.00
amallpox quarautlne 40 28
Total .I31.ei2.80
County warrants outstanding aud unpaid $ 1,334.81
State of Oregon, )
County of Lake, 1
I, P. Yf. Payne, county clerk of Lake county, Oregon, do hereby certify
that the foregoing la a correct statement of tha expenditures, made through
mv olllce. for Lake countv. Or.iron. for the aix months endiug Seutemlwr 30.
1912, and also the amount of county warrants outstanding and unpaid, as I
indicated by the records of my otfiee, at the close of business on the 30th day !
of Bepteuitcr, lvix.
( ) In testimony whereof I have hereunto aet my hand
Keai and affixed the seal of the county court this 1st duy
of October, 1912.
F. n. PAYNE, County Clerk.
Showing the finnnclBl condition of Lake county, Oregon, on the 30th
day of (September, 1012.
Money in hands of county treasurer belonging to all fund,
at per statement of V, O. Ahlstrom, county treasurer,
Our Player Pianos
i The Player Piano liaa conic into ila own.
J It i tlie nrccplcd. the antlioi ilnlivc medium of every
music lovinii liouscliolil.
i Its cdurnlionnl value is beyond rnlimalc; a thorough
mimical education can lc arijuircd in no other way, no
easily, ao quit' kly.
i It is the instrument for every mrmher of ihe family;
that gives pleasure unrmlmg and furninhea cnlerlain
mcnt for guests ami friends.
J It brings to every member of ihe family the ability to
play the piano with real artistry, giving to each compo
sition, popular or i laasic, all the charac teristic dash and
brilliancy of the truly gifted pianist.
J It makes Wagner, Ust. Beethoven. Schubert and
all other of the world's greatest composers your inti
mates and your friends.
J It is, in fact, the highest evidence of culture, the moat
prolific source of pleasure, the moat profitable invest
ment that can be made for the home and, once install
ed, the moot indispensable necessity,
J The F-ilere Music I louse of Iikeview offers to music
lovers the best opportunity in the West for careful and
thorough comparison of the various player piano typea.
We carry a larger, a more complete assortment, keep in
closer touch with the latest developments ami improve
ments and the most advanced ideas in design and con
struction and offer for consideration various distinct
types, each the very latest model of its m.inufacturera.
J Your Piano or Organ will be taken in exchange for
any Player, at its full valuebalance on easy payments.
Eilers Music House
Canyon and Dewey Sts.
C. O. KOE, MKr.
hereto attached $'2,0.VJ.2f
Titxea unci vilified, as per statement of V. I!. Hul.lrr, ulnriff,
hereto nttiiehcd. 13,117.08
Total resources $55 2nfi.S.'J
County wariants outstanding sod unpaid $ l,3:u.S
fceulV Ibihiuce $'I.N71.fi2
I ) F. W. PAYNE. County Clerk.
Democratic Force of West
Will Havo Voico In
. Policies
That the romirg Democratic admin-1
itttralion gives Bburanre of cumhc rvn-1
tion of western hinds is given in the!
following editorial from the Oregonian : ,
The result ot the election has a.lded
so greiitly to the democratic strength j
in the West that this section will hovei
a powerful voice in shuping the policy
of the new administration. With such
public land states as Arizona, ( olora
do, Montana. Nebraska, New Mexico,
North Dakota and Oregon supporting
the Administration and with Califor
nia, Idaho and Wyoming rinse, the
Democrats must give ear to the de
mands of the West.
That they were awake to this fact
when thev nominated Wilaun is 'ap
parent from the plank on the subje t
of conservation which was adopted at
Baltimore. The Democratic party rep
resentatives of the West may be trusted
to see to it that the promises embodied
in this plank are kept. The House
committee on public lands is under no
political obligation to give h'ecd to ex
treme conaervationiatH of the Flnchot
brand, for the latter are lined up with
Roosevelt. It has the double motive
of platform pledge and political ex
pediency tor adopting a more liberal
policy than it iuelinen to favor in the
last session. If any or the members of
that committee who opposed the Borah
bills should remain obdurate, Under
wood, who will havo most to say in
organizing tliu committee of the new
lloutie, should be wise enough to sup
plant them with more liberal minded
The Demcntic party Is pledged t
a policy cf conservation which anall
encourage development while present
ing waste or rnumiply : wliirh shall con
fine the National foreMs to forest land
and xhall allow rettleis to lake all
agricultural Ian1 which may bo includ
ed within the limits tf reserves. The
purty j4 pledged 10 the development
of Aliiska's coal land. The greatly In
creased Democratic representation from
the Weit should cause Ihe tulltilment
of lIll'MJ pIc.Mlglt.
Explosions Exposed
For trie llrbt time since the twenty
one persons were killed in the blowing
up of the l.os Angeles Times building
on October 1. liUO, James li. McNa
mara's detailed confession to having
caused the explosion, with hit motives
for doing it, and his comments on the
fant thai ao many persona were killed)
was related on the witness stand In tha
"dynamite consniracy" trial last week
at Minneapolis. Ortie E. McManigal
U.-t tied that the contesaion was given
to him by McNsmara shortly after the
Lett Angeles Times explosion, while
he whs shielding him in the Wisconsin
woods. A Hi tit- irorn the Los Angeles
newpsaper trsdegy, veverul other at
tempts of dynamiting buildings were
claimed tu have linen revealed to the
O. T. Nelson a homesteader neur
H. Rock, in the northern part of the
county, was in Lakeview the firat of
the week, lie is a representative of
tho Angeles University of Lob Angelea
and was here in the interest of that
work. There are several people in
Lakeview taking a correspondence
course with the university.
should not he disgraced by poor
liiuni'hs. IIh is deserving ot
the best. He will have It too
If you get the harness from us.
We carry a full lino of harness
of every kind except the un
worthy. We sell only harnesr.
whose good looks are matched
by good i unlit y and good
workmanship. Treat your
horse to a set and you'll both
be well plenseil.