Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 21, 1912, Image 7

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TiT ,'ITlaV nTJ
A Want Ad In Tho Lako County Examnor
Kcpcatcd a few times, if necessary, will find a customer
for that property of yours. They are scanned closely
by intending buyers, and the cost is nominal f cents
the line for each insertion. Special lon-time rates.
Wilt H I.I - III lure trai t with irrln
lion rluhu liH-ntixl liwi'. I,tp.
Ss, ihiiu-'.M II. I.. Diihm H. Colutu
tu, Nt-l.r. O. Ri tl
F)U HAI.;:-On. Im If IntereM III IHoO
head il Hln.-i olio hand of
era, Ihm hM liuilm. Apply to Mra
Una rr, Hummer l.nke, On-. O 17
I'OlT HALi: - AImiiii IOH) ewes ml
tMH) liiiniix. Kk nearly all under
live yenr olil, iiml alioaied ltl.Vjj IIih.
thlr jenr. I.hiiiI.14 fruin lUmlKMi
li'lt liliclix. hheen llentfe at Poater
rnl. Appl to 'Mum. II. Hherloik.
liitvlM 1'r.ek, MimIim? Co.. C'nl. If
Flllt riAI.K: Untold uud Pluck litre
vriirllnu t.iii'kH. Al-O lilllltiM. W
A. hherlm k. AllurrH. Cal. Aillltf
Ft)H r A tititrnnteed Government
M-rlp, will piitrtit any imrliMiltuml
Imil In iirKuii. flit per nere. 1'.
O ! Int. ICkeler, t al,
KOK HAIilv-mtKii lu wt tton i:i,
towt.Mliiii XI. rump1 -'lit. lOiKjuIro of
Sender ItiiHi., I.nkeview, Ore.
TIM". I.nkeview Almtnut Title Co.
Im hi . kins HiMM-inl jirlroa on Almtructa
too. V. I j. i Tim Im ami Town
FOR SAl.K IIoiih4 uud Ut luralxhisl
aul t.-n ai:re located at Lakevlew.
Mum Mi ll Make him mm oftrr. Kor
imrtliular write to. Ix td'J, Bun
dOil. Ori-uoll OlMtt
FOR HAIJt lul I. block 47. trkct I. mo-llim W
lowusuip range l lu ii ii'i. I soluli an
oft r u u tin- above or a price mi the aIJululu
lands ! ' I tr . (rttvlil. Nulir.
FOR HAI.K - Ijh , blin k 7k.
kinl lt.i l HI, ut
lu arra-a hull wkier right
ui n
Address Fred
Gardner. Lmni, North Dakota
roRrlAl.k -Irsil l.rve. la. T. 17. R.s, 4'a-ri s.
J, H I'earauh. M W Alameda Ave. Ih-uvrr.Col.
VK AI.K .nt I, block l:Wk!nl lrrt.HiH! Ik,
i 41. It In. Ju n ilclr. I llilou H aril ,111
rK AI r-.-t m 1. t'liH'k litu.knd K' l MKh l
KWU. f 17. T kcr. . KiL
Wrk. Imh 14. ItlilKi-tl. l "b. -rlr'.
FOR MAl.K-l.ol
AiMrt-MJ l'ln Vv . '. Mo t
FOR HAl.K -l.ol U. Iilix'k ..
. I. kddlllou,
n tl tf M ill..
. . ... .IOII.
: , i. k i.
Iim Kkiiua Kt,
nd (it ol h t, HVO
krrra A..1n-. C. ;. Ilnrmiiu
Kminnld. H. I).
W'ANTKO to Ik liKittnJ on llrMtrlnHM
(KI iiiti m. i .1 vo pHrticulHrH, iih to
Hull, riimiitt-, lormloti. wntrr, ilm
lu r nlf. W. M. iiruwu, K. Hull
H., 1'iirllunil, onuon. tC'ip
V' ucil it null-Minim In wicli ol rv
rnil I'jcrllt lit flirlila to m'll onp Hilen
nurmrv nt'K-k. A iH-rninurnt
uIhch, immIi wrrUlv ami HR(uart tlrm
l.m k of .vim. write lor piirtlriilHn
WiirtMiiKtou NiirKt-ry Co TopprnlHli
Wiinlnl Aurnt. Writ' lleultu & Ar
rlilrnt IiiMtinincr. (iri'itun Surrty &
CaiiHHlltv Co,. WW lUikrd of I null.
i'lirtliiinl. tnirui
.l( 4I(M 4 ll..K.
Hotel I Jikevlew bar. The lM'Ht and
pur-'nt wbUkv made. tf
'I .a.(Clll4FJ.
ward lMHiied by the T li-pbone
Company for deMtroyliiK ItM proj
rty. l'it
A KKWAKH of ilfty dollRra la here
by olfored (or inlornrntiou that will
'lend to the Hrren1 and conviction or
iiiy peikon who haa stolen wires or
;t.Lmr itronert.v. from our CompHliy;
Hmi the aatne rewHrd la hnieby olrored
.'or inforiinii i'iu Hint will lead to ttie
irrest and i iivieltou of anyoue dee-
Itroying tbo property of the Company.
uima. umiiHcn,
BSeoreUry Lke Co. 'lei. & lei. uo.
mi i.
Notice la hereby K'ven that tho un
irMbrned ttm anoolnted uiimiulHtra-
ftrlx of the co-partnc rMhlp ektate ol J.
i Lam; aodJohnl'. McAuliffe, the
ItMald J. S. Lane bttliiK deceamtd, by or-
irr of the County Court of the Htate
of Oii'on for the County of Lake, on
the 8th miyof Psoveiiilter, una, and
ban (iialilled as Htich aduiliiiHtratrlx.
Therefore, all perHoim having claims
ujcolnbt said copartnership eHtate are
ifruby reijuired to present ilium uuiy
drilled uud with the proper voucher
tQthiM administratrix at her home in
Lakaview, Oregon, within nix months
hfriuu the date of the llrwt publication
Jat4 of first publication November
inn, 1912
J AduilulHtratrlx of iho co-partner-1
Hhlp eetate of J. B. Laueaud iohn
P. McAuliffe.
In the (bounty Court ol the Htate ol
4)regon for the County of Luke.
In the matter nf the emu to of Jacob
11. Huuiernly, iluceiHod.
Notice Im hereby Riven that II. M.
r-l.noinn aii lulmiuiHtrator of the
ihtAie of Jacob It. HauierHly, de-4-i-ied,
lias filed in the county court
4.1 Hie otate ol OreKon, for Lake
. guilty, the llual accouut ot bin ad-
Want Ads
t.Kuxt. Aivi-:it riMi4J
mitilHtrailoii ol aiil rxtali', iuil that
llir cmirt luia llxiil, rrlony II.k l.'llli
ilii) ol lircrinlHT 1 1112, at Win hour of
ten o'clock In tlia lorrnooii ol mhM
ila.v, lit Hut tlmit lor hrarliiK ol ol
JrrilotiM II any to ohIiI ai'iount and
Mrtllnni'llt tlirrrol.
A d in inlMt tm tor lor I lie rut ate ol Jnc'ili
It. lliirurrHley, IlrcrH-ed.
J. I. Veuator, Attorney (or Admin-
In Him County Court ol i he 3 tat ol
Ormoii lor the County f l.nkr.
In lhi mattrr til ilm KkIiiIm ol Mary
K. Kinney, li.'riori.
In th naiiitt ol IIih ktatr ol ()rvoti:
(rrtlu: To Kiaiik Ktnixry, Iirlla
(illiimre, Will Ktmr.i'.y and Clara llant
h fn. tirlrnat law ol Mary K. KliniM'y,
(liiriiHi-il, ami to all known Atidall
niiknown liclrn at law ( I lie nld Mary
K. KiiriMev, iliHTiuM'il.
Ily an order ol the al ovc entitled
court duly uiH'lo and entered therein
on tlm I tih day of November, ltl-.
you and each of you are hereby cited
lo aiHar in thc'nlxivc entitled court
at the county court room lu the
county court limine In l,akrviw,
Lake county, Ori'Koii. at ten o'clock
lu tho forenoon on Monday the 2!rd
liny of Ifc-cciuU-r, VJl'J. and then and
tin-re mIiow ciiiihc, If any therelm, why
in order ol thin court r-huuid not tie
iuad. aulhr.rltiiiK n.iil illriK tiliK t he
aaid K K. Cheui'.v, a ailinlnlnlrktnr
of tne eMt ate of Mary K. Klinn-y, di
ci BMi'il, to rtell In the manner provided
lor by law, lor the purpoMo ol paying
the expciiHeM of aduiiulHtratloti, and
theclaiuiM aicnliikt Maid CMtnle, the fol
lowing tleacrllM-d real proM r.y, or o
rtnii-t) 'thereof aw In inreaary, to-wit:
V.i NVJ4' and BW NK"4'. He-. S. Tp.
:i7 8., K '.'1 Iv. W. M., coiitaiDliiK KMI
Hcrek more or Icph, am) lutn 3 and 4 In
lil'iH-k live in the town ol 1-akevlow,
Lake county, ( iregou.
Audit In further ordered that thin
citation be Merved upon non-reHldcnt
and unkaoMn lieirM by publication in
the Lake Coun'y Examiner, a newM
paper ol reuerul olrcul it Ion piibllMhed
lit l.akevie, Lake county, Orrcon,
lor a M-rtod ol lour week prior to
the 12th dn ol December. 1UI2.
ViiieH the Ilou. li. Daly, County
JihIku ol the county court of the
county of Lake, Mtuto ol Oregon, with
the ceii I of the mild roiitt atllxed thin
11th day pi November, I'.il'i.
Altera :
F. W. PAY NIC. Clerk.
Hale of timber, 1'ortbimi, Onxon,
Oct. ;tU; IIHU. Sealed IiI.Ih marked out
H:dr, Hid TIiiiUt Sale, tjeiieral Notice
Oct obit 4, ltd?, Fremont." and ad
ilreHMed to ihe Dlnlriet Funster, For
rMt. tx'rvlre, Portland, Oreuou. will lie
lerrived up to and inchidlnj; ihe Mill
day ol I (. 1HI2. for all o' anv mrt of
the mrrcbantable dead timber Htand
li'ir orjtluw n and the live tlmlwr mark
ed forciiltlUK by a l-'ore-t otlhVr lia-at
rd on an area nf about 24'l acew to be
ilelinitely dewimialed by Itirewt iilllier
U'fore cutting Im'Iiih la the HWi.i and
of KKt4 of Sec. II, T. 30 8.. K. I I
K., W. M., on Ilm water Hheil ol Au
irer creek, within the Fremont Na
tional Forest. eMilma ted to 1m 1.7M),:
(KMI fret ft. M. ol live and J.pi,OOU fert
It. M. vt merchatitalile dead wi'Hterii
yellow pine miw timber, Iok wale,
aud 800 cords of weMtern yellow pine
cordwood more or lenn No bid ot
hns tliuu '-."" per tlioiiHoinl f"iM
board lueiiHiue lor both live nod dead
hiiwtinilier. uinl li'icelitn per r'Uil for
cordwood will be cuuxldered uud llili
poHlt of Kill piiyable to tho order of the
Flrnt National Hank of Portland. Oris
Kon, mont Im! unit to that bank for
inch bid HUbiultttfd to the District
I'oreHtrr. Timber upon valid rlainiH
Im exempt from Mule. The rltfht to re
li'ct any anil hII IiMh Is reserved. For
luriher liiforinatlou and regulations
goveruluir sules address I'orevt Sillier
vieor, Fremont National Forest, Lake-
view, Oregon.
J. li. AM ICS, Actinjr District
Forester. N 7-ft.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Htate Laud Hoard will receive sealfd
bids until 10 o'clock A. M., December
10, l:n, lor the following described
school lauds, to-wit:
The BW.l,- of sect ion !) aod E of
sect I011 10, T. 39 H., R. il E.,of W. M.
All bids) must lie ac.eoinpu.uted by a
regularly executed application to pur-
chase and at least oue-IKth of the
amount offered.
No bid for Ichh than $7.60 per acre
will be considered oullauds tn section
HI rr ot lesn than .S.7f per acre for
lauds In section U.
Tlie right to reject any and all bide
Im reserved,
Applications and bide should be ad
dressed to U. (1. Itrown, Clerk State
Laud Board, Salem, Oregon, aud
marked ,4Aiollcatlou and bid to Dur-
chase atate lauds."
Clerk State Laud Hoard.
Dated October 17, 1012.
(Not. Coal Laodu)
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land OMice at Lakevlew, Oregon,
October 18, 1812.
Notice la hereby given that the
State of Oregon, did on July 2, 1909,
tile In HiU otlloe liuletnnlty School
lind Selection List No. O.'.'KH, select
ing .the HWW Wi, Sec. 10, f. 3.1 8.,
R. ljl K , W. M in lieu ol the
N W 4', Sec. 30. T. 37 H. H. U V.,
wlthiu the Siskiyou National Forest.
Any and all persona claimlug ad
versely t he lauds described, or desir
ing' to object because of the mineral
uharaatn of the land, or lor any
other reason, to the disposal to appli-
I.KU tl. AVKltTI-lJ
emit, klinuld Ilia their atlldivltk ill
proteat lii (Mm offlca, on or ltelon tin
JIM ll iluy if Herein her, IHI2.
A, W. OKTON, lletrlkter,
We, tlie unilerlKliet li'Kl Voter ol
North Warner precinct. L'ike county,
Mtiiie of Oregon, respectfully pet n ion
tiieiion t ouiity Court of iJikticoiiuty,
Mtnle ,f Oretroti. lo irrant a llceiiM- to
Kndiard ( I til ore and Maurice I'Keeffe,
to Hell Milrltuotii4, iii ilt and viiioim
liiiuorn In Ii-hm iitmiit itle tban our
K'lllou In Hiild Nnrlh M aruer precinct
Lake county, olale of Orenuo, fur the
p rioii ol nix mont ha, itk In duty bouod
we will ever pray.
Tom Lynch, Phillip H. Hurry,
Con Taylor, Drill t I'CallMkthau,
JohuO'CalliiKhan.VV. K. HehtiHter,
John K. Iturke,
I'at Dtiaiie,
Harry Hits,
W. O. tirl-i'l.
John ICkblom,
Ml'-hael Lane,
T. J. Sullivan,
J.J. Van Keiilen,
JaN. I iii'ahy,
i . II. ItutiliiHon,
K. A. Pelletler,
II. A. Illll,
1. K. Taylor.
I'ote Calnwell,
Win. Alford,
VT. I lent,
Kichard Allen,
Frank KmwrH,
Ned O'Connor,
W. K. IJarry,
Jainei Ijkvt,
II. L. 'IVr iK-miliiK.
(I. K. Hiiiilh,
L. K. Lane,
F M York
T. K. tureti,
F. J. KetcliMin,
M. M. Harry,
A. M. Iluuuer,
O. W. Dexter,
li. li Uricl.
JaturM II. Boyd,
Frank Moynahau, I'lilllp I. O'Connor,
VT. li. (irlwl.
Jhiiich I). O'Connor,
.1. il. Ilandley,
trunk Ciili-o,
J. li. IliirtiH,
Pal 1) Qululan,
t Ira I'ulndexter,
Con Mnhoiiev,
II. K. IIIIhiiU.
K. A Friday.
Mike Finnucaiie.
Htaie ol OreKon,
.latum Mi'kit',
Thoman Audi rnon,
N. Fine,
L. MpatildlUK.
L. P. Muuxuv,
W. S. Lyou,"
Marcua l'antoK,
John L. O'Connor,
County oi Lake
I, Kichartl iiu lure Udng llrst duly
Mworn. ncconlluK to law, de poke and
aay : That the foroitotnir. M'tition con
tains the kiiiMtiires of an actual ma
jority of the whole number ol legal
voters of North Warner precinct, In
hilie county, Orciron, that each ol
Maid HignalureM is genuine, that each
of the tersous w hose slKNutures are
Miirocd to said petition, Im an actual
reHldeut lu Maid rrerlnct, at the date
hereof, and was and lian been actually
residing lo said precinct auu residsd
therein at least thirty days Immedi
ately preceedlng the date he stgucd
said etillon and alno of tbe filing of
the Maine. KICHAKl Ct'lNKli.
Kubscribed uud sworn to U'lore me
this lst day of Octols-r, 11112.
( HAH. L'MHACfl.
Notary Public tor Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
designed will apply to the ilou.
Count,, Conn of Lake county, Htate
of Oregon, oa November 23, 1912, for a
license to sell spirituous, mall and
vinous liquors In less quantities tban
one gallon, lu North Warner precinct.
Lake coiiniv, state of Oregon, for a
perioii of nix mouths, from the 'Zlrd
day of November, 1UU.
Ily ttlchard Ciulnco.
To tho poopo of Lakevletv and
vicinity and our trlonds
H an ilrtisrrf to ttmionnve tlmt
ire re tuml urrHitxi'inrnts to net
it mn.-izinr or.tnitutloti. lie ir
lirt'i'iirt'il to take nuhneriitlons for nil
nmsrmlnes, newspiifiers 11 nil wrhnl
leu In.
We ure in u position to take sub'
mTlptlons. either slnaly or in eluhs
nt the very lowest firlees. W'eeun
ilti;ilie;ite jirires on either single suit-
seriit ions or eluhs eomlnj? from xny
resionsihh' souree.
We hope tn exeell In our tre7
t Ion ami thesiiieriorityofourservlee.
We plan to build up representit Ive
mil permnhent organization. Some
of our members will cull on you. Will
you kindly hold your subseriptlons
for them'.' He assure yon thut It will
be uppret'luted. Vlense telephone or
write the folio wing:
Ladles' Aid of tho Methodist
Episcopal Church of
Lakevlew, Ore.
Lakevlew people who have stomach
aud bowell trouble should guard
against appendicitis by taking sim
ple backthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as
compounded lu Adler l-ka, the Ger
man appendicitis remedy. A SINGLE
DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas ou
the stomach aud constipation IN
STANTLY because thin simple mix.
ture antiaeptlcizes the digestive or
gans and drawa oft the impurities.
flail & Hoynolde.
A crusade ot education which alius
that common colds may become un
oounmon within the uext generation"
has been begun by prominent New
York physicians. Here Is a list ot
"don'ta" which the doctors aay will
prevent the annual visitation of the
'Don't alt In a draughty car."
"Don't sleep in hot roenus."
"Don't avoid the freah air."
"Don't ftuff yourself at meal time.
Overeating reduces your reslatauce."
To which we would add when you
take a cold get rid of H as quickly
as possible. To accomplish that you
will Hud Chamberlain' Cough
Remedy most excellent. Sold by all
Governor Went laid that when the
time cornea to Imu the proclamation
declaring woman' auffrage in effect in
Oregon be will go to Portland to the
home nf Mri. Abigail Scott Duniway,
requeuing her to write out the procla
mation in her own hand writing and he
will algn It aayi Salem diipatch to
the Oregonian.
The proclamation will thui become
part of the archive! of the atate In the
handwriting of the moneer woman
kuffrkge leader of the etate.
The law require that within 30 dayi
after the election, or aoon before
that al poMible, the Secretary of State
ahull canva the votea on the mea
aurei in the presence of the Governor
nd the executive shell forthwith Ifbub
proclainationa declaring such laws in
The Covernor eald that he intends to
hurry the inuance ot the proclamation
at much as posnible that the women
may bave an opportunity to tote on
what city elections are held in the
tate tbia year.
President's Proclamation
President Taft last Thursday issued
a proclamation sitting aside November
28 as Thanksgiving day.
The procamation follows:
' By the president of the United
States, proclamation:
"A God-fearing nation like ours owes
to its inborn and sincere sense of mor
al duty t" testify its devout gratitude
to the Allgiver countless benefits it bas
enjoyed. For many years it bas been
customary at the clone of the year for
the national executive to urge upon
bis fellow-countrymen to offer praise
and thanks to God for the rasny bless
ings v uchsafed to them in the past
and to unite in earnest supplication for
their continuance.
"The year now drawing to a close
has been notably favorable to our for
tunate land. At peace witti'n and
without, free from the perturbations
and calamities that bave afflicted other
peoples, rich in harvests so abundant
and industries so productive that the
overflow of our prosperity has advan
taged the whole world, strong in the
steadfast possession of self goverment
bequeathed to us by the wisdom of
our fatners, and firm in the resolve to
transmit them unimpaired, but rather
improved by good use, to our children
and our children's children for all time
to come, the people of this country
bave abounding cause for contended
"WHEREFORE, 1, William Howard
Taft, president nf the United States
ol America, in pursuance of long es
tablished usage and in response to the
wish of the American people, invite
my countrymen, wheresoever they may
sojourn, to join, on Thursday, the
twenty-eighth day of this month of No
vember, in appropriate ascription of
praise and thanks to God for the good
gifts thpt have I t i n our portion and
in lu nlle prayer that Hi greut
mercies lowara us may endure."
An Admission
"Marie." said Mr. Valeaburv to
"Yes, John."
"I have something on my mind that
1 must tell you before I can ever be
"I shall be glad to hear anything
you have to say, John."
"It is hard to tell you, but 1 can't
hide the truth any longer, Marie. I
married you under false pretenses."
"You did!"
"Do vou remember what it was
brought us together?"
"Can I ever forget it, John?
were at tie bathing beach, 1
drowning, and you saved rae after I had
given myself up for lost."
"And atterwards, in gratitude, you
married me."
"Yes, I felt that I owed my life to
"Marie, I deluded you about that
rescue business. Where you believed
yourself drowning the water was onlv
waist deep. You were in no danger."
"1 knew that, John," she answered.
"I bad one foot on the bottom all the
My Studies
First of all is Literature '
The dearest and the best,
Which tells us of the famous men
Whose pens are now at rest.
After this comes History
Descriptions of the past.
It teaches us of the ancient raoe
Whose fame will ever last.
Economics ia the next
An interesting sphere
It tells us of the general facts
That in our life appear.
Physics comes the last of all
A roost instructive story
And many interesting things
Are shown in the labratory.
By E. M. 0.
Ranch for sale 100 acres on Camas
l'rulrle. 1500 cords wood; good
shearing- corrals; large house, barn
and out buildings, Address Aosa
McDaulela, Lakeview, Oregon. A5W
Wheu a home get n barb wire rot do
Dot apply axle greane or any greeny
substance, writes A. 8. Alexander, M.
D. C, In the Farm Journal. Wash the
part clean. Clip off the balr aroand
the wound and then wash again to get
rid of bair and any foreign subntance
that may bave lodged In the wound. If
uerc-Nkary to remove sand, earth or cin
ders from a wound, due to a fall, for
Iiih tn tire, use clean cotton batting or
tbfiorbent rot ton and not a sponge. A
sponge become dirty and readily tn
fert a wound. Each day nse fresh
abaVirbent cotton to do any cleansing
nereftiary In treating a wound or sore.
When the wound has been cleansed do
The Percheron ai nrkt Intro
duced Into America about fifty year
ago, and It kei-nis to be Krowlnu In
favor. The brwl Is known for lis
characteristic gray color However,
black la coming, into favor aa a col
or, and the tiayis. man nd cheM
nuta may be found The HnrchPron
la a makkive, hi-avily mui-!l ani
mal, from H to 17.2 nanls hi.Th.
weighing iiduBfly from I.Ohj tn z.'Jf
pounds. The i'ercheron tin icl
action, although It In kilil that the
atride la not so khony nor cjulto ko
actlv aa that of the Clydemlale
not put tn ntltcbes (suturesi If the
wound is deep or ragged or in a pluce
that will not be perfectly at rest when
the horse Is standing, walkiug. lying
down or lining. It therefore la use
less to stitch a wound lo front of the
buck Joint or on the thin skin In the
bend of any joint or In the skin aud
muscles of the rear parts which are
strained and used In rising. Often a
borne suffers a wide open wound of the
skiu and the m ancles at the aide of toe
tail inflicted by the kick of the horse in
the next stall. This wound rarely can
be sutured successfully. The stitches
teur out when the horse gets up. and
the wound Is mode worse than before.
Tie up the animal so that be cannot
lie down when such a wound bas to be
treated. It may then be sutured If the
muscles are not deeply cut. The wouud
then should be wetted often with white
lotion, or a dry dusting powder may be
applied twice a day.
A cheap dusting powder Is made by
mixing together equal parts of slnked
lime, sulphur and charcoal. Hun this
through a flour sifter to make It tine.
This Is a good Hwder to dust on large
sores. In fly time add a dram of Iodo
form ier ounce and the flies will be
kept off. A more expensive dusting
powder for use on sores and wounds
may be made by mixing together one
drum of Hidiiform and seven drams of
boric mid This is good powder to
use ou it wound of the hoof bead
(coronet 1. Such wounds should not be
stltehed. Cleanse them, clip away the
hair, dust freely with the powder, then
cover with cotton batting or absorbent
cotton and bandaee snugly Renew
the dressing ouee dully. If there is a
big wound mid a flap of skin a callous
bunch Is likely to remain when the
wouud has healed. This can be large
ly prevented by placing a flat wad of
onknin over the first turn or two of
the baudape Immediately upon the Bap
and wouud and then bandaging tight
ly to cause pressure upon the part
Wbeu a horse gets a nail prick, and
sucb wounds are very common and
serious, always have the wouud cut
down upou to give vent to any blood,
serum or pus which should come
away. Even the slight nail wound
should be so handled. After the cut
ting saturate the wound with a one
flve-bundredius solution of corrosive
sublimate and then cover with the last
prescribed dusting powder, absorbent
cottou and baudage. Renew the dress
ing dally. If pus Issues from the
wound be careful to cut away every
part of the underlain born or sole; then
swab with the corrosive sublimate so
lution and use dusting powder and cot
ton and bandaue once a day. Pouring
turpeutlue in a uall prick does not suf
fice. The alight wouud may be fol
lowed by lockjaw. The treatment we
bave prescribed prevents that disease.
The Silo For Beef Production.
Heretofore the only chance for profit
In winter feeding of cattle bus been in
the margin between the prices of the
feeders In the fall and the finished
beeves tn the spring. This margin had
to more than compensate for the loas
on the gains put on in the feed lot It
the cost of production could be so re
duced that the gains secured would pay
the cost of production the chief ele
ment of uncertainty would be eliminat
ed. This Is where the silo makes good.
Not only does it save the entire crop,
but It reduces the feedlug cost to a
profitable basis.
Milk With Dry Hands.
Never milk the cow with wet hands.
No more filthy habit Is Indulged in
than that of milking on the hand tn
order to strip the teat. Milking should 1
always lie done with a full, dry baud.
vine Prekldent Juni B.fthei nut
4nrl... ol Wmm
..Ju.lh M IlL .lnu.
kitorrifiy General. .,,
PuktBikkier General...
lecr'-larrnf Nkrf
teertrv I ntrin
..Oeorve W. Wirkerkhkra
Prknk H, liltchcoek
..George Vnn U Meyer
e- reikry ol AftricnYtnrV..!
... . a. rmner
,.Jkn-k W tinea
I'ha.ln. KT I
,...,.:rikrlPk Kdwkrd White
r?7i.i.. ' J?lont;ommlkktone
t. li. fticbardc W. 8. Land toromlMlon.r
or?rtiof ,
ocreury of Bute "
Ittorner General .'.'
Jo pi. Pubiia luktractloa. .
....Okekld Waal
.. Ben W.OIeott
. ..Thok. B. Kkf
.A. M. Crawford
1.. H. Aldermaa
W. S. Unnlwar
Oairy and Food Com"
I. o. Senators
ongreiMtnea ,
1 1
...J. W. Bailey
I JriDathkn Bourne.Jr.
Geo. K. Chkmberiala
W. :. Hewiey
I a. , j
ohlef Justice , g
If. A. Moor
Ukoclate Jaatlces J "
1 G. M. Burnett
VT. A. MvBrlda
'"'' Henrr L. Bennoaj
tUroey D. V. KayeDdJ
I ilnt Senator..
O. H. MerrrBaa
teprekenutire j
H P Belknap
W L Thorn peon
trtnor W. or ton Keetktar
'red V f'ronemlller Keoelrer
Gilbert D. Brown 811 pen Ikot
Jeinon Billions Grating Akkiatant
V.tmSn 'coUoD ore Akkiulant
I. . Brennan Foreat Clark
lodge ...
hool eupt.
Oomialakiooera .........
County iuy k Ininector.
F.W. Pkyne
W B Solder
. F. O. Ahlatroaa
A.J. Fokter
.... J.Q. Wllllta
....8.A. Uukbea
C. A. Beban
f. K. Andenoa
. ...D.P.afaUo
c. e. Kiueba-t ,
E. F. Cheney
F. M, Iuke (
I.F.Mk. field,
E. li. nmitta
Win. Wallace
V dlctHir I,
Vice PmideDt
Secretary '
. Coancllmea
. . Recorder
K 1 BrUtea
timer C. Abiitrora . U. Kvereu
Frank File a.
Trukleea, j. w. Un
nter, H. W. Morgan,
w. r. w elca
fcbool at 10 a. m. Preaching every bunday at
.1 a. m. knd 7; p. m. pwortb League every
-noday evening at 6:44. Prayer Meeting Than
layat 7:30 p.m. Ctoolr meeting at 8:kp. m.
adiea' Aid Erery Wedneeday at 1:0 p. m.
'very body cordially Invited to all kervlcea.
B. K. MEYERS, Paktoi.
Preaching aervlce at 11 A M and 7:M) P M oa
un - nd 3rd Bun. Bandar School at 10 A M.
junior Society at 11:30 P M. Baptlat Yonnc
People'a I'nion at:30PMon each Bunday
Prkyer Meetinir at 7:S0 P M Wednekday ere.
nlng. Everybody lcvlted to attenk all aer.
'Ic- BJ.V. A. F. UIMMON8
at 8:00 and 10 a.m. ; Roaery at 7:80 p.m. Mass
on weekdays at 7:00 a.m. 8erviee fn the New
Church. MATHIA8 8CHM1TT, 8J.
V1EW, meeta in the Maaomo Hall, bunday
School at 10:00 A.M.: Morning Service at 11:00
hvening service at 7:30. Prayer MeeUng on
W ednesdkyk at 7:30 P.M. A U are cordially In
viud. R V. p. T. MORGAN. Ph. I Paktor.
first baptist church of goose lakI
at New Pine Creek, Ort'ron. Preaching eer
vui at 11 A M and 7:80 P M of each Sunda)
of every month. Sundav School at 10 AM
Prayer Service al 7:80 on w'tduetday eveoin
ol each weed. All axe cordially invited 10
Utend ihe aervlcea.
tated meetinea Skturdk. on or before fnU
moon. January 27th, March 2nd, March SOth
April 27th. May itMh, June 2tb, 1911!. Special
mevtinga upon call, generally Saturday evea
itiK. Vikiting brethren welcoiue. W. Lair
Thompson, W. M. ; A. W .Orton.Sec'y
Meets every aecond and fourth Thursday of
each mouth, lu Mattonlc Hall, Lakevlew.
Chaa. Toouingaen. M.W.: Wm. Guniher, R.
No. 77, D.ofH., A. O. tj. W., Meetk .111
third luuradaya of each month, I nouio
Hall: Mary Pott, C. of H.j J. Belle Araner. L.
of H.; Lora Snyder C. ol C.; Alameda
Brown, Recorder.
O. F., meeta every Saturday evening j ouu
Fullowa Hall, at 7:80 o'clock, from Octooer 1
to April 1, aud at olclock from Apru 1 to
September 80. D. T. GodaiL N. G.;
Cheney, Secretary
I. O. O. F meetk the first and third Thnrt
day evening of each month in Odd fellows
Hall, Lakeview. c.D. Arthur. C. P A. H
a atuniernley. Scribe.
a, I. O. O. F., meeta the aecond knd fonrth
Fridayk of eech mouth in Odd Fellows Halt,
Mrs illa Cheney, N Q; Hint Louise Stork
man, V a; Alice Hunting, Treasurer; M. D.
Moaa, Bec'y.
view, vregou, aieetk on luesday, on or be
fore fuU moon and I wo weeks thereafter. In
Maaoulo HU, at 7:80 o'clock.
VUiung members are cordially Invited.
IDA CMBACH. Becretarv
Land and Law Office
Abstractor of Titles
Established 1888 Lakevlew. On
Notary Public
All Practice Except U. 8.
Land Office Bualneea.
L,. F. Conu
Attorney at Law
and Notary Public
OFFICE Daly Building.
Attorney at Law,
Land Hatter) Mpeelalty
OFFICE Daly Building.
Attorney at Law
Office tn O. V. L. Oo.'s Building.
Mining & Civil Kn.gln.eers)
Minlun Ixicutlon and Patent Rurypye,
f arm aaa irriKinou worn,
FA1RPORT .. ., ,, ,. CAUF0RN1A