Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 07, 1912, Image 5

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    "Wo Soil Tho Real Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
Moro Bargain
130.00 pr acre for a acre of timber land, clone io, easy term.
$T(HH).Oi For a lino tiovv '.O-riMPiii In hi ii' with lurn lot, 7.xlZi, clow- to center of
tunn nnil Uluti Hchool. F.nmy term.
I'.'OOO.uO Fur II-room new liiinuulo w, itn iUul iipiodittu home, cUmm U center of
town oa Hernnril Hlrct. Knay Inning
Tiu-aut Kola oil Hlimll Htrmit nt a liittfiilh. '
1 1. ICO. IK) t or a now 4 room tiouxn und wood ahed, lot f0 i 125, K'"'l locution.
KuKjr tt-ruiH.
l(MM).IM) Fr mi up-to-iliitu new litintfulo, In choice rcMlilinnt part of the ilty.
IChmv torma.
iz.du r or ;rzo arrpa (rood anil In the VAlley 6 mllea from Lakeview. If
want m. don't tiaa thla Tuimi ah
Haw tulll In flrat clnaa order, lnclndln a large quantity of dry, finished lomber;
saw log aol ISO acre of standing timber. The hooka will prove It to
lie a floe inventim-nt.
K0 acra of floe tlmer on the Went Side, clowe to a aaw mill,
f 1 (XI per acre for 160 scree of valley land all In meadow joining the O. V. L.
Addition to Lkivl"w. A good investment
200 acre joining tho O. V. L. Addition to Lakeview. Fine for cutting op Into
awall tract A bargain at only 130.00 per aore.
Town Property
lahc County ramtncr
Kalnler made Lakeview fauiouK.
lndit atiitt ni at Lnkevle Mi r-
CMUtilf I'll.
Frank RoggcrB, of I'luah, la In Lake
view thla week.
Mrs. J. I'. Krlaay Saturday register
ed at Hotel Lakeview from Paisley.
Children white drc', slsmt 2 to
A year. I.ak.-vlfw Mercautllo Co.
Will tirlael and fatnilv of the Mud
Croek atation came over to Lakeview
the IVrnt of the week.
A divorce auit waa tma week Med by
Attorney W. Lair Thompoon In the rase
ot Keltay va. KcUay, both of I'ataley.
Walt. rU. I'aiton will .cave in a
few day with Mre. t'exton for San
Franclaro where ahe will entur a hos
pital. laiiac Kceleston Saturday came up
from hia ranch in the valley and joined
the Oddfellowa in the funeral preccs
aion of 0. U. Snider.
A marriage licenae waa laat week
isaued at tho County Clerk' oflico to
Lawrence Trlirel and tJrare L. Oat
man, of Silver Lake.
S. J. Hlaha, clerk at the local N.-C.-O
depot haa gone to Pavle Creek
for few weeke to relieve Agent W.
S. Sandron at that place.
. II. Wheeler, nhrepman of Keno,
apent a few daya in Lakeview laat
week looking over condition of the lo
cal ahecp market, with a view to buy
ing. Uv defeating Lo Angeles laat week
in two game in San Francisco, the
Oakland Tlgera won the pennant In the
1'aclHc Coaat League for the aeaaon cf
Dave Clelanri and family came over
from I'luah lant week to be In attend
ance during the lllneaa and death of
Mr a. Cleland. Mr. Cleland ia a aon of
the duoeaiwd lady.
The chicken dinner Riven Tueaday by
tle Ladiea Aid of the M. K. church at
the L.C.l.C. room waa well patronued,
and the enterprising ladie realized
atiout 0 tat their work.
K. R. Willi, of KlamHth Fulla, came
over last week to bo prevent at the
trial in the circuit court ot the caae of
the ltichard Willi Furniture Co..
axainet the llwrticulture Fire Relief of
That Oregon ia eomewhat of wool
Htate I ahown by the fact that one
sheep produced a fleece of 6-inch staple
wool weighing 28 pounos. worth almost
S8.G0. Thla fleece waa grown In Mor
row County and haa been chipped back
to the Eastern land shows a one part
of Oregon' exhibit.
Mr. F. W. Payne received tho newa
that her aister, Mia Nell Simpson,
formerly of Lakeview, and Fred. Her
mer, an electrician were married Tuea
day, November 5, in Klamath Falls.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. C. A.
Ku hart of this citv, and has numerous
i icnda here who extend beat wishes.
A. Kaufman, jewtler Friday return
ed from a bunlneaa trip to San Francis
co. Me atated that while in the Hay
City he hud tho pluBBuro of seeing Mr.
Card, "Hiram Hlgrade." former edi
tor of the late High Grade News, who
he said had all the appearances of pros
perity. Charlea Hecker, the former police
Lieutenant of New York convicted ot
procuring tho murder of Herman
Rosenthal, was sentenced last week
to die in the clectic chair at Sing Sing
during the week of December 9. It Is
said that the execution will be stayed,
however, by a notice of appeals from
the verdict of the jury, soon to be filled
by his council, which may take a year
to determine.
Mrs. Urover Cleveland, widow of for
mer United States Preaident Cleve
land, has announced ber wedding en
jfigement to Thorn a Joseph Preston,
professor of Archeology and History of
Arts at Wells College of Prinoeton.
Her wedding to President Grover
Cleveland waB one of the moat note
worthy events in the history of the
White House.
Phillip Cumiaky, a newspaper man
of Maryavllle, Calif., has leased the
Ft. Uidwell News and expects to con
duct that publication in the futura. It
would aeero that Uidwell, situated at !
the foot of the High Grade district on
the east side, and bordered as it Is by
promising argicultural country,
should afford profitable Held for a live
Jiewpaaper, and that is the sucoeas,
the Examiner hopes for the Ft. Hid
nvcII News under its new management.
Riiliilcr l-r on draught lit the Inn.
IUIiiIit on draiiKlh or in IxiUb'N at
the lrew-ry. 2t
Frank Homer, of New Pine Creek,
waa in Lakeview Saturday,
'I'lio Ix'Ht Imttvr Oliver, 40 cent
per pound at Itielter'a ('khIi .-.tore.
W. S. Towner, clerk of the U. S.
Land olllce ia on the aick IM this week.
20 acre on weal .ldc will t-xchanoe
for city property. Kmjuirc at this
Hire. tf.
H. C. Coir, or Vu.lry Kails, made a
short bustneas trip to Lakeview laat
Mra. J. I). Venator went to Davis
Creek Friday of laat week to spend a
few daya aa the guest of Mra. L. ft.
Some of the local sportsmen made
a trip to the Wear Side Sunday and re
turned with Home bags of choice white
The Modoc Republican aaya Mr.
Chaa. Klce, of Alturai, ha gone to
Je Valley to teach a private school
this Winter.
The recent storms will be hailed with
delight by the farmers of this section,
s It will enat.le tkem to get consider
able plowing done this Fall.
Dr. F.. D. Kverett anoouncea the
birth of a ten-pound baby girl to Mr.
and Mra. Harrv Uigga, which occurred
Sunday November H, in tbla city.
Lost: Gold nucttct stick pin, on
Flection Iav, near the City Hall A
reiiHoimlilc reward will tie paid If re
to Vauderpool St Comlm Pool Kooiu.
Hill llanley, of Burns last week sent
a S100 check to the Women's Suffrage
headquirtcre at Portland. He also aent
a message over bis signature pledging
hia aupport to the measure.
Dr. Clarence U. Snider, son of Mrs.
and the late C. U. Snider, was last
week railed here from Portland upon
the sad mission of attending the funeral
ot his father, who died Wednesday
morning of laat week.
A telegram was received by friends
of Iiiannp Paddock that he would arrive
here Saturday evening. The iiiahop
will conduct aervlcea In the Methodiat
chur-h Sunday morning at 11 o'clock
and in the evening at 7:'!0. Everybody
is cordially invited to attend the ser
vices. The luneral f Jotteph S. Lane, who
died in Lakeview latt week was held
Friday morning at 10 o'clock from the
Catholic Church, Father Kern, S. J.,
conducting the services. The funeral
waa attended by a large crowd of peo
ple who turned out to pay their res-
pects to a departed friend and honored
1 citizen.
j T. F. Dunaway, vice president and
i general manager of the NeVHda Caii
. fornia-Oregon railway, leave the latter
! part of the week for New York city.
, He w'll be nuno about HO days on busi
ness connected with the road. Superin
tendent Will Dunaway will be in charge
, during the meantime, saya the Keno
The Lakeview Cnautauqua Circle will
meet Monday evening, November 11
at 7 :30 o'clock at the home of Mias
Knight. Program: Roll call ; current
events. "Popular Government in Ger
many and Northern Europe," Ogg,
Chapter XI, Mias Knight. "Popular
Government in the Roman Countries,"
Ogg, Chapter XII, Miss D. Snelling.
Hostler French, who while in an in
toxicated condition, IhsC week ran an
N.-C.-O. engine at breakneck speed
from Likely to Alturas, waa taken to
Folsom by the sheriff of Modoc county.
French pleaded guilty. to tho crime of
stealing tne engine. The Alturas Plain
dealer says the taking of the engine
was limply a drunken 'freak, and the
man ia to be pitied.
It is reported that the new post
office location has been practically
settled and that the Herforyd bid has
been accepted. The new quarters are
situated in the northwest corner, on
the ground floor, of the new structure
on Main and Center streets. It will be
partitioned off to provide the necessary
1200 feet tloor space, and the selected
location is generally conceded to be
most advantageous.
The Margaret Ilea Dramatlo Troupe
Tuesday evening presented a farce
comedy entitled "A Runaway Match"
at the Snider Opera House. Last even
ing they uuve a vaudeville entertain
ment. Mins lies Is going south from
here abandoning the company at Sacra
mento, wbeie Edson Elliott will play
in stock during the Winter. It is said
that Mr. Mead haa sufficiently recover
ed to leiive the hospital in Oakland, but
that he will give up stHge work In the
Itye fol Hale. Finn plump grain.
Apply at ;hl olllce. 10-tfl
Itev. H. Smith la reported quite ill
at his home in Lskevlew.
Cy. llecraft waa a visitor last week
from his ranch at Vistillas in Long
F. M. Green, farmer and m'ning
man, Saturday came up from New
Pine Creek.
J. F. Hanson and John Ward were
n Tuesday from the Point Ranch on
the West Side.
County Clerk F. W. Pavne last week
Issued a marriage licenae to Guy F.
Ftrohrn and Aliaa Helen Brandenburg
nt Paisley.
A marriage license was Issued Satur
day at the office of the county clerk fur
the marriage of C. Duggan and Mar
garet O'Sullivan.
The super-dreadnaught New York,
the greatest of the world' righting
ships ha been launched at the New
York Navy Yard.
County Commissioner F. E. Ander
soon arrived Tuesdsy from Lake to at
tend the November term of County
court, which met yesterday in Lake
view. A. M. Bognerand wife of Plush came
over to Lakeview last week and spent
several days. Mrs. Bogner is grand
daughter of the late Mrs. Roxie Cle
!snd. Salem has distinguished ItAlf bv
shipping 15 cars of hops, an entire
crop, to England, via Galveston. This
I the first shipment ever made in the
United State.
The Chewaucan Preaa aaya that
petition ia being circulated among the
business men at Paialey for the sup
port of the road. Such a move ahowa
an enterprising spirit and one that I
very likely to have effect.
F'inh planted in Oregon atream this
year numbered 7,247,546, a very large
Increase over additions to the finoy
tribe of any former year in the state's
history. Salmon, t-out, bass, croppies,
catOtth, etc., were the flan liberated.
DeDUty United States Marshal
Heatty arived in Lakeview Friday last
week to get China Jim who was ar
retted on a charge of selling whiskey
to an Indian. He left Satuiday with
his prisoner -."ho will be taken to Port
land, where he will be tried before the
federal court.
Seeretary of State Ben W. Olcott baa
sent out notices to the various can
didates calling their attention to the
provisions of the law which requires
that all candidates must file a state
ment of expenditures in bis office not
later than 15 daya after the day of
election, which would be November 20.
The law elan providea that where ex
penditures have been maJe bv persons
not a candidate, a statement of them
must be bled with the secretary of
state not later than 10 days after elec
tion, this date falling on Novemoer 15.
Choice California Fruit
The Examiner can conscientiously
voucn for the excellency and Quality
of the dried fruita temg sold in Lake-
view by C. F. Studley, of Sonoma Val
ley, Calif., it being the recipient of a
box of choice peaches. The fruita are
carefully dried by the sun process, and
being thoroughly fretih offers a per
fect article. The product ia raised and
treated by S. J. Studley and Sons,
formerly of this valley, at their fruit
farm in the Sonoma Valley. Mr. Stud
ley haa the fruit - on display at Wm
Wallace's store in Lakeview and re
ports that he is doing an excellent busi
ness in this vicinity.
High School Notes
A mock election was held in the pub
lic and the high school, including
grades above the sixth, yesterday. The
regulation sample ballots were used,
judges and clerka presided over 'the
election, and new residents were sworn
in before notaries. Much interest was
shown and the offices and initiative and
referendum measures were carefully
considered by many of the students.
The election waa conducted in the same
manner as a regular election, the dif
ferent grades being the different pre
cincts. Many of the students will be eld
enough t) vote at the next presidential
eleotion and by this experience they
will understand much better their re
sponsibilty. Some of the interesting result were
as follows: For President, Wilson 52,
Roosevelt 44, Taf t 18, Debs 7, Chafln
R; School Superintendent, Willits 06,
Oliver 27,: High School Fund bill. 110
yes, 3 no; Equal Suffrage, 03 yes, 34
ru: Sinirle Tax, 38 yes, 40 no; Mlllsge
bill for the support ot higher education
in Oregon, tit! yes, 25 no.
Eastern Company Ac
quires 20,000 Acres near
. Lakeview
A Urge timbtrlsnd deal of impor
tarce was trsnsacted laat wek where
by 20,000 acres of yellow pine timber
land In this county was sold by the
Oregon Land & Livestock Company of
Eugene to the Schroeder Lumber com
pany of Milwaukee, Wis. The Whit-mer-Kelley
company, of Portland
handled the transaction, and the price
paid is laid to have been $400,000.
The land liei lust northeast of Lake
view in townships 21 and '22 east, range
38 and 39, running from Warner can
yon to Mud Creek. The body includes
all the land east of this place owned by
tbiB big concern.
R. A. Booth, the millionaire mill
operative, is president of the Oregon
Land and Livestock company, and
George H. Kelley, a pioneer timber
man of Oregon, is Secretary. These
two and John F. Kelly are among the
heaviest stockholders in the company.
Never in the history of the timber
and lumbering business has there been
such a demand for choice timber tracts
in a presidential year as at present,
say prominent lumbermen of this city.
The deal with the Milwaukee company,
it is said, ia only a harbinger of some
oig transfers that will involve the
changing hands of millions ot Eastern
In addition to the above aale it is
said thst some other large deals are
pending, thst are likely to te consum
mated in the near future.
Tax Necessary for Pur
pose Will Be Small Com
pared With Benefit
Mr. Sauhill, at the Institute raised
the question of securing an appopria
tion from the County Court for the pur
pose of securing the establishment of
an K.xpcime' tal farm somewhere in
Lake County, says the Chewaucan
The idea met with almost unanimous
approval of those present and will be
presented in petition to the County
Court litter. No section of Oregon has
teen so slow in adopting this means of
aiding her farmers and it is time that
some action was taken.
A tax sufficient to establish such a
farm will be but little, probably not
more ttmn SI. 30 per thousand dollars,
which is almost nothing when the bene
fit derived from this work is consider
ed. After the land and buildings have
been provided by the County it is put
to no more expense aa the state Col
lege provides the experts and maintains
the farm thereafter.
Oentral Oregon Will Be
Represented by Splendid
Under the direction of the Oregon
Immigration Commission a splendid
exhibit of Oregon products ha been
Bent to the land shows to be held at
Minneapolis and Chicago. In gathering
the exhibits, the commercial bodies
holding membershiD n the Oregon De
velopment League were of great assist
ance. For the first time Oregon will have a
good showing at these big land shows
and the advertising value of such an
exhibit will be very great. Visitors
to the sbuWB will Bee what Oregon can
produce and there will be complete in
formation about the state. A baggage
ear was Oiled with the products ot
lields, gardens and orchards, sent Eust,
and the different products will cause
Eastern people to wonder at the agri
cult ural richness of the state.
Resolutions of Condolence
Report of Committee on Resolutions,
on the death of Brother Charles U.
Whereas, Death has aevered another
branch from the family .tree of our
Lodge by calling our Beloved Brother
Charles U. Snider and whereas the
members of Lskevie Lodge No. 63,
I.O.O.F. are sustaining the loss of one
of our oldest members. Therefore be it
Resolved, thst as a Lodge and aa
members personally we mourn the loss,
but with humble submission bow to the
will of our heavenly Father. In the
demise of Brothet Snider we lost one of
its members honored and beloved by all
practiced the great lessons of our or
who knew him. He was genial and
BENJAMIN Suits and Overcoats
$18.00 to $27.00
A good stock of seasonable merchandise. All the
popular rough weaves in the season's best shades.
You know you are right when you wear a 'Benjamin'
Lakeview -
1 1 '
are quite the rage, so be sure and come j
in and get what you want be- I
fore they are all gone. 1
I M j
NICE new snappy line to select
from in Tweeds, Chinchilla and
Zibalines. Every suit and coat
guaranteed to be the best that can be
bought for the price. Come early and
look them over, tje 8 j
der. His friendship was loyal, hi love
for hi fellowman was proven by hia
many kindly act to them and bis truth
was exemplified by business and friend
ly associations in the community in
which be lived for so many years.
Resolved that a copy of these resolu
tions be spread npon the minutes and
a copy sent to hia beloved wife, Mra.
Charlea U. Snider.
You will find our stock
of Underwear the best
in town. Extra heavy
fleeced lined, per gar
ment, 5c, the kind usu
ally sold for 75c.
Wool Underwear from
the famous "Morris,"
"Collins" and "Muns
ing" Mills, at $2.50 to
$5.00 per suit.
"Glove Brand" Rubbers
and Overshoes, high and
low cut. German Sox
and Felt Boots. Look
them over and you will
find our prices are right.
- - Oregon