Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 24, 1912, Image 4

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    Lake County Examiner
Official Papor of Lake County, Oregon
irnlar tundm a1 11.00 n Inch. lol
column ipc, per m . h. All lUndtug
h wired Im Iwlc i.i. uih. Ctmt ot coinpot
n charted fur nil pxir chnne. All tpecUl
positions extrm All thort term a1. extra
KMUirr, locu, n lnnitii, 10. pr lln ech 1c
onion. Wfi il. 6c. Itnewh Inwrilon
Card of thi im $1.00. Kolutlonn o. coud
leoce. tl.ft" ml npwnli.
flV-Tmtiiletit Advertising and Job Print-
ot. ca In iiiTkiic
On rear, In advanc,
li mnth.
rnree months. "
"II not ptd lo sdvauoe.lJ. SO thereat
Notice te Sbscrite
SnowriDvri to The Kiamluer wno rvmoT
from one loc!lty to another, or chaniri
their postofflre ailitr should romombvr lo
1rnn thin oitlre a rard so thotr caper can bo ad-
A'l bill! must be paid tha Drat of each month. I dreaned to the right poaioOIr.
Lakevlow, Oregon, Thursday, Ortobor 2 4, HU2
President Taft is leading the Repub
lican party in gallant fiKnt to save
the protective system of the country
and to maintain popular representative
government under the Constitution.
President Taft'a fWht in the fight of
every Republican. Under the banner
of the Republican party this country
has prospered for over 6fty yeara
except the four years when the
Estate Journal Points to This
City's Growth as Remarkable
San Francisco Real Estate, edited
by David H. Walker, and an ore-an in
this Stat or the men that deal in and
has always had forceful things to say
Hour Richmond's growth, which it
looks on a one of the remarkable ex-
Democrats were in contr.l of the ample of development in this
government. It would mean the ruin-j n it. last issue it says: :
tion of business to sud lenly change . "Richmond hes grown from nothing
from the protective system to the free i to a great city in the past decade. Ten
trade laws which the Democrats, in ' years ago the site upon which Rich
accordance with the declaration ot mond now stands was pasture land,
their platform, would promptly enact. which could have been bought for
With manufactured articles and cere- few dollars an acre. Today it ia one
als upon the free list, as proposed in j of the greatest industrial centers on
the tariff bills passed by the Demrcra- the Pacific Coast,
tic bouse and courageously voted by j "Thirty-four separate and distinct
President Taft, many factories wojld i industrial institutions, representing a
be closed. Not only would there be an i capital of 138.400,000, are now opening
army of idle workingmen, thua destroy-, the city of Richmond with monthly pay
iug the home market for the farmer, rolls aggregating $433,750. The esti
but the latter would also be forced to mated population at the oresent time
contend with the influx of foreign is 15,000 When you atop to consider
grain aamitted duty
urers would suffer,
injury would fall on
free. Mar.ufact- j the fact that in 1900 Richmond bad a
but the greatest j population of ten persons, consisting
the farmer who i of three farmers, two
has not alwaya the capital to tide
bard times.
The fight which President Taft
fishermen and
over i their families, and then see the city
J today, yoa cannot keep from admitting
ia that this is the most wonderful little
making is more than a fight for the ( city In California.
Republican party. It concerns every
American citizen, without regard to
his political affilation. Upon the out
come of the contest depends the preser
vation of our institutions and of nation
al prosperity.
President Taft issued a statement
at Beverly, Mass., predicting republi
can victory next month and declaring
ic obvious that neither the progressive
nor democratic nominee will be elected.
He aavs it is an open secret that "the
third party does not expect euuceeA"
The president reviews business condi-
"Kecently a large acreage tract was
purchased ty one of the oldest realty
concerns in the city at the enormous
price of $3000 per acre. This firm re
members the day when tbev refused to
purchase this land at a lew dollars an
"This ia undoubtedly the highest
price ever paid tor a single purchase
of aereagfl property aggregating more
than 100 acres. Ibis price, holding as
it does the record of the United States,
illustrated the wonderful growth ot
C. R. Wilcox is the Lakeview repre-
7 i
II A ; r- I
; m
adies' vboats
UK STOCK of Ladies' Coats has tlrawn the
admiration of almost every lad v in Lakeview
Tlu styles and fabrics are the kind that
please "and they are st reasonable, too,"
is the common expression. livery imm inent
1 . 1. a' ill a I
we snow is tne product ot tne nest maKcrs,
insuriiitf that you not reputable jjnods of the
the latest
styles. Our prices rane from
$12.00 to $32.50
. . V. -, s
Bailey (Mb Massingill
The Home of Good Values
Fine Scotch Suitings in
Mack and white, tan ami
brown similes, '! inches
wide, at 65e vd.
Wide Wale Series, of
splendid quality, in navy,
wine, jjrey and black, 30
inches wide, fit 65c yd,
Iv x t r a he a v y Scotch
Suitings, full .r inches
wide, in pretty Fall shades
at $1 50 yd.
Heavy weight Series of
a new wale diagonal, 50
inches wide, navy, brown
and black, at $1 50 yd.
Moire Silks for trimming
in black, frey, brown,
green ami white, at 75c yd.
tions which be says ate unprecedented-; sentaiive of the Brown-Andrade Rich
ly prosperous, nd asserts the
that sober judgment ct the
will continue present conditions.
Paisley Pick-ups
(Chewaui-an Pres8)
Andrew Foster, County Assessor for;
Lake County came over from Lake-1
view Friday, lie ia visiting with bis;
two brothers on Summer Lake, this'
Martha Farrow, wife of Albert A. ;
Farrow, died at their home in Paisley,
Tuesday morning at two o'clock. Mrs. !
Farrow he been suffering from drop
sy and partial paralysis for several
months and her death, though a great
loss to the community was not
C H. Keith came down from Sum
mer Lake, Saturday. He is still at
work with a small crew on the tram
way acrocs the Lake. The compunv
expect to have the dam completed be
fore freezing weather sets in this wirv
ter. When rin'sfcci, the Boath end of
the lake will be wei as a large evap
orating pan for (he waters ct the lake.
It is planned to Ferure the mineral pro
flucts cf the water t. tin's manner.
belief mond tracts, and is selling lots on a
voters ! basis of 10 per cent down and $5 per
month witnouc interest or taxes o.-
asssesments of unv kind or nature, with
payments auspendeed during lllne-s or
loss of employment. Fortunes have
been made in small investments in "ity
realtv and the same thing may be done
today ty investing in Richmond. ( Adv.)
Fall and Winter
CftWe can suit your
Taste, Pocketbook and
Anatomy in Fall and
Winter Suits.
fljNew line now on
display, ranging from
$12.50 to $18.00
It will pay you
to investigate
This Stock!
Economy Store
Come, let us reason together as muu
to man. Let us cast aside our political
unex-i prejudices and narrowness of mind and
! show calm, sensible judgment fur once
in our poverty stricken lives and see if
I we cannot act together for our mutual
! benefit. A presidential election is at
hand and we will cast our votes for
; our own benefit not for the other fel
I low. The two old disintegrating par
: ties which have never made a step for
j ward for nearly an hundred years, and
I which are now rapidly oecaying and
; feebly tottering on the brink of their
' graves and which have neither a policy
jt u shadow of difference betwet n them
S "f"' '-f,tl' ot w hich are almulutely con
trolled ar d owned by the robber barons j
of Vall Street, are nleadme with Don-!
j aeroua tears in their eyes and rolln.g
down their cheeks for us to give them
j "j ist one more chance" to get jnto our
; pocket?, or ratner stay in tbem, for
i another four yeirs and relieve us of the
j wealth that we have produced. Isn't
that an exhibition of shamed-faced
nerve of you? in't get mad but stop
right now and ask yourself, you work
ing mm, what have the two old par
ties ever done to better your conditions.
Forget that you belong to any party
and be fair with yourself and honest
with your convictions. Now what have
they done for you? Thev have never
done a darn thing but to continue a
system which robs you of the wealth
you produce, and down deep in your
heart, you know it. Then why vote to
continue such a system longer? Why
allow old moth-eaten partizan pre
judices enslave your mind longer? Why
be governed by ideas and superstitions
of the dead past which were invented
I and promulgated by a tyannical aristo
cracy of the dark ages for the special
purpose of enslaving you and humbling
and making you to be non-resistible
to your robbery. Is'nt it time to stop
and take heed? Tbe Socialist party is
the only party that has a program and
remedy for the telief of human ilia.
You say they want to "divide up."
Listen Have you not been dividing
with the rich barons until you have
nothing left to divide? Then where
would you be loser? The Socialists do
not want to divide up. They want to
stop it. They want tvery man, woman
and child to keep an ! own all the social
value of their lator. '1 hat's anarchy,
isn't it? That wonld break up your
home, wouldnt' it? And expunge every
religious sentiment from your whole
make up. eh? Sure. Say, don't those
lies look silly when you come to think
of it? Because yoj would get tba
social value of all you created and not
be compelled to give four tifths of what
you produced to the idle millionaires,
that would damn your souls forever
and upset "society" and blot out civil
ization and destroy the world. Ouch!
Now isn't that awful? And you believe
such silly rot because the ones who now
make you "divide up,", tell you it
would. Aren't you actually ashamed
of yourselves for believing such stulf
all your lives? You ought to be. Social
ism means simply this that (Jod creat
ed the eartb'and all that's on it and in
it for the whole human race and not
tor Morgan, Rockefeller and a
few others like him. Socialists do not
believe that a few men should gobble
uo all the natural resourcas of the earth
and dish it uut to us at so much per
quart, or pound, or yard, or foot," or
ton, or mile, or meter, or candle pow
er, or any other power or measure.
We believe in the people owning things
collectively and having tbem furnished
at cost of production and maintenance.
Tbats more anarchy. Every worker in
the United States produces a daily
average wealth of more than ten dol
lars. Whose getting it? Are you
"dividing ud?" Two years ago we told
you a uig Socialist vote would start
things movng for tiie people's tenetit. .
That vote is climbing up like panther
leaps and bounds and today we hear
more "progressive" talk than ever be
fore. Why? Ah, tha' climbing vote.!
The word "progressive" is being used
more tolay than ary other in the lang-1
j uage. ( It's being worked to death.;
; There's a renson. Stand by your guns,
comrades, let every voter who believes j
i in universal justice to mankind and!
special priileges to none, vote the j
: Socialist ticket and roll up two million ;
j votes thu fall and the robter barons
will fall over themselves handing you ,
i more crumbs. Jne word progres-!
sive" will be erased from the
ind the word "radical" will be written
I in its place. Try it. There is no one
individual to blame for all thia human
misery and starvation, its the system.
Say, comrades, lets change It. Lets
all join the ranks of the living and do
as Jesus Chriat commanded. "Let the
dead bury the dead."
Vote the straight Socialist ticket.
Be sure and vote for tne Socialist
United States Congressman, because
our basis ot representation is figured
from tbe vote he receives and If it
reaches twenty Ave per cent, it allow,
us on tbe county ticket without peti
tion. Don't follow after b'g noise..
Don't be fooled or caioied by false
promise, or false issues, you have been
fooled long eoough by such pretension..
There is but one issue and that it i.
the private ownership of natural re
sources, and of production and distri
bution. Let tbe people own these
thing, collectively and the cost of liv
ing will gi down nearly on half. The
fight i. between Wilson and Deb.. Tbe
other two are not in it. If vou pre
fer privatfl ownership and high oost of ;
living, vote for Wilson if you prefer
Dubile ownership and low cont of living
vote for Socialism Debs.
(Adv.) U. W. Welch.
I.HIVI .N'lt'Ctioil I.iMt
Kit'"' nil j on '41
Wo t he nixlcridiicd Ictuil vouts of
orth Warui-r prvcim:!. Lak-coiiniy,
ht.-tio of On gmi, rt'xpti'tfully iM-tiuii
the Hon t iiuiit.V Court of l-atf i ounijr,
ntuto tef Ori'Kon. to Kraut it liccnm- to
Kii'hnril i iitnl NlKiirlcM 1 11 Kwfft
to wll Hpltltuoiirf, uiMit ami vinous '"K to ol'J'ft
iuin..r- in I. .in !, till... t h;iii .iiim ' cha.ranti-1 ol
Kullou tu mi lil North H urucr rvcmct
Lakv county, matt- of OrvKu, fori lie
pi ilixl ul tl i ui u i li, h lii duty luuud
vte will ever prn.
I om Lynch, 1'hilllp S. Barry,
Cou Taylor, lvn! O'Cullaiiliuti,
John O'CbIIjikIiuu.VV. K. m linn r,
No. O:ltU. nelivt
Sec. 10. T. 3.1 H.,
Johu r. rturke,
Harry Kigtfri,
W. O. Ori'l.
John Kablom,
Mi'-liiu.-l l,i lie,
T. J. Sullivan,
.1 . J. Van Keuletl,
Juh. . ucn by,
i . H. KoltiiiHou,
M. A. rYllt iltT,
H. A. Hill,
f. E. Taylor,
Fete ( aloweil,
Win. Alton!.
C. W. I (cut.
Iticliiril Alli-il,
rruuk Moyimliua
W. H. lirlsel,
I. si. Hftiid.ey,
Kiauk Culco,
J. li. 1-uriiK,
l'ul D ti'iinliin,
t)ni I'olmlex tt r,
Cou tia honey,
II. K. lliluna.
. A I'rl.iiiy.
Mike f iniiucaiie.
State of Oregon,
hil Dunne,
frank Hunnern,
Neil O'Connor,
W. Iv. 1 tarry,
Jutiii Unvy,
11 1.. Trr-lilillK,
U. K. Small,
I. if', l.aue,
K SI York
T. lnireHH,
K. J. KeiellHIII,
it. M U.irrr,
A. M limner,
(i. W. Di mier,
It. !1 wii-it.
Jaiiii H H. U.iyd,
I'iilup D. O'Connor,
JaiiH-M I). () Cuoner,
Jainrn MrKce,
TIioiiium Aiiot-rduu,
N. Fine,
I.. "patllilillK.
I,. I' Miiuz ,
W. A. Lyou,
Marcu I'Hntonoii,
John I,. Vounor,
H l!l K. W.M.. In lieu of the 8 Hi
n w i4'. gee. iii, r. :i7 H. It. 0 W.,
wltlnu lh .Siskiyou Natlomil Kont.
Any and all ix-rson eiaimlnir ml
verm'lv the lamlrt ilenerliH'il, or ileilr-
lieeaiine of the mineral
the IhihI, or lor liny
oi her ri'iinon, to the illipofal to appli
cant. MiouM llle their attlilnvlt of
irotent In tlil-i ottlr. on r l efore the
10th day of li iiiher. 1"!-.
A. W. tlHIUN, Keirister.
LOST I'alr of (lel.l laKe at Kalr
port, ' Mi l. Will pay reward for
their return. Adilrei-K U. N. Miller,
Knlrpurt. Cullt. lntlL't
FOR BALK On trilsli au'V, first
I'Ihhh; aUa one mnrr, family broke.
Oiiaraau' miiiiiiiI and irimty. la
iulre ul (V 'I I' ip'Imiil r A. 1)
Oockran at Minltli'M liHrlirr noi. 1
FOli SAl.E 1 1 1 mil' a ml Ut filralnheil
nml fill Hi're-i lncated at I.Hki-vlew.
MukI Hi ll lilik me aa alfer. V'or
partlciiiHri write to box Ul', 8an
iluii, Ori'UD U-l-ti
Warm Prlcoo
for Cool Weather
la order tt muke room lor our hull
day took of plauoM 4 plver pliiaos,
Iho to prova III value of our "direct
from twlory to you" tiirtlioda,
are offering aur at-H-k of all new in
HtrnmentK at H nliarp price cut.
Then nlaiios will b on iltxplay at
our KUumtk FalU I'iano I)( t and
we extead the name liiBuaeinrnts to
the m ril of Lake rounl nn to thona
of Klnriiaib. New iiam rut to aa
low an $175 ami iav itKiitM 15 r
month if you wiidi. Krery Instru
ment liackad liv it firm, tha head of
which hail foil lived thU IniilueMS for
farty nix 'ear. Ci.ualata.nt narvl -r,
"live ami lot live price" lias alwaya
liwn our policy. If you cannot vUit
our piano ilapot write us at once fur
full Information. Add rem ir sea
Shepherd A Hons at Klumatti Fall..
Ort. IT at
1 ,ailie Hiilt Mi'e at
catitile Ca.
Lukevlc Mer-
County of Lake
1, Uioharil iuinii Wing lirt duly
a worn, accerdiuk,' to law, depone u'"l
nay : That the foreicoin 'tition con
lauiM the cinatiirert of au actual ma
jority of the w hole nuuiliei ol legal
voters of North Warner precinct, in
Iake county, Oregon, that each of
hm!i) hiunatureH in genuine, that each
of the parnons w lione 8'lnatiireH Hre
Hitfueil to mini petition, Ih an actuul
renUlent In eaiil precinct, ut tho date
hereof, nml wa anil I uih bneii actually
ie-i'lirig iu mild precinct auu n-il'l'-il
theieln at leiMt 1 lilrty ilaya ltninedl
ately pncee lliig the ilaie he Hlned
Hilbl petition mid aUo ot tlin lilinx of
fculixcriln-il hih Hworu t.i lieiora me
thin Ut day of October, I'.H-J.
Notary'l'iililli.- for Oregon.
Notice Ih lierhy given thai the un-(len-Iirneil
will apply to the Hon.
Count., Court of Lake county, Htate
of Oregon, on Kovemiii-r 'SI, l!H2, fur a
llcellHi) to Hell fcpil il'iuua, IMHli. aud
vinotii li(nurH In ii'H-i iiia'iti(ici than
ine gallon, in North Warner precinct.
elate I Lake county, Htate of Oregon, f.r a
pLTiod of Hlx inontlH, ironi tin irn
day of November, 1I2.
iy ,t,itianl GijIiiik
Notice In hereby irlven that the
State Laud Board will receive Mealed
biiln until 10 o'clock A. M., Decemher
10, I'Jll, for the following ilescrlbed
school IihuIh, to-wit:
The SWii if Hection 1) and of
section Kl, T. 38 S., K. 21 K.,of W. M.
All bldH aiUHt ie accowpanlHil by a
regularly eucutod application to pur
chase an4 at leant oue-llith of the
amount offered.
No bid for lent than (7.50 per acre
will be coiiHldered outlaoda lu section
10 rr of lew than J! per acre for
laud. In Mfcctlon U.
The rlk'ht to reject any and all bid
Ih reHerved,
Applications and hid nhould he nd
ilreHHed to O. (1. Brown, Clerk Ktaie
Lund Hoard, Halem, Oregon, auil
marked "Application and liltl to pur
chawe atate landM."
. O. 11UOVYN.
Clerk 8 late Laud Hoard.
Dated October 17, 1012.
You Are Searching
it w
for a hat that will appeal to
ou at a rcasonalilc price.
We guarantee to show you
the exact hat you should
wear, at a price so lw that
it will surprise you. livery
hat has stylo and quality no
matter how low the price.
Come in and see how much
you can save when you buy
for cash.
Our style book of over
three hundred samples of
cloth, lo select a Coat, Suit,
Dress or Skirt from is always
at your disposal. Come in
and look it over. They are
strictly man - tailored gar
mentslit guaranteed.
'I here are no misrepresen
tations at our store.
Come in and talk it over
with us.
Parisian Millinery
Main Street
West of Court House
( Not Coal Landn)
Department of the Interior. U. H,
Land OMce at, Lakeview, Orefroo,
i ctober IX. 1812.
Notice Id herebf nlvcn that the
f (Stale ol OreKou, dil on July l'JWl,
'lilo in ltil-4 ollioe Indemnify Kchcul
fur your homo In m net of our
iwrfifctly fitting litirnrss. AVer
think how much Unit in r una la
both IiIn ti'iiiptTund condition?
Next time you need a act or a
Hlnffo fhirt, come here and get
the kind that inenim kindness
to mun'H I icnt friend.