Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 17, 1912, Image 1

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n AMtr rrmtrc dtu T CT IMTH uJTC
lolonel Heroically Saves Life of His Assailant
and Warns Back the Crowd That
Threatened to Lynch Him
Creed McKendree and Joe
Owens Got In Work On
Pesky Varmint
Cnicngn. Oct lfi. -Thcodoru Koo-
dt wan not merely superficially wound-
1 by lh Pullet fired into hi 'jreast In
lilwunkee bv John Shrank. IJnofll
tally it wan made known that the phy-
jpiuns do not consider it inTPffiirv "
t-rote for i r to r move tho Pullet. 11
:n, iin shown tty the X-iay ph'to
rnphH. not fur from tbe breast bone,
11 the right side, and pro! lily five
iches below the collar bone. Th. mis-
lo not got inside the rltm, out
lolighed upward Hiul inward for five
iche. The flesh along the course of
n bullet showed no discoloration today
tlx there appeared t tho physicians.
Bi paus'i for concern. I
& Mo in renting'. and uiilenu un-,
looked for complication arise he will I
lly recovered in n short tune. j
Milwaukee, Wit.. Oct. l.-l oionei ,
Kocmcvclt in shot ami slightly wnund
eii to nlKht he was leaving the Gil
Patrick hotel tor the Coliseum to make
a speech.
The would he assassin gave I lie name
of John Si'hraiik anl says he it from
New York.
Tho woun I was superficial and the
colon I went on to the hull and begun
hi speech, after he 1 1 a 1 rt m tho would
lie bsvuxmii arrested ami taken to the
police station.
Tie UHsusidn whh prevented from
fi'ing a second Hhot !y Albert M. Mar
tin, one of Colonel Roosevelt's two
"crri'iHiitn. Colonel Roosevelt had
iiiH Met'ped iiiln un uutomntiil when
(he Hxxii-nin pushed h h way through
the rrowd to trie atioet und tired. Mnr
tin, who standing in the rur with
t Kill lulled oil lilllfe elgul
Creed McKendree arid .lie Owen
arc now planning a trapping campaign
on the festive coyote In the irtarj
future, they having succeeded in CHp-j
tunng one within the city limita a few
nights since. Reccnty onu of the
"varmintH" haa been feu'tlng fin
chickens Ik longing to Mr MiKi-wiree,
Leo Ueall, Charley Comlm and others,
as well mm several oat presumably as
a aide dish, and it wan decided to mak
an effort to capture the Leant. 'Irups
were set In the rear f Mr. MeKen
t'ree'a chicken house, only two blocks
from the business centc of town, and
shortly at.fer 9 o'clock ThurfdHy even
wk, about an hour after the trap
wern et, Mr. Covote aueceeded In get
ting in three of them. A piece of
meBt wb fastened down arid four trap
aet around it. the thief urrecdlng in
getting tioth lipid feet and one front
foot in the triipH.
Creed ia Inclined to claim a purt of
the credit for the capture, nut those
knowing the fart scon to lie- of the cp
Gets Money From the Old
Country and Invests in
Lands at Crano Creek
Max Hode last, week tmuuht from
I.. C. Howell a iiont :! acre of land
mi ("rune 1'riek, purt ot it lying at (he
m iuih of th.; car yon bid) the balance
don beloia tbe road nearer the lake.
The r. r.tiicieratlon wa in trie neigh
b rh'iod ol t".(Kj, and it is generally
conceded ttiHt Mr. Ltudrt necured a tiar-
Incidental to the transaction is the
fm-t that Mr. Hn'ie recently fell heir to
u m.ill fort ji e r.y thu death of a rela
tive in the (lid Country. Mr. Hour's
oi'ter, who is no cope Intendent of
Hfhoola In 9 California county, aome
lime ago le;rit d oi a legacy due un
known per JO" ly the i. me of Bode in
drrmuiy. he took the matter up
with an attoi n y, and tke teault was
tlidt the and Vier iirother w re found to
be the rightful heir:', mm! ii short time
pince they b'eane puh.-ep.-ed of tbe
property, ami.uiil.irg to fcome $15,000.
Mr. Ho le at invented part of hid
p iitiun in LbPu county property, and
he in now n't riving congratulations
Meissen and Spence Plead Guilty and Will
Be Sentenced TomorrowStephenson
Takes Statutory Time To Plead
Inion thai Joe Owen wad the principal from his numerous friends not only on
in the affair, and that I 'reed was aim
pjy an onlooker.
1st of Citizens Summon-
d to Attend Circuit
Court Next Week
f 'oll(iwing ii a lift ol jurnrH
nerve at the (Ji tul er. l'.H'J. term of
Jli-uit Couit which conveiieH here
rtlM Monday :
H'., l Lofftun, 1 akeview.
if'. V. Itebart, Liikcvicw.
KlHle W'lli'iiv l.iikeview.
I. Hopkinn. I, akeview.
C. MolchkinH, l.iikeview.
'hillip Mulkey. I. akeview.
ieo. I''ilzgeiald. I. akeview.
ieo. Wright, l.aki view.
ohii O'Neill, l.iikeview.
. F:. MeCnul. I. akeview.
. I'. Vernon, I. akeview.
uo. Nelson. I. akeview.
K. Kond, l.iikeview.
lint Vernon, l.ttkevi" w.
W. I'll x ton, LaKeview.
Ii. Arthur, I. akeview.
Ian ('liHiidlcr, l.iikeview. .
. S. Kinher, New I'ina t'ruek.
. C. C.Hrm n'k, Fort Kuck.
A I1 nil, Kort Uock.
. W. Uroi : on, Kort Knck.
alter llulrk, Silver I. like.
. S. Heneliel, Pinalcy.
. 1.. HeneHil, INialey,
e.a Ciil lerwood, I'lu.-ih.
. W., 1'luHh.
. M. liryun. Lakevicw.
P, V. 0i"ka, Lukeview.
hn Scott, l.ukeview.
K, Sherlock, Lakeview.
luch Spaco Devoted to
ffhis County as Well as
oose Lake Valley
lie N.-C.-O. Ky. haa juat issued a
Ihumo folder deaeritiiug the
(J.-O. Ciiuiitry." Much ot the
e. is (tevnteu to LiOopo Luke valley
Lake County and faithfully por-
mi'ny ndvuiitageB ollere I the
eiet'Ktr an well ua thu investor in
Hi iuiii). Our uiinerhl teauurcea are
iu ly aet forth, Ilighgrudo, Windy
ok. . Llio i'alalcy liiitrict and other
i ' i i : r,i .1.
.... r i. w.ioiu it.iy iirj'i'.
irmignout tn. Aiiddlo West und
i' to draw tliu uttentiou of the
u i or that boo. i., n to huuth Cen-
.ftiiii ivajiiuig no doubt In
ti...' Lo thL bv'ctiou.
Building As Comolcted Is
Second Only to Depot at
at this
The now N.-C.-O. Ky. depot
pluce im now completed ami is teeon I J rHt-on.
only to I lie Kenn depot on the line. It
ia of a hiind-iomi: dehirn and of pleaxinir
j appehrance, bo'.h inside and out. The
structure la of brick with reinforced
concrete foundation, and forces uouu
one the fact that it in apparently limit
for all time to nmui. In fact every
thing about tbe N.-C.-O. baa the h p
pearance ofpennanein.'y,tlie track being
well graded and lililiaated, while the
iquipincrit throughout irt Kindly br.-t.
ebiKH and kept up fully to the atandard
of thu big linen.
The Interior of the new depot ia of
especially attractive design, tl.e wait
ing rooiii neing on the mime plan i.f the
big union depottt of the transcontinent
al lines. While thu building is two
atones in eiuht, yet the ceiling of the
wailing room extends up to the roof,
being curved and tin walla wainscoted
up to a height of perhaps ten ieet.
The ticket ollicu id conveniently locat
ed to the waiting room and ia equipped
with in inv cunvenien es which
will permit of serving tho public
promptly and quickly.
The udguge room is large and roomv
with cement floor, and it will also per
mit of thu handling of a large express
business therein.
The lavatories are finished in tiling
und ui irlile, while a dressing room ia
also provided for Indies. Kvery con
venience is utlorded the public, and
no expense has teen spared in muklng
the building what it is. Thu cost
said to have exceeded $ lfi, 000, and from
the appearancu of everything connect
ed with the building one is led to be
lieve that thu railroad company received
lull vulue for thu money invested.
Thu second floor is devoted to office
purposes, and Is finished in the aamu
plun us the mam flour. The building
throughout baa hardwood floors, and
thu woodwork has a waxed linish, which
hurmonizeH with the other work of
ttie building. Cement walks are to be I
laid uoout tue building and the grounds
parked, and when finished Lukeview
will have the finest depot and grounds
on the whole line anl thu equal of
many of thu famous stations along the
line of the "Koad or a Thousand Won
I in. . , V O management ha cer
tainly inailo good in every particular,
and wo of Lukeview are entitled to
coiigi'btululioris for the handaome
iiiruciuiu luav vill serve our needs for
luuiiy ,yAnid tj come.
New Barber Shop
The Mo. ul Hatha und Harber shop
will tie openeil this week in the Hrt
National K ink tiloek t y Hlliot & Mc
Dona d, two well known t.onsnrial ar
tita. I hey have ibe room immediately
adiuimig the lleryford hutlding and
hae tilled it up n ixiellent ahape. It
equipped a u thrert-chair ariop, with
th - latest in the way of chairs, mirrors
and funikhinga gMiurally. The fl ior is
covered with linoleum, while the elec
tric light fixture. a:i well as the !ub,
bacina nd plumt ing generally, are of
hat dHomi; disign. lheyo rg men com
prising the firm have nim-y friends and
will no douhl do well in their new lo-
reeeiving the l.if;acy but in displayir.g
good id Ig'Tl r,t in inve-ting the same.
Fate Close On Alderman
Prof. L. R AbKrman, who some
ten days ago fracture I his leg while
enronte to Itdins on a nvicircycle, pro
t iilily ia of ti e opinion that Fate has a
stong hol hon mm. Alter leaving here
for San Francirco and before reaching
Reno his tran bumped into a freigi t,
Cuuxirg the l; 'es of his iniure. leg
to tiecome i- aced ar,d necessitating
its resettii.," r reaching the city.
while undergoinK the operatiun in
San Francisco the X-rav was turned on
the broken bones, and it was ascertain
ed that the diagnosis made in Lakeview
I WH4 pnlirelv purrppl Th hnntii u-prp
found to be broken just as stated bv
the Lukeview physicans.
The regular October term of Circuit
Court for Lake County will convene
next Monday, Judge Henry L. Benson
presiding While the docket is not ex
tensive, yet there are several cases
likely to be heard which will prove of
genA-nl interest to the public. The
(irand Jury serving at the May term of
Court is now in Fession and will probab
ly return indictments that will be
taken up next week and dates set for
During the past week Judge Benson
has been doing business under the
May term of court, and Tuesday the
Urand Jury serving during that term
was called to consider several cases. !
The jury consists of J. B. Auten, '
foreman, J. D. Heryford, Frank Love-1
less, L. A. Carriker, J. L. Hampton, '
' Chaa, Pitcher and E. B. Brewer, Wed
' neadav indictments were returned
1 against Fred Meissen, E. T. Hpence and
J. W. Stephenson, chareirg them with
.; larceny. The pnrties. were arraigned
', yesterday, the tw former pleading
guilty, while the latter to- k the statu
! tory time, three days, In which to
I pled.
j It will be remembered that the par
, ties were accu-ed of stealing several
j tires and other accessories from J.
: U. Auten's , auto which had broken'
Idown rear New Pine Creek several
months since. Their examination was
held I efore Justice Farrell and they
were held to appear before the Grand
Jury, their bor.da being fixed at $2.c00
each, which they were unable to fur
cish. ' 'onri illicit cm page eight
11 1
Much of the Commodity
Is Now Being- Hauled In
From Warner Lake
The salt harvest of Warner Valley
ia now on, and Harry Kicrgs has thre
teams cnricd in hauling the product
to local merchants. The "mines" are
'owned hv Mr. Kiiztrs and are loeated a
short distance north of I'lubh, some 40
miles from Lakeview. The industry is
one of long standing, although having
gained no particular prominence, per
haps of the fact because it was "too
common " The salt is of a coarse
quality and suitable for sjock purposes
only, ulthough with roper cure a much
finer grained article can fie had. The
SHlt is being delivered to all towns in
this county and a number of tons has
been sold in Harney county.
At Least 2,000,000 Pounds
Golden Grain Harvested
But It Follows In Rapid
Succession in the Case
of "Pete" Grob
Three Alleged Horse Rus-j Hardsomo Structure Will
tiers Taken Into Custody
by Sheriff Snider
While the old saying that misfortunes
never come singly may not always be
true, yet, W. F. Grob is of the opinion
that they fellow each other in mighty
rapitl succession. Early last June Mrs.
Grob was compelled to enter a hospitil
at Portland to undergo an operation
and treatment, and Bhe just returned
home lust Thursday. Mr, Grub had
been suffering from a cold for several
days previously, and that night he Pe
came worse and by the next morning
he was threatened with pneumonia.
Dr. E. H. Smith was called and he
at once proceeded to administer treat
ment, und at present Mr. Grob pro
mises to tie around again in a few
It is estimated that fully 2.000,000
pounds of wheat was raised this year
in Goose Lake Valley from Crane Creek
north and including the West Side. All
of that grain is tributary to the Lake
view mills, and much of it ia now being
delivered to them. Some of the wheat
was damaged by the frost which oc
curred about the middle of August,
but tho mills will have sufficient to
keep them running for some time.
If local Interest is any criterion,
there ia no election likely to take
pluce hereabouts in the next hundred
years. However, it is announced that
there ia to be a County, State and
National eleotion two weeks from
next Tuesd ay.
Another Outfit Is Bought
by Summer Lake and
Chewaucan Ranchers
Sheriff Snider did some exceptionally
qnick work last week in capturing
three alleged horse, rustlers in the
northern part of the cou.-.ty. Sheriff
Balfour, of Crook County. wired Snider
to arrest "Purk ' Robinson, Bill Koo-
inson and Shorty Allen upon a
of horse stealing. Snider, knowing
that if all were not arrested at once the
others would flee, sent Deputies P. D.
Reeder, A. B. Sehroner and W. Hayes
out north of Silver Lake to the Walker
cabin in scuch of two, while he and
Andy Fotter went to. Summer Lake
and captured "Punk," and reached
Silver Lake about the same time
Reeder and Schroder did with the oth
er two. They were brought to the
county jail and hell for the Crook
County officer.
It appears that there has been many
horses missed in the northern part of
Lake and southern part of Crook, as
well as in portions of Harney county
'or lo thefe many years, and it 19 as
sumed that these men are part of a
regularly organized band operating in
those sections. Recently several car-
Probably Be Opened to
the Public Thanksgiving-
Fairport ia attracting many sight
seers fom Lakeview bow thot te hotel
is near'ng completion. Wh'le rot l-rye,
vet it presents a handsome appearance
and 19 greatly admired. The building
charge) nnssioo aiyie anu is or inviting
appearance. It is two stories in height,
with the lobby, writing room, dining
room, Dutch room, kitchen, serving
pantries and rooms for the help on the
ground floor. The dining room is large,
well lighted ant of attractive appear
ance, while the lobby contains a largo,
old-fashioned tire pi ice and bus a fine
view of the lake.
An aasy stairway lea ia from the
lobby to the second floor where are
cated 23 fine large guest rooms, a num
ber of which are en suite and equipped
with privnte bath. Thre are no n
aide rooms, practically all afforc'ing a
fine view of the lake and surrounding
An experienced Los Angeles hotel
man has leased the hotel and it Is ex
pected to open the hotel to the public
on Thanksgiving Day. A heating plant
is now being installed, and while no
is tioB:,ble
Judge E. M. Brattain is back from
a trip to the northern part of the coun
try. During the trip he and a number
of associates, including Sum Lester,
P. W. Silvertooth, Geo. Parka, the
Curriers. L. P. Klippel. J. M. Small.
the Brattains ot Paisley, and 0. J. ride the untamed stted, and not until
Poley, purchased an artesian well bor-1 he ' forcibly ejected did he consent
mg outfit whicn they will use in the remain i t ot jail. Subsequently,
Summer Lake and Paitley sections. howi ver, P. was u-certpined that he al-
load shipments of horses have been i
ma le from Bend, and in following un de,av U anticipated yt it
these shipments a number of stolen !tnat the openivg will be delayed
horses were found. further investi-i 80mewhat- proposed to make the
cation led to the belief that the accus- i opening a memorable event, and no
ed parties were the ones who ut least !douot tt,e "-''"ity of the building will
maile nart of thfi Khinmenra and honn D IBXed on that occasion.
their arrest.
Sheriff BulJour arrived Tuesday
evening from Prinevil e and ye-terduy
m'Tiiing started on his return with the
accused men in charge. All of them
have been residing in the northern part
of the county for some time past and
are auite .well known. When the par
ties were first taken into custody it
was not known thut "Bill" Robinson
was wanted, the Utter be ng at Silver
Lake. However, "Rill" was deter
mined lo come anyway, he having been
indulging in some of the "O Be Joy
ful" which Silver Lake is noted for.
ne got into me tonneau or Mr anider'8 t.her8. The directors put the
uiu wiui nm huuvjio una uruceetiea to , .n n v- unrart. in
Directors Are Bothered
By Financial Question In
Conduct of School
The outfit formerly belonged to Urcl 3
Sam and was used in the Paulina moun
tain section for experimental purpose-.
It was sold at Fort Rock a few luy
since und thus cume into the posse.-. oij"
of the parties referred to. The or if in-
al cost of the outfit wua
Ii l i
marly fciliOo, , , . :.
but it was sold for about $700. j OUUM'
This makes the fourth well boili.'r :. 1
an was wanted and
m'o ciiaioay.
'.ve s goon taken
i hr vii'iril
virvrr-'r Like
orie'.li'ng doi ig m thu ,y oi
i well i 1 i Cii iieai futon. Al
u uuiiibcr cf good tii:- tue
truck, uuu lAjuuj uio.'U tiit3 Mill
.' .C'l.
Acordingto HiSalem dispatch the
Paisley school is over, rowded, and
there ia an insufficient number of tea-
a request for an
addit on to the building. The voters
turn d it down. Now what are the
direc.ors to t.fcout it?
That H ryjestion that is put up to
the attorney general. He advised
thedirocttrs they could ust for the
employment of teachers or sec jring
more n( r- ncr ee"t uf the 5 mills
sehct.l levy, lutlfniore than thut ia
needed tho mcney can be had cnlv ly
the vote of the t leetors. He advised
them t.'.ul l!,vy e.oulj hire as many
teacK' ; ; d i...;V saw tit.