i OR WINTER WEAR We offer the most reliable and satisfactory line of merchan dise suitable for your needs. If by comparison, you will find goods of equal quality, sold anywhere for less than we ask for ours, you are privileged to return our gojds and your money will be cheerfully refunded to you--THAT'S FAIR. M t fm rtf r t he latest stvles and fabrics, well built rien s uvercouis Mio;mKv,v Mu(K.is. in;ulo witll niint!lrv liih collars, would svll a ty where at twenty dollars, v arc tf 1 C ff otVerim: this season r r VV Children's and Misses' Goats-rilr son, sizes G to 10 tats; th.se oats were loimerlv sold form six to twelve ;,;:f;";r,;;t;:'::"::u'l'::':::n;::::' $2.50 to $6.00 Children's "Star Brand School Shoes." All leather, serviceable school shoes, sizes f 10 !S ("' $1 25 J A better shoe was never 8!L' to 111l (! $150 - made nor sold at ll'tolM' $175 ) this price. DELINK ATOK for November now on sale. Subscriptions for the Delienator Special 12 Years tor $2 00 Cash with order. rill- QUALITY ST0KI5 6000 ROADS IN ! THE FOUNTAINS jOM to Odteia Right ol Way For Hghways. i GETTER LAWS ARE NEEDED. 3ESSEI23EE333 COUNTS INSTITUTE CLOSED FRIDAY Conceded to be the Best (tit t. w -s the address Thursday night by V. i.r-hip on "Getting in trie liame." Krn av'- session was opened by Supt. j Aldt-rmn ny talk on "Habits." The tenche s Ti! given many aids to the Hieh School Notes The present enrollment is 31. I School interest is good and aeveral I school organizations are tioi effected I this week. Benjamin H. Cai Suggaitt Stat Con ..ANAM Da..llUl. ft J - .J ! ! ...j-,-.. ...... ...,,,.... tli Method For Handling Till Mot Important Question, There n- some- feature connected v.llli tin- "(iiHid romls" question that tinvi; nut been presented to tile )iittU mill considered In tlio light of facta gained by practical experience- In t tit tK-lil. Thc apply piirtletilnrly to the in tnn tlnii f good romls In nmun talnolis district, audi iin In comprised within Hint I'i'iiiitiriil and extrusive scope of country known us tin Houtli- I'm Appalachian region. The dlllleul , tll'M tO l.O llll't In attempts to I mi 1 hi : good highways In this region luive iiuiiiy hm 1 1 1 1 : i ii i,-H perhaps not gener :illy understood by the dwellers In titles nnd In populous funning ills i trlcts where the topography Is tint or ', only slightly rolling lu character, say Iteiijauilti H. fuse 111 the Southern Cood UoiltN I Cntll the ndvent of the modern high power touring enr there wnn no pur ! titular demand Unit highway through ; the inoiiiithuis should lie constructed of ii quality much superior to tho;f tluit lial been hilxirionsly scratched out n ! century or so ago by the grout grand ! f.-. ttiers of the present tnoiintiiln Inhab ! Hants. ' Of hue strong efforts hnve been put forth by public spirited eltlens to so cure t!n Im'tdlng of better highways ; In the mi miii t;i Iiin. but these eii'.irts , hnve been comined In r:ely to em our ; aging the i u mi ii t :i I n popnhitlon to build ' the roads, mid light there lies the i rux of the slf ti!'tt'i we eudetivor to unfold When ii siiim y Is undertaken lo se ' cure a h!-Ji way along light grades with ! proper drainage f.nllith-s the tlrst prop- cisltloii en i unff -rod by the eniineer Is tin ;n:.rMi,iei t w ith the stniill l:md own i el" uh'i ob.e ts to tut 1 1 1 K the fn: lo ieiited where n-tttire intended it should I be I :iue. ft irsiu.th. perhaps It cleave jhls little eorn pnieli In twain It Is MUSIC IN THE AIR! LISTEN!! Eilers Music House which is the largest musical institution on the Coast has a music store in Lakevicw. This Store DOES NOT KEEP PIANOS, very long at a time, because the call is so great for good pianos that IT SELLS THEM. The first carload of Pianos brought here to Lakevicw is nearly all sold and have wired for more to meet the demand. Don't fail to get accpaainted with these in struments. See them in the Store, in the Homes, in the High School. The aim of this firm is to satisfy. Once a customer ulways a customer. City Superintendent O. MGardncr of the Lnlte view Htfih School has bought O pianos of this firm and has only words of appreciation for quality, prices and terms. Prices are very reasonable and terms are made to suit every one. CORNER CANYON AND DKWKY STRKKTS C O. ROE - - MANAGER ! forrriHtion oi" nriiOtT hihit imijiip their i ; . Diimeoti science elapses are doirg Mrs. Campbell gave an interesting regular wurk now and the cut look for Educational Meeting outli, e and t ,U on iwcbwg art in the Krettt results U fine Ever Held In County I grade c.f all B. ho. l.s. A School Orcheetra has been oran- i Tre i losing eecsion wan one of the I izf'i arid regular practice will begin next week. Tne Bookkeeping clas ia one of the largest classes in the High School. There 6 re 30 rr.embers ami the pros pects are fine for an intereating term. The High 'ctiool room rms quite a The Teacher's ; mit ii teresimg ami was attend by a Institute was con- Hr,e l;UIIlU r f prtrcr at d friends of tinued Thursday morning by an exer-1 elu atimi. cise on Language by Assistant Supt.! 'I' fc p-rt.it;. meeting a- a general Carleton,. lie gave many interest ng methods of usij;k pictures in story writing. Mrs. Kulkerson's work on Primary Reading was closely fo'loued hv all and 5he showed that her work can be used by all teachers. Dr. Winship'a ta k on "Jifncitncy of Education," showed that teacher and parents as well as the public rrust strive for tetter results in their work. Frof. Dunton explained the work of High Schools arid outlined his work in toe Lakeview schools. His talk shows that be is educated, entnusiatic and that nothing will be left undone to make his work here as good as tne best. Dr. Uinship on "The Fundamentals of Educattonnl Proeresp,' gave a num ber of principals to be followed. One of the best numbers of the in- ciM Uimi ot meir.ooa of co-operative means nt werk Mrs. (). M ' i DUHtnessiiKe appearance an tnere ar- ing talk i n Doiiie.tic Soe-.ee as bhe r.i r)11IlH(, Br,i ... ,nrIt r-Hfiinfr i i - i j - f table, bookkeeping and business method-. intends to teach it hf re this year. ! Allerr.an's tslk t "H ime Wont of I Puoiis biii Creiiiis ti Le (liven fui Same, " nhs He i f lt,e iievt of the vveeK The ' otiifi'iitte on rcMilutions Supt. IJardner, I'r'f IM'-hi-nls and I'rof. Uevaul, pr-ff ite i i-oni" ineri ted resi; I ii t u i! H wMch Vr-:e on.iiori.iiurly adopt ed. The ' ! r-ir cv, ::ir:j,' af the work were the talks I y Am- rm-i which ex'1- llei.t. A subscription was taken in the High School to raii-e money for nifijazini with the result thht almost eleven dol lars werf sulicKribed. The magrtzir.es will be ordered at once. The drawing work of the schools was started this week. U'e are expecting great results this year although ilraw J! . r. VVV A '. ' ' ' -W.-.: .'... .1.1. ; ': ' "' and Winship 1 1 g 1 ueen in me course neiore. ' j Teacl.ers .i,d ptplis are delighted with Alder;na i o 1 public r sprjnsibility lne "o""" for i-cooi work ami Win-hip uniu.-t' Mrs. J. Bowland, of lleno, placed criticism! of our schools. i spvral sets of the New Practical lief. This hns bft-., oi e ii' the. bet-t insti- j t renee Library , in ; our town retcnllv tutes c c held in the c-unty, Hid all and thee worVi will "be"refer """to who attende l were great, y be rielitted. 0e in Hf.ho, wurk:ThTy'a7eT7a7 .. ... . ..... . .. . . . . i. i ed as works ot great merit and ot great j atsi!-tnnce to i:ludentt. Prof. CJaniner 1 will furnish sets to ay who may want ! them. ! 1 he High School leys have clcaiud ' up two rooms upstairs in the ld sr hool buil liner ami these rooms are to bo ua I ed as atheletic rooms. A basket ball I'.OAIAUikK IN 'llllv HoUNIAISM. : ii,i I. lo iir-th' Unit a good t !'., nee I ho v:ilue of tils II . 111., kf it lll'll'l' l.ir llfl tO lop If. " hiiM" p.irt of hi.-i iiiv:i N pii-c.npied ho will i j team will be organized and prnotice i :'-r & V'l -!&Xl l r f . . A will commence at once. i It is hoped that the town boys will ,' get up a l ull team to match games with the High School. GUARANTEED to be equal to any Beer brewed. Bot tled and on draught at all leading saloons CsiJtNOJNl t-'Mr mm Reno Brewing Co. Inc. It is reported that a sensational strike was made last week on the Dandy property at High Grade. This adiuins the "Alturas" on the south east and was recently acquired by H V. Meloy, of Salt Lake City. The ledge is said to be htrong, in splendidly solid formation and characteriaiic ' 'y of good value. (The prospect was untover ed practically at the surface. On-closing a Btrong vein ten feit In width, of al most aolid quartz, with hanging wall unreached. Surveys for patent have been completed and application wi I be made forthwith. School districts of the second da-' cannot, borrow money for the purpose oiiliquidatirg iiideblei!i,et b rortrarteJ forJthe;f maintenar ce of the diatrict. ibjaccordu g to an n i lnr ol tre attorney-general g'vrr- t. H J '.' turf, presiaent of the id oil no'ir i t Bend-' Money can be b'i.'owerl by e d'Htrict oi lv for buiJdit.gb. m n)j. i i f clioolhoiirtt,jr 1 l ii.g ii i.ei for lt, ii-iiigpurposes. U'cnci'iiliy fond will property lllo'f hi .MiltiVi ni. I li.'ivo ni t.iiit !i crop to inovu. We !i . 1. I.oui ter, lli.il 1 1 ; 1 1 1 y of Uiese peo ple tit-sire Improved road mid are will IliK to 1. 1. 1 u l tin- ihinnii-'t'. nnd i-t'n,lf they ure nut tin- lnw of eiiuiii-iit do-iii.-'iii will t-ii-.o c:iri' f the problem, so tlii' plume of ihi- iiii-l!on Is not liiHiir tuoii!it:'lili . i!i-rcly vexing. It Is usual ly tliimiuli small bottom farms of this kind that tin- ri:nl tan In- uio.st i lieiip I.V ami eUi( ir nU.y oust rti led. but IIicmo cover I. ill Mimil portlotn of the coun try to bo traversed by n mountain high way, timl for Hi t-nit- purposes a road winding up the mountain sides nnd through the lilh gaps In what the tour 1st most ill -ii i-s Willi tin- present lnelliclont nnd mill tpialed road laws, relit s of pioneer days, the 1'uml.t ami labor a vhIIhIiIi-are not siiilliieui to maintain the present road.-t in passable condition. Iti say nothing of building new road n the further opening up of the country require-. 'I he slinlent of the gootl road prob letu is pii-,.li-( to unilerstand why tlm mountain roads should be ho l.o lilng In drainage in rancemont.s. brt if be will not he how t'l-eipienl ly the owner of the laud through which It passes lias built u fem e w it 1 1 a base board resting on the ground a--, near to the wheel track ns he fim ret It without the fein-e be ing Ktrtl'-k by the hub perhapH he will realize that the road nerve:! the pur pose of n ditch lo keep the heiivy How fi'oiu rains oil' the land. And. again, suppose a ditch Is made u lou f the bank of the roail and a culvert or oroHsing i tiii.sirii' le-1 to run o(T the ue cu niilalei tnui-r. why ahould brush ami stones be bnnld ill) a'f:i:,it-f the tilt cbi'i'i e V SuiMH.se It...' law 'lowa a light of way of twet tv feel The road :'iiii.;. t t ' y , i-'ir oirh ii hU foot .- i. . ; - be ''ri roads are f -t wide. In ! "! thi'iild lO'.V IS It pMH- Rusoltitions Atlopted by tho Annual lns itule of Teachers which met at Lakeview laxt week Whereas the Lnko County TcachcM have been in Anntuil Institute iihscin bleti at LhkevieA for three days and Whereas the people tf t.akevietv have given us sin h a hearty welcome and have rhown so much interest In our work by attemtirg many of our sessions, There fori be it enlvcd : Tliat we tender our huarty th inks to the citi zens of I iikevit w for taking us into thidr tiotuc.s iintl m . k . r g our stsy plt-r-sant. Kspuvial y would we remember the members of the I I.'' who ho splendidly received tin teii.-her t,n We Inestlay evenirg He it further Kesolvv 1 : That we a i preciate 1 the kin. lne-- of iht! Iru-tces of the Methodist Church for furni-bing us a cntnf.irtable rni in in which to hold our evening ecs-does ami also the k in I ticss of the School Hoard for giving over to our use the High School build ing for our ila si -sions. Hoit further Hesolved: That we nr greatly indebted to nut Statu Sup erintendent. I.. Ii. Alderman, who through his friendship and interest made it possible t i h.ivt- Willi US, lit. A. I-!. Win-hii, t.f tl hton, who haa given us much food lor thought during Cos meeting. Commit lee Signed, O. M. (lardncr, .1. A. KtchurdH, A. Heviiul. "Biff September" "ltig Hepo in n r" the t-ebdirution hell lit Kt. Hi I. veil li-rt week 19 HSld to be the in.' Mic-e-iful publii! g.lth ering ever held in Vndoc county. One of the mo-it thrilling un l interesting Hpi-ctMcles t.f the i-u t Vt . leitotnohile racing on the dry he I of ir e Uptier Lake. Miss Nina Mct'onnaughy won the rude belies auto race in corr.pe tuioo with Mi -1.1 Ktlr l t'ollrnan of Cedarville, nnd K. I!. Van Loan's Stutz cur catrii d nlf tm-i of the nrizes in the men's race. Cook and Wright vi ho gave an exhibition at High tirade, Lakeview Day, won the rock drilling IMltllesI. iinunaBnMaM i -r, VV. . . I. . 'S . - if S-l HARNESS PICTURED IN A CATALOGUE always lmks irrtty. The vumiUfi .see in it thai iimio hut irrtty iiii 'mi s hit nliit vil. Hut l hv plft iin s ilmi't si on- the iii.ilily. Yiiii must si'" I In' h.irness itself to Jmlft' iifthi.t. ('time he, e iiml tin sit. Von II xt I the he.iuty you emi tisK tor n,. .in .issurmiee of h.irness ii;.;,'" c ,-i.s well. E. F. CHENEY LAKEVIEW OREGON Food for Babies 1 (SICK OR. WELL) should have card u I attention They c.-umot as a rule digest ordinary cow's milk which has not received special treatment. In even the most complicated eases hIx'o; n aeldou IiiiM ie t.e . hi .el a wi- ie. ti.-in l-o III (Vo I v. e' VI I,,..-, e th s. Mfble lo n'-oii, rl Krone I be ei-t 'i ii in in fi'" Oi'lrllnln ni i 3 ejrden's Malted Milk IAAU MtANO HAS NO EQUAL BcKftoulStBKwCB V. "lis i.yc r IN THE SOUAKg PACKAGE eoiiHlstlajf nf pure, rii li. crt i.my milk ami kflculeil eerealH will lc? f.iiiuil n Miitlsfylug;, uou-lrrltating, e;is,l,v dit-t. d fionl; lltmly ptiwdered, nnd ready for i nmn-illiito nso by the addition ni w alec. Semi for llnnkb t on lnl.mt feeilinn mnl free trial mi A.ig,. THORNTON DRUG STORE