Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 10, 1912, Image 7

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IVaif .4c n 77io LaAo Couhfy Examinor
Kcc.iUii a lew times, il inus-mry, will liml u customer
lor pi pi'i t y of yours. I licy me si'miiicd closely
hv iuu'inlini; I m its, and the cot-t is nominal f cents
the hue loi each insertion, special lon-tinie raten.
(Ml Mil V.-
H'li .- A I ,l 1' hi is II l.V '" M
Vmli-.t i-nii.i. I ..ike ci !!' . Ore..ii.
I r cr' ilii . II K. l ie. mall, 4ll
Ohm .We . 'lopi-kit, Kill, Oct! 2t
'( 1 1( SLE Imi.i UNii) t wen a,., I
litm I . uiii . iii iii i.v nil iiinl. r
live .it- ol.l itli'l nhctilcd tiv II.h
) I. null" lioin Rummm
li lt I. nil. -, . i' KM. g" III Hmli't
tnl A.i II. SluT.Uik,
) ,V i I i-. . .. M.pi..r t , I'nl .1
.'lK -il.h. I.incn.ii mid lilacs luce
) enrilni inn1. . l 11 lambs.
A I111 -. Oil.
Kt )l( A I .i;-1 .11. 1 run u 1-1 ! 1 v r niin-iil
M-rl'. l' iii'-ni " rl. minim
In 11. 1 In l. M . !" " r acre. I
l II. ix hr. t.M-l. r. .'I.
I'Olt rI.K i .1 v. iV ha!i' Huiblo
.k-.iIi-iI 111 I' Oregon. C0111-ili-l
mi III im tiding ii-.ittllui fit.
gi e. i iir,,ls rli', v III xi I for con
mI'ii 1.1I1I11 I'h Hum iln bulldog
alone co'l. A money Inukei fur M
g no dvery mini Addre J. J. V.u
Kciil I, On nun. J 11 i:i II
KOK HALE 20 acres In hi-. Hun 23
tow 1 iiiii 3.1, range rw i-:niiitri' hi
Scagcr Dios , Liikiivicw, Ore.
TIIK Lakeview Abstract 4 Title Co
Ih hi., king special in lees 011 Abstract
tat V. L. Co. 'a liMi-iM uiitl Town
fOH HAl.K- lot . bliH-k 47, Irurt IS. MM'llon VI
Uiwuihiu !, tmuii I" ' f" I 'll. 'I'
off r 011 lit ih.. ur rlio i.n lli aU).il'ilii(
lnniU l ' llii. irll"ia. N. br.
r'JHnAlK IxjTIi. UIik 7" nrt Trwl Mi) ol
SU ol ill "OV, H-o lu, Tp :. Hani.- w.
lu wrii Vull mr rix Lit A.IJrw Krrd
Ur.lirr. blatxiu, Ni'Mtl l'kot
Vok ha I.e. I rn.s i. if. 14. 1 . . K. I. u acres.
L.J liiru-r. Inliul, Ti-a.
roKMAl.H. Irr I,!- Ift T 7. K.K4, iirr.
J. H frarniu. IM w A A lniM. m
1 il. K in. 'A) tt.ii.. Al'lr. llliloii rl.lll
h -I K' MlllIlM, li
foil ha I I- - 1 111 14. iiliM-i liW. inl N' ol HK pi
NWS. 17- 1 . Men-. Ku-L
Kit, Nil II Hi. IK. Brl ii Trie tV"U.
UK :Al.h Ul
li.l NM,. HlA l,
. . llllllUM.
i iuri
" nu
FOH KAI.h- Uil 4. Iilm-k . -""
I..1 I N V, ill CA Hy , 1 Hfc, Jt -Hi. t
twr A, l.-. 1 . 1 . lUrmi.n iOM K u Ht.
Hnni.i h t
Tt l
WAMI'.U-lu in liHMiil on llrnli-liiHii
lmi in red. (iv iiMrtu-uliirM, ih in
mill. elluiMlt. iDrmli.n. wntiT, 1 1 111
Ix-r fii'. W M. lirown, 112, K. loili
St. , I'nrlliiiul, ori'i)ii. l'ti
Wi 11 hkU'hiiiiih In hhi'Ii of wv
ernl fiivllfiit tliflfl" hi"H our upleo
liil iiurm-ry itm-k. A jM-nnHOi'iit
plui'ti, i-iimIi W(Kk Iv hihI (i (unre Drill
Im k of .von. Wrlt for jmrili ulHr.
V'ii-liliiKtuu NurtH-ry C ToppiMilMh,
Wmtti'ii AkiiI. Writ lli-MltU & A
i-ili:it liiHiiriinro. Oreiton Surnt.v A.
CiiuHHllty To.. 32J lloMnl of Truili',
r .ril.iinl. Ori'irmi.
I,imr A1I1 HUAIi
l-'oiiinl-Miinlii.v. Hi'i-t. 16. hiihII IihIiI
fiirfil ki'IiIIiik.'il ;' on nutit
mi lilt Si K. H. Trury, Drt' Vul
li v. or I' o. I.nkfvit'w, oreifou.
i'liuiil SmwiiiIII In how running
riKht iiluui;. Any 11 ml nil (hthoum
uoilng lu-jiliir -a III liml H lii-rt. All
ir-ifTM promptly 1 1 1 - Stlinlllit A
Cliriniitt. JnVHHf
lll.CIuf U:it VnisKv"AT TIIK
llotnl hrtKevlnw bur. Tin1 iH'HtHixl
plllfMl WlllHkV lllltllt'. tf
wanl IrtNiicil tiy the Ti li'pliuiii'
'ouipnny for ili.'Ht.royliiK ItH proji
rty. Kill
A UKWAKU of 1, fly -lollura I here
by olfureii tor lulornrnMou Mmt will
lund to tlio irrH mu'I couvlction of
uy peiaou wlm Iihm Htoluu wires or
other property tioui our Couipauy ;
ml the kAiim rewurd is hereby offered
for iuforuiu' i .n Unit will lead to the
arrest and i.uvictiou of anyone des
troytuK tl- property of the Company.
Chus. Urn bach,
deoretaty Uakn Co. Tel. St Tel. Co.
Hltf. AltVKKTInl.-Vt
Not ooul Id1h
U, H. Land Office nt Ijiki'viow, Ore-
K011. Auifu't U, 1912.
Notice Ih hereby fjlven that Odore
W. Wimer, whoi-10 post-ntllce addrenM
In Fori iUdwvll, Oil, did on the titli
Say of October, 1U11, fllu In thin olllco
Hworn Ntatemeut anil Application,
No Or-041, to purchiiHt the WltJ SVV,1,
'A 8H!$. Section 33. Tp. 40 H.. K. 22
i:. Willumet to Meridian, ami the tlui
er lliKreou, unde' tlm provlsiona of
the act of J une 3, 1878, and uotH amen
iatory, kuown urn the "Timber am
Htone Law," at tuck value m nillit
tie tlsed ny appralHement, ami tliat
purHiiant to hucIi ai plication, the land
and tiinUr Ihore'in liavn been ap
pralmid at a t ilul of lOO.i'0 the timber
tetiniated at U2U,0(K) bunrd feel at 25
and U eeiiiH per M, and the land Ht
4155.00; that mid applk'iiut will offer
llnfil proof in mipport of lilt applica
tion and Hworu ntatemeut on the 11th
day in October, 1U12. U fnre the KukIh
inr anil lie elvur ol the United Hlales
J.atiJ Oillu. , at LitkevlcM, Oreyron.
Anypertonn at liberty tu itroteat
l.l'Al tl. .! Kill lrl4J
lliln iiiiri liaif Im f.iri-i nl 1 . or liiiilaie
i-. 11 He 1 ul any linn- im-hh-v pauni
l-ll.-M, I l.V IHlUl' N nilTi'lMTHIfll bIII
ilnvii In tlilK olllce, nlli-nlliK (hum
M ll I . ll WOUllI lli'H'lll tllf -nl'j.
A. W, Olt'ldN. It-KinUr.
Nnl I i in I LhikI
I ii'iiiil I 'iit-nt of tlm Interior, U. H.
I.Miiil Oilli'i tit I.fikelew On-i;oii,
Auuiihi ti, 1:112
.Sulli-e Ik hereby ilven ih'il Orover
W 'in.-r. uliiim in-, i.IIii-i- Hili'ri-ii is
1 nke i ilv. I'lillln' 'a, 'Inl, I he 2:ird
1I11V of Ori.ilii r. bill, li e In t hl- 1, 'lire
-worn SiBTieiiient. liml Ap,llnii Inn,
N.i i.riiisl, to piin-li.iHt' ti.e K'v NK''4,
M4 ttr.'-. Seel Ion .'I'l. T Hell ii 10 S..
llMinrM -2 WillMinettit Mi-rlilifiii.
Hml the itiiiler IIiit. oii, ui der ili
i.iovInIiiiim of the act i f .h.ue .1, INT.
h ti. H( t uiiii'iiilalury. known an tlm
"Tlinhnr '! Slum) Lhw,'' nt mull
v-.ilue mm imulit l fixed by apiiralm
liient, hiiiI that, plirMiincit to miicIi ai
pliciitlnu, the lutiil and tlinlM-r tiien-.
on 1 111 ve Iterli i it nlfi il at a total of
M'II.OO. the limber enl bunted 7J0.IKHI
hoiiid feet at 2f alnl M i i-rilM ur M,
an,) the land $110(0; that Hald tipvll
cunt w ill offer final proof in mipport
of Ids appHeailon ami uworn ntate
meut on the llth ila of Oitoln-r.
I1II2, before tlm KenUler nod Uweiver
1 the Uutted StateM Land Olllce at
Lttkevli w, Oregon.
Anv hthi 111 Iwat lllHrly to proteHt thU
purchaiie beforeiitr.v.orinltiata cmi
ii'Bt at auy time tM-fore pati-iit ItwueM,
i'V tllliiK acorr.iborateil alU lavli lu
iliirt olllee. iilli-iiliiR factH lilch would
tefeat the entry.
A. W. OKTON. KKlter.
Not Coal lanil
Depart mriit of tlif Interior. U. 8
Uud OlUce at Iikovlew, Oregon
September 25. 1012.
Notice Im hereby jtlven that Minora
Hurry, of Lukevlew,, who, on
July 22, llK, made Deaort Land
Kniry. No. Iiir.7. lor SJSW. SVVV4
Kl-i, Sec Ion 12, TowiiMhlp H!K b,
KauKe22 I-:. Willamette MerlillHO, ban
11 led notiii of Intention to make
Unal I'r.iof, to eMtablinli claim to the
hind above ileMcrlln-d, before the
UeKlHter ami ICeo-lver of the U. S.
Land OthVe, at Ijikeview, Oregon,
on the 2it h dav of OctoU-r. 1012.
Claimant uanien iih wbneMMeM:
Klihanl 1 acy, Joint Luc v. William
k'eppel Harry, Mlcheal Ward, all ol
I'IumIi, tirt-K-n. '
A. W. OltToN, lb f-lMter.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oreiton. for the County ol Lake.
K. A. Ilawkloti, 1'lalntiff, 1
Addle L. jHckon, (. W.
Jackaou, I'hnrloH (iarm-r
and Ida liuru.-r. lH-leiid-ante.
To Addle l. .lackHon and O. W
Jackm iu. t lie hbove mi med ilefeiideuit:
In the uani" of the Stale of Ortkon:
You, and ciu li of you, aro hen'by re
quired to appear and auriwtr 1 lie
complaint tllinl agalnm yot: In the
above t'tiiitle.l Court and caiiHe on or
before tin 1 .III day of October. Wtl"..
Hald dav beiiiu: the last tiny ol the
publii-Htlon of thlH mi 111 111 .10 alnl the
last day .tlilti which mi arc ie
ipilred to Mppear uud un 1 r 1 he Hald
complaint, iinllxeil by the Court or
der lor the publication of thin Hum
11K1118. If you fall to appear, and huh-
wer the Maid i-omplaiut, Haul I'laiutiff
will apply to the above entitled C nut
for tlm relief pravcil lor ana (lemauileil
In I'l .Intlff'H compUlnt.
TIiIm null la brought for the purpose
ol ohtainliiir a ImUiiient iiiiiiihi you
and each of you lor the auiu of Hve
liuudreil OollarH, (t'(IO.Oii) with lu
tereat tlmreon tit the rate of acven
Mr cent mt annum from the lildi day
ot Jnoe, l'JUO, toKi'ther with the fur
ther mini of One llundied IiidlarH,
(Hio.(i(i) for Attorney'!) Fees for lnntl
tutuiK this suit, aa provided for lu a
certain promiHMory note executed aud
oelivereil liy you on June 19, 1108, to
mud plaintiff, and for tlm cota and
dlnbumcmcnt-J of thin Hint, anil alio
for a deciee aa follow;
Ail J ml Iuk and dei-rc-elng that the
linn of a cerlftlu tnoitx'iKe Ih-IoiikIhk
to plalntllf, itiveii ami executed by
you to plaintiff on June 19, IO11B, to
hoc 11 re the payui"Ut of the above rueii
tloued note, and upon the followinu
doHcribed landH; HWJf NE, NWV
sr:, swy SW. NICV4 SWV4,Scc. 1,
8K4 8W4, 8W4 SE, Section 2, Tp.
37 S., Uaiiifo 20 K.. W.M., In Lake
County, Orcirou, and to adjudKe and
decree that the lien of plaintiff's anid
luurtKUKe upon aaid preuilsen and hla
Intf tent In iho Hume thereuader, are
prior fu time and auperlor lu ritfltt to
auy aud all IntercHt, riht, or claim
of each aud all ot the above named
Dcfeudanta, aud that any and all
ritflitu, tutereHta or claltna of aald lu
feudanta or either of them, are mibne
nueut to and eubject to the Hen of
i'lalntlff'a aald m irtgae.
That U10 UMual decree may be made
for aale ot said premises by the alier
iff of Lake County, Oregon, accord
lug to law and the practice ot aald
court, and that the proceed of aucu
nale may be applied to the pay incut
of the amount due Plaintiff upon
auM note, lucluduii rirluuipai. inter.
Ht, attorney 'e lima ami com mul uim
biirnefueutl la thin HlllL m,d rliar,, u
of muklii); riucli Bale, und that e.u h
and ail of the above tin mod Defend
ant anil all clatmleg under
1 hein oi- either 01 llitui, aubrieijueuc
to the execution u( aaia nioi'igaue
upon Hdld pi'FinlricM, 1 r In 1 Ho
chanera, Incumbrance! or otherwise,
I Im Imrred and forecloMivl of all rlicht,
i-bilui or pipdiy of riiilemptlon Id hhi
I premiMiw uud every part thereol, and
thill plaintiff 111 m v have JuilK'nei, t
JtianiliHt thi! mmI'I lUileiKliintM, Aihlle L,
Jin-.k-iou nod ti, W, .liii koii. for Mi,y
1 i'.i llrlemy vs li.i'h 111 .1 v ri iiiMiii after ap
, pivliiu nil 11 'be pr'H:i'filn ol tin- wile.
I of rind 1 r -inlni H prupei ly nppllen Me
itollio m ,tikfm-tloii of laid JiiilKioeiit
I and ihat 101 1, 1 I'laiiitiff, or any oilier
! pul-l.v tn I he Hillt. tliav bi-eoiiie ll pur
. i liiiMer at mIIi-Ii mhIii, nnd IIimI nu ll pur-
rliiiMcr lie let into tlm hcIoii if
1 Kind ,ri-iMl"CM liiiined'M't ly npuu pur
1 cl Htm I heii'iil nt ninti i-ale, and tint
!iucli Hberiff be clberleil 10 i-xi-ciiim
mid iii llver a il ed ruiivcj Inu mild
preiniKOM to "ii, li piircliMer, mi nooii
hm tin lime for if.ikiiipi Ion of mild
prelui-i-M from .iieh Mid- hIihII have ex-nlit-d
If linreilt fined Irolii ailrll Mule,
mid I Inn I'bi in tiff miry ha ve mihIi ot ti r
and tnitti. r icllef lu I h" pieiiiiHi-ti at
In the -i i.rt may n-i ni meet ami
j 11 1 1 tilt
I h Im miiiiiiiioiim In publb-hed iiir e a
nii-k for the nerlod of mix oicieHfive
and coiiHi'i'iiiivu wctkM in lite Lake
Conn v Examiner, a ifwtpiipt-r pub
liHlied and printed at l.aUevlew,
Lake (ouuty, On K'u. by or.ler of
llo'i li. I taly, 'oiiuiy Judge for ti e
County of Like, stale of On icon,
ilntt-d Si-pu-uilti-r :ml. IHI2, mid tin'
iibU' ol the tirit piiblli-atlon of antd
Hum 1111 ton n Mepiemlter 6, 1912, aud
l he ilale of the l.u-l piitllcii tlou tln-reol
Ih OcIoIm r 17, 11112.
I.. V. CONN'
Attorney fur I'lalutiff.
Depart ineut of the Interior, V. H.
Land Ofihn at Lakeview, Oregon,
Septeiiiln-r 3. 1912.
Not Coal LhuiIp.
Nolice in hereby uiven that CliarleH
IllliliH, ol lakeview, Oregon, who,
on NovemlN'r 2-"i, 1907, Made Hoine
Mlead l .fitrv No. 3V.14, Serial No. (M4.HI
tor NV I4. Vei ilon Tp. 'M S., K. 17
E , W. M., IniM tile.1 iiotke of inteu
tlmi to inako final live year proof, to
eHtabllHh claim to the land above
deKcritxil, la-fore the lb-sinter and
Iteceiver of the U. N. Land Office at
Lakevti w, Oregon, on the 10th day
of October, 1912.
Claimant tin men as wltnenHes:
Oeo'ge IeviiH, Walter Howard,
Arthur 51. Smlih, John ll. Campbell'
all of lukevlew, On-goll.
A. W. OKJDN. H-Klster.
In the circuit Court of the State of
Oregon f -r the bounty of Lake.
Suit In Equity for Divorce.
above mined defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon;
You are hereby required to appear and
11 u ewer the complaint tiled againt-t
j ou in tlie above entitled court and
cause 011 or Itt-fnre the 17th day of
Octtiher, 1912, Maid day iH-Ing the lent
day of the pultUcallou of tldi mum
iiiouh. an ' the liiHt day within w hlch
you are reipilred to up Dear and niiri
wer the aaid complaint, an fixed by
the Court order for the publication of
thin MiiniinoUM. If you fail to appear
and aiiMwi-r the aaid complaint. Mind
plaintiff will apply to the above en
titled court for the relief iiemaniled
and prayed Vr In plaintiff's com
plaint. TIiIm suit Im brought for the pnrpoae
of diHxolvIng the marriage coutrncr
and bonds of matrimony now exlnt
lug la'twei'ii you ami said plaintiff,
and for the recoveiy by plaintiff from
you, of IiIh cohts and illHburnemeutM
in thin mi It, and for rucli other and
lurther relief iih to t lie court mar seem
t-qinlrtbli) In the premiHCM.
TIiIm MiimmoiiM i io itlinl.i-il once a
week for the ierlml of nx mcceH
alve and coiiHeeutl ve week") in the
unke 1 oinit.v Exa iniiicr, a newspaper
printed mid m at Lukevlew,
Lnfcrt, Or.-gon, by order of
lluu. II. J aly, County Judge for the
County of Lake, Stale of Oregon,
dated Septfiuhcr 3rd. 1912, ami the
date of the first publication of said
Miitnniotia Is September 5, 11' 12, anil
the date of thelant publication thereof
Is Cctola-r 17, 1912.
L K. ('ONN
Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice ia hereby given that by vir
tue of au execution duly ln-med by
the clerk of the Circuit Court for the
County ol Lake, State of Oregon,
dated 1 ho l.lih day of April, 1912, in
a eel tain action lu the Circuit Court
for aaid County aud State wherein
Albert Dent aa pl.Jnliff recovered
Judgment agalnut CliarleH E. Rice
and Eva Uicu lor tho Mini of $5UY4j,
with lot. rent thereon from the luili
day of October, 1911, lor the further
huiii of floO attorney, a foe aud the
coHta and diabursements taxed at 20
on the llth day of October, 1911, upon
which Judgment au execution hereto
fore iBHiied realized f 19.00 over and
above expeuaea of Male, leaving due
on said judgment the sum of N4S.45.
Now, therefore, 1 will ou Saturday,
the 12th day of October, 1912. at the
front door of the Court Houau In
Lukevlew in aaid County and btat,
at 10 o'clock lu the forenoon of aaid
dav sell at public auction to the high-
eat bidder lor cash In band the follow,
lug described property, to wit: ihe
North Half of tho Southeast Quarter
and the Sou t beaut Quart r of the
Southeast Quarter in Section Three,
Township 38 Bo'Uh, Range IS East,
of the Willamette Meridian, in Lake
County, State of Oregon, taken aud
levied upon aa the property of the said
Eva Rico, or ao much thereof aa may
be neceaaary to satisfy the aaid judg
ment lu favor of taid Altert Dent
atialuat aaid Eva Klce aud Charles
Rice, with Intercut thereon, together
with all costs and diHburaemeuta that
shall or may accrue.
j'ateiini i.akevlow, oregou, Sep
tember 10th, 1912.
W. 11. SNIDER, Sheriff.
li virtue of a writ, of execution is-au-d
out of the Circuit Court of the
Hi'Uu of Unyou (or Luke County,
i!,..cJ tin- SnUi dav of July. 1912, in a
certalu action wherein T. II. 1111 as
l.l. AIV HTI4lM
plaintiff recovered ludgtnetit agnliiMt
11. i. now, (ii-ii'iiinn L. 111 in" sum n
.'(("2 lift ntid lor coMts and illMburMf
inentM t hi rein, I h .vo levied cpnn the
follow Ing di-K rlbeit real ptop.-ri ) , to
wit :Lnt No PI In RM k No 8 and Lot
41 In lb. x k N'n li .'ilii theOr-Koii Valit-v
I.11111I oin)Hii 'f H.lillilon to the Town
ol I ok, -view, 'O'l g.iii in ibowii liy
t he rn otde.l tbtM I hereof.
Notire Im heri-hv given I lint on Ihe
l.'th Imv of Oi -tnlier. 1912, at tlm hour
ofl'locloi-K A M..I will tW'll nil Hie
right, title and inti-rt t of the Hind
deleoilant, D. I. Iluw.lii and to tie
above ili-.irlhrM IhuiIm, nt th' front
door of t he Coiiiii v Court I lmX! in the
Tom 11 of Lkt-vl- , Oregon, at pultllc
miei loii to t he tient and highert tdd
der, for c.n-ti, IohhIimIv Mind execution
and CM,-.
Date of flrnt publWatlou Hi-pteml-er
iih. Kil't
12ih, 191
sln tift i f Luke Co Ore
ft 1
In the Mat (er of the Km
deceawd. J
To Mr A A llruntoii r-Mlng
lO.'-tl W. fib Si.. f-iKina Ana Cat. T.
(' I'.rUi toll leMl.llliK In Add. IllieM.
KaliMiiM, '.S . K. Burnt. in. refilling in
SnWtellfl Calif. iilila. ii. W. I. ronton,
ii'Mldiui' nt 2525 Chebea St. KaimiiM
City, Mo. T. M. Hrumoii. reMhil. gnt
Huntington R.-ai h. California, J. E.
Itruiiton, renidlng at Huntington
BeHch. Cubf.iridn. E M. Rrunloo, re
Hiding at I0.VI W otli St., Santa Ana,
California. I) J Uriiuton, renliling
nt Ceri-H, Calif. ioiih, RR No. 2, and to
all other helrn of the eHtateofd. C
lirunton, ii-eafnd, known and un
known, (ireeting;
In the name of the Btnte of ore
K011. jou are hen-by clu-d and required
to appear in the County Court of the
Slate of Ore, hi for Lake County at
the Court Room thereof at Lakeview.
In said Co'iuty and State on Satur
day, the 26th day of October, 1912. at
ten o'clock In the forenoon of that
day. theu and there to ahow cause, if
any exlnt, why an order of tills court
should not lie made authorizing- the
Hdmitilitrator of the eatate of H. C.
lirunton. .leceaned, to Hell at private
Male without appraisement and for
cash the foil, ,wlim described real prop
erty of said eHiate, to wit: The North
Half of toe North Half of the South
west Quarter of Southeast Quarter of
Section 3:1. Tow OHhip 34 South,
of Range 20, E. W. M. and also Lot
No 10 lu Block No. 88, of the Oregon
v alley Iaud Company's Additions to
Lakeview as shown by the recorded
plat thereof now on file In the office of
the County Clerk of Lake County,
WITNESS the Hon. li. Daly. Judg
of the County Court of the Slate of
Oregon for Lake Cju;ity, with the
Heal of said court aftixed this 18th day
of Beptemler, D. 1912
Attent: F. W. PAYNE, Cleik.
Department of the interior, TJ. S.
l.aDd oiliice at Iakeview, Oregon,
September 17, 1912.
(Not coal lands.)
Notice iu hereby given that Nadie
Wlngileld. one of the heirs at law of
Morris Wiugticld, deceaned, of .New
Pine Creek, Oregon, who, on April 7,
1900, made Uenert Land Entry No
K12, Serial No. 01643, for NEJ NWJtf,
Section ltj.Towuabip 39 S., Range 24,
E., Willamette Mertdian, has filed no
tice of Intention to make final proof,
to eMtabliMh claim to the land above
described, before the Register and Re
celver of the U. S. Land OHice, at
Lakeview, Oregon, on the 17th any
of . Vudier, l:o2.
Cl-uiu.-iiit i.Hinen nu witupsei'.-i: J. A.
MorriH, W. S. Wilile, A. J. llorchkli-s,
C. B. Parker, all of Adel. Oregon.
A. W. OKTON, Register.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, lor the County of Lake.
Martha M. Graham. Plaintiff)
-VH- )
John S. Graham, Defendant)
To John 8. Giaham, the above
named defendant:
In the Dame of the State ol Oregon:
You are hereby requlrrd to appear
and answer the Complaint tiled
against you In the above entitled
Court and cause on or before the 7th
day of November, 1912, tho aaid day
being the bint day of the publication
of this summons and the last day
within which vou are required
to appear and answer the ald com
plaint, as fixed by the court order
f,ir the publication hereof. If you
full to s j appear and answer the said
complaint, said plaintiff will apply to
the above entitled court for the relief
di man, led and prayed (or in plaiotiff'e
complaint, to wit: For a decree dis
solving the marriage contract and
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween you und said plaintiff, ana
changing the name of plaintiff to
Martha AI. Andersou, ana lor judg
ment for plaintiff's costs and disburse
ments in this suit, and for such other
and further relief aa to the court may
seem equitable fu the premises.
This suniiuous Im published once a
week for tlm period of six successive
and consecutive weeks lu the Lake
Couuty Examiner, a newspaper
printed and published at Lakeview,
Lake County, Oregon, by order of
Hon. 13. Daly. Couutv Judge for the
County of Lake, State of Oregon,
dated September 2tf, 1912, and the date
of the tirut publication of said sum
mons U September 20, 1912, and the
date of tint laHt publication thereof Is
November 7, 1912
L. F. Conn.
Attorney for plaintiff
Portland, Ore., Sept. 9, 1912.
Sealed bids, marked outside, "Bid,
timber sale, general notice, August 1,
1912, Fremont," and addreut-ed to the
i ist rlct Forester, Forest Service,
Portland, Oregon, will be received up
to aud Including the 2titti day of
October, 1912, for all or auy part of
Merchantable dead timber standing
1 r down and of the live timber marked
for cutting by a Forest officer located
on an area of about 130 acres to lie
definitely designated by a Forest offi
cer before cutting beglus In the H) ot
HW'f and N Wlfof 8 WV of Mec, 20 and
t llt'i t, of N K 4 HKJ4 of Sou. 1, T. 3fl
S., II a) K , W L. on the watershed
of Mill Cre-n within tlm Fremont
Va lonal Freet, eMtlmated to be 70i,
WW) f et 11. M. of live Mi, (I lO.(HM) feet li.
M. of n.errhsnlBi.l.- dead wmlerii yel
low pine Mawtliulmr, lug ncale, more
or li'SH. No bid of leMM than fc2 7! per
tlioiiMttml leet bonrn iiieiimire for live
lid dead sawtliuoer will Im consider
ed slid a dep., 1. It of ."4MK) pay
able to the order of the First
National Bank of Portland.
Oregon, mimt. be writ to that bank
for each bid nbinli ted to the Ditrlct
-'(iteter, Tlmfs-r upon valid 1 laimx
is exempt from sa e. The right to re
ject any und nil bwN Im reserveA For
further Information and regulations
g' r-i.- ad,ires Foret Supr-vi-or.
Kriniont National 1 orest.
Lukevlew, Oreg.iii
21-02l District Forenter.
EMtate of S. T. ColvSn, Deceastd
Notice) Is hereby given that the
undersigned, Aonilnirriitrlx of the
estate iif S. T. Colvin. deeeaed, ha
filed her final m-iMiint of ih- admliilt.
trillion of said estate in t he County
Court of the .statu of Oregon f. ,r Like
County, and that said runt by ordijr
mad. on thetwen'vfourth day of Sep
tember, 1H2, has appointed Saturtl.y
the t went v-litli dav ofOctols-r. lui'i.
at the hour of ll) o'cIik ';, A M.. nn
the ti ne, and the Court Room in the
Couutv Court House In fakevlew,
Oregon, as the place for hearing ott
Jections tii said final account. If any
there ts. aud for settlement thereof
Therefore all persons Interested are
hereby notified and required to flie in
writing their object Inns to Maid final
account, It anv they have. In said
court and cause, on or befir the
tweoty-Hlxth day of October, 1912.
Dated the 24th day of September,
AdmlnHtratrlx of the estnte
of 8. T. Colvin, deceased
Not Coal Land
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Offioe. at Lakeview, Oregon,
SeptemlM-r 25. 1912.
Notice Is hereby given that, as di
rected by the Commissioner of the
General Land Ofllce, under provisions
of Act of Congress approved J uue 27,
I9"ij (34 8tats., 517), pursuant to the
application of OeorgeS. Lewis, serial
No, 05727, we will offer at public sale,
to the highest bidder, but at not less
than (1 25 per acre, at 10 o'clock A.
M , on the 81 h day of Nov.mber. 1912,
at this office, the followinu tract of
land: NWJi NWJi (or lot 4) Sec. 4, T.
39 8.. R. 17 E.. W. M.
Any persons claiming adveisely
the above-decritM?d land are advised
to fib their claims, or objections, 00
or before the time designated for sale.
A. W. OKTON, Register.
Not Coal Land
Department of the Interior. U. b.
Land Oflice at Lakeview, Oregon,
Septemlmr 2.1, 1912.
Notice is hereb, given that, as di
rected by the Commissioner of the
General Land Oitice. under provision
01 ct 01 (Jong-teas approved J uue 'it.
190B (34 Sta-e , 517), pursuant to the
applica'ion of John N. Watson (now
deceased ), aerial No. 0S5S3. we will
offer at public rale, to the highest bid
der, hut at noi less than $1 25 per
acre, at 1(1 o'clock A. M., on the 8tb
dy of November. 1912, at this office,
the following tract of land: KW!
N-A'tf. Sec 12. T. 41 S., K. 18 E-, W. M.
Auy p. rsons clannlug adversely the
above-describ.-d are advised to
file their eh 1ms, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale.
A. VV. ORTON, Register.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lake.
Carrie Masters, Plaiutiif, 1 Suit in
vs. V Equity
Louts Masters, Defendant, 1 for Divorce
To Louis Masters, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the com-, lalnt fi'ed against
you In the above entitled court ii.d
cause on or beiore the 14th day of
November, 1912, the paid day being
the last day of the publication of this
summons, and the last day within
which you are required to appear
and answer said complaint, as fixed
by the court order for the publication
thereof. If you fall to so appear and
answer the said complaint, said plain
tiff will apply to the above entitled
court for the relief demanded and
p raved for tn plaintiff's complalut,
to wit :
For a decree dissolving the marriage
contract and bonds of matrimony
now existing between you and aaid
plaintiff, and awarding to plaintiff
the care and custody of Bessie Mas
ters, the minor child of plaintiff and
defendaut, aud awarding to plaintiff
Judgment for her costs and disburse
ments in this suit, and for such other
and further relief as to the court may
seem equitable in the premises.
This summons is published once
each week for the period of six suc
cessive and consecutive weeks In the
Lake County Exatnluer, a newspaper
printed and published at Lakeview,
Lake county, Oregon, by an order of
Hon. B. Daly, county judge for the
county court of Lake countv, state
ot Oregon, dated October 2, 1912, and
the date of the first publication ot this
summons is October 3rd, 1912, and
the date ot the last publication thereof
Is November 14th, 1912.
Attorney tor Plaintiff.
We, the uuderslgned legal vote rs of
North Warner precinct, Lake County,
State ot Oregon, respectfully petition
the Honorable County Court ot Lake
County, State of Oregon, to grant a
license to Cornelius Fitzgerald and
M. M. Harry to sell spirituous, malt
and vtuous liquors lu less quantities
than one gallon in North Warner pre
cinct. Lake County, State of Oregon,
for the period of tix months, u Li
duty hound we will ever prny.
A M. Bogner Oeo. II. bodenbough
Dick fiuline r. v Ivnt
.la". O VaoKtilenL W Fruker,
1. M. lUmlley
Wm liawxin'
L. H. Maiuev
P. K Tavlor
T J Ruilivnn
C Haldirinan
Kitch Kelly
K D. JrosMman
M. J. Mensiier
I. J. VanKenlen
Wrn. Afford
Ned O'Connor
Richard Aden
ClMf, Mnrksl-crry
Alee Johnson
A. O. NlmliigtnQ
Jna. Hiickitby
J. H. Turpin
I'efe ('aid well
Hairy K. Rlgrt
Heiry Anderson
Cecil I'lXOil
Frank Moynnhn Charley C eland
.101111 .-mrphy J v. H e
l. IT. Clelmul
T. H. fiurgt-N-l
Thom- Anderson
JaCK Ijw ia
O. A. ( nrils
Thns. OrU-l
J B. I'.IMiM
Frank Rogent
Pete Sali
Geo Marxlln
1 1,,.., I'U . ,.,-.
II I.. Kress
Philip D. O Connor Marry Ternennlnir
lotinD M.-Auliffe Edgar A. Pellet ler
J firm's 0. O'Connor Cat . Quniao
Michael Lane W. C. Laird
Austin IVboy VV IL. Barry
State of Oregon 1
County of Lake)
I, M. M. Barry, being Brut duly
sworn depose an ,,,,. j -,8t BCtj t
the slgnaturfs to the foregoing peti
tion I- gt-nuine; thai eac i of the sigo--s
of s ild pi-tklon Is now a"d h ia
been a rin(lntanil a legal voter with
in North Warner ', like
Co,iut, Oreifon. for nunc thaa thirty
dav prior to the date on which be
Mi-ned said petition and the filing
SuliMt rilied and swoin to Is-fore me
this 30tti dy of Swptemtier, 1912
J. M. Ba'chelder, No'ary
Public for Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply, upon the f re
golog petition for a license tn sell
liquor in accordance with said peti
tion, at North Warner Precinct, In
Lake County. State of Oregon, fort an
periisi of six mom hs and aid applica
tion will he presented to the County
Court of Lake County, State of Ore
gon, at the regular November term.
1912, to-wlt Wednesday, November
th, 1912. at the hour of 10 o'clock,
a. m.
Notice to Taxpayers
The Lake Countv tax rolls are
nearly completed and I would be
pleased to have all Interested parties
call at the Assessor's office and look
over tbeirassessmeota, and correct say
mistakes we may have made In listing
their property before the Board of
Equalization meets, which Is on Octo
ber 21, 1912. Sheepmen especially are
requested to call and examine their
assessments, as we have put all sheep
owned ia I,ake county on March 1, on
the tax rolls, and we do not know
how many sheep were assessed ia
Harney and other counties laHt spring.
Therefore, please cal! at this office and
give us the desired information, and
Your trulv,
A. J. FOSTER. Assessor.
Notice of Meeting of
Board of Equalization
Notice ia hereby given that on Mon
day, the 21st day of October, 1912,
from 8 o'clock, a. m., to 5 o'clock p.
m., of caid day, the County Board of
Equalization will t; in session at the
County Clerk's office at Lakeview,
Oregon, for the purpose of publicly ex
amining the assessment ro 1 for the
year 1912 and to correct all errors in
valuation, description of qualities of
lands, lots or other properties: that the
sitting of aaid board will be continued
trom dcy to day thereafter until the
examination and correction of said
assessment shall be completed : pro
vided the examination is completed
within the month in which the Board '
is required to meet. All persons inter
sted are requested to be present at the
sitting of said Board of Equalization,
and show cause it there be any, why
their assessment for the said year
should not te changed or corrected as
the aaid Board may seem just and pro
per. A. J. FOSTER. Assessor of
Lake County.
Lakeview Readers Are Learning
The Way
It's the little kidney ills
The lame, weak or aching bask
The unnoticed urinary, disorders
Thit lead to dropsy and Bright'
When the kidneys are sick,
He p them with Doan's Kidney
A remedy especially lor the tick kid
neys. Doan's have been curing kidney
troubles for 75 years.
Endorsed by 50,000 people endors
ed by people of this locality.
W. P, Gould, 119 W. Jacksoa St.,
Medford, Ore., says: "I used Doan's
Kidney Pills at Hasktns' Drug htore
and am pleased to say that they have
given me more relief than any ot her
kidney medicine I have ever ttken.
Other members ot my family hv- al
so used Doau's Klduey PI ila an the
ret-ults have been so satisfactory that
I do not hei-itate one u.omeQt. In lv.
ing this stfttenitat.
For sale by all dealers. Jri 60
centa. Foster-Milburu Co., Ilnf 1J0,
N. Y., sole abbots for the lT,;ited
Remember the naioo Doaa.'., ;,tnl
t-iUe no o'.ha r.