$1,000 REWARD Ifninia t .1 NrviM t(lt Ai --('.". I hii h i hi 11 ti ill alve reward frtl -T!Vn leading to I I"' i-4 ffinvH'tt.M f ..f at. t-fcf: mt 7iT lira -.icftili'V h. r. i-atl' ir mn'e Imwxi '!" of " iO Willi. " '" Iff rT., lh ULlrNi'ivC , Vr.on ibf nni'mii'l'linn .V n.ffc1 Ikt P Ihi (irit"'1-1 fin-" "Oinc -.r ntl twilh ot -iU.tT 'aw Rrau.l .-.v,,1i-i m ".ant iiiimh' i:i'i J1'!!''? Ik '"r.K- "UlT'ea. 'torv- -ro1 nhfn aiiM Nivi. hut -- n tvnti o'l. nl'l on!? m 0hrh lt..w Ft'.- l'r.ivi POLK'S. OKECCK and WASHINGTON Oiisiness Directory A THrpftotv rf M.-h Cl:y. Torn n:..t H Vt!!r.e. pit tns rfuiHe ak.-u-h of 13 I ? r. n':,rt. ! vsi'n, T o ':lrttion. tt-I.-- T p kt."!:. ' :p- ire n;:.' t-rw-.k'.-.i - r-'-"1: Q U? .-... t.-.tu.iird ut-.ct.w, comii!ed by p r 1:. J. I'OIK t CO.. SV.ATTI.r A? ATENTS r. t . f vi iu.i: imu M.rii' Fi:i:i:. Ifyvn ti.-ivvj.ii unrii timi nr nnv inttrht limTI'T, wrt'r jjiJHyci.i fc.i 11' It' WHI'iHT. tvtri.str ifil ; tttrin.v. !.i:i:i Trust K.ir. nVt.s7.Yft7,J.V. .r. ALGER LAND COMPANY Real Estate Brokers High Gtacle MinLig Stock Offices at NEW PINE CREEK 8 LAKEVIEW ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOU CHILDREN 1 to 8 yars 9n cr.jv- j LEVI STRAUSS & CO.. fR Sa 7rjc-v ! mm. Ml ajj iT. m h Plenty of this stock for all If you were not fortunate enough to be one of the early comers on the opening day. remember we have plenty left of the high grade stock at your mercy. An EXTRA Special Every Hour of The Day ! j I mniin.i i wit iw ninr GOVERNMENT LAND LEFT IN OREGON Inauirien from rospvtiv hump uteH.ltr in rrirHcd to public Um1.i in OreRcri hve herome o fomnion tht the I'ortlHfKl ChnmU'r of I'ommcroe h just iimueJ ti' booklet. M ttinR forth Uovernini'nt mi tHte Imvl kIc, mid showing the lands in the KH'e "till available for fOttlem. There lire today in Oregon more than 17.0li0.W0 Herea of unappropnale 1 public land, of which there are hundreds i f thou sands of acrva that red onlv the efforts nt the settler to render them hiunly productive. That does not mean, hot-ver that, all, rr even a rreat por tion of this great tract la imniedialHly vluat)le or available. l h re is a wide-p-ead opini n that in Urn on and other Mates to which iro migration is tiirnirft "ow, there aro lards in the well ae tOnl niatriet Hon vU'tt iO thf inr'tropi'li-t that .re open to eet tltincnt. This is rot triie, for real "I'ariaiii"'" re no more to be found in public birds tliHti in privately o ti ed. In feriiiity some of the public. Ian i w vt 'li'de a ay in the state, h i' i' is hv at 1 in tt-e spursely settled dtricia ano is in a r:ilurl wild eon d:'io i 1 1 fie mat ter nt alated linn'. Ore pon h;i- more th'n f .00, POO acres, i.ioi-t ot wich lies in tte rHlrn part of the htit-. None ol it i- o!f. red at less than $7.M per acre. Ary p rson over IS years of air who is a citizen of the L'nite.l Siatt's- or has declared h s in tention of becomir g io mny tiuy S20 acrs. He must ilecUre un'ler oath that he rio?ires it for hiaon life but no ret-idenoe upon the laml is r (iiireil. Payment may be mace in live annual insta'lments of S150 each. Inquiries should be directed to the clerk of the State L8id Hoard The character of the school lands can be determined only ny personal inspection The l.n d now Ins iros'ly in distant parts of the state and is frittered over n.ai y townsrrps, but with the inciese of popr.t i'"n, the exter sicn :t rilrt.nas and i. i..r development, all will beeorr.e v-ilUliblo. L ' ' County hss 95J,":0 acres of Dub!L- school lands, and 2.532,525 acres fi.wwrnmert land. Other Govern ment land in the Lakeview land dis trict iB, Kiiimntl coun'v, 1-29,771 acres, and Cmnk cuuety. 405,72'"!. The b icklet issued ty the Chamber of Csmmerce includes all the different laws under which Government land may be acquired, with an explaretion alWWt-aw 0Pt1 111 i niTT rnvrr iTir-r ia iw .l .. . ROLL MOOSERS ARE Hi k'h McLain of Msmbfleld has filed his acceptance of the demoroalic nom inalion for presidential lt-ctor. All presidential electors of all parties in the state have now Piml acceptances. eeretarv of State Olcott is pre par i ft the form of certification of candi dates he shall make to county clerks. At the head of the ticket will be the name of tiie three regular republicans who will be designated as Taft Sher mar elec'or Next will be the electors ot the ticket will be the names of the three regular republicans who will be designated as Taft Shermnn electors. Next will be the electors of the demo cratic party, then ot the xoclalikt par ty, then prohibitions!, and last the tames of the progressives. At the bead of the ballot will be instruction to vole for five. PROFESSOR URGES PATROL OF ROADS i- l'ri'fe'vor Joseph Shafer of the Uni I er- iy is one of Oregon's busiest good ; roiids enthusiast-:. Profest-or Shaler'a (idea is that the farming districts could ; acromplii-h the best result at be leas' expense by starting a rejiar road pat ml "A chuck-hole can to oraired in a minute the m.itn t-jr after a rain" t.u Shye, "while if reglecleu it can become a nuisance all wirtcr and require the attei.tton of men and a teum iti tne ; spring. I "I guarantee that if the pupils of some country aeho'd would undertake a I few minutes' intelligent road work on - their trips hack imd forth from school, that particular school house would soon become f amous :is the center ot a li s ; tnci of good road. "It v. ould be good for the rea ls, etili litter for the children who need to have devi U ped their se:'!-e of "ivic ro?p n-ibili'y, .n d te.-t of all for ttie community, which would soon feel Dride in local eonditi"n nr.d would sup pieme' t aid broaden the work fturte.l bv '!)e puphs. "Let some country teacht-r sei7e th:s epportunity. " of ttielr operation. Tina bmiklet will be sent in answer to all irrpiiries re ceived in regard to Oregon public land. affftF tW'Jl aFOEs. The doors of Ahlstrom thrown open Saturday largest crowd witnessed k n V-i IA '4 M A TO if A HfWS were carried away by the arm loads. Every available vehicle was busy carrying patrons' purchases from 10 o'clock until closing time Owing to the immense crowds and heavv buvins:, we urge you to be on ar w w - hand early. An extra special every day U.O. WILL ADVANCE STATE INTERESTS Unt versify of t)rrgon, F.ugene, Oct. 7. In an effort to prepare statistics mid material thai will lst th state legialature, the University senior rlasa In economic; research will, for the next to or three m nlhs, devote lt tfTort.1 toward problems confronting the ati.te of tlreg.m. 'I'hey will u"dertake to gather all available material Upnn the sutject under consideration, mid, possibly, formulate snie plan of legis lative procedure. Among the problems to be attacked are political reorganisation fo the stale of Oregon: co operative market ing for the farmers in an effort to el iminate the middleman, and red ice the cost of living: the development of Oregon' water power resources: cre dit associations for the farmers to tur liish capital to develop Oregon's re sources : and scientific budget-making for slate, county and muoicipH'ity. OREGONTAN GOES I'ortlnnd Oregoni.in : The be! thins to do is In vote No on eer bill the P'irpert of which is not clear. No pru dent voter sriould v"t f' r a measure be does not u'iderst.snd - Grunts I'ns OluervT. There can tie no Infer ii fnieot than, w hen in dm I t, to voie No - Lake Cmit ty Hxarniner. Is no' the voter justified in voting1 down the wholo grist, i.nd thus dis ciurdgir.jr the industry.' .... Would it not to ip to kill all of tbot-e b its, goo I, bud. and crazy, nnd pel rid of the abui-e? If half of them were t nart ed, the rest would eiree up ngitin Salem Ciuntal Journal I'hc significance 't these emphaiii1 utterances from representative news papers printed in widely separated parts of Oregon, is that th- y reflect m rpinion common to the co servative i iti7ei:-hip of the e 'tiro sf' t.:. The way to sto) the ahiiso of tl:e initiative is to stop it. Clearly, the initiative is here to aiay. Clearly, aisn, it is t ci luiu'ed dow n each year more and inn'c w ith measures which have no place J'i the ballet. Clearly ton, if the way is made easy by acceptance ot all kin:s rf mrMires, the law-tiid erers will te more and rcre eneouraged to present ,3 4 vji M Bros big store were at 10 A. M. to the by Lakeview people OUR 8 FT. CLOVER ALMOST STOLEN Oregon Journal : One vrar of plan ning mnt work to have Oregon for the first time oomlr antly r P'esented by high cbiss exhibits at the eastern bind show, racape 1 "lefrat yesterday I y a liulr's breadth and In the most peculiar way. Nenrly a ton of exhinits, showing the finest of earth prod eta from evcty part of the state was taken from the warehouse of the atato board of immi gration by the Salvation Army. li was only when the rcpresenta! ifca of the Salvation Army returned for more that they were detected and that which hud I cen taken returned. Among the exhitiits removed was sotii" 12 foot corn ' loin Kosebilrg, some t foot outs Irom Metollus in central Oregon, and some H foot clover f inn l.nkeview in southern Oregon. There was a Inn n rpmnftv of alfalfa at ed, a numb r of bunchca id g'aiii nod gtas-es, including some especially fine Parley and wheat samples. In hi p.ladiierN to get hack the ex hibits that had b en' secured only bv the most eompltle organization and the mist siren' on effort, C. C. Chap man, state immigration agent, accept ed the explanation and ab-olved the Solvation Army from all ulterior mo tive. The rxhib.il have lueti stored si fill Sixt'i ktr.-.-t AiHi.limt WhillifT, of the Salvation Army noli I the Uimu's there and naked the caretaker if the Amiy r.niU remm o them for ilecota tive und other purposes. The caietnk er igtioraft of the exhibits purpoaes, said he would see. Later he gave per mission. Then the tiling clerk of the rlnb went over to see how thing i were, found the things gone, instituted an inquiry among liie neigh!). iring in- r chants, and wailed until the Salvation Army came i.nck. Incir i il'.-rmgs at em h election. The ni ie II e initiative in thua Ui-ed, lie more it wit. .e atiuned. The only way to proltct and preserve the initiative is fur the electotate to register a general and emphatic fo at the coming i lii linn. No mei.sure whatever should I o I'n-nl i.nle-a there ! a recogr.ir.rtf mid dt ttiut.ittrable p di l;c need tncrefor. In n in doubt vote N . When rot in (loir t, vote No, in !--. you l.avo been ronvinctd hv perso at mve tigii tion tnat t In? it tanire i fur the pilolic intereat, and should pas.'.. V i . k aW : S W i (JJTTThis mamr:utl. stock of merchandise does n .t med any praise 'from us. E :h article is from the best man ufacturer in the U. S. Ask the man who made purchases on the Opening Day. An EXTRA Speck! Every Hour of The Day ! r j 1 J&end of and lnn Kmir nl etpmura will bail you diy and coniloriahl U you wm a TOWER'S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER wlih ih. famous B-f- FdM (imi'J) dial !" ynl walrr liom lunnlna In Irani wlin h.iMcrsl. N- wi wMilirr rnal ao lii a .SI.tr. N.i.Vfcro wali.lo..l, liltyhla or naat in appoaiam i aa Ilia l,h ? . CmI ymtn hnlay ami la iuuu l lain. $3.00 Everywhere SATISFACTION CUAJtANTrrO A. J. TOWER CO. tffWERfr DOSTON Towtf Canadian Limllad " T.r mi nsHiitiP ma i. id Comple-tr . i it i! ti !i !" t in itli 1 tli'lavii IWanli ;it t.-u-lu il li con t a mini2 '! ' 1 '' ' ',( H II M IM!I'.; I .a u . THIS IS ABSOLUTELY THE Dt'ST FORM OB TAINABLE. DESCRIP TION THE MOST COMPLETE I tioi 5 ccnt3 Each Sjn'tial rates im tti.'iti titics Pnono 5Xf MR PRESS LAKEVIEW, OREGON r I I I t AS, I). 1 1 S. i III iM llili- Mi tv ,i,i,ct Hl it L.akr 'ew . Orev . t. a i.l- ul ' ' li:iila . ' 1 -.1 'i fuse ll v.,i r- J IL' A. ml i-.mwrj JE9U.. JLmU T .Vti limit i nr i Tinai A UN a Wo ft i t FrT - it- i hnt ' - Tt-ilTTTH I'lnr nT IMraT"frTMnalfM nmamn 1