Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 10, 1912, Image 5

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    Town Proporty
f'KNK)0i I'ur i f 1 1 1 new lit-rH.iii li it-" lih mw Int., 7.xl4'i, v)ihc to center of lliull N'liunl. I i-v icri'iM.
t'.'IVK) 0 I'nrtl r' III new Imiiiuiihiw, mii IhimI up kiiIiuc liofiii, rlimtf id fi ll i t of
town mi IWnitril hi m-hi . Km, Ioumx.
V.n'Hiil I .ill mi Mit)i Hlieil m it liirnlii.
III1 (I. (Hi ror h in w 4 riiiuii Ihmihc uml il aheil, lot U) x X'lit, good locution.
I- any tei in x
tloniiO ! r i'ii ii Ki.ilnii" iiha liniiwii o In eh Ick rrwMiTice part of 1 1 i lly,
I'IhcV term-.
"We Sell Tho Too Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
More Bargains
20.00 per rr for 2Ki cre of inii'H-r ImmI. i'inn. in, ,-irr term.
u.riO or 34i nrre oi II in Hif vill " n. I Mi r(im Lftkevlew, If
warn a iiiirirnin n.n r MiM T. im- . ah.
Haw mill In flrat c)ik- . rl-r. t r'tiUn a inrn i.iniMiiy of dry, finished lumber;
fnw log. uml ii n- of kIhikIIhu 'ih.In r. The book w I prove It to
tm a fine live.t iiii-iit.
SO htm f if fln on ih VVet Slilp. i-low r . a mm mill.
tiOOoper acre lor IflO.c'.eot viiiiev bind i In ih.miI.iw Jolnimr the O. V. L-
Addition lo Ink' view. A irood Iiivh. men'.
2'K) crea Joining th.- (I V I,. Adilliliio to lut-evlew Fine for cunlng up Into
Ktnail trfti-i" A i.irilii t only IM m) i.
lai;c County Crammer
SA I I III' A ' Hl'l'i . I- l! I". I'l il.
Idllllll'i lllH IK I.IIHI'Vil W fllllllltlM.
I.H.I r- illlt -II e III i.ll VI
I'll II I III- Co.
Oae linn iri'd .elii; rlovea to .lk
tram lint li wonil atiil rnal at J It.
Deputy Dint riot Altorny J. D Veri-
tor UhI. week made h tiricf business
trip to I'ttlntt-y.
J. Krankl, 'bo wool buyer, nt week
lett lor Sun Eram-mco In join l.i fam
ily thd Winter.
1 1 tin n In II- ilrexHel. amnrteil
pateniM aliil m c-'M oclneiit retimed
prlte I.Hkevli vv M-jch li I He Co.
Mr. N C Myrtle, mother of Mra
Lottie Cnglinrn of IjHkcvlew Jwill
pen. I tho winter at CkMNhIiI, Nevada.
II ii that a plan ia on foot to
m.'ke the Klarm'n Kalla Kixtco, glvrn
laat Summer by tno Kl, an annual
J. A. Donovan, a buali mb man of
San Francmco, It upending aeveral
daya in looking over Lakeveiw and
Ouoaa Lane Valley.
Will'' ill 1'Hinley drop In Ht O Con.
uel A Kelin-n'n ami et a gl'tH of real
refri'iihliiK ltnlr rx-er, the kind that
i ravt'onif mteil for fiiiull.v "'.
K. II. Kofiera la acting aa deputy
county clerk, Hog l competent for any
kind ot office work and County Clerk
Payne ia furtunaie In aecurlng hla aer-;
J. C. Oliver haa two tcama hauling brother of Ceo. Harrow of Hotel Lake
wheat from hla weat aide ranch. When view, arrived here Saturday and will
he geta the cove ranch developed he ' apend teveral daya viaiting with
wilt have one of the largeat ranchea bit brother and old acquaintance!,
near here. nB, n for Bie liSO acre on Carna
Senator Jonathan Kourne hat accept-1 prairie. l.VKl cords wood; jcoixl
sl tne Independent nomination for ahearltnt ci.rralH; lure Iiouho, bum
United Statea Senator and will Ko on J and out tiuildiutia. AddreaH Aoaa
the ballot as "Popular Government :
Monday thu laat half of the delin
uent laxea were nun and fro-n that
late a penalty of 10 pr rent will be
add-d, and from then on 1 per cent a
month addtional will be charged.
Mr. and Mra. J. 1). Guerraz, of Hden
Vale, Calif , are here on buaineaa con
nected with H tjuatment of right of way
damagea on Mr. Ouerraz'a
for the terminal of the N.-C.
Mra. (i. C. Howell and ion, Leater
Hampton, last week moved down frro
I'aialey for the latter to enroll at the
lakeview High Hchool. Mrt. Howell
atatea that her von ia highly pleated
with tho achool.
V. L. Snclling thlt week went to
Uurna in hit auto to bring back Mrt,
knelling who haa been visiting a few
week a with their daughter, Mrt. Chag.
f'aulkner. F.. II. Clark accompanied
Mr. Snctling on the trip.
Kidney weakness is the forerunner she l gettinn along nicely. Dr. Smith
of two dangerous Uiseaaes Hright'a and Everett performed the operation,
disease and Kheumatlnm. Avoid them , Hur(,y Vcrnon wno own8 Bml naR
by taking Nyal'a Kidney Pills. Dev.sed ,)el,n Uaek tmng u portlon of tne
for that very purpose-nothing else. y L Snenf ranrh am)th of Lake
Sold and guhranteed ty Snyder & Rey- yow exp(,cU to eave Bhorty wlth his
iinlds, Druggists. fumiv for souihcrn California to spend
Chat. D. Arthur, local mutton buy- the Winter. Ira McCoul will havn
er, tomorrow will ship twelve cars of chargrt otthe place until Mr. Vernon's
aheep south, that were bought from ' return.
W. A. Wilahire. Mr. Arthur will go ( C. W. Anderson, one of the founders
with the shipment to San Francicso, i uf the Alturas New Fa and a former
and return to Klamath Falls by Octo
ber l.r to receive the Caaebeer sheep.
The brick work has been practically
completed on the licyford building
on three sides and work started on the
roof. A fair idea of the proportions
and magnificence of the new structure
can now be gained by an inspection
of the numerous rooms and apartments.
The Horsefly Irrigation project near
lionanza in Klamath county has been
approved b State Engineer Lewis. I
and a meeting was held last week at
Bonanza to form and bond the lands of
the district for the expense of con
structing the project. It embraces from
"20,000 to 30,000 acres.
The Mothers Club of Lakeview, haa
teen offered the use of two rooms In
the old public school building to use
for Hoy's Club, to be formed. The
club would appreciate anv donationa
towaid equipping a gymnasium. All
interested in such a move are asked to
-call at the real estate olnoe of O'Neill
-& Dunlup.
At the meeting of two classes of
Oregon Agriuulturul College last week
Guy Cronemiller of Lakeview was
nominated for senior class treasurer.
'The seniors were called together by
aHt year's ollU-era. while the freshman
cla&t was organized ty the iuniora,
according to the O.A.C. custom. Elec
tion of ofllcen will be held this week.
katiiiitr lii-vr on i Biil.t at the Dm.
Kye fur rhlu, fine plump K" r Ap
ply I lna i, dice.
'o.ii In aii-r Jiift ike ildi f for ofllce
u At J . H. Auti'iiV.
Tin' Winoiiii w mkoii, I lie bent wnon
liiilil. rcircaleb.i J. II, Atnan.
I 'bllilren w bl' i rei-wM, alxitH 2 to
rt wr- t.nk-view Merrnutlb ('o.
U T McKrndre.! arrived in Lake
view from Hcrkeky on laat night I
Nyal'a Family Kemeolea are line of
rlear, lotiCM, open formula prepare-
itioia told ly nydtr & Kiyr.oldn,
Kiinl Knquent, a I ke county Hbcep
I mnn thin week moved hla ktocK to the
"desert" and will make hia headquar
ter at liuxh.
Janiua Owena' cldeat ann thia week
came over from the ranch near lily for
medical treatment. He la now under
the care of Dr. T. V. Hall.
Ilend'a $(',), 0t0 bonda for a newer
nge HjB'ein were aold to a New York
company fiTr 800,944, with accrued In
tercut and blank bonda aupplied.
School Supt. J. Q. Wlllita it in the
northern -part of the county viaiting
achoola. He will hold local meeting!
at Fremont,
Fort Kock and Silver
Owing to rate war between auto
linea from here to Klamath Falla, the
fare haa been cut to SO and it ia laid
with thlt you are furniahcd dinner at
J. U. Harrow, of Oakland, Calif..
McDanb-la, Lakeview, Oregon. A .11
Codarville Itecord : D. L. Shirk and
wife returned laai week from the Kaat,
where they were called by the aerinua
illneaa of Mr. Shirk's aiater, who we
deeply regret to atato died durine their
viait there.
Mayor Kichrd W. Young, of Salt
Lake City was choaen President and
Phoenix, Arizons, sa the next meeting
property place of tne International Irrigation
O. Kail-! congreaa, at the close of the laat res
laion in Salt Lake City laat w-ek.
Holla MoDonald and W. H. Elliott
are thia week fitting up their ouarterg
in the First National Dank annex, pre
paratory to opening their barber shop.
The furniture is here ready to be in
atal'ed and tliey expect tu be ready
for business next week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Jonea, of Silver
Lake, are in town. Mra. Junes linn
undergone an operation for the' remov
al of parta ot thu bouts of one foot.
Though the operation was a hard one
resident of Lake and Modoe counties
died lapt week at his home in Rose
ville, Culif., from diubetes. Deceased
was a brother-in-law of K. L. Sloss of
Alturas, and a brother of Hons Ander
son, formerly of Lakeview.
This ia the year of every recurring
four years when you expect to vote.
As a mutter of course every good citi
zen expects to vote, at every election;
but as another matter of fact many a
g0oj citizen falls short of that because
0f failure to register and a disinclina-
ti n of going through the formality
tit being "sworn in."
Andrew Morris, proprietor of the
Camas Prairie dairy, made bis regular
weekly trip to Lakeview Saturday. He
will soon move his atock to the winter
quarters in Warner Valley. Mr. Mor
ris recently aold hia two-year-old beef
ateers to L. Uerber for S55 per head.
Thev were delivered thia week at the
W. K. Bernard ranch north of town.
It la reported that a Bile Is being
consummated between CM. Sain of Los
Angeles and New York capitalists for
thu purchase of the soda deposits at
the soutn end of Summer Lake. While
no definite intormation of the deal has
been given out the source of the
rumor is worthy of credence and it it
believed that the transaction ia signi
ficant of groat development for that
Kmi li r on or In hottlea at
the Hrewery. IX
W.' IihVi Home ciol nrli ill
1 1 n olt Ulna. At J. B, Ailten'M'
Hnrdhr and building MilppbeM.
(jet our priecu bcf jte you Imyl At J.
li: AutanV
Joe Ilruner recorder of the High
tirade district, waa a bualnena vlmtor
in Lakeview Tueaday.
t.haa. D. Arthur thte week bought
2,000 lamba from S. B. Chandler, to be
delivered the (irat of next month.
For aale cheap, almost new buggy
and narnem. f'nee 175. Apply to Mra.
May Hatcheider or C. U. Sherlock.
Frank Harnea. republican candidate
for niM'inor, waa haking handa with,
and amiling upon the people ot town
K. L. Kirk who ha been spending
the paat aevural daya in Lakeview, thia
week irturned to hit homeatead in
Barnea Valley.
"Hill" llanley, of Burna, in letter
to Col. C. K. S. Wood, 1'ortland, an
nouncet hia Intention of aupportlng
Governor Wilfon for President.
The ladies of the M. E. Aid will
' ttitim n ratotitifn WHtimv Aunninr at t h
, MKtt)u(ilHt church fof Jn6 ew
. ,, .. . . ,
week from Portland.
Strayed, from corrall in Laaevlew,
sorrel mare branded 14 on left stifle,
and brown mare branded JA on right
stifle. Sui.Bt.le reward paid for jtbeir
return to W. Z. Mors.
Martin Lauritzen, of Paisley, this
week punned through Lakeveiw on his
return home from Olene where he del
ivered his beef cattle that were sold to
Edson Fou'.ke, of Gazelle.
A. Storkmann will reopen a cigar
factory in hia building on Water street,
now occupied by Keene & Barnes, in
the near future, upon the return of bis
son, George from Prineville.
J. W. Nelaon, Curtis Devsul and
Frank B, Barnea, of the Anna River
Irrigation & Power Co., Summer Lake,
were in Lakeview this week on busi
ness! connected with their project.
S. A. Mushen, county surveyor, and
viewers. S. V. Kehart and Creed Pend
leton surveyed the Bullard Canyon road
laat week. This is a much needed road
and will shorten the distance to War
ner Valley severs! miles.
C. O. Roe, local representative of
the Eilcr Music Houne, Portland, this
week reports piano sales to C. W. Reed,
and to Mra. White teacher in the Lake
view High School. Mr. Koo will also
deliver two pianos in Warner Valley
the latter part of the week.
Kathleen O'Neill accompanied her
aittter, Huzel to Adel laat Sunday. She
took Home fine pictures of the Deep
Creek falls and other views. Miss
O'Neill was charmed by the hospitality
of the Adel people, and surprised at
the fruit and vegetables grown there.
Judging ty the people that were pre
sent last Saturday morning at the
opening i f the Ahlstrom Bros, closing
out Bale everything in stock will be
gone in the scheduled thirty daya.
The clerks have been rushed all week
und the management reports that
Biilaa have been i.eavy.
It is stated that the Railroad Com
mission, upon complaint of fifty citi
zens of Lassen county, Calif., residents
of Red Rock and Termo, ordered an in
quiry into the service of the Nevada-
Catlifornia-Oregon Railway. The hear
ing was held at Madeline betore Com
missioner Gordon, last Saturday.
J. W. Kussel, M. D., of Willamina,
Oregon, returnea to his home the first
of the week alter a aeveral days visit
in Lakeview. He expects to return
here in about six weeks and locate
permanently. Dr. Russell comes high
ly recommended by some of '.he
leading physicians of the state and
Lakeview will welcome him as a citi
zen. Tho Examiner owes thanks to J. A.
Morris of Adel, for a sample box of
choice fruits. The specimens were
peaches, plums and prunes that Mr.
Morris said were grown without irriga
tion or cultivation. The flavor and
excellence of the truit makes one won
der what could be accomplished in that
line In Mr. Morris' section if it was
given proper attention.
Register A. W. Orton of the U. S.
Land Office, Sunday returned from
Med ford where he was aubpoened by
tho Federal Court as a witness in the
case of the U. S. vs. J D. Hamaker,
Earl Brooks, Elnie McClellan and John
Stindt for removal of timber from
government land. The case was tried
before Judge Wolvorton of Portland,
nnJ at tho time Mr. Orton left no ver
uict had been returned.
KhIhit on ilniUKlli at the Hotel
Honw furniture a complete
line, tee .1. aV Allien.
W. II. Kuii-h of Clover Flat, is a
visitor in the city this week.
The U'Mt butter Oliver's 10 cent
per pound at Itielier's t'anh otore.
Al Slack is acting aa clerk in J. B.
Auten's hardware and furniture a'ore."
J. K. Oliver of the N.-C.-O. Railway
Tuesday was registered at Hotel Lake
vie. Mrs. K. W. Payne has been ill for a
week. She has been q'jite sick but is
now convaleacing.
O'Neill & Dunlap this week aold the
80 acre Spencer ranch on Cottonwood,
Weat Side, to R. M. Corbett and ann.
Born at their home south of Lake
view, Saturday, October 6, to Mr and
Mrs. George Down, an eieht pound
An antomoblle. E. M. t. 3', Mod.-l
1911. In good condition. In offered at
a liaruaiD if Mold noon. 8 Mrs. O. A.
WaiROn or T. E. Bernard.
The Rev". R. E. Meyers, recently ap
pointed paatorof the Methodist Church
of this city, arrived from Portland
laat week with hia family to enter upon
hla duties.
The quail season will open in Lake
county October 15, remaining open for
just thirty days. The limit for one per
son in one day is five birds, or fifteen
in seven consecutive days.
It is reported that business is ro
good on the N.-C.-O. line that the rail
road has ordered two more locomotives
for immediate delivery and will have
to order two more in the near future.
Alturas New Era : The Big Indian
Celebration Is now Id progress. 1,000
Indians of various tribes are now con
gregated here, and wM give a grand
war dance on Main Street this evening.
Lou Enoueet, who has been engaged j
in the sheep business in Lake county j
the past several years, Tuesday left!
with his family for their native coun- j
try, Sweden, where they expect to
mBke their permanent home. J
C. C. Hogue, special fiscal agent of
the Reclamation Service at Klamath
Falls, and W. A. Delzell, expert ac
countant, arrived Monday evening and
have been comparing the water right
accounts with the records of the U. S.
Land Ofllce.
Azel Wallace and wife were in from
Crooked Creek xturday making pre
parations to n:o.e tu Lakeview for the
Wir.lur. S. B. Chandler and family
will slay on their Crooked Creek ranch
this Winter and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace !
will occupy the town residence. j
Mrs.. Anna Thorn, of Santa Rosa, '
Calif., sister of Mat. McCulley, is
viaiting with relatives in this section.
She stated that her nephew, Thos.
McCulley is still in the hospital a:
Santa Rosa, an I that she feared that
he would be there for some time yet.
The local U. S. Land Office officials
have received advice from Washington
that the bid for offices in the new
Heryford building has been accepted.
The new quarters will be commodious,
and convenient and will likely be ready
for occupancy by th6 first ot the year.
Prof. Devuul and wife, teachers of
the Paisley school were among the
attendants at the institute last week. they have been doing good work
this year Is shown by their reflection.
Under Prof. Devaul'a management the
school has grown until the third teach
er will soon be employed.
A. P. Koozer, of the West Side, this
week received the sad news of the
death of his sister, Mra. R. J. Mc
Connel, Sept. 17. at Lewiston, Idaho.
Deceased was 61 years of age, and
death was due to a paralytic stroke.
Mrs. McConnel waa known in Lake
view, where she spent one Winter about
seven yeara ago.
Notices were mailed Saturday from
the County Clerk's offioe to the judges
and clerka of the different voting pre
cincts ot the county to be posted, call
ing attention to the general election to
be held November 6. The notices des
ignate the different officers to be voted
upon at the reorular election along with
the initiative measures up for decision
by the people.
W. P. Curtis, of Valley Falla, bas
returned from attendance at the inter
state fair at Spokane and the Utah
State fair at Salt Lake City. He says
"the fairs were attended ty thousands,
the exhibits of all kinds, great and
every body invested in farm and fruit
products. 'People were continually
asking me about Oregon and I lost
nochance to tell about Lake county,"
said Mr. Curtis.
Difficulties thai have arisen in the
Ralkan sUtef hit fair to involve
Europe In a bho'y wr. Takirg A
vantage of Turin y'B war with Italy
Bulgaria, Servi. Creere and Monte
negro have formed a ciM'ition to wret
from her firusp abm.l te independence.
The powers are rtrainii g every i.erve
to prevent a elaah lut tne fact that
van armies are beirg n ot iijzed by the
coalition looks bad fr pt-me, and a
spark may at any moment iorn all
southern Europe into a vast military
This cut shows our lo. 197, Brown Chrome
Calf lilucher. double sole, gootlear welt, made
on a wide, comfortable last.
1 2 inch Top $6 50
lti-inch Top $7 50
Oilier high top shoeT in bl;ick and brown
$5 00 and $6 00 (
In our stock of Work Shoes from $2 50 to
$4 50, you will be sure to find what you want.
Look them over.
$3 50 to $5 50.
The Home of
are quite the rage, so be sure and come
in and get what you want be
fore they are all gone.
m m iSP
NICE new snappy line to select
from in Tweeds, Chinchilla and
Zibalines. Every suit and coat
guaranteed to be the best that can be
bought for the price. Come early and
look them over. & &
The A. E. Embler 220 acre ranch at
Summer Lake was rieently sold to J.
W MrCuMey, of Gint, Oregon. The
prii e $125 per a -re. the transac
tion repreneniing 17,500. It is said
tht Mr. MrCultey traded in a 170 acre
rarch r tar Gint on a consideration of
S"fX This deal c tat a record
for the price of land In tbst vicinity,
riotwiihi-tar.fiir.g that it is highly im
prove. I hid amor.gtt other things has
a young orchard of 500 trees Mr.
Rmi ler enpects to move ti Bend for
he winter
shoes, snappy lasts, at