Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 26, 1912, Image 8

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Lakeview, Oregon, October 2, 3 and 4, 1912
L R. ALDERMAN. State Sup't
DR. A. E. WINSI HP - - '
Salem Oregon
Boston. Mam.
Snlem, Oregon
Salem, Oregon
E. F. CAKLETON. Assistant Sup't
O. M. GARDNER, Principal Lakeview I ligh School
SweaterCoatsforMen Mens Suits AviatbnCaps and
Women and Children tcrnSj ncw fabrics s,)cciauy tje. Av;ation Cni,9 nn)l Toques, aii
We are showing, this week, a signed for this store. Made from sjzcs nmj sKipcSt pried to sell at
variety ot Sweater Coats suitable select fancy worsted and Cheviots ,
for all purposes. Sweater Coats in ir.any pretty shades of browns. v OC lO Ip I .VJU
of all colors, all sizes and mos blues and greys. A suit that
beautiful , weaves; everyone the can positively not be matched FlnndcttC GOWttS
best at the price asked for them. under $17.50. Our price this T" .. , .
1 Ladies I-annclcttc downs, a
Children's Coats from 65o season garment and a teal bar-
Ladies Coats as low as $2.00 C 1 O 50 l?nin at, each
Men's $5.( 0 Coats for $3.50 ff jj QQ
M , Socks Worsted Suitings
, . , , , Desirable goods of the latest KOyai 1 ailOreO OUltS
Men's heavy Merino Socks, good shadeSt suitalllt. for the tlcw Nor. Morc than fi0 new, all-wool
quality, strong and warm.regular folk suitg for niisscs rhese Kunruntec1 s;inipics ()f tjie Royni
25c value, we sell goods can be placed in the G5c Tailors. Suits and Overcoats
3fffc .0 class and stand fair comparison. made to your order anl delivered
EJall v Jvv We are selling them t-iis season, herefrom
The Delineator 25c yd. $16.00
SrrDZ"winsof' Underwear ' Boys' Suits
1st Five m on t h s' trial offer Men's heavy cotton ribbed, fie- Madeof best qualities of Cheviots,
for 50c ood until Sept. 30, '12 cced under wear, in different colors Cassimeres and Worsteds, marT-
,ts . the kind you have alwavs paid ufactured to sell for $:i to $( a
2nd-Two years subscription for 75c forour price this scason ;s suit. in dark and indium dark
$2.00, new or renewals, begin n 5()c a arment or a suit shadcs. Most FcrviCeable school
ingany month. Cash with or, icr. JL suits for boys. Suit from
This offer holds good until with- 6! flf . m
drawn. I .UU $ 1 ,50 tO $4.50
Cash buying makes it possible for a jf PyJ
saving of at least fifteen per cent on JJ ftT
your grocery supply purchases if you J J LrffT
bring your want list here. liiiv. quality store
Dance Saturday Night and
Sunday Will Be Spent in
Inspecting Properties
Superintendent Will Its
WilljHold Local Institute
at Fort Rock
A celebration for the benefit of
Lakeview people will be held at High
Grade next Sunday. A dance will be
given at the Golden City Saturday the poetolTice.
night and a free dinner provided for
the visitors Sunday. The mini K men
and companies of the district will fur
nish free transportation to and from
the mountain from New Pine Creek,
Saturday afternoon and Sunday morn
me, and Sunday cenvey parties over
the camp to inspect different Droper
j ties and workings. This will give
I Lakeview citizens an opportunity to
! make an inspection of Iiigb Grade, and
I it is hoped that all will attend the cele- i
I bration who can. Those contemplating 1 County Superintendent J. Q. Willits
'making the trip will confer a favor to preparing, to visit the Bchools in the
I promoters and committee on iranspor-1 northern part of Lake county im-
tation by inarming rJ. C. AhUtrom at : mediately after the close of the Annual
County Institute which convenes at
. Lakeview on October 2nd, 3rd and
! While in Northern Lake county he
will huld a Local Teachers' Institute
at Fort Kock w here he expects to meet
; the Fort Kock, Silver Lake. Arrow
j and Lake teachers in an all day ses-
a:on Saturday, October 12th, beginning
; at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing until
4 o'clock p. m.
This bunt? the first meeting of this
kind held in Fort Rock a full attend
ance of teachers is desired an'' the pa
trons .are invited to attend and parti
cipate in the work.
The subjects for chief 1 consideration
at this meeting are Arithmetic and
Language. The Language work will
embrace spelling, reading and grammar.
Frank Bauers Formerly
Conducted Meat Busi
ness In Ashland
A. M.
9 00- 9 15
9 15-10 00
10 00-10 45
10 45-11 00
11 00-11 45
I 30-
I 45-
2 30-
3 15-
Opening Exercises
History The Recitation E. F. Carleton
ArithmeticIntermediate Grades O. M. Gardner
Spelling. General Discussion
I 45
2 30
3 15
3 30
3 30- 4 00
7 30
Opening Exercises
History The Recitation
Arithmetic Advanced Grades
A. M.
9 00-
9 15-
10 00-
10 45-
11 00
P. M.
I 30-
1 45-
2 30-
3 00
3 15
7 30
A. M.
9 00-
9 15-
10 00-
10 45-
11 00
P. M.
I 00-
1 15-
2 00-
2 45-
3 00
7 30
9 15
10 00
10 45
11 00
II 45
I 45
3 00
3 15
4 00
9 15
10 00
10 45
11 00
II 45
1 15
2 00
2 45
3 00
3 45
Opening Exercises
Education for Efficiency
E. F. Carleton
O. M. Gardner
C. E. Oliver
O. M. Gardner
E. F. Carleton
Mrs. Fulkerson
Dr. Winship
Mrs. Fulkerson
F E. Dunton
Opening Exercises v
I ligh School
Fundamentals of Educational Progress, Dr.Winship
Address Getting Into the Game Dr. Winship
Opening Exercises
Habits State Superintendent. L. R. Alderman
Numbers Mrs. Fulkerson
A Little Child Shall Lead Them Dr. Winship
Opening Exercises
Language ' Mrs. Fulkerson
Parents' Meeting. General Discussion
Public Responsibility Dr. Winship
Address The High Cost of L iving State Sup t
The evening address will be preceded by a few choice se
lections music, both vocal and instrumental.
The general public are not only invited but earnestly request,
ed to attend both day and evening sessions. You will find it
worth while. Let us make this the best ever held in lnke County.
Parents are especially urged to attend the Parents' Meeting
and prepare questions for the question box.
No admission fee. No collection. The object is education.
J. Q. WILLITS. County Sup't.
jMSaV sr ifff ' ir III si srif 1 1 is mills ii in I
to be eqiial to any
Beer brewed. Bot
tled and on draught
at all leading saloons
Reno Br
:m. ,
wing Co. Ii.c.
- .T if
Resolutions of .Condolence
To the Officers hhc! Memtiers of
Oriei tal Chbpter, No, 5, O.E.S.
We your committee on resolutions
of Fympstby submit the followirg:
Whertas. It has pleased Almighty
God to remove from our midst our sis
ter L, Elizabeth A. Maxwell: and
Whereas, This Chapter hac suffered
the Ions of a true and efficient member,
trie community, a kir d christian und,
and her family a loving devoted wife
and mother, therefore it
Resolved, That we bow with l.uicble
submission to the will of Han that
doeth alignings well, that we emulate virtues, and extend to the bereav
ed family our heartfelt ftyrrpathy.
That a copy of these resolutions be
sent. to the family a copy printed in I
Ashland Record: The remains of
Frank Bauers were interred in Har
gaoine cemetery iHst Friday. He died
in Lakeview last April and was buriea
in the Odd Fellows cemetrv there.
'nr many years deceased was engaged
in the meat business in Ashlund. 'His
widow and son. Frank, brought the
remains from Lakeview and were met
here by his daughter Mrs. Nellie hag
don, and two children from Springfield.
An interesting Item in connection
with this is that the remains of Mrs.
Bauer's faiher C. H. LofTtus were
buried in the grave at Lakeview from
which the remuins of Mr. bSriuers were
disinterred. The remains of Mr. LofT
tus had formerly reposed at Crane Lake
but were brought to Lakeview the day
of Mr. Bauer's disinterrment and the
exenange of occupants of the grave was
made. Mrs. liauers and son came with
the remains to Ashland by way of
Keno, Nevada and Sacramento, Cali
fornia. ,
'that Crater Lake is the greatest
scenio wonder in America was the du
cision of the party of noted scientists
wtio have jut visited Oregon. 'J'hey
were amazed at the spectacle and as
a result of their visit this great attrac
tion will be widely advertised through
out the whole world. Hundreds of
photographs were made of the lake
and as many foreign geographers of
note were in the purty, the picluics
of Oregon's great scenic foutuiu wilt
appear in many scientific magazines ot
the world.
the county papers also entered in the
minutes of this Chapter.
CAKim-; t. duvvn,
Cinliimi'd frois tlit pac
is said that nothing o'her than iunt
passing acquaintance ever existed be
tween them. They would oocatdnnHlIy
! HnH..Aafl n tfitiipa iinnn rliMnce
Ulill VVI fC VII i, I ' V .".' f - " '
meetings but the girl had no idea ot
the young msn's seriouHncss. Tuesday
morning about nine o'clock Mr. Crad
dock called up the shariff' office by
telephone and Bfked for' Miss MoVey,
and it is said asked her to come by the
store at noon, as he wished to see her.
She acquiesced to this and whiln on her
way borne at noon stepped into the
store. Mr. Crandock was alone in the
building and bis first action was in
question her in reagard to s marriage
engagement, of which ho had been in
formed, existed Detween her Bnd a
man living in the Kaat. She hastily
acknowledged this to her questioner,
and it is understood that the engage
ment has been quite generally known
by her friends for pome time. He then
aksed her to como back to the office,
saying he wanted to talk to her. Tho
girl state that alter refusing to go to
the office Craddock ancoxted her with
ubusive language, and she became
frurhtened and started for tho'v front
door, through which tde entered, and
pHBHe l out crossing the street to the
South. While shu was crossing the
ttreet Craddock culled to her from the
side door, near the offic ', at king her to
corns back, but this she did not heed,
and went directly home. Tins was
almost exactly fifteen minutes past
twelve o'clock and when Mr. Auten
returned to tbettoreat twenty i"iniitis
past twelve ha fouml the unfortunate
man i i an office chair with n build
wound in his head. And it is supposed
from this that be immediately entered
the office trorn the. door, where be IhhI
culled to tho young iHdy, and commit
ti d the raHh act.
Leo Craddock was a young man c.f
ti i. out HU years of ago, and came to
Lakeview latt Spring, UT'woik for &!r.
Auten. He rTad the,' appenrenct of u
very q uel ami pieanaut young nam,
and one who was least expected of ever
attempMnr: to ilcHtrucf his own iifti.
His mother, Mrs. Martha. M. Crai'duck,
arrlve-J yi-aterdiiy evening frorn K lain
alii L'uUa, Ltbiuu Lib inoliier tinu si, i
ter, Mrs. Auten, dm-pn-ed leaves three
! sisters and three brothers. He was
! native of Jsrkt'nn county, Oregon
! The tcNtimony of the young lady
a": tho coroner's inqu -ct tinu miming
was in accordance with the above
! . Mr. and Mrs. S. I). Keenati. of
Santa Cruz, Calif., arrived in l ake
vie hint week to spend several davs In
inspecting this country. They own a 4(
acre tract near I'lush and will go over
I and Investigate this property. They
j formerly conducted a hotel in Santa
; Cruz and Informed the Fxaminer that
, they were open for a buMness invest
ment In this city providing they could
tino what they desired. They hre well
jDlean.Mi .villi the uppenmnce of the
i vallev ami predict for it a great and
! prosperous fufi-
A nillil l,i:ilho slii,nll ill
whys l L,-it In (Ik. Ikuiiv.
t'Hpvrliilly n tlifii- tuvvliHJ.
(( it mi i f Ih. in i;i, s.
i: rn n sUxlit nit. il l, of liull
X'"tliiri in. -ix hrmiiir chronic it
lint ntti-mli il In iirmniitlytlio
Hlinhti'st yt oin n il ili riinuviiii'iit
ll llriilrcirtl u ill result III lllllliy
n rrstliss nlxlitliir ynu lis
well us I X'xnmi r duck.
la plcunnnt to take,
mildly laxative, will
not firlno, and road I y
taken Ly chlldron.
Tnkcn Just bi-rrn n men I It
7;7,'s 1 he ilicstivc Juices
ami lirlnifs iilimit a , mper nb
Nuri'l'iii iiffuiiil
y ill's FLfscn Is u tonla I.i. il -tlYci-iiiulx
k-ukI Cur yiniiiir
urtihl .'
25 and CO cant
It'c i xiect in hi, l,cvi In In, si.
neve a ;:kii iimiix x'nrs. Tin
tmlx w " n an tin It Is hy
tniiiiiiir e e c.i limlx rtnUi.
'ilint '; in- " IU 'X .
nyder & Reynolds