Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 26, 1912, Image 5

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    Town Property
f.KWtO 0i Kkr a ft it now 10-room Iioiimo with Urge tot, 7.1125, cloao to center of
town Mini High Hchool. Knur t'-rma,
$.'0iff).0 For 6-roi'iii new liiiDtfalow, nn up-to-date home, cloae to cooler of
town oo Bernard Mtreet. Kaay term.
Vacant Lot on Hlnali Ktreet ai a bargain.
$130.(10 For a new 4 room Iioiih and wood abed, lot 60 x 128, Rood location.'
Kaay terow. '
$1000.00 For nu up-to-date- new liungiilow, In choice reeldcnc part of the city.
lliiay term. t
"Wo Soil Tho Real Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
More Bargain
$20.00 per acre for 200 acre of timber land, clow In, easy term.
112.50 For TC0 acre a-ood soil in the valley 6 m Ilea from Lakeview. If
want a bargain don't pan thla. Term Hh.
Maw mill In flrat claa ordr, including a large quantity of dry, finished Inmher;
aw loga and 180 acre of atandlug timber. The book a will prove It to
be a fine Incontinent.
0 acree of floe timber on the Went 8lde. clone to a aaw mill
SO acre of the beat In the valley. 8 ml Ion from Lakeview with improrementa and
a fine water right low price $30.00 per are. Eaay term. -
200 acre Joining the O. V. L. Addition to Lakeview. Floe for cutting op Into
amatl tracts. A bargain at only $30.00 per acre.
Tntic County jramtncr
, Knlnlxr iiiaile Lakeview fnmoiiM.
Rainier on draugtli or in Uitllea at
the Hrewery. 2t
Horn, Monday, Keptcbmer 23, 1912 to
Mr. and Mr. John Lewif, a daughter.
E. L. Kirk la spending a few daya In
town from hia homestead In Barnce
Mia Delia Shelling left Monday for
Hums, Oregon, on a ahort visit with
Jay Killlnga haa received the ep
IMjIntinent of Drputv Forester of the
Fremont National Forest.
Rev. Mulville T. Wire desires to aell
the lamer part ot hia collection of oil
painting. Applv at the parsonage.
J. K. Nllea and family, of Hotel
Nile. Alturaa, pissed through Lake
view last week enro.ite to Crater Lake
on an outing (rip.
Raymond Dunbar, on of O. Lv Dun
bar, of tho Lakeview Mercantile Co.,
last week returned from Portland
where he haa been apending the Sum
mer. The Lakeview Rebekih lodge will
observe the CUt anniveraary of the or
der In the 1. O. 0. K. hall tomorrow
night. All member are requested to
ho prooiit.
All those iuterraleii In the organiza
tion of an afternoon Chautauqua circle
for day readirga are requested to be
present at a meeting at the home of
Mra. O. C. Sohmlnck next Monday
afternoon at 2:30.
K. R. Paten last week returned from
St. Joseph, Mo. where he waa called
by the illness of hia mother. He left
her greallv Improved in health and
e pxects his father and mother to visit
thla place later in tho Fall. .
there la to be no progressive party
in Nevada this Fall according to the
decision given by the Attorney General
of that atate. Those favoring that
party will have to designate them
selves aa independenta.
Alturaa New Kra : Congressman
Raker haa accured the establishment
ol a new pout olllce flamed Trianglo in
M doc county, with C. W. Mapca, as j
postmaster. This la near Steele)
Swarun. and the mail will be deliver-:
ed irom Alturas.
The finishing touches are being added
this week to the interior of the Daly
tuilding on Water atreet for the Eli
resttursnt and cate. The building ia
being well anil modernly equipped tor
the purpose and next week tho pro
prietors will be ready to open a' tirat
clasa restaurant.
Mayor E. Keller, of New Pino Creek,
Alex Kobinette and Nelson Rounsevcll
yesterday came up trom the State Line
town. Thev are very much elated
over the lact that the incorporation
issued OHrried at the election Satur
dav. and feel that the town is now en-
tern g upon a great development era. j
t he property on Main street where j
.".(). Uoe of the Eiler Music House;
was located, waa recently purchased j
by W. P. lleryford and Mr. Roe haa
chunked hi quarters to the McCoul
property tack of the Examiner ofiice.
He will oocupy a room in the new
llcrytord building when it ia complet
ed. "
Chris Langslet last week purchased
an order of lumber from the Sunset j
Lake Lumber Co., with which to build j
a residence house on hia lota in the i
Drenkel Addition. Hia property lies j
adjacent to Dan Brennan'a new reai- J
-dence and work will be immediately
-commenced on the building.
0. St. George Bishop, of Klamath
Falls, haa again changed hia mind hb
to his poassible candidacy of sheriff for
Klamath County, Bays the Northwest
ern. He waa in the race before the
orimarieB. tut lost out by a amall mar-
in to Sam Walker. He afterwarda !
announced himself on an independent
tloket, now he has declared that be
will not run.
p. D. Duff, of Galeaburg, Illinois,
waa an arrival the first of the week to
. . i : 1. 1 : . ! t
inspect ln spienuiu posisuuue ui uutj
country. He ia a druggist in his home
city adn makes annual tours Investigat
ing properties. He had anveral con
tract in the O. V. L. land drawing
sod now owna land in both Harney
and Lake counties. Mr. Duff express
ed himself ai being favorably Impress- j
ed with our valley and said that he1
waa conndent that it would aettlo up j
vapidly when tho company get water j
fix tbo land.
Rainier llecr oo draught at the Inn
Wood for aa'e: In any quantity
Phone M2. Pert Tatro. tf I
Official announcement haa it that the
I'anama Canal will be open to traffic
In the Fall of 1913.
A. M. Smith, the Drewa Valley
etnrkman. spent several daya of 4aat
week In Lakeview
One doted hollar dream'. a sorted
paterae and a' sea o close at reduced
prlcea lakeviev- Mercantile Co,
The Hotel On; on proprietors, ot
Portland, have recently taken over the
Hotel flower In that elty and will
operate it on the American plan.
Mat McCulley and aon, Lou, laat
week came over from Cedarville In
Surprise, and spent aeveral daya vlalt
ing with relatives over the Valley.
Edson L. Foulke and two other par
ties arrived laat evtn'iig from Gazelle,
Cat., to receive a drove of beef cattle
bought fum Drattain Bros., ot Chewau
can. Nelson Mortenscn and wife of thia
place returned this week with Mrs.
Mtiitenaen'a father, C. 8. Lovelena, of
Millville, Cat., where thev will spend
the winter.
The RooaevelTian version : "Who
ateala my purse steal trasn: but he
who ttlc-hes from mo my Second Roman
Empire I an undesirable citizen with
all the frills addded."
C. O. Roc, local musio dealer Tast
week make a trip to raisley and inci
dentally returned wth several pounds
of cat fish from the Chewaucan river,
that he liberally distributed amongst
bin friends. S
1'ostal Inspector S. T. Pinkbam, of
Seattle, Wash., has Instructel Post
master Ahlstrom to post notices for
bids for a location for the Lakeview
office. Specifications of tho bid calls
for 1200 feet floor apace.
Guy Cronerniller, eldest son of Mr.
and Mr. F. P. Cronerniller, of thia
citT, Ssturday left for Corvallis to
resume hia atudles at the O.A. College.
He is taking n course in electrical en
gineering and will finish this term.
Harry Utley lut week teturned from
a aeveral daya business visit in Reno.
He aays that ia a very busy and popu
lar city and there were 1200 divorcoee
In the city while he was there. He also
saya that Roosevelt ia the main squeeze
in the Nevada metropolis. t
Payne, the famoua cook who just re
turned irom the ZX ranch at Chewau
can, has opened a grill at the rear of
the Inn Suloon, and saya he will serve
all the goodies of the market Payne
U well known In thia country, he being
employed at the Lakeview llouee aev
eral years ago.
Without do'ibt, Crecde McKtnclrre
ia the nappiest and proU'i.t-t mn in
all this universe, and Its a I k line boy.
ton. The young man arri-.eii at the
McKendree home at the head of Center
atreet Saturday, September 14. Tint
Examiner last week inadvertantly neg
lected to make mention of thia event.
AI Venator, of Venator, Harney
county, brother of Attorney J. D.
Venator and Mrs. LcaliufVanderpooi of
this place Uat week came over on a
several days visit and to tring hia
daughter, Miss Eunice, to attend the
Lakeview" High School. . ShewillVtay
with her Aunt, Mra. Vanderpool,
while here. "i"" :
It is said that the Cuban government
ia approaching a serious crisis owing
to shortage of money. The treasury is
empty, the last dollar of the $16,500,
0(10 Speyer loan having been spent!
Thia amount was spent in paving and
sewering Havana, the principal pur
pose for which the United States auth
orized the loan. '
Forest Supervisor Brown, local office
force and rangera yesterday aasembled
at Dairy Creek near Chewaucan to
hold a rangera convention. A general
resume of the work at different sta
tions of the National Reaerve will be
made and effective plana outlined for
carrying on the work. The convention
wi l probably continue for tw or
three daya.
.The Alturaa New Era saya E. Cha
pin Gard, editor of tne defunct High
tirade Newa, came to Alturaa laat Sat
urday and ia under arrest on charge of
obtaining money under false pre
tenses. The sum he ia said to have ob
tained thus was $200 which he induced
a hard working woman at New Pine
Creek to invest in some miring prop
erty he claimed to own. The New
Era also aays Gard is said to have sued
N. E. Uuyot for $10,000 damages re
reived in a personal encounter at New
Pine Creek, some time ago. We al
ways knew that our "Uncle Hiram"
went after big game.
Rainier on dniUKth at the Hotel
Henry Barker of Paisley waa a bual
ncaa visitor in Lakeview Monday.
Born in Lakeview, Oregon, Sunday,
September 22, to Mr. and Mra. VV. U.
Allen, a daughter.
Read the Examlner'a clubbing offer
with the weekly Oregonlan on another
page of this Issue.
An autoniolille, K. M. V. 30, Model
IUI1, In good condition, is offered at a
linrKiiln if aold soon. Hee Mra. V. A.
Wataon or T. E. Bernard. A29-tf
The Bond Bulletin says the first
tramlnan of ahecp to leave Bend for
the Eastern market waa ablpped over
the Oregon Trunk Railway laat week.
It ia repo-ted that Con Breen, a local
Irish boy, waa taken to Klamath Falls
today under arrest ot United States
Marshal, on an alleged charge of sell
ing wbuketo Indiana.
Our stock of Hch'iol book), tablet, &
pencil I now complete and aa we are
official dihtrlbuters of achool booka,
are In a position to save you
money. Thornton's Drug Store. 3t
Virgil Conn, a pronerous merchant
of Psinley, and a brother of Attorney
I.. F. Conn, of thia city, last week
paused through Lakeview on hia return
home from a business trip to Portland.
The West Side thresher Monday
passed through Lakeview to the East
Side of the valley where there ia a
large amount of grain to be threshed.
Today they will finish threshing the
big crop on the Venator ranch.
Miss Mellie, daughter of Mr. and
Mra. T. B. Vernon of thla place, who
has been in Salem. Oregon the past
two yeais, will return borne in a few
daya and take up her residence here.
Miss Vernon ia a trained nurse and
has been engaged in her profession in
Salem. '
Loggers and lumbermen are again
having their inning. After a summer
in wnlch there was less loss from for
est tins than for many years, the lum
ber market la in better condition than
for a long time. Botn rail and at am
ship business Is good and indications
are that the Winter will be a good one
far the sawmill business.
Wibt a 20 per cent increase over the
grain crop of last year, the Pacinc
Northwest states have their granaries
full to the bursting point and the rail
roads are hustling to furnish cars
enough to haul the grain to market.
Recelots in the Portland yards already
aggregate 800 carloads more than for
a like period last year and the move
ment continues heavy.
Sdlem and Albany are interested in
the movement on foot to have the Gov
ernment deepen the channel of the
Willamette River from Portland to
Eueene. The commercial bodies will
bring the matter to the attention of
Congress and it ia hoped to Increase
the depth of the channel six ' feet by
proper management of the water by
buildii.; wing dams and dredging.
Suit has been brought againat Tom
Sagris, a sub-contractor on the O V.L.
canal that was constructed in 1910-11,
but now a contractor on the Fernley
Lassen extension of the S. P. by a par
ty who claims to have been a partner
with Sagria on the work here. Mr.
Sagria and attorneys are in Lakeview
thia week taking depositions in the
case, under an order issued out of a
San Francicso' court.
Some of the residents of the East
side of the valley have been complain
ing of disturbance of the peace caused
by late auto jov riders. In some eases
dogs bave been shot at in front of
houses and a general uproar haa been
contended with. Ihe namea of Borne
oartiea have been ascertained and resi
dents along the road intend to file a
complaint with the authorities unless
the hilarity la stopped. '
Mr. and Mra. J. S. Fuller laat week
departed for Echo, Oregon, where they
will visit with Mrs. Fuller's relatives
after which they will attend the Pend
leton Roundup. They will return home
bv way of Portland and epxeot to be
absent from Lakeview about six
week. Henry Newell ia conducting
the Lakeview Consolidated Stage
office during the absence of Mr. Fuller.
Hurry Bailey, Dr. E. H. Smith and
R. A. Hawkins, of the local Smithson
ain Institute, last week left for a sev
eral daya outing trip in Uuano valley
and vicinity In search of' big game.
They went thoroughly prepared and
with all Intentions of bagging nothing
only what positively belongs to the
Bull Moose type. In consideration ot
that promised pieoe of venison the will refrain from giving any
further muntion of the expedition In
case the trip proves unsuccessful.
I Jidiew Miilt ta-'e at Litkevlea Mer
cn utile Co. .
Children white dreseea, si sea 2 to
iljear. lakeview Mercaatlle Co.
Bonanza, Klamath county, will vote
upon the issue of Incorporation, Mon
day, October 7.
B. J. Codling an attorney, of Seattle,
Wash., ia in Lakeview thia week look
ing after some legal cases.
W. J. Bradley, who baa been assist
ing in the District Kecorder'a office at
High tirade the paat few weeks, re
turned to Lakeview Tuesday.
J. T. Flook, eheepman of Rock
Creek, this week came over to Lake
view to consult some mutton buyers in
view f finding market for hia stock.
Ranch fur sale 16) acre on Camas
Prairie. 'ifiOO cord wood; itmxi
hearing corrala; large bouse, barn
and out buildings, Addreta Iiona
Mcl'aiitcls, Lakeview, Oregon. A 20
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Switf are enjoy
ing a few dae outing on Deep Creek.
Mr. Swift is bookeeper for the Lake-j
view Mercantile Company and this is 1
hia first vacation in several months. I
T. E. Bernard and Maurice South-1
j stone, the local Studebaker auto deal-j
era, last weea made a tour f Surprise :
Valley and the Eastern part of Goose j
Lake valley soliciting orders . for (bat i
make of car. 1
Owing to the quite strong wind blow-:
ing from the North laat Sunday even-
ing several parties went to the lake tn
take advantage of the duck shooting.
Many of the hunters reported very sue- :
cessful shooting. i
Jonaa Norin is reported to be quite .
sick, suffering from typhoid fever. He ,
has been feeline quite poorly for sever-
al dava but haa been confined to hia bed .
only a few daya. lie ia under the i
care ol ur. uaiy assisted oy mis.
Flynn,, and it ia expected that he will ,
be up in a short time. j
As a demonstration of what can be j
accomplished in Lakeview in the fruit
line, forty-rive apples taken from a
tree on Attorney L. F. Conn's place atj
the' corner of Bullard and Dewey j
I streets, neatly filled an ordinary fifty,
pound apple box. Mr. Conn ia noti
familiar with tne variety of the apple
but says it is a very finely flavored
fruit. One of these applea is equal to a
big fat pie.
The deed for the lot which the Pres
byterian Cnurch recently purchased of i
Chas. Umbach was put on record this i
week. The mnmry for this purchase
was h 1 1 milled hy the Ladies Aid Sncie
ty ot liie, church. The Indies certainly
deserve great credit for the good work ,
they have done. We understand that
the memoers of this church expect to j
erect a building on tne lot the coming I
year. J
The Mothers Club held their regu-1
lar meeting at the Methodist Church j
Tuesday afternoon. After the usual
routine of business, Dr. B. Daly ad
dressed the club and gavd valuable ad
vice and information roncerning their
prospective work. Hia remarks were
received by a very appreciative and !
attentive audience. The Club'a mem
bership is steadily increasing and their
work is receiving much commendation.
High School Notes
The High School now numbers 48,
two more having started this week.
The enrollment entire haa reached
290. We hope to hav 300 soon.
Partents who wish to etat pupils in
the beginning class will please send
them by next week -as no primary pu
pils should be started after that time.
The boys of the High School spent
the forenoon last Saturday grading a
Base Bail diamond. We will have a
good ball team this year.
In order to make room for the pri
mary grade, nine pupils were sent from
Mias Hall in the first room to Miss
Vernon in the second and six were sent
from the second grade to Mibs Burgess
in the third grade. Thia will make the
number in the rooms more uniform and
insure better work.
On account of being short on some
supplies, some olaases have not yet
stsrted but everything is expected to
be in order by the time the Institute
week is over.
The annual county institute will be
held in the High School building Oct.
2 3 4, there will be 'no achool these
three days this will give pupils a chance
to get some of the home work done
without missing school.
Now that we have a school building
that will not freezo, pupila are bring
ing planta and flowers to adorn the
rooms. The teachers will be pleased
to care for plants through the winter
and rtiurn mem in tne spring.
The furniture tor the domestic science
room is nesrlv done. It ia being msde
by local carpenters.
C. B. Catchall, who waa the manual
training instructor for Prof. Gardner
for two years, baa come to Lakeview
and is assisting in making furniture.
Mr. Oatcbell likea cur town and would
be glad to have a training department
in the school.
Supt. Gsrdner ssys the planta ao far
have all gone by the office. Hasn't
some one a plant for bim?
The socks
Mercerized Lisle, in
Silk Plaited 50c
Medium weight Cotton with
double sole
Merino Socks
Cassimere Socks,
o c
are quite the rage,, so be sure and come
in and get what you want be
fore they are all gone
NICE new snappy line to select
from in Tweeds, Chinchilla and
Zibalines. Every suit and coat
guaranteed to be
bought for the price. Come early and
look them over.
i t,ir.a
Over 60 copies of the "World Chroni
cle" weekly current events paper haa
been subscribed for by the students.
This move will keep the school potted
for the first semester.
It would be well for parents to ar
range to have pupila in school as soon
as possible aa there is work going on
every day that is of importance and the
longer the pupila stay out tne more of
importance is missed.
While In paisley drop in at O'Coo
nel & Keleen's and get a Klaa ot real
relrehing Ranter beer, the kind that
) recommended lor family owe. a
sold on an
black and
. ---
:.25c 1
extra fine 50c
the best that can be