Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 26, 1912, Image 4

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    Lake County Examiner
Official Papor of Uak County, Oregon
Rfdilw ataodlnf tt l. i inch- a1n
VO a nn ar-acr. rr BHei.h All tatitllnr' ala.
h in (red trpe wlw i ma. Cart ot nraimal
t a charted forall cir chanirea. AH at"
aaltlona extra. A'.l abort term ada. U
uatr, lora -oinmnt, IOr. per Hn oh ln
r Hon. War. aita. Sc. Inartifon
Card of IhmikK M OD. Reaoluttotia o. eondo
! e, II .to ami npwtrda.
(grTniiilnl Adwttatnf sad Job Prlna.
.pkh in adTanea.
A'l bill mnat b paid tha Brat ol month.
On TtHkr, In advance,
ft month.
, h op
Will be an easy undertaking if done in this store. Our stock of winter wearing apparel
and other necessities is now complete and we invite your inspection.
Here are a few items you'll find in our stock:
rtin. month, "
aP"If not paid la adTatirr , II. M tho rt
Nolle to Subecrihara
ngNvniwriM Tho Kmlnr who romo
O from one tomtit? to another, or rhnj
their poeioSlca add rota honld rfi't .Mi
.Imp thta oror card eo lhtlr paper Pen bo ed
ilrrxf 1 to Ihe rlfhl poatntBce.
Lakeview, Oregon, TliunUy, Soptomlur 1M2
With Reasonable Rate Pro
duct Could Be Shipped
From Here At Profit
Tbe following from the Nevada SUte
Journal is of local in'erest owing to tbe
large amounts of bay that will be left
unfed the coming Winter in this sec
tion. Tbe N.-G.-0. Railway ufliciais
bave taken op the matter of gettirg
a commodity rate on bay and in tbe
event that reasonable rates can be es
tablished, it will no doubt prove
profttsbie business to ship Uoof e Lake
galley bay to the San Francisco mar
ket. The bu -ity farms are beginning to
draw on the smaller towns for tneir
acpply, tbe movement from the country
to the citv warehouses increasing in
volume daily. As tbe winter months
approach, the 1ematid id from the elda
earlitr than in a number of years past,
tbe hay is in rplenoid condition an- so
far as the Nevada product la concerned
finds ready sale at top prices. The fol
lowing prices, being those quoted in
San Francisco, are rtadilv obtained by
tbo?e who make offerings from this
state in that market in car lots:
Fancy wheat bay - - - S21.50 to $23.00
No. 1 wheat or wneat
and oat- 19 00 to 21.00
No. 2 wheat or wheat
ana oats 17.00 to 13 00
Choice tame oat ----- 18 50 to 19.50
Other tame oat 15.00 to 17.50
Barley and .oat 16.00 to 17 00
Wild oat 15 00 to 17.00
Alfalfa 11.00 to 11.50
Stock bay 9.50 to 15.50
Straw .40 to .55
Old-Timer Sees Changes
C. S. Loveless, a resident of
this tection and won formerly owned
tbe Wilcox ranch at the Warner Canyon
but now of Millville, California, was in
Lakeview the firbt of tbe week. He
brought up a load of dried fruit that be
sold to the local merchants. Mr. Love
lees and family moved away from
Lakeview six years ago, and eays be
noti.e9 a great change in the town up
on each return He eays, while the
Faaxnner is like getting a letter from
home, he notices so many strange
names in iia news columns tbit it is
begi nifig to Iccc some interest for an
old Lakeview settler.
For this, of course, the Examiner is
sorry, as it grew up with the Old
Timers, and naturally hide's a sacred
psot in its heart for t:.obf who were
first to give it support and encourage
ment, but it l'ke its lormer associates
U willing and pio-iil to ktep up with
the step of bs, as that is what is
has been labur'ng fur these
many 1
, ' "
After Lakeview Territory
Klamath HeraliJ : Local merchants
ete beginning to realize that there ij a
laree trade in Northern Lake cous.ty
which is worth gou.g after. Exten-
improvt metitn have Lten maae
i ' . i 1
p . . . !
rTlll tinCJ VVintSr
H B I "f
fijWe can suit your
Taste, Pocketbook and
A 4.-. f C 11 J i
iJUiaiUUlV III ailU
Winter. Suits.
iflNew line now on
display, ranging from
$12.50 to $18.00
It will pay you
to investigate
This Stockl
Economy Store'
this far on tbe roads between this city
and the Silver Lake section, and an
effort is being made to indue the
farmers ot that territory to come to
Klamath Fulls to trade.
Presbyterian Notice
Dr. Morgan will speak at the Fres
byterian Church on Sunday morning on
the subiect, "An Ancient Fool and
some Modern Imitators. ' 'lhis is a ser
mon to men, and if tbe men are hand
led in as lively a manner as the women
were last Sunday, it will be a sermon
worth hearing.
Tbe subiect for the evening will
be "Jesus' Revelation of God."
The enruch gives a cordial welcome
to the public to attend its services.
Chautauqua Circle
Tbe Chautauqua members were de
lightfully entertained by Miss Ger
trude Vernon, at hpr home, Monday
evening. After the business bad been
transacted refreshments were served.
The folliwing officers were elected:
Miss Gertrude Vernon, President:
Miss Haiel Hum, Vi.-e President: Mrs.
A. Bieber, Secretary. The members
of the circle are Mrs. H.Bailey, Mrs.
A. Bieoer. Miss Bessie burtreas, Mrs.
E. D. Everett, Miss Julia Cluster,
Mrs. T. V. Hall, Mies Hazel Horn,
Mrs. Geo. Johnson, Miss Maud Knight,
Mrs. Li. Vanderpojl, Mrs. V. L. Snell
ing. Miss Delia Snelling, Miss Mabel
Snelling, Mrs. J. U. Venator, Miss
Gertrude Vernon, Miss Minnie Vernon
and Mrs C. A. Watson. The regular
course of reading will begin Monday
evening, September 30, at 7 :30 p. m.
The Circle will meet at the home of
Mrs. Harry Bailey. Program: Roll
call, current events, "Earliest Paris,"
Tbe Cbautauquan, "Reading Journey in
Paris, "I. Smith, Mrs. Harry Bailey.
Growth of the French Language, Mrs.
A. Bieber.
AH persons Indebted to tbe Lnkt-vlew-fiue
Creek Electric Co. areheri
by notifletl that I). W. Aier U
authorized to collect all bills of said
Company. Persons having ma le pay
ment to any other Individ val will lie
held responsible for t lie account.
Signed, Lakfview-i'lue Creek
Electric Co.
By E. C. Thruxton.
Fouinl Sunday. Sept. 15, Fiuall bald
faeeil geliliut;, branded "li" otl rinht
xtide. Sre .S. E. Trairy. KreH Val
lev, or I (. I.akeviw, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
I Orenon, lor the County of Luke.
Martha M. Graham, Plaint iff)
vh )
John S. Grahaoi, Defendant )
To John S. Uialiauf, the above
i pnin-l defendant:
PttUie 01 tlj- state ol Oregon:
Yi ii nre hereby requlr d t j iippear
and KOMter the Comnialnt liled
; atrainfct j on In the above inlt'ed
i;(Hirt ami cause on .,v before the 7th
I d.i ' of November, Vj'2. l he tid day
In-iajj the laut iay f th
publication .
.fthi."i mtiiinons and the last dav
I n.l.i.. ... .- I
...iLiiiii n mi ii .1111 ixir if i iifu
to appear and au-wer the raid conj
plalot. as fixed l.y tin? court order
f'ir tfie publication hereof. If jou
full to m; apfear 6ul dimmer Hie rail
cniplaiof, eald plaintiff will apply to
nSuva.-iitlil.-ii i-omt for the relief
(! inn-! ie ; and piuve i tor in pbiimiff't
jcompl - iitit, to wit: For a decr-e dln-
' "UiV"), ui iijrrp1" rouiract and
T hoods of matilnioiiy fjOW exlsriug ;ie
;tvvet'u vuu and wild pialotlf.. aul
! charit;!ii(; the name of plaiutiff to
1 artlia M. Andron. ami for Iniig-
ment for plalotiffH coHtM and diaburhe
inentri I:, Mum nil.-., and f r miil-Ii other
a''d Mtlhi-r relief as to the court nav
eeia eqniiabiH In llie premUen.
Tbif RUhiiaouH 1st publinhed ouce a
wti - R for the period of nix
HiiccePMl ve
tbe Lake
land council live weeks In
I County Examiner, a, newspaper
printed and publirhed at Lakeview.
.Lake County, Oregon, by order of
I flon. II. Duly. Couutv Judge for the
County of Lake, State of Oregon,
dated (September 2d, and the date
loftbehrHt publication of said mini-
neiiiH Ih September L'O, 1W12, and the
date of the lant publkatloo thereof Is
NovernU'r 7, 1!12.
L. F. Conn.
Attorney for plaintiff
Portland, Ore., Kept. 9, 1112.
Sealed bids, marked outuide, "Hid,
timber wale, general notice, Augoat 1,
1912. Fremont," and addrenned to tbe
Diatrlct Forester, Forest Kervlce,
Portland, Oregon, will lie received up
to and Including the 20th day of
October, TJ12, for all or any part of
inerchautable dead timber standing
or down and of the live timber marked
fcr cnttlng by a Forent officer located
on ao area of about I'M) acres to be
di)U.i.uiy Jt-Biguutcd by a Foreat bill-
Men's fine wool Socks
at 25c to 50c
Men's wool underwear,
af?arment..$l.50 to $2.50
Men's wool Union Suits
closed crotch$2.75to$4 50
Men's line flannel shirts,
military col. $2 00fo$3 50
Men's Sweater Coats in
a biff varietv$2 50to$7 00
Men's Winter Gloves and
Mittens, at.. ..65c to $2.25
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Suits and Overcoats
$22.50 to $32.50
cer lieforc ctutlnu; bculim In the S'B nt
SW'li ami N V'4.if Stt Jk f Sec. 'JU.aml
tlie.r. ol IMf.J, ..r Shi. ol bee. iv. r. ..
.. H Jil E . W. M.. im the at'tliel
of Mill Creek within the Frenn.nt '
Vii tuna) Forest, estimated t le 70-'.. '
OOu feet 11. M. of live lO.OeO feet U.
M . ot tt errli8Mla''le ile;ul wrMeru .e!-'
1-iwJpine hha tlmtier, :u wale, more i
or leBM No bid of livHthau f 2 7i perl
thoUHHlid let IiomtiI meiiHiirc for live
lid dead siw'lin' er will be consider
ed and a ! poit of ." HI pay
able to llie ordvr of the Kirt
National Bu:.k of I r t I k n l.
(iri'uno, IiiliHt 1k eeot in that dank
foi each lild miliiiill ted to the Ii-"trlrt
Korei-ter, TIihImt upon vb'M elainit
i exempt from ta e. i Iw rkht to re. i
ject any aeil all liiiN l reserve-', for
further Information and reifiil.itlotiM
ifnveriilng alei a'Mren r'on'ni Super- '
vlwr. Fremont NnlluiiiU toreit, j
Lakeview, Oreit.m
U1X). II. CKCIL. i
H-(24 1'ictrict Koremer.
Eatate of S. T. Colv:n, Decean"d
Noliee U hereby u I veil tliar the!
uudersltf neil, Ailmluintratrlx of the!
estate of S T. Colvin. deceaiHl, ha ,
tiled her dual account of the admlui!'
trillion of riitil estate in ihe Cou-.t.v ;
Court of the Slate of Oregon for Lake
l.'ounty, and ibat said ' ourt by order-
mad on tlietnen v. fourth dav of Hep-j
teniber. 1!'12. ban npnmnted Saturd .y I
t he twentv-Mlx t h ilav oftietober. 1912,
at tne nour oi ju o clock, . .m., tin
the tl-ne, and the Court liooin ta the
Couniy Court Houe la Lakeview,
Oretjon. nti the idace to' hearing o.i
jectioDd to paid linal account if any
there Im-. and tor Hcttlemcnt tliereol
1 hereiore all pernonn iiiiereolei! ar;
hereby uotiried bud required to II in
writing their ol Jeit lnim to hhkI linal
account, H anv they have, tn huPi
coint a'ld cause, on or In-fore the
tDty.Hivh I'ay of October, 111 2.
Dated the 24ih day ol September,
AdmlnMrntnx f the eM'ita
of S. T. Ci hin, deceased.
notl:k row duplication
Not CohI Laud
Depart merit . oi tli- Interior. L'. S.
Land Office a Lakeview, Oregon
September 25. 1!M2.
Notice Iri liTeby iilveri that Ihmora
Flarry, of Lakeview, Ore.u, who. on
Jll!v 22, 1!X;.S, iiimiIm Denert Land
Kmry, No. n:,".7. lor S'jSWJ, SW l4
SE-4', Sec Im 12. Towonhlp :w S,
l.'niiic ' U illn:, . Me Mei-lillull. I uj
i,;,.,! ,.riii,. ,,l Interiiioii to make
(final I'rucf, to eritali'iHh claim to the
FalS Colonist Period
Daily Until October 10th
- on
rmr.uso .w m
ci saws An 4'J sr
sr. louis :i7 oo
UKTROIT. 4:1 00
Tell you- frluln lu the Knit of tliU opportunity of moving Went at low rati!. Plroot
tmln kurvice via Kurlinijtuii Koutu, Norilic-ra 1'aolllu, Great Northern, "Nortb Kank" and
Oregon Trunk Hallwaya.
You cau dupoitlt funda with ma and Weat-ijouud tlokcts will be furiilnliud iicople lq
tbe Eaat.
' Pt-Uil will be funilnhed ou requuit.
A flfty yfff. IlliiHtraUid hxik, deacrlliliiK ih ilmrlcu o. ('untrnl Orison, will bo for-,
warded to fit nr your Irleuda If you will wriu- k t..Coinaii,(ii!Uural Knlgbl A Kent, Oregon
Trunk Ky., I'orOand.
IF. K. COM AN, Gen'l Frt. Puhh.
Hoy's line quality Knick- Fine Wool lilankets in
crbockcr Suit s $4 t o $8 sc vera I colors ... $4 t o $ 1 0
Boy's Sweaters, fine for Full size Comforters, in
school, at. .$1.75 to $200 silkaline or denim $1.50f
Hoy's Wright's Health Woolltattin; for Com
Underwear, a suit ...$1.25 forters line liht, ch. $3
Hoy's wool Golf Gloves, Fincqunlity Outing Flan
a pair, only 35c nclsallcols. at 10c to 12Vlc
Hoy's Ginghnn tfc Cham- Reversible Kimono Flan
bray Blouses 35c to 75c J nch, at a yard ,...30c
Bailey (lb Massingill
Isnd bIm'V"' lencrlld. lief tire the
ItcuNtrr Him lleolver of the U. s.
Laud utllce. at l.aki-view, (treuon,
on llie 'Jtitll tin v of t 'ct o tier. HMl'
(Tiltii-mt uaruc im 1iiicihh:
rtrfmnl i aey, jului Laev, Will II til
KepM-l Harry, -ilelieal Ward, all ot
I Itlnll, Orei U.
A. W, OKTtlN, Rrcti-ter,
No. i55
Report of the Condition of
The Uaiik of likeview at Lake
view In the State of Orecon, mi
the clone of IhimIui-mh, Hi-pt. -Ith,
Dlil.l.AUM. CKITt
LoatiHnnd DIhcouiiIm
OverdraftH, wcured irtnl
Moodaand warrants....
f574,ai)tl -I!)
3 7!l l VS
34.j;is fa
Due from hunks (not
rvnerve bankH) 2i'7 (XI
Due innii approved re
nerve bank fl;"i,7:ll 10
Cliii'ki and other ciihIi
Ifeilin 4.7-W HI
CuhIi on hand 21,nln 15
.$U77.-I!4 47
.1 in i i i i 1:1.
not. i. Aim i th
i apltal Mock paid in in).iHK) (HI
Siirph.iH fund HXUHiO 0U
L'ndivided protilH, Ionh ex-
pchecH and taxeH paid... M.172 9:1
I'oHtal h ivIoum bank de-
i I.Ortlra it
Individual depoHitH Hllli-
J.rt to check L'C.17S 65
IVinaliil ei-ri lln ateM of !-
p.X-lt: LI O.'lfl r.7
Time iN-rtitli nteM of ilepiixit 1W.4M 51
Dills payable lor inouev
borrnwed 25,PK).00
I.ia'illM I'-h other llliil)
tliOHe aii-ive Htaled l,i10 dl)
Total fi77,4!4 17
Statu ok Okkoon, 1
V Ha.
Cot stv of Lakk. J
I, M. Miller, cawhier of
the above named bunk, do Holcmuly
Hvvear that the above htatetnent In
truet the U-eit ol tny kno ledtfe and
F. M. MILLKK. CaHhler.
ConeiA Atte-t:
SLrneil W. 1'. I1EKYFOKD.
Siilmcribed and Hworn to before mo
thin lJth day of Sept., 1012.
Notary Dubllc
.sr. PAUL $:w on
in:s muisks m
.1. II. COnUKTT, Afft.,
Millinery Opening
Saturday, September 28th
Over two hundred Trimmed Hats for
your selection. Each hat shows the very
latest style. We are in touch with every
style center in the world. Every hat
thought is giving its proper considera-
rX v av . . .
tion, and we produce millinery that is a
style success. Our hats are neither over
radical nor too subdued, but they have
jauntiness, style, sparkle and quality,
with a mingling and blending of colors
to a most successful degree. Remember
the date- Everybody is invited. Our
store will be open Saturday until 9 P.M.
The Parisian Millinery
Main Street West of Court House
Ladies' wool mixed Union
Suits $1.50
Ladies' Outing Flannel
Nightgowns!. 25 to $1 .75
Girls' fine wool Sweater
Coats, at. ..$1.75 to $3.00
Fine Scotch mixed Suit
ing, itti-in. wide, at 65c
Misses' fine ribbed Union
Suits 75c
Children's ribbed cotton
Underwear, gar.25 to 35c
$12.50 to $32.50
r.,v ,,,,
utiouhl renlly he more carefully
t lHiM'n tli n n that Intended for
rurrlifii use only, No much de
pends on the comfort und tit vt
the former kind. Our work
ImrneHH In wurruated not to
chafe or gall the hone, and to
euxe the Ktmlu of h heavy pull
us much a possible. We should
like to show you a set your
hoise would appreciate.