Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 12, 1912, Image 8

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    Large Piano Store
Has been opened In LAKEVIEWby the
greatest firm In the United Statoa
who have over forty stores West of the
Rooky Mountains, A largo stock
of twenty-one instruments
are now ready for your
I n a p e ot I o n .
A Speckl Sale ff Ml .
I p WSiater Merofofflaiis 1 1
n : n
The greatest values ever offered here
Everything for the Outfitting of Men, Women and Children can be had here in a
variety of styles. An opportunity of buying your winter supplies at a big saving.
Boys' Suits
Made of best qualities of Cheviots
Cassimeres and Worsteds, man
ufactured to sell for $3 to $6 a
suit, in dark and medium dark
shades. Most serviceable school
suits for boys. Suit from
$ 1 .50 to $4.50
Tess and Ted School
These shoes have the wearing
quality that no other child shoe
possesses. They are made of
solid leather and have been tlior
oughly tested. Satisfaction in
in every pair, and sold to you no
higher than the ordinary kind.
Outing Flannels
The soft, fluffy kind, heavy fleec
ed, usually sold at 12Vc and 15c
Colors plain white, cream, blue,
red, grey and fancies of different
designs. Our price,
1 0c yd.
Cotton Blankets
Heavy fleeced, full size 104 cot
ton blankets, the best on the
market for
Cotton Batts
An extra good quality, clean,
bleached, combed cotton, half
pounds at
Ladies' Shoes
Ladies' high cut, lG-button shoes
in black and tan leathers, a ser
viceable shoe for fall and winter
Men's Suits
All-wool materials, the late pat
terns, new fabrics, specially de
signed for this store. .Made from
select fancy worsted and Cheviots
in many pretty shades of browns,
blues and greys. A suit that
can positively not be matched
under $17.50. Our price this
$ 1 2.50
Royal Tailored Suits
More than 500 new, all-wool
guaranteed samples of the Royal
Tailors. Suits and Overcoats
made to your order and deliver
ed here from
$ 1 6.00
Sweater Coats
We have added a suflicient num
ber this year to make our line of
sweaters as complete as you will
find at any other place. Full
line of sizes, liveryone (he best
at the pi ice asked for them. Some
few of last season's sweater coats
sold at $5 and $5.50, are being
offered this year at $3.50 and $1.
If you want a real sweater bar
gain, this store offers the oppor
tunity. Underwear
Men.s heavy cotton ribbed, fle
eced underwear, in different colors
the kind you have always paid
75c for our price this season is
50c a garment, or a suit
Men's Hats
A complete line of every color
and shape. We can fit your head
and save you at least from 50c
to $1.50 on your hat purchase.
Men's Socks
Men's heavy Merino Socks, good
quality, strongand v;i rm.iegular
25c value, we sell
3 pairs 50c
Cash buying makes it possible for
a saving of at least fifteen per cent
on your grocery supply purchases if
you bring your want list here.
Attention is Called
The Mother' Club of Lakeview de
sire to call the attention of the public
to the following laws ot the tints of
Oregon with reference to minors. (Con
densed from Lord's Oregon Laws.)
Section 2112. It is unlawful 10 give
or sell intoxicating liquors to a minor,
to allow a minor to loiter or remain in
a place where intoxicating liquors are
Bold, or to permit a minor to engage in
any game of carde, dice throwirg, or
other game of chance;, tjilliardn. baga
telle or other game in such place.
This repeal the law allowing the
parents to gie consent.
Section 2144. A penalty is assigned
for any minor who misrepresents his
age in order to obtain liquor.
Section 2145. It is unlawful to per
m t a minor to engage in a game of
ct.r ia, billihrda, pool, bagatelle, dice
throwing, tr otner game of chanoe in
any cigar store, saloon, public billiard
or poo' room, soft drink establishment,
or other public plice of amuBement.
bection 2146. A penalty is assigned
for any minor who misrepresents his
age in order to be allowed to play any
of the above games in bucn places.
Section 2148. It is unlawful to sell
or give tobbacco in any form to a min
or under tne age of eighteen years
without the written consent of the par
ent or guardian of such minor.
Section 214!). It is unlawful for a
minor under the age of eighteen years
to use totacco w any form in public.
Parents cannot give consent for the
violation of any of these laws.
The Mother's Club solicits the aid of
all citizens in enforcing these laws.
Card of Thanks
We take this method ot thanking the
many friends of the family who res
ponded so cordially during the illness
and death ot our eon, Chester Wtrdt.
'lo the Christian Sunday school es
pecially we are gratetul for their
work and to everyone who agisted us
we wibh to graciously thank.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry WenUl.
Notice to Contribute
The general commmitte appointed to
take charge of the Central Oregon De
velopment League Convention desire
all contributors to the fund, subscribed
to defray expenses of the meeting, and
especially all chairmen of sub-committees
to bo present at a meeting in
the court house next Wednesday night.
September 18.
General Committee.
Prior to her departure tor Chicago,
the Ladies Aid Society of the M. E.
church tondered a farewell reception
to Mrs. Walter Dyer at her residence.
Refreshments were served and a pleas
ant time enjoyed by ll. Mrs. Dyer
was presented with a silver berry spoon
and ladle. Those prefient were Mes
dames DyUeman, Comlin, Fns'ir, I.coi -ard,
Angstead, J. E. liernarl, T. E.
Bernard, W. R. Bernard, Miller, Ar
thur, Prttt, Glazier, McKemlice, Har
ris, Cronemiller, Russell, Warren and
j Forest Service Telephone
Considerable work is now being done
! by the Forest Service towards thfl con
I struct! .n of a telephone line from
Thomas ("reek through the Chewaucan
. I ...L.t,.L. .-II - II.. I -
uounuy, unu wniiu win cveuiuaiiy uc
extended north to Silver Lake. A
crew of men is on the ground working
north from the Grasshopper Hanger
Station. Number 9 wire is being used
with split tree insulators, this material
having proven the most satinfnctory
for a rough country such as is travers-
jed by the line in aucstion. The work
is in charge of Supervisor Brown, of
I the local Forestry ofiVe, and Jason
j S. Elder, Forest Ranger, whose head
quarters are at Paisley.
Stage Robbed
Word wim reiu-lvi'd iicro llic flrnt uf
1 lir- viv. k that tic HtK' Ix-Mwen
New J'iuu Greek and I t. UIiIavII v an
robbed r.oHr Mlli Grade and ihn
looter hoc ii about $1:25 in mori
Jt is waid that Sheriff Smith of Modoc
count,) U tluue on the LuudlU
at the greatest bargains ever before of
fered In this vicinity. Don't fail
to get one of those
Instruments ,
Everyone Cordially Invited
to call and inspect our goods. Prices
and terms to suit all
If not convenient to call, don't fall to
write for catalogue before buying.
At present we are located
C. O. ROE - Manager
Wc have a used
Standard Make Piano
taken in exchange for
a Player Piano, which
will be sold on Easy
Terms at a Bargain.
tjWrite Shepherd &
Sons, Lakeview, Or
m i m h m urn
lyS&V' fit I A T A NTTfVn Rw32
to be equal to any
Beer brewed. Bot
tled and on draught
at all leading saloons
Reno Brewing Co. Inc.