Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 12, 1912, Image 5

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    "IV Se7 Tie Real Earth"
Lakeview : Oregon
Morm Bargain
$20.00 per sere for 200 acre of timber land, clow in, easy term.
$:t.MKUM For n fl no new 10 room house with large lot, 7!itl', do to center of
town find High Br hoot. Krisjr terms.
$JtUM) (10 For U-roiitit new bungalow, tin Ideal up-in date houie, cloee to center of
town oo llernard Htreet. Kanjr terms.
Vacant Lull on Slash Utreet It a bargain.
fLftiO.OO For a new 4 room house and wood abed, lot 60 x 1'25, good lorntloo.
Ksy leniiM. 4
fllino.QO For nn up-to-dito new bungalow, la choice resident part of the city. For ma acre goofl soli In the vallev A mile from Lakeview. If
want a bargain don't pui this. Term cssh.
Maw mill In first class order, Including a large quantity of dry, finished lumber;
mw log aod 180 acre of standing timber. The books will prove It to
tie a fine investment.
HO acre of fine timber on the Went Hide, clone to a saw mill.
60 acres of the best In the valley, 8 miles from LakeTlew with improvements and
a One waU-t right low price f-IO.UO per acre. Easy terms.
200 acres Joining the U. V. L. Addition to Lakeview. Fine for cutting op Into
Hnj term.
small tracts. A bargain at only 130.00 per acre.
Town Property
l.ihc County Examiner
HAIUKKAY. H:i'l KMHKIl 12, 1912.
Knlnler Hwr oo draught at the Inn
Children white d re.-, sites 2 to
year. I,ak"vlew Miimaatlle Co.
A line lot of Candy Dockets and
stone jugs st The Frost at 23 cents
With every purchase of school books
at Thornton's Drug store will be given
a school necessity.
F. K. Harris, who hss been employ
ed by J. B. Auten, tor the psst year
left on Wednend-iy morning's train on
a trip South.
J. I). Venator. Lea Vsnderpool snd
Guy CauiMty Tuesday returned from s
st-veral days unsuccessful! hunting trip
in the mountains.
An automobile. K. M. V. SO, Model
1011, In K"d condition, is offered at a
bargain if sold muoii, Kee Mrs. C. A.
Watson orT. K. Ileroard. AW It
Leslie Seager, wife and daughter and
father, M. Seeger, yesterday evening
came up from Davis Creek by auto on a
short viiiit. They will return home
this evening.
The Examiner Is In receipt of a letter
from Charles W. Reynolds, of Lake
view, now at the Kidpatb Hotel, Spo
kane, where he expects to be until
November 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chandler and fam
ily were among the many visitors to
town last week. They spent several
days hero aa the guests ot Mr. and
Mrs. John Arxner.
Ranch for ! lftl acres on Cuiuus
I'rairle. 1.T00 cords wood; good
shearing corrals; largo house, burn
aud out buildings. Address Rons
McDanli-ls, Ukfview, Oregon. A2
Mrs. Mary Bauera and son, Frank,
who accompanied the remains of the
late F. B. liauere to Ashland for rein
terrment, will continue on to Pendle
ton for ttie Rocnd-Up before returning
The elty attorney baa been ordered
by the council to draft an ordinance to
prohibit the construction of private
boxes In lestauranis and cafes and to
order out all boxes now existing in
those places.
Jay Billl' gs has removed from the
e lUth end of town, where he has re
sided for some time psst, to the Tucker j
residence on West street, south of
Slash, which was recently vacated by i
' I
Brenn"n- j
President Taft has ordered the trea-,
sury department to permit the exporta- j
tion of 500 rifles and 150.000 cartndgos I
for the use of Americans In Mexico.
The arms were forwarded to the (con
sular agents at Cananca for distribu
tion. It is now stated that although Presi
dent Taft will not intervene in Mexico
without the fullest deliberation upon a
step that would mean war, that inter
vention is nearer than it has been since
the first American troops were rushed
to the border eighteen months ago.
Goose hunting is quite in the proper
order these days. Nearly every even
ing parties go to the West Side and
many of the lurgu birds have been
brought to town. Next Sunday the
dsok season opens and this will afTowi
additional amusement for local sports
men. The many friends of Mrs. J. Chas.
Smith, who was quite ill last week,
will be pleased to learn that she
has recovered and is again attending
to her duties at the Parisian Millinery,
the is making preparations lor their
Grand Fall opening of Millinery the
latter part of the month.
Manager Hager of the Sunshine
Twins Leasing Company, operating a
lease on the Sunshine property In the
(Hisrh Grade district is under a physi
cians care and will be brought to Lake
view for treatment. The mine will be
closed until Mr. Hager is again able
to assume charge of the work.
Mrs. Charles Cobleutz, ot San Fran
cciao, a sister of Mrs. S. F. Ahlstrom
and Wm. and Frank Gunther of this
city arrived in Lakeview last week
and will spend a few weeks vUit here.
Mrs. Cobleuti haa visited Lakeview
oetore and her many friends will be
fdeased to know that she has returned.
Kev. C. A. Phipps, General Secre
tary of the Oregon State Sunday School
Association is in the city holding a Sun
day School Convention in the Baptist
Church. His addresnes Tuesdav and
Wednesday night showed wide ex
perience In his work. Wednesday af
ternoon various loi-ul people took part.
Kalnler ou draugth at the Uotel
Wood for sale: In any quantity
Phone A42. Bert Tatro. tf
If yon want a really good smoke
tr a oirkle, try Htorkman'a Leader.
Joe Uruener, one of High Grsds's
most active boosters wss In the oity
Maurice Murphy, the raleley busi
ness man. was in town the forepart of
the week on business.
The quarantine, due to the preva
lence of Infantile paralysis In Los
Angeles, has been lifted.
Frits Williams, deputy county clerk,
resigned bis position and left Tuesday
morning by way of the Sonth.
Sam Dicks and family of Crooked
Creek thia week moved Into their new
home on Water street recently purchas
ed of Lewis McCulley.
J. V. Duckworth, president and man
ager of the Lakeview Transfer Co.,
will leave tomorrow on a trip over the
county to buy bides and furs.
The local Wilson-Marshall enthus
iasts are organising a Lake county Wil
son club. A rally meeting will be held
next Saturday afternoon in Lasevlew.
Colonel Roosevelt and party arrived
In the West this week to cover this
territory In the Interest of his cam
paign, lie and his party occupies two
pullmsn csrs.
Jack Donnelly, aalesman for the
famous "Donnelly's Rye." wss smong
this weeks business visitors. He re
turned the forepsrt of the week from s
trip to I'sisley. '
Senator Jonathan Bourne of Oregon
issued a statement declaring that he
will support Colonel Roosevelt for the
presidency, lie is aa yet undecided
where to take the stump for tie "Pro
gressives." Operator G. W. Welch cf the Califor-nia-Oretron
Telegraph Co., is spending
a few days in repairing the line be
tween here and Ft. Bid well. Miss
Alice McGrath haa charge of the office
during bis absence.
The Boone house now belonging to
Chas. Umbaeh on Dewey street, just
South of the Heryford brick residence,
is being town down and will be moved
to the rear of the lot and reconstructed
facing West street.
The Hayes & Grob smokehouse at
the rear of the market on Canyon
street, that got in the way of the big
Heryford building, was this week torn
down ,nd wj le moved to tho Biaugb.
ter house ,,e0W town
, , o i jtu
Last w, en Jack Burke and Tom Mur-
phy assumed charge of the Mud Creek
Sta(f(J Sutjon belonging to Frank
RoKser8. noln boys hjjve extablishcd
reDUtatlor. a. .rtists in culinsrv things
and promise to give the traveling pun-
lio the best.
Chria L ar gtdct has purchased trom
Doctor Hall two lota Bouth of the High
School building, in Drenkel'a Addi
tion. He is now having one nf them
filled in preparatory to erecting a sub
stantial live-room residence within the
next few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Combs, Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Combs and Charles Combs
have removed from the house they have
occupied on Water street for some
time past to the residence property re
cently purchased by Mr. Combs, Sr. on
Water street, north of the Baptist
Last Saturday afternoon a very
pretty birthday patty was given at
the G. W. Johnston home on Dewey
street in honor of the fifth birthday
of little Mies Mary. About twelve
children were present and they were
treated to light refreshments and
amusements in kindergarten games.
Numerous Klamath Indians from
Yainax are beginning to come to Lake
view and Goose Lake Valley on their
annual tour to get supplies. They
haul great quantities of fruit, veget
ables and Hour from this pluce everv
year, they almost wholly depending
upon this section for their supplies.
Burns Times Herald: Wm. Hanley
arrived home on Thursday night from
outside points where he had been since
the Development League meeting at
Lakeview. He was accompanied in by
Col. Wood. Mr. Hanley states that
quite a number of our neighboring
counties would send visitors to our
county fair.
William Spencer and family ho have
been spending the summer in Lakeview,
have returned to Springfield, Oregon,
to spend the winter. They have a heme
at Springfield as well as in Lakeview
and find much pleasure in sharing the
beautiful climes of Lake's summers and
taking advantages of Wostern Oregon's
balmy winter.
Rainier on draugth or in bottle at
the Hrewery. 2t
You ean get th toilet soap yoo wsnt
at Snyder & Reynolds Drug store.
Two year old Lake City Flour tor
sale $1.7 pr sack. Inquire at
telephone office. tf
J. M. Bstchelder snd fsmily bsve
lessed the Leslie Heager bouse in
Seager's Addition.
Andrew Konnerth, the well known
local carpenter, baa accepted a posi
tion on the new Heryford building.
L. D. sod Ben Frskes of Warner
Lake came over to Lakeview the first
of the week on a short business trip.
Hsves & Grob this week received
bunch of 31 fine beef steers, purchased
from Mr. Stewart, of Surprise Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hsnaon who bsve
been in Ssn Frsncisco and other coaat
citiea for the past two weeks will re
turn home on tomorrow evening's
Llcutensnt-Genersl Arthur Me
Arthur, United States Army, retired,
died Isst week in Milwsukee of an apo
letie stroke while delivering an ad
dress. A permit wss Issued this week by
City Recorder Wsllsce to Attorney W.
Lair Thompson for the construction of
a cement walk in front of hia residence
property on Dewey street.
Frsnk Sereles who was employed aa
druggist by A. L. Thornton haa return
ed to hia home in North Dakota. C. L.
Copeland is now scting ss druggist in
Mr. Thornton's pharmacy.
The Examiner thia week printed a
large order of folders for the View
point Homesteader's Associstion, con
tsining information regarding that fer
tile section of the Northern part of 'be
Eugene V. Debs, socialist nominee
for President of the United States, ia
stumping the West in behalf of bis
campaign. Newspaper notices atate
that he has been tendered flattering
A hunting party consisting of G. B.
Grsves Byron Gravea and Will
Mulkey, Monday evening, returned
from Quartz Valley with two One
bucks. The bucks were shot by
Messrs. G. B. Graves and Will Mulkey,
and are sure danoles.
J. Hotchklss, who owns a ranch in
the upper part ot the valley is erecting
a splendid new dwelling bouse, and has
metalled a large scale for weighing
cattle. The capacity of the scale is
eight tons snd will add a great con
venience to bis property.
Dan F. Brennan, clerk of t tie Forest
Ufflce, Sunday reived hia family to Joe
Arzner's in Drenkle's Addition. Mrs.
Arzner is an aunt of Mrs. Brennan,
who is suffering from n attack of in-
flamatorv rheumatism. It ia to be
hoped that Bhe will experience an early
re Tovery.
Next Sunday will be the last Sunday
in the Conference year at the Metho
dint Church. Reverend Melville T.
Wire expects to leave on Monday for
Ashland where the Methodist Confer
ence opera September 18. The Confer
ence year closes In good shape and the
church shows a gain in membership
during the year.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Anderson, of
St. Joseph, Mo., arrived here the first
of the week and spent a few days in
vestigating the country. They have
some O.V.L. holdings in Harney county
Mr. Anderson has been associated with
the Santa Fe and Rock Island railroads
as yard agent in his home city for
number of years.
Due to the honesty and Integrity of
Pat Duane, J. W. O'Keefe and Morris
Quinland, well known Irinh boys of this
vicinity, last Friday, T. E. Bernard
recovered his purse containing $20.10
that he dropped in the postoffloe. The
boys found the purre and cheerfully
surrendered it to the owner upon Iden
tification of the property.
That interest In shooting and Ashing
in Lake county is forging ahead at a
rapid pace is evident from the report
ot County Clerk F. W. Payne that
over 1000 game licenses have been sold
in the county in 1912, eighty-three of
which were sold since September
1st. This shows a marked Increase over
the number sold last year, the total
for 1911 hoing 863.
W. A. Massingill, who has this sum
mer been supervising the Lakeview
Land & Lumber Company's sawmill on
Camp Creek, came to town the first of
the week, they having closed the mill
down for the season. . He informs the
Examiner that the mill's output this
year wns a record breaker and that
about one million and a third feet of
lumber was sawed.
Halo lor made Lakeview famous.
lilies null ia at L&kevle Mer
cantile Co.
John O'Neill, wife and mother were
Lakeview viaitors, Monday from New
Pine Creek.
Attorney L F. Conn has a fine buck
banging under a tree In Ms back yard
as tbe result of a few days hunt Isst
Jonn H. Wystt and family left Isst
wsek en route to tbe country West of
the Cascade Range, with a view of
possibly loeatii.g permanently in that
V. L. Snelling. livestock agent of
the N.-C.-U. Ry., and one of the prom
inent promoters of tbe new town Fair
port, was a busy visitor in Lakeview
last Monday.
Tbe West Side thresher was started
up on G. F. Arthur's place Monday.
Owing to the heavy grain crops this
year tbe threshing season will be con
siderable longer tban last.
Charles Mahan, well known locally,
baa removed from the Dan Chandler
residence to the house recently vacated
by Jonn Walker and which ia located
north of the Grammar School.
After a week of unsettled weather
last Sunday this section was again
greeted with warm sunshine and pre
sent prospects look favorable for a con
tinued spell of plessant weather.
Our stock of school books, tablets', &
pencils Is now complete aod as we sre
ofllclal diatrlbuters ot school book-,
we are In a position to save you
money. Thornton's Drug Store. 3t
A big celebration is planned to take
place at Ft. Bidwell September 25-27.
A lor.g program and list or 'ports is
oeing prepsred, smong which will be a
base bsll tournament, rock drilling
contests and foot ball gamea.
All the local nimrods are examining
their guns getting them ready and pro
viding tbemselvea with bunting licen
ses, preparatory to making a grand
rush for the festive duck with tbe open
ing! the season next Sunday.
You can buy school books at Snyder
& Reynolds Drug store ss cheap as you
can buy them anywhere in Oregon, and
no one in Lakeview will make you ouite
such good prices on school supplies.
Children sre given the best attention.
W. O. Sheve, representing the Rem
ington Arms Co. spent several days in
this city last week. Mr. Sheve came
here to call on the local sporting goods
merchants, but while here took sever
al trip to the West Side to take advan
tage uf the guore shootirg.
Rev. Father Kern, of Tacoma, Wash.,
this week arrived in Lakeview to take
charge of the local Catholic Church.
Father Schmitt who has been here
over a year has been transferred to
South Dakota and will leave for that
place Monday of next week.
Wm. Roufh, the Clover Flat goat
man came down the first of the week
to order some registered buck goats
from Monmouth, Oregon. Mr. Roueh
has about 700 goats and will Import
six rams. He sava they came at a high
price, being almost as expensive aa
registered cows.
R. N. Buchwalter has bought the
Chewaucan Press at Paisley and is now
editing that publication. Mr. Buch
walter has a good field in which to pro
fitably enter journalism and the Exam
iner wishes be and bis paDer the best
of success. Paisley is located in a rich
farming center and has the promise of
a coming town of Oregon's Interior.
W. S. Hunter and family removed
from Lakeview on Wednesday morn
ing's tra!n for Elbirt, Colorado, where
Mr. Hunter has accepted a position.
During their pericd of abode among
us they have made many friends who
witness their departure with keen re
gret, and wish them the highest mea
sure of success in their new location.
L. G. Linville. a pioneer of Lakeview
and Lake county, now residing at Sum
mer Lake, is a visitor in Lakeview this
week. Despite his age Mr. Linville is !
a ale man and is very aetive. He has
collected a large stock of curios con
sisting of numerous speciemens of rock
and stones, and has recently bad polish
ed what he claims to be a valuable
topaz that was found in this country.
That long looked for and well deserv
ed vacation cf the school child will end
this week and their work will be re
sumed next Monday, September 16 with
tbe opening of Lakeview schools. City
Superintendent Gardner is very busy
thia week In adding finishing touches
here and there and getting the courses
outlined for the teachers. A meeting
will be held tomorrow to complete all
preparations for the beginning of work j
Monday morninsr.
and lasting until Saturday Night, Sept. 28
we will show a New York Sample Line of Ladies' Ready
to Wear Garments, of Suits, Coats, Skirts, Dresses and
Furs. You all remember the line we showed last Spring
this will be better if possible.
fJiWfJCT,ln CloOv
Sold exclusively by
Til he closed out at big reductions.
These are new goods and snappy styles.
Notice the following prices:
$15.00 suits $10.00$22.5O suits $16.50 9
18.50 suits 13.50 25.00 suits 18.50
20.00 suits 15.00 27. 50 suits 20.00
$30.00 Suits $21.50
About one dozen in the
lot, so come and get choice
as they will soon go.
we also have a few 19
skirts we are closing out
at half price.
Don't overlook
these bargains!
For one week, beginn
ing Saturday, Sept. 21
Fall Styles
$18.00 to $27.00
You pay no more
for. a "Benjamin"
than you do for
the ordinary kind.