Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 12, 1912, Image 4

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    Lake County Examiner
Official Papor of
(Unlr tn11n d $1.00 an Inch, riuto
Mlomn ro, pr month All tndtn 4j.
lltnnd frc twlc montb. Owt ot wmp";
t n charted tor ! tracbnft. AUaptwal
pwlUooi extra. A 11 short wn ads. eaira
Be4er, lorm rolnmni, 10c. pr lint rarh 1a
arnlon. Want 5c. Hn ach tawrUoa
Card o( think tl.OO. Resolution! . ooiMlc
Uaoa. II. and upwards.
fl-Trnlnt AdwiUIn j nl Job TrVtt
tu,cnti In 1tdc.
A,'.l btlli mail b paid tb flrtt ot fch moot.
Lakeview, Oregon, Thursday, Septemher 12, ll12
After the Vermont election, Siept.
4. which resulted in a gsin for the dem
ocrats over last election. Chairman
Hillis of the republican National com
mittee said that the result showed the
weakness of Roosevelt, and means that
the Colonel will rot get the electoral
Tote of s single state, because the re
publican, who are desirous of defeat
ing Wilson, will Bate to ote for TafU
"The result in Vermont means
Roosevelt victory In November." sid
v.Xiinatnr Reveridsre. "tbb Dews is
glorious. I didn't think it possible.
If Vermont does this after two weeks
f fichtincr. everyone can see whst
others will do in November.
W. J. Brvsn slid : "The Vermont
returns indicste an increase in the de
ocratio sympsthy. The division ol toe
republican vote is encouraging.
And now the question arises
re we to believe.?
Quite frequently we still notice news
paper accounts of the delegates to the
Lakeview convention August 21-2?,
back in their home towns, about them
bubbling over with enthusiasm over
the hospitable reception accorded them
by the people of Lakeview. It begins
to look as though Lakeview stock with
our whilom visitors has gons soaring
away above par and many people are
now listening to the reports that Lake
view is the liveliest snd beet inland
town that ever happened in the state
of Oregon. While this statement may
be regarded by a few as a trifle ornate,
but under the circumstances it is per
missible for which every delegate
to the convention will vouch.
There is no doubt that next Monday
the Lakeview schools will open with a
splendid attendance. Lakeview can
point with pardonable pride to its ex
cellent new building designed for the
comtort ot pupil and instructor. This
building Jwas erected at considerable
exoense to the tax payers of this school
district, but no man begrudges the
money spent fT this fine educational
structure. Our school system, its corp
of teachers and the building are on it
par with any in the state of Oregon.
The Lever Agricultural Extension
Bill, providing for Federal and state
upport of a plan to maintain a skilled
farm demonstrator in every agricul
tural county in the Union, passed the
HouBe August 23 Every effort will be
pet forth to secure early and favorable
consideration by the Senate when Con
gress reconvenes in December. It ia
the dutv of every voter at the next
election to support any bills pertinent
to the advancement of agriculture or
torticulture in the United States.
In commenting upr.n the remark :
"There are men in hospitals and in
hell who owe their damnation to the
skirts of some bad, beautiful women,"
made by liev. G. L. Morrill, pastor cf
the People's Church, Minneapolis, C1.
Tnompson of the Alturua Plaindealer "In our opinion, if skirts worn
ny tne average young woman or tne 1
day would send a man to hell he is not J
worth savirL'. Ihev ut like wi-t !
hens with the tail fuather pulled out."
Fall and Winter
jWe can suit youf
Taste, Pocketbook and
Anatomy in Fall and
Winter Suits.
ew Hne now on
ay, ranging from
$12.50 to $18.00
It will pay you
to investigate
This Stock!
Economy Store
Lak County, Oregon
n iwr, In tdTtnc, HflO
tt mootha, l.SS
fbrt monthi, " 7
If not paid la tdvauc. ll.SOths rt
Ptlc t Subvert
SnbrnDr o The RiMnlnvr who raraor
, front one lorallir to another, or Than
lhlr noatortle addrru thould remrmbrr to
ilmn tbia offlcr a rrd o their paper ran b art
draawd to the right puatofllca.
Catching Flh
If you were fishing in a good loca
tion and catching nioe big hsh and
some oilier leilow came aiong, un
doubtedly you would advise him to be
very quiet and make no noise, and,
above all, not to "agitate" for fear of
driving the fish away. You would tell
him to stand on the the bank and be
content. So it is with our political
"fishers" (masters). They are "catch
ing the "bah," (mostly suckers) and
tbev, too, advise us to be very quiet
ana not to "agitate" fur fear the
"fish" will be scared away. Do you
now that an "agitator," in our
"Ushers" (masters) eyes, looks like
a devil fish? And you also know an
octopua"fish" is everlastingly afraid of
a devil fish and thats why an octopus
Is afraid of an "agitator." they both
look alike to him. Be an "agitator''
and be a good one, even if your mas
ters put you to death. Jesus Christ
was an "agitator" and tbey put him
to death. Are we atraid to follow in
bis footsteps? Are we more cowardly
than Be? Even Ee was as "agita
tor" and made it so "warm" for Adam
that she compelled bim to do the only
sensible thing be ever did: eat the
"ipple." The world would still be
hanging- the female species for witches
had it not been for the "agitator."
We would still be crushing corn be
tween two rocks bad it not been for
the "agitator." Mankind would still
be living in the crevices of the rocks
eating snakes bad it not been for the
"agitator." We would siill be paddl
ing around in dug-out logs bad it not
been for the "agitator." The "agi
tator" ia the skirmishing- line of ad
vancing civilization. It is be thst is
ever urging on the human race to high
er and nobler deeds and more civilized
civilization. The man or woman who
would eliminate the agitator, is a cig
in the wheel of progress. They would
have all things natural to be exter
minated and tbings unnatural to re
main. In otfier words tbey would stop
the natural trend ot human events and
have us sit down and die of inactivity
nnd dry rot All bail to tne "agita
tor." All honor to the "agitator."
Long live the "agitator." What?
One do'ien house dresses, assorted
paterns and sizes to close at reduced
prices. Lakeview Mercantile Co.
No. 1 56.
Report of the Condition of
The Lake County Loan and Savingx
Bank at Lakeview, in the State of
Oregon, at clow? of buxinenx Sept.
4, 1U12:
Loan and Dirtcounts $101,52 15
Due from approved re
Serve tai ks 8,430 70
Cabh on hand 4,457 .'!()
Total 1114,790 li
Capital xtoi'k paid In t 40.000 00
Nurtiliix fund 1.0(10 0(1
Undivided profit, lem ex-
pence and taxea pmd
,m i'in(iH unpaid
20 (mi :
5,01l 71
17,4f5 t.9
l ime cert iticalew of depoHlt
Saving deposit
Total 114,
:90 13
State of ( liticcos,
Cocntv pr Lake
1, Dirk J. VNIicox, asi-lHtant caHhler
of the above U'liue 1 bank, do Holemn
ly eear I hat theabove xlateiuent 14
trne tojtlie best nf my knowledge and
Annuitant l.aMtiier.
Conei t
Su!K.Tll'd and sworn to before roe
thix 7th day ot Sept., 1012.
Notary Public for Oregon.
No. 7,244
Report of the Condition of
The I-'li-ht National Bank of Lake
view, at Lakeview, In the Mate, of
Oregon, at the close of bilHlnexH,
Sept. 4th, l!12j
;ksoi;iu t:s
Loans and discounts, $20l,aOK 1.'.
Overdrafts, he-cured and
unsecured 470 32
United States Bonds to He
core circulation 50.000 00
U. S. Bonds to secure U. S.
Deposits 2.ri,000 00
Bonds securities, etc 6,259 04
Banking house, furniture,
and fixtures 15,343 0,rj
Due from National Banks
(not reserve audits) 5,f01 07
Due from State and Private
BuiAd and Bankers, Trust
Fine heavy wool Sweater
Coats, in grey, blue, black
and red, with and without
rough neck collars,
$2.50 to $5.50
The Home of Good Values The Home of Good Values
Company 8, and Savings
Due from approved re
serve agents
Checks and other cash
No tea of other National
Fractional paier currency,
nickel, and cents
Lawftl Money Kkmkrvk
in Bank, viz :
Redemption fund with U. S.
TreiiHiirer ( o percent of
1.642 8
28,359 50
lOno 00
3,600 00
17 01
21,611 55
2,500 00
Capital stock, paid In f .MUKKl 00
Surplus fund a0,0tx 00
Undivided protiiN. lew ex
penses and taxes paid, 15,568 34
National Bank Notes out
standing 44.400 00
Due to TruMt Companies
and Savingx Banks 8,40 70
Dividend Unpaid 50 00
Individual depowlts, sub
Ject to check 174,192 29
Demand certificates of de
poult 15,194 Oi
United States deposits 21,546 54
Deposits of U. S. disbursing
officer. 3,180 72
Notes and bills rediscounts! 2,200 00
Total f 364,813 26
State of Okegon
Codntv or Lake.
I. W. II. fchirk. I'retddent; of
the above-named hank, do nolemuly
xwenr that the itliove Htntemellt Is
true to the liext of my knowledge and
Skai. W. H. SHIRK, 1'ref.ident
Correct Attent :
C. A. ItEHAKT J-DlrectorM
Sulmcri'ted and sworn to before Die
thlH 7th day of Sept.. 1912.
Notary 1'ubllc for Oregon.
No. i55
Report of the Condition of
The Bank of Lakeview at Lake
view in the State of Oregon, at
the clone of luiiH'nx, Sept. 4tb,
Iu 1. 1. A KM. CK.NTH
Loans and Discount $074,6;i6 40
Overdrafts, w cured ami
unsecured 3.7M R8
Bonda and warrautx 34, JIM 63
Due from banks (not
reserve banks) 267 06
Due from approved re-
Kerve banks 35,731 10
Checks and other cash
Items 4,730 16
Cash on hand 24,010 15
Total C77.44 47
Capital stock paid in 100.000 00 J
Surplus fund luu.unu w
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid... Si, 172 03
Postal savings bank de
posits HS,' 91
Individual deposits sub
ject to check 27H.029 12
Time certificates of deposit 00,498 51
Bills payable for money
borrowed 25,000.00
Liabilities other than
those above stated 1,010 00
.077,494 47
STATK OK OlIEIiUN, 1 v or Lakk. )
1, P. M. Miller, cashier of
the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement In
true to the best ol my knowledge and
K. M. MILL KB, Cashier.
Collect Attest:
Signed W. P. HEUYFOBD, ,
SuiiHcrlbcd and sworn to before nm ,
t,,,Hl,Jtb,;7 ;,;0,,-,s,5' j
Notarv public
Including the new con
trasting sailor collar and
tassel effect, and other
pretty styles all of the best
quality, in many colors
$4.00 to $5.00
Trespass Notice
All parties are notified not to tres
paMs or hunt upou lands ol the Goose
Like Hunch, and all other premise
heloogiug to Leehniau A Bishop.
Any violations will be prosecuted. 4t
LOST: Black horse, weight about
800, Brauded J J on left hip, also
7HL 00 right xtifle. Storking foot
right bind .eg. Kinder Inform Ex
aminer ad to location. It
...... , . .... ,
Notice U hewby given that by vlr-
tueof an execution duly Issued by ;
the clerk of the Circuit Court for the ,
County of Lake, State of Oregon.
dau-d the 13'b day of April. 1012. In 1
a eel tat u actlou Iti the Circuit Court
for aald County and State wherein
Alttert Dent ax plalntin recovered
Judgment against Charles K. Hice
and Eva Bice for the sum of l iOS 4u,
with Interest thereon from the 10th
day of October, 1011, for the further
sum of 1100 attorney, h fee and the
costs and disbursements taxed at 120
on the 0th day of October, 1011, upon
wbleh Judgment an execution lie re to
fore issued realized $10.00 over and
above expeuxex of sale, leaving due
on said judgment the ruui of I44H.45.
Now. therefore. I will on Saturday,
the 12lh day of OctolsT, 1012. at the
front door of the Court House In
Lakeview in said County and State,
at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said
dav sell at put 'Ho auction to the high
est bidder for catdi In hand the follow
ing described proisTty, to wit: I he
Ninth Half of the Snutheast Quarter
and the Southeast tjuart r of the
Southeast Quarter in Section Three,
Township 3S Sonth, Bange IS East,
of the Willamette Meridian, in Luke
County, State of Oregon, taken and
levied upon as the property of the said
Eva Kice, or so much thereof as may
lie necessary to satiufy the said Judg
ment ill favor of eaid Altert Dent
awatnst said Eva Kice and Charles
Bice, wlru Interest thereon, together
1 Steel Range
1 Work Horse, 1400 lbs.
1 Single Buggy
I Sulky Plow, lG-in.
I Harrow
1 Set Harness
Stock Hogs
Call at the Ileryford Kanch,
North of Town
Look Here!
I own and wish to sell my j
320 acres of deeded land, lo-j
cation the East half Sec. 10,;
Town 27 S., Kange 18 Hast.:
Level, good soil, all tillable'
except perhaps twenty acres; I
raw land, no improvements;!
about two miles from rail-;
road survey; free of imcum-!
brancc; perfect title. I am
told this should be cheap at
$3500.00 to $1000.00. If it;
is not worth that price to
you, make me a bid on it. j
We must raise some money,!
hence this offer. Don't over-
Link th!. Ifrrf 11 Ififfrn!n
' . ,
h'f someone. In vestors and ;
l'eal Estate Men get busv.
Address: H. M. Crumrine,
Hf. 233, Butte, Montana.
In a great variety of styles,
colors and qualities for the
boys nnd girls. Prices very
reasonable, front
$1.25 to $2.00
with nil coats snd disbursements that
shall or may accrue.
Dated at Lakeview, Oregon, Sep
tember 10th, 11)12.
W. 11. 8.N1DEK, Sheriff.
By virtue of a writ of execution is
sued out of the Circuit Court of the
iIhI.w! tliH "0th Hr if Jnlv In
certain action wherein T. H. Bill. n.
!''!? v"! lKnent agnloxt
D.B.Dow, defendant, in the sum of
m ti5 d (r d,H,lUrB,..
,,., . ,(. ,
loHowlo- ,;..m'iUm,, property, to
v ' "
- - --- -
Special Attention to Transient Stock
Horses Hoarded by the Day, Week or Month
Always Open Phone 571
J i?bFi$Lr r! jT'i
t wi rmk. i d
rrn Tinz i
W next week for
announcement, of our
LG. As usual, our
display will embrace
over two hundred different
patterns exact copies of all
the latest importations from
Paris. This isgoing to be the
most gorgeous color season
of years. Don't fail to see
this exhibit. In the mean
time we are ready to take
your measure wr a Man
tailored Coat, Suit, Skirt or
Dress. The joy of being cor
rcctly gowned is yours. We
have 7(j different styles and
32 J different fabrics to select
from and a fit is absolutely
The Parisian Millinery
Main Street West cf Court House
Your Breakfast
OliS voitr Ilrcnk.
fast satisfy you?
If not, why not?
We carry many
choice things in
our Grocery Department
that would help to make
the day's first meaj all that
could be asked.
A few things we would
Fresh Fggs, Ureakfast
Bacon, Choice Ham, Cod
fish, Wheat Flakes, Rolled
Oats, Cream of Wheat,
Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat,
Grape Nuts, Force, Corn
Flakes, Shredded Wheat,
Chocolate, Cocoa, Fig
Prune Cereal, Postum and
Good Coffee.
Phone No. 27
wlt:I-ot No 16 In BlM k No H and Lot No lft In the Oregon Valley
Land Company's addition to the Town
of Lakeview, Oregon as shown by
the recorded plat thereof.
Notice Ix hereby given that on the
l'.'lh day of 0 toU-r. 1012. at the hour
of 10 o'clock A M.. I will m-II all lh
right, title nixl Interest of the aald
delendaut, D. B. Iow, In and to the
atiove decrlls'd lands, at Ihn front
door of the Count v Court House io the
Toko of lakeview, (in-gon, at public
auction to the tiext nnd highest bid
der, for rash, to xatlxlv said executtoa
and coxta.
Date of first publication September
12th, 1012.
(it Sheriff of Lakx Co. On.
tAsr or
Fine Looking: Harness
lirl is to niiikt' flnn Itmktntc
liorsti. Ami if II is tinnrf an well
us kihI ItiokhiK.i "iir hone will
K hrtteruH H e mm lank tn'tlvr.
Tnkn h look tit our ulnh uutl
tloiibh humrsH mul yuuvuiiiiot
full to Hhn ln it. Una h net of
it and .vnnr ndmlrtitltui of it it
good looks wll( Iw en li n I It'll by
your tiiprovul of Its nuiility.
: - .4